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Learning ObjectivesDefine and identify the

characteristics of gross motor abilities and psychomotor abilities.

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Ability VS SkillIs ability the same as skill?No:Each skill usually needs to have several

supporting, underlying or underpinning abilities to learn a skill effectively.

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Ability• We inherit abilities from our parents• Some psychologist’s think we cannot modify

them, others think we can modify them with experience.

• All agree, that abilities determine: 1) learning and 2) performing skills, E.G.

• Lots of slow twitch fibres = could become a good endurance athlete, not a great sprinter.

• If you are born with a low level of flexibility = not going to be a world class gymnast.

• To some degree, the abilities we have determine what activities we do.

• Innate, underlying and enduring traits

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Ability - Definitions• Schmidt:• ‘an inherited, relatively enduring trait that

underlies or supports various kinds of motor and cognitive activities or skills. Abilities are thought of as being largely genetically determined.’

• Bull:• ‘Abilities are usually thought of as stable and

enduring traits that underpin skills and contribute to the speed with which individuals learn psychomotor skills and to the quality of their performance.’

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Three parts to abilityAccording to the definitions, ability is:Inherited/GeneticEnduring/StableSupports or underlies psychomotor and

motor skills

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Types of AbilityFleishman (a psychologist) suggested:Two types of ability;

Gross motor abilityPsychomotor ability

Gross motor abilities, also known as physical proficiency abilities, usually involve movement and are related to physical fitness.

There are nine of them:

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Gross Motor Abilities.

Static Strength. Max force exerted against an object.Dynamic Strength.

Muscular endurance. E.g. Pull up.


Explosive strength. E.g. Shot put

Trunk strength. E.g. Sit ups

Extent Flexibility. The ability to stretch the back and trunk muscles.

Gross Body coordination. E.g. Juggling.

Gross Body Equilibrium. E.g. Balancing without visual clues.

Dynamic flexibility. E.g. Dynamic stretching.

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Gross Motor Abilities Dynamic strength (moving) – exerting muscular force

repeatedly E.G.? Press Ups

Static strength (still) – max strength exerted against an external object E.G.? Lifting max weight

Explosive strength (quick) – energy used effectively for a short burst E.G.? Vertical Jump

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Gross Motor AbilitiesStamina (go for a long time) – capacity to sustain

max effort involving the CV system E.G.? A marathon

Extent Flexibility – Flexing or stretching the back and trunk muscles E.G.? High Jump

Dynamic Flexibility – Making several rapid flexing movements E.G.? Triple Jump

Gross Body Co-ordination -Organisation actions of several parts of the body, whilst moving

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Gross Motor Abilities Gross Body Equilibrium – Maintain balance, using

the internal senses E.G.? Balancing on one leg

Trunk Strength – Strength of abdominal muscles Lifting an object, also needed for most movements in sport

There are also some other gross motor abilities, that Fleishman didn’t identify:

Static Balance, Dynamic Balance, Eye-Hand-Co-oridnation and Eye-Foot-Co-ordination.

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TaskFor each gross motor ability, think of a skill

or activity that it supports. (Think of a different one to the E.G.s)

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Gross Motor AbilitiesAbility Sporting example

Dynamic strength

Static strength

Explosive strength


Extent Flexibility

Dynamic Flexibility

Gross Body Co-ordination

Gross Body Equilibrium

Trunk Strength

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Psychomotor AbilitiesPsychomotor abilities, what are they?Processing of information, making decisions and

putting them into action (usually movements) [TO DO WITH YOUR BRAIN]

Fleishman identified 11 psychomotor abilities, you need to know 8 of these:Multi-limb co-ordination – Able to organise the

movement of several limbs Throwing a tennis ball and catching with the other hand

Response orientation – Choosing quickly how an action should be done Deciding on what shot to play when someone bowls to you

in cricket

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Reaction Time – Responding quickly to a stimulus Sprint start

Speed of movement – Making gross rapid movements Sprint action for legs

Finger dexterity – Working with tiny objects with your fingers Spin bowling in cricket

Manual dexterity – making accurate arm/hand movements involving an object, at speed Whilst sprinting, catching a pass

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Psychomotor AbilitiesRate Control – Change the speed and direction

of responses quickly Throwing a ball at a moving target

Aiming – Aiming accurately at a small object Throwing a cricket ball at the wickets

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TaskFor each psychomotor ability, think of a skill

or activity that it supports. (Think of a different one to the E.G.s if you can)

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Psychomotor AbilitiesAbility Sporting example

Multi Limb coordination.

Response Orientation

Reaction time

Speed of movement

Finger Dexterity

Manual Dexterity

Rate control


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TaskDefine gross motor ability.Define psychomotor ability.Give a practical example of a psychomotor

abilityGive an example of a gross motor ability

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AbilitiesPsychologists have devised tests to measure

some abilities (We will have a go at some of them)

A skill will rely on several abilities to support, underlie or underpin it.

Does a performer that has these abilities automatically guarantee success?

No – Learn to apply and co-ordinate the abilities through practice.

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AbilitiesAre there ‘natural’ athletes, or ‘games’ players?

(good at everything?)This suggests that there is one ability that

supports all the activities.Present research does not support this...It suggests that specific skills require particular

abilities. So the correct combination of abilities will allow a good chance of success.

You may well be able to transfer similar abilities to do other skills. (badminton – tennis)

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Developing AbilitiesSome psychologists think you can develop

ability. So how can you do this?During early childhood: exposure to many

different experiences and given opportunities to practice them.

Also, receiving expert teaching/coaching and have good facilities and equipment to use

Support from families and friends as role models tend to enhance their abilities.

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FLASHCARDSA revision tool

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TaskIdentify the abilities that underpin the

activities you have chosen or may choose to be assessed in.

For each one, explain how they underpin your activity.

In your own words write a paragraph about why current research doesn’t support the idea that there are people that possess a ‘sporting ability’ and are expert at several sports.

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Practical Tests of you own ability:

Static Balance Multi-limb co-oridnationAimingExplosive strength