pet magazine

Happy Pet Keeping your pet happy and healthy. July 2011 Featured this Month: Tips for Training your New Puppy Shelters Saddled with Unwanted Horses How to Pick A Winner Everything you need to know about Spaying & Neutering Recognizing if your Cat is Sick The World’s Largest No KillAnimal Shelter page 2 page 4 page 6 page 6

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Happy PetKeeping your pet happy and healthy.July 2011

Featured this Month:

Tips for Training your

New Puppy

Shelters Saddled with Unwanted Horses

How to Pick A Winner

Everything you need to know about

Spaying &


Recognizing if your Cat is Sick

The World’s Largest ‘No Kill’ Animal Shelter

page 2

page 4

page 6

page 6

Tips for Training your New Puppy

Puppies Are BabiesThere can be no more understanding creature than a well-trained, effectively socialized family dog. If we expect dogs to adopt our ground rules at a tender age, keep in mind that they require the same patience and love as any baby. They are puzzled and often frightened by our expressions of frustration when we try to force them to do what we want them to do. Given enough time, they’d probably pick it up on their own. Training guides the process.

Training Requires CommitmentNew dog owners are advised to sign up for obedience training. This good ad-vice is often essential for the humans as well as the dog. Local humane societies, technical colleges and vets frequently offer low-cost courses. Visit courses and decide what kind of training you can discipline yourself to apply consistently. Find courses that have “students” that resemble “Baby” in size and abilities---expecting a Great Dane to perform agility exercises with a class full of Shar-Peis and Chihuahuas is unfair.

Find out how soon Baby should be enrolled (trainers usually want housebroken dogs old enough to concentrate for three “reps” of a behavior) and sign him up. Whatever training you choose, repeat lessons on at least a daily basis, doing three repetitions of each behavior before reward, praise or play. If you have a serious attitude about training, Baby will follow your lead.

Babies Make MistakesBabies come with two handicaps: They have remarkably short attention spans and little retentive ability. Both develop with age. When Baby “arrives,” design for success. Take him to his toileting location after eating and awakening and watch for the signs at other times that he needs to “go.” If you ignore him, he’ll start to have accidents. All he’s ever known is that Mom takes care of it and you need to help him learn new behavior. Remem-ber that dogs are pack animals and that you’re the top dog; don’t put Baby out of sync with his place in the pack---like in your bed or standing over you. Although an older dog might adapt, Baby will be confused. Use his name without adding diminutives or “pet” names. He’ll know how you feel about him by your tone of voice, not what you call him.

Punishment is an extreme response---use only gentle verbal expressions of disappointment at the moment of the incident to avoid confusion. Concentrate on providing loving praise for jobs well done and Baby will respond with enthusiasm and repeated success.

Although cute, it may not be best for training to do this with your pup!Hint:

The SadTruth

There are about 5000 community animal shelters nationwide that are independent; there is no national organization monitoring these shelters.

Approximately 8-12 million companion animals enter animal shelters nationwide every year and approximately 5-9 million are euthanized (60% of dogs and 70% of cats). Shelter intakes are about evenly divided between those relinquished by owners and those picked up by animal control. These are national estimates; the percentage of euthanasia may vary from state to state.

Less than 2 percent of cats and only 15-20% of dogs are returned to their owners.* Most of these were identified with tags, tattoos or microchips.

25% of dogs that enter local shelters are purebred.

Only 10% of the animals received by shelters have been spayed or neutered. 75% of owned pets are neutered.

You can make a Difference!

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Check Out:

uppy training strategies are often absolute: use treats; don’t use treats; reward good behavior only; punish bad behavior. Proponents of each theory are often absolute about its effectiveness. Whatever system you use, be consistent.


Shelters Saddled with Unwanted Horses

The forced closure of the last horse-killing facilities in the USA, done at the urging of animal rights activists, has caused a herd of unwanted horses in animal shelters nationwide, according to breeders, ranchers and horse rescuers.The surplus threatens to worsen if Congress passes a bill to ban the selling of unwanted horses to slaughterhouses in Canada and Mexico.

“It used to be I could take a horse that is unbreedable, untrainable, injured or un-wanted and sell it for anywhere between $200 to $700,” says Sheila Harmon, who has bred Arabian horses in Eagle, Idaho,

for 28 years. “Now I have to pay a eutha-nasia fee to a veterinarian and a disposal fee to have the animal taken away.”

A ban on selling animals to a meat processor will “drive another nail in the coffin” of her business, Harmon says.Animal activists and some horse lovers say that’s regrettable but that the issue is a moral one, not economic. Horses are pets, not an entree, says Julie Caramante of Habitat for Horses, a large horse rescue operation south of Houston.“There is a global market for dog meat, (but) we wouldn’t even dream of selling our pets for that,” Caramante says.

For decades, horse farms sold unwanted animals to slaughterhouses that shipped the meat overseas to places such as France and Japan, where horse meat is an accepted meal, even a delicacy. In 2006, close to 140,000 horses were sold this way, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said.

But last year, under pressure from ani-mal activists, courts in Texas and law-makers in Illinois made butchering horses for human consumption illegal. That forced the shutdown of the last three horse slaughterhouses in those states — and the USA.

Although it remains legal to ship horses to Mexico or Canada for slaughter (in 2007, about 80,000 animals followed this route), there is a move in Congress to close that off as well. Breeders and ranchers say such a move would destroy-an important export market they need to stay afloat.

Kicked to the Side’ Owners spend between $125 and $600 for euthanasia and burial or to pay someone to haul away a carcass for animal-feed ingredients or the chemical industry. That can add up for breeders who supply hundreds of thousands of horses every year to the race industry, ranches and the riding crowd.

Paxton Ramsey, who represents the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, says the shutdown of slaughterhouses has led to stray horses showing up in higher numbers on public land and private property. “There are other things that can be done with government land other than main-tain unwanted horses,” he says. Neglected animals are showing up across the country in need of good homes.

While some shelters say they have room for more horses, shelters in Virginia, Tennessee and Illinois say they are full.

At Roanoke Valley Horse Rescue in southwestern Virginia, Pat Muncy rubs the neck of a brown thoroughbred named Prince that was among 21 horses she has received since September. The yearling’s pro- truding ribs still show the effects of starvation two months after Loudoun County officers seized the horse along with 46 others from a Vir- ginia farm.Some of the seized horses are thought to be descendants of Triple Crown winner she says. Seattle Slew that “got kicked to the side,” Activists say that no matter the situation it’s wrong to kill horses for meat and that industry predictions are exaggerated.

“We are Americans and we oppose horse slaughter,” said Paula Bacon, formermayor of Kaufman, Texas, who fought to close a slaughterhouse there.Bacon says breeders produce too many horses and don’t try to improve them before sale.

Slaughter vs. Risk of Neglect Chris Heyde, deputy legislative director with the Animal Welfare Institute, says the country can handle more horses. “You can find a home for these horses, most people do.”

Many Americans seem indifferent to the issue, according to a USA TODAY poll. Asked if U.S. ranchers should be allowed to sell horse meat to food distributors overseas, 45% of Americans had no opinion, 30% said no, and 25% said yes.

“There is a global market for dog meat, (but) we wouldn’t even dream of selling our pets for that”

[ ]Prince continues his recovery at the Rescue Center.Above:


Everything you need to know aboutSpaying and Neutering

When can I have this procedure done?

Both procedures can safely be performed at as early as 8 weeks of age. American Humane As-sociation is a strong proponent of juvenile or pediatric spay/neuter since it is both healthy for pets and effectively reduces pet overpopulation.

Doesn’t neutering alter an animal’s personality?

No, it absolutely does not! Actu-ally, any personality changes in your pet that may result from neutering are for the better. Not being distracted by the instinctual need to find a mate helps your pet stop roaming and decreases aggressive tendencies.

What are some of the health and behavioral benefits?

Through neutering, you can help your dog or cat live a happier, healthier, longer life. Spaying eliminates the constant crying and nervous pacing of a female cat in heat. Spaying a female dog also eliminates the messiness associated with the heat cycle.

If I find homes for my pet’s litters, then I won’t contribute to the problem?

This could not be further from the truth. There are only a finite number of people want pets. So every home you find for your pet’s offspring takes away a home from a loving animal already at a shelter. They need homes too!

How to Pick a Winner

sk trainer Sue Sternberg where you should get a dog and, without hesita-tion, she’ll tell you to go to an animal shelter. She should know – as a nationally recog-nized dog trainer and owner of Rondout Valley Kennels, a boarding kennel, training and behavior center, and private shelter in Accord, New York, she regularly works with shelters across the country.

In addition, Sternberg , counsels families who have adopted from shelters. and has produced several booklets and videotapes about issues spe-cific to shelter dogs and shelter dog adoption. The booklets include Temperament Testing for Dogs in Shelters and A Guide to Choosing your Next Dog from the Shelter; the videos include The Controversial Pit Bull about temperament testing Pit Bulls in shelters, and Training Your Shelter Dog. She also is a frequent and popular speaker at all sorts of dog-related venues.

Setting aside all of the arguments for buying a puppy from a breeder, Stern-berg emphatically pronounces that you

should adopt a dog from a shelter be-cause, as she says, ‘it’s the right thing to do. Because there are great dogs in animal shelters, and because dogs in shelters need homes. There is no need to get a puppy from a breeder in order to raise it right – getting your dog at an early age is no guarantee of how he will turn out. Plus, you can find all the great qualities you could ever want in a shelter mixed-breed dog or puppy, or in one of the thousands of purebreds waiting in shelters on any given day.”

Of course, there are plenty of canine train wrecks desperately seeking homes

in animal shelters as well – dogs who will cause heartache and trauma for the average dog owner. Stern-berg offers tips to help prospec-tive adopters find the diamonds in the rough world of animal sheltering.

Before you visit a shelter There are a few steps you need to take before you set foot inside a shelter. Doing some pre-visit homework can greatly increase your odds of finding the perfect pup. Here are Sternberg’s suggestions:

Visit Petfinder on-line, at This web site lists shelters across the country, and can pinpoint the ones in your area starting with those closest to you. You can also search for specific breeds or breed mixes. Caution: If all dogs on a particular shel- ter’s website are described the same way (sweet, friendly, loving) then the shelter probably doesn’t know the personalities of their dogs very well, or chooses not to be forthcoming with the information. This would be a good shelter to avoid.

Contact the shelters on your list and ask about their return policy. A good shelter will always accept any dog as a return that they have



What are some of the health and behavioral benefits?

Through neutering, you can help your dog or cat live a happier, healthier, longer life. Spaying eliminates the constant crying and nervous pacing of a female cat in heat. Spaying a female dog also eliminates the messiness associated with the heat cycle. A long-term benefit of spaying and neutering is improved health for both cats and dogs.

No. Shelters do their best to place animals in loving homes, but the number of homeless animals far exceeds the number of willing adopters. This leaves many loving and healthy animals in our com-munity that must be euthanized as the only humane solution to this tragic dilemma. Only spaying and neutering can end the over-population problem.

Neutering just costs too much!

Many animal shelters offer low-cost spay/neuter services, and there are also many low-cost spay/neuter clinics across the country. To find low-cost options in your area, call your local animal shelter. The reality is that the cost associ-ated with providing adequate care for just one litter of puppies or kittens is often more than the cost of spaying or neutering.

Why should I have my pet neutered?

Animal shelters, are faced with an incredible burden what to do with the overpopulation of dogs and cats that they cannot find homes for? Approximately 3.7 million animals are euthanized at shelters each year, due to the sheer fact that there are not enough willing adopters. Having your pet spayed or neutered en-sures that you will not be adding.

Won’t animal shelters take care of thesurplus animals?

adopted out at any time in his life, for whatever reason the owner may be unable to keep him.

Ask the shelters about their adoption procedures. You will want to be able to visit with your prospective new family member outside of the kennel. If that is not allowed by a shelter, cross that one off your list.

Ask about their criteria for making dogs available for adoption. Good shelters do temperament testing, and do not make dogs available who have a prior history of biting. Some dogs are not appropriate for shelters or adoption.

Find a trainer you like, who is kind to dogs and motivates them with treats, toys, and praise. (A selection of trainers from across the country is available at If there are students in the class with shelter dogs, ask them which shelter they adopted from and what their experiences were. Avoid shelters where others have had negative experiences.

When you do start visiting shelters, look beyond a slick exterior. A good shelter is made up by people who care, and the good dogs in their kennels. There are lots of old, rundown, dark and damp shelters that have great dogs and are staffed by wonderful people, and there are others that are just as wretched as they look. There are also bright, pretty, high-tech modern

shelters that treat people and animals well, and still others that are all window-dressing, forgetting to treat their human and canine clients with compassion.

Avoid rigid preconceptions about what kind (age, breed, sex, size, color, coat length) of dog you want. Be prepared to enter the shelter with an open mind. Size, for example, is not a good indicator of energy level or adaptability to a small house many large dogs are better suited to apartment life than are the typically high-energy but small Jack Russell Terriers.

The shelter visit: Although it’s best to avoid preconceptions about what model of dog you are looking for, Sternberg advises that it is very important to know what to look for behaviorally. ‘A high level of sociabil-ity will contribute more to a dog’s success in a home than any other trait, Sternberg says. ‘Overall, be looking for a dog that really likes people and wants to be with them, who is affectionate, congenial, and bonds easily and strongly. These are the dogs who are most fun, and the least worry to live with.

Sue Sternberg:

Nationally Recognized dog trainer and owner of Rondout ValleyKennels.

Pet of the Month:

Meet Chloe!

She is a 1 year and 6 month old Domestic Shorthair Mix .

She is already spayed.

Chloe loves to play, and is very curious. She is also very affectionate and will not hesitate to hop on your lap to cuddle!

She can be found at Paws and Claws Animal Shelter. To learn more about Chloe, go to:

paws& clawsA n i m A l S h e lt e r


Recognizing if your Cat is Sick

The World’s Largest‘No Kill’ Animal Shelter

As with people, there are things that you need to look for in your cat to recognize if they are sick or not. Below is a list of sym-ptoms that might trigger some concern.

Unexplained Weight Loss Loss of appetite/willingness to drink Abnormal Inactivity Trouble Breathing Sneezing and Hacking

If any of these behaviors catch your at-tention you should take your cat to the veterinarian. No matter how clean you keep your cat there is always the chance that some little parasite is going to call your cat’s body its home. If you are keeping a good eye on the health and well being of your cat, you might be able to determine when one of these pesky parasites are moving in.

Ticks or Lice: Ticks and lice can be a very annoying problem for you and your cat. In order to determine if you cat is

suffering from ticks and lice; you need to check your cat’s body. You can deci-pher a tick because you will either see the parasite or will feel it like a bump on your cat’s skin.

Fleas: Fleas are a common problem with cats. Again, you can find these para-sites with a quick examination of your cat’s body, this can even be done while grooming your cat. Fleas are not some-thing that you can get rid of on your own.

Ear Mites: Ear mites are quite com-mon in cats and can lead to many other health problems. If your cat’s ears begin to look a bit questionable and are waxy and icky smelling, your cat may have this.

Mange: You should be wary because this is something that humans can be affected by too. If your cat begins to lose fur, bleeds, or has issues around the ears, and nose, your cat might have mange.

Way back in 1944, a few animal lovers in Port Washington, New York got together and formed the North Shore Animal League. Their animal work was a very modest effort at first, with the shelter being located in someone’s garage. Soon, a few fenced outdoor runs were built, and a tiny bit of money trickled in to feed and care for the many stray animals they now took in. The League grew very slowly; but they cared for the animals as well as pos-sible, never destroying any, not even the older or ailing ones.

In 1969, one animal lover who heard about the League was Elisabeth Lewyt. She couldn’t believe this unusual shelter never destroyed any animals, so she at-tended their next meeting with her

husband, Alexander M. Lewyt. In the words of Mrs. Lewyt, “These are not strays, there’s no such thing as a stray. All these animals had homes at one time or another - some were good, some were bad. But they all deserve another chance.”

Thanks to Alex & Babette Lewyt’s spirit and dedication, North Shore Animal League America has now grown to become the largest pet adoption agency and ‘no-kill’ animal shelter in the world. Their animal orphans are rescued not only from shelters and pounds close-by, but also from animal organizations in near and distant states. All across the United States and around the world to-day, dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens now

rely on North Shore Animal League America to represent their interests and to provide them healthy, happy lives.

Today, North Shore Animal League America is dedicated to saving animal lives- not just in the New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut areas—but all around the world. While the League’s main adoption facility is still located in Port Washington, New York, their mobile units now allow them to travel throughout the country rescuing animals from various different situations. And, they are expanding their programs worldwide. Today, they are involved in emergency rescue efforts, out of state rescues, breed specific rescues, and international animal relief efforts.

The Top 20Pet Names

1. Max

2. Tigger

3. Jake

4. Buddy

5. Tiger

6. Smokey

7. Maggie

8. Bear

9. Sam

10. Kitty

11. Molly

12. Bailey

13. Sassy

14. Shadow

15. Simba

16. Patch

17. Lady

18. Lucky

19. Sadie

20. Misty

Go Ahead!

Pick a Name!