peter stephenson's a principled explanation of the ‘mechanics’ of the six marys

A Principled explanation of the ‘mechanics’ of the Six Marys. By Peter Stephenson. Part 1: Background. Part 2: Thought process. Part 3: Characteristics of the Messiah. Part 4: A Principled explanation of the Six Marys. Part 1: Background About five years ago, while living in Seoul, South Korea, I set myself to thinking about the problematic issue within our movement of the ‘Six Marys’; essentially, the claim that True Father practiced a form of what is called ‘Pikareum’ in that he made love to/had sexual intercourse with multiple female followers. The issue of the Six Marys has had a corrosive effect on the faith of a large number of members for many years, even decades and has also contributed to some of the most vitriolic opposition to our faith from without; especially throughout Korean society. In fact, I experienced this myself in 2010 when a Korean Christian lady I was engaged to and hoping to take to the blessing broke off our relationship in large part due to all the gossip about True Father and the Six Marys that she found on the internet (including direct, tearful video testimonies of some of the ex- member sisters who claimed to have been involved). At that time I was given the choice of rejecting True Parents or losing my fiancé. That choice was no choice at all. She was a good, sincere and faithful lady but what chance did she or our relationship have in dealing with the issue of the Six Marys if our own movement has not faced it and resolved it. After applying the Principle based analytical process that True Father has inculcated in us over many decades, I arrived at what I believe

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A believer in Sun Myung Moon defends his sexual rituals as providential


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A Principled explanation of the ‘mechanics’ of the Six Marys.

By Peter Stephenson.

Part 1: Background.

Part 2: Thought process.

Part 3: Characteristics of the Messiah.

Part 4: A Principled explanation of the Six Marys.

Part 1: Background

About five years ago, while living in Seoul, South Korea, I set myself to thinking about the problematic issue within our movement of the ‘Six Marys’; essentially, the claim that True Father practiced a form of what is called ‘Pikareum’ in that he made love to/had sexual intercourse with multiple female followers.

The issue of the Six Marys has had a corrosive effect on the faith of a large number of members for many years, even decades and has also contributed to some of the most vitriolic opposition to our faith from without; especially throughout Korean society. In fact, I experienced this myself in 2010 when a Korean Christian lady I was engaged to and hoping to take to the blessing broke off our relationship in large part due to all the gossip about True Father and the Six Marys that she found on the internet (including direct, tearful video testimonies of some of the ex-member sisters who claimed to have been involved). At that time I was given the choice of rejecting True Parents or losing my fiancé. That choice was no choice at all. She was a good, sincere and faithful lady but what chance did she or our relationship have in dealing with the issue of the Six Marys if our own movement has not faced it and resolved it.

After applying the Principle based analytical process that True Father has inculcated in us over many decades, I arrived at what I believe to be a satisfying and Principled explanation of the Six Marys. Until now though, I have not written or spoken of the matter publicly as, if Father himself didn’t publically talk about it during his lifetime then nor should I. As it seems that our movement is now more open to discuss this issue, I feel that this is a good time to share my conclusions. These conclusions did not come in a whoosh of a revelation but rather by boiling everything down to the bare elements and applying a Principled filter to every aspect and accepting the conclusions no matter how counter-intuitive they may at first seem. They are, of course, just my conclusions and I am open to the idea that I may be totally wrong.

Throughout the course of this essay I will go into detail as to the reason I am using the term ‘mechanics’ but at this point I should briefly state that neither denials, appeals to the mysterious, demands that people have ‘blind faith’, theological justifications or just asserting that God and the messiah are allowed

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to break their own rules are not satisfying and will not sustain the many who struggle to reconcile this issue with their faith. Some things need a nuts and bolts explanation and this is what I hope to provide.

Until very recently, the official church line was that the Six Marys never happened. So, my first task was to look at the evidence and decide if I believed it actually happened or not.

Part 2: Thought process

A lot can be learned from the nature of the supposed evidence for something but a lot can also be learned from the nature in which something is denied or avoided. The general rule is that when an outrageous but untrue accusation is made then the targets of that accusation shout their denial from the rooftops. However, when a truthful accusation is made then the targets of that accusation tend to suppress any discussion of it. So, although I personally was not in possession of any definitive proof that the Six Marys occurred and had never heard True Father refer to it, I could not conclude that it ‘definitely’ happened. However, while still keeping an open mind to the possibility that I may be leaning the wrong way, based on circumstantial evidence (i.e., the many testimonies of people involved and UC movement’s refusal to engage on the subject), I decided that it was more likely that it did happen than that it did not happen. This was around the year 2010 and in recent times, many key figures in the FFWPU have talked about it in a way that is tantamount to acknowledgement that it did happen. Also, within our fractured Unficicationist family it is now generally taken as having occurred.

My next task was to explore the possible reasons for the Six (and possibly many, many more) Marys; on the conditional that it did actually happen. I found myself with only two options. The first option is that True Father was weak and gave in to the desires of the flesh. The second option was that True Father making love/having sexual intercourse with multiple female followers was Principled in a way that I did not yet understand.

If I was to conclude that True Father had given in to the weakness of the flesh (as I myself have regrettably done in my sinful past) then although it would not be for me to judge him (judgement is God’s alone), there would be no reason for me to believe that he is the perfect son of God, the messiah and True Father. The messiah, True Father comes to be the template, the living embodiment of the perfect God. A being such as God, Jesus or True Father would live every moment of their lives with a constantly burning, all-consuming desire to save their children from sin, suffering and eternal damnation. Such a person could no more contemplate putting that mission in jeopardy due to carnal desires than could even a fallen man or woman be distracted from pulling their child from the path of a speeding train just because they spotted an attractive person nearby.

Just before the British executed the American Patriot Nathan Hale during the war for independence, he declared “My only regret is that I have but one life to give for my country”. Throughout history many other

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fallen people have lived lives of chastity and sacrifice, service and martyrdom due to their love of God and mankind; some have done so without even knowing God. Are we suggesting that a man could do less than these yet still hold him to be a perfect son of God? A perfect being such as God, Jesus or True Father will never put themselves ahead of the needs of their children. The mere thought of it would cause them more pain than you or I could possibly imagine. True Father echoed this sentiment in some of the words in his poem ‘Crown of Glory’ when he wrote:

‘When I doubt people, I feel pain. When I judge people, it is unbearable. When I hate people, there is no value to my existence.’

And later in the same poem . . .

‘O, Master, the pain of loving! Look at my hands. Place your hand on my chest. My heart is bursting, such agony’

Father wrote these words when he was just sixteen years old, so, probably before he was perfect. How deeper would these sentiments hold true when he was perfect and fully one with God?

To be most crude, imagine that in order to fulfil any carnal desire; you had to first cut your own child’s fingers off with a saw. I’m very sorry to put such a painful image in your mind but it is necessary so that you can imagine just how soul-piercingly painful it would be for God, Jesus or Father to even contemplate neglecting the salvation of their children for even a moment – let alone to destroy the whole work of the providence just for the sake of selfish desires of the flesh. What I am saying is that just considering or imagining it would cause Father so much pain that all base desires would be eclipsed. It is literally unthinkable that he would elevate his own base desires above the salvation of even one of his children let alone all of them.

True Father is at the same time the most free and least free person in all of human history. Father is the most free because he is perfect and has no sin and so is not in any way a slave to his base needs and desires. Nor is he governed by ego, pride or ambition. He is perfect, complete and one with God and therefor truly free. However, Father is also the lest free person in human history because, like God and Jesus, Father’s desire to save all humankind and to also save God, is so great, so deep and so all-consuming that in all his life he never spent one day or one hour to do something, either public or private, without first considering if it would help the providence or hinder it. Then even when he concluded that it would help the providence, he would compare options and even agonise over which one would help more: for example, he might weigh up the options of ‘spending ten hours talking, teaching and bonding with members or ten hours fishing on the ocean to restore his balance/take care of his soul/formulate his infinitely deep and complex strategies for saving mankind’. Either of these options could benefit us greatly yet Father would agonise over which would do so more.

At the end of the movie ‘Schindler’s List’, having saved the lives of many Jews, you can see Oscar Schindler agonising over whether he could have done a little more, forgone a few meals, sold a few more trinkets to save just one or two more Jews. This is a mild version of the agonizing passion that True Father would have processed every moment of every day regarding every step he took to save us. Of course, he would hide this agony from his children - as he did when he was ill and in pain and still speaking cheerfully before us for hours on end - as even showing that he bore this burden would be an indulgence that he would

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put aside so as to ensure our comfort. It is an oddity that the better the parent, the worse they feel about the job they did with their children. Love is like this; the more alive someone is, the more passionately and deep the love they feel for their children and conversely, the more regret they feel that they couldn’t do more; as Father mentioned many times.

So, my conclusion regarding True Father is that he is not a person who succumbs to base instinct. He is the very opposite of that. He is the perfect son of God, a person who has shaped his entire life, body and soul, to be a key that is a perfect fit for the lock to the prison in which we have all been trapped since the fall of Adam and Eve. Father’s heart and love for his children is such that even when he has sacrificed everything for us, he still feels bad that he could not give more. The idea that he would be in the habit of sacrificing his children for his own base desires is actually absurd. The idea that Father would succumb to base temptation, even just once, and the idea that Father is the perfect Son of God are mutually exclusive. If one is true then the other most certainly is not.

Characteristics of the Messiah.

Doctors do not decide the nature of the treatment that their patients receive. It is the patient’s own ailment that dictates the required treatment. The doctor is not free to just do as he wishes. The doctor applies his training as he ascertains the ailment, and then prescribes the treatment which matches; diagnosis – prescription - treatment. The only real question is if the doctor is qualified to do so or not. So in the same way, True Father’s mission was, and is, to diagnose our spiritual sickness then to prescribe and apply the required cure. He does not decide the cure, The Principle and the nature of the sickness itself does. So, in a very real sense, it is the condition of our own sin that dictates what God and the messiah must do to save us and not God and the messiah. God and the messiah are obedient to the Principle in the matter of the prescription. The real questions to always ask then are: ‘Is the messiah qualified to treat us’? and ‘Who is the messiah?

For this reason, it is a big mistake for those in need of salvation to judge the Savoir based on what he does to save us because it is our own condition that dictated his actions and not his fanciful preference. So, the fundamental question to explore is not whether his treatment of our spiritual ailment is, or is not valid, but rather, if the person is indeed the messiah and so qualified or not to understand our ailment and to prescribe the needed treatment. We do this all the time with physicians and surgeons. We do not usually understand either our physical ailment ‘or’ the cure but we put our faith in the doctor’s qualification to decide; in fact, we have so much faith in this that we routinely bet our life on it. Once we are satisfied that our doctor is qualified, we put our lives in their hands no matter how bizarre or painful the treatment.

I believed that True Father was the Messiah thirty years ago based on a combination of a profound appreciation of his teachings and (very important to faith) experiencing the fruits of putting them into practice, his soul cleansing - mind reforming, illuminating words, his grinding daily service and life of sacrifice for the members and his deep abiding love and finally - what Christians call - ‘the witness of the Holy Spirit’.

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I am a sceptical person by nature so have periodically and regularly revisited my reasons for belief that Father is the messiah and always found them to be satisfying. So when I observed or heard about Father doing or saying something I didn’t understand, my recourse was not to ask if what he is doing is right but rather to again ask myself ‘is he the messiah?’ If my conclusion was (still) that he is the messiah - the perfect son of God, then my course of action is simple and two-fold. My first step is to think and pray and talk with others and try to understand what he does. But if I still cannot understand it, then to accept my lack of understanding and have full trust in my father until such time that I am able to understand. Let me be clear here, I am not talking about blind faith as a first and only option. I’m saying that we first do our best to understand, then, if we cannot understand, based on the fact that we believe Father is the messiah, we ask ourselves if we trust his judgement and understanding more than our own? Or do we elevate our own judgement and understanding above his? If it is any other person then I would go with my own limited ability to understand something but as long as I am satisfied that Father is the messiah then I would elevate his judgement and understanding above my own. This works because, in fact, it is easier to ascertain a satisfactory answer to the general question of whether he is the messiah or not than it is to understand ‘some’ of the specific things he may say or do.

It is also important not to meet the messiah with a demand as to what he should be like. After all, what would it be based on? One of the many things the messiah comes to teach us is - what the messiah would be like; what kind of person would he be. So we find that throughout our life of faith, True father has caused us to revisit and upgrade our understanding of what a perfect man would be like. Early revisions are that he cannot fly and ‘does’ need to use the toilet and does not dispense miracles all day long. Deeper revisions would be that he may get angry sometimes, he may get ill or he may not live to be one hundred years old. If you have an expectation that a perfect man would hold a lamb in his arms all day long and sit with a serene smile then you may have your faith challenged when you attend a speech with Father passionately screaming or even talking about bowel movements. It would be a form of arrogance for us to project what the messiah should and should not be like and to demand that we will have faith only if he conforms to our uniformed view.

So, in the case of the controversial issue of the Six Marys - I did not know conclusively if it occurred or not, but based on my leaning towards thinking that it is likely to have occurred and based on the fact that I was thoroughly convinced that Father was indeed the messiah and a perfect man who is one with God and so would never sin, then my next step was to avoid committing the sin of Shem and Ham but rather to proceed from the starting point of assuming that Father’s actions were indeed Principled (whether I could understand them or not). Then, to speculate as to how exactly the Six Marys would be a principled action on the part of True Father.

Part 3: A Principled explanation of the Six Marys.

For my part, I have zero doubt that Sun-Myung Moon, True Father, is a perfected man, The Messiah and True Parent. Because of this, I do not hold that Father is capable of either succumbing to sin or even having sinful thoughts and desires. So naturally, I believe that everything Father did in his life is Principled. This

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includes The Six Mary’s and/or whatever number of sisters father ‘may’ have united with in love making. The following section will explain how such actions are Principled.

The difference between ‘legal’ and ‘mechanical’ thinking.

Let me preface this explanation by illustrating the important difference between ‘legal’ thinking and ‘mechanical’ thinking.

We do not describe the laws of physics or nutrition in legal or theological terms but rather in mechanical terms. We say that if you stand on the Eifel Tower and release a stone then it will go down due to the pull of gravity. We say that if you eat only junk food and do not exercise then your health will deteriorate. We do not talk about broken rules and legal consequences regarding these two subjects but rather we acknowledge the principles of physics for the former and nutrition for the latter, then we describe what will occur as a consequence if certain actions are taken. On religious and spiritual matters though, we have a habit of discussing and understanding things in the abstract. For this reason we tend to talk about rules and mandated laws and rewards and punishments and even use more abstracted ideas and phrases such as ‘in the position of’ and ‘representing’. Sometimes these modes of explanation can be no more satisfying that a teacher telling us that X + Y = Z without our understanding what the value of X, Y or Z is.

Fundamentally, the Principle is no different from the laws of physics; in fact, the laws of physics are themselves an expression of the Principle. So, although the term ‘mechanics’ or ‘mechanical’ are not poetic, our understanding of the Principles of Creation and also the Fall (a violation of those principles) is very much a mechanical one. The first chapter in Divine Principle called ‘The Principles of Creation’ does not talk about rules and legalistic proclamations but rather talks about very down to Earth mechanics and the cause and effect nature of God, The Principle, The Cosmos and our own internal nature and external form.

So, Adam and Eve did not acquire poisoned souls as legalistic punishment for breaking rules but rather as consequences for ignoring God’s advice as to how the mechanics of the Principle take effect. In this particular tragic case, God told them that imperfect beings absorbing the not yet perfected love of other imperfect beings would poison them. It was a practical, mechanical warning as to how things worked and what would practically happen if this understanding was ignored. It is not romantic to describe a new-born baby needing milk and soft foods rather than steak or a vehicle needing this and not that type of fuel and also what will happen if either get the wrong kind as ‘mechanical’ instruction but nevertheless it is indeed mechanical and not legal or even theological instruction.

The reason I am taking the time to illustrate the difference between looking at things from a theological/legalistic or mechanical point of view is because it is essential in order to understand any actions taken by True Father. There are many examples of people Judging Bible figures with a legalistic or theocratic mind-set. This happened when David and his men ate food reserved for the Temple and when the disciples of Jesus seemed not to observe the Sabbath. In this latter case, the words of Jesus illustrate my point when he said ‘Did God make man for the Sabbath or the Sabbath for man’. With this, Jesus is saying that legal edicts

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about the Principle are the scaffolding with which to guide the construction of the substantial structure. The practical, substantial structure is what is important. When the structure is complete, the scaffolding is no longer needed. Likewise, restoration of fallen people is the objective, not merely adhering to legalistic rule sets for its own sake.

So, with this framework in mind, here is the mechanical reason why True Father having sexual intercourse with female followers is not only ‘not’ a sin but is in fact a good, holy and Principled action.

The difference between a perfect soul and an imperfect soul.

When we apply a blanket legal filter to everything and everyone then we naturally put every person or being in the same category. Obviously a sinless, perfect being is not required to take the same path as a fallen, imperfect being; just as adults are not beholden to the same rules as children. We learn in Divine Principle that God’s commandment to Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit (make love) was a temporary commandment that would not apply to a future, perfected Adam and Eve (In fact the very opposite would apply). In the same way, there are principles that allow adults to engage in behaviour without mechanical detriment, and in fact with benefit, that would be harmful to children. A simple physical example would be that of a baby only being able to consume milk but an adult requiring the solid foods that would harm the baby. A deeper example would in fact be the emotional experience that accompanies physical love making with a partner of a complimentary opposite gender. This would harm a minor yet, when experienced in the correct way, would be emotionally nourishing to an adult.

However, when we take the time to look at each individual, we can assess how each is at a different state of development and so has varying levels of freedom within the Principle. The qualification for this freedom is not arbitrary but rather based on appropriate ability/structure/condition. Simply put, even in the fallen world, this is why it is not only a sin but also harmful in a practical way for a thirteen year old to experience sexual intercourse, yet it is holy for a married adult to do so. A perfected Adam and Eve have more freedom within the Principle than a not yet perfect Adam and Eve. So, let’s start by examining the differences between ourselves and True Father so that we can understand how a certain action would affect Father and us differently. And because they affect us differently in a practical, mechanical sense, there are naturally different theological/legalistic judgements in regard to the actions.

The mechanics of the Fall and of Restoration.

What was the core reason that Lucifer, Adam and Eve fell? The theological or legalistic answer is that they disobeyed God’s commandment so God could not condone and participate in their actions and withdrew and without God’s participation, the actions led to death rather than life. However, this explanation is still

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somewhat mysterious and opaque. The practical answer, in light of the Principle, gives us a different, clearer perspective. The core reason that Lucifer, Adam and Even fell was in fact simple mechanics; neither of the three were perfect. Each, had not matured to their full, intended and Principled potential; they were not complete. They had also not united in oneness with God. As a result, neither of the three had internal integrity within their soul. Their souls were not properly functioning in the same way that a premature baby might not have properly developed and functioning organs. So as neither Lucifer, Eve or Adam had full functioning integrity within their own soul and also had not first united with God, then when the physical and spiritual love making did what it is designed to do and caused the elements/love of another being to flood into their own soul and mix with them, they were not developed enough to process these elements. These elements were powerful and could energise a qualified host but instead of enhancing the soul of the recipient they wrecked it in the same way that nuclear energy plants that are not properly functioning and maintained are wrecked by the nuclear material they should be safely containing and processing in order to power communities. Again, this is a mechanical, practical distinction.

Our physical organs filter, process and distribute all that we absorb in terms of air, water and food. All food contains detrimental, toxic/poisonous elements. Our organs separate and flush the toxins and retain, distribute and use the remaining, purified elements. This allows the physical body to function but this process can only occur if the body and all its organs are themselves mature and properly functioning. If they are not then we soon get sick and die. When a person’s Kidney is not functioning or has not developed properly they don’t get sick because their Kidney is causing them problems. The job of the Kidney is to filter away salt, acid and excess fluid. So as everything you eat and drink contains poison and toxins then unless your organs filter them out you will be made sick by the very food you eat and ‘not’ by the damaged or undeveloped organ.

The exact same mechanical principle is true for the soul. Each being produces fruit. That fruit is the love generated from their heart. We give this love to one another and the recipient absorbs it into their very souls just as food is absorbed into our body. When the type of this fruit is romantic/conjugal love and especially when this spiritual love is supercharged by a physical, sexual union then the being who receives this love must process it. When we are hungry, delicious food tastes good in our mouth but the good taste is not the main point and nor is it always a reliable indicator of healthy food. The main point of food is nutrition. The same is true for love and especially romantic/conjugal love. Regardless of how good the experience of receiving that love feels, the important question is whether the being receiving it is mature enough in heart and spirit to process it and also whether the person who gave the love was mature enough in heart and spirit to produced it to a level of refinement that it is fit to be given. Even secular, atheist psychologists or anyone in general knows that a very young person (pre, early and mid-teens) experiencing conjugal love is damaged by the experience; even if that love is given and received consensually. So Lucifer, Eve and Adam were all damaged by the infusion of foreign elements/love that they were not yet structured to both produce and give and also receive and process. The damage caused by this experience impaired their ability to grow further and all three (and all of their descendants) were stuck in this state. Neither could help the other as they were all in the same damaged condition.

Now, what would have happened if the as yet un-fallen Adam had refused to make love to fallen Eve and had continued on his developmental path until he did indeed become perfect and one with God? The answer is not that he would have waited around for Eve to catch up so that he could marry a perfect Eve, as this was not a possibility. What would have happened is that the perfect Adam, together with God, would have guided Eve as she prepared the best she could and then when she was in an optimal, yet still fallen state then

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God would have blessed the perfect Adam to the fallen Even and then the perfect Adam, in his oneness with God, would have made physical and spiritual love with his fallen bride Eve.

Here, it is very important that we pay attention to the mechanics of what would occur when the perfect Adam first makes love to his fallen bride Eve. It is also helpful to remind ourselves of less legalistic and more mechanical, practical descriptions. So instead of phrases such as ‘perfect Adam’ and ‘fallen Eve’, the phrases ‘completed, properly functioning, spiritually healthy Adam’ and ‘incomplete and infected/contaminated Eve’ (For the purposes of this example, these terms are not even a moral judgement and nor are they gender dependant as this example would work equally well if, in this example, it were Eve who had not fallen). So what would have happened is what always happens when two beings make love; regardless of whether - both are fallen, - one is fallen and one is perfect - or both are perfect. What would have happened is that both beings would transfer elements/love into the person they are making love to and both beings would receive elements/love from the person they are making love to.

So, let us examine what the nature of the elements/love of a perfected Adam and fallen Eve would be respectively. Adam, being perfect and dwelling in oneness with God would have perfectly pure, holy and good elements/love and fallen Eve would have contaminated elements/love. The romantic/conjugal love of Eve would be detrimental and unfit to give for two reasons. The first is simply that she is not perfect so has not been able to generate perfect love and certainly not love that is properly infused with Gods own love. The second is that her soul would still be infused with the elements/love of the imperfect Lucifer.

So, in perfected Adam and fallen Eve’s love making, Eve would receive super-concentrated, holy, pure and perfect love from Adam. This love would permeate her whole being and she would feel like a fizzing, sparkling, Heavenly tonic was washing through the core of her soul. Not only would this be the greatest feeling possible (even for a fallen person whose capacity to fully appreciate it is diminished) but it would also be energising nutrition for her soul. Perfected Adam’s conjugal, physically supercharged love would act like spiritual anti-biotics and burn away contaminated elements. It would also temporarily energise fallen Eve’s own soul so that it could boost the growth she has been unable to complete.

It is very important that we also consider what would happen to a perfected Adam. Adam would also receive an infusion of elements/love from the fallen Eve. However, the elements/love that perfect Adam receives from Eve would be fallen elements/love. They would literally poison Adam in the same way that they poisoned Lucifer and Eve. However, there would be one, very dramatic difference. Unlike imperfect Lucifer and Eve, Adam would have been perfect, he would have been complete. Meaning, he would have a fully matured, healthy, efficient and energised soul that is fully one with God; this is what perfection is. As a result, Adams soul would naturally process the fallen elements/love that he receives from Eve just as a healthy body filters and purifies the toxins from all food that we eat. A clue to this is the fact of Father’s almost constant yet seemingly casual but in fact very profound use of the verb ‘digest’ in so many of his speeches.

So, these contaminated, fallen love elements would be quickly filtered out until what remains, even though it came from fallen Eve, would be pure (as fallen people are not ‘only’ evil but rather a mix of good and evil). Initially, Adam would feel tired or contaminated or even dirty but he and God would process, filter, discard and very quickly Adam would return to a fully re-energized and pure state. Simply put, in this scenario, perfected Adam would have been able to do what imperfect Lucifer and Eve (and in reality, Adam) could not.

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Therefore, there would be no long term detrimental effects to perfected Adam from his love union with Fallen Eve but there would be very holy and beneficial effects to fallen Eve. After all, what do you think happens when we fallen people are loved by God and in turn give love to Him? Our love is contaminated yet God still receives it. God is perfect so He is able to filter and cleanse it. This is not an ability He has because he is ‘God’ but rather because He is perfect. A perfected Adam, or any child of God, would be in the likeness of God and able to filter and cleanse imperfect love just as God is able to do.

So, Imperfect and fallen Eve would receive super charged, Heavenly love from Adam and this would energise her and go some way towards purifying her, and perfect Adam would receive contaminated, fallen elements/love from fallen Eve and although this would initially contaminate him, he would have the needed faculties to process and purify this love. This process would be repeated throughout their married life and along with the great effort fallen Eve made under the guidance of perfect Adam, Eve would be restored over time.

As we know, this is not what happened. The great tragedy is that both Eve ‘and’ Adam fell, so there was no perfect figure to enact this process. So, from the moment Adam and Even fell, God set about bringing such a person into existence. God’s starting point was one of great difficulty though so He set up a lineal refinement project starting with Abraham and Sarah. Eventually Jesus was born and did what Adam could not do; he perfected himself. Unfortunately though, Jesus was not able to do with a fallen bride what an un-fallen Adam ‘could’ have done with a fallen Eve and what True Father did with True Mother. Instead, Jesus was crucified and God had to wait two thousand more years before He could have a chance to enact this process again.

True Father and the fallen children he must save.

After True Father was born in 1920 (the very same year that the W.B. Yeats poem ‘The second coming’ was published) he perfected himself, then set about not only teaching Divine Principle to the world but also establishing a lineage by starting the long process of restoring a fallen Eve. We call this person ‘True Mother’. Unfortunately, even for a person in direct relation as wife to the Messiah, the process of restoration/resurrection/transformation takes a long time so the Messiah must sire a lineage ‘before’ his bride is fully restored as if he waited until she was perfect before having children then it would not be possible as she would be too old to conceive. However, as well as siring a direct lineage, the Messiah also spiritually adopts as many children as will open their hearts to him and accept engraftment to him and his bride as True Parents. When this happens, there are many people who also come from relatively good lineages. We sometimes refer to these people as ‘prepared’ people. What we are really saying is that although we are all very much fallen, God, Angels, ancestors, good spirits and good religious/cultural traditions have guided and worked with lineages in all nations and had varying success in effecting a certain degree of purification. Restoration among the Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Budhist etc faithful is a painful, slow, multi-generational, two steps forward one step back affair. Even after many generations and several centuries, even the best lineages might benefit from only a slight improvement. This is frustrating for God, entombed ancestors awaiting resurrection and for us as individuals. The providence itself is also eager to move forward.

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Now, as the faithful surround, protect, support and love the Messiah, True Father, during his time on Earth, then we bond with him and his fallen, restoration-in-progress bride and we love him and are in turn loved by him and by God through him. This is what Jesus referred to as a branch of a sick tree being severed from the trunk and engrafted onto the healthy, true tree so that it can receive life giving, healthy sap nutrition instead of the poison from the sick tree. We engraft spiritually in love to the Messiah. But not only to him; we also engraft to those he loves and to each other. This is why Jesus said that in loving others we are loving him. He meant that as he loves them, it will endear us to him and engraft us ever deeper that we help those he loves. So as Father giv Mark 3: 1-6 es love to Mother, we in turn engraft to her and receive Fathers cleansing love not only directly from him but indirectly through mother and also through his children and grandchildren and in fact from any other brother and sister who love him and whom he loves. We engraft not solely to the Messiah but rather to his increasingly restored future lineage; of course, mainly to Father and with him being the eternal centre and root.

Let us be honest though. Let us face practical, mechanical reality. God can love infinite children but, in the restored world as in the fallen world, even God relies on all his elder children who are parents to engraft to his and their younger children and raise them up so they can mature enough to relate to God and receive his love directly. We call this period the ‘period of God’s indirect dominion’. He loves us through others; primarily, our parents. As children, we are branches that are connected to branches that are connected to Him. Then we grow and connect fully and directly to God ourselves. That is God though, once a person is perfect then he can relate to God in fullness and in perfection and there is no upper limit on the number of people that can connect with God in this way. However, although God can directly connect to and love billions of souls, God’s children were not meant to have billions of children (seven billion on earth and an estimated two hundred billion in the spirit world); especially during our Earthly life. There is simply a time, space and attention limit to how much personal and direct care a Father and Mother can give to children. Children need a certain amount of personal attention and quality time with their parents and if a family has more than even just twenty children it becomes difficult for each child receive enough love and care. If we expand this number to thousands and millions and billions then it is not practical. So, in reality, as members, our direct relationship with True Father has not been that different from the relationship that Christians have with Jesus who is no longer physically on Earth. There are a great many 1st & 2nd gen children of True Parents who have never even been in the same continent as them let alone the same room; and of course now are not even in the same dimension with Father being in the Spirit World. This is just the practical reality of there being only one perfect man on Earth and billions of fallen people in need of his direct love.

The idea is that he will restore his bride and children and grandchildren and lineage. This may not go well at first (as we have seen) and may take time to blossom but eventually the lineage will yield the fruit of more and more concurrent perfect begins on Earth until eventually the number of people able to be perfect, as Father is, becomes so large that there is a one to one ratio of perfect to fallen beings on Earth and then the numbers of fallen people become a minority and eventually the number reaches zero. Initially though, we cannot have a physical, in person day to day relationship with Father. There were just too many of us when he was on Earth; even his own direct children suffered from this issue. As we know, Children need physical parents just as fallen people need a physical Messiah on Earth. This is not just a legal requirement of some kind. It is a practical need. An imperfect or fallen person who is not sensitive to the spirit world simply cannot fully relate to a being in that dimension and cannot experience cross dimensional love in the quality and quantity that is needed for full restorative growth; even if it is given and even if it is given by a perfect being such as Jesus or Father. But also, a person on one continent just cannot have a truly direct relationship with a person on another continent. As such, even for those of us who were alive at the same time as True Father, the closest we could get would be to occasionally sit before him in a room with hundreds or thousands of

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others. Even then, our capacity to bond with him would be impaired by fatigue, a language barrier and even an inability to truly understand and relate to his profound words. As sincere are we are, there is a limit to how much love can be exchanged in this situation. This is nobody’s fault. It is just a practical challenge related to restoration. When Father’s direct and also adopted lineage yields thousands and millions and billions of concurrent perfected people then this practical challenge will be solved but for the current time it was a reality that the ratio on Earth of perfect people to fallen people was one - to - seven billion. So as it is Father’s Heavenly, Godly love that we require for restoration and purification then initially it has been and is difficult to receive it in the quantity needed for significant resurrection to be possible. Again, resurrection is a practical function and effect and not a status or edict.

I often wondered why Father chose to speak every day in front of members for sometimes ten, fifteen or more hours. Some speculated that he enjoyed speaking but no one could be that obsessive or egotistical and certainly not Father; especially when there are many important things to be done. I then thought that perhaps we members needed to hear his teaching repeated over and over again and although there is some merit to this theory, I eventually realised that Father spent so many hours in front of members for the simple reason that there is a direct correlation to the amount of time people spend in each other’s direct company and how closely bonded they feel. Father was engrafting us to him in this way in recognition that the situation is desperate as he is one and we are many. I came to this realisation one day in Korea sometime around 2010 when, after three hours of talking with us, Mother was asking him to wrap up and he looked at his watch and longingly said ‘Just fifteen more minutes’ in the same way that Oscar Schindler pined about saving just a few more Jews. Even just fifteen more minutes meant that much to him. Father suffered to stand before us for half days or sometimes whole days as he was desperate for us to engraft to him and receive his energizing, purifying love that we might be all the more saved.

We faithful had a somewhat naïve view that our salvation was a legalistic issue where we believe in the Messiah and receive his blessing then do our duty and work for the providence and then some detached principle/power works on us to make us perfect and we are finally restored. The reality is more practical. Just as it took God a painfully long time to refine enough lineages to bring about the Messiah, then so will it be a painfully long time to restore ourselves and our personal lineages; even with our engraftment to True Father/Parents/lineage. The good news is that despite this difficult, long path, every step towards God and restoration will yield joy and increased spiritual health.

Above, I have illustrated the problematic context of billions of fallen people needing to engraft to one perfect person. When seen from a legalistic or even miracle or magic mentality this is not an issue as practical problems are not relevant in such a mind-set. However, when understood from a mechanical point of view it is a big problem indeed. True Father found himself being the only person on Earth who is perfect and able to give perfect and perfectly pure and Godly love, yet surrounded by billions of fallen people in need of that love.

In a secular or fallen-world religious culture it is only proper that a person bond with and share romantic/conjugal love with one partner only. A man or woman may share filial, sibling or parental love with any number of people but may only have one wife/husband. Again, there are practical, mechanical reasons for this. Again, fallen or even just imperfect people have less freedom within the Principle than do perfect people. We express this in the language of rules and legality but the purpose of these rules is to point us to sensible, safe and effective practices. Filial, sibling and parental love are deep and wonderful but they are somewhat

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different from romantic/conjugal love; which Father interestingly described as ‘volatile’. This love is dynamic and powerful and potentially, very, very dangerous if misused; as we are all living, suffering testaments to this fact. Romantic/conjugal love has some property that the others do not though. One of these aspects being that although filial, sibling and parental love are mainly spiritual loves, romantic/conjugal love is supercharged by two complimentary gender physical bodies being primed for and engaged in sexual union. This means that in a very short period of time (minutes even) a person can have a powerful and deep experience to their very core, of the love of another. This dynamic and exchange with just one other person takes a lifetime to master. This is why God, despite himself not being monogamous (for He engages in the conjugal love practice with ‘all’ of his perfected couples) insists that not yet perfect beings restrict their relationships to a strict monogamous practice.

True Father and the Six Marys.

So it is my view that Father identified certain faithful sisters who came from refined lineages and who led sacrificial lives of deep faith. Then by making love to them and infusing them with elements/love from his own perfected, holy body and soul, he was able to affect an acceleration of their restoration by a factor of multiple generations. What I mean by that is that if those sisters related with Father in the adoring and sincere yet distant way that Christians relate to Jesus or we related to Father, and lived their whole lives in faith and service to God’s providence then they might affect an invaluable yet small amount of personal purification, restoration and resurrection. If their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren did likewise then, as we have seen in the painfully slow providence of God refining fallen lineages, an accumulated amount of restoration may occur over their multiple generations of lives of faith. But in experiencing such intimate closeness with Father (along with continued personal efforts in their lives of faith) they could be purified and restored the same amount as multiple generations of effort in a matter of mere days, weeks or months as the holy, super-charged elements/love from perfected Father would be given to them, would wash through their souls and purify them to a certain extent.

These pure love elements from Father could then be passed, in a secondary way, through love making to their own husbands who would then in turn benefit (albeit at a somewhat diminished level). If they were lucky enough to conceive a child with their husbands during this period of their wives pure love infusion from Father then that child would develop especially well. Also, if the sister was lucky enough to actually conceive a child with Father himself at this time then in theory there could be many more descendants in God’s newly established lineage; ideally hundreds or thousands of children with a direct lineage to True Father. This may seem a shocking idea when viewed legalistically or in a secular way but consider that King David’s lineage through his initially adulterous relationship with Bathsheba resulted in the lineage that produced Jesus; as did the marriage of Ruth to Boaz which, on the surface, went against God’s rules that Israelites such as Boaz not intermarry with those who are not Israelites such as Ruth. Of course, the circumstances of Jesus’s own birth illustrate the point of how the practical needs of the providence and of personal resurrection are a higher and still legitimate expression of the Principle than the general rules or legalism that guide the temporary (till death us do part) fallen world conventions on marriage and fidelity. How honoured was Joseph that his bride to be could join with a prepared lineage and give birth to and raise the messiah Jesus? The sisters who benefited from a union with Father may not themselves have come from as prepared a lineage as the mother and father of Jesus so even if they did conceive with Father they may not have given birth to a child who would attain perfection in his or her own lifetime but they would certainly have extended Father’s own prepared and refined lineage and more importantly, the child would have come from True Father himself. Of course, for the

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couple this would present a lifetime of personal bonding with God and Father’s heavenly lineage because the very child they would raise would be Fathers; if the sister was lucky enough to conceive that is. The main point though is that the sister could experience the opposite of what Lucifer, Eve and Adam experienced. Where they were poisoned by impure love elements, these sisters would be cleansed and nourished by Father’s holy and pure love elements.

That is not to say that there should just be a free for all. The mechanics should always be respected in this. Father is perfect and only a perfect person could do this. No person, whether 1st gen, 2nd gen or True Child should practice this as it simply would not work being that they are not perfect. This Principle does not work because of Father’s status or position or role as messiah. It works ‘only’ because he can produce and give pure, Heavenly love and can in turn process and refine any fallen love that is reciprocated. ONLY Father could do this. I fully expect that in future generations, more people will attain perfection during their earthly lives and so will be qualified to do the same but there is always a great danger that some charismatic person among the faithful will delude him or herself and others into believing that they are qualified in just such a way. If this ever happens some generations hence then a great deal of prayer and observation and testing should take place and in almost all cases their claim should almost certainly be rejected. I would expect that no such fruit of blessed lineages would appear for the next two or three generations at least. I state this out of great caution and an awareness of just how frequent idols and false prophets and messiah wannabe’s have sprung up in our movement’s short history. I am of course completely unqualified to predict when God’s lineage will yield children who are able to attain perfection.

In conclusion, I would say that if Father indeed engaged in restoration love making with faithful sisters then this should not be judged with ridged legalism but rather in view of the mechanics of the Principle. Father is perfect and as such he is qualified and able to produce perfect love and also filter any fallen love that we might give to him whether that love is spiritual only as Christians love Jesus or direct, physical and conjugal. After all, when father joined in such union with his fallen bride did he not share elements in love making just as Adam and Eve did? In that case would he not have absorbed elements from a fallen bride just as Adam did with the fallen Eve? The answer is yes, he did this but in being already perfect and complete he was able to filter them and remained perfect and pure even after joining in love union with his fallen bride.

Father would not be contaminated by receiving the elements/love of a fallen sister. The sister would be purified by receiving Fathers holy love. Also, Father has greater freedom within the Principle than do imperfect, fallen children of God. We, fallen children are not qualified and free to engage in such actions but Father is. Therefore it is not a sin for Father to do so. To illustrate this point I will reference the Gospel of Mark, where our beloved Jesus cured the sick on the Sabbath and was castigated by the outraged legal experts, scribes and holy men of the day.

Mark 3: 1-6

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‘Another time Jesus went into the synagogue, and a man with a shrivelled hand was there. Some of

them were looking for a reason to accuse Jesus, so they watched him closely to see if he would heal him on the

Sabbath. Jesus said to the man with the shrivelled hand, “Stand up in front of everyone.”

Then Jesus asked them, “Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to

kill?” But they remained silent.

He looked around at them in anger and, deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts, said to the

man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out, and his hand was completely restored.  Then the Pharisees

went out and began to plot with the Herodians how they might kill Jesus.’

So, in a practical, structural, mechanical sense – there is no spiritual harm to Father in forming a conjugal bond with multiple faithful sisters and there is great benefit to the sisters and their own direct love ones. And in a theological, legalistic sense – Father has greater freedom within the Principle than we fallen, imperfect children so he is qualified and without guilt in this matter.

These are some of the higher expressions of the Principle that Father referred to when he said there are more aspects to Divine Principle. At that time, he revealed not just ‘only what we are able to understand’ but also, ‘only what we need at that time’. As we grow, we understand the Principle in ever deeper ways and what Father gave us so far in the eight secret texts contains all that we need to work such things out. It is important that we constantly question things and renew our conviction that he is the messiah, the perfect son of God. Once we are satisfied in this then we are likely to use our knowledge of the Principle to put in the time and work and explore deeper rather than just settle on whatever judgement of Father our fallen mind offers.