pfjdclock clan it for men -...

THE SUN WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER Zi 1904 l J B r t WILL UNDERlINE WOODRUFF inOOKLYN REPUBLICANS WRATH OF ODELI Think Hn May Dt ln the Atsanlt on leader by TryIng to Force tho Renom nation of Senator Marshall A IJvel and Iforou Campaign Promlff With tho return of Timothy It Woodru lo town today the work of tho CAmpaign lr Brooklyn will bo started In earnest just vigorously prosecuted according nil fhn managers as if Mr Woodruff had been the nomlnno for Oovemci- Thl afternoon Mr Woodruff will hove conference with Col Michael J Dady Brmner L L Fawcett and tho other Republican statesmen in Kings there will be a meeting of pxecutlvn committoe which as usual the addition of some eminent outside Republicans will act as tho campalg rommlttee D Henry Ralston wilt ha- cliargo of the literary bureau to be In the Temple Bar Building and Col Low It Stegman will supervise tho spel binding- In private the Brooklyn leaders admit In the canvass for the State ticket they wl have to carry a weighty handicap by reason of ita direct identification with Odelllsn but through apprehension of future retlB- tlon on tho part of the GovernorChalrmai they are going to boom the campaign In great shupo and if possible keep plurality for the Democratic Candida to I named at Saratoga today below tha pho nomenal one scored by Coler against Ode two years ago There is a firm belief on tho part of of the Brooklyn leaders that Odoll sooner or later rnako an effort to Mr Woodruffs control of the Kings county organization and install some In his place who will be subservient t his bidding It is oven suspected that th- GovernorChairman show tonight at the Sonata convention In district at whloh a miccrasor be named to Senator Henry Marsha who has already served terms i the upper and three as an Asaem blyman is still anxious to contlnu career at Albany The men who oontrol the district a well as the rank and file of the opposed to the renomination o Marshall their hands are not tonight by the commands of the StAte an active worke and one of the leading business men o the Bedford be chosen as an overwhelming vate I was generally admitted last Odell can save Marshall from offlcta retirement but friends of Mr Cooper aali that they could not th would take such ai The district is one of Republican strongholds of the State had over 5000 wb the six Republican Senate candidates snowed It Is likely that the Senate conventions in which the Democrats have a virtue walkover will be adjourned no one s far having as an aspirant 1 of them There is a test Eugene M Travis Dreeoher Jr nomination In Fourth with the chances in of the former Frank J Gardiner doput Commissioner of Jurors and the c the Eleventh Assembly district will b named without in the Sixth district and Frank Ehlers an eminent E New York Republican will be the onl candidate Ninth district CAPTVBZD GAMBLING LAYOV- Wa Beteijritoa From Broker Zacft Place at Deal Beach DBAX Biuca N J Sept 20 Followl the raid last Saturday on the Home Ohil when the oounty officials of Monmouth found six clubmen huddled i their pajamas and a trunk filled with poke chips one the upstairs apartments Mayor placed on olub premises yestea the watchers saw two drive tbe grounds and back up atthe front door Three or four men to load one of stages with the household furniture other stage stopped a few minutes at door and was driven away Follow that stage Mayo Two officers followed and saw the into Henry Zaclcermana grounds 01 Runyon avenue where it door The officers stole in and crouched in the bushes soon they observed two men somi the stable and place them ii the Then the men stage door and drove slowly Into the street The officers sprang their hiding place and revolvers at the stage hones and brought The captured outfit wa taken to Deal station There it wa found that the and bundles contained one roulette table two baize tables two bushels of ivory of dealers counters camp and the Deal were d Morris the stage driver was under and when Fred champion high jumper on WiLl laughed Morris be was told he Me echoed Oerner in great astonish- ment Tea MAd the These are addressed to you are under Both a whloh was held the this Its conclusion was bail and Morris in fcoo bail to await action of the October Grand whose the gambling paraphernalia a change to a late hour not returned to his mer residence on Runyon avenue LAY IN WAIT FOR CON MAN Victim Nearly Made a lull In the Grand Central Station V Timothy a German house painter Union City Conn last week to have a good New York He enjoyed himself BO cannily on Monday night quite a little roll left While Korahan was sitting in the Grand Station waiting his train the spoken con man arrived He fed a nrtd him to wait over one train because hU brother was going that way later would be company II on a street with many lights Tho stranger excused himself a moment About the time that Korahan got tired of waiting he missed his roll of JOS Korahan sat last hi the Michael waiting to see If the stranger would come that way A spruce looking man entered a a like A locomotive whistle Hors han leaped on this man bore to the was him to death when considered that this constituted an cation and the under dog Hn gave as Exult hU pockets KxMiyor Arraigned for Murder Sept 20 ExMayor J Samuel MoCue of Charlottesville charged with the murder of his woi In but the case went over on a MoCue wept convulsively 1 FEAR TheIr and all II Jacob leAd- Ing and tomorrow the with opened that along the many will under- mine ono hand the e are tied w I the that the and even two ear ago t wore In the Thin1 Fifth and Seventh distr1ct anyone sharp oon and John the dJ triot favor t man I Abou I oclook Into the The the from of 0 si- lently Pretty ai- n men them toa the n faro ohipll and a oo ted at May dee hen Cub At WM t a lon tnt Koran tie o Cent away the Grad Central with coking the plo art SID and a toket to New Have in Mae I- to i v placed Arrest morning In 500 The captured apparatus sent Freehold be used evidence premises F They time Detectives detectives otT The R He Rtciuio S dicini yesterday was arraigned today qs k < > ¬ MAIL SHOWER FROM tfLEVATB Pall on a Roundsman and Draws a C flOpped Prom Mall Car Upon Roundsman David Sheehan ng at Sixth avenue and Waverly Pla last night at It oclock a shower of letter and circulate fell The street was fllli with mutilated mall and ot roi and thorn were on tho trestle work of the structure overhead Sheehan the resorvec arId patrol wagon from the Mercer street Btntl and the work of gathcrin up the scattered letters Six boxes secure from a grocery store end taken to the police station notified Police Headquarters of tt word was sent to the General Office which sent a wagon to tal the letters away It camo out a mall pouch of letters bound 0 in Firth avenue near Sovor had fallen to the track front platform ot a car The whirls cu the open and the fell Into tli street Only two of thirtyfour bundle wore torn Ofllc sent out the letters and on wn sent out from Station 0 to make a s any that liavo missed in them He ono Most of the letters won for blt department stores ia the The Bbower of letters caused a crowd t collect In tbo street and the had dim cully hi keeping folks from gathering u as an Mtlng accident XATVRAJjlZATION FRAUDS Tw ltc Arrests Yejterrtay and Fifty Paper llbd- Maurlco B Blumecthal who Is coun to the Sheriff and ono of the most aotii campaign workers in Tammany hoe written a letter to Supt Morgan plaining of the letters methods in the ir- vestlgation of naturalization frauds Bluinonthul says that many c naturalization papers have to appear at Mr Morgans offlc their papers and that the have not been to have counst present at such Morgan In reply to this letter in formed Mr if client a his had auch a grievance he would be gloi to take the matter Mr Blumenthal letter bus been thought to mean move on Tammanys part to contest eom Coney Island on aa result 10 men were examined at tie branch office arrested on suspicion of having the papers ware BROTHERS IN A FIERCE FIOB Attacks the Other Tilth a Club Fells Him CALDWBLL N J Sept 20 Stephe is confined to hid homo in Lent venue by injuries received in a desperat with his brother Frank on There bad been bad blood betwee them for somo time and on Monday they met an alternation Stephen finally went Fred lingered around the for a time then to his brothers house with a club He encountered I the and without warning attacked him striking him on with club Stephen tried to ward off the weapo from Uw two men men all over the yaed Finally as the by a insensible Frank ran It was some Urn recovered and as compelled to dreg himself a of a a mile to the home of Auken The Injured man refased take a complaint against his brother DUO OUT aVRJEO MAN nur deii Aave liir9 of Laborer Caught In CavoIn A dozen Teen worked deaparately witl yesterday aftomoon to save the of a comrade Joseph Mundy who bad burled In a caveIn while digging an- xoavation at Park I ten digging they his head was uncon dous Ropes were tied under his as the was thrown back by the rescuers he wait hoisted clear A crowd women cheered the workers on Ambulance Rourke hurried to St Hospital at Jamaica here it was that his oon Utica was not serious DIED FROM LOSS OF BLOOD reman Expires on the Street TTMle Waltlns a Doctor Mrs John Mulcahey 55 years of age f Stapleton avenue Richmond iland died from loss of blood while lying n the street near her home last Irs Mulcahey had alighted or and was walking hen one of the veins in her right which had her for some time rat Her screams brought aid and made for a doctor one thought and stop the flow of blood a touml and she before the doctor ether administered the f the Church to her as she was rpiring Alt But What the Firemen Said Mary the cook was routIng a little terday at 42 West Seventythird the dinner of Henry C Imbrie mbries son Janice came to her help and the smoking roast out the saw It nd rang a fire alarm and all story except what the firemen said The Weather A low pressure developed yesterday over rer tAke tbe St Lawrence Valley ualnr and rUInc tenpersturea in- e OhIo Valley the upper Middle Atlantic tbe Nw EDfltnd States with conditions over all the eastern section ot e country except on tha South Atlinllo sod Gulf Northerly winds tlovlnr out ot a hlfh- essure central over North Dakota caused a drop In temperature on tbe eastern Rocky ountatn slope and the sudden chute In tempers thunderstorms In the UlMlulppI Val Lake rttlon West of the Rocky the weather renerally faIr Vreeilnr temperatures have bern reported from ontano Vjomlnt North Dakota and Hlnne- ita In thIs city yesterday It was cloudy sad treat ilnr with sprinkles of rain wind light easterly rerate humidity M per rent barometer cor rated to read to ea level at 8 A M W P M- M The temperature yesterday as recorded by the Octal thermometer Is shown In the annexed table W 1901 1904 1DO- JAM W SPM W U 70 67 S PM 7 H- IipM 71 8412 Mid 07 IT- lllchent tempetsture 71 4 P M iinmoroN roBxcxiT TOIl TODAY Am TOUOXROW For ttuttm Ynlt eastern Penntytranle and anland unit onltr today tomorrow rand toot roil labritk norttivrit U north utnai For the District ot Columbia and Maryland lower tadsy followrd by sir and cooler much ol r at Blrht tomorrow fair and coot lltht to north For York partly cloudy oler In southeast portion tomorrow brisk north to northeast winds For Delaware and New Jersey showers and oler today much cooler at eIght tomorrow cool fresh to brisk corthwwt to north I rwd stand pie bale part a near by woro fled get Post mal tat for StUn the the hon up I the sop Cal nail Mr holder mono alOe u lbly ot Mr in to get Men the of ore One Monday hen ensue and the fee the he- W ea t Blot of Mal night was arrive Byre lab for a broker when the Mr hug Per the lbs ell and Ste- ad heavy CUrd leT > Net wInd tar to tad r con talcilni from the hi efforl at Italians illegally naturalized froun Bureau 11 Park row Of thtuea twelve were false papers and and ton fight night armed blow and before Van Who Wsi shovels life been After un- covered arm end fir Sinten search stock hey elMS ore was E at yak eA1 ° > > < < ODELL WANTS MONEY HONE NATIONAL COMMITTEE URGi HELP HIM OUT IN NEW glens of Stringency In Campa- lrin nqca Whether Proc tied Aid I Not Dliolosed COM Committee Complains of Shortai GovernorChairman Odell la not Appealing to Cortelyou of Republican to assi him In his work In tills city and In the 8U by persuading the Cabinet come hone to address mesa meetings ho in also asking bolp from the nation committee In the shape of money Desp tho extra levies which have been rued State employees and the strenuous f efforts of his lieutenants in this clt Mr OdellB coffers have not been plentiful filled Since he returned from Sarato the lenders of the campaign la this havo applied to to beg active with Thore have also district leaders at the Fifth Avenue who have not hesitated to say that been dipping Into tbelr own pay keeping things runnli districts was time or county headquarters began help them out if were to to out tho vote headquarters and had a talk to the head of the nallor committee on tho state of things in State But It Is understood ally occurred to the was Odell declared be perativo for the national committed to oo financially of the State mlttoe did not promise was not AB was leaving Chairrr olllco he was met by Beer Mr Mathews in a somewhat cidted was heard to say that the work of his eon mittee was hampered beoAUse of tJ s a the interview the Go- imorChalrmaii had with Mr Odoll ai then it have been a repetlti if tlie invitation some of the district had when they naked for funds call again later the week ARMY OF THE CVMttERLAND From Roosevelt and Parker at the Annual Reunion INDIAMATOLIS Sept 20 The feature ho thirtysecond reunion of the Bodetrjr ho Army of the Cumberland tonight wi- he reading by Gen Henry V Boynton Letters from President and Judj- Iton B Parker both gone uely applauded- The President wrote OUTER BAT N Y MT PEAR QKN BOYNTOH Permit to extend my hearty rood wlh- o the Society of of the it reunion In Indianapolis I only wla In power U be tales Ornnt Gar 3 mmand f l the army the cIvU and Hchoflelc and You had many in the Cabinet In the Senate in th louse of Representatives one of them Gen itIfer the House For this exceptional record you are entUta- o the respect of your coon of this nation upon the fact from the ral your nart in that broth rhood of men the Union rom to 1S6S and who during rears rendered not only to our bu 3 all the service witch ras to any nineteenth con to tender to their children and their children hlldren unto th remotest generation a reunited country not onse of belonging to a which ha- efore it a future so vast that even its in which that formidable fight once war ended orthwlth to the pursuits of peace and showed In any crisis of war this nation of war have left us the model of what such a soldiery o the younger owe you debt greater we can ever pay RSOCS taught in for success of elleve me Very faithfully THEODORE ROOSEVELT Gen H V Boynton Prealu of the Army oils Judge Parkers letter was brief H- rrote RosEMonxr ESOPCS N T Aug si en H V Bovnton Impossible for me Th of the Society of of the Cumberland you cough to convey to the assuranoai my r very appreciation Very truly yours ALTON The routine business was transacted his afternoon and tonight there was at at addressee the business meeting officers wore elected Henry V Boynton John Twee U 8 A Washington recording cretary Col treasurer Gen O Smith B A historian Col CALL FOR CLEANER STKKBT8 ait Side Sends a Committee toDr Wo d Who Needs note for the Job University Settlement the Edu itlonal Alliance many physicians clergy ion and prominent citizens of the East Ide are trying to got the of ctlon of the city better It at least six weeks since of Woodbury of the Street It IB not I must have hoe in order to clean treats the Commissioner told a corn iltt e that called upon him yesterday temoon and cannot A mass meeting of persons the of called ames of the University mient appointed the ailed on yesterday The immlttoe was David laustein of the Educational Alliance A and Louis Lande tho University Settlement and Samuel DldberK of Aid Mom of tho committee bod that Commissioner had given them much He told us they said that he hoped i have been very soon if expected to But ho intimated that were frustrating him because had rejected tho last lot hose offered hatever hose the department the Fire Department It H true one committee said g the utrootfl clean Our work has just We will the teachers in hools to the children how Important is to be and the rabbis syn will Impress their the Importance of giving the street responsible for much of tbo the fact that of tdreds have their wded streets TO YORK fate only Clan the ot but o- nto Hotel the t ex of te- State to wit was the ole that prom Mathews or tone bluR to which sent In Mr Odel the by In ht have to Bed or Ret 2 me It The ot the of the noteworthy members were or the Unit and war Two the mem- bers or trymln r the the that you have the that at ho amy t n- at It The the left not the most loyal sons left te or way ha show good at gut must sly for ever a ror the le In un the With the wit wish un Sin very much that or met were hen dale i Ohio Fran U bur Itt tat the stets have had a but the now heath by of Holt the hn he said by that the majority of over hero It tons The tat d were mae to- go over to ten i the I members cit get Mr Odell wont thenat1oxu Chairman For publication statement maxto that Mr h- abn aet con tar the getting Iltaratex and the demand wore being soothe secretary Perhaps itwas something betters 1904 Its record Ii Indeed Thre- of its liarrison after reached supreme butt nil great claim ail people rests ntvata did tory men t served In civil wai venture to anticipate jt- ut to also memory th Iwmaolres as they soldiers the Its volunteer and taught war regards and ordial Society DPAfl regret It- t the kind pen the Prealdent Washlngton eOn flushing Corn Cleaning hi interested I era was stuff rejected great penions must tell pushcarts 0 lIe reds pushcart dealers the under th please I < > < CAME IN AN AUTO TO WED Judge Duress MiMes Couple at Nut In a Greenwich Law Offloc- QBBBKWICH Sept 20 A mania took place in of Judge MoNall last night at 10 oclock Charles D Bumea the man who divorced couples from New York ingJudge Burnea refused to give out t names of the oouplo Ho sold that at request of the bride he would delay of the marriage record It was tbo bride had been divorced and her name was BOIL The mans name was said was Renwlok The arrived here In a cost motor the marrying coup there wore the chauffeur and a Franc maid In the car The bride wa apparent about M and her companion who walk with a cane and limped was twice her He was so engrossed in arranging details that he paid but little attention- his bride on the street After the marriage they come out jauntily Tho bridegroom looked nt the headlight on his machine the bride jumped in at called out Come weve us sal and tbaywere off in direction of New After they had waa ald that tbc were from tho neighborhood ot Kings bridge HOKSK STEALING CAME Two Men BtartlniT Out for onthAmer Go WronE at the Start New HAYX Sept 20 With a ncwspap clipping in their possession desorlbl Paraguay as a lory mona paradise a saying that husbands are In great there Victor J and Jose of Naugfltuok were Interrupt at the start of a trip to South Ameri tonight when wore arrested t horse theft With 160 drawn from a bank they hire in Waterbury for 3 and drove thin city where they attempted to Inorea their capital by the horse for tl A local offered horse for sale turned to police and they confessed not only to steal ing the horse but to their matrimonl intentions HIS NEW SHOES LED BIMASTBA It You Oct host in New Turk Ask a boy HOW to Oct Peered Fiveyearold Gerald Curry of 1M Thirtythird street got his first pair patent leathw shoes early yesterday Lag and spent the forenoon showing to everybody along tho block bent on finding where stops to Thirtyfourth street station of the Thlj avenue road lid to he went i and on to a South Fen train Ho was landed at the Hanovt and wandered around tb financial district until it to roll At that be went up to a small newsboy fc advice Say what wad do If wuz Ice an new shoes oaf Gerald asked Id take a sneak fefde nearest polio sold the newsle Gerald confided his troubles to the was hustled around to 01 station Ho told the wham e and Invited him at Mrs worried almost to came the East the boy was found OVfTVERS OF SLOCVM SUED eoaUonlmea on for Advertatlnr Execution a judgment for 11 favor of Jules B Storm was issued yea ordar against the EnVokarbookor Company owners of the illfaUx General Slooum Storms bill is for ad ertislne May S and July if this saya that for the past si ha has had charge of the company Advertising and was always paid promptly some reason he says the company no attention to recent bills and of the poaslbllity of damage SUItS arIsing from the Slocum disaster he con ruitcdhlfl lawyers and to bring ult The company put In no defence and was default One o directors Knickerbocker Steam tout Company when aekod last night why the case was defended said This ia a business dispute as to the amount of It dose not that he company isunable tomeet ita oblige wrra HIS vanoAi CUT Edward Donlgan Put Down on Polio Blotter an John Doe Donlgan who lives with C Donigon at 893 Morris awe Bronx rang the bell of his house earl morning His brother who open the door said that nod been cut and tha- e was bleeding profusely This wounded couldnt was bandaged and sent to rendition is For some reason the police the blotter they dont know how he came get cut OBITVARY Mrs Morgarat R Crandall wife of Orsndall a Manhattan merchant on Sunday of paralysis at her home avenue Brooklyn In herjslxt- yrst year was a leading member t Baptist Church and active m Hi She was prominent In th Christian Temperance and 1680 established In the nan of the Mission Myrtle avenue She was also management of tie Maternity losDltal She la Pour fans and two The funeral orrlcen wore held at her home last he N 0 P Ahokdea he interment will b In Linden Hill Cemetery EmU Thomas one of the foremost oor lo retort of Germany and the roost popular terrain actor that ever entr- ain his oomtiatrtot d d suddenly on ntlrelr to that olt h esldibly to his ue came this country In 1887 for sixty bU at Thalia returning In IMZ- nd 1883 and having the satisfaction of roak- g great and his managers n S Scott senior member of the goods of Carson Pine Scott Oo f Chicago his homo In Lakeside yes a widow Howard Hertz Vt Sept JO Harry S lownrd son of len 0 O Howard and Miss ue hers wets married today at the Irst Congregational Church by the Rev G JUkln The best man was W V E acobn of the United States revenue nd the ushers were R M McLaughlin U Topping C W btevens York nd wrence Miller U S A The nlted States steamship Prairie The maid r honor was Miss E Bert of the ride and the bridesmaids wire Miss Helen Inward of Omaha Miss Margaret 8 Chestnut ls Tabor Ills r Burlington bridegroom Is an attor Con Ole- O wes the the fling that It wed ago the to Stop a lon aha the York FIB mad thy to elli thy the the of mom the the Itt It IrK live the Ito JUt in don S For In view dee of the Jut dOD HOME Ear flue came dow Lon enter D- ig to V who die Avenue In whIch the She had In In da Mon- day In Jlrll He Rind night In Bsrlt O and a to 1 ever d die terRY E o W O ride given away by ner now tbr ut h Ute t ne Den bIde 1 I pbyol herl- Mt r 6 t a sal eta Ramble I News tee the news- boy prostra- tion after ergt zennet had been astAffed Jodiutet for under Steam- boat years paid the the his man henry the Maioy vend ate was also mt officiating born his career almost emerged is omeiiiait whose comicality appealed compatriots was undo capt- L V command staler Canflel use a part Hncard works Tt I > ¬ RAINBOWS TAG TAGGART EA DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL EXEC TIVE COMMITTEE TO MEET Judge Parker Expected on Ttmnd Gorman Gutter and Smith Coral to Plan for a Campaign In t half of the Democratic Candida Chairman Thomas Taggart of the Dun oratlo national committee got back night from his weeks visit to Indian Mr Taggart brought with him eon roplios of the beautiful rainbows he h been painting on the Western sky 1 Insisted that Indiana would go Democrat and intimated that he would not be si- prised If several of the Western Slot which are generally the Ropu- llcons should upset by a majority for Parker He had bee too busy to makes any comprehensive p sonal observations of conditions and Information he brought to New York been given to him by Democratic worke and Democratic editors On the possibility of Western headqua tars opened Mr Taggart was nonooi matter he said would be decided until some time this week wb there would be a conference of the men- u Mr his national headquarters in Chicago or centre that had found no necessity for the West said leaders of the oar palgn out there were not demanding annex Mr Nlooll sold that Judge Parker wot undoubtedly crime down Esopus mediately after tho close of the oonv it won he would end of the week there Is not only to be conference of the national b that a will also be held of the eaec this committee of the Democratic nation committee At this meeting and at conference tho final plans for the man expected n spend time in this and a an advisory capacity to tl national and Senator Smith of New Jem are also to be or in consultation which will tx held while Judge EQUAL TAXES BLACKS TBEM Jerseys Democratic Candidate for artier Formally Notified Charles 0 Black the Democratic oani date for Governor of Now Jorooy t- offloUUy notified of his nomination yeet day afternoon He received the notlfl cation oommittBe in the parlor of his home at 80 Clifford avenue Jersey The on members of the oommltteo Who failed t appear were Clarence Cole of Atlantic Samuel Ewing of Cape May end Alec of Essex John B Bardin of Newark i college mate of Mr Block who acted a chairman of last Thursdays convection made the notification cn The candidate in replying said in part The platform In language so precise an- so simple It cannot b r too not be misconstrued tw cardinal principles of meat economy am taxation of railroad property In municipality at same of private owners doll dollar in amount tax to be and paid to the districts In which Is located This meets ray approval- A system which by lw i or he property of the iteam railroads and cans not the property of private owner- s of of falrneu whip iax been by a State Hudson county with fifty millions o railroad property with a cry asks that she the due to the lands that lie within b r domain such lands bear same burden tax rate as the lands of other owners SENATOR PLATT TO PRESIDE And Senator Depew to Speak at Blgliism Mills Ratification Meeting Senator Platt who has for several years no active part in public meetings preside at a political meeting to be held Saturday night Highland Mills where now lives There is to be a banner tisine and fireworks and music by Senator Depew jsaett and Senator Mrs Depew Mr FAuett and Mr Morris will as tho of Senator in Platt over Sunday This Banner AU In Yiddish Samuel 8 Koemig the Republican loads f the Sixteenth Assembly distriot which ntain a big Jewish population has al- RooMvelt and FaIrbanks banner lettering of which even to the names candidates has been done In Yldd was yesterday in Columbia itreo Jtwuen Stanton the names of the candidates Is to the Jewish voters Vote for and your families TWO CTVBBED ON THE NOSE xpertenora Repented by crtlants- Polteeman Barness neat Policeman Horace R Barnes of the Church treet station arrested last night Tiller 15 years old of 87S Spring street Hoboken on a charge of being isplcious person When tho boy was arraigned 8 rgt- lugcnt noticed that his nose was freely The policemen sold that was etandlfcg in front of a doorway n Vesey street Just below tho Astor House acting In a suspicious manner which uggfgted that he was about to commit urglary Tho policeman could not however any tangible ground for his suspicion e tho boy and the boy he said and fell Tho boy raid that he had simply stopped n VOile street near a moment that when tho chased him e ran Tim policeman caught him and iruok him on club twice it no reason whatever Scrgt could see no reason for tho boy and directed an officer toko him to Hudson street hospital have his wound dressed He boy where he could find he wished to make a complaint the officer At the the boys wounds ore mcribed as contusion the nose bleed ig of the nose and an Inciped wound of He was there for the Capt McNally decided to send for Police Nammack to n Policeman Uarncfls condition The lossengor had no sooner been a rerun acme Into the police station said that the same clubbed Ini on the nose for no reason This man WM told to make a complaint to In ecter Titus if be to Norn- ack pronounced Barnes perfectly sober on patrol again tcmoblllit nilddrn Itesrhf VanoonrrrV- AXOOCVEB B C Sept 20 Charles Qlidden who Is making a tour of ths Ul an automobile arrived here Boston via Minneapolis having made average of an hour was in from Mlnn apoU to Vancouver last once liv- Ing the had big not In o But no he In on that the a the be pro Senor mot act ext her Pak in tow I W- Oe adopt for o rat rate I b to terod nation for Justice over her mom that the- me J taken will on lie Speeches ire to be rt and ren ta and a tbe ot the It streets Under this m tor prosperity at home ea Don vu to be Roo member the bard times land Fred West a bleed- Ing tbe boy and a H arrested ran and the than Who also and J world has from nn Be makInoth charge Judge Parkers campaign be an- other a fez b- In this city Thursday It wa before Parks campaign will Gee Penn- sylvania to- morrow Get sac tJi de- liberate made BOb busin nilalcd of l8O3under Chive live nose im c > > > > < H E AL I THE O T U E APARTMENT IN TOWN F1BST THEN VIBI RED HOVSEA- ND NOTE TilE DIFFEKBNC I Ul v limon important yet erected to of nnnrd people Uort ue oiuerant In I saying devices U the necessary c- I vcBlence i luxurious appointments eu 10 11 rooms 548 Rooms Bathrooms UuUeri Pantry wide M ft Elizabethan Dining Rooms will In Pollard oak to C n Stone UintvU Velvet French BroldurM for book Window A SoakMpun Windows LooUXV Mirror A poor LouliXVI rotrrorws and Aldtn Nune- ripni wing of suite Positive no or gloomy rooms In any ol the Svlb a Bed Roves suite oatlon at nBOHOVSBl I B1OHT7P1FTU Riverside Drive KENTALS 390000 TO UJSdOO Pun ANNUM JAR GATES GEN MARTIN STILL ONLY M NEL TO COL DONELSON Bvtdroees of Volcanic Under the Frosty Burfaoes of Coequal Guardians or the Seers Places of the National Commute The feud between 8ergeantatArma and Titular Assistant 8orgeantatAnD- onalaon which made things so at Democratic national headquarters in first few days of tho opening of the quarters is not composed August mont thought he had made peaco when arranged that CoL Donelson although assistant should have equal responslbill with Col Martin In guarding the doors the heeds of the committee The sohem worked well until the Democratic editor game along and promoted Col Martin the rank of General and had never a to say in their resolution about Col Done eon Since then when the General Colonel have bad anything to say to ether their conversation baa been studied polito and frigid Saturday Gen Martin went to and in his absence CoL Donelaon amonopoly of boating the meaeengers Go Martin name bank unexpectedly yesterda- Aa anxious to make up for the work 1 bad not done while he was away Ga Martin began to rummage among the stack of letters desk band from one package I threw the topmost letter down and to Oat Donalaon soldi Here is a letter Senator Gorman and irhy here is otherThat Is a package at letters sir that have made up for Senator Gorman you will kindly have tha goodness sir I replace the rubber band said Col Donelsc- as he walked forward with his right in the breast of bis coat Pardon me Colonel said the General I did not know the package contains letters only addressed to Senator Gorman And Colonel Cot Donelson did use the title of General you kindly goodness to return the package to th drawer from which you took it Certainly replied the General- A lime reporter who bad a chance to ask if DeLaoooy Nice ras In bl offloe was told by he mode the inquiry TTo sb Ilooll Is not In Allow me to tell you that Mr Nloo in and that he has beenbera all day sU- tol Donelson Baldto Gen Martin In a f quiet severity Why I thoughfMr Nlcoll was in and began Otis Martin But Cot Donation Interrupted told you sir that Mr NlcoU was here and boa been will takoUiyour name Ool Donelsoj said to the reporter aa he turned toward Ir Nlooila room with a manner which would hive made a stranger to the ways the Democratic national headquarters eUeve that a white fib WIle something unknown there Gen Martingot bank sooner than J him It was suggested to Col L Yee I gussa he If he stayed toga any longer the oooventlon WOuld ominato him for Governor to break uj deadlock was the answer BIO CITYS CHARITY Starrlns Kretsbem to Tnin This b lieally a Land of Plenty Louis Kredeborg and his wife WUhelmina with their seven children have been tarring In a collar at 63 Columbia since they came here from Austria three months ago are just beginning to bejiev that they are really In a land of plenty- It la a fact that one of their flock had U scalded to death before plenty ratod to the cellar but the hUnger almost a bad as scalding learned the story of the Krolsberg- rials there has a steady stream ol Contributions for the family n man pinned a two anti three one tills to and handed the in at TUB Sow office yesterday without name Churchman sent 15 In an envelope bearing the name of F A 3 street came 110 A 87 0 Plea street stunt 13 and said be rished It ware moro Mrs A E A of 472 West End avenue sent From a Sym thlcor at 1 West Thirtieth street come a ten dollar In all 1360 has been received to date and as been sent to the family HEALTH MAN BEATEN Gene to the Aid of Some Small DOT III Used by a Milkman Dr Starkls H Abkarian a sanitary in the Brooklyn Health is at his home 167 Glonmoro avenue lining a badly swollen and contused ooun nonce as welt as two black eyes Yestor afternoon the physician was fulfilling s official duties in a tenement at Elton treat and Wortman avenue Emit New ork when screams from tho rear yard the tenants to rush in that directio- nr Abkarian ran with them and found rvcral little boys beaten Israel a milkman in the with a reputation as a Is IB years old but he is than the doctor Is a little man went to the assist ice of the oppressed and the oppressor irned on was more roughly handled than those went to Mounted Policeman arrived on the scorns Lippman dnt attack the but coolly being placed under arrest He was as locked up in tho Liberty avenue station Heavy Frost In North Dakota GIUKD Toasts N D Sept killing frost of the season visited this last The was freezing point shortly after mid jht was on all exposed Uncut corn is killed and a quantity of flax There la still some green R n nell 0la1 Slruotur nd c riagement natat from say ResIdential buUdlni are replele IIItb late lie Uvsblsnesa of a ou oft b Kitchens Pantilea with clock boolcee bathrooms dials AT DEMOCRATIC DOrA Action the Mar- tin lively the head Del the of to word and each had Tearing Aloe calling for an I and hand not hay the been Waiting for Mr Is tone Sara- toga I bore In day- I of you in the FAST Deem who street be Ire stnoe TuB Suics hearted lot his ot 1 N J v of Spring Lake Beach N J tent Tad lector fo Depart- ment day caused e neigh- borhood bigger even Dr Abkarlan and 20The region at water o e Las meet 144 Suites a alimoderna c < I bmsrt Town Suites 5 Sleeping a SIC a will specially destnod FlxWreeflardwareMdironsEto ht wit C Tile poise C SeatS Thodomeatlo olnees I- Iescbrilte are unusually C in an setIrel Fo insure obtaining more er Repressed Sara- toga caMs Gee Martlc when THE of readers Hammond ret this mept fled a r t > < ° ± Pfjdclock and galoot Topcoats for Men t Our models are accepted as models for contempo- raneous effort as the tailors oraft Of each coat we present two dis tinctlve stylos fabrics embrace worsteds coverts twills cheviots vfeainas and rainproof fcbrtos in patterns not a few of which ore excl with us The prices ore modest 20 00 to 2800 Silk Used Gostgv4f5J Box model 40 tocbaslcmg oil Vicuna in Oxford or block Itaod thrott hout and iapejs foo d vrhh ilk tailored to Sbs ttnrcU rdi- Bxereptjonn ratoe Broadway 33d to 34th When im your fwsfteM yo cannot make It too sasy for othorm to fijy That ato Order by Telephone new YORK TELEPHOHE 00 13 Day Str tt CARPET 41 WAR uc1 wfcen rnl- c V B lrU 633 ft 634 CHELSEA I NEAR T M STEWART GIRL TRIED TO KILL MOTHER Attacked Her With Shears After Getting a Sonldlnc Has n Had Record Flort noo Keareloy n pretty brunette IS reanj old whoue mother llvtv at 4liBver awraus Willlaroriburg after being scolded yesterday for being out lato on night attached her mother rlth a of shears and then d llbcr tely out Into strips a valuable table cover When Mrs Kearaley tried to disarm her daughter he girl attacked her mother again and then locked all the doors and threw the from a window Mrs Kearsley shouted for help and we heard by Policeman Phillips of tho avenue station Ho forced an en tranoe and the girl then attacked him with- i She the sharppolnt his Phillips took and placed under arrest The her with anaault Mrs mode a complaint against daughter of having Mrs told the that on icoount of hon daughters alleged inoor she sent to a laughter in England a Mrs Cearsley said was placed in an in in Oxford from escaped For several months nothing was Finally some Florence at mothers house a young man whom she introduced as The latter was he house and tim promised reform hor word a fow When the girl was taken to the Man lattan avenue court and before Magistrate Steers she with tim unconcern held In default of 300 bail on each harge for a hearing on Friday HAPKNUTS THE DOCTORS WIFE Agrees With Rim About A trained nurse says In f my profession I havo found so many otnU III favor of OrapoNntn food that I nheaUatlngly recommend It to all my It is delicate and pleasing to the palate HI essential in food for the sick andcan o adapted to all ages being softenod with or cream for bablos or the aged when eficiency of teeth tenders mastication nposBlble For foyer patients or those n liquid diet I find GrapeNutn arid nlbu non water very nourishing and refresh ig This recipe la my own Idea and is- lado ax follows Soak a teaspoonful of rnpoNuts in a glasH of wnter for an hour and servo with tho beaten whit of n egg and a spoonful of fruit juice for ivorlng This affords a groat deal of aurishment that even the weakest stomach assbnllato without any distress My husband Is a physician and he nasa rapoNutn himself and orders It many for his patients Personally I regard a dish of Grape with fresh or stowed fruit as the breakfast for anyone woll or sick ame given by Postum Co Hattie Creek lich In any caw of stomachtrouble nervous or brain fag a 10 days trial of ropeNut will work wonders toward xirlshlng and rebuilding and in this Way ending the trouble Thorns a reason trial proves Look in each pkg for the famota UttU Xhe oa l toWellville m R gyf9rOOQ I 1 acc the I tmc1 f WortbY tMe tf I r i I i Selling I advllfOtI8- fIII 11 ole4au Ir Relnl 8e It J- a3261THIV 28thT green Mon- day pair keys Ham- burg Into her her her XOILr her ap- peared her SIll acted Sh was the priotle patients I milk strain can lines Nut Ideal prostration and book I 7 Li i I umakrnqiumj Street why toies I CLEANSING roll ABIiIRffDh5- lMeka ordered Irons FoaL I r ij ¬ °

Upload: phamkien

Post on 29-Mar-2018




3 download




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Think Hn May Dt ln the Atsanlt onleader by TryIng to Force tho Renomnation of Senator Marshall A IJveland Iforou Campaign Promlff

With tho return of Timothy It Woodrulo town today the work of tho CAmpaign

lr Brooklyn will bo started In earnestjust vigorously prosecuted accordingnil fhn managers as if Mr Woodruff

had been the nomlnno for Oovemci-

Thl afternoon Mr Woodruff will hoveconference with Col Michael J DadyBrmner L L Fawcett and tho other

Republican statesmen in Kingsthere will be a meeting of

pxecutlvn committoe which as usualthe addition of some eminent outsideRepublicans will act as tho campalgrommlttee D Henry Ralston wilt ha-

cliargo of the literary bureau to beIn the Temple Bar Building and Col LowIt Stegman will supervise tho spelbinding-

In private the Brooklyn leaders admitIn the canvass for the State ticket they wl

have to carry a weighty handicap by reason

of ita direct identification with Odelllsnbut through apprehension of future retlB-

tlon on tho part of the GovernorChalrmaithey are going to boom the campaignIn great shupo and if possible keepplurality for the Democratic Candida to Inamed at Saratoga today below tha phonomenal one scored by Coler against Odetwo years ago

There is a firm belief on tho part ofof the Brooklyn leaders that Odollsooner or later rnako an effort to

Mr Woodruffs control of the Kingscounty organization and install someIn his place who will be subservient this bidding It is oven suspected that th-

GovernorChairman showtonight at the Sonata convention In

district at whloh a miccrasorbe named to Senator Henry Marsha

who has already served terms ithe upper and three as an Asaemblyman is still anxious to contlnu

career at AlbanyThe men who oontrol the district a

well as the rank and file of theopposed to the renomination o

Marshall their hands are nottonight by the commands of the StAte

an active workeand one of the leading business men othe Bedford be chosen as

an overwhelming vate Iwas generally admitted lastOdell can save Marshall from offlctaretirement but friends of Mr Cooper aalithat they could not th

would take such aiThe district is one of

Republican strongholds of the State

had over 5000 wbthe six Republican Senate candidatessnowed

It Is likely that the Senate conventions

in which the Democrats have a virtuewalkover will be adjourned no one sfar having as an aspirant 1

of them There is atest Eugene M TravisDreeoher Jr nomination InFourth with the chances inof the former Frank J Gardiner doputCommissioner of Jurors and the c

the Eleventh Assembly district will bnamed without in the Sixthdistrict and Frank Ehlers an eminent ENew York Republican will be the onlcandidate Ninth district


Wa Beteijritoa From Broker ZacftPlace at Deal Beach

DBAX Biuca N J Sept 20 Followlthe raid last Saturday on the Home Ohilwhen the oounty officials of Monmouthfound six clubmen huddled itheir pajamas and a trunk filled with pokechips one the upstairs apartments

Mayorplaced on olub premises yestea

the watchers saw two drivetbe grounds and back up atthe front doorThree or four men to load one ofstages with the household furnitureother stage stopped a few minutes atdoor and was driven away

Follow that stage Mayo

Two officers followed and saw theinto Henry Zaclcermana grounds 01

Runyon avenue where itdoor The officers stole in

and crouched in the bushessoon they observed two men somi

the stable and place them iithe Then the men stagedoor and drove slowly Into the street

The officers sprang their hiding placeand revolvers at the stage

hones and brought

The captured outfit wa taken toDeal station There it wafound that the and bundles containedone roulette table two baizetables two bushels of ivory

of dealers counterscamp and the Deal were d

Morris the stage driver wasunder and when Fredchampion high jumper on

WiLl laughedMorris be was told he

Me echoed Oerner in great astonish-ment

Tea MAd the Theseare addressed to you are under

Both awhloh was heldthe thisIts conclusion wasbail and Morris in fcoo bail to awaitaction of the October Grand

whosethe gambling paraphernaliaachange to a late hour

not returned to hismer residence on Runyon avenue


Victim Nearly Made a lull In the GrandCentral Station

V Timothy a German housepainter Union City Connlast week to have a good New YorkHe enjoyed himself BO cannily

on Monday night quitea little roll left

While Korahan was sitting in the GrandStation waiting his train thespoken con man arrived He fed

a nrtd him to wait overone train because hU brother was goingthat way later would be company

IIon a street with many lights Tho strangerexcused himself a moment About thetime that Korahan got tired of waitinghe missed his roll of JOS

Korahan sat last hi the

Michael waiting to see If the strangerwould come that way A sprucelooking man entered a

a like A locomotive whistle Horshan leaped on this man bore to the

was him to death when

considered that this constituted ancation and the under dog

Hn gave as Exult

hU pockets

KxMiyor Arraigned for MurderSept 20 ExMayor

J Samuel MoCue of Charlottesville chargedwith the murder of his woi In

but the case went over on aMoCue wept convulsively







Ing andtomorrow the












w I the



even two ear ago t


In the Thin1 Fifth and Seventh distr1ct

anyone sharp oonand John

thedJtriot favor


I Abou I oclookInto


from of


lently Pretty

ai-nmen themtoa the

n faroohipll and a

oo ted



dee henCub At

WM ta lontnt



away the

GradCentral with

cokingthe ploart

SID and a toket to New Have in








morningIn 500

Thecaptured apparatus sent Freehold

be used evidencepremises


They time


detectives otT The



S dicini yesterday was arraigned today

qs k





Pall on a Roundsman and Draws a CflOpped Prom Mall Car

Upon Roundsman David Sheehanng at Sixth avenue and Waverly Pla

last night at It oclock a shower of letterand circulate fell The street was fllliwith mutilated mall and ot roi

and thorn wereon tho trestle work of the

structure overheadSheehan the resorvec arId

patrol wagon from the Mercer street Btntland the work of gathcrinup the scattered letters Six boxes securefrom a grocery storeend taken to the police station

notified Police Headquarters of ttword was sent to the General

Office which sent a wagon to talthe letters away

It camo out a mall pouchof letters bound

0 in Firth avenue near Sovorhad fallen to the track

front platform ot a car The whirls cuthe open and the fell Into tlistreet Only two of thirtyfour bundlewore torn Ofllcsent out the letters and on wnsent out from Station 0 to make as any thatliavo missed in themHe ono Most of the letters wonfor blt department stores ia the

The Bbower of letters caused a crowd t

collect In tbo street and the had dimcully hi keeping folks from gathering u

as anMtlng accident


Tw ltc Arrests Yejterrtay and Fifty Paperllbd-

Maurlco B Blumecthal who Is counto the Sheriff and ono of the most aotiicampaign workers in Tammanyhoe written a letter to Supt Morganplaining of the letters methods in the ir-

vestlgation of naturalization fraudsBluinonthul says that many c

naturalization papers haveto appear at Mr Morgans offlc

their papers and that thehave not been to have counstpresent at such

Morgan In reply to this letter informed Mr if client ahis had auch a grievance he would be gloito take the matter Mr Blumenthalletter bus been thought to meanmove on Tammanys part to contest eom

Coney Island on aa result10 men were examined at tie branch office

arrested on suspicion of havingthe papers ware


Attacks the Other Tilth a ClubFells Him

CALDWBLL N J Sept 20 Stepheis confined to hid homo in Lent

venue by injuries received in a desperatwith his brother Frank on

There bad been bad blood betweethem for somo time and on Mondaythey met an alternation

Stephen finally went Fredlingered around the for a timethen to his brothers housewith a club He encountered I

the and without warning attackedhim striking him on withclub Stephen tried to ward off theweapofrom Uw two menmen all over the yaed Finallyas the by a

insensibleFrank ran It was some Urn

recovered andas compelled to dreg himself a

of a a mile to the home ofAuken The Injured man refased

take a complaint against his brother


nur deii Aave liir9 of LaborerCaught In CavoIn

A dozen Teen worked deaparately witlyesterday aftomoon to save the

of a comrade Joseph Mundy who badburled In a caveIn while digging an-

xoavation at Park Iten digging they

his head was uncondous Ropes were tied under his

as the was thrown back by therescuers he wait hoisted clear A crowd

women cheered the workers onAmbulance Rourke hurried

to St Hospital at Jamaicahere it was that his oonUtica was not serious


reman Expires on the Street TTMle Waltlnsa Doctor

Mrs John Mulcahey 55 years of agef Stapleton avenue Richmondiland died from loss of blood while lyingn the street near her home lastIrs Mulcahey had alightedor and was walkinghen one of the veins in her right

which had her for some timerat Her screams brought aid and

made for a doctor one thoughtand stop the flow of blood a touml

and she before the doctorether administered thef the Church to her as she wasrpiring

Alt But What the Firemen Said

Mary the cook was routIng a littleterday at 42 West Seventythirdthe dinner of Henry C Imbrie

mbries son Janice came to her help andthe smoking roast out the

saw Itnd rang a fire alarm and all

story except what the firemen said

The Weather

A low pressure developed yesterday overrer tAke tbe St Lawrence Valley

ualnr and rUInc tenpersturea in-

e OhIo Valley the upper Middle Atlantictbe Nw EDfltnd States with

conditions over all the eastern section ote country except on tha South Atlinllo sod Gulf

Northerly winds tlovlnr out ot a hlfh-essure central over North Dakota caused a

drop In temperature on tbe eastern Rockyountatn slope and the sudden chute In tempers

thunderstorms In the UlMlulppI Val

Lake rttlon West of the Rockythe weather renerally faIr

Vreeilnr temperatures have bern reported fromontano Vjomlnt North Dakota and Hlnne-

itaIn thIs city yesterday It was cloudy sad treat

ilnr with sprinkles of rain wind light easterly

rerate humidity M per rent barometer corrated to read to ea level at 8 A M W P M-

MThe temperature yesterday as recorded by theOctal thermometer Is shown In the annexed table

W 1901 1904 1DO-

JAM W SPM WU 70 67 S PM 7 H-

IipM 71 8412 Mid 07 IT-

lllchent tempetsture 71 4 P M

iinmoroN roBxcxiT TOIl TODAY Am TOUOXROW

For ttuttm Ynlt eastern Penntytranle andanland unit onltr today tomorrow

rand toot roil labritk norttivrit U north utnaiFor the District ot Columbia and Maryland

lower tadsy followrd by sir and cooler muchol r at Blrht tomorrow fair and coot lltht to

northFor York partly cloudyoler In southeast portion tomorrowbrisk north to northeast windsFor Delaware and New Jersey showers andoler today much cooler at eIght tomorrow

cool fresh to brisk corthwwt to north



piebale part


near by woro fled



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Men the of






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W ea








labfor abroker when the Mr

hug Perthe


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wInd tarto


con talcilni



hi efforlat Italians illegally naturalizedfroun Bureau

11 Park row Of thtuea twelvewere falsepapers and








Who Wsi


After un-covered





















glens of Stringency In Campa-lrin nqca Whether Proctied Aid I Not Dliolosed COMCommittee Complains of Shortai

GovernorChairman Odell la notAppealing to Cortelyou ofRepublican to assihim In his work In tills city and In the 8Uby persuading the Cabinetcome hone to address mesa meetingsho in also asking bolp from the nationcommittee In the shape of money Desptho extra levies which have been rued

State employees and the strenuous fefforts of his lieutenants in this clt

Mr OdellB coffers have not been plentifulfilled Since he returned from Saratothe lenders of the campaign la thishavo applied to to begactive with Thore have alsodistrict leaders at the Fifth Avenuewho have not hesitated to say thatbeen dipping Into tbelr ownpay keeping things runnli

districts was timeor county headquarters began

help them out if were toto out tho vote

headquarters and had a talk

to the head of the nallorcommittee on tho state of things inState But It Is understoodally occurred to the was

Odell declared beperativo for the national committed to oo

financially of the Statemlttoedid not promise was not

AB was leaving Chairrrolllco he was met by Beer

Mr Mathews in a somewhat cidtedwas heard to say that the work of his eonmittee was hampered beoAUse of tJ

s a the interview the Go-

imorChalrmaii had with Mr Odoll ai

then it have been a repetltiif tlie invitation some of the district

had when they naked for fundscall again later the week


From Roosevelt and Parkerat the Annual Reunion

INDIAMATOLIS Sept 20 The featureho thirtysecond reunion of the Bodetrjr

ho Army of the Cumberland tonight wi-

he reading by Gen Henry V BoyntonLetters from President and Judj-

Iton B Parker both goneuely applauded-The President wrote


to extend my hearty rood wlh-o the Society of of theit reunion In Indianapolis I only wla

In power U be

tales Ornnt Gar3 mmandf l the army the cIvU

and Hchoflelc

and You had manyin the Cabinet In the Senate in th

louse of Representatives one of them GenitIfer the House

For this exceptional record you are entUta-o the respect of your coon

of this nation upon the factfrom the ralyour nart in that broth

rhood of men the Unionrom to 1S6S and who duringrears rendered not only to our bu

3 all the service witchras to any nineteenth con

to tenderto their children and their children

hlldren unto th remotest generationa reunited country not

onse of belonging to a which ha-efore it a future so vast that even its

in which that formidable fightonce war ended

orthwlth to the pursuits of peace and showed

In any crisis of war this nation

of war have left usthe model of what such a soldiery

o the younger owe youdebt greater we can ever pay

RSOCS taught in

for success ofelleve me Very faithfully


of the Armyoils

Judge Parkers letter was brief H-

rroteRosEMonxr ESOPCS N T Aug si

en H V Bovnton

Impossible for me Thof the Society of

of the Cumberland youcough to convey to the assuranoai

my r very appreciationVery truly yours ALTON

The routine business was transactedhis afternoon and tonight there was at

at addresseethe business meeting

officers wore electedHenry V Boynton

John TweeU 8 A Washington recording

cretary Coltreasurer Gen O Smith

B A historian Col


ait Side Sends a Committee toDr Wo dWho Needs note for the JobUniversity Settlement the Edu

itlonal Alliance many physicians clergyion and prominent citizens of the EastIde are trying to got the ofctlon of the city better It

at least six weeks since of

Woodbury of the StreetIt IB not

I must have hoe in order to cleantreats the Commissioner told a corniltt e that called upon him yesterdaytemoon and cannot

A mass meeting of personsthe of called

ames of the Universitymient appointed theailed on yesterday Theimmlttoe was Davidlaustein of the Educational Alliance

A and Louis Landetho University Settlement and Samuel

DldberK of Aid Momof tho committee bod thatCommissioner had given them much

He told us they said that he hopedi have been very soon if

expected to But ho intimated thatwere frustrating him because

had rejected tho last lot hose offeredhatever hose the department

the Fire DepartmentIt H true one committee said

g the utrootfl clean Our work has justWe will the teachers in

hools to the children how Importantis to be and the rabbis syn

will Impress theirthe Importance of giving the street

responsible for much of tbothe fact that


tdreds have theirwded streets





Clan the




the tex ofte-State




ole that

promMathews or



which sent In Mr Odelthe byIn

hthave to




ItThe ot the of

the noteworthymembers were or the Unitand


Two themem-


trymln r the thethat you have the


ho amytn-at It

The theleft not


mostloyal sons

left te orway

hashow good at

gut mustsly


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With the witwish un

Sin very much that




dale i

Ohio FranU


Itt tatthe

stets have had a but



heath by




he saidby

that the majority of overhero


tons Thetatd

were mae to-

go over toten i the




getMr Odell wont thenat1oxu

Chairman For publicationstatement maxto that Mr h-abn



tar the

getting Iltaratexand the demand

wore being soothesecretary

Perhaps itwas something




Ii Indeed Thre-of its liarrison

afterreached supreme

butt nil greatclaim ail

people rests

ntvata did

torymen t served In civil wai

venture to anticipate jt-

ut to also memory th

Iwmaolres as theysoldiers the

Its volunteer and

taught war

regards andordial


DPAfl regret It-





eOnflushing Corn




was stuff rejected

great penionsmust



lIereds pushcart dealers

the under thplease






Judge Duress MiMes Couple at NutIn a Greenwich Law Offloc-

QBBBKWICH Sept 20 A maniatook place in of Judge

MoNall last night at 10 oclockCharles D Bumea the man whodivorced couples from New York

ingJudge Burnea refused to give out tnames of the oouplo Ho sold that atrequest of the bride he would delay

of the marriage record It wastbo bride had been divorced and

her name was BOIL The mans namewas said was Renwlok

The arrived here In a costmotor the marrying coupthere wore the chauffeur and a Francmaid In the car The bride wa apparentabout M and her companion who walkwith a cane and limped was twice herHe was so engrossed in arrangingdetails that he paid but little attention-his bride on the street

After the marriage they come out jauntily

Tho bridegroom looked nt the headlighton his machine the bride jumped in atcalled out Come weve

us saland tbaywere off in

direction of NewAfter they had waa ald that tbc

were from tho neighborhood ot Kingsbridge


Two Men BtartlniT Out for onthAmerGo WronE at the Start

New HAYX Sept 20 With a ncwspapclipping in their possession desorlblParaguay as a lory mona paradise asaying that husbands are In great

there Victor J and Joseof Naugfltuok were Interrupt

at the start of a trip to South Ameritonight when wore arrested thorse theft

With 160 drawn from a bank they hirein Waterbury for 3 and drove

thin city where they attempted to Inoreatheir capital by the horse for tlA local offeredhorse for sale turned topolice and they confessed not only to stealing the horse but to their matrimonlintentions


It You Oct host in New Turk Ask aboy HOW to Oct Peered

Fiveyearold Gerald Curry of 1M

Thirtythird street got his first pairpatent leathw shoes early yesterdayLag and spent the forenoon showing

to everybody along tho blockbent on finding where stops toThirtyfourth street station of the Thljavenue road lid to he went iand on to a South Fentrain Ho was landed at the Hanovt

and wandered around tbfinancial district until it to rollAt that be went up to a small newsboy fcadvice

Say what wad do If wuz Icean new shoes oaf Gerald asked

Id take a sneak fefde nearest poliosold the newsle

Gerald confided his troubles to thewas hustled around to 01

station Ho told the whame and Invited him at

Mrs worried almost tocame the East

the boy was found


eoaUonlmea onfor Advertatlnr

Execution a judgment for 11

favor of Jules B Storm was issued yea

ordar against the EnVokarbookorCompany owners of the illfaUx

General Slooum Storms bill is for adertislne May S and Julyif this saya that for the past si

ha has had charge of the companyAdvertising and was always paid promptly

some reason he says the companyno attention to recent bills andof the poaslbllity of damage SUItS

arIsing from the Slocum disaster he conruitcdhlfl lawyers and to bringultThe company put In no defence and

was default One odirectors Knickerbocker Steam

tout Company when aekod last night whythe case was defended said

This ia a business dispute as to theamount of It dose not thathe company isunable tomeet ita oblige

wrra HIS vanoAi CUT

Edward Donlgan Put Down on PolioBlotter an John Doe

Donlgan who lives withC Donigon at 893 Morris awe

Bronx rang the bell of his house earlmorning His brother who

open the door said thatnod been cut and tha-

e was bleeding profusely This woundedcouldnt was bandaged

and sent torendition is

For some reason the policethe blotter

they dont know how he cameget cut


Mrs Morgarat R Crandall wife ofOrsndall a Manhattan merchant

on Sunday of paralysis at her homeavenue Brooklyn In herjslxt-

yrst year was a leading member tBaptist Church and active m Hi

She was prominent In thChristian Temperance and

1680 established In the nanof the Mission

Myrtle avenue She was alsomanagement of tie Maternity

losDltal She laPour fans and two The funeralorrlcen wore held at her home lasthe N 0 P Ahokdeahe interment will b In Linden Hill CemeteryEmU Thomas one of the foremost oor lo

retort of Germany and the roost popularterrain actor that ever entr-ain his oomtiatrtot d d suddenly on

ntlrelr to that olt h

esldibly to his ue camethis country In 1887 for sixtybU at Thalia returning In IMZ-

nd 1883 and having the satisfaction of roak-g great and his managers

nS Scott senior member of the

goods of Carson Pine Scott Oof Chicago his homo In Lakeside yes

a widow

Howard HertzVt Sept JO Harry S

lownrd son of len 0 O Howard and Missue hers wets married today at theIrst Congregational Church by the Rev

G JUkln The best man was W V Eacobn of the United States revenuend the ushers were R M McLaughlin

U Topping C W btevens Yorknd wrence Miller U S A The

nlted States steamship Prairie The maidr honor was Miss E Bert of theride and the bridesmaids wire Miss HelenInward of Omaha Miss Margaret 8 Chestnutls Tabor Ills

r Burlington bridegroom Is an attor





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In BsrltO and








ride given away by nernow

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after ergt zennethad been astAffed

Jodiutet for










the Maioy

vend ate was alsomt


bornhis career almost

emergedis omeiiiait whose comicality appealed


was undo capt-L V command



use a partHncard

works Tt






Judge Parker Expected on TtmndGorman Gutter and Smith Coral

to Plan for a Campaign In thalf of the Democratic Candida

Chairman Thomas Taggart of the Dunoratlo national committee got backnight from his weeks visit to IndianMr Taggart brought with him eonroplios of the beautiful rainbows he hbeen painting on the Western sky 1

Insisted that Indiana would go Democratand intimated that he would not be si-

prised If several of the Western Slotwhich are generally the Ropu-llcons should upset by

a majority for Parker He had beetoo busy to makes any comprehensive psonal observations of conditions andInformation he brought to New Yorkbeen given to him by Democratic workeand Democratic editors

On the possibility of Western headquatars opened Mr Taggart was nonooi

matter he said wouldbe decided until some time this week wbthere would be a conference of the men-

u Mr hisnational headquarters in Chicago or

centre thathad found no necessity forthe West said leaders of the oarpalgn out there were not demandingannex

Mr Nlooll sold that Judge Parker wotundoubtedly crime down Esopusmediately after tho close of the oonv

it won he would

end of the week there Is not only to beconference of the national bthat a will also be held of the eaecthis committee of the Democratic nationcommittee At this meeting and atconference tho final plans for the

man expected nspend time in this and

a an advisory capacity to tlnational

and Senator Smith of New Jemare also to be or

in consultationwhich will tx held while Judge


Jerseys Democratic Candidate forartier Formally Notified

Charles 0 Black the Democratic oanidate for Governor of Now Jorooy t-

offloUUy notified of his nomination yeetday afternoon He received the notlflcation oommittBe in the parlor of his homeat 80 Clifford avenue Jersey The onmembers of the oommltteo Who failed tappear were Clarence Cole of AtlanticSamuel Ewing of Cape May end Alec

of EssexJohn B Bardin of Newark i

college mate of Mr Block who acted achairman of last Thursdays convectionmade the notification cn

The candidate in replying said in partThe platform In language so precise an-

so simple It cannot b r toonot be misconstrued tw

cardinal principles ofmeat economy am

taxation of railroad property Inmunicipality at same

of private owners dolldollar in amount tax to be

and paid to the districts In whichIs located This meets ray

approval-A system which by lw

i orhe property of the iteam railroads and cansnot the property of private owner-s of of falrneu whipiax been by a State

Hudson county with fifty millions orailroad property with a cry asksthat she the due to

the lands that lie within b r domainsuch lands bear same burdentax rate as the lands of other owners


And Senator Depew to Speak at BlgliismMills Ratification Meeting

Senator Platt who has for several yearsno active part in public meetings

preside at a political meeting to be heldSaturday night Highland Mills wherenow lives There is to be a banner

tisine and fireworks and musicby Senator Depew

jsaett and SenatorMrs Depew Mr FAuett and Mr Morris

will as tho of Senatorin Platt over Sunday

This Banner AU In YiddishSamuel 8 Koemig the Republican loads

f the Sixteenth Assembly distriot whichntain a big Jewish population has al-

RooMvelt and FaIrbanks bannerlettering of which even to the names

candidates has been done In Ylddwas yesterday in Columbia itreo

Jtwuen Stantonthe names of the candidates Is

to the Jewish votersVote for and your families


xpertenora Repented by crtlants-Polteeman Barness neat

Policeman Horace R Barnes of the Churchtreet station arrested last nightTiller 15 years old of 87S Spring street

Hoboken on a charge of beingisplcious person

When tho boy was arraigned 8 rgt-lugcnt noticed that his nose was

freely The policemen sold thatwas etandlfcg in front of a doorway

n Vesey street Just below tho Astor Houseacting In a suspicious manner which

uggfgted that he was about to commiturglary Tho policeman could not however

any tangible ground for his suspicione tho boy and the boy he said

and fellTho boy raid that he had simply stopped

n VOile street near a momentthat when tho chased him

e ran Tim policeman caught him andiruok him on club twiceit no reason whatever

Scrgt could see no reason fortho boy and directed an officer

toko him to Hudson street hospitalhave his wound dressed He

boy where he could findhe wished to make a complaint

the officerAt the the boys wounds ore

mcribed as contusion the nose bleedig of the nose and an Inciped wound of

He was there for theCapt McNally decided to send for Police

Nammack ton Policeman Uarncfls condition Thelossengor had no sooner been

a rerun acme Into the police stationsaid that the same clubbed

Ini on the nose for no reason This manWM told to make a complaint to In

ecter Titus if be to Norn-ack pronounced Barnes perfectly sober

on patrol again

tcmoblllit nilddrn Itesrhf VanoonrrrV-

AXOOCVEB B C Sept 20 CharlesQlidden who Is making a tour of ths

Ul an automobile arrived hereBoston via Minneapolis having made

average of an hourwas infrom Mlnn apoU to Vancouver


once liv-Ing


big not


o Butno


onthat the



be pro Senormot act

ext herPak in







o ratrateI b

to terodnation for Justice


hermomthat the-




Speechesire to be


ren ta and

a tbeot


streetsUnder thism

tor prosperity at home eaDon vu to be Roomember the bard timesland


West a

bleed-Ing tbeboy


H arrestedran






Jworld hasfromnnBe makInoth

charge Judge Parkers campaignbe






In this city ThursdayIt wa before

Parkscampaign will Gee










of l8O3under Chive













I Ul v limon importantyet erected to of nnnrd people

Uort ue oiuerant In

I saying devices U the necessary c-

I vcBlence i luxurious appointments eu10 11 rooms 548 RoomsBathrooms UuUeri Pantrywide M ft Elizabethan Dining Roomswill In Pollard oak toC n Stone UintvU

Velvet French BroldurM

for book Window A SoakMpunWindows LooUXV Mirror Apoor LouliXVI rotrrorws

and Aldtn Nune-ripni wing of suite Positive

no or gloomy rooms In any ol the Svlba Bed Roves suite

oatlon at nBOHOVSBlI B1OHT7P1FTU Riverside Drive




Bvtdroees of VolcanicUnder the Frosty Burfaoes ofCoequal Guardians or the SeersPlaces of the National Commute

The feud between 8ergeantatArmaand Titular Assistant 8orgeantatAnD-

onalaon which made things soat Democratic national headquarters infirst few days of tho opening of thequarters is not composed Augustmont thought he had made peaco whenarranged that CoL Donelson althoughassistant should have equal responslbillwith Col Martin In guarding the doorsthe heeds of the committee The sohemworked well until the Democratic editorgame along and promoted Col Martinthe rank of General and had never ato say in their resolution about Col Doneeon Since then when the GeneralColonel have bad anything to say toether their conversation baa been studiedpolito and frigid

Saturday Gen Martin went toand in his absence CoL Donelaon

amonopoly of boating the meaeengers GoMartin name bank unexpectedly yesterda-Aa anxious to make up for the work 1

bad not done while he was away Ga

Martin began to rummage among the stackof letters desk

band from one package I

threw the topmost letter down andto Oat Donalaon soldi Here is a letterSenator Gorman and irhy here is

otherThatIs a package at letters sir that

have made up for Senator Gormanyou will kindly have tha goodness sir I

replace the rubber band said Col Donelsc-

as he walked forward with his rightin the breast of bis coat

Pardon me Colonel said the GeneralI did not know the package contains

letters only addressed to Senator GormanAnd Colonel Cot Donelson did

use the title of General you kindlygoodness to return the package to th

drawer from which you took itCertainly replied the General-

A lime reporter who bada chance to ask if DeLaoooy Nice

ras In bl offloe was told byhe mode the inquiry TTo sb

Ilooll Is not InAllow me to tell you that Mr Nloo

in and that he has beenbera all day sU-

tol Donelson Baldto Gen Martin In af quiet severity

Why I thoughfMr Nlcoll was inand began Otis Martin But Cot

Donation Interrupted told you sirthat Mr NlcoU was here and boa been

will takoUiyour name Ool Donelsojsaid to the reporter aa he turned towardIr Nlooila room with a manner which

would hive made a stranger to the waysthe Democratic national headquarters

eUeve that a white fib WIle somethingunknown there

Gen Martingot bank sooner thanJ him It was suggested to Col


Yee I gussa he If he stayedtoga any longer the oooventlon WOuld

ominato him for Governor to break ujdeadlock was the answer


Starrlns Kretsbem to TninThis b lieally a Land of Plenty

Louis Kredeborg and his wife WUhelminawith their seven children have been

tarring In a collar at 63 Columbiasince they came here from Austria threemonths ago are just beginning to bejievthat they are really In a land of plenty-It la a fact that one of their flock had U

scalded to death before plentyratod to the cellar but the hUnger

almost a bad as scalding

learned the story of the Krolsberg-rials there has a steady stream ol

Contributions for the familyn man pinned a two anti three one

tills to and handed thein at TUB Sow office yesterday without

nameChurchman sent 15 In an envelope

bearing the name of F A3 street came 110 A

87 0 Plea street stunt 13 and said berished It ware moro Mrs A E A of 472

West End avenue sent From a Symthlcor at 1 West Thirtieth street come

a ten dollarIn all 1360 has been received to date and

as been sent to the family


Gene to the Aid of Some Small DOTIII Used by a Milkman

Dr Starkls H Abkarian a sanitary inthe Brooklyn Health

is at his home 167 Glonmoro avenuelining a badly swollen and contused oounnonce as welt as two black eyes Yestor

afternoon the physician was fulfillings official duties in a tenement at Elton

treat and Wortman avenue Emit Nework when screams from tho rear yard

the tenants to rush in that directio-nr Abkarian ran with them and foundrvcral little boys beaten Israel

a milkman in thewith a reputation as a

Is IB years old but he isthan the doctor Is a little man

went to the assistice of the oppressed and the oppressorirned on was

more roughly handled than thosewent to Mounted Policeman

arrived on the scorns Lippmandnt attack the but coolly

being placed under arrest He was

as locked up in tho Liberty avenue station

Heavy Frost In North DakotaGIUKD Toasts N D Sept

killing frost of the season visited thislast The wasfreezing point shortly after mid

jht was on all exposedUncut corn is killed and a

quantity of flax There la still some green



nell 0la1 Slruotur

nd criagement natat from say ResIdential buUdlni

are replele IIItb late

lie Uvsblsnesa of a ou oft


Kitchens Pantilea with clock boolcee














Tearing Aloecalling






been Waitingfor





In day-










Irestnoe TuB Suics hearted



N J v of Spring Lake Beach N Jtent


lector fo Depart-ment







Dr Abkarlan and





144 Suitesaalimoderna

c< I

bmsrt Town Suites5 Sleeping

a SICa will

specially destnodFlxWreeflardwareMdironsEto ht wit

C Tilepoise C


Thodomeatlo olnees I-

Iescbrilte are unusually C in an setIrel

Fo insure obtaining more






Gee Martlcwhen





thismept fled

a r t





Pfjdclock and galoot

Topcoats for Men

tOur models are acceptedas models for contempo-raneous effortasthe tailors oraft Of eachcoat we present two distinctlve stylos fabricsembrace worsteds covertstwills cheviots vfeainasand rainproof fcbrtos in

patterns not a few ofwhich ore excl withus The prices ore modest

20 00 to 2800

Silk Used Gostgv4f5JBox model 40 tocbaslcmg oilVicuna in Oxford or block Itaodthrott hout and iapejs foo d vrhh

ilk tailored to Sbs ttnrcU rdi-Bxereptjonn ratoe

Broadway 33d to 34th


im your fwsfteM yocannot make It toosasy for othorm to fijyThat ato

Order byTelephone

new YORK TELEPHOHE 0013 Day Str tt


41 WARuc1 wfcen rnl-c V B lrU

633 ft 634CHELSEA I NEAR


Attacked Her With Shears After Gettinga Sonldlnc Has n Had Record

Flort noo Keareloy n pretty brunette ISreanj old whoue mother llvtv at 4liBver

awraus Willlaroriburg after beingscolded yesterday for being out lato on

night attached her mother rlth aof shears and then d llbcr tely out

Into strips a valuable table cover WhenMrs Kearaley tried to disarm her daughterhe girl attacked her mother again andthen locked all the doors and threw the

from a windowMrs Kearsley shouted for help and we

heard by Policeman Phillips of thoavenue station Ho forced an en

tranoe and the girl then attacked him with-i She the sharppolnt

his Phillips tookand placed under arrest The

her with anaaultMrs mode a complaint against

daughter of having

Mrs told the that onicoount of hon daughters alleged inoor

she sent to alaughter in England a MrsCearsley said was placed in an in

in Oxford from escapedFor several months nothing was

Finally some Florenceat mothers house

a young man whom she introduced asThe latter was

he house and tim promised reformhor word a fow

When the girl was taken to the Manlattan avenue court and

before Magistrate Steers shewith tim unconcern

held In default of 300 bail on eachharge for a hearing on Friday


THE DOCTORS WIFEAgrees With Rim About

A trained nurse says Inf my profession I havo found so manyotnU III favor of OrapoNntn food that InheaUatlngly recommend It to all my

It is delicate and pleasing to the palateHI essential in food for the sick andcano adapted to all ages being softenod with

or cream for bablos or the aged wheneficiency of teeth tenders masticationnposBlble For foyer patients or thosen liquid diet I find GrapeNutn arid nlbunon water very nourishing and refreshig This recipe la my own Idea and is-

lado ax follows Soak a teaspoonful ofrnpoNuts in a glasH of wnter for an hour

and servo with tho beaten whit ofn egg and a spoonful of fruit juice forivorlng This affords a groat deal ofaurishment that even the weakest stomach

assbnllato without any distressMy husband Is a physician and he nasa

rapoNutn himself and orders It manyfor his patients

Personally I regard a dish of Grapewith fresh or stowed fruit as thebreakfast for anyone woll or sick

ame given by Postum Co Hattie CreeklichIn any caw of stomachtrouble nervous

or brain fag a 10 days trial ofropeNut will work wonders towardxirlshlng and rebuilding and in this Wayending the trouble Thorns a reason

trial provesLook in each pkg for the famota UttU

Xhe oa l toWellville m

R gyf9rOOQI





WortbY tMe tf










ole4au IrRelnl 8e










her ap-peared



acted Shwas

the priotle


I milk

















ordered Irons



r ij

