pg executive bio robert steele

 Robert A. Steele Vice Chairman – Global Health & Well-Being, P&G Position Held & Dates Residence Cincinnati, Ohio, USA Date of Birth July 25, 1955 Place Quincy, Massachusetts, USA Education College of Wooster B.A., 1976 Cleveland State University M.B.A., 1981 Date Joined P&G July 26, 1976 1976 Sales Representative, Packaged Soap and Detergent, USA 1978 District Field Representative, Packaged Soap and Detergent, USA 1979 Unit Sales Manager, Packaged Soap and Detergent, USA 1981 Special Assignment, Packaged Soap and Detergent Sales Division, USA 1981 District Manager, Packaged Soap and Detergent Sales Division, USA 1986 Special Assignment, Packaged Soap and Detergent Sales Division, USA 1986 Assistant Brand Manager - Gain, USA 1987 Assistant Brand Manager - Tide, USA 1988 Brand Manager, Tide, USA 1990 Associate Advertising Manager, Tide, Oxydol 1991 Associate Advertising Manager, Dish Category 1992 Advertising Manager, Dish Category 1993 Special Assignment, Corporate Redesign Project 1993 Advertising Manager, New Business Development 1994 General Manager, Dishwashing Products, P&G North America 1997 Vice President/General Manager, Dishwashing Products, P&G North America 1997 Vice President/General Manager, Dishwashing & Hard Surface Cleaning Products, P&G North America 1998 Vice President/General Manager, North America Market Development Organization, P&G North America - continued -

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 Robert A. Steele

Vice Chairman – Global Health & Well-

Being, P&G

1999 Vice President, North America Market Development


2000 President, North America

2004 Group President, North America

2006 Group President-Global Household Care

2007 Vice Chairman-Global Health and Well-Being


  Board of Directors, Retail Industry Leaders Association - 2001-06

Grocery Manufacturers Association, Industry Affairs Council - 2001-06

Board of Trustees, St. Joseph’s Home for Handicapped Children (12 years)

P&G Global Leadership Committee Member

Parents Council, Miami University (Oxford, Ohio) – 2006-08

Business Advisory Council, Richard T. Farmer School of Business, MiamiUniversity (Oxford, Ohio – 2006)

Board of Directors, Kellogg Company (7/1/07)

United Negro College Fund (UNCF) Board - 2008

 August 2009

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RobSteeleVice ChairmanGlobal Health and Well-Being 

Rob Steele is Vice Chairman of P&G’s global Health and Well-Being business.

This portfolio includes P&G’s Oral Care, Feminine Care, Personal Health

Care, Pet Care and Snacks businesses.






Rob joined P&G in 1976 as a sales representative. He took on new roles andincreasing responsibility in sales until 1986, when he moved into marketing.

For the next eight years, Rob took on a range of assignments and greater

responsibility in marketing, including Brand Manager for Tide.

In 1994, Rob was appointed General Manager for P&G’s Dishwashing

Products business for North America. He became Vice President in 1997. In

the late 1990s, Rob launched several successful new P&G brands, including

Swiffer. He also helped design P&G’s North America Market Development

Organization (MDO).

Rob was appointed Vice President of the North America MDO, P&G’s largest

regional business, in 1999. He was named President of this MDO in 2000,

Group President for North America in 2004 and Group President for P&G’s

Global Household Care business in 2006.

In 2007, Rob was elected Vice Chairman of P&G’s newly-established Health

and Well-Being global business unit. Consumer health care, which makes

up the bulk of this portfolio, has been designated a “key growth engine”

for P&


Rob serves on the Boards of the Kellogg Company, the United Negro

College Fund and the St. Joseph’s Home for Handicapped Ch


Rob has launched

several successful n

P&G brands, includ

Swiffer. He also

helped design P&G’

North America Market



 August 2009