pharmaguy's pharma marketing buzzword glossary

Pharmaguy’s Favorite Pharma Marketing “Buzzwords” The Good, the Bad, and the Useless.

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Pharmaguy’s Favorite Pharma Marketing “Buzzwords” The Good, the Bad, and the Useless.

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2016. Pharma Marketing Network. All rights reserved.

Glossary of Pharma Marketing Buzzwords

A Non-Definitive List of Buzzwords

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PMN Survey Results

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Glossary of Pharma Marketing Buzzwords

Beyond the Pill

Pharmas are looking to move to a range of value-added services under the moniker beyond-the-pill – and most of those new services are digital. “Beyond-the-pill is a logical and inevitable path forward for all,” reports Joseph Jimenez, CEO of Swiss healthcare giant Novartis. “Creating value by embedding products into a holistic offering with the aim to improve patient outcomes and provide tangible competitive advantages.” Such holistic offerings include telehealth services, wellness programs, and improved chronic disease management over patients’ lifetimes..

Similar buzzword/phrase: “Going Beyond the Pill,” “Value-Added Services”

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Glossary of Pharma Marketing Buzzwords

Big Data

The pharmaceutical industry may not be emulating NSA by tapping directly into phone calls, but it has the capability to monitor and record ALL keystrokes from apps installed on smartphones and tablets. “Big Data” is the term most frequently associated with these snooping activities. Regarding sales reps and iPads, pharma may have more data than it knows what to do with.

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Glossary of Pharma Marketing Buzzwords

Breakthrough Therapy

The use of superlatives to describe some drugs – especially cancer drugs – in news articles as “breakthrough,” “revolutionary,” “miracle” or in other grandiose terms is common even when drugs were not yet approved. Where do these terms come from?It turns out that some of them come from the FDA, which uses a bevy of new drug approval designations that marketers and, in turn, journalists, can use to their advantage. ”Breakthrough” is one of them. Most physicians mistakenly believe it means approval was based on strong evidence (e.g., randomized trials).

Similar buzzword/phrase: “Breakthrough Innovation”

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Glossary of Pharma Marketing Buzzwords

Closed-Loop Marketing (CLM)

Ideally, closed-loop marketing captures physician behavior, preferences and attitudes and feeds that information back in real time into the marketing process, which modifies the messages depending upon this feedback. To do this in real time requires technology, which often means deployment of tablets (e.g., iPads) by sales reps. But is this potential really being implemented by most pharma companies?

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Glossary of Pharma Marketing Buzzwords


This Palio Ignited ad in a pharma trade publication caught my attentions. It glorifies the agency’s “rebel” nature by using the image of a Molotov Cocktail. Instead of an ordinary bottle, the explosive device uses an erlenmeyer flask to symbolize, I suppose, scientific research.The agency calls this “beautifully disruptive,” but the symbolism conjures up in my mind images of destruction (e.g., ISIS).Is being disruptive destructive or is it creative? Obviously, Palio wants you to believe the latter; i.e., that they have “revolutionary ideas.”

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Akili is the name of the video game that Akili Interactive Labs hopes will be the first ever video game "treatment" approved by the FDA. The company also hopes clinicians will recommend the game to patients before prescribing medicines for ADHD. That would require overturning the entire drug-physician industrial complex!

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Glossary of Pharma Marketing Buzzwords


The pharmaceutical industry has consistently promoted itself as an “innovative industry” by which it means it discovers new, innovative drugs through research. No one, however, ever claimed the drug industry was innovative in marketing in general or in its use of social media. One consultant advised pharma agency people to “try new ideas” and “find a backdoor through which you can let your risky idea see the light of day.” An example cited was K-Mart’s viral “ship my pants” campaign as an example of a risky idea that saw the light of day and succeeded.

Similar buzzword/phrase: “Innovation”

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Glossary of Pharma Marketing Buzzwords

Key Opinion Leader/Key Whatever!

Nearly two-thirds (62%) of physicians deemed to be genuine medical experts believe the pharmaceutical industry should replace the term “Key Opinion Leader.” That was one of the insights gleaned from an international online survey of 185 pharma professionals and 199 “real” KOLs presented at the Medical Affairs Leaders Forum in Berlin, Germany, in February, 2015.

What About “Key Patient Leaders (KPLs)?” That’s a term that was used by Dr. Anne Beal, Chief Patient Officer at Sanofi.

Similar buzzwords/phrases: “Key Thought Leader,” “Key Social Opinion Leader (KSOL),” “Key Patient Leader,” “Patient Opinion Leader,” “Online Patient Leader”

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Glossary of Pharma Marketing Buzzwords

Multi-Channel Marketing (MCM)

“Multichannel pharma marketing is concep-tually relatively simple to understand, but incredibly difficult in practice,” says Len Starnes, former Head of Digital Marketing & Sales, General Medicine at Bayer Schering Pharma. Back in 2012, 69% of respondents to a survey by Starnes believed that pharma marketing would become de facto multi-channel marketing within 5 years. As one survey respondent said: “[Pharma is] stuck today...old familiar models... maybe it’s safer to do what we've always done?”

Similar buzzword/phrase: “Omnichannel Marketing”

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Glossary of Pharma Marketing Buzzwords

Non-Personal Promotion (NPP)

Traditional physician promotion is becoming less effective as the quality of interactions between physicians and pharma-ceutical representatives have decreased. Brand marketing managers are looking to augment traditional offerings with non-personal selling technologies to reach new segments or healthcare professionals.

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Glossary of Pharma Marketing Buzzwords

Patient Centricity

“It’s no coincidence that the rise of the term ‘patient-centric’ has been paralleled by the decline in public perceptions of the pharmaceutical industry,” says that Michael McLinden, chief strategy officer at Mc|K Healthcare. “Too many patient-centric programs turn out to be thinly veiled promotional efforts, and that has contrib-uted to their cynicism and disillusion with our business.”

Similar buzzwords/phrases: “Patient Empowerment,” “Patient Engagement,” “Putting Patients First”

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Patient Engagement

What pharma marketers want from patient engagement is permission from patients to “woo” them with a delightful period of sharing experiences, infor-mation, etc. and ultimately “marrying” them; i.e., getting patients to take their product as directed by the physician (another stakeholder pharma marketers woo).Hopefully, after the marriage, the pharma company will continue to support the patient and not participate in extramarital affairs with others -- although we all know that’s not a given!

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Patient Storytelling

These days, “patient storytelling” is all the rage. Sometimes, however, patient stories told by pharma marketers are not “providing truth”; i.e., are not real patient stories. It seems that there is a difference in opinion as to what the “truth” is. To highlight this point, you only need to look at which marketing campaigns that use patient storytelling win the highest praise from the advertising industry. And the place to find such praise is the Cannes Lions Health Festival held every year in Cannes, France.

Similar buzzword/phrase: “Patient Journey”

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Glossary of Pharma Marketing Buzzwords

Patient Journey

If one buzzword is good, combining TWO buzzwords like “storytelling” and “patient journey” is even better, especially when it’s done “episodically” by following a typical patient through her journey from pre-diagnosis through therapy. Some news media do this better than pharma, but not to praise its work.

Similar buzzword/phrase: “Patient Storytelling”

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Glossary of Pharma Marketing Buzzwords

POL (aka COL) is the New KOL

Some social media “Patient Opinion Leaders” (POLs) are paid to contribute content to pharma sites and some companies invite POLs to outings at resort locations like they used to do with physician Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) until PhRMA guidelines limited the practice. There are no PhRMA guidelines, however, about paying POLs to attend "summits" at resort locations. Not that's there's anything wrong with that! I'm just wondering if POLs or “Consumer Opinion Leaders” (COLs) are the new KOLs.

Similar buzzwords/phrases: “Key Opinion Leader,” “Key Thought Leader,” “Key Social Opinion Leader (KSOL),” “Key Patient Leader,” “Online Patient Leader”

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One of the more principles of the drug industry "transparency." The EFPIA (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations) notes that the pharmaceutical industry “recognises that it has a responsibility to show leadership in advancing responsible transparency.”The problem, however, is that transparency is good in theory, but often not in practice. An example is revealing payments to patient bloggers who “contribute” content to pharma-owned sites.

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Just for Fun, Play

Pharma Buzzword


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Resources Pharma Marketing Buzzword Survey: Pharma Marketing Buzzwords: The Good, the Bad, & the Just Plain Useless! Do Marketing Buzzwords Affect Pharma’s Reputation Among Patients & Physicians?

docbuzzword A KOL by Any Other Name Patient Centricity, Transparency, & Pharma’s Reputation: Getting Beyond Lip Service

pmn140203 Is Pharma “Gamification” Dead in the Water? How to Achieve Digital Pharma Marketing Results: Dealing with Disruption Channeling Steve Jobs to Solve Pharma’s Innovator's Dilemma Patient Storytelling Marketing: Creativity vs. Truth in Pharma Advertising Should Pharma Hire Online “Patient Opinion Leaders”? How to Achieve Digital Pharma Marketing Results: Dealing with Disruption

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