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Post on 09-Apr-2018




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    Atributes: Roll 4d6 remove the lowest add the rest together. You roll 6 times

    for 6 stats and may choose to roll a powerball for one of your stats. This

    powerball may be rolled only once.




    Twildin:Twildin are strange and mystical beings. They appeared from the

    forest one day around 700 years ago, near the end of the Surface War. They

    were first discovered by a Cracal war band and learned much of the ways of

    war from them. One day a man named Kaladris heard a voice from theheavens and rose up as a leader of his people. He had been told the will of

    the Creators of the Twildin and led his people to new lands to teach them the

    way of their lords and give them meaning to their existance. The Twildin were

    the first to offer up a truce to the Dvergar who eventually accepted; this act

    starting the peace Aderon has enjoyed for the last 610 years.

    Twildins are the largest race of humanoids on Aderon, they look like humans

    and stand 7-8.5 feet tall and come in a range of shapes, skinny, fat, stocky

    etc.. Their eye and hair color range from red, brown, black, blond and

    white( eyes and hair always match with the Twildins, except in special cases

    and when it does vary the Twildin lable the abberations as witches whether ornot they possess magical ability and they are always treated like outcast.).

    Twildins live between 60-80 years of age.

    Playable Classes: Warrior, Rogue, Wizard, Cleric

    +2 Strength, -2 Dexterity

    Cracal: Cracal were one of the three races that existed underground for

    thousands of years before the Dvergar discovered the surface realm. For

    reasons forgotten by most, the Cracal and Dvergar have been at war for as

    long as the Cracal have existed. The Cracal race was the first to discover the

    existance of the Twildins and took them in as potential allies or tools

    (depending on your view) and taught them the ways of war. Not long after

    discovering the Twildin, the fledging race decided to break off on its own and

    establish its own lands. The Cracal were reluctant to let them go but did so

    without bearing any grudge. In fact the Cracal continued to have close

    relations with the Twildin and fought many battles along side them. However,

    one day the Twildin decided they had enough of war that had very little to do

    with them and offered up a peace treaty to the Dvergar, who to the suprise of

    the Cracal accepted. With a major ally lost and strength already waning the

    Cracal decided to offer up a peace treay of their own. And so the age of the

    Cease Fire, as the Cracal called it, began. Opportunistic Cracal and Dvergarsoon began trade between the countries, though each race is highly

    suspicous of the other and often attempt to impose taxes on one another.

    The Cracal are twisted and deformed in the eyes of the other races, they

    have jagged pointed ears and gnarled leathery skin. Cracals only have small

    wisps of hair, if any at all, and have sharp, crooked, beast like teeth. They

    range from 5.5-6.5 feet and have cool colored skin (ranging from black-grey-



    green-blue.) Cracal live between 40-60 years of age.

    Playable Classes: Warrior, Rogue, Wizard

    +2 Dex, -2 Con, Low-Light Vision, Light sensitivity(-2 to everything while in


    Hamil:The Hamil are the shortest race in Aderon, even shorter than the

    Dvergar in most cases. The Hamil's roll in the great wars between the

    Dvergar and Cracal are almost non-existant. The Dvergar see the Hamil as

    shorter weaker cousins and find it their duty to protect them. The Cracal pay

    little attention to the Hamil at all, except when he finds himself very hungry.

    The Hamil are obssessed with keeping records; whether it be history or their

    day to day journal. On the same note they are obssessed with any form of

    knowledge they can get and are very good at learning and adapting. They

    are not a very war like people and have not even tried to hold a battle axe in

    anger (save a few foolish ones). When they fight, if they ever decide to, they

    will do it from the shadows, copying the style of skilled Cracal assassins.

    At one point, on the surface world, the Hamil established a grand city called

    Darol and within it had a great anthenaeum which held the lore and records

    of the Hamil people. Within it contained the history and events of every race

    on Aderon, even the recently discovered Twildin. Many of the greatest minds

    had their journals, notes and discoveres stored at the Darol anthenaeum.

    However, near the end of the Surface War (or the Last Record as the Hamil

    call it) the Dvergar were routed by the Cracal and took refuge in Darol,

    forcing their way in. The Hamil had no time to react or prepare before the

    Cracal were attacking the city. Darol had very little defense wise and wassoon burned to the ground and with it the great Darol athenaeum. The Hamil

    recovered what knowledge they could but much was lost and after the age of

    peace and during the signing of the formal peace treaty the Hamil had it

    worked in that they will have the right to make an orginization known as the

    Exploreres Guild and through this guild they would be allowed to recruit from

    any race that was willing. The Guild would have the right to travel the lands

    and search for records of the past or to confirm (or complete) the records

    that they have. Also in the signing of the peace treaty they had it written

    that Darol, or New Darol as it is being rebuilt, will be allowed to have full

    control over its trade rights, taxes and prices. From this the highly orginized

    Hamil city has become a known place for trade if one must resort to trading

    at a fair price with little tax on their goods.

    The Hamil stand between 2.5-3.5 feet and have earth toned hair, skin and

    eyes. They are child like in apperance, never capable of growing beards and

    hair never graying. The Hamil live between 200-300 years.

    Playable Classes: Rogue, Wizard, Cleric



    +2 Int, +2 Wis, -2 Str MV 20ft, All knowledge as a General Skill.

    Dvergar: Dvergar are said to be the first race ever to exist on Aderon. They

    believe they are the pieces of a fallen God which they call Grugnal (Creator).

    Grugnal was said to have been one of many creator gods and was betrayed

    by his brothers and sisters. He was thrown upon the earth and crashedthrough. The Grugnadon lake is said to be the site at which he hit the earth.

    They also believe that every time one of them dies their spirit becomes part

    of Grungal once more, bringing to him their knowledge and skill; once all the

    Dvergar die it is believed Grungal will be reborn and take vengance on the

    other Gods. The Dvergar existed underground for thousands of years and at

    some point came upon the Hamil and Cracal, at the same time it is said. Why

    or how these three races came to be is no longer known due to the burning of

    Darol and the great knowledge within ( and those who may have known have

    long since died). Though only the Hamil seem very interested in finding the

    true reason once more. The Dvergar first discovered the surface realm when

    being pushed back by the Cracal, who used some sort of demonic power to

    drive them up and up. The Dvergar used the new resources they found and

    created better weapons, armor and siege weapons. For a long time the

    Dvergar dominated the surface realm until the Cracal found a way to it in the

    northern lands and when they did they began to slowly cut down into the

    Dvergar lands. Eventually after another 400 years of continous war the

    Dvergar were offered a truce by the Twildin and then the Cracal. The land

    was being drained and resources were becoming harder and harder to obtain;

    also the Dvergar were being pressed from both the Cracal in the north and

    the Cracal and Twildin in the south. So the Dvergar decided to accept the

    peace treaty, keeping ever watchful eyes on the Cracal, and so the age of theMiners came into being ( As the Dvergar call it.) The Dvergar saw this as an

    opportunity to stock up for any war that may come into being and to

    reinforce their lands; and so the Dvergar began to mine and for the last 610

    years they have been depleating the earth of ores and digging ever deeper

    for resources. After so much time without war, many of the Dvergar turned to

    crafting and trading. However, many Dvergar still fear the unstopable beast

    of war and train continously. Some have even tried to instigate a war by

    attacking Cracal and Twildin lands or even attack their own villages in

    attempt to make it look like the Cracal are responsible. These Dvergar are

    often banished and sent off as outcast from all lands. This group of Dvergar

    are known as the Ork or Disgraced Ones. They, however, call themselves the

    Barag'Drakum (War Machine).

    The Dvergar stand between 4-4.5 feet and have large broad shoulders. The

    Dvergar are known for their large floor dusting beards ( except the Ork who

    are forced to shave them off) and are often ranked by the might of such

    beards. A beard is often decorated in jewels and gold and slowly becomes



    silver as they grow older. They live between 300-600 years.

    Playable Classes: Warrior, Rogue

    +2 Con -2 wis -2 cha, MV 20ft, no movement penalties for encumbrance, +1


    Classes and Explorer's Guild

    When raising levels each players has 2 expierence bars. First is his

    experience that is required to raise a level ( LVL -1)*1000. A standard level

    does not give you feats, skills or new learned spells. In order to obtain those

    one must raise Explorere Guild levels (LVL -1)*200. An explorere guild level

    can never exceed your class level and experience is rewarded to both Class

    Level and Explore Guild level when a quest is completed related to the

    Exploreres guild or actions are taken related to the Exploreres guild.

    Special sub-class Exploreres Guild:

    Specials Rank

    1 Feat, Skills(as class), 1d4+1 Spells(If wizard)/Spell Levels(If cleric)


    2 Feat, Skills

    3 Spells, Skills


    4 Skills, Feat

    5 Spells, Skills


    6 Skills, Feat

    7 Spells, Skills

    8 Skills, Feat


    9 Spells, Skills

    10 Skills, Feat

    11 Spells, Skills

    12 Skills, Feat

    Lore maker



    13 Spells, Skills

    14 Skills, Feat

    15 Spells, Skills

    16 Skills, FeatMaster

    17 Spells, Skills

    18 Skills, Feat

    19 Skills

    20 Spells, Skills, Feat

    Ranks: Your rank will determin the ammount of pay that you get for

    completing accepted assigned quests and the ammount of information thatthe Guild is willing to share with you.

    The ammount of pay you recieve is a standard fee, however you may find

    treasures that you can either turn in for additional money or keep for yourself

    during your adventures.

    Initiate: 5 SP, normally have a specially ranked guild member (Watcher)

    accompany the initiate or group of initiates on Guild related quests.

    Seeker: 10 SP

    Member: 20 SP

    Keeper: 40 SP

    Lore Maker: 80 SP

    Master: 160 SP

    Special Cross -class :

    You may choose to give a portion of your XP when it is gained to a second

    primary class. That class requires half the amount of XP to raise as your first

    class. If you obtain enough XP to raise the second class it is considered "cross

    classing". In doing so you gain the ability to assign Explorer Guild sub levels

    to the second class instead of the first. Upon reaching each level of your

    cross class you gain only the Special abilites of that class. Each level of

    Explorer's guild sub-class gained you will be able to choose which of your 2

    classes you wish to give the abilities to.




    BAB F/R/W Defense Special

    1 1 2-0-0 0 Weapon Focus

    2 2 3-0-0 1

    3 3 3-1-1 2 Weapon


    4 4 4-1-1 3

    5 5 4-1-1 3 Fearsome


    6 6/1 5-2-2 4

    7 7/2 5-2-2 5

    8 8/3 6-2-2 6

    9 9/4 6-3-3 6

    10 10/5 7-3-3 7 Legendary


    11 11/6/1 7-3-3 8

    12 12/7/2 8-4-4 9

    13 13/8/3 8-4-4 9

    14 14/9/4 9-4-4 10

    15 15/10/5 9-5-5 11

    16 16/11/6/1 10-5-5 12

    17 17/12/7/2 10-5-5 12

    18 18/13/8/3 11-6-6 13

    19 19/14/9/4 11-6-6 14

    20 20/15/10/5 12-6-6 15




    Weapon Focus: The warrior may choose a weapon class to focus in, Axes,

    Swords, Spears... Any weapon of the chosen class that the Warrior is

    proficient in gives the warrior a +2 on all attacks, disarm checks and grapple

    to use weapon.

    Weapon Specilization: The warrior must choose the weapon class he isfocused in. The warrior recieves +2 to damage, armor penetration and

    sunder checks.

    Fearsome Reputation: The warrior's reputation is well known and he

    recieves a +5 to all intimidate checks.

    Legendary Reputation: The warrior is now a legendary beast and 1/day

    may cause fear in his enemies. DC 10+cha Will, all enemies within 30 feet

    are affected. If enemy fails save they run in fear until the warrior can no

    longer be heard or seen.

    Skills: 2+int modifer

    General Skills: Intimidate and Ride

    Climb, Handle Animal, Diplomacy, Jump, Swim, Perception, Knowledge(Local),

    Knowledge(Arch & Engineering)

    FeatsCategories: *only obtained from Explorer Guild sub-class



    Two Weapon Fighting

    Powerful Strike - Full round action, Single attack - reduce your bab to 0 add

    that to damage and to AVS penetration.

    Shield Breaker - Full round action - Attack ignores any deflection bonus the

    target has, magical or not - deals normal damage OR attack may attack

    shield, magical or not, and try to destroy it (Does not work on spells higher

    than third level).

    Quick Draw

    Skirmisher (Preq. Two weapon fighting)

    * - requires light armor

    2- Parry - Once a round may parry an incoming attack, before to hit rolls are

    made. Roll oppossed attack rolls and if succseful the enemy misses.



    4 - Dodge - If attack succesful hits and a parry was not attempted you may

    negate your armor save and attempt to dodge, roll a REF save vs the roll to

    hit you. *

    6- Lightning Reflexes - +2 to Ref Save

    8 - Lunge- Full round action - may increase the reach of your attack by 5 feet

    and recieve no attacks of oportunity for the attack. Only works while a

    weapon is in hand. (Preq. Parry)

    10 - Spell Dodge - Once a round- Any single target, non mind effecting spell -

    If a save is failed may re-roll the save. If the spell does not allow a save , may

    take a save anyways. (Preq. Dodge)*

    12 - Improved Parry - May parry up to 3 Incoming attacks in one round. (Preq.

    Parry, Lightning Reflexes)

    14- Two Weapon Mastery - No long recieve any minus for wielding one mainweapon and a light off hand, or recieve -2 / -2 for wielding two main weapons.

    (Preq. Lightning Reflexes)

    16 - Deadly Strike - Declared use, 1/rnd, If target takes damage from one of

    your strikes they must roll a Fort save VS damage done or die.(Preq. Lunge)

    18 - Improved Lunge- The reach of your weapons are now always 5 ft further

    than they appear to be. (Preq. Lunge)*

    20 - Precise strike - Declared use, 1/rnd, May make a single attack that

    counts as a coup d'grace. (Preq. Deadly Strike)

    Barbarian (Preq. Powerful Strike)

    2 - Mighty Blow - Full round action, Enemy (up to 1 size category larger) must

    make opposed strength check after suffering a hit. If failed the target is

    knocked prone or 5 ft back.

    4 - Second Wind - If knocked Unconcious may roll a will save DC 10 +1 for

    every point below 0 (Even past -10), if succseful will rise with 1 HP and will

    suffer from near death even if spells or powers would negate it. May only be

    used 1/day

    6 - Cleave - If you do a enemys full life bar in damage in one strike you may

    continue to attack any enemy within your attack range. Once you fail to do

    an enemy's full life in one strike the cleave stops. (Preq. Might Blow)

    8 - Unstopable - You do not suffer from wounded or near death ( Except in the

    case of second wind) (Preq. Second Wind)



    10 - Great Cleave - If you run out of opponents to cleave you may make a 5 ft

    step after each cleave to get in range of nearby enemys. (Preq. Cleave.)

    12 - Throw Weapon - Any weapon you are Proficient with and up to large size

    may be thrown with a R.I. of 50 ft and max range of 250ft. No strength is

    added to the damage.

    14 - Animal Spirit - Activate the spirit of a Bear or Wolf once a day - Bear:

    Gain +4 to hit and damage for the rest of combat. Wolf: Gain + 20 ft

    movement speed and +4 Defense. (Preq. Kill a Bear and/or wolf with your

    bare hands and no armor in one on one combat. )

    16 - Beserk Charge- May charge up to 90 ft(or base speed x3 - so in wolf form

    150ft) gaining + 10 damage but suffer -10 Defense. (Preq. Unstopable)

    18- Unbound - You count as having 27 strength when attempting to break

    from ropes, chains or any bindings. This also counts to bend bars or bust

    open doors.

    20 - Battle Frenzy - You may enter a state of Frenzy 1/day for 1 combat. +10

    Defense +10 to hit and damage, + 30 movement speed(Stacks with wolf

    spirit), +200 HP. This HP is used first when you take damage. Once the frenzy

    is over this HP will go away but not subtract from your normal HP. (Preq.

    Beserk Charge)

    Knight (Preq. Ride)

    2 - Mounted Combat - You are skilled at battle training steeds (Automatic

    takes 2 weeks). Gain +4 to Handle animal. You gain x2 Die damage whencharging on horseback. You may "Ride by attack" ( As 3.5 PHB). You may also

    shoot bows from horseback without penalty. (Preq. Handle animal)

    4 - Shield Specilization - Gain +1 Defense and Reflex save from a light or

    heavy shield. Also may make an aditional attack with shield at -2.

    6 - Armor Specilization - The Defense Minus in any armor is reduced by 3.

    (Preq. Shield Specilization)

    8 - Champion - The knight is a fearsome opponent. All intelligent creatures

    need to roll a Will save DC 10 + Cha or they will choose not to engange the

    knight in melee.

    10 - Heroic Charge - While charging and enemy , the target must roll a Fear

    save Vs 5+ Level or loose DEX to defense and be unable to make AoO or

    other out of turn powers or held actions. While on horse back DC = 10 + LVL.

    ( Preq. Mounted Combat)

    12 - Master of Armor - All armor grants the Knight a + 5 AVS. (Preq. Armor




    14 - Shield Throw - RI 50ft Standard Damage + Fort save vs DC 10 + Dmg or

    be knocked down. (Preq. Shield Specilization.)

    16 - Slam - Only works on targets of Equal size or smaller. Slam is a full round

    action shield attack, auto criticals and ignores AVS. (Preq. Shield


    18 - Sever - Works on Large or smaller opponents. Full round action. Make an

    attack vs an arm or leg (-like limb) at -10 to hit and opponent recieves a -4

    AVS. Opponent must make a Fort save vs DMG done or lose the limb. (Preq.


    20 - Charge Through - You may make a charge in a straight line and attack

    anyone you pass. The enemies all suffer as if it was a Heroic Charge. You may

    also make up to two charge attacks per round.(Preq. Heroic Charge. )


    2 - Unarmed Combat - Your fists do 1d6 dmg each and you may make 2

    attacks with them at -2/-2 or use a one-handed weapon and a fist.

    4 - Break through - May Bull rush without any AoO.

    6 - No matter the odds - Enemies always fail AVS on a 2 against you.

    8 - Wild hits - You may make an attack against anyone near you at -2 to each

    attack. You gain +2 defense while doing this. (Preq. Break through)

    10 - Hold the Line - You may make an AoO against anyone who charges you.

    Opponent loses attack if damaged. (Preq. No matter the odds. )

    12 - Kill the weak! - Enemies always fail AVS on a 5 against you. (Preq. No

    matter the Odds. )

    14 - Weak point- Full round action. Your Attack will deal no damage but the

    enemy must still roll AVS at -5. If he fails his AVS than you have exsposed a

    weakspot and he has a permanent -5 AVS until it is repaired. Does not stack.

    ( Preq. Wild Hits.)

    16 - Finishing Strike - If target is Wounded ( At or lower than Half HP) You

    may make a Full attack action to attempt to finish him off. Roll damage and

    AVS like normal then roll a STR check vs remaining HP ( i.e. target has 30/60

    HP then you attack and do 11 dmg, target now has 19 HP and you can roll a

    STR check DC 19) If you pass the STR check the target dies. (Preq. Kill the




    18 - Improved Unarmed Combat - Your Fists now do 1d10 dmg each. (Preq.

    Unarmed combat)

    20 - Recover - If you ever take enough damage to bring you to 0 or lower HP

    you may make a fort save VS dmg done. If the save is passed you remain at

    1 HP. This can be done any number of times. (Preq. No matter the odds. )


    BAB F/R/W Defense Special

    1 0 0-2-0 1 Sneak attack, Trap


    2 1 0-3-0 2 Evasion

    3 2 1-3-1 3 SA+1 Trap sense


    4 3 1-4-1 4 Uncanny dodge

    5 3 1-4-1 5 SA +2

    6 4 2-5-2 6 Trap sense +2

    7 5 2-5-2 7 SA +3

    8 6/1 2-6-2 8 Improved Uncanny Dodge

    9 6/1 3-6-3 9 SA + 4 Trap sense


    10 7/2 3-7-3 10 Crippling Strike

    11 8/3 3-7-3 11 SA +5

    12 9/4 4-8-4 12 Trap sense + 4

    13 9/4 4-8-4 13 SA +6

    14 10/5 4-9-4 14

    15 11/6/1 5-9-5 15 SA +7 Trap sense


    16 12/7/2 5-10-5 16

    17 12/7/2 5-10-5 17 SA + 8



    18 13/8/3 6-11-6 18 Trap sense + 6

    19 14/9/4 6-11-6 19 SA +9

    20 15/10/5 6-12-6 20

    Sneak Attack: A sneak can be done once per opponent per round. It mayuse only melee weapons that are not large and the rogue is proficent with.

    The opponent must be caught unaware ( Flat footed) or flanked in order for

    the sneak attack to work. Also the rogue must be able to penetrate the

    targets DR (i.e. use a blunt weapon vs Skeletons). If the creature is strange

    and unfamilar to the rogue they must spend time observing it or roll an

    imediate knowledge check (takes 1 round 1/per combat). The DC = Targets

    HD after combat or Targets HD +10 if in combat. A rogue should keep track

    of the creatures it knows how to fight.

    A sneak attack is rolled to hit normally ( the target may suffer from being flat

    footed) and if a hit is made the target rolls an AVS - sneak attack bonus, if it

    fails then the attack automatically counts as being a critical hit and the target

    must roll vs damage done or die ( Fort Save).

    Trap finding: Rogues, and only rogues, have the ability to use the

    Perception skill to find traps and the Device skill to disarm them.

    Evasion: Agaisnt spells that allow for a REF save for partial damage the

    rogue will ignore the damage if the save is made.

    Trap sense:The rogue gains a +1 REF or DEF vs traps.

    Uncanny Dodge:The rogue can not be caught flat footed except by a rogue

    4 levels higher than himself. If he is incapacitated he still loses dex to AC.

    Improved Uncanny Dodge: The rogue no longer suffers a minus for being

    flanked and can not be sneak attacked by another rogue if flanked unless

    that rogue is 4 levels higher than himself.

    Crippling Strike: If a target saves vs a rogues sneak attack they suffer a -5

    to to hit , damage and ref saves. Does not stack.

    Skills: 8+int

    General Skills: Stealth, Bluff

    Appraise, Balance, Climb, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Device, Disguise,

    Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Stealth, Intimidate, Jump,

    Knowledge(General), Knowledge(Arcana), Knowledge(Nature), Knowledge

    (Local), Perception, Sense Motive, Sleight of hand, Swim, Tumble



    Feat Classes:


    Improved Stealth - The rogue may move at half speed (instead of 1/4) while


    Improved Iniative - The rogue may choose to go first, after rolls are made, in

    any round before it starts. If another person with improved iniative trys to go

    first than whoever had the best rolled iniative goes first.

    Ranged Sneak Attack - The rogue may make a sneak attack with a ranged

    weapon if they are within 30 feet.

    Hidden Weapon - The rogue may draw a concealed weapon as a free action.

    The enemy gets to roll a perception test vs the rogues Sleight of hands, if

    the enemy fails to spot the weapon then rogue's next attack counts as a

    sneak attack

    Assassination: (Preq. Ranged Sneak Attack)

    2 - Poison Master: The rogue may apply poisons in combat as a move action

    and may use poisons without a chance to poison himself.

    4 - Improved Sneak attack- You gain an aditional +1 to your sneak attack to

    penetrate AVS

    6 - Poison Maker: You may make poison from natural substances or harvest it

    from a poisonous creature. (Preq. Poison Master)

    8 - Aim - If opponent is observed in combat for atleast 1 round you gain a +1

    to hit and damage, stacks for each round that passes.( Preq. Improved sneak


    10 - Vanish - You may vanish from combat with a stealth check DC 20 +1 for

    every enemy that threatens you.

    12- Shadowing Shot: You may shoot into melee without penalty and if you are

    stealthed your target can not determin your location.(Preq. Aim)

    14 - Climb - Can scale walls and surfaces that are below DC 15 at normalspeed and without check(Preq. Climb Skill)

    16 - Read action- May make any other single action instead of an AoO (Preq.

    Improved Sneak attack)

    18 Posion immunity- After a dealing with poison for so long you have become

    immune. (Preq. Poison Maker.)



    20 Assassinate - You may make use up to two attacks on a single opponent

    and count them both as sneak attacks. Add the damage together to determin

    the opponents Fort save or die.

    Pick Pocket

    2 - Master Pick Pocket- May take 10 to pick pocket or conceal a weapon when

    not in combat.

    4 - Spell Theif - May use Use Magic Device to cast prepared wizard spells you

    obtain. (Preq. Master Pick Pocket.)

    DC = 5 + Spell Level

    Modifier table

    You do not know which spell you are trying to cast -20

    You have never seen the effects of the spell in action - 5

    You know the spell and its effects 0

    You have had the spell explained to you and are very familar with it +5

    Mishap Table - If you roll a 1 or 20, you must roll on the mishap table.

    In the case of a 20 the spell and the mishap table affect both go off. Roll a


    1 - The spell goes horribly wrong. The spell is somehow transformed

    into something different and terrible, only the DM can determin the effects ofsuch a thing. To give you an idea if you messed up a 5th level spell it is likely

    that everything in the area is now dead or worse...

    2-5 - The spell backfires and cast only on you, even if it is an area

    effect. If it was a spell that provided buffs, such as magical armor or stone

    skin, the opposite affect is applied.(i.e. stoneskin- instead of providing you

    with DR it now makes you take more damage). You recieve no save for the

    effect even if skills, magic items, or abilites would of been able to negate it.

    6-10 - The spell is cast upon one of your allies chosen at random that

    are in line of sight and functions like a roll 2-5, if no allies are in line of sightor range of the spell it is instead cast upon you.

    11-15 - The spell fails to cast. Except on a roll of 20.

    16-19 - The spell goes off but it does 1/2 of all of its numerical values,

    including its save. In the case of a 20 two spells are cast.

    20 - The spell has reached a height that is way beyond your abilities to



    control. All of its numerical values are doubled( including its DC). However, its

    imense power recoils through you causing you to take 2d6 dmg per level of

    the spell and be knocked prone. Also it makes a very loud bang which

    automatically reveals your position to everyone. In the case of a 20 , two

    spells are cast.

    6 -Acrobatic - May take 10 when performing a climb, jump, tumble or balance

    skill even when in combat.

    8 -Sleight of Hands - May use the sleight of hands skill to displace and hide

    objects that you have in your possession up to 5 feet from you.( Preq. Master

    pick pocket)

    10 -Combat Pick Pocket - May use Sleight of hands as a single attack action.

    (Preq. Sleight of Hands Feat)

    12 -Ranged Disarm- May attempt to use a ranged weapon to disarm an

    opponent up to 100 feet away. To hit , Damage, and AVS is rolled normally.

    Full round action

    14 - Dismantle - You may use your Sleight of hands ability to pull opponents

    armor apart. May do it once per attack, to hit roll is replaced by sleight of

    hands and no AVS is allowed. Target still gets a perception check to notice

    what you are doing and if he succeds he gains an AoO. Each time you do this

    the target loses 1 AVS and once he has lost all his AVS his armor falls off.

    (Preq. Combat Pick Pocket)

    16 -Silence- Your sneak attack silences the target making them unable to

    speak for the rest of combat.

    18 -Master Spell theif - If a spell mishap result is made you may reroll on the

    table.( Preq. Spell Theif)

    20 - Wizard! - You have been using spells for a long time and some might

    confuse you for a real wizard. You may now choose 1d8+2 spells lvl 3 and

    lower and prepare up to 5 of any spell level. However, you still use the

    casting style of a spell theif.

    Misdirection (Preq. Hidden Weapon)

    2 - Feint - You may , as a move action, make a bluff check in combat against

    a single opponent. If the target fails his sense motive check then you may

    attempt to hide or make a sneak attack. You may only attempt to hide if no

    other opponents threaten you. You may make a free 5 foot step, however, if

    this step puts you in a square that is threatened by another opponent your

    hide automatically fails.



    4 - Liar - You may lie even if magic would compel you to tell the truth. Also

    you gain a +5 bonus to all bluff checks

    6 - Changeling - When using the disguise skill you may go so far as to mimic

    any humanoid race that is no more than 1 size category larger or smaller

    than you without penalty. (Preq. Disguise)

    8 - Improved Feint - You may now feint as a free action. (Preq. Feint)

    10 - Language Master - You have enough skill to communicate in the most

    basic ways in any language, Even supernatural ones. There is a 20% chance

    that you misinturpet or others misinturpet you. (Preq. Changeling)

    12 - Combat Dancer - You twirl and move around your opponent continously.

    Each round you must make a 5ft step around your opponent, if you do so you

    count as flanking him. (Preq. Improved Feint)

    14 - Now you see it!.. - You may now use the disguise skill mid combat toimitate one of your enemies. If you try to look like a particular enemy you

    gain a -10. If you do it while not stealthed the enemys gain a +10 bonus to

    their perception.(Preq. Changeling)

    16 - Stronger than he appears! - You may add your CHA bonus to damage as

    well as your strength. (Preq. Combat Dancer)

    18 - Displacement - You have become so good at moving, dodging, and

    generally getting out of the way that in combat if you are hit you may forgo

    your AVS for a 50% chance that the enemy outright misses you. Does not

    work if you count as being flat footed or flanked. (Preq. Combat Dancer. )

    20 - Master of Lies - You recieve a +20 bonus on your sense motive check vs

    bluffs and you may take 20 when bluffing yourself. (Preq. Liar)

    Burglary(Preq. Improved Stealth)

    2 - Ambush - Make take a normal round's worth of action during a suprise


    4 - Sap - Full round action, Instead of making a sneak attack you may knock

    your opponent unconcious. Roll to hit normally, AVS is negated, target must

    roll a fort save DC 5 + your level + your STR or fall unconcious.

    6 - Improved Ambush - As a master of ambushing you can feel when your

    walking into one. You may roll initiative even if you are the one being

    surprised. (Preq. Ambush)

    8 - Master of Stealth- You may move at normal speed when stealthed without

    penalty. You may also double move at -5 or run at -10 to your stealth check.



    10 - Lock Master - You may open locks as a free action.

    12 - Improved Sap - You may make a single sap attempt per attack. (Preq.


    14 - Over any obstacle - You may move at normal speed even if difficult

    terrain or obstacles would slow you. You may also move at normal speed

    while swimming or climbing. (Preq. Master of stealth)

    16 - Throw voice - You may throw your voice and make any number of sounds

    up to 100 feet away from you. This does not give away your position. (Preq.

    Over any Obstacle)

    18 - Master Ambusher - If you are surprised you may make an imidiate, and

    free action, to hide. (Preq. Improved Ambush. )

    20 - Pass doors- You have become so good at lock picking that you may take

    20 on any lock, also you may pick magical locks or disarm magicked doors.(Preq. Lock Master)



    BAB F/R/W Defense Special

    1 0 2-0-2 0 Spell Casting

    Healer's touch

    2 1 3-0-3 1

    3 2 3-1-3 1

    4 3 4-1-4 2

    5 3 4-1-4 2

    6 4 5-2-5 3

    7 5 5-2-5 3

    8 6/1 6-2-6 4

    9 6/1 6-3-6 4

    10 7/2 7-3-7 5

    11 8/3 7-3-7 5



    12 9/4 8-4-8 6

    13 9/4 8-4-8 6

    14 10/5 9-4-9 7

    15 11/6/1 9-5-9 7

    16 12/7/2 10-5-10 8

    17 12/7/2 10-5-10 8

    18 13/8/3 11-6-11 9

    19 14/9/4 11-6-11 9

    20 15/10/5 12-6-12 10

    Healer's Touch - The cleric has a number of points = lvl x 4 + cha/day thathe can use to help stabilize a person. Add the a number of points up to the

    maximum to the clerics heal roll to see if the person will stabilize.

    Spell Casting: The cleric cast spells by using a number of Divine Power

    Points (DPP) to invoke his spells. Clerical Spell casting differs from other spell

    casting as his spells do not have levels. Spells become more powerful for

    each Spell Power Level he gains. The Cleric spells count as the Spell level

    listed on the table for purposes of Dispel magic and other effects that require

    Spell level. To activate any spell it takes the number of DPP that the spell

    requires in its description. The Cleric gains 1 DPP per Level.

    Learning Spells: A cleric starts with 3 random spells. To learn spells further

    the Cleric must gain knowledge from his order who will only give it to him if

    he proves worthy. This often involves doing tasks or missions, answering

    religeous questions correctly or any other sort of test the order sees fit. It is

    also possible for a cleric to stumble upon a spell while adventuring, possibly a

    prayer book from a fallen cleric of the same order etc.. Anytime a new spell is

    presented the Cleric must spend no less than a week learning it and at the

    end make a Knowledge Religon test DC 10 + Spell DPP cost, if he fails he

    must spend another week learning it.

    Cleric Spell Power:

    1 - DC 10 + 1 + WIS - LVL 1

    3 - DC 10 + 2 + WIS - LVL 2

    5- DC 10 + 3 + WIS - LVL 3

    7- DC 10 + 4 + WIS - LVL 4



    9- DC 10 + 5 + WIS - LVL 5

    11 - DC 10 + 6 + WIS - LVL 6

    13- DC 10 + 7 + WIS - LVL 7

    15- DC 10 + 8 + WIS - LVL 8

    17 - DC 10 + 9 + WIS - LVL 9

    Skills : 2+ Int

    General: Knowledge(religon)

    Heal, Knowledge(Arcana), Knowledge(History), Diplomacy, Sense Motive,

    Perception, Swim

    Dieties and powers:

    Greator Gods:

    Veor CG - Veor is the brother of Vilok and one of two gods who created the

    Twildin. It is said in the days of the Surface war that two Hamil twin brothers

    (Kanil and Twanil as the Hamil knew them) studied the art of arcane magic.

    They observed from the Cracal during secret battles where most were

    obliterated. The twins continued to study and advance the arcane arts and

    developed a magic that sought its power from life rather than demonic

    sources. As they grew more powerful they started to participate in these

    battles and changed the tide of war in the Dvergar's favor for a while. After a

    while their art was unstoppable but they still sought more power. One daythey attempted to perform a ritual learned from a rumored tome of unending

    knowledge. After performing this ritual they were imbuned with Godly powers

    and grew 10 feet tall. However, soon after the brothers began to argue on

    how things should be done. It is said that eventually they grew tierd of the

    mortal world and ascended to God hood. There they still bicker to this day

    and have opposing views on how things should be done. 100 years after they

    Ascended the Twildin (Creation of the Twins) appeared.

    Veor believes that all life is precious and detests acts of destruction. He

    believes that each race should be allowed to rule themselves freely, without

    the restrictions of lord and law. He seeks to bring peace and end wars, for he

    is of the belief that the Dvergar's racial disgust and hatred of the Cracal has

    caused pain and hardship upon all races of Aderon. His holy symbol is two

    hands , one held in the other, with 7 stars in a cresent above them. His

    weapon is the staff.

    Armor Allowed - None



    Weapon Allowed - Staff

    Vilok CE - Vilok (Twanil) the brother of Veor. Vilok believes his brother is

    foolish in his want of peace. He believes that only the strong survive and that

    only those who are strong and ruthless should rule. In his eyes war has made

    the races of Aderon strong, hatred has made them hard and capable ofsurviving. He believes that the only law that should exist is the law

    established by the most powerful. Vilok seeks to have a world of continous

    violence and destruction so that when only the strong survive, the strongest

    amongst them will rule and bring balance in a natural order. Vilok's holy

    symbol is a circle that is surrounded by black flames. His weapon is the flail.

    Armor Allowed - None

    Weapon Allowed - Flail or Great Flail

    Veor and Vilok worshiped together LN - Some believe in worshiping Veor and

    Vilok as one God. This has developed into a very orginized religon with

    temples and worshipers that must submit to the law of the High Priest and his

    underlings. This is the most dominate religon and often has places of worship

    for all the lesser gods as well as the Creators. The religon is called Ordanum -

    The worship of Two as One. The holy symbol is the sun being eclipsed by the

    moon and the weapon of choice is spear.

    Armor Allowed - None

    Lesser Gods:

    Horad CN - Horad the Warrior. Horad is the God of those who seek to perfect

    themselves through combat. Horad cares nothing for war or the plight of

    others. He believes that the only way one can achieve power is fighting and

    winning. Horad does not believe in rules or arenas ( Though some make

    fighting pits or arenas in his name), He only believes in strength and cunning.

    His father Dagnor was tricked by his uncle Lokrin and from that experience

    he believed the only way to become strong is to fight the strongest opponent

    you can find and learn from him to defeat him. Horad will win any way he

    can, whether it be strength of arms or killing his enemy in his sleep. His holy

    symbol is a club with a skull on the pommel.

    Armor Allowed - Heavy

    Weapon allowed - Club or Great Club

    Frengar LG - Frengar the Protector - Frengar is the Wife of Dagnor. She has

    witnessed many a war that has been started by Dagnor and has seen the

    casualties it has caused. She continously trys to calm her husbands temper



    but he rarely listens. Feeling pitty and sorrow for all those lost to wars they

    did not want Frengar decided to protect those who could not protect

    themselves. She wears studded leathers and goes into battlefields weilding a

    Longsword and shield. She only fights when she can not avoid it and seeks to

    gather those who are not participating in the battle and take them to saftey.

    She tends to the wounded and dying from both sides of the battlefield andalways trys to seek peace. Frengar's holy symbol is a shield with a heart on it.

    Her weapon is the Longsword

    Armor Allowed - Light

    Weapon Allowed - Longsword

    Hemdarl LE - Hemdarl the World Blighter - Hemdarl in life was a crazed

    warrior who only fought to taste the blood of his foes. He would recklessly

    charge into battle to prove to Vilok that he is the strongest. He entered a

    battle with only a Greataxe and no armor. In many a fight he would charge

    out completly naked to show Vilok that he hid nothing from him. Hemdarl

    killed many and was finally noticed by Vilok after years of battle. Vilok

    decided to raise him to the level of a God so he could spread his hate and

    destruction to the races of Aderon. His holy symbol is a circle with black fire

    surrounding it and a white hand grasping it. His weapon is the Great Axe

    Armor Allowed - None

    Weapon Allowed - Great axe

    Fortes TN -Fortes the Judge. Fortes was appointed by the Twins, one of the

    few things they could agree on, to the be the final judge for those who die.

    Fortes looks like a Twildin with a huge flaming red beard and a heavy, angry

    brow. Fortes judges a man on the greatness of his acomplishments and the

    things he has done to change the world. He cares not whether a man obeyed

    the laws or was good or evil, he only cares how that man used his life. He

    judges if a man died before his time or long after. Those who waste the gift of

    life are punished to an eternity of labor and those who are worthy of epic

    tales take a place in the great drinking halls of the Gods. Forte's holy symbol

    is a hammer with an hourglass as its head. His weapon is the warhammer.

    Armor allowed - Medium

    Weapon Allowed - War hammer

    Dellagar NG - Dellagar the lord of th Sun - Dellagar the Light Bringer -

    Dellagar is known as the God of the Light and knowledge. He believes that

    learning can bring the races to understand each other and that every mortal

    has goodness in his soul. Dellagar believes in grand gestures of goodness

    especially when such actions oppose evil. Dellagar's holy symbol is a Golden



    Sphere. His weapon is the Mace

    Armor allowed - Light

    Weapon allowed - Mace or Heavy mace

    Lokrin NE - Lokrin the Deciever - Lokrin serves only himself and is evergreedy for power. He hates his brother Dagnor for the power he has and

    always seeks to outdo him through trickery. Lokrin believes in survival above

    all else and loves gold more than anything else. Lokrin once tricked Dagnor

    by agreeing to take his own forces and flank their enemies in battle. Instead

    Lokrin made a secret dealing with a Demon lord and obtained much wealth

    for it, telling him Dagnor's position and plans. Even with all the help Dagnor's

    might looked as if it would prevail so Lokrin came down on Dagnor's flank

    slaughtering both Dagnor and the Demon lord's men. After killing the Demon

    Lord Lokrin caught Dagnor by surprise and slashed him across the face,

    scarring his perfect features. Dagnor , wounded and weakened and every

    calculating decided to escape while he still could. Lokrin, that day won all of

    the spoils of war and built himself a secret fortress where he still hides.

    Lokrin's holy symbol is a golden dagger with a jewel on its hilt. His weapon is

    the short sword.

    Armor allowed - Light

    Weapon Allowed - Short sword.

    Dagnor LN - Dagnor the War spirit. Dagnor loves nothing more than the sight

    of war. His wish is to have a world in perpetual war. He believes that only war

    can show the true character of a man and reveal his nature. Dagnor despises

    trickery and would rather see war fought with a standard and regulated list of

    tactics to even the playing field. He believes that the better trained, better

    armed, and larger force should always win. He looks at war like a game board

    and believes it should be fought as such. Dagnor does not believe in crushing

    the weak or defensless and only enjoys it if others can bring a fighting force

    to oppose him, however he will not stop his slaughter if the innocent get in

    the way. Dagnor wears black full plate and wields two flaming battle axes

    when he enters combat. His holy symbol is a chipped burning battle axe and

    his weapon is obviously a battle axe.

    Armor allowed - Full plate

    Weapon Allowed - Battle Axe.

    Feat Classes:




    Destroy/Command Undead - The priest may use a full round action in an

    attempt to destroy or take command of the undead around him ( a 30ft

    radius). He does 1d6 points of dmg per level and if this equals the undeads

    current HP he either destroys or takes command of them till the end ofcombat.

    Combat Ready - The cleric , when using the weapon of his Diety, gains a +2

    to hit and damage.

    Mantle of the Chosen - When the cleric is wearing the garb or armor of his

    Diety he gains a +1 AVS even if he is just wearing simple cloth.

    Ritual for the Dead - It is often the duty of cleric to give passage to those who

    die. At the cost of 1 DPP he may ask his Diety to protect the soul of a recently

    dead humanoid, if the humanoid differs in alignment they get a will save LVL

    + CHA. If the save is failed or none is taken the cleric gains a +2 to hit,

    damage, Defense and AVS for the rest of the day. This may only be done

    once per day.

    Crusader(Preq. Lawful, Combat Ready) -The crusader is one who

    belongs to a lawful God and believes in bringing those who offend his god to


    2 - Blasphemy! - Any who speak out against the cleric's God or does

    something to offend him grants the cleric a +2 to AVS vs That opponent

    4- Cuffs of the fallen - If the cleric ever binds a person who has offended hisGod or broken his laws then the bindings become magical. They require a

    Strength of 27 to break or a DC 20+Level escape artist check.

    6 - Divine Judgment - Any who activate the Blasphemy feat are struck by the

    God himself, in the style of the god. The enemy must make a REF DC 10 +

    3+ WIS or take 1d6 points of DMG per level/half if saved (Max. of 6d6 points

    of damage). (Preq. Blasphemy!)

    8 - Weapon of the Righteous! - A cleric's weapon does +1d6 dmg vs any who

    are not lawful. (Preq. Cuffs of the Fallen)

    10 - Holy Light - The Cleric may use 1 DPP to activate a blinding light. This

    light shines for 120ft in all directions and any enemy who is not lawful suffers

    a -5 to hit and damage. (Preq. Divine Judgment)

    12 - Imprisonment - The Cleric may magically imprison someone inside of a

    square for 1 DPP. The square may be drawn on the ground around that

    person or be an object in which the person can sit ( such as a wagon) or even



    be an actual room or prison. The spell only stops that person from leaving a

    confined space and the target gets 1 imediate Will save DC 10 + 5 +

    WIS(Outsiders recieve a -5 ). If that person fails they may not leave for

    1day/per level of the Cleric, by any means. While inside the prison the Cleric

    may choose to allow that person to be magical sustained or to let them go

    without food and water. The Cleric may only contain 1 person at a time.(Preq. Cuffs of the fallen)

    14 - Smite the Fallen - The Cleric may smite his un-lawful foes with the

    vengence of his God, costing 2 DPP. The Cleric must declare he is doing so

    and gains a +5 to hit and + 10d6 DMG no save. 1/day (Preq. Weapon of the


    16 - Bound by Honor - The Cleric may force a target to obey to the rules of a

    given contract, spoken or written. If the Target agrees to do something or

    follow certain conditions he is bound. The target recieves a WILL save DC 10

    + 7 + WIS. If the target passes the Cleric is aware the contract is not bindingunder Divine Rule. The Cleric may only attempt this power once per Contract.

    If the target Fails and trys to not fufill the contract they suffer from extreme

    pain and are unable to think of anything but the contract. If the contract is

    not fufilled within 2 weeks of when it was suppose to be the target dies and

    its soul will be punished upon its death as the God sees fit. (Preq.


    18- Should I die before.. - The Cleric is one of the most powerful of his order

    and should he fall while still in favor of his Diety he will be returned to life.

    This cost him all pre-memorized spells and remaining DPP. When he rises he

    will be at half HP and count as wounded even if spells or abilites wouldnormally negate it. It takes 10 minutes for this effect to kick in and will not

    work if his body is burned. 1/day. (Preq. Bound by Honor. )

    20 - Holy Weapon - The Cleric's combat ready weapon gains a +5 to hit and

    damge bonus vs unlawful targets. Also vs Undead or Outsiders the weapon

    has a chance to Banish/Destroy them DC 10+9+WILL. If the Target saves he

    may not be effected again for 1 year. It also allows him to cast Smite the

    Fallen with no DPP cost or Holy Light at no DPP cost. (Preq. Smite the Fallen,

    Holy Light, Perform a Divine Quest.)

    Priest(Preq. Ritual of the Dead)- A priest is one who tends to the templesof his God. He transcribes scripts and performs the daily rituals and services

    to his God. One such as he ventures forth to spread the belief in his God and

    seeks to increase his own faith.

    2 - Morning Ritual - The priest may gain an additional DPP each day.

    4 - Speak no Evil - The pirest, at the cost of 1 DPP may Silence a single target



    if the speak out against his God or beliefs. No save. The silence lasts as long

    as the Pirest is in LoS.

    6 - Sanctuary - The Pirest may declare a single person to be under the

    protection of his God ( or 1 person/per level if within one of his temples). This

    Person must not directly oppose his Gods alignment. If any attempt to attackthis person they must roll a WILL save DC 10+ 3+ WIS or be unable to attack

    that person in any way for the rest of the day. (Preq. Morning Ritual)

    8 - Strength of the Lord - The Priest may call upon power of his lord to

    strengthen him in times of need. He may call forth an aditional 1d4+1 DPP,

    which he may imediately use. However, the following day he loses the same

    amount of DPP and may not call forth strength again that day. (Preq. Morning


    10 - Favored - The Priest may now gain an additional 2 DPP each day. (Preq.

    Strength of the Lord.)

    12- See no Evil - At the cost of 2 DPP the Priest may banish a target who

    activates the Speak no Evil feat from the mortal plane for a time. The target

    recieves a WILL save DC 10 + 5 + WIS. If the target fails they disapear for 1

    minute and take 100 damage. When they reapear, if they are not dead, they

    automatically count as being near death even if powers or abilites would

    prevent it. 1/day (Preq. Speak no Evil)

    14 - Protection of the Lord - The Cleric recieves a permant + 5 AVS as the

    lord blesses him with his protection. (Preq. Favored. )

    16 - Damnation - Any who activate the See no Evil feat may instead be

    Damned at the cost of 4 DPP. Should they fail a WILL save DC 10 + 6 + WIS ,

    They will die and their soul be forever tortured in Hell. 1/day (Preq. See no


    18 - Ritual of his Divine Glory - The cleric now recieves an additional 4 DPP

    each day(Preq. Favored. )

    20 - Shield of Divine Power - The Cleric may negate incoming damage at the

    cost of 1 DPP.(Preq. Protection of the Lord.)

    Prophet - A prophet is one who tells others the word of his Diety and shows

    others the way to salvation and safety.

    2 - Divine Prediction - The Prophet sees things before they happen and as

    such he may use 1 DPP to protect himself or an ally from an untimely end. I f

    the target goes below 0 they are automatically stabilized.



    4 - Divine Warning - The Prophet is warned of danger before it strikes him

    and may roll a DC 5+incoming damage WILL save instead of a AVS.

    6 - Locate - The Prophet has been givin the blessing of sight from his lord. He

    may attempt to locate someone 1/day. The Cleric must know the targets

    name and a fairly accurate discription of him or have something that belongsto the target. The target recieves a WILL save DC 10 + 3 + WIS, if he fails the

    target can see where he is, what is around him, what he is doing and what

    direction he is in. (Preq. Divine Prediction)

    8 - The Lord's Plan - 1/day the Cleric may gain a +20 to hit on a single attack

    or gain a +20 Defense rating that last until he is attacked for the first time

    after casting. (Preq. Divine Warning)

    10 - Commune - The Prophets has obtained the right to communicate directly

    to his lord and ask him questions in times of need. At the cost of 5 DPP the

    Prophet may ask 1 question/per level.

    12 - Reveal - The Prophet recieves a +10 bonus to sense motive VS bluff and

    a +5 Will save vs illusions or mind effecting spells. (Preq. Lord's Plan.)

    14 - Evil among us - The Prophet can feel those who oppose the will of his

    Lord or are of an opposing alignment. Also at the cost of 5 DPP he may make

    it so that the target is unable to hide, turn invisible, use any form of

    dimensional of movement magic, illusion magic, bluff or use mind effecting

    spells as long as they are within LoS of the Prophet. (Preq. Commune)

    16 - Ever Seeing - The Prophet may use The Lord's Plan up to 3 times a day.

    (Preq. The Lord's Plan)

    18 - Light in the Dark - The Prophet has been granted the power to see

    through the greatest of deceptions. He always passess all saves vs Illusions,

    is granted a +20 bonus to sense motive vs Bluff and may see through any

    darkness, magical or not, with normal vision. (Preq. Reveal.)

    20 - As it is written - The Prophet's ability to see what is to come has

    empowered him far beyond a normal person. Any person who attempts to

    harm the Prophet recieves a -20 to hit. Also if the Prophet is not wearing

    armor he recieves a +12 AVS which can not be reduced in any way and works

    even against things that ignore AVS. (Preq. Light in the Dark. )

    True Believer (Preq. Mantle of the Chosen) - A True Believer is a Cleric

    that devoutes himself to his Diety and to his will. He believes in nothing that

    is not in his Lord's Plan or that is not a part of his will.



    2 - Shield of Faith - The Cleric recieves a permanent +2 Deflection bonus to

    DEF and REF.

    4 - Servant of the Lord - The Cleric is a devout servant of his Diety and seeks

    only to become closer to him. In return for his devoution the Diety has

    blessed the Cleric with a permanent +2 AVS bonus.

    6 - False Power - For 1 DPP the Cleric recieves a Spell Resistance of 5+ Level

    for the rest of the day. (Preq. Shield of Faith)

    8 - Unshakeable Faith - The Cleric becomes immune to Mind effecting spells.

    (Preq. Servant of the Lord.)

    10 - Divine Power - The Cleric may invoke the power of his lord to help him in

    combat. At the cost of 3 DPP 1/day the Cleric will be empowered with a +10

    to hit and damage +5 AVS and deal an aditonal 1d8 DMG per attack. This last

    until the end of combat and takes 1 FRA to activate. (Preq. False Power.)

    12 - Armor of Faith - The Cleric becomes immune to death effects and spells.

    (Preq. Unshakeable Faith)

    14 - Keeper of the Faith - The Cleric has been granted the ability to allow

    others of like mind to be imbuned with his power. Any spell that he can cast

    can instead be held by another but still cost him the DPP to upkeep. This does

    not work with feats.

    16 - By his Will - The Cleric is capable of taking those who draw power from

    false dieties or use arcane magic and rendering them powerless. Any enemy

    cleric who opposes his Diety or arcane caster can be effected. At the cost of 3DPP the cleric may attempt to seal away their powers. The Target gets a WILL

    save 10 + 6+ WIS, if they fail they are cursed and unable to cast spells until

    they find a way to remove the curse. This may only be attempted once per

    target. (Preq. Divine Power.)

    18 -Fire Walker - The Cleric has become immune to fire or lightning. (Preq.

    Armor of Faith)

    20 - Avatar- The Cleric has proven his undying faith in his Lord and his will.

    The Cleric may never die from old age and becomes dificult for mortal

    weapons to wound. He obtains a 15/Magic DR and a 10+Level Spellresistance bonus. Also should he ever die he will rise once more within the

    nearest temple of his Lord in 3 days but loses 1 point of Constitution. Should

    he atempt to abuse this power or use it wrecklessly, his Diety may choose to

    not allow him to come back.




    BAB F/R/W Defense Special

    1 0 0-0-2 0 Spell book, Spellcasting

    2 1 0-0-3 0

    3 1 1-1-3 1

    4 2 1-1-4 1

    5 2 1-1-4 2

    6 3 2-2-5 2

    7 3 2-2-5 3

    8 4 2-2-6 3

    9 4 3-3-6 4

    10 5 3-3-7 4

    11 5 3-3-7 5

    12 6/1 4-4-8 5

    13 6/1 4-4-8 6

    14 7/2 4-4-9 6

    15 7/2 5-5-9 7

    16 8/3 5-5-10 7

    17 8/3 5-5-10 8

    18 9/4 6-6-11 8

    19 9/4 6-6-11 9

    20 10/5 6-6-12 9

    Spellcasting: A wizard cast spells by preparing the right combination of

    materials and empowering them with his magic. A wizard can have a number

    of prepared spells per day based on his level as seen below. These material

    components need to be tracked on the Wizards character sheet. A wizard

    need be careful with his prepared spells for they can be lost, stolen or



    destroyed. If he loses a prepared spell, still imbuned with his magical energy,

    then he can not use that energy again until the spell is cast or destroyed. To

    unprepare one of his spells a wizard need simply destroy the prepared

    material components or disenchant a prepared item.

    SpellBook: A wizard's spell book holds within all the knowledge needed forhim to prepare his spells. It is often written only for the wizard and with a

    special type of script known almost exlusivley to himself, so another wizard's

    spellbook may need time to figure out. A wizard needs his spellbook to

    prepare his spells. If he does not have his spellbook then he simply can not

    prepare his spells. If he loses it he can sense the spellbook's direction though

    not the distance or pinpoint exactly where it is. The spellbook also recieves a

    +2 on all saves, based on the Wizard's saves. To create a new spellbook the

    wizard must buy a special prepared tome costing no less than 30SP and

    spend atleast 1000SP of special components to magical imbune his book. In

    doing so the Spellbook is capable of generating pages should he run out, so

    the Wizard should only need one spell book, and is very light in the hands of

    the wizard who made it.

    Spells Per Day

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    1 1

    2 2

    3 2 1

    4 3 2

    5 3 2 1

    6 3 3 2

    7 4 3 2 1

    8 4 3 3 2

    9 4 4 3 2 1

    10 4 4 3 3 2

    11 4 4 4 3 2 1

    12 4 4 4 3 3 2

    13 4 4 4 4 3 2 1



    14 4 4 4 4 3 3 2

    15 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 1

    16 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 2

    17 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 1

    18 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 2

    19 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3

    20 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

    Schools of Magic: Necromancy, Elemental, Arcane, Demonic

    Skills: 3+Int

    Genral: Knowledge Arcane, Decipher Script

    Knowledge Religon, Knowledge Arch&Engineering, Knowledge Nature,

    Knowledge Nobility, Perception, Stealth, Disguise Self, Swim, Ride, Gather


    Feat Classes:

    Studious - The Wizard has spent long years of his life studying even the

    simplest of cantrips. He is capable of Memorizing spells without his book. He

    can memorize 1st level spells to start and may memorize 1 spell level higher

    for every 5 levels he recieves. (i.e. at 5th -2nd, 10th - 3rd, 15th-4th, 20th-5th.


    Knowledge Lusty - The Wizard may make an untrained attempt at any

    knowledge skill. If he is trained in a particular knowledge skill he gains a +2


    Powerful - The Wizard has spent all his time and energy making his spells

    more effective. He may add 1 DC to a particular school of spells.

    Mental Capacity - The wizard may gain 1 extra spell per day in a particular

    school for each level of spells he obtains.

    Necromancy (Preq. Mental Capacity - Necromancy)-The wizard is

    practiced in drawing forth his magical energies from the dead and spirts of

    the dead.

    2 - Power of the Dead - If the wizard is ever within 500 feet of a freshly dead

    body ( dead withing 2 days) he recieves an aditional +1 to all his spell DCS.



    4 - Dead Friends - The wizard may compel a dead body to speak to him and

    have a short conversation with it. The body gets a WILL save as if it was alive

    DC 10+Wizard Level - each day it has been dead.

    6 - Life Drinker - The Wizard has begun to understand how to sap the life

    force from those still living and empower his spells. If he spends 1 standardaction to sap a target, he will be able to replenish one of his prepared spells

    for that day. The target gets a FORT save DC 10+3+INT, if he fails he takes

    1d6 points of damage per Wizard level up to 20d6. for every 10 points of

    damage caused the wizard may recall 1 level of spells. (i.e. if 20 dmg is taken

    by the enemy he may recall a 2nd level spell.) This action can only be done

    1/day (Preq. Power of the Dead)

    8 - Deathly State - If the Wizard should fall to 0 or lower HP he will enter a

    state in which he is a spirit. This spirit has up to 10 HP -1 for every point he

    drops below 0. In this state the wizard can not be effected by non-magical

    weapons , and even with magical weapons they have a 50% chance to misshim. Magic, however, effects the wizard normally except that he can not be

    seen by normal means. The Wizard will be able to cast any spells he had

    prepared, destroying the prepared materials as he does. He is not able to

    leave the spot in which he fell or communicate those who still live. If the

    wizard reaches -10 HP his exits this spirit form. (Preq. Dead Friends.)

    10 - Corpse Maker - Any enemy who falls to 0 or below HP but is not dead can

    be snuffed out by the Wizard as a standard action. The life he takes is put

    into a pool of magic that last until the end of combat and can be used to add

    aditional damage to any offense spell he cast. (i.e. he steals the life from a

    Cracal at 0 HP and gains 10 points to his magical pool. These 10 points canthen be used to add damage to any offensive spell he cast.) (Preq. Life


    12 - Death and Decay - If the Wizard ever dies his spirit may enter the corpse

    of a recently dead body (within 2 days) if he does so within 2 hours of his

    death. Upon doing so the Wizard becomes undead. He loses all bonus from

    constitution to HP but still retains the hit dice he has already rolled and his

    Constitution drops to 0. If he is hit by sunlight he suffers 1d6 points of

    damage per round and he gains a natural claw attack that deals 1d4 points of

    damage. He is capable of doing this 1/day. (Preq. deathly State.)

    14 - Death's puppets - The Wizard can make a recently dead humanoid rise

    once more under his control. While doing this the wizard can not move or

    speak but can see through the eyes of the corpse and command it. The

    corpse moves at 20ft a round or 10ft a round in case of a slow creature and

    can attack with whatever weapon is on him at the Wizards attack bonus, no

    strength is added to damage. He can also cast spells from the corpse and



    count the range of the spell as starting from the corpse. He can have up to 5

    such puppets at one time. (Preq. Corpse Maker)

    16 -Last Will - The Wizard can trap the souls of the recently dead (Within 1

    hour ) and use them to fuel his abilities. The Trapped soul gets a Will save DC

    10 + 5 + INT. The Wizard can have up to 10 souls trapped at any time anduse them to do one of the following effects: Increase Spell DC by 5, Increase

    damage by x2, Increase spell range by x3 or regain spell 5th lvl or lower.

    (Preq. Death and Decay)

    18- Lich Born - The Wizard is capable of sending his lifeforce into a specially

    prepared object which takes 2 weeks to prepare and can cost no less than

    1000 GP. Whenever his body dies he may enter an intact humanoid corpse

    that is within 100feet of his container, no matter how old the body is. He

    suffers all the same effects of Death and Decay. The magical container is

    considered an artifact and can only be destroyed using a very high level spell

    or an equally powerful artifact weapon. Once inside a new body he may notleave it unless he is once again slain. If the Wizard kills himself he is trapped

    within his container for 1 week before he can exit once again. (Preq. Last Will)

    20 - Death's Master - The Wizard may choose not to enter his container and

    instead remain as a spirit. He can be no more than 1000ft away from his

    container at any time and follows the rules for Deathly state. However he has

    half of his normal HP and if his spirit is destroyed he is forcefully returned to

    his container and can not escape as a spirit again for the rest of the day, to

    enter a corpse or float around. In Spirit form the Wizard gains a +1 to all DCs

    that stacks with any other power and is capable of using , feats or spells.

    (Preq. Lich Born)

    Nature -The wizard has learned to focus on gaining his energies from the

    life of the world around him and has a great appreciation for the power of


    2 - Energy of Nature - The Wizard gains a +1 DC to all spells when in forests

    or other life abundant enviroments. He suffers a -1 DC in particularly lifeless

    enviroments such as deserts or wastelands.

    4 - Natural Shape - The Wizard is capable of using the energies of nature to

    change into one of the following forms: Tiny Bird, Wolf, Rat or Bat. When inBird form he gains the ability to fly 30 feet good and gains a +10 Perception.

    In Wolf form he gains a 40 ft movement speed, low light vision and scent. In

    rat form he gains a +10 stealth, scent and low light vision. In Bat form he

    gains the ability to fly 30 feet good and blindsight 60ft. He gains no natural

    attack in any of these forms though he does gain a +1 defense bonus and

    AVS bonus in all forms. It takes 1 standard action to shift into any form,

    including humanoid.



    6 - Natures Ally - The Wizard may speak to any animal. (Preq. Energy of


    8 - Natural Spell - The Wizard is capable of casting his spells while in a shifted

    form. (Preq. Natural Shape)

    10 - Natrual Movement - The Wizard may enter a tree and transport himself

    to any other tree within that forest. (Preq. Natures Ally)

    12 - Power of Nature - The Wizard may invoke the power of nature to grant

    him great haste. 1/day The Wizard may cast two spells in the same round as

    a FRA.(Preq. Natural Spell.)

    14 - Rebirth - The Wizard ungergoes an ancient ritual in order to have his

    form reborn. The Wizard Becomes partial elemental - Earth, Air, Fire or Water

    and gains the abilites from the chosen type. Earth - Acid Immunity, Poison

    Immunity, Air - Electricity immunity and +20 foot movement, Water - Cold

    immunity and may move through water at 50ft a round, water breathing,

    Fire- Fire immunity and may cast a choosen firespell 4th lvl or lower at will.

    (Preq. Natural Spell)

    16 - LifeForce - The Wizard can feel the energy of every living creature within

    1000ft and can judge based on that their power. This also gives him a +20

    chance to spot invisible foe and a +10 will save vs illusions that would imitate

    life. (Preq. Rebirth)

    18 - Elemental Fury - The Wizard gains a +1 DC bonus on any elemental spell

    and all elemental spells do x2 dmg when cast by the wizard. (Preq. Power of


    20 - Elemental Form - The Wizard becomes imbuned with the power of his

    chosen element. He gains the following abilites based on his element. Earth -

    DR 10/- Earthen Movement - The ability to move through earth as if it were

    water. Air - Fly speed 50ft Perfect, the ability to blast enemys with a 10d6

    dmg lightning bolt at will DC 10+5+INT REF save, Water - In water you are

    invisible, Also while in water you can regenrate your full life bar within an

    hour. Fire - Your chosen 4th level or lower fire spell is maximized at all times

    and you may summon a tornado of flames with a 10ft radius and 30feet high

    that moves at 50 feet a round on your command. The tornado does 15d6

    points of dmg and has a reflex save 10+5+INT. The Tornado requires your

    concentration and can only be summoned 3/day. (Preq. Rebirth)

    Demonic(Preq. Knowledge Religon) - The wizard seeks to draw his

    power from a much darker source. He often aligns himself with Demons or

    Devils in order to draw forth their power to use for his own purposes. He must



    be careful for he may become their pawn or servant if he is not careful. (Not

    all wizards who seek the demonic path are evil, although they may be foolish)

    Demon Lord's that power can be drawn from -

    Graz'zt, The Dark Prince - One of the most powerful demons in all the

    Abyss, Graz'zt is lord of three layers of that plane. He is a tall, darkly

    handsome demon with shiny black skin and green, glowing eyes. Graz'zt

    dresses in regal finery, but his slightly pointed ears and yellow fangs makr

    him for the demon he is. Most strikingly of all his digits: He has six ebony

    fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot. Graz'zt is a deeply sexual,

    erotic being, The dark prince never goes anywhere without a retinue of

    female monsters. He is dangerously charming and seductive and speaks with

    eloquence and grandeur.

    Yeenoghu, Demon Prince of Gnolls - It is said that Yeenoghu was once

    a mortal gnoll that has become a powerful Demon Lord. He still sees a kinship

    with the gnolls and many gnolls pay him homage. Yeenoghu is very powerful

    and controls a layer of the Abyss, which he calls Yeenoghu's Realm. There, he

    hunts lesser demons and other creatures while he plots his next attack

    against layers of the Abyss or the Mortal Planes.

    Dispater, Lord of the Second - Dispater is the Iron Duke - the lord of the

    Iron City of Dis. His home is the Iron tower, an impregnable fortress made to

    protect him. Dispater is the picture of caution and careful thought. He never

    acts rashly and always has at least nine different backup plans and escape

    routes at any given moment. No matter the situation, however, Dispater

    keeps a veneer of calm, gentlemanly manners. He never shows anger orcontempt, making him all the mor charming - and dangerous.

    Mephistopheles, Lord of the Eight - Mephistopheles is an archdevil who

    has long held a great deal of power in hell. Mephistopheles rules over the

    frozen waste of Cania, the eighth layer of hell. Mephistopheles displays a

    facade of charm, civility and understated wit. Secretly, he has a terrible

    temper and flies into frequent rages while in his palace in Cania - a citadel

    called Mephistar. Even though Mephistopheles rules a realm of ice he himself

    is the plane's heart of scorching flame. Mephistopheles has developed an

    extremely hot, corrupt type of energy known as hellfire, tapped from the

    substance of the plane itself.

    2 - Demonic Pact 1 - You align your self with 1 of 4 Lords of the Abyss/Hell. In

    doing so you gain powers that normal Wizards simply can not get. However

    each lord demands his own price, giving into the lord's demands gives you

    power while ignoring them stretch your own powers thin. Should you ever

    fully fall to their will you will be drawn into the Abyss/Hell and serve them as

    your new master. Each time you use one of thier powers you must make a



    Fort save DC 4 + Pact level. If you fail you gain 1 Demonic point. Once your

    demonic points equal your constitution you die. To rid yourself of Demonic

    points you must do something that would upset or betray your lord. For

    instance, in Yeenoghu's case kill Gnolls.

    Graz'zt - Demonic Charm - you gain a gaze attack that can charmhumanoids or intelligent monsters at will. DC 10 + 2 + CHA

    Yeenoghu - Demonic Howl - you gain the ability to emit a terrifying

    howl. Any within 30 feet of you that hear it must make a WILL save DC 10 +2

    + CHA or become paralyzed for 5 rounds.

    Dispater - Telepathy - You gain the ability to communicate with

    humanoids within 100 feet of you with your mind. They do not know it is you

    who speaks to them unless you want them to or they roll a DC 15 intelligence

    check. This ability can activate spells which require opponents to hear a

    certain component to be affected.

    Mephistopheles - You gain a +1 DC to all Demonic and Fire based


    4 - Demonic Wish - Once per day, they Wizard may call upon his demonic

    patron's powers to add a +5 to any roll he decides to make except a Pact roll.

    6 - Evil Eye - The Wizard can deform one his own eyes through a Demonic

    ritual. In doing so the wizard gains the ability to see greater distances

    (Increasing spell range by 1.5) and remove it so that it may float about and

    spy on his enemys for him. It has his stealth +10 and moves at 40 feet a

    round. It can not move more than 10 feet off the ground or go more than 1

    mile away from the Wizard. In addition you gain a -5 perception test due to

    your deformed eye. (Preq. Demonic Pact 1 )

    8 - Demonic Pact 2 - You may continue to draw power from the Demonic lord

    you have choosen or make an alignment with a new patron. Having more

    than one patron gives you a -1 to all Pact saves.

    Graz'zt - See invisibility - Your eyes can now see invisible foes at all

    times. Also your charm ability DC is now 10+4+CHA.

    Yeenoghu - Extra Arm - You grow a third arm that is a bit smaller thanyour normal ones. This arm can be concealed fairly easily due to it's demonic

    nature. This arm allows you to cast spells even with both hands busy. It also

    can act independantely of the body, if you ever find your self falling or in

    other situations where the arm can act it can reach out and make a REF save

    even when normal REF saves are not allowed or provide a +5 REF save in

    these instances.



    Dispater - Flesh to Iron - Upon a succsesful touch attack the target

    must make a FORT save DC 10 + 4 + CHA, if he fails his skin becomes iron

    ( he becomes paralyzed) for 1 hour.

    Mephistopheles - Hellfire - Any spell that uses fire is now considered

    Hellfire. Hellfire causes and aditional 1.5 damage and ignores fire imunity.

    10 - Control - You begin to gain control of your abilites. You may make a WILL

    save whenever you reach 5 or more Demonic points to reduce the Pact points

    you have. DC 10 + Number of points you have. If you succeed you reduce the

    ammount by 2d6, if you fail you gain 1d4. (Preq. Demonic Wish)

    12 - Evil's Brand - Any Evil Creature with an intelligence lower than 8 must

    roll a WILL save DC 10 + 6 + CHA or refuse to attack you for 24 hours. (Preq.

    Demonic Pact 2)

    14 - Cunning Trick - You have been able to decieve the Demon Lord's for

    some time and have gained the ability to call forth more of their energy for

    your supposed service. Once per day you can gain +10 to any roll, except

    Pact saves. (Preq. Control.)

    16 - Demonic Pact 3- You may continue to draw power from the Demonic lord

    you ahve choosen or make an alignment with a new patron. Having more

    than one patron gives you a -1 to all Pact Saves. (Preq. Evil's Brand)

    Graz'zt - Domination - Your charm and demonic powers allows to

    dominate an enemy. You can only have 1 creature dominated at a time and it

    lasts until you or someone else releases them. They will do any action that

    you wish, even go suicide. This power can be cast 1/day. The target gets a

    WILL save, DC 10+5+CHA.

    Yeenoghu - Terrify - Any enemy within 50 feet can be effected by this

    ability. Your image transforms into a horrible visage and causes all enemys in

    range to be paralyzed with fear. Any who fail their WILL save will drop

    whatever they are holding and fall prone, curling up into a ball and cowering.

    The target will not react if attacked or interacted with. This fear last until the

    Wizard is no longer within LoS. DC 10 + 5 + CHA

    Dispater - Iron Flesh - Your flesh becomes reflective and metalic like.

    You gain a 10/adamantium DR and become immune to eltricity.

    Mephistopheles - You gain the ability to throw out Hellbolts. This is a

    spell-like ability you can cast at will. It counts as a 5th lvl spell , range touch

    up to 400ft, and does 15d6 dmg ( Hellfire damage included).

    18 - Mastery - You have mastered the dark energys that you invoke. You now

    automatically reduce 1 Demonic point a day and if you fail a control save you



    do not gain 1d4 points. (Preq. Control.)

    20 Power Theif - You have made your final pact with the Demon Lords,

    however you have also lived long enough to trick them. All this time they

    believed you were their servant but it was them who served you. You may

    pick 1 of the following powers. Also your pact powers no longer bestowDemonic Points and your Control skill gives you a permanent +1 Demonic

    Spell DC while Mastery skill can be used to add up to 5 points to any Demonic

    Spell DC, once a day, WILL DC 10+Spell Level (Preq. Demonic Pact 3)

    Graz'zt - Black Hand - One of your hands turns ebony and grows a sixth

    finger. This allows you to cast any spell 4th level or lower without material

    component. Also you may precast up to 9 spell levels worth of spells in the

    hand and cast them at a later time, although materials must be used up to

    cast them still.

    Yeenoghu - Fourth Arm - Your grow a fourth (or third arm). This arm is

    covered in yellow dog like hair and clawed. This arm is fairly easy to conceal

    do to its demonic magic. This arm quickens all spells 5th level or lower.

    Dispater - Will of Rust - At will you may target an opponent and cause

    everything he carries to rust ( If made of Metal, Gold, copper or silver. ) This

    counts as a move action and normal objects get no save. Magical, even

    artifact level objects, need a FORT save DC 20+CHA. This can be done to any

    opponent within 500 feet and LoS.

    Mephistopheles - Flames of Hell - You are continually swathed in dark

    flames. These flames can be conceal under a normal cloak if desired. Any one

    the Wizard desires, within 10 feet, will take 5d6 points of Hellfire damage

    with no save and any who strike him will take 5d6 points of damage.

    Arcane (Preq. Studious)- The wizard draws energy from wherever he can,

    not focusing on any particular source. Though this may weaken him in some

    aspects he compinsates by focusing on the magic he is capable of wielding

    and making it as perfect and as powerful as possible.

    2 - Arcane Focus - Your focus on your own powers have given you +1 Spells

    per level per day, of any kind.

    4 - Quicken Spell - You may empower up to 1 spell per day to be instantcasting.

    6 - Spell Penetration - You gain a +5 bonus to penetrate any Spell Resitance.

    (Preq. Arcane Focus)

    8 - Mental Library - You no longer need a spellbook to memorize or learn new




    10 - Arcane Knowledge - You may convert any of your memorized spells to a

    Dispel effect against an enemy spell or magical ability. (Preq. Quicken Spell)

    12 - Greater Spell Penetration - You gain +10 bonus to penetrate any Spell

    Reistance.(Preq. Spell Penetration)

    14 - Endless Knowledge - You gain + 1d6 spells of any level and +1 of your

    highest level spells each day. (Preq. Arcane Knowledge)

    16 - Spell Focus - You gain a +2 To all Spell DCS (Preq. Endless Knowledge)

    18 - Master of the Arcane - You may cast your Dispel as an interupt action

    once a round. (Preq. Mental Library)

    20 - Archmage - You gain access to a special class of 10th level spells called

    Archwizard. (Preq. Master of the Arcane.)


    There are two type of skills that each character have, GENERAL and bought

    skills. Your General skills are skills you automatically have. Bought skills are

    ones you used your assigned skill points to buy. Ever skill that is a class skill

    cost 1 point and every skill that is not cost 2 points. Once your purchase your

    skills, the skill level is equal to your level + your stat modifer. If you wish to

    purchase a new skill upon reaching a new level you give a -1 to all your

    current skills or a -2 if you purchase a cross-classed skill. You can purchase

    up to a maximum of your INT bonus in new skills.

    Skill changes:

    Move Silent and Hide are now one skill - Stealth

    Search, Listen and Spot are now Perception

    Open locks and disable device are now Device

    Knowledge arcana, use magic device and Spellcraft are now Knowledge


    Use rope does not exist

    Knowledge of the Planes and Knowledge Religon are now Knowledge Religon

    Knowledge Nature and Survival are now Knowledge Nature

    Concentration does not exist



    Knowledge Geography, Local, History, Nobility are now Knowledge Local

    Knowledge (General) - this allows you to roll any knowledge check a -5, if you

    decide to take a particular knowledge skill it will function with no minus.

    Knowledge ( All) - Hamil only, this allows a hamil to take 1 skill to gain all

    knowledge skills. If he decides to take a particular knowledge skill in addition

    then that knowledge skill gets a +2.

    New Combat Rules:

    Modified to hit rolls - In combat you now use your DEX bonus not your STR

    bonus added to your BAB for all to hit rolls. You to hit roll is opposed by an

    opponents DEFENSE score. If a hit is scored the enemy gets an ARMORVALUE SAVE.

    Defense score - Defense is 10+DEX bonus + Size Modifier + Deflection bonus

    + Class bonus.

    Armor Value Save(AVS) - The AVS is a check to see if your armor protects you

    against the incoming attack. Your roll a D20 at a DC 20 - armor value (AV).

    The AV is determined by the type of armor you are wearing.

    Damage Reduction - Damage reduction applys if you fail your AVS.

    Spellcasting - If you cast in melee combat you automatically provoke an AoO,you can no longer defensively cast. If you are hit you are automatically

    interupted and can not cast the spell. The only exception is a touch attack

    spell which can be cast in melee combat.

    Grappling - Grapple is an opposed strength/escape artist check. No BAB is

    added to this roll, although size is. Creatures 2 size categories larger than

    you can grapple you with 1 hand/limb with no penalty. Other creatures get a

    -5 to grapple with 1 hand/limb. Grapple also always causes an AoO unless the

    target is flat footed. The size of weapon you can you use without grapple

    check follows the table below. Any other size weapon must make a grapple

    check with the following modifiers : tiny +5, small +0 , medium -5, large -10

    Grapple size and weapon chart:

    If target is... weapon size that can be drawn and used with no


    smaller than you small



    same size as you tiny weapons

    1 size categories larger small weapons

    2 size categories larger medium weapons

    3 size categories larger large weapons

    Example for a medium sized creature

    Medium being grappled by...

    small character - A small weapon can be drawn for the

    chart also works in the opposite direction. For instance if a Storm g