phenix results

PHENIX Results Y. Akiba (RIKEN Nishina Center) for PHENIX Collaboration RHIC/AGS User’s meeting 2008.05.29

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PHENIX Results. Y. Akiba (RIKEN Nishina Center) for PHENIX Collaboration RHIC/AGS User’s meeting 2008.05.29. The RHIC Physics Program. New State of Partonic Matter. Origin of Nucleon Spin. RHIC. PHENIX Data-Sets. 30 times. 3 times. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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PHENIX Results

Y. Akiba (RIKEN Nishina Center)

for PHENIX Collaboration

RHIC/AGS User’s meeting


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The RHIC Physics Program


New State of Partonic Matter Origin of Nucleon Spin

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PHENIX Data-Sets

Collided 4 different species in 8 years: AuAu, dAu, pp, CuCu6 energies run: 9.2 GeV, 19 GeV, 22.5 GeV, 62.4 GeV, 130 GeV, 200 GeV





Year Species Ãs [GeV ] ºLdtNtot (sampled)Data SizeRun1 2000 Au - Au 130 1 µb-1 10 M 3 TB

Au - Au 200 24 µb-1 170 M 10 TBAu - Au 19 < 1 M

p - p 200 0.15 pb-1 3.7 B 20 TBd - Au 200 2.74 nb-1 5.5 B 46 TBp - p 200 0.35 pb-1 6.6 B 35 TB

Au - Au 200 241 µb-1 1.5 B 270 TBAu - Au 62.4 9 µb-1 58 M 10 TBCu - Cu 200 3 nb-1 8.6 B 173 TBCu - Cu 62.4 0.19 nb-1 0.4 B 48 TBCu - Cu 22.4 2.7 µb-1 9 M 1 TB

p - p 200 3.8 pb-1 85 B 262 TBp - p 200 10.7 pb-1 233 B 310 TBp - p 62.4 0.1 pb-1 10 B 25 TB

Run-7 2007 Au - Au 200 725 µb-1 4.6 B 570 TBd - Au 200 81 nb-1 160 B 437 TBp - p 200/500

Au - Au low energy










Run4 2003/04

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PHENIX publications

• 67 papers published since 2001– Phys. Rev. Lett. 41– Phys. Rev. C 19– Phys. Rev. D 5– Phys. Letter B 2– Nucl. Phys. A 1

(white paper)

• Total citation: ~5900– 500+ 1

– 250-500 5– 100-250 11– 50-100 18

• 19 +3 papers published + accepted since January 2007– PRL 9 +1– PRC 7 +2– PRD 2– PLB 1

• 8 papers in review

• PHENIX “White Paper” is now a “Renowed” (500+) status, with total of 504 citation.

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Proton Spin




2q Lq

z G Lgz

Well measuredonly ~30% of spin

A future challenge

Spins + orbital angular momentum needto give the observed spin 1/2 of proton

Measuredat RHIC

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π0 ALL : work horse for G(x)

• pQCD works for pT>2GeV/c

RUN5 resutls: PRD76 (2007) 051106

• 0 ALL constraint on G

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Scaling Errors not included

• Final RUN6 results will be published soon

• Gives much stronger constraint on G

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More ALL measurements

Many independent probes to understand gluon spin




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Forward 0 AN at large xF with MPC


p+p0+X at s=62.4 GeV p+p0+X at s=62.4 GeV

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AN of muons from charm/bottom decays

• AN of charm decay muons is measured for the first time

“Max” value of AN of charm isnot well constrained


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3D source imaging

3D source imaging reconstructs source parameters

reverse engineer the correlation function by an input source function.

The analysis suggests that there is a long tail of the source distribution

Solutoin of the long-standing “HBD puzzle”?

arXiv:0712.4372, PRL accepted

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Scaling of v2 of hadrons

• More data on v2(pT) of hadrons are accumulated• When v2/nq vs KET/nq (KET=transverse kinetic enery), all data points

are on a universal curve, suggesting that v2 developed in partonic stage


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Phi meson (small interaction cross section) also followsthe number of quark (nq) scaling.

More on the scaling of v2: phi flow

PRL99, 052301 (2007)

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v2 of Direct photon and J/e+e-

First ever at RHIC,

v2 - J/µ+µ- coming soon

J/Psi coalescence ?


PHENIX preliminary

Direct v2 Min Bias Au+Au 200 GeV (Run 4)

Sign of direct v2 (at high pT): – Positive == parton emission quenched– Negative == parton emission (Brems.)


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v4 - scales with v2


pT (GeV/c)


KET /nq (GeV/c2)KET (GeV/c2)

v2 scales with nq, v4 with nq2 partonic degree of freedom


PHENIX preliminary


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π0 pT spectra at √sNN = 200 GeV

RUN2 Au+Au PRL91,072301

RUN4 Au+Au arXiv:0801.4020 [nucl-ex]

RAA measurements now extends to 20 GeV/c

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Quantitative analysis

Comparison with GRV model: dNg/dy=1400 arXiv:0801.1665 PRC accepted

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RAA beam energy dependence (Cu+Cu)

Cu+Cu 22,62,200 GeV (Run 5)

• Model calculations indicate quenching expected at sNN = 22 GeV, but Cronin effect dominates

• Species dependence to probe space/time of suppression


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RAA of hadrons and direct photon (AuAu 200GeV)

• Same suppression pattern for 0 and : Consistent with parton energy loss and fragmentation in the vacuum

• RAA for ‘s larger than 0 RAA for 2 < pT < 5 GeV/c. Why?

• Ncoll scaling for direct (except for highest pT point?– Isospin effect?)

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More Direct photon RAA Results

Central Cu+Cu 200 GeV (Run 5) Direct RAA vs Npart

PHENIX Preliminary

PHENIX PreliminaryMin Bias Au+Au 62 GeV (Run 4)

• Direct photon RAA 1• Is there other evidence for nuclear

effects?– Reduced/enhanced radiation due to jet




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Modification of jet correlation

• Two particle of two high pT track (jet correlation) is modified in central Au+Au collisions.

• Many theory attempts to explain these effect

• Probing the medium response to fast partons

PRL97,052301 (2006) Au+Au

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More detailed study of jet correlation















PRL98, 232302 (2007)

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jet correlations vs reaction plane

unchanged near-side peak in the final jet functions when moving away from Reaction plane, indication for away side modification.

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-h Correlations

“measures” recoil parton momentum– Measure fragmentation function D(Z)

-h p+p 200 GeV (Run 5)


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J/ suppression in Au+Au

• High statistics measurement of J/ in AuAu in wide rapidity range– Mid-rapidty J ee– Forward rapidty J/

• Strong suppression of J/ is observed– Consistent with the

prediction that J/s are destroyed in de-confined matter

• Surprisingly, the suppression is stronger at forward rapidity than in mid-rapidity– J/ formation by

recombination of charm pairs in deconfined matter?

PRL98,172301 (2007)

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RAuAu (run 4) = RAuAu (run 7)

• Forward rapidity only (for now)

• More bins at higher centrality

• Confirm the trend– RAA(y≈1.7) < RAA(y≈0)


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J/ d+Au: Cold Nuclear Matter

• Increased Run 5 p+p statistics (x10 Run 3) as baseline

• Improved & consistent p+p and dAu analysis– Improved alignment, resolution,

yield extraction,… – Cancellation of systematic errors

in RdAu

• Result: CNM = Shadowing(EKS) + Breakup = 2.8 mb– Consistent within errors with

previous results– and with Breakup=4.2+/-0.5mb

(SPS result)

PRC77_024912 (2008)


J/ RdAu 200 GeV

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J/ RAA Cu+Cu and Au+Au

• Approx 2x more J/ in Cu+Cu sample than Au+Au sample– More precise Npart<100 info

• Curves show RAA prediction from ad hoc CNM fit to RdAu separately at y=0 and y > 1.2

• CNM from RdAu fit describes suppression for Npart < 100.

J/ RAA 200 GeV arXiv:0801.0220

RdAu constraints are not sufficient to say if suppression beyond cold nuclear matter is stronger at forward rapidity

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Heavy flavor electron RAA and flow

Two models describes strong suppression and large v2

Rapp and Van Hee Moore and Teaney

From model comparison, viscosity to entropy ratio /s can be estimated

DHQ × 2πT = 4 - 6DHQ ~ 6 x /(+p) = 6 x /Ts

/s ~ (4/3 – 2)/4 The estimate of /s is close to the conjectured bound 1/4from AdS/CFT

PRL98,172301 (2007)Contraints on /s

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Bottom Measurement

• Charm and bottom spectra both x above FONLL calculations– But ratio is in good agreement with FONLL

p+p 200 GeV Charm and bottom extracted via e-h mass analysis



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total cross section of charm and bottom

√s dependence of cross section with NLO pQCDagrees with data

total cross section of bottom NEW

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Is bottom also suppressed? Does it flow?

• p+p data indicates that a large contribution of b for pT>2 GeV/c

• The suppression in high pT is strong and new v2 data suggest significant flow of HF electron in high pT

– Is bottom also suppressed?

– Does bottom also flows?



Rapp & van Hees, PRC 71, 034907 (2005)


PRL 98, 172301 (2007)

e± from heavy flavor


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e+e- pairs in p+p

• Cocktail filtered in PHENIX acceptance

• Charm, Bottom, DY contributions from PYTHIA

• Excellent agreement!


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e+e- pairs in Au+Au

• Data and Cocktail absolutely normalized– Cocktail normalized to

Au+Au measurements• Except ccbar

• Low mass excess– 150 < Mee < 750 MeV– X 3.4±0.2(stat.)



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PT Dependence of Au+Au Mee

• Low Mass excess is a low pT enhancement– Huge excess at

lowest pT

– Late Phase info

0 < pT < 8 GeV/c 0 < pT < 0.7 GeV/c

0.7 < pT < 1.5 GeV/c 1.5 < pT < 8 GeV/c

PHENIX Preliminary • Still significant at high pT

Next topic


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Enhancement of almost real photon

Kinematic region of e+e- pairs

m<300 MeV and 1<pT<5 GeV/c


• Good agreement of p+p data and hadronic decay cocktail

• Small excess in p+p at large mee and high pT


• Clear enhancement visible above for all pT

pp Au+Au (MB)

1 < pT < 2 GeV2 < pT < 3 GeV3 < pT < 4 GeV4 < pT < 5 GeV


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Direct for p+p, Au+Au

• New p+p result with * method agrees with NLO pQCD predictions, and with the measurement by the calorimeter

• For Au+Au there is a significant low pT excess above p+p expectations

• Excess is exponential in shape with inverse slope T~ 220MeV

• Thermal photons from hydrodynamical models with Tinit=300 – 600MeV at 0=0.6-0.15fm/c are qualitative agreement with the data.NLO pQCD (W. Vogelsang)

Fit to pp

exp + TAA scaled pparXiv:0804.4168

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Constrain the properties and evolution of the matter

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• 2007-2008 is very productive for PHENIX

• Spin physics results– Constraint on gluon polarization from pi0 ALL

– More new ALL measurements

– AN of forward pi0, heavy flavor decay muons

• Many heavy ion physics results

3D imaging Flow

High pT hadrons Jet correlation

Direct photon Heavy quark

Dilepton Thermal(?) Photon

• These results start to give constraint on the properties of the dense matter formed at RHIC

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