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Post on 15-Jul-2015



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Thank you again for becoming a valued subscriber to the PheromonePro newsletter. As you

can probably tell, I’m passionate about pheromones… but I’m even more passionate about

getting the absolute maximum out of life.

I just use pheromones to help me on my journey, and I’m about to show you how too.

But before we begin... let me introduce myself

Hi. My name is Phertest. I also go by my

handle “phertest”. I’m in my 20′s, study

business, and am an avid pheromone


In 2010, I got my first “pheromone taste

test” – and since then, I’ve been using,

reviewing, writing and of course

EXPERIMENTING with pheromone

colognes and perfumes.

What are pheromone colognes and perfumes?

To put it simply, they are almost like

regular colognes – except they can

produce a wide variety of social effects

on men and women.

Many people use them to get the “upper hand” in dating, social friendships, and professional

environments. But pheromones are absolutely NOT the answer to all your problems.

While they can help tremendously, when it comes to winning dates, interviews, and

negotiations, you still have to work on being more successful the “traditional” way.

If you’re like 90% of the guys reading this report, you probably found pheromones online and

got a little bit curious about them… I’d like to think that most of my members are pretty smart,

and were at least a little bit skeptical.

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So you searched around, and discovered that the science was sound.

All types of animals use pheromones… not just for finding mates - but for warding off prey,

finding food, sensing predators and more. So you would think humans probably had a use for

them too.

Here’s just a small sample of the benefits people are experiencing using pheromone power…

Increase respect, social status, and create a sense of “awe” or amazement

Be genuinely happy, and convey that happiness to others

Boost conversational power – quantity and quality

Increase your “trustworthiness”

Create an aura of charisma, and popularity

Get others to trust you much more easily

Inspire “crushy” feelings from the opposite sex

Create deeper and more meaningful connections

Increase touching

Create an aura of safety and comfort

Project and amplify good personality traits, and reduce negative traits

Create infatuation with you

Promote flirting, and inspire light to heavy sexual advances

Create an impression of masculinity, femininity, youthfulness, virility, and more

CHANGE peoples perception of you and create a “new impression”

Create wanted, and unwanted “stalker crushes” (they affect almost EVERYONE around you, not just the ones you want to care!)

Create almost any impression you want – with the right pheromones!

Get out of friendzone? It happened to me! (long story)

Awesome right?

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But even though pheromones can produce some awesome benefits, they’re still just a tool.

You must still work on yourself in all areas of your life, which includes building confidence, self

esteem, financial stability, happiness, and more.

These kinds of topics can take entire books to cover. But for this report, I’m going to distill a

few key topics of almost every “self help” book out there, and get you to understand the idea

behind them.

This not only saves you tons of time, but also makes the whole process much easier to


So what are the key elements you need to focus on?

- Confidence

- Self Esteem/Self Love/Acceptance

- Personal Magnetism

- And other “tidbits” which will help you

Once we’ve laid some of that foundation stuff down, I’ll cover some awesome information

about women (which is one of the core reasons we use pheromones, let’s not kid ourselves )

Topics I’ll go over include:

- Why PUA sucks

- How to use the foundations to attract women (WAY better than any technique

or PUA crap)

- Some other random game tips you haven’t read elsewhere

Now this isn’t going to be a long drawn out report, but as you go through, you’ll quickly see

why it’s essential to develop these qualities before, and while you use your pheromone


It’s not just about spraying on a product and getting instant results… sure they help, but they’ll

be much, much better once you have developed an intriguing persona whether you use them

or not. People will gravitate towards YOU instead of you having to chase up friends or


Ready? So let’s get started.

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How to make massive mental shifts. This is the secret

to MANY of the self help books out there,

and it’s imperative you understand this concept.

4-5 years ago, I was an avid “self help” junkie. I bought many books, classic and new to

improve my communication skills and confidence. I can say they definitely helped, but after

years of reading the same stuff I found that it can really be boiled into a simple idea.

But let me elaborate a little on why I don’t think “self help” is all it’s cracked up to be.

I used to be one of those people that bought all the books. But nothing ever changed… sure, I

could understand the idea behind what I was reading, but nothing ever really seemed to

“stick” and just fade off into the background weeks after reading the book. It never really

affected me the way I wanted it to.

This came down to a “perfectionist” view on things. This way of thinking often lends itself to the

feeling that you’re not good enough, that you lack something other people have, and a lack of

self confidence and esteem.

This way of thinking often leads us to believe that we need some other book or course or

product to make up for what we don’t have (which is false). For example, there are a lot of

people in the pheromone community who think that pheromones will make up for a lack of

game when that’s not true.

They can definitely give you a big advantage, but you still need to put in effort to be

smooth and seductive.

Ultimately, we only have ourselves to blame for not going after what we want and making the

changes we need to make.

Self help books tend to attract people who never learn anything, and don’t take responsibility

for their lives.

It’s good to get a few books in when you can, but more than that, it’s up to you to take the

steps required to make changes – and that usually involves much more than just reading a

book telling you how to do something.

I eventually found something that I really vibed with, and it made everything I had known

about much more real.

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It’s called the “Circle of Belief Causality”

If you get nothing else out of this report, at least try to understand the circle. It’s very simple. The reason it is represented by a circle is to represent the fact that it is never-ending and never-beginning. It is broken into words we understand so that we can understand it and find ways to use it to our advantage in our lives. So what is the circle of belief causality and how does it work? And how can I apply it to my life? Let me answer the first question. 1. What is the circle of belief causality? The eternal circle of belief causality is a way of showing you how the way you THINK affects the world around you, and the world around you returns to come back and affect you. Beliefs lead to thoughts lead to feelings lead to actions lead to results which leads back to shape our beliefs. 2. Why is it important? Let me give you a simple example: Imagine a fat, lazy person. Now, when this person looks in the mirror would they believe that they were:

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a. skinny b. buff c. toned d. none of the above?

Clearly, the answer is “d” (sorry for making this sound as dumb as possible, but I am about to make a point). We’ve established that this person believes himself to be fat. Now put yourself into the mind of this fat person and try to imagine what he’s thinking all day. I am fat. I need to lose weight. No one wants me, I’m fat. If I could just lose weight then I could do all the things I want to do and my life would be happy! Everyone is so shallow; can't they just appreciate me for who I am? Now on the other hand, a healthy person would believe: I am in control of my life. I am in control of my weight. I am attractive. Women find me interesting. I work hard to stay fit and healthy and it pays off. As you can see, these thoughts compound eachother... a bad thought, leads to bad actions, which lead to bad results, which lead to bad beliefs. But positive thoughts lead to positive actions, which lead to positive results, which lead to positive beliefs. Now just imagine if you pounded yourself with these bad beliefs for years on end, day after day... you’d feel pretty miserable and helpless right? It’s easy to see how thinking negatively would impact you mentally – but even more than that, how it would show on the outside too. If you walked around all day thinking "oh man I wish I wasn’t so fat", how do you think that would translate into actions?

1. You will enact it in your body language… 2. The things you say to other people will reflect how you feel about yourself

3. There are even physical implications that happen inside the body to feed this negative

way of thinking. A hormone called “cortisol” gets released in response to stress and can cause premature aging, muscle breakdown, and even accelerate the amount of fat you put on. Clearly, this would make you feel even worse, and then lead to more destructive behaviour. Maybe this means eating more to feel better (temporarily), to counter the "down" effect. And what is the result of overeating? Staying fat, or possibly getting fatter. And how is the person going to feel when the “good feelings” disappear again? What is he going to believe again when he looks in the mirror? "God I'm fat."

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Now what I want you to do is take the belief "I'm fat" and replace it with whatever you want. It could be bad beliefs with women, money, relationships, how socially savvy you are, whatever. So here’s your homework. I PROMISE you once you do these a few times, and really put in some effort to think about it, it will pay off big time. You’ll probably never feel the need to read a self help book or article ever again.

1. BELIEF: What do you want to change? For example: “I feel uncomfortable with very attractive women”.

2. THOUGHTS: What are the thoughts you have when it comes to this belief? Is it that you don’t think you’re worthy, or unattractive, or not confident enough?

3. FEELINGS: How does that make you feel? Do you feel bad about not having the confidence to land attractive women?

4. ACTIONS: What actions feed your thoughts? You avoid approaching attractive women, or communicate in a weird way, or behave awkwardly around them.

5. RESULTS: The result is that you’re in a circle of negative thoughts about women, and you need to change that from the inside.

6. So how do you do that? Simple. Do the exercise again, and in AS MUCH DETAIL AS POSSIBLE, but start with a POSITIVE belief instead of the negative one. Fill out every section with detail, and then read it every day and make sure you consciously make the effort to smack those negative beliefs and thoughts when they pop up. You will need to develop self awareness which isn’t that hard. When you know it’s happening, instantly think of what you’re supposed to be thinking. Instead “oh my god, she’s too hot for me” you’ll think “hey she’s attractive, I’d like to talk to her” and then go do it.

Once you’ve made a habit out of this, it will be easy to make changes in your behaviour and how you interact with the world. Sure, it may take some time to really think about it (I’ve done this exercise over periods of days, because I want to really nail everything at once). This is a time for introspection and deep thoughts, so please don’t half ass it. Take some responsibility for yourself, and don’t quit just because it requires a bit of effort. This is one of the most important concepts I have ever discovered. You can change your beliefs about money, women, friendships, and social life.

Preventing Pheromone Burnout

Over the last few years, I’ve discovered some methods which work great for "resetting" your

brain when it comes to getting self effects from pheromones. I’m not going to go into too much

detail and explain why they work, they just do. For me anyway… use in combination or

separately, it’s up to you

- Vitamin B complex. Vitamin B is one of the most beneficial supplements you can buy…

make sure to get an especially good brand from the Pharmacy (I use one called

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“Bioglan”)… it’s got all sorts of great effects on me including better memory, less

stress, more energy, and less mental fatigue. I believe it balances or provides extra

nutrients for your neurotransmitters, but I won’t claim to know all the science behind it.

All I know is that it has great effects on me, and I can tell the difference on days when

I take it or don’t.

- Scrub your body with a proper body cleansing product. I like to use the ones with

micro beads in them, and contain Glycolic acid which helps to get dead skin off. This

also seems like a great way to get pheromones that may be especially clingy to skin


- A pheromone break. This is one of the best ways to restore and recover your fatigue

from using so many pheromones. The cool thing is when you realize just how much

pheromones can actually do for you during this period – life just won’t be as “magic”

as it usually is!

- Hit the gym and the iron. If you aren’t already doing this, I am very disappointed! Men

and women both look very, very favorably towards people who are in shape. I was

stunned at just how differently people treated me from when I weighed 70kgs to

78kgs of muscle (I don’t know much that is in pounds, sorry)… but the difference is

night and day. It took me a while to get to that stage, but women are much friendlier

to you, guys have more respect, and you naturally become much more confident

because of how you much better you feel about yourself. I don’t have to speak of the

benefits of exercise and how much good it will do for you.

- Meditation. I don’t cross my legs and hum while I do this… don’t make it weird.

Meditation is simply about clearing your mind, and you can do this at home in your

office or bedroom. Just close your eyes, and relax. Nothing will happen to the world

around you. It takes a bit of practice, but it will do a world of good.

My tips on attraction, and how to

develop better seduction skills

Quick thoughts on “PUA”

Now I admit, I haven’t stayed up to date on the whole “PUA” industry since my teens more

than 5 years ago (I’m 24 now), but even then I had enough awareness to know that it was full

of shit. It’s 99% pure garbage, made up by nerds who think (meaningful) human interactions

can be broken down into a series of steps and actions… they focus on making up fake stories,

and appearing as “REALLY COOL GUYS” (sarcasm) when they’re not. They repeat mantras

saying they’re “the prize”, “better than women”, yet lack any real substance to their


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Instead of building a connection and real attraction, they use “frames of mind” to get into

being cocky or playful, because it’s not who they really are… it’s just an act. If you know

anything about women, you’d understand that they’re emotional beings more than logical, and

using a series of steps isn’t going to build any serious connection to you. It cuts off room for a

meaningful or genuinely funny conversation that isn’t forced by bravado, or fake altogether.

I believe that’s one of the main reasons women won’t meet up for dates even if they luck out

and get a phone number using these creepy “techniques”. Every time a woman shows

resistance, the PUA nerds just “next” them. For example, when she doesn’t text back, doesn’t

pick up the phone, or any other issue they don’t like comes up, it’s bye bye for them (because

they’re soooooooooooooo popular and have so many options remember?). It just a huge kiddy

game to these guys.

The last straw for me that made it all too clear was this interview with Neil Strauss. There are

so many comments from guys thinking that Jessica Alba was turned on, analyzed every part of

her body language, and somehow concluded that she was attracted to him. It was just a

conversation, nothing more, nothing less. She was just being polite.

So before you get suckered into buying some shit PUA course promising you unlimited amounts

of action for using 1 sentence or some “secret” you don’t know about, think about the old

adage… “if it’s too good to be true, it probably is”. Marketers are very smart people, and

write very persuasive sales letters and videos specifically designed to make you buy stuff. It’s

fascinating to watch the psychology behind it… but that’s all – stay away from this stuff.

My way of building real confidence, attracting hot women, and achieving other success is long

term. And I’ll explain it in a concept I like to call:

Personal Magnetism

(Attract friends, women, and success with ease)

Now some of these steps might seem a bit random, but I assure you its helped me tremendously in my life. It’s up to you to follow or not... I can only hope you do.

Step 1.) Figure out what you’re passionate about

Have you ever met someone who just seemed to have a very magnetic pull about them? One of my good friends who is a doctor is exactly like the kind of person I wanted to become. He’s cool, everybody loves him and wants to be his best friend. When I first met him, I just somehow felt compelled to talk with him... full of life, and confidence. We’ve had a lot of chats, and what I discovered was that when you’re passionate about something it really makes you feel alive. And this feeling of being "alive" and having something to look forward to on a regular basis gives you a kind of “halo” effect. Your light shines from within... you’ll feel unstoppable, happy, driven, determined, and persistent to achieve all your goals.

So my first challenge to you is to figure out what you’re passionate about. It may be a creative pursuit like dancing, playing an instrument, writing, boxing or martial arts. It could

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even be a professional pursuit, like starting a business, or travelling. Whatever it is, I want you to do some research and find the nearest club and go on a regular basis. If it clashes with your work then too bad, figure a way around it. It is VERY important to do something you love regularly... it’s what makes you genuinely happy.

This leads to building more real confidence in all areas of your life. When you love doing something, and you consistently see improvements or achieve goals (whether big or small), it gives you that extra "juice" most people just don’t have. This begins to attract the right kind of people into your life, because you’ll soon find yourself becoming immersed in your own happy little world... it will transform the way you interact with people. In turn, they’ll also be attracted to you because you make them feel good.

Step 2) The right people will enter your life

Once you’ve gotten serious about your passions and consistently building confidence and achieving goals (personally and professionally), you have raised your spiritual vibration. What I mean is that people are attracted to people who give off great "vibes"...

When you raise your own vibe (or vibration), people begin to truly feel who you are. It’s an absolutely magnetic feeling. People instantly pick up your vibe and want to be friends. You'll get to the stage where you accept yourself and who you are, and in turn people will start looking up to you. Remember, most people never put in the time to do anything they really love... don’t let excuses like work or “lack of time” stop you. Be proactive and take yourself seriously.

3.) Build relationships slowly, and choose your friendships carefully

People like people who are like themselves. If your group of friends are a bunch of loser stoners who live in their parents basement, it’s time to let go. I’ve personally had to cut off many friendships in my life. They were just a drag on me, used drugs, didn’t have anything going for them except wanting to go out and party all time.

But I want more out of life. I want a successful business, I want to stay fit, I want to become a pro at my creative passions... I simply don’t have time for meaningless friendships. I’d rather spend my time with a few good people, rather than have a bunch of surface level friendships.

There is a quote I’ve used many times, and it goes like this.

“Show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are”.

You are a combination of the 5 people you hang out with the most... so from now on, I want you to find friends who are on the same path... now I’ll warn you that this isn’t easy. Most people just won’t put in the time or effort to be more than just “average”. But when you find the people who do want more, befriend them. They could be experts in creative or professional fields you want to advance in, have personality traits you’d like to develop, or have something intriguing about them and want to know what it is. And then build deeper relationships. I think you’re probably socially savvy enough to figure out how to do that.

4.) Your magnetism will develop slowly but surely

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Once you’ve done all these things over a period of a few months, you’ll find that you world

view has changed dramatically. You’ll see life as a much bigger adventure. You’ll have cool

new friends that want to hang out, and you’ll “be” one of those people who everyone knows

and wants to get to know. Women will especially pick up that you’re an in-demand person,

and your attitude and behavior will naturally reflect this (even if you don’t proactively work

on your “game”).

Women want men who have things going for themselves, and this is how you do it.

12 “tidbits” of game which will help you

get more women and be more attractive

This post is from my website, in case you missed it… it contains some small practical tips you

can use right now to begin your journey into kicking ass at life (please excuse any double ups

with stuff I’ve already covered- it’s good to reinforce new information anyway). Oh yeah, I’ve

also added a bonus tip #12 so make sure you keep reading.

Below, I’ve compiled a list of 11 things that have helped me improve my health, attract women

more consistently, created inner wealth, and improved my overall state of my mind and body.

You can apply them now, or slowly implement each step into your life.

You might even be doing some of them already because they’re so simple to implement.

1. Stop watching porn

Unfortunately, thousands of people are discovering that porn has actually crippled their

emotional state because of it’s addictive qualities. Man wasn’t designed to be hyper

stimulated with endless amounts of porn at the click of a button.

If you’ve ever had trouble getting it up for a real partner, have anxious/depressive mood

swings, or erectile dysfunction, cut porn out of your life.

I’ve personally seem some amazing benefits, including: Less anxiety and lethargy, more

confidence, higher self esteem, more energy, better results in the gym, and whole lot more. I

wasn’t “addicted” per say, but cutting down and eventually killing it off completely has

helped tremendously.

Not being a porn user has amplified my ability to attract women.

This might be more difficult than you think – just check out the Your brain on porn site.

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2. Stop watching TV

TV in my opinion, is the ultimate propaganda machine. All it seems to do is spread

dumbass ideas and kill brain cells. Seriously, if you get off on watching stupid TV shows like

Jersey Shore, get off my website! If you must entertain yourself, at least find something

entertaining, or valuable on YouTube so you don’t have to waste hours minutes on useless ad


Spend the time you waste watching TV on something productive – like a hobby, learning

about an interest you have, or reading. Anything other than being a couch potato.

Men who are active in their lives tend to attract women! Women love men who DO things…

that’s why builders, firemen, and other “active” professions tend to be high up on the

attractiveness scale. Same with doctors, lawyers, pilots…

3. Cut soda, candy, chocolate, and as much sugar as possible

This is one is super simple to implement. Just stop buying this garbage and you’ll instantly start

feeling a lot better. Always replace with water when you can. The amount of sugar in these

things is RIDICULOUS!

Also, don’t try and cheat the system. “No sugar” stuff is bad too, just for other reasons.

Health is an important factor in mate selection on the BIOLOGICAL scale – so if you want

to attract women, give up a few small pleasures.

4. Take fish oil, a multivitamin, and related supplements.

This stuff could take up another category because the information on it is so vast. Some people

claim that vitamins and supplements don’t work. And they’re right. They don’t work, UNLESS

you are taking them with a wholesome and nutritionally balanced diet.

Some of them supplements I recommend other than fish oil and multivitamins include:

Full spectrum vitamin E. I used to get really bad dandruff and bumps on my scalp,

until I realized that most multi-vitamins only have 1 or 2 variations of vitamin E. When I

started taking FULL spectrum vitamin E, the itching went away within a few weeks. I

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could finally touch my head without having painful bumps to carefully avoid. Not to

mention, my skin started looking a lot healthier too.

Resveratrol. You can buy these for reasonably cheap online… resveratrol comes from

the skin of red grapes, and helps with “longevity”. Scientists have been researching this

one for a while now. They claim that the French (even though they have high fat diets),

are healthier and tend to live longer lives because of resveratrol. I’ve personally found

that it regulates my mood extremely well and I feel upbeat and happier most of the

time. Effects start to take hold within 2-3 weeks. I suspect it’s because resveratrol tends

to reduce estrogen production, while increasing your testosterone. You’ll know when it’s

working because you’ll start getting more random boners throughout the day.

Zinc, Magnesium, and Vitamin C. I prefer to take these on top of my multi-vitamin,

because it helps boost your testosterone.

Nootropics. I’m still learning about these, so I can’t say too much about them. So far,

I’ve noticed that I can think for clearly, and I don’t feel burnt out after studying or

writing. I can also retain and recall information much more often, which makes learning

a breeze. If you’re in university, or doing personal studies, I highly recommend looking

into this.

All these supplements are great for improving your mind and body.

The key thing to remember here is that you’re not just doing these things to attract

women. You’re doing it to help yourself, which in turn will attract women to you.

5. Add healthier foods to your regimen

This is pretty easy to do. I’m not saying you have to go all out and create a new frustrating

diet plan, and slog your way through it. I’m simply suggesting that you start adding fruit and

veggies to your diet, and you’ll PHYSICALLY and MENTALLY feel the difference.

You’ll feel and look a whole lot healthier. Also, if you don’t have the time to add veggies or

juice them up, you can get fresh juiced bottled veggies at your local supermarket. These

things are packed with health boosting nutrients.

6. Take protein (even if you’re too lazy to work out)

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A 2008 study concluded that higher amounts of protein allow you to retain muscle, and also

burn higher amounts of fat. Regardless of weather you work out or not (and you really should

be), keeping up your protein intake can improve your health tremendously.

If you want to lose weight, put on muscle, and improve the state of your digestive, muscle, and

immune systems, go and buy a tub of protein or stock up on lean meats.

I prefer meats to having protein shakes, as I’m somewhat lactose intolerant.

However, if this is too inconvenient, you can get something called “lactase” to help your body

break down lactose in whey.

7. Lift weights

This would normally be my number 1 tip, but I thought I’d sprinkle it around because you

ALREADY know how beneficial exercise is.

Besides, you’ve probably read about this in other “self improvement” articles. Lets start with a

bunch of benefits:

Lower stress, anxiety, depression levels

Boost testosterone levels and lower estrogen

Better sleep and more energy

Higher self esteem and confidence

Makes you a LOT more attractive in general (you don’t have to be Arnold!)

Being in shape helps a LOT to attract women. Don’t be a sissy who think looks don’t

matter – they do.

Aside from these awesome effects from hitting the gym, your natural pheromone production

and output will be amplified. This will also improve the effects you get from your pheromone

products. Never underestimate hard work.

8. Have a “dream” and work towards it

What’s the difference between you and every other Average Joe out there?

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Take time to figure out what really makes you happy in life. Try to create real wealth, study

business, get some passions and hobbies. Your life should be BUSY and INTERESTING.

Have some ambition and enthusiasm for the great things that are happening, and going to


If women are your first priority, then you’re in an already uphill battle. Having a “grand

vision” elevates your status from everyday Joe to “needle in the haystack”.

By focusing all your attention on yourself and your own life, you automatically attract


Why? Because you’re not completely “available” all the time, unlike 99% of guys who are

CHASING after her. You have better things to do than chase poon.

There’s something very alluring about a man trying to achieve in life. Be one of those men

and make it happen.

9. Quit Smoking

Yes, you can do it. I’m not going to tell you it’s bad for your health and it will give you cancer.

You already know it’s bad for you. I once was a smoker, and it took me a long time to finally

kick the habit.

I found these cool little gadgets called “Ecigs” or electronic cigarettes and quit with

EASE. Here’s a quick preview of how they work:

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Smoking is smelly, expensive, and bad for you. Use electronic cigs instead.

You can also get different concentrations of nicotine (the main ingredient which keeps you

hooked), depending on how heavy of a smoker you are.

Some people refuse to invest in ecigs, because they think they’re just replacing a habit with

ANOTHER habit.

However, this “habit” has a few advantages over regular cigarettes:

They’re a LOT cheaper than smoking regular cigarettes.

They’re healthier. It’s simply a flavor which gets vaporized, and inhaled through

They smell nice – a lot better than stinking like an ashtray

Requires no “willpower” or effort to quit smoking… it’s literally the easiest, fastest way

to kick the habit!

I use the “Ego T” and order Hangsen flavors, with the Iclear atomizers (don’t worry if this

sounds like gibberish at the moment).

They’re not the best you can get on the market, but it’s been working great for me and has

been for months.

I usually order from China (

10. Use subliminal messages

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I can understand the sceptics on this one. If you don’t believe this could work, it’s cool – no big

deal. However, I’ve seen some pretty interesting things happen when I use subliminals and let

them play overnight.

I’ve used subliminal messages for confidence, self esteem, assertiveness, and other areas of

self improvement – and seen a marked improvement over a few weeks.

You can read more about the science, and also get some free subliminals from:

11. Personal grooming and hygiene

How to attract women: be attractive yourself.

This one is pretty simple, and is usually on every other “attract women” article out there.

But it shocks me that little things like this are also brushed off by guys who couldn’t give less

of a shit about it.


There are a few that don’t notice details, but the majority do. Here’s a list of things you should

do when going to meet people, or when you’re on a date, or at work, anywhere…

Brush your teeth, floss, and use mouthwash

Iron your clothes when you go out and learn how to dress properly

Use an appropriate scent to mask pheromone odors, if your products are unscented.

Get a good haircut that suits your face, and style it if necessary

Trim your armpit hairs, pubes, and body hair (including bushy eyebrows – some

women like them bushy, so get opinions)

Get contacts (glasses are not bad, but you’ll find that you attract women who wouldn’t

normally be interested if you wear glasses)

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Have a clean shave, or clean facial hair style. Go clean for younger women to be on

the safe side.

It’s amazing what these tweaks can do to attract women. Not only that, but you’ll also

FEEL a whole lot better, which is more important than attracting women (remember tip


12. Eat Celery (It makes your pheromone output stronger)

It has long been believed that celery contains androgens such as androsterone and

androstenone, which can actually be absorbed in the body... its great for increasing your

testosterone levels and therefore, your pheromone output. While it’s mostly “bro science”, it

still has its roots in science. It was one of the original aphrodisiacs for men, and rumoured to

make your happy “fluids” sweeter...

Regardless, I have actually bothered to test this and I can say without a doubt that my week

of juicing celery made a HUGE difference to the quality of my mental and physical wellbeing.

I still do it occasionally, because it also helps with skin issues, joint inflammation, stress

reduction, and probably a bunch of other things I don’t notice. Women also react much more

favorably to me, to the point where I notice a respect DECREASE from (although subtle) from

both men and women if I don’t take it at least a few times a week. While it’s not significant,

and may even be placebo, I can’t deny all the other benefits.

Remember, your body is a very smart machine.

What you put into your body can come out in the way you smell.

By improving your health and lifestyle as a whole, you can convey a BRAND NEW

version of you from the subconscious level. This “brand new” version of you, is

attractive, successful, and a hit among friends. But it takes a CONSCIOUS effort to do that.

And you can begin RIGHT NOW, today, by simply following these guidelines for a better life.


There’s a lot to be learned in the world that was never taught to us by our family, or teachers.

In fact, I actually believe todays world is more confusing than ever… there’s just so many

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distractions, new things happening, and day to day struggles that we often forget to take

care of ourselves first. I know, it’s hard with financial obligations and other commitments, but in

order to best love others you must first love yourself. By taking all the steps I’ve provided for

you, and even applying the little tips and tricks I’ve given you in this short report, you’ll be

way ahead of the competition. You’ll be on a road to a deeply fulfilling life with goals,

ambition, friends, women and whatever else you want.

Thank you again for being a valued PheromonePro subscriber… every now and then, I’ll

create new reports free of charge. I hope I can organize my mind better in the future to have

a bit more structure, but I think these small reports still contain a ton of value. Your journey

starts now.

- Phertest