philips lighting manual

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General technical information, opticspecifications, lighting design tools and lampssurvey

Page 2: Philips Lighting Manual

284 285


Specification data luminaires

Protection against electrical shock

Safety class Symbol Protection

0 Basic insulation only (not recommended)

I Basic insulation plus protective earth


II Double or reinforced insulation, no

provision for protective earthing

III Supply of safety extra-low voltage

include an earth wire.Where this is not the case, the degree of electrical

protection afforded by the luminaire is the same as that afforded by

Class 0.

Where a connection block is employed instead of a power lead, the metal

housing must be connected to the earth terminal on the block. The

provision made for earthing the luminaire must in all other respects satisfy

the requirements laid down for Class I.

CCllaassss IIII -- ssyymmbbooll

Class II luminaires are so designed and constructed that exposed metal parts

cannot become live.This can be achieved by means of either reinforced or

double insulation, there being no provision for protective earthing. In the

case of a luminaire provided with an earth contact as an aid to lamp starting,

but where this earth is not connected to exposed metal parts, the luminaire

is nevertheless regarded as being of Class I.

A luminaire having double or reinforced insulation and provided with an

earth connection or earth contact must be regarded as a Class I


However, where the earth wire passes through the luminaire as part of

the provisions for through-wiring the installation, and it is electrically

insulated from the luminaire using Class II insulation, then the luminaire

remains Class II.

CCllaassss IIIIII -- ssyymmbbooll

The luminaires in this class are those in which protection against electric

shock relies on supply at Safety Extra-Low Voltage (SELV), and in which

voltages higher than those of SELV (50 V a.c. r.m.s.) are not generated.

An a.c. operating voltage of 42 V maximum is common. A Class III

luminaire should not be provided with a means for protective earthing.

PPrrootteeccttiioonn aaggaaiinnsstt iinnggrreessss ooff ssoolliidd bbooddiieess,, dduusstt aanndd mmooiissttuurree

The Ingress Protection system (IP) EN 60529, 1991 defines various degrees

of protection against the ingress of foreign bodies, dust and moisture.The

term ‘foreign bodies’ includes things like fingers and tools coming into

contact with the electrical live parts of the luminaire.

Both safety aspects (contact with live parts) and harmful effects on the

function of the luminaire are defined.The exact testing method for each IP

classification is described in EN 60529.

Note that the conditions during testing might differ from the specific

SSaaffeettyy aanndd pprrootteeccttiioonn ooff lluummiinnaaiirreess

AApppprroovvaallss aanndd ssttaannddaarrddss

Most of0 luminaires supplied by Philips Lighting comply with the appropriate

safety rules as laid down in the European standard EN60598 prepared by

the CEN/CENELEC (the European Committee for Electrotechnical

Standardisation) as indicated by CE marking on the product and packaging.

Philips outdoor lighting luminaires are constructed and tested according to

EN 60598 and IEC 598 Parts 2-3, 2.5.

EElleeccttrriiccaall ssuuppppllyy

Philips electronic ballasts are designed for a rated mains voltage of 220-240

V, with tolerance for safety of +/- 10% and tolerances for performance of

–8% and +4 V.

AAmmbbiieenntt tteemmppeerraattuurree

Philips indoor luminaires are designed to meet the (environmental)

conditions under which they are most likely to be used. Most of the

luminaires are designed for maximum ambient of 45°C. The maximum

ambient temperature Ta under which a luminaire can be safely applied, is

indicated on the label on the products. The use of luminaires above their

specified maximum ambient temperature may reduce safety margins and will

in any case lead to a reduction of the lifetime of the various components;

especially electronic equipment (ballasts and controls) is sensitive to

overheating and lifetime will be reduced.Although using luminaires at

(extremely) low temperatures does not normally affect safety, the operating

(especially starting) of the lamp may be influenced. Fluorescent lamps should

not be used below –5°C to –10°C, whereas

high-intensity discharge lamps function well below –20°C.

Philips luminaires for outdoor lighting have been designed for ambient

temperatures of up to 35°C., unless indicated otherwise.

Upon request special solutions are often possible for higher or lower

ambient temperatures.

EElleeccttrriiccaall ssaaffeettyy ((ccllaasssseess))

Electrical equipment is classified according to protection against electrical shock.

In normal operation as well as during service and maintenance, luminaires should

be protected against electrical shock. The safety of a luminaire depends on

electrical, mechanical and thermal aspects; both under normal and fault


The electrical safety classification drawn up by the IEC embraces four luminaire

classes: Class 0, I, II and III. Class 0 luminaires are not available from Philips

Lighting. Class III is only applicable to Safety Extra-Low Voltage luminaires

(SELV).The table gives a brief description of each electrical safety class.The official

definitions are too long to be reproduced in full here, but can be summarised as

printed below. If a proper earth connection is available, Class I luminaires are

applied. However, when no earth connection, or only a poor-quality earth

connection is available, or where eddy currents are present, Class II luminaires

shall be applied.

CCllaassss II -- ssyymmbbooll

Luminaires in this class, besides being electrically insulated, are also provided

with an earthing point (labelled) connecting all those exposed metal parts

that could conceivably become live in the presence of a fault condition.

Where the luminaire is provided with a flexible power lead, this must

Specification data luminaires

and in the food industry as explained above. IP 60 luminaires are rarely

applied; IP 65/IP 66 is usually applied instead.

IIPP 6655//6666

Jet-proof Iuminaires which are applicable where the surroundings are hosed

down frequently by water jets, or where luminaires are applied in a dusty

environment.Although the luminaires are not fully watertight, the potential

ingress of moisture will not have any harmful effect on the luminaire

function. IP 65/66 luminaires are often available in impact-protected


IIPP 6677//6688

Luminaires complying with this classification are suitable for immersion

in water.

Typical application areas are underwater lighting of swimming pools and

fountain Iighting.

Deck lighting on ships should also meet this classification.

The test method does not imply that IP 67/68 Iuminaires meet the

IP 65/66 classifications as well.

conditions in an application.

The designation to indicate the degree of protection consists of the

characteristic letters IP followed by 2 digits indicating conformity with the

conditions stated in the two tables. All Philips Lighting luminaires fulfil the

minimum classification: IP 20 (protected against finger contact with live

parts), however a selection of luminaires, especially those for industrial

applications, meet a higher IP classification.

It is important to realise that the specification and safety of luminaires are

only secured if the necessary maintenance according to the instructions of

the manufacturer is carried out in time. Luminaires are not available in all

possible combinations of ingress and moisture protection.The most common

applications of the IP classifications for luminaires are:

IIPP 2200

Luminaires which can be applied indoors only if no specific pollution rates

are expected. Offices, dry, heated industrial halls, shops, shopping malls and

theatres are typical application segments.

IIPP 2211//2222

Luminaires which can be applied in unheated (industrial) halls and under

canopies as the luminaires are drip-and condensation-waterprotected.

IIPP 2233

Luminaires which can be applied in unheated industrial halls or outdoors.

IIPP 4433//4444

Luminaires and bollards for outdoor street lighting and street lanterns.

Bollards mounted at a low height are protected against small solid objects

and against rain and splash.

A common combination within an industrial high-bay luminaire or street

lantern is IP 43 for the electrical part of the luminaire, to secure safety, and

IP 54/65, for the optical part of the Iuminaire, to prevent pollution of

reflector and lamp.

IIPP 5500

Luminaires which are applied in dusty environments, to prevent rapid

pollution of the luminaire.

The exterior of IP 50 luminaires can be cleaned easily. In the food industry,

closed luminaires are specified to prevent glass particles from accidentally

broken lamps entering the production area and contaminating the products

under preparation.

Although ingress protection is specified to protect the luminaire function, it

also means that particles cannot leave the luminaire housing, thereby

meeting the specification of the food industry.

In the ‘wet’ food industry, luminaires meeting the IP 50 classification shall

not be applied.

IIPP 5544

The traditional water-protected classification. Luminaires can be cleaned

with water without any harmful effect.This classification is often specified in

the food processing industry, for industries where dust and moisture are

generated in the hall, and for use under canopies.

IIPP 6600

Luminaires which are completely sealed against dust accumulation, and are

used in very dusty environments (wood and textile industry, stone carving)High-bay luminaires illuminate an IP 20 classified area.

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Specification data luminairesSpecification data luminaires

Protection against ingress of dust, solid objects and moisture

First number: Second number:Degree of protection against accidential contact/ Degree of protection against ingress of moisturecontact with external elements

FFiirrsstt SSeeccoonnddnnuummbbeerr Description Explanation nnuummbbeerr Description Explanation

0 Non-protected Not protected 0 Non-protected Not protected against moisture

1 Hand-protected Protected against solid objects 1 Drip-proof Water drips falling vertically shall

exceeding 50 mm in diameter against vertical have no harmful effect

water drops

2 Finger- Protected against finger contact 2 Drip-proof Water drips shall have no harmful

protected with live parts; and against solid when tilted at effect

objects exceeding 12 mm in angles up to

diameter 15°

3 Tool-protected Protected against contact with live 3 Rain-/spray- Water falling at an angle of up to

parts by tools, wire or similar proof 60° shall have no harmful effect

objects over 2.5 mm thick; and

protection against penetration of

solid objects exceeding 2.5 mm in


4 Wire-protected Protected against contact with live 4 Splash-proof Splashing water from any direction

parts by tools, wire or similar shall have no harmful effect

objects over 1 mm thick; protection

against penetration of solid objects

exceeding 1 mm in diameter

5 Dust- Complete protection against 5 Jet-proof Water projected by a nozzle from

accumulation- contact with live parts and against any direction shall have no harmful

protected harmful accumulation of dust; effect. (Nozzle diameter 6.3 mm,

some dust may penetrate but not pressure 30 kPa)

to the extent that operation is


6 Dust- Complete protection against 6 Jet-proof Water projected by a nozzle from

penetration- contact with live parts and against any direction shall have no harmful

protected penetration of dust effect. (Nozzle diameter 12.5 mm,

pressure 100 kPa)

7 Watertight Watertight; temporary immersion

in water under specified

conditions of pressure and time

possible without ingress of water

in harmful quantities

8 Pressure Pressure watertight; continuous

watertight submersion in water under

specified conditions of pressure

and time without ingress of water

in harmful quantities

PPrrootteeccttiioonn aaggaaiinnsstt mmeecchhaanniiccaall sshhoocckk

The impact resistance of a luminaire defines the protection of the luminaire

against mechanical shock.The European norm EN 50102 defines the degrees

of protection against external mechanical impact (IK code) and the method

of testing.The luminaire housing should withstand the defined energy of the

mechanical shock without losing its electrical and mechanical safety, or the

basic luminaire function. Translated into a more practical implementation,

this means that after withstanding the shock, deformation of the mirror and

housing is allowed, although broken lamps, an unsafe electrical situation and

failure to meet the specified IP classifications are not permitted. The impact

resistance is expressed as a group numeral, for instance IK06, which is

related to the impact energy in joule.


From the point of view of flammability, luminaires can always be mounted

on non-flammable building materials like concrete and stone. However,

when mounting luminaires on flammable materials special measures

should be taken. Luminaires for discharge lamps with an F-sign are

suitable to be mounted on building surfaces which do not ignite below


Luminaires for discharge lamps with an FF-sign have a limited surface

temperature, and are suitable to be mounted on easily flammable surfaces.

All types of luminaires of Philips Lighting have a minimum impact resistance

of 0.2 J.The table shows the ten IK classifications and the defined shock

energy in joule.

For example: an IK07 classified luminaire can withstand a mechanical shock

of a pendulum hammer, a spring hammer or a free-falling hammer of 2 joule

(e.g. a hammer of 0.5 kg falling 0.40 m).

Note that vandal-proof Iuminaires are not available: vandal-protected and

vandal-resistant are the best achievable classifications.

SSaaffeettyy ddiissttaannccee

Especially in the application of reflector lamps and luminaires with narrow

beam distributions, a minimum distance between light source and

illuminated surface has to be ensured. This is to prevent too high

temperatures.Values for safety distances are specified on the luminaire’s

packing.The specified values must be considered as the shortest distances

permitted between the light source and the illuminated surface or object.

WWiinndd llooaadd

Street luminaires have to withstand winds up to gale force. Wind pressures

on the luminaires also have an effect on the design of the posts.


In accordance with the requirements laid down in the regulations

appertaining to luminaires, heat-resistant cables are used for both lamp

wiring and through wiring of Philips luminaires.

TThhee uussee ooff ppllaassttiiccss iinn tthhee mmaannuuffaaccttuurree ooff lluummiinnaaiirreess

Plastic components have become important elements in modern luminaire

construction. They are selected, processed and applied using advanced


In normal use and with normal wear and tear these plastic components are

guaranteed to last their normal services life.

Operating conditions contrary to those specified or other harmful influences

will, however, accelerate the ageing process.

GGeeaarr ttyyppeess

Fluorescent lamps and high-intensity discharge lamps require a device to

limit the current due to the negative current-voltage characteristics.

Traditionally this is realised with electromagnetic control gear in

combination with either a glow-switch or electronic starter. Almost the

LLuummiinnaaiirree mmaarrkkiinngg ffoorr ffllaammmmaabbiilliittyy::SSyymmbbooll AApppplliiccaattiioonn CChhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss ooff

cceeiilliinngg mmaatteerriiaallNone Suitable for mounting on Stone, concrete

non-flammable surfacesSuitable for mounting on Ignition temperaturenormally flammable materialssurfaces > 200°C; some combustion

time lag.Suitable for mounting on Ignition temperatureeasily flammable surfaces materials

< 200°C; no combustiontime lag

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Specification data luminairesSpecification data luminaires

- HF-Performer (HFP) / EB-Standard (EBS/HFE):

Electronic ballast for TL5, PL-L and TL-D lamps. These high-frequency

ballasts offer low energy consumption. A warm-start circuit preheating the

lamp electrodes enables the lamp to be switched on and off without

reducing useful life.

- EB-Economy (EBE):

Electronic ballast for TL-D lamps (only for 36 W and 58 W lamps) These

high-frequency ballasts offer low energy consumption. Luminaires with

these ballasts are only to be applied in situations where switching is

infrequent as the lamp electrodes are not preheated (‘cold start’) before


- ActiLume sensor and controller:

It is an automatic lighting control system with a different. The system

consists of a sensor and controller unit built into the luminaire and is

operated with the new Philips HF-Regulator II gear. It is the first Plug and

Play lighting control system on the market.

complete range of fluorescent and high-intensity discharge luminaires of

Philips Lighting are available with the electromagnetic ballast system. From

the point of view of energy consumption, the electromagnetic control gear

system is not efficient: the losses in the ballast system are relatively high, and

significant improvements are possible by applying electronic control gear


Electronic control gear offers a number of advantages in comparison with

traditional electromagnetic ballasts:

- The electronic ballast offers interesting cost savings, such as a reduction in

energy consumption of about 25%, a substantial extension of the lamp life

up to 50% and thus a lowering of maintenance costs.

- Application of electronic ballasts adds to the comfort in numerous ways:

no cathode flicker occurs; at the end of lamp life the lamp is automatically

switched off; smooth and rapid starting is ensured without flickering; and

no stroboscopic effects can arise due to the high frequency at which the

lamps are operated.

- Extra safety is assured through over-voltage detection, protected control

of the mains voltage input and a noticeably lower operating temperature.

- Flexibility is enhanced: installations with fluorescent lamps, for instance,

are dimmable if a regulating ballast is selected, allowing for adjustment of

lighting levels to personal preference and the opportunity for additional

savings on energy, e.g. by daylight-linked lighting control.

Following the trend towards greater efficiency and comfort, some of the

newer fluorescent lamps like all TL5 and high-wattage PL-L types will

operate only on electronic control gear.

Philips offers four options when selecting high-frequency ballasts for

fluorescent lamps: EB-Economy for situations with infrequent on-and off

switching; HF-Performer and EB-Standard where the demands are greater;

HF-Regulator for areas where there is frequent dimming; HF-Regulator

Touch and DALI for easy operation and working in accordance with the

DALI Protocol.

- HF-Regulator Touch and DALI:

Electronic regulating ballast for TL5, PL-L and TL-D lamps. The high-

frequency regulating ballasts permit light output regulation down to 3% of

the DALI control input or Touch and Dim push button protocol.

- HF-Regulator (HFR):

Electronic regulating ballast for TL5, PL-L and TL-D lamps. These high-

frequency regulating ballasts permit light output regulation down to 3% of

the maximum light output by the 1-10 V control input. Up to 60%

reduction in energy consumption can be achieved by using automatic

lighting control systems like Luxsense or Multisense. All Philips

HF-Regulator electronic ballasts are fitted with alpha-control.

This dedicated integrated circuit ensures that lamp life is unaffected by

the dimming position; that lamp burning is stable in every dimming

position; and that energy savings are maximised when dimming.

11.. VViissiibbllee pprrooffiillee cceeiilliinnggssIn this very common system, profiles arealways visible. Ceiling tiles rest on theprofiles and are in most cases made from amineral material.The two standard module sizes are 300 mm and 312,5 mm.The most popular tiles in this type of ceilingare for ceiling grids of 600x600 mm and600x1200 mm. In this type of ceiling,luminaires will be mounted as an inlay.

AApppplliiccaattiioonnssThese ceiling types are usually used whenelectrical wiring, LANs and other technicalinstallations are hidden behind the ceiling.Also in this application the ceiling shouldcontribute to the acoustic environment. All Philips recessed luminaires are suitablefor this kind of ceiling.

EEffffiiccaaccyy ooff fflluuoorreesscceenntt llaammpp ssyysstteemmss –– ttyyppiiccaall eexxaammpplleess

LLaammpp ttyyppee CCoonnvveennttiioonnaall EElleeccttrroonniicc ggeeaarr HHFFRR,,ggeeaarr HHFFPP,, EEBBSS oorr EEBBEE

TL-D 18 W Lamp 4 x 18 W 4 x 16 WBallast 14 W 10 W

4-lamp Total 86 W 74 Wsystem Lamp flux 4 x 1350 lumen 4 x 1400 lumen

System efficacy 63 lumen/Watt 76 lumen/WattEnergy saving 16%potential

TL-D 36 W Lamp 36 W 32 WBallast 8 W 4 W

1-lamp Total 44 W 36 Wsystem Lamp flux 3350 lumen 3200 lumen

System efficacy 76 lumen/Watt 89 lumen/WattEnergy saving 22%potential

TL-D 58 W Lamp 58 W 50 WBallast 11 W 5 W

1-lamp Total 69 W 55 Wsystem Lamp flux 5200 lumen 5000 lumen

System efficacy 75 lumen/Watt 89 lumen/WattEnergy saving 26%potential

TL5 HE 14 W Lamp 4 x 14 WBallast Not available 6 W

4-lamp Total 62Wsystem Lamp flux 4 x 1350 lumen

System efficacy 87 lumen/WattTL5 HE 28 W Lamp 28 W

Ballast Not available 4 W1-lamp Total 32 Wsystem Lamp flux 2900 lumen

System efficacy 91 lumen/WattTL5 HO 49 W Lamp 49 W

Ballast Not available 5 W1-lamp Total 54 Wsystem Lamp flux 4900 lumen

System efficacy 91 lumen/Watt

FFaallssee cceeiilliinnggss

CCeeiilliinngg ttyyppeess –– iinnttrroodduuccttiioonn

Today, architects and building contractors can choose from an enormous

variety of ceiling systems, especially ones designed for offices and other

general applications. Use of climate ceilings (cooled) is growing.

The four main standard ceiling types are:

11.. VViissiibbllee pprrooffiillee cceeiilliinnggss

22.. CCoonncceeaalleedd pprrooffiillee cceeiilliinnggss

33.. SSttrriipp cceeiilliinnggss

44.. PPaanneell cceeiilliinnggss

Obviously, there are small differences between ceiling types, but the

application of luminaires and the accessories you will need for mounting

them are the same for all the systems.

The four standard system types discussed here represent the vast majority

of ceiling systems currently available. Also real “projectmade” plaster ceilings

are used more and more and seen as aesthetical pleasing solutions. If you

decide to use another type of system, contact your Philips organisation and

they will inform you about the options in your specific situation. If no

standard solution is available, a special solution in the luminaire concept can

be discussed.

CCeeiilliinngg ttiillee mmaatteerriiaallss

Different ceiling types use panels or tiles of different materials. The most

popular materials are:

MMiinneerraall ((hhaarrdd aanndd ssoofftt))

These are produced in thicknesses between 14 and 20 mm. Mineral tiles are

usually painted and always mechanically vulnerable. Acoustic qualities of

these types of ceilings are reasonable.


Plaster ceilings are usually 10-15 mm thick and are non-removable ceilings. If

recessed luminaires are to be used in this kind of ceiling an opening has to

be cut out before mounting the luminaire.


Metal is used in tiles, strips and/or panels. In some cases they are perforated

and have a sound-insulating layer on top.This layer helps to create good

acoustic quality. Recessed luminaires are usually designed so that they can

replace a complete ceiling tile.

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Lighting techniqueSpecification data luminaires

22.. CCoonncceeaalleedd pprrooffiillee cceeiilliinnggssIn this type of ceiling, the profiles arecovered by the tile and are not visible. Tiles are made from a mineral type ofmaterial or metal. In these types ofsystems, suspension brackets are alwaysneeded.

33.. SSttrriipp cceeiilliinnggssThis ceiling system consists of main carrierson which metal strips are clicked. They havevarious widths. Luminaires are usuallymounted in line with the strips andperpendicular to the main carriers. In thatcase, a length profile mounted to the side ofthe luminaire is required, or suspensionbrackets at the head of the luminaire whenthe luminaire fits in exactly between twomain carriers. (See figures)

AApppplliiccaattiioonnssAreas like corridors, airports, etc.

Fixation with ZBS300 CB Fixation with ZBS319 LP

44.. PPaanneell cceeiilliinngg ssyysstteemmssThe main carriers of these systems areusually placed at the main building modules.These are often 1200 or 1800 mm. Ceilingpanels are mounted between the maincarriers. In this type of ceiling, metal andmineral panels are used.If the distance between the main carriersdoes not fit with the luminaire length theseluminaires can be lengthened so that theycan be mounted between the main carriers.For profile A, the luminaire can be mountedas an inlay. Safety brackets can be deliveredon request with the luminaire.When profile B is used, brackets arerequired and must be ordered separately.Also a 100% copy of the ceiling tile can beused with integrated luminaires.

AApppplliiccaattiioonnssAreas where removable partition walls areused and acoustic performance ofhighquality is required. In corridors eachpanel can span the total width (e.g. 1.8 m).

If the light distribution of a luminaire is rotation-symmetrical, as with

downlights, spots and industrial high-bay luminaires, the light distribution

is expressed in only one C-plane (solid, blue line).

Note that for asymmetrical light distributions, two planes are not

sufficient for calculation purposes.Yet in the polar intensity diagram, only

two planes will be given, as is internationally accepted.

CCaarrtteessiiaann iinntteennssiittyy ddiiaaggrraamm

The cartesian intensity diagram is an alternative to the well-known polar

diagram. For luminaires with a very narrow rotationsymmetrical light

distribution, the polar diagram does not offer sufficient information.

TTeecchhnniiccaall ddaattaa

The technical data in this catalogue are limited to the main diagrams and

icons that indicate the beam character. For functional lighting design and

calculations, tables and diagrams such as the Utilisation Factor table, a

quantity estimation diagram for quick design, Unified Glare Rating (UGR)

information and (reflected) glare characteristics are available. For accent

lighting, the lighting design work is facilitated by tables and diagrams such as

the visual impact diagram and beam and isolux diagrams.

Several types of templates are available, containing all relevant photometric

data, depending on the type of luminaire and its application. In this section

each photometric diagram is explained in detail.

BBeeaamm ttyyppeess

For each luminaire / lamp combination, a general impression of the light

beam is given on the product pages:

GGeenneerraall lliigghhttiinngg

Very Wide Medium Direct/ Direct/ Direct/ Indirect

wide indirect indirect indirect

AAcccceenntt lliigghhttiinngg

Wide Medium Narrow

WWaallll lliigghhttiinngg

Wide Medium Narrow

WWaallll--mmoouunntteedd lliigghhttiinngg

Up Up/down Decorative

PPoollaarr iinntteennssiittyy ddiiaaggrraamm

The polar intensity diagram provides a rough idea of the shape of the light

distribution of a luminaire. In the polar intensity diagram, the luminous

intensity is given in the form of a so-called polar diagram. The luminous

intensity is given in candela per 1000 lumen (cd/1000 lm) of the nominal

lamp flux of the lamps applied.

The diagram gives the light distribution in two planes:

- The continuous (blue) line:

In the vertical plane through the width axis of the luminaire, the

C0-C180 plane is indicated as:

- The dotted (red) line:

In the vertical plane through the length axis of the luminaire, the

C90-C270 plane is indicated as:

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Lighting technique Lighting technique

However, the luminous intensity graph in the cartesian intensity diagram

gives a much better indication of the beam shape. The luminous intensity in

the cartesian diagram is given in absolute candela values.Along the horizontal

axis the -values of the C-plane are given, while the vertical axis shows the

absolute intensity values in candela.

UUttiilliissaattiioonn ffaaccttoorr ttaabbllee

Recessed mounted

The Utilisation Factor table enables the lighting designer to determine the

number of luminaires required, or to calculate the illuminance realised with

a certain lighting installation. Although a lot of calculation work has been

taken over by computer, the Utilisation Factor table is still a handy tool for

lighting designers. The Utilisation Factor (UF) of a lighting installation

represents the percentage of the luminous flux of the lamp(s) that reaches

the defined working plane in the room, which has to be seen as the

efficiency of the lighting installation. The Utilisation Factor

depends on:

- light distribution of the luminaire

- luminaire efficiency

- reflection of ceiling, walls and floor/working plane of the room

- room index k

The room index k represents the geometrical ratio of the room, and can be

expressed as:

k =L + W

Hwp ( L + W)


L = length of the room (m)

W = width of the room (m)

Hwp = height or vertical distance between the luminaires

and the working plane

Lumen method:

The UF can be looked up in the table for a range of values of the room

index k and a number of reflection value combinations. After determining

the UF for the specific layout for a luminaire, the number of luminaires for a

specific illumination level can be calculated with the formula:

N =E x A

F x UF x MF

Alternatively, knowing the number of luminaires, the resulting illuminance

can be calculated with the formula:

EAV =F x N x UF x MF



N = required number of luminaires

EAV = specified average illuminance in lux

Fn = nominal lamp flux per luminaire (lumen)

UF = utilisation factor

MF = maintenance factor

A = surface area of the room (m2)

QQuuaannttiittyy eessttiimmaattiioonn ddiiaaggrraamm

The quantity estimation diagram gives a quick insight into the number of

luminaires that will be needed to reach the desired illuminance in a room.

The diagram gives the number of luminaires of one type needed for

different lighting levels, as a function of the area to be illuminated. Three

different diagrams exist.They are based on three fixtures’ mounting heights

(2.8, 6 or 9 m, depending on the typical application,) and are made for fixed

reflection factors, as indicated in the diagram.The quantity estimation

diagram should only be used when the luminaires are placed in a regular

pattern, in, on or suspended from the ceiling. For calculation purposes the

space to be illuminated is considered to be rectangular. The example shows

that if 750 lux is required in an area of 100 m2, 32 luminaires have to be

installed. The information from this diagram should be considered as a

guideline. For exact figures, the lumen method or computer calculations are

required.The maintenance factor used for this diagram is 1.0 but in practical

situations a real maintenance factor has to be taken into consideration.

UUnniiffiieedd GGllaarree RRaattiinngg ddiiaaggrraamm ((UUGGRR))

The Unified Glare Rating is an indication of the direct glare perceived in a

certain space illuminated by artificial lighting. According to CEN (European

Committee for Standardisation) the Unified Glare Rating (UGR) should be

determined according to the CIE tabular method.

UGR is given in 5 classes (UGR= 16, 19, 22, 25 and 28; the lower the UGR,

the less direct glare is perceived from the total of the luminaires in the

installation). As the CIE tabular method does not give a quick insight into

the UGR characteristics of a specific installation, Philips Lighting has

developed the UGR diagram.

For each installation with one type of luminaire, the UGR value to be

expected in the application can be determined from this diagram.

Note that the UGR values are given for two viewing directions to the

luminaire, endwise and crosswise, and that the UGR might vary depending

on the size of the space under consideration. The highest UGR value

determines the quality of the installation. In the UGR diagram the UGR is

represented for the specified height and reflection factors.

VViissuuaall aammbbiieennccee ddiiaaggrraamm

Downlights are often used for general lighting.Applying downlights, very

attractive lighting with high contrast can be realised, but also diffuse uniform

lighting.This very much depends on the light distribution of the specific


The visual ambience diagram gives information on:

- The ssppaacciinngg between the downlights required to obtain a certain average

illuminance level at a specific mounting height.

- The uunniiffoorrmmiittyy of the chosen lighting solution for different horizontal



At the horizontal top axis, the average horizontal illuminance level is given

(800, 400, 200, 100 and 50 lux). For each illuminance two curved lines are

visible in the diagram:

- the left curve is valid for a small room with 4 x 4 luminaires in a square


- the right curve is valid for a large room with 10 x 10 luminaires in a

square arrangement.

For narrow-beam luminaires the differences between the small-room

luminaire arrangement and the large-room installation are minor, resulting in

one curved line only.

The distance between the luminaire and the reference plane, on which the

average horizontal illuminance is calculated, is indicated on the left vertical


The luminaire spacing to obtain the selected horizontal illuminance at the

specified distance from the ceiling can be found on the lower horizontal



The resulting uniformity for the selected spacing can be read from the

diagram for various horizontal planes. The uniformity is defined as

Emin /Emax. Three straight sloping lines in the diagram indicate three uniformity

values: 0.1, 0.3 and 0.6. The uniformity determines the lighting effect that

will be obtained:

- Emin /Emax > 0.6 (in the diagram below the 0.6 uniformity line). The

arrangement of downlights creates diffused, uniform lighting, and so a

‘functional’ lighting ambience.

- 0.1 < Emin /Emax < 0.6 (in the diagram in between the 0.6 and 0.1

uniformity lines). The arrangement of downlights creates a lighting

ambience that varies from lively to very contrasting.

- Emin /Emax < 0.1 (in the diagram above the 0.1 uniformity line).

The arrangement of downlights results in a non-uniform horizontal

illuminance. The effect of the individual luminaires is clearly visible on the

horizontal surface.

In practice, it is important to check uniformity not only on the working

plane, but also at different heights, for example at eye level. If the resulting

uniformity is not in accordance with to the requirements of the application,

another type of luminaire should be selected.

IIssoolluuxx ddiiaaggrraamm

The isolux diagram shows the illuminated area for rotationally symmetrical

light distributions by means of isolux curves.

The horizontal illuminance is indicated in relation to the distance (vertical

and horizontal) to the luminaire.

The shape of the isolux curves is dependent on the beam spread of the

luminaire.1/2 E0 and 1/2 Imax indicate this in the graph. Additionally, the connected table

offers the user information on:

- the resulting illuminance at the beam centre. (E0)

- the diameter of the area in which the illuminance is better or equal to

50% of the illuminance E0.

- the diameter of the area in which the luminous intensity is better or

equal to 50% of Imax, the intensity in the beam centre.

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Lighting technique

The 1/2 E0 angle reflects the angle at which the illuminance has dropped to

50% of the maximum value in the beam centre.

Beam width

The beam spread angle Imax reflects the angle over which the luminous

intensity drops to 50% of its peak value.

Beam spread

VViissuuaall iimmppaacctt ddiiaaggrraamm

The visual impact diagram is a tool to determine the effect of accent lighting

by means of the accent factor.

The accent factor is defined as:Accent Factor = Espot/Ehorizontaal

AAcccceenntt ffaaccttoorr EEffffeecctt

2 Noticeable

5 Low theatrical

15 Theatrical

30 Dramatic

> 50 Very dramatic

For more detailed information on the Accent Factor see the relevant

section in this chapter.

With the visual impact diagram, the accent lighting effect of a projector can

be determined as a function of the average horizontal illuminance and the

distance from the projector to the object.

The visual impact diagram can be used in two ways:

- It can determine the distance from projector to object to achieve specific

accent factor at a given horizontal illuminance. Example (see solid line in

diagram): an accent factor of 10 (theatrical) at a horizontal illuminance of

300 lux is realised at a distance from projector to object of 4 metres.

- It can determine the accent factor when the horizontal illuminance and

the distance from projector to object are given. Example (see dashed line

in diagram): at a horizontal illuminance of 500 lux with distance from

projector to object of 2 metres, an accent factor of approx. 30 (dramatic)

is realised.

BBeeaamm ddiiaaggrraamm

The beam diagram shows the characteristics of the light beam produced by

the luminaire / lamp combination (projectors, downlights, reflector lamps,

fibre-optic terminations).The diagram gives the Visual Beam Angle (VBA),

the beam spread angle (1/2 Imax) and the sharpness of the contour as

indicated by the K value.

Additionally, it offers the user information about the diameter of the visual

light patch and the diameter of the area whose boundary has a luminous

intensity equal to 50% of the maximum value.

These diameters are available for a range of vertical distances below the

luminaire. The illuminance in the centre of the beam (E0) is available for the

same range of vertical distances below the luminaire.

The VBA specifies the angle at which the contour of the beam is clearly

visible. In contrast to the beam spread angle, the VBA reflects what is

perceived when looking at the visual light patch.

The beam-spread angle (1/2 Imax) reflects the angle over which the luminous

intensity drops to 50% of its peak value. The beam-spread angle does not

reflect the visual appearance of the visual light patch.

Visual impact diagram











Eh(lx)25 50 100 250 500 1000





Lighting technique

LLiigghhttiinngg ooff wwoorrkkssttaattiioonnss wwiitthh DDiissppllaayy SSccrreeeenn EEqquuiippmmeenntt ((DDSSEE))

Glare and glare-reducing techniques are important aspects in interior and

especially in office and industrial lighting. Since the 1970s the lighting

industry and standardisation institutes have developed various methods to

evaluate glare.Additional to this, the lighting industry has developed

advanced optical techniques to reduce the glare to required levels. However

a clear distinction should be made between:

- Direct glare

- Reflected glare cause by a combination of a bright source and reflection

in a polished surface. (See drawing.)

Standards in lighting are developed to define both. In the 1970s methods

were developed to standardise the direct glare restrictions. With the

introduction of computer screens, especially early models, there were highly

reflective dark screens which gave rise to problems in office environments.

Subsequently, methods to analyse reflected glare in computer screens have

been developed for direct lighting.

Direct lighting uses luminaires designed to emit the majority of their light

output directly onto the working plane. Direct luminaires can be surface-

mounted, recessed into the ceiling or suspended.They are generally viewed

as individually lit objects in the space, and for this reason can appear as a

distinct and distracting object when reflected on a display screen.

If the screen displays light characters (words and numbers, etc) on a dark

screen background, (as originally the case with the firstgeneration VDUs) the

reflected image will be seen against this dark background. However, if the

information is displayed with dark characters on a light background, the

reflections will be less visible against the lighter background. Most modern

screens and user software programs today are set like this. To avoid glare

problems, CEN established luminance limits for luminaires, for typical screen

qualities.These are shown in Table 1.

Note:a) The appropriate (CEN) luminance limit for luminaires can be selected when

the nature of the screens and software to be used is known. If thisinformation is unknown or subject to doubt, the lower limit of 200 cd/m2should be selected.

b) The DSE and, in some circumstances the keyboard, may suffer fromreflections causing disability and/or discomfort glare. It is therefore necessaryto select, locate and arrange the luminaires to avoid high brightnessreflections. The designer should determine the mounting zone causingdisturbance, then choose equipment and plan mounting positions which willcause no disturbing reflections.

LLuummiinnaaiirree lluummiinnaannccee lliimmiittss wwiitthh ddoowwnnwwaarrdd fflluuxx

Table 1 gives the limits of the average luminaire luminance at elevation

angles of 65° and above from the downward vertical, radially around the

luminaires for workplaces where display screens, which are vertical or

inclined up to 15° tilt angle, are used.

Note:For certain special places using, for example sensitive screens or variableinclination, these illuminance limits should be applied for lower elevation angles(e.g. 55°) of the luminaire.

SSccrreeeenn ccllaasssseess iinn

aaccccoorrddaannccee wwiitthh II IIII IIIIII

IISSOO 99224411--77

Screen quality Good Medium Poor

Average luminaire

luminances reflected <1000 cd/m2 <200 cd/m2

in the screen

Above 65°

TTaabbllee 11..

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Lighting technique

1. Noticeable visual effect (Factor 2:1).

2. Low theatrical effect (Factor 5:1).

3. Theatrical effect (Factor 15:1).

4. Dramatic effect (Factor 30:1).Can only be achieved with relativelylow general lighting levels.

5. Very dramatic effect (Factor 50:1).Can only be achieved with relativelylow general lighting levels.

AAcccceenntt ffaaccttoorr

The visual effect when highlighting an object is determined by two things:

the contrast between the object and its surrounding background, this is

called contrast; and, the shadow effects in the object itself caused by the

form of object and the position of the spotlight, this is called modelling. The

main lighting characteristics of light sources to achieve the required contrast

are the size and the sharpness of the contour of the visual beam. In a first

approximation, the contrast between an object lit by a projector and its

surrounding background is given by the ratio Eobject /Ebackground. In most diffuse

general lighting schemes, Ebackground is closely related to Ehorizontal. When planning

accent lighting, it is important to determine the required effect or accent

factor, which may vary from ‘noticeable’ to ‘very dramatic’. The issue is the

relationship between the amount of general lighting in the direct vicinity of

the object and the brightness of the spot on the object. It is calculated by

dividing the lighting level in the spot by the general lighting level in the

horizontal plane, approximately 1 metre above the floor in the direct vicinity

of the object.

Accent factor =Lighting level in the spot (on illuminated object)

General lighting level (horizontal plane)

To obtain satisfactory effects in situations where the level of general

lighting is high, powerful accent lighting should be used.

FFiigguurree AAcccceenntt ffaaccttoorr EEffffeecctt

1 2:1 Noticeable

2 5:1 Low theatrical

3 15:1 Theatrical

4 30:1 Dramatic

5 50:1 Very dramatic

Lighting technique

K1 is a profile spot without any spilllight; this effect is achieved byequipping the luminaire with amechanical or optical device that cutsoff the spill light; in this way, beams ofdifferent shapes can be produced.This classification can have high- orlow-intensity beams, depending on thepower and efficiency of the system.

K2 is a spot which stands out due toits sharp shift to a minimal amount ofspill light; this type of beam isexcellent for creating theatrical anddramatic effects. This classification is usually associatedwith very high-intensity beams.

K3 has a hard shift from a high-intensity spot to spill light; the spilllight is seen as a narrow ring of lightaround the spot.This classification is usually associatedwith high-intensity beams which arevery suitable for creating theatricaleffects.

K4 has a soft shift from a relativelystrong spot to a great deal of spilllight; the spill light assists considerablyin lighting the general surroundings.

K5 is a uniformly wide beam withoutany visible spot and is, as a result,suited to general or supplementarylighting.

BBeeaamm cchhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss –– KK--bbeeaamm ccaatteeggoorriieess

Accent lighting requires a controlled beam of light, obtained by a lamp and a

reflector, which in many cases is integrated into the lamp itself. The ultimate

effect is largely determined by the characteristics of the beam. The

important factors are the intensity, the shape and the dimensions of the

spotlight created by the beam and the amount of spill light. Spill light is the

amount of light that is allowed to spread outside the actual beam.

A ''hhaarrdd--eeddggeedd'' beam is a light beam with little or no spill light and gives a

sharply defined contrast. It lends itself to very dramatic lighting effects.

A ''ssoofftt--eeddggeedd'' beam has a higher degree of spill light and will result in a

lower contrast with the surrounding area. The effects are much softer than

those obtained with a hard-edged beam. To help you make the right

selection, Philips has a special classification for its reflector lamps and

lamp/reflector combinations, identifying five socalled K-beam factors. The

final effect is, of course, influenced by the contrast between the ambient

lighting and the lighting intensity of the beam.

IIddeennttiiffyyiinngg tthhee ffiivvee KK--bbeeaamm ccaatteeggoorriieess

The illustrations here give a good impression of the effects of the various

types of light beams identified by the Philips K-beam classification.The

relevant light beam creates these effects only, without any supplementary


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298 299


RRooaadd lliigghhttiinngg

The luminous intensity distribution of a road lighting or a residential area

lighting luminaire is presented in the form of a polar diagram. The diagram

gives one, two or threee curves for the intensity in cd/1000 lm in vertical

planes called C planes:

- For rotationally symmetrical light distributions one curve is given,

representing the distribution in all C planes. The curve is drawn as a solid


- For distributions with a maximum intensity in a plane perpendicular to the

longitudinal axis of the luminaire, two curves are given: one for the

vertical plane through the longitudinal axis of the luminaire, called the C90

and C270 plane (broken line curve), and one for the plane perpendicular to

that axis, called the C0 and C180 plane (solid line curve).

- For distributions with a maximum intensity in the plane between the

plane through the lonitudinal axis of the luminaire and the plane

perpendicular to that longitudinal axis, threee curves are given: one ofr

the plane through the longitudinal axis of the luminaire, called the C90 and

C270 plane (broken line curve), one for the plane perpendicular to that

axis, called the C0 and C180 plane (solid line curve), and one for the plane

containing the maximum intensity, called the C[m] plane (dotted line


It is supposed that the longitudinal axis of the luminaire is perpendicular to

the road axis.

If the luminaire has no apparent longitudinal axis, it may be possible to take

the longitudinal axis of the lamp (PL-L or TL-D).

The polar diagram is given for a tilt of the luminaire of 0°.

LVX999999999 is an internal Philips code referring to the origin of the

photometric data.

The utilization factor hE represents the fraction of the luminous flux of the

lamp that actually reaches the road surface.

C 0

C plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the luminaire or lamp at

the left side of the luminaire when standing before, and facing the luminaire.

C 15

C plane turned 15° towards the front of the luminaire relative to the C0



Luminous intensity at a gamma angle of 80° given for the C0 and C15

Explanation of photometric data



Luminous intensity at a gamma angle of 90° given for the C0 and C15



Light Output Ratio: the ratio between the luminous flux emitted by the

luminaire and the luminous flux of the lamp(s) alone.

R 3

Class R3 in C.I.E. publication 66 ‘Road Services and Lighting’, for the

reflection properties of the road surface. Used for the luminance yield curve

and the Lighting schemes.

Q 0

The average reflection coefficient of the road surface for the relevant

viewing directions of a car driver.

Used for the lighting schemes.


The utilisation factor.


The luminance yield factor.

In the utilization factor diagram, the utilization factor is given as a function of

the road width, expressed as a multiple of the luminaire mounting height.

A quick and easy way to calculate the average horizontal illuminance for a

straight road alongside which the luminaires are equally spaced, is by using

the utilization factor curve diagram in conjunction with the following


EH =hE . fL . n . MF



EH = average horizontal illuminance

ηE = utilisation factorφL = luminous flux of the lamp

n = number of lamps per luminaire

MF = maintenance factor

W = width of the road

S = spacing between the luminaires

The utilisation factor diagram is given for a luminaire tilt of 0°.

In most cases the luminaires are slightly tilted, and this affects the calculation

result somewhat.

TThhee lluummiinnaannccee yyiieelldd

Represents the efficiency in creating luminance on a road surface, as

determined by the light distribution of the luminaire, the reflection

properties of the surface and the position of the observer.

The reference surface used in this catalogue has reflection properties

according to class R3 of publicatin C.I.E. 66.

Explanation of photometric data

Lighting Schemes

The lighting schemes give the lighting results for three types of installations.

The types of installation are as follows:

1. Single left

2. Single sided right

3. Staggered

4. Central suspended

5. Central twin bracket

6. Central catenary

The lighting results are given for 5 combinations of mounting heights and

spacings, with zero overhang.

The observer position used for this catalogue is at a distance equal to the

mounting height, to the right (street side) of the row of luminaires. In the

luminance yield diagram, the luminance yield is given as a function of the

width of the road expressed as a multiple of the mounting height of the

luminaire. A quick and easy way to calculate the average luminance at a

fixed observer position, of a straight road with a surface according to class

R3, alongside which the luminaires are equally spaced, is by using the

luminance yield curve in conjunction with the following formula:

L =hE . fL . n . Q0 . MF



L = average luminance

hL = luminance yield factor

fL = luminous flux of the lamp

n = number of lamps per luminaire

Q 0 = average luminance coefficient

MF = maintenance factor

W = width of the road

S = spacing between the luminaires

The luminance yield curve is given for a luminaire tilt of 0°. In most case the

luminaires are slightly tilted, and this affects the calculation result somewhat.

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300 301

Explanation of photometric data


Explanation of photometric data

The lighting results for the average luminance are given for a road surface

with reflection properties according to class R3 of C.I.E. publication 66 with

an average reflection coefficient Q0=0.08. A maintenance factor of

1 is used. The calculated values are given for the indicated tilt of the


Tilt angle.

For road lighting luminaires and post-top luminaires with comparable

construction to road luminaires, this is the angle between the plane of the

‘lighting window’ (the opening that exists when the bowl is removed) and

the horizontal.


Mounting height of the luminaire.


Spacing between luminaires.


Average horizontal illuminaire.


Surround Ratio: the ratio between the sum of the average horizontal

illuminances on the two 5-m wide longitudinal strips adjacent to the sides of

the road from the outside and the sum of the average horizontal

illuminances on the two other 5-m wide strips to the road from the inside

(EN 13201).


The Average Luminance.

U 0

Overall Uniformity: the ratio between the minimum luminance and the

average luminance in the field of measurements (or field of calculation).

U 1

Longitudinal Uniformity: the ratio between the minimum luminance and the

maximum luminance on the centre line of each traffic lane.


Threhold Increment.

A figure that represents the glare as it reduces the visibilty.

FFlloooodd lliigghhttiinngg

The luminous intensity distribution of a floodlight is presented in the form of

a cartesian diagram.

The diagram gives curves for the luminous intensity in cd/1000 lm in one

planes or in two mutually perpendicular planes.

For floodlights in which the axis of the lamp is perpendicular to the front of

the floodlight, the curves are given for one plane throug the axis of the


For floodlights in which the axis of the lamp is perpendicular to the front of

the floodlight, the curves are given for two mutually perpendicular planes:

- The main or K J plane (solid line curve); a plane perpendicular to the

front of the floodlight and perpendicular to the axis of the lamp, passing

through the light-centre of the lamp. The angles to the horizontal axis of

the cartesian diagram for the K J plane are relative to the perpendicular

to the front of the floodlight. The angles on the ‘K’ side of the

perpendicular to the front of the floodlight are negative; the angles on the

‘J’ side are positive.*

- The LM plane (broken line curve); a plane perpendicular to the main

plane and containing the maximum luminous intensity of the main plane.

The angles to the horizontal axis of the cartesian diagram for the LM

plane are relative to the intersection line of the LM and K J planes.

The angles on the ‘L’ side of the perpendicular are negative; the angles on

the ‘M’ side are positive.

Imax in the K J plane is such an important design criteriion that the value is

printed explicitly at the top of the diagram, together with the angle between

the direction of Imax and the perpendicular to the front of the floodlight.

The widths of the beam in the two planes are given by the angles of the

directions of the 1/2 Imax intensities; to the perpendicular to the front of the

floodlight in the K J plane, and to the intersection line of the K J plane and

the LM plane, respectively.

Angles on the right side of the cartesian diagram are positive, angles on the

left side are negative.

LVX999999999 is an internal Philips code referring to the origin of the

photometric data.

1/2 Imax -9°/3°:indication of the beam width in the main plane (KJ).

1/2 Imax -25°/25°:indication of the beam width in the LM plane.

L.O.R. Light Output Ratio:the ratio between the flux emitted by the luminaire and the flux of the lamp(s) alone.

Imax :the maximum luminous intensity in the main plane, given at the angle relative to theperpendicular to the front of the luminaire.

* Note: in some cases (asymmetrical floodlights) the angle between the direction of Imax in themain plane and the perpendicular to the front of the floodlight is put in the centre of the hori-zontal axis of the cartesian diagram for the K J plane, i.e. the direction of Imax is taken as zerodegrees.

Cartesian luminous lntensity diagram


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302 303

Optic guide


Optic guide

IInnnnoovvaattiivvee OOLLCC ooppttiiccss

AAllll--rroouunndd ggllaarree ccoonnttrrooll wwiitthh OOLLCC ooppttiiccss

OLC stands for Omnidirectional Luminance Control - all-round glare

control. These optics (TL-5: C7, D7, M7, C7H, D7H, M7H; TLD: C6, D6,

M6) combine optimum luminance efficacy and light distribution with

excellent all-round glare control.

The computer-designed shape of the side reflectors and the 3-dimensional

lamellae with Fresnel structure on the upper side, made from high-grade

aluminium, have given rise to new optical qualities:

• All round glare control in accordance with the standard (EN 12464)

(average luminance < 200 or 1000 cd/m2 if g > 65º in all directions)

• Light output ratio up to 80%

• Wide-beam DELTA-shaped light distribution

• No disturbing patch luminances

These optical features create comfortable and highly efficient office lighting:

• Flexible office design due to all-round glare control, computer displays

can be positioned anywhere in the room without any disruptive reflected


• Thanks to the high light output ratios, the lighting is very costeffective

• The DELTA-shaped light distribution ensures uniform lighting, even in the

case of wider luminaire spacing

• No disturbing (patch) luminances for glare, guarantees a high level of

visual comfort

• With high-grade aluminium optics available in a variety of versions - semi-

high gloss D, high gloss C and matt M, there is always an ideal optic for

every lighting design

We recommend semi-high gloss D6 for

• High light output ratio

• OLC ≤ 200 cd/m2

• Excellent light distribution

• Small amounts of dust on optic are barely visible

• Accidental fingerprints on optic are barely visible

All-round glare control Light distribution

OOppttiiccss ttoo ssuuiitt aallll rreeqquuiirreemmeennttss

The 'optic' in a luminaire is the reflector and/or refractor system that

controls the light direction and beam pattern of the luminaire.

It is an essential control device. Not surprisingly then, Philips offers many

different types of optics, each one designed to perform a specific function.

But which optic is best for the particular situation at hand?

The function of the area to be illuminated and the task to be

performed usually determine the optic and luminaire you need, while

the ceiling system often determines the dimensions of the luminaire.

However, the luminaire-optic combination must fulfil the lighting

requirements for each specific area.

The number of lamps and the optic selection depends on the importance of

the task to be performed in the area, and the area's dimensions.

In addition, other requirements, such as image, efficiency and aesthetics, will

influence the decision.

GGllaarree ccoonnttrrooll

Glare is one important factor which often influences the performance of

lighting.There are in general two aspects described in the European standard

EN12464-1. (See page 14 and page 17 lighting for workstations with display

screen equipment).

OOppttiicc ddeessccrriippttiioonn::Patented OLC optics with 3-dimensionallamellae with concave structure on theupper side made of high-reflecting (H) pre-anodized ALU. D7H: semi-high gloss;C7H: high-gloss. These optics create a deltashape light distribution, have a optimumefficiency and provide all-round glarecontrol. They conform to the Europeannorm EN 12464-1.




UUGGRRr * < 19

LL < 1000 cd/m2- 650

* Reference UGRr for room 4Hx8H, 0.25H Reflectance: 0.70, 0.50, 0.20For 3xTL-5 14W

OOppttiicc ddeessccrriippttiioonn::Patented OLC optics with 3-dimensionallamellae with concave structure on theupper side made of pre-anodized ALU.D7H: semi-high gloss; C7H: high-gloss. M7:matt. These optics create a delta shape lightdistribution, have a optimum efficiency andprovide all-round glare control. They conform to the European norm EN12464-1.



LLOORR 72% (C7), 70% (D7), 65% (M7)

UUGGRRr * < 16 (15 for C7, D7,16 for M7)

LL < 1000 cd/m2- 650

* Reference UGRr for room 4HX8H, 0.25HReflectance: 0.70, 0.50, 0.20For 3xTL-5 14W

OOppttiicc ddeessccrriippttiioonn::Optics with 3-dimensional lamellae withconcave structure on the upper side madeof pre-anodized ALU. D6: semi-high gloss;C6: high-gloss.




UUGGRRr * < 19 (17)

* Reference UGRr for room 4HX8H, 0.25HReflectance: 0.70, 0.50, 0.20For 2xTL-5 28W



D6, C6

OOppttiiccss ffoorr TTLL--55

OOppttiiccss ffoorr TTLL--55

OOppttiiccss ffoorr TTLL--55 aanndd TTLLDD

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304 305


Optic guide

OOppttiicc ddeessccrriippttiioonn::Optics with 3-dimensional lamellae withconcave structure on the upper side madeof pre-anodized ALU. M6: matt.




UUGGRRrr * < 19 (17)

* Reference UGRr for room 4HX8H, 0.25HReflectance: 0.70, 0.50, 0.20For 2xTL-5 28W

OOppttiicc ddeessccrriippttiioonn::Optics with v-shape lamellae made of pre-anodized ALU. M5: matt lamellae and mattside reflector.




UUGGRRr * < 19 (17)

* Reference UGRr for room 4HX8H, 0.25HReflectance: 0.70, 0.50, 0.20For 3X28W

OOppttiicc ddeessccrriippttiioonn::Optics with matt side reflector made of pre-anodized ALU and flat profile lamellae.

AApppplliiccaattiioonn::School, office, general applications



UUGGRRr * < 19 (18)

* Reference UGRr for room 4HX8H, 0.25H Reflectance: 0.70, 0.50, 0.20For 3X28W




OOppttiiccss ffoorr TTLL--55 aanndd TTLLDD

OOppttiiccss ffoorr TTLL--55 aanndd TTLLDD

OOppttiiccss ffoorr TTLL--55 aanndd TTLLDD

Optic guide

OOppttiicc ddeessccrriippttiioonn::Optics with v-shape lamellae made of pre-anodized ALU. M5: matt lamellae and mattside reflector.




UUGGRRr * < 19 (18)

* Reference UGRr for room 4HX8H, 0.25H Reflectance: 0.70, 0.50, 0.20For 3xTLD-18W

OOppttiicc ddeessccrriippttiioonn::Optics made of pre-anodized ALU and flatprofile lamellae. M2: matt.

AApppplliiccaattiioonn::School, office, general applications


LLOORR 73% (G2), 70% (M2)

UUGGRRr * < 19 (18)

* Reference UGRr for room 4HX8H, 0.25H Reflectance: 0.70, 0.50, 0.20For 3xTLD-18W

OOppttiicc ddeessccrriippttiioonn::Optics with closed, flat cover and externalprismatic structure to generate soft light.

AApppplliiccaattiioonnss::Hospital, kitchen, entrance, public areas



UUGGRRr * = 19

* Reference UGRr for room 4HX8H, 0.25H Reflectance: 0.70, 0.50, 0.20For 3xTLD 18W




OOppttiiccss ffoorr TTLL--DD

OOppttiiccss ffoorr TTLL--88

OOppttiiccss ffoorr TTLL--88

Page 13: Philips Lighting Manual

306 307


OOppttiicc ddeessccrriippttiioonn::Optics are high gloss specular material, alsoblocking all reflections of the lamp visible inthe lower parts from all directions. Highestoptical quality reflector with innovativecoating. Reflection coefficient is 80%.

AArrcchhiitteeccttuurraall rreessuulltt::Dark ceiling with invisible lighting, completeintegration of the downlight in thearchitecture

AApppplliiccaattiioonnss::Offices, schools



UUGGRRR 22 (22)

PPrroodduucctt ooffffeerr::Fugato downlights

Reference UGRR for room 4H x 8H.Reflection factors 0.7/0.5/0.2 (acc. EN12464-1)For 2x PL-C/2 P26WDual optic concept with metal top reflector

OOppttiicc ddeessccrriippttiioonn::Glarefree lighting not perceiving (at an angle> 55º) any glare. Optics are high glossspecular material, also blocking all reflectionsof the lamp visible in the lower parts fromall directions. Highest optical quality reflectorwith innovative coating. Reflection coefficientis 80%.

AArrcchhiitteeccttuurraall rreessuulltt::Dark ceiling with invisible lighting, completeintegration of the downlight in thearchitecture




UUGGRRR 19 (19)

PPrroodduucctt ooffffeerr::Fugato downlights

Reference UGRR for room 4H x 8H.Reflection factors 0.7/0.5/0.2 (acc. EN12464-1)For 2x PL-T 42WDual optic concept with metal top reflector

OOppttiicc ddeessccrriippttiioonn::Soft glowing illumination perceiving an even,soft, brightness (at an angle > 55º). This isobtained by satinising the metalised optic.Reflection coefficient is 80%.

AArrcchhiitteeccttuurraall rreessuulltt::A ceiling with a clear pattern of visibledevices, using the lighting pattern in theceiling to enhance the structure of thespace.

AApppplliiccaattiioonnss::Shops, offices, public buildings



UUGGRRR 25 (22)

PPrroodduucctt ooffffeerr::Fugato downlights

Reference UGRR for room 4H x 8H.Reflection factors 0.7/0.5/0.2 (acc. EN12464-1)For 2x PL-C/2 P26WDual optic concept with metal top reflector

OOppttiicc ddeessccrriippttiioonn::Scattered moving brilliant lightpatches,perceiving high illuminance spots in theceiling.

AArrcchhiitteeccttuurraall rreessuulltt::The specific design quality of the scatteredpatterns sets the fitting as an individual itemseparate from the ceiling. The scatteredeffect is especially useful when applied inthose areas where people are experiencingthe downlight passing by.

AApppplliiccaattiioonnss::Corridors, general applications, entrances




PPrroodduucctt ooffffeerr::Fugato downlights

Reference UGRR for room 4H x 8H.Reflection factors 0.7/0.5/0.2 (acc. EN12464-1)Dual optic concept with metal top reflector

C (high gloss)

OOppttiiccss ffoorr DDoowwnnlliigghhttss

C (high gloss) + louvre

OOppttiiccss ffoorr DDoowwnnlliigghhttss

M (matt/satin)

OOppttiiccss ffoorr DDoowwnnlliigghhttss

WR (white reflector)

OOppttiiccss ffoorr DDoowwnnlliigghhttss

Optic guideOptic guide

OOppttiicc ddeessccrriippttiioonn::Narrow beam optic meant for accentlighting in retail applications. Made ofanodised aluminium, with 99% reflectioncoefficient.

AApppplliiccaattiioonnss:: Areas where high quality light sources andhigh output are required.All retail areas, museums, hotels, officebuildings, public areas.


iiMMaaxx 111 kcd


For 1x CDM-T70W

OOppttiicc ddeessccrriippttiioonn::Medium beam optic meant for accentlighting in retail applications. Made ofanodised aluminium, with 99% reflectioncoefficient. Also available in gold.

AApppplliiccaattiioonnss:: Areas where high quality light sources andhigh output are required.All retail areas, museums, hotels, officebuildings, public areas.


iiMMaaxx 14 kcd


For 1x CDM-T70W

OOppttiicc ddeessccrriippttiioonn::Medium beam optic meant for accentlighting in retail applications. Made ofanodised aluminium, with 99% reflectioncoefficient. Also available in gold.

AApppplliiccaattiioonnss:: Areas where high quality light sources andhigh output are required.All retail areas, museums, hotels, officebuildings, public areas.


iiMMaaxx 7 kcd


For 1x CDM-T70W

OOppttiicc ddeessccrriippttiioonn::Wide beam optic meant for general lightingin retail applications. Made of anodised aluminium, with 99%reflection coefficient.

AApppplliiccaattiioonnss:: Areas where high quality light sources andhigh output are required.All retail areas, museums, hotels, officebuildings, public areas.


iiMMaaxx 4 kcd


For 1x CDM-T70W

Narrow beam (12˚)

OOppttiiccss ffoorr DDoowwnnlliigghhttss

Medium beam (24˚)

OOppttiiccss ffoorr DDoowwnnlliigghhttss

Medium beam (36˚)

OOppttiiccss ffoorr DDoowwnnlliigghhttss

Wide beam (60˚)

OOppttiiccss ffoorr DDoowwnnlliigghhttss

Page 14: Philips Lighting Manual

308 309


Lighting design tools

PPhhiilliippss -- yyoouurr ppaarrttnneerr iinn lliigghhttiinngg

Philips Lighting has extensive experience in helping customers select the

optimum solutions for their lighting applications, especially in terms of

quality, performance and economy.

Our customer partnership philosophy means that we can support you at

every stage: from the planning and design right through to commissioning,

realisation and after sales support. This maxmises cost-efficiency by ensuring

the ability to choose the most suitable equipment for your application.

Philips Lighting Design and Application Centres throughout the world offer

extensive consultancy, training and demonstration services. Our lighting

specialists can recommend existing solutions or develop new tailor-made

solutions for your application. Because Philips Lighting is the world’s leading

supplier, you’re assured of getting the best support available.

The software Calculux is part of that support. For consultants, wholesalers

and installers wishing to develop lighting designs, it’s the ideal tool; saving

time and effort, providing optimised lighting solutions and guaranteeing

satisfied customers. The Philips Calculux line, running under the Microsoft

Windows operating systems, covers area and road applications. For indoor

applications, Philips supports Dialux/Relux.

Calculux Area helps lighting designers select and evaluate lighting systems

for sports fields, parking places, areas for general use, industrial applications

and even road lighting calculations. Calculux Road is the software tool which

can help lighting designers select and evaluate lighting systems specific for

road lighting installations. Speed, ease of use and versatility are features of

the package from Philips Lighting, the world’s leading supplier of lighting


Calculux software and the databases for Calculux and Dialux can be

downloaded from:

For Dialux, go to

CChhoooossee ffrroomm aann uunneeqquuaalllleedd rraannggee ooff lluummiinnaaiirreess

Calculux is equipped with an extensive Philips database, which includes the

most advanced luminaires available. Each luminaire is described with all the

important data such as optical system, lamp type, efficiency factors, and

power consumption. All can be viewed at any time. Also, you can see the

light distribution at any time, displayed as a Polar, Cartesian or Iso-candela

diagram, together with the luminaire quality figures. Alternatively, luminaire

data from other suppliers can be stored in the Philips Phillum external

format (specially formatted ASCII files).

You can even use Photometry which isn’t in the Phillum format, and read

them directly within Calculux Road and Area.

External formats that can be read:







WWhhaatt iiss CCaallccuulluuxx??

Calculux is a powerful analysis, simulation, and system selection software


• You can use Calculux to simulate real lighting situations and analyse

different lighting installations until you find the solutions which suits your

technical as well as your financial and aesthetic requirements best.

• Calculux not only uses luminaires from an extensive Philips database, but

can also use photometry, which is stored in the Philips Phillum external


• Simple menus, logical dialogue boxes and a step-by-step approach helps

you to find the most efficient and cost-effective solutions for your lighting


WWhhaatt yyoouu ccaann ddoo wwiitthh CCaallccuulluuxx RRooaadd??

• Specify and calculate Standard Road Lighting Schemes for which

predefined calculations are set in a Profile. Profiles are lighting class and

national recommendations dependent.

• Specify, within the Profile, the lighting requirements and save them to a

file for use in future road projects.

• Within the Profile, you can set the calculation Grid Method (which

determines how the calculation points are put onto the road and

surroundings,) based on local standards, European norms and

international recommendations (CIE, DIN, CEN, CIBSE, etc.).

• You can specify road Schemes, optimising individual or multiple Schemes

based on the installation parameters, to give the best installation

specifications within the Profile requirements.

• Calculate a wide range of quality figures covering almost all-existing

national and international recommendations.

• Select luminaires from an extensive Philips database or from specially

formatted files for luminaires from other suppliers.

• Perform lighting calculations on areas not directly related to the main

road (e.g. on the footpath or the front of a house).

• Specify, separately from the main Scheme, additional rows of luminaires

parallel to the main road.

• Specify maintenance factors.

• Possibility to import and export Autocad files.

• Compile reports displaying results in text and graphical formats. Display a

summary of the Schemes, a detailed summary, the chosen calculation

presentation formats of one specified Scheme and/or the results of the

different Schemes.

• It enables all the lighting quality figures, according to national or

international recommendations, commonly used in road lighting to be

specified and calculated. The required lighting parameters and related

calculation areas can be redefined in a requirement profile. In this profile

it’s also possible to define the limits for the quality figures. Therefore a

profile consists of Profile Options and Profile Requirements.

• The Calculux Road package comes with a number of predefined profile

requirement sets.

• Calculux Road is designed for single and dual carriageways. Within the

set-up parameters, the program already predefines the carriageways. For

instance, when a dual carriageway is selected, the out-lines of the

carriageway are automatically generated together with the calculations

Lighting design tools

and calculation method as set in the profile.

• In the Schemes Editor the program calculates, compares and optimizes in

the different Schemes.

• The road is defined by setting the following parameters: Type of road

single or dual carriageway)

Central reserve

Road width

Number of lanes

Road reflection table

Q0 of road reflection table

• Calculux Road supports the following standard installations for the

luminaires allocation:

Single sided left

Single sided right



Twin central

Twin central and opposite


• Calculux Road can optimize individual or multiple schemes. You can

determine the best set of installation parameters while keeping within the

limits of the quality figures.

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310 311


Lighting design tools

WWhhaatt yyoouu ccaann ddoo wwiitthh CCaallccuulluuxx AArreeaa

• Perform lighting calculations on rectangular and non-rectangular areas in

any plane.

• Obstacles in the beam of light can be taken into consideration. The

amount of light that passes through an obstacle is solely determined by

the transparency factor of the obstacle.

• You can also calculate a wide range of quality figures for your lighting


• Select luminaires from an extensive Philips database or from specially

formatted files for luminaires from other suppliers.

• Specify luminaire positioning and orientation either individually or in a

block, polar, line, point or free arrangement.

• Possibility to import and export Autocad files.

• Specify maintenance factor, calculation grids and calculation types.

• Compile reports displaying results in text and graphic formats.

• Although Calculux Area is designed for general application fields, it offers

a number of built-in standard application fields. This features is extremely

useful because a number of parameters related to a specific application

field are predefined by the program in its default settings. For example,

when a baseball field is selected the outlines of the field are automatically

generated together with a calculation grid covering the field.

• Use Switching modes and Light regulation factors.

• Choose from an unequalled wide range of luminaires. Calculux is

equipped with an extensive Philips database which includes the most

advanced luminaires available. Luminaire data, including the optical system,

lamp type, efficiency factors and power consumption can be viewed at

any time. The light distribution can be shown at any time, displayed in a

Polar, Cartesian or Isocandela diagram, together with the luminaire quality


• Easy luminaire positioning and orientation, individually or as a group.

• With Calculux you can include symmetry in the whole or your installation

or just part of it.

• Having defined luminaires as individuals or arrangements, Calculux enables

graphical manipulation (with a mouse) of the position and orientation of

the luminaires. Graphical manipulation operates with the same

arrangement rules.

Lighting design tools

• You can place a calculation grid in any position and orientation

(horizontal, vertical or sloping). You can also choose a pre-set grid or

define your own grid for which the lighting calculations will be carried


• Calculux Area offers a wide range of calculation possibilities. Any of the

following calculations can be selected:

- Horizontal Illuminance

- Vertical Illuminance in the four main directions

- Illuminance in the direction of an observer

- Gradient calculations

- Semi-cylindrical illuminance

- Semi-spherical illuminance

- Veiling luminance

- Glare rating for sports lighting; Road luminance, including glare

quality figures.

• Calculux Area enable you to develop a lighting design in different

switching modes.

• This Calculux option enables you to dim luminaires with a Light

Regulation Factor (LRF).

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312 313


Specification data lamps

CCoolloouurr cchhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss ooff llaammppss

Lamps do not all emit light of the same colour.There is, for example, a

striking difference between the pronounced amber light from standard

sodium lamps, and the white light from most other lamps. Even then, one

white light is not the same as another. To select the proper light source for

their colour characteristics, two parameters are important: the colour

temperature of the emitted light and the colour rendering.

CCoolloouurr tteemmppeerraattuurree

The colour of the light has an important influence on the colour impression

of the area, the colour temperature of the light source plays an essential

role. Light is popularly termed ‘cool’ or ‘warm’. However, to enable an

objective comparison of the colour impressions from various sources,

subjective impressions such as these are inadequate. A precise scale is

required, and this is given by the term ‘correlated colour temperature’; the

colour gradation of the light is compared with the light emitted by an

intensely heated iron bar of which the temperature is known. In this way, the

light colour can be specified by a value in Kelvin (K).

Four categories, as a practical guideline, are:

2500 - 2800 K.Warm/Cosy.

The colour from incandescent lamps, the fluorescent and compact

fluorescent lamps in the colours /827 and /927 and the SDW-T White SON

lamp. Generally used for intimate and cosy environments where the

emphasis is on a peaceful relaxing ambience.

2800 - 3500 K.Warm/Neutral.

The colour from halogen lamps, colour /830 and /930 fluorescent lamps and

MASTER Colour /830 lamps. Used in places where people are active,

requiring a welcoming comfortable ambience.

3500 - 5000 K. Neutral/Cool.

The light colour from /840 and /940 fluorescent lamps as well as MASTER

Colour /942 and MHN metal halide lamps. Usually applied in commercial

areas and offices where a look of cool efficiency is desired.

5000 K and above. Daylight.

Daylight and cool daylight.The light colour that best matches natural

daylight, such as fluorescent colours /850, /865, /950 and /965.

CCoolloouurr rreennddeerriinngg

It is often assumed that once a colour temperature has been chosen, the

colour impression is determined. This is not the case. The colour impression

is not solely determined by the colour temperature of the light source, but

also by the colour rendering properties. Moreover, colour temperature and

colour rendering are completely separate parameters. Cool daylight and

incandescent lamps have fully natural colour rendering properties.The same

is true for halogen lamps. The reason for this is the continuous spectrum of

the sources. On the other hand, most gas discharge sources have an

interrupted or line spectrum.This has an influence of the quality of their

colour rendering properties, which varies from very poor (with SOX

lowpressure sodium gas discharge lamps) to excellent (with the colour /90

series fluorescent lamps and mastercolour /942 lamps).

In selecting a particular lamp type, a clear understanding of the colour

rendering properties is essential. A fair indication is given by the colour

rendering index (CRI), which is a standardized scale with 100 as maximum

value. Colours are best shown under a light source with the highest colour

rendering index. Incidentally, it is only worthwhile to compare CRI values of

lamps with similar colour temperature.

IInn pprraaccttiiccee,, tthhrreeee ccaatteeggoorriieess aarree nnoorrmmaallllyy ffoouunndd..

CRI between Ra 90 and 100.

Excellent colour rendering properties.

Applications: mainly where correct colour appraisal is a critical task.

CRI between Ra 80 and 90.

Good colour rendering properties.

Applications: in areas where critical colour appraisal is not the primary

consideration but where good rendition of colours is essential.

CRI below Ra 80.

Moderate to poor colour rendering properties.

Applications: in areas where the quality of colour rendering is of minor


This classification is of course dependent upon the demands that a particular

application makes on a lamp. For example, an Ra of 60 is inadequate for

shop lighting, but is good for functional road lighting.

CCoolloouurr iimmpprreessssiioonn

LLiigghhtt ccoolloouurr CCoolloouurr TTyyppee ooff llaammpp oorrtteemmppeerraattuurree llaammpp ccoolloouurr

Daylight 6000 K /865Cool white 5000 K /850, /950

HPI Plus, MHNNeutral white 4000 K /840, /940, CDM/942,

“Crisp” warm white 3000 K Halogen Low VoltageHalogen, CDM/830,/930,230 V-HalogenIncandescent, /827/927

“Cosy” warm white 2500 K SDW-TSON Comfort

Very warm white 2000 K SON Plus

CCoolloouurr iimmpprreessssiioonn

IInnddoooorr aapppplliiccaattiioonnss CCRRII TTyyppee ooff llaammpp oorr llaammpp ccoolloorr

100 Incandescent, 230 V-HalogenHalogen Low-Voltage

Excellent /927, /930, /940, /950, /96590 CDM/942

Good /827, /830, /840, /850, /865,80 CDM /830, SDW-T, MHN

Moderate 70 HPI Plus, /54SON Comfort

60 /33Insufficient /35, /29


Poor < 40 SON Plus

Specification data lamps

CCoolloouurr tteemmppeerraattuurree aanndd ccoolloouurr rreennddeerriinngg

Correct light colours and correct reproduction of colours assists us in

recognising our surroundings.The colour climate of an artificiallylit space is

determined by the light colour and the colour rendering. Room furnishings

of wood and fabrics in warm or pastel colours require warm lighting in the

colour /827 or /927.

The more business-like the interior are, the cooler the light can be.

Furniture using chromium, glass and marble, or in black and white, are

emphasised by the cool light colours /840 and /940.

* for fluorescent lamps like TL5, TL-D, PL-L, PL-C, PL-T, PL-S, SL.Not all fluorescent lamps are available in all colours mentioned in the table.

Proper use of fluorescent lamps Optimal solution Eventually suitable

Warm white Neutral white Cool daylight


Philips light colours 79 59 827 927 830 930 25 33 840 940 54 850 950 865 965

CIE Colour rendering group 1A 3 1B 1A 1B 1A 2A 2B 1B 1A 2A 1B 1A 1B 1A

SSaalleess aarreeaass



Textiles, leather

Furniture, carpets

Sports, games, stationery

Photo, clocks and jewellery

Cosmetics, hairdressing





Elektro., mechanical assembly

Textile manufacture

Printing, graphical trades

Colour testing



Plant growers

OOffffiicceess,, sscchhoooollss

Office areas

Conference rooms

Teaching areas

Lobby, corridor





Sport, multipurpose ereas

Hospital bedrooms

Treatment rooms

LLaammpp ppoossiittiiiioonniinngg oonn TTcc aanndd CCRRIIIInnddoooorr ggeenneerraall lliigghhttiinngg

""ffuunnccttiioonnaall"" ""ccoossyy"" ""ccrriisspp"" ""ffrreesshh // aaccttiivvee"" ""ddaayylliigghhtt""CCRRII yyeelllloowwiisshh wwaarrmm wwhhiittee wwaarrmm wwhhiittee nneeuuttrraall--ccooooll wwhhiittee ddaayylliigghhtt

Tc < 2400K 2400 < Tc < 2800 2800 < Tc < 3500 3500 < Tc < 5000 Tc > 5000K

HHaallooggeenn HHVV HHaallooggeenn LLVV CCDDMM //994422 ** //995500,, ** //996655

9900--110000 IInnccaannddeesscceenntt ** //993300 ** //994400

** //992277

8800--9900** //882277 ** //883300 ** //883355,, ** //884400 ** //885500,, ** //886655


7700--8800 ** //5544

6600--7700CCOONN((--TT)) CCoommffoorrtt HHPPII((--TT)) ((PPlluuss))

** //3333

4400--6600** //2299,, ** //3355 HHPPLL--NN

MMLL,, HHPPLL CCoommffoorrtt

2200--4400 SSOONN((--TT)) ((PPlluuss))

<< 2200 SSOOXX((--EE))

Page 17: Philips Lighting Manual

314 315


Glossary of lighting terminology

DDaammaaggee ffaaccttoorr // FFaaddiinngg

Radiation in the form of light or heat can cause damage to objects or

merchandise being displayed.The extent of deterioration of objects upon

exposure to light, such as fading colours and disintegration of structure and

material, depends on:

- the sensitivity of the material and the capacity of the material to absorb

and be affected by radiant energy

- the illumination level

- the time of exposure to radiation

- the spectral composition of the radiation.

Having no classification for the sensitivity of materials related to the amount

of damage under a certain light source, the only indication which can be

given is the ‘probable damage’ caused to an object. This method ignores the

spectral sensitivity of the object concerned, and only results in the relative

damage caused by one light source compared to another. Each light source

can be characterised by the damage factor DF, which yields the relative

damage caused by this source compared to other sources, provided the

illuminance and exposure times are constant.

The fading risk (FR) is the damage caused by one light source, calculated for

a certain period of time, relative to a reference.

A fading risk FR=160 is obtained in a ‘worst-case’ situation, e.g. an object in

a shop window illuminated by bright sunshine (10,000 lux) for a period of 1


Example 1: the formula mentioned in the table for an illuminance of 500 lux,

realised with fluorescent lamps /830, results in a fading risk FR=2.

The fading of pigments occurs here 80 times slower than at the reference

FR=160, i.e. it is negligible.

Example 2: an accent projector produces 10,000 lux at a certain

display.Applying e.g. a MASTER Colour CDM lamp results in a fading risk


Light sources with more ultraviolet radiation, such as metal-halide lamps

without UV-filter or open halogen lamps, might, at high lighting levels, result

in damaging radiation.

DDaayylliigghhtt ccoonnddiittiioonnss // DDaammaaggee ffaaccttoorr

lliigghhtt ssoouurrccee

Overcast sky – average 1.52

Sunlight – average 0.79

Daylight through 4 mm 0.43 – 0.68

window glass

Incandescent lamp 0.08

PAR38 0.11

PAR38 cool beam 0.07

Open halogen lamp 0.17

Closed halogen MASTER line ES 0.10

MASTER Colour CDM 0.22

White SON SDW-T 0.10

Open metal halide lamp 0.50

Closed metal halide lamp 0.25

Fluorescent lamps - colour

/827 0.19

/830 0.20

/840 0.21

/850 0.22

/865 0.24

/927 0.15

/930 0.15

/940 0.18

/950 0.22

/965 0.24

/29 0.17

/33 0.24

/79 0.22

FR (fading risk) = 0.02 DF x E x T where

DF: damage factor

E: illuminance, expressed in lux.

T: time in hours

Specification data lamps

AAvveerraaggee iilllluummiinnaanncceeIlluminance averages over a specified surface.Unit: lux (lx) = lm/m2

Symbol EAVBBaallllaassttDevice used with discharge lamps for stabilising the current in the discharge.BBeeaamm sspprreeaaddThe angle in the plane through the beam axis over which the luminousintensity drops to a stated percentage (e.g. 50%) of its peak intensity.BBrriigghhttnneessssAttribute of visual sensation according to which an area appears to emitmore or less light. Brightness according to the definition is also an attributeof colour. In British recommendations the term "Brightness" is now reservedfor descriptions of colour. Luminosity should be used in other instances.CCaannddeellaaThe standard unit of light intensity, abbreviated as "cd", being one lumen persteradian.CCoolloouurr cchhaannggeeThe ability to change the colour temperature of a lighting installation makesit possible to create either a more comfortable working environment orintroduce dynamic lighting effects.CCoolloouurr rreennddeerriinnggThe ability of a light source to render colours naturally, without distortingthe hues seen under a black full spectrum radiator (like daylight orincandescent lamps).The colour-rendering index CRI ranges from 0 to 100.For further details see ‘Specification data lamps’.CCoolloouurr rreennddeerriinngg iinnddeexx CCRRIISee colour rendering.CCoolloouurr tteemmppeerraattuurreeThe temperature in kelvin of a full spectrum radiator most closelyapproximate to the colour appearance of a light source at the samebrightness. For further details of Philips lamps see under ‘Specification datalamps’.CCoonnttrraasstt CC ((BBeettwweeeenn ttwwoo ppaarrttss ooff aa vviissuuaall ffiieelldd))The relevant luminance difference of those parts in accordance with theformula:

C =L1 - L2


Where the size of the two parts differs greatly and where:L1 = Luminance of the smallest part (the object)L2 = Luminance of the greatest part (the background).CCoossmmooPPoolliiss ssyysstteemmA complete system featuring new lamp technology specially developped foroutdoor lighting, driven by the latest generation of electronic gear andincorporated in a brand-new miniaturised optic: the CosmoR.DDAALLIIDigital Addressable Lighting Interface, a standardised communicationinterface to regulate lighting levels and to switch electronic HFD ballasts onand off.DDaayylliigghhtt lliinnkkiinnggNatural light is energy saving and beneficial to individual users.Daylight linking is a technique that regulates light output according todaylight conditions, maintaining a constant level of indoor lighting andensuring comfort at all times.

DDeepprreecciiaattiioonn ffaaccttoorr ((ddeepprreecciiaatteedd))The reciprocal of the maintenance factor.DDiiffffuussee rreefflleeccttiioonnDiffusion by reflection in which, on the macroscopic scale, there is noregular reflection.DDiiffffuussee ttrraannssmmiissssiioonnTransmission in which, on the macroscopic scale, there is no regulartransmission.DDiimmmmeerrA device in the electrical circuit for varying the luminous flux from lamps ina lighting installation.DDiirreecctt lliigghhttiinnggLighting by means of luminaires with a light distribution such that 90 – 100%of the emitted luminous flux reaches the working plane directly, assumingthat this plane is unbounded.DDiissaabbiilliittyy ggllaarreeGlare that impairs vision.DDiissccoommffoorrtt ggllaarreeGlare that causes discomfort without necessarily impairing vision.DDrriivveerr ssttooppppiinngg ddiissttaanncceeThe total distance travelled while a vehicle is being brought to rest,measured from the position of the vehicle at the instant the driver has anopportunity to perceive that he should stop his vehicle.DDuusstt--pprrooooff lluummiinnaaiirreeLuminaire constructed so that dust of specified nature and fineness cannotenter it when it is used in a dust-laden atmosphere.EEmmeerrggeennccyy lliigghhttiinnggLighting provided for use when the supply to the normal lighting fails.EEssccaappee lliigghhttiinnggThat part of emergency lighting provided to ensure that an escape route canbe effectively identified and used in the case of failure of the normal lightingsystem.FFllaasshheedd aarreeaaOf a luminaire in a given direction. The area of the orthogonal projection ofthe luminous surface on a plane perpendicular to the specified direction.FFllooooddlliigghhttProjector designed for floodlighting, usually capable of being pointed in anydirection and of weatherproof construction.GGllaarreeSee disability glare and discomfort glare, and the chapter ‘Information -Lighting technique’.HHaallooggeenn llaammppIncandescent lamp in which the inclusion of halogens in the gas filling and ahigh-temperature quartz envelope promote thetungsten halogen cycle,permitting higher filament temperature. The result is a higher colourtemperature and a significantly extended life. Halogen lamps are oftenapplied to create sparkling lighting effects.HHaallooggeenn HHVVHigh-voltage (230 V) halogen lampHHaallooggeenn LLVVLow (safety) voltage (6 V, 12 V or 24 V) halogen lamp. Operating lowvoltage halogen lamps requires an electronic or electromagnetic transformer,which is often integrated in the specific luminaire. HHFFAA//HHFFEEElectronic ballast for various fluorescent lamp types with warm-startprinciple.

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Glossary of lighting terminology

HHFFDDElectronic dimmable ballast by which dimming is possible. Ballast functionsaccording to the DALI protocol.HHFFPPElectronic ballast for various fluorescent lamp types with warm-startprinciple.HHFFRR--TTElectronic ballast for TL5 and TL-D lamps.With this new-style electronicballast, standard buttons can be used to dim the light output to as little as3%.The lamp can also be switched on or off using the push-button control.HHFFRRElectronic ballast for various fluorescent lamp types by which lightingregulation is possible.The main ranges of HF-R ballast allow step-lessdimming down to 3%. See also ‘Specification data luminaires’.HHiigghh--pprreessssuurree mmeerrccuurryy ((vvaappoouurr)) llaammppMercury vapour lamp in which the partial pressure of the vapour duringoperation is of the order of 105 Pa - for example: HPL and HPL-N lamps.HHiigghh--pprreessssuurree ssooddiiuumm ((vvaappoouurr)) llaammppSodium vapour lamp in which the partial pressure of the vapour duringoperation is of the order of 104 Pa - for example: SON, SON-T and SON-TP lamps.HHoorriizzoonnttaall iilllluummiinnaannccee ((EEhhoorr))Illuminance on the horizontal surface.Unit: lux (lx) = lm/m2

Symbol EhorHHPPII PPlluussMetal-halide high-intensity discharge lamp combining high luminous efficacywith white light of moderate colour rendering. Main indoor applications arebig industrial halls and lighting of discount stores, hyper-/ supermarkets andDIY shops. Indoors. Available in tubular and oval shapes. IIlllluummiinnaanncceeThe luminous flux density at the surface being lit. The unit is lux, being onelumen per square metre. The illuminance in the full summer sun is approx.100.000 lux. Recommended illuminances for work places range from 200 luxfor rough work to 2000 lux for detailed critical work.Unit: lux (lx) = lm/m2

Symbol EIInnccaannddeesscceenntt ((eelleeccttrriicc llaammpp)) LLaammppssLamp in which light is produced by means of an element heated toincandescence by the passage of an electric current.IInnffrraarreedd rreemmoottee ccoonnttrroollIn offices and meeting rooms where the lighting requirement changesfrequently, wireless infrared control offers the flexibility to set the lightingand change it at any time.IInnddiirreecctt lliigghhttiinnggLighting by means of luminaires with a light distribution such that not morethan 10 per cent of the emitted luminous flux reaches the working planedirectly, assuming that this plane is unbounded.IInndduuccttiioonn lliigghhttiinngg QQLLElectrode-less induction lighting system characterised by good light quality,high luminous efficacy and a phenomenal life (60.000 hours).IIssooccaannddeellaa ccuurrvvee ((ddiiaaggrraamm))Curve traced on an imaginary sphere with the source at its centre andjoining all adjacent points corresponding to those directors in which theluminuous is the same, or a plane projection of this curve.IIssoolluuxx ccuurrvvee ((ddiiaaggrraamm))Locus of points on a surface where the illuminance has the same value.JJeett--pprrooooff lluummiinnaaiirreessLuminaire constructed to withstand a direct jet of water from any direction.

LLiigghhtt Any radiation capable of causing a visual sensation directly i.e. visibleradiation.LLiigghhttiinngg iinnssttaallllaattiioonn That part of a lighting system which comprises the luminaries and theirsupporting structures, installed at the site concerned.LLiigghhtt oouuttppuutt rraattiioo ((LL..OO..RR..))The ratio of the total light emitted by a luminaire to the total light output ofthe lamp(s) it contains.The light output ratio is always less than 1.LLooww--pprreessssuurree mmeerrccuurryy ((vvaappoouurr)) llaammppMercury vapour lamp, with or without a coating of phosphor, in whichduring operation the partial pressure of the vapour does not exceed 100 Pa- for example: a TL lamp.LLooww--pprreessssuurree ssooddiiuumm ((vvaappoouurr)) llaammppSodium vapour lamp in which the partial pressure of the vapour duringoperation does not exceed 5 Pa - for example: a SOX lamp.LLuummeenn ddeepprreecciiaattiioonnDecline of light output of a light source during its lifetime.LLuummiinnaaiirreeEquipment that distributes, filters or transforms the light given by a lamp orlamps, and which contains all the necessary items for fixing and protectingthe lamps and connecting them to a power supply.LLuummiinnaanncceeThe light intensity per square metre of apparent area of the light source,luminaire or illuminated surface (cd/m2). Where surfaces are lit, theluminance is dependent upon both the lighting level and the reflectioncharacteristics of the surface itself.Unit: cd/m2

Symbol: LLLuummiinnuuoouuss eeffffiiccaaccyyThe quantity of light a light source emits per watt of electrical power ofenergy consumed. Note that both the lamp luminous efficacy and thesystem (lamp and ballast) luminous efficacy can be specified.The systemluminous efficacy is always lower than the lamp luminous efficacy.LLuummiinnoouuss fflluuxxThe total light output emitted by a light source. Also the total light falling ona surface. Light output of a light source is measured in lumen.Unit: lumenSymbol: fLLuummiinnoouuss iinntteennssiittyyThe luminous flux in a given direction (e.g. from a floodlight, projector).Unit: candela (cd) = one lumen per steradianSymbol: ILLuummiinnuuoouuss iinntteennssiittyy ddiiaaggrraamm ((ttaabbllee))Luminuous intensity shown in the form of a polar diagram or table, in termsof candelas per 1000 lumens of lamp flus.The diagram (table) for non – symmetrical light distributions gives the lightdistribution of a luminaire in at least two planes:1. In a vertical plane through the longitudinal axis of the luminaire2. In a plane at right angles to that axisNote: The luminuous intensity diagram (tabel) can be use:a. To provide a rough idea of the light distribution of the luminaire,b. For the calculation of illuminance values at at pointc. For the calculation of the luminance distribution of the luminaireLLuummiinnuuoouuss iinntteennssiittyy ddiissttrriibbuuttiioonn ccuurrvvee ((LLiigghhtt ddiissttrriibbuuttiioonn ccuurrvvee))Of a light source is the curve, generally polar, which represnets theluminuous intensity in a plane passing through the source, or in a cone withits apex at the source, as a function of the angle measured from some givendirection.Note 1: When the source has a symmetrical luminuous intensity distributiiona meridian plane is generally chosen.Note 2: In the case of a vertical plane, angles, are measured from thedownward vertical.--

Glossary of lighting terminology

LLuuxxThe standard unit of illuminance of a surface being lit. One lux is one lumenper square metre.MMaaiinnttaaiinneedd eemmeerrggeennccyy lliigghhttiinnggEmergency lighting where the lamps are in operation from the normalsupply during standard conditions. In an emergency situation the emergencylamp (usually one lamp in luminaires of two or more lamps) remains inoperation.MMaaiinnttaaiinneedd iilllluummiinnaanncceeValue below which the average illuminance on the specified surface is notallowed to fall.The maintained illuminance is specified at the end of themaintenance cycle, taking into consideration the maintenance factor.It is one of the main specification elements for the lighting designer. In thevarious norms, the maintained illuminance is specified for various activities.Unit: luxSymbol: EmMMaaiinntteennaannccee ffaaccttoorrCorrection factor used in lighting design to compensate for the rate oflumen depreciation, caused by lamp ageing (lumen depreciation and lampfailures) and dirt accumulation (luminaire and environment). It determinesthe maintenance cycle needed to ensure that illuminance does not fallbelow the maintained value.MMAASSTTEERR CCoolloouurr CCDDMMSeries of metal-halide discharge lamps with excellent colour rendering and awarm or neutral colour impression. MASTER Colour lamps are applied inprojectors and downlights in shop and office applications.MMeerrccuurryy llaammppssHigh-intensity discharge lamps for use in industry and large public spaces.MMeettaall--hhaalliiddee llaammppssSingle- or double-ended discharge lamps for use in industry, public spacesand shops. Metal-halide lamps combine a natural white colour with apleasant light and a high luminous intensity.MMoouunnttiinngg hheeiigghhttThe distance between the reference plane and the lane of the luminaires.MMoovveemmeenntt ddeetteeccttiioonnTo control lighting in a specific area, sensing of occupancy by movementdetection ensures lights are activated only when needed.NNoonn--mmaaiinnttaaiinneedd eemmeerrggeennccyy lliigghhttiinnggEmergency lighting where the emergency lighting lamps come into operationonly when the power supply to normal lighting fails.OObbttrruussiivvee lliigghhttSpill light which because of quantitative, directional and spectral attributes ina given context, gives rise to annoyance, discomfort, distraction or areduction in the ability to see essential information.OOLLCCOmnidirectional Luminance Control, a Philips-patented series of optics forTL5 and TL-D lamps offering optimal lighting efficiency in combination withexcellent glare and luminance control all around the luminaire.PPLLSingle-ended fluorescent lamp in which the discharge tube is folded to two,four or six limbs. PL lamps are characterised by unusually high light outputfor length. PL lamps are to be applied in compact luminaires for professionaland domestic use.PPoowweerr ffaaccttoorrThe ratio of the circuit power in watts to the product of the rootmean-square values of voltage and current. For sinusoidal waveforms, it is equal tothe cosine of the angle of phase difference between voltage and current. Forelectronic ballasts the power factor is 0.95; no extra compensation isrequired.

QQLLSee Induction lighting.SSDDWW--TTWhite SON or SDW-T lamps offer a high luminous efficacy in combinationwith a warm white light.The colour rendering is excellent. SDW-T lamps areapplied in shops and public spaces where the atmosphere should be warmand cosy.SSkkyy gglloowwThe brightening of the night sky that results from the reflection of radiation(visible and non-visible), scattered from the constituents of the atmosphere(gas molecules, aerosols and particulat matter, in the direction ofobservation. It comprises two separate components as follows:a. Natural sky glow: That part of the sky glow which is attributable toradiation from celestial sources and luminescent processes in the earth’supper atmosphere.

b. Man-made sky glow: That part of sky glow whihc is attributable to man-made sources of radiation (e.g. outdoor electric lighting), includingradiation that is emitted directly upwards and radiation that is reflectedfrom the surface of the earth.

SSppiillll lliigghhtt ((ssttrraayy lliigghhtt))Light emitted by a lighting installation which falls outside the boundaries ofthe site for which the lighting installation is designed.SSttaarrtteerrDevice for starting a discharge lamp (in particular a fluorescent lamp) thatprovides the necessary preheating of the electrodes and/or causes a voltagesurge in combination with the series ballast.SSwwiittcchhiinngg aanndd ddiimmmmiinngg ccoonnttrroollAs more and more light sources can be economically dimmed, lightingcontrols need to provide both switching and dimming capabilities.TThhrreesshhoolldd iinnccrreemmeenntt ((TTII))The measure of disability glare expressed as the percentage increase in thecontrast required between an object and its background for it to be seenequally well with a source of glare present.Note: Higher values of TI corresponds to greater disability glare.TTLL55Linear double-ended fluorescent lamp with a diameter of only 16 mm. Incombination with OLC optics and high-frequency ballasts, the TL5 systemoffers a superb performance, both light-technically and in terms of energyconsumption.TTLL--DDLinear standard double-ended fluorescent lamp with a diameter of 26 mm.UUnniiffoorrmmiittyy rraattiiooThe ratio between the minimum and the average illuminance over an area(Emin/Eave). If so defined, the uniformity ratio is the ratio between theminimum and the maximum illuminance over a specified surface (Emin/Eave).UUttiilliissaattiioonn FFaaccttoorrThe Utilisation Factor (UF) of a lighting installation represents thepercentage of the luminous flux of the lamp(s), that reaches the definedworking plane. The UF can be seen as the efficiency of the lightinginstallation.The UF is used to calculate the number of luminaires required.VVeerrttiiccaall iilllluummiinnaanncceeIlluminance on the vertical surfaceUnit: lux (lx) = lm/m2

Symbol EvertVViissuuaall gguuiiddaanncceeThe sum of the measures taken to give the user of a space an unambiguousand immediately recognisable picture of the course of the path ahead.Visualguidance is important in shops and public buildings. The lighting designer takes the demands for visual guidance intoconsideration.VViissuuaall ppeerrffoorrmmaanncceeThe quantiative assessment of the visual system in the performance of avisual task.

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Product surveyGlossary of lighting terminology

Lamp Lamp Wattage Cap Base Color Color Rendering Luminous Flux Life to 50%

[W] Temperature [K] [Ra] Lamp [lm] Failures [hrs]


Fluorescent lamps

TL5-14W/827 14 G5 2700 85 1350 24000

TL5-14W/830 14 G5 3000 85 1350 24000

TL5-14W/840 14 G5 4000 85 1350 24000

TL5-14W/865 14 G5 6500 85 1250 24000

TL5-21W/827 21 G5 2700 85 2100 24000

TL5-21W/830 21 G5 3000 85 2100 24000

TL5-21W/840 21 G5 4000 85 2100 24000

TL5-21W/865 21 G5 6500 85 1950 24000

TL5-28W/827 28 G5 2700 85 2900 24000

TL5-28W/830 28 G5 3000 85 2900 24000

TL5-28W/840 28 G5 4000 85 2900 24000

TL5-28W/865 28 G5 6500 85 2700 24000

TL5-35W/827 35 G5 2700 85 3650 24000

TL5-35W/830 35 G5 3000 85 3650 24000

TL5-35W/835 35 G5 3500 85 3650 24000

TL5-35W/840 35 G5 4000 85 3650 24000

TL5-35W/865 35 G5 6500 85 3400 24000

TL5-24W/827 24 G5 2700 85 2000 24000

TL5-24W/830 24 G5 3000 85 2000 24000

TL5-24W/840 24 G5 4000 85 2000 24000

TL5-24W/865 24 G5 6500 85 1900 24000

TL5-39W/827 39 G5 2700 85 3500 24000

TL5-39W/830 39 G5 3000 85 3500 24000

TL5-39W/840 39 G5 4000 85 3500 24000

TL5-39W/865 39 G5 6500 85 3300 24000

TL5-49W/827 49 G5 2700 85 4900 24000

TL5-49W/830 49 G5 3000 85 4900 24000

TL5-49W/840 49 G5 4000 85 4900 24000

TL5-49W/865 49 G5 6500 85 4650 24000

TL5-54W/830 54 G5 3000 85 5000 24000

TL5-54W/840 54 G5 4000 85 5000 24000

TL5-54W/865 54 G5 6500 85 5000 24000

TL5-80W/830 80 G5 3000 85 7000 24000

TL5-80W/840 80 G5 4000 85 7000 24000

TL5-80W/865 80 G5 6500 85 6650 24000

TL5 ESS 14W/865 14 G5 6500 80 1160 10000

TL5 ESS 21W/865 21 G5 6500 80 1800 10000

TL5 ESS 28W/830 28 G5 3000 80 2670 10000

TL5 ESS 28W/840 28 G5 4000 80 2670 10000

TL5 ESS 28W/865 28 G5 6500 80 2480 10000

TL5C-22W/827 22 2GX13 2700 85 1800 12000

TL5C-22W/830 22 2GX13 3000 85 1800 12000

TL5C-22W/840 22 2GX13 4000 85 1800 12000

TL5C-22W/865 22 2GX13 6500 79 1740 10000

TL5C-40W/827 40 2GX13 2700 85 3300 12000

TL5C-40W/830 40 2GX13 3000 85 3300 12000

MASTER TL5 High Efficiency Super 80

TL5 Essential Super 80

MASTER TL5 Circular

MASTER TL5 High Output Super 80

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Product survey

Product survey

Lamp Lamp Wattage Cap Base Color Color Rendering Luminous Flux Life to 50%

[W] Temperature [K] [Ra] Lamp [lm] Failures [hrs]


FFlluuoorreesscceenntt llaammppss

TL5C-40W/840 40 2GX13 4000 85 3300 12000

TL5C-40W/865 40 2GX13 6500 79 3100 12000

TL5C-55W/830 55 2GX13 3000 85 4200 12000

TL5C-55W/840 55 2GX13 4000 85 4200 12000

TL5C-55W/865 55 2GX13 6500 79 4000 12000

TL5C-60W/830 60 2GX13 3000 85 5000 12000

TL5C-60W/840 60 2GX13 4000 85 5000 12000

TL5C-60W/865 60 2GX13 6500 79 4800 12000

TL-D 18W/827 18 G13 2700 82 1350 13000

TL-D 18W/830 18 G13 3000 83 1350 13000

TL-D 18W/840 18 G13 4000 82 1350 13000

TL-D 18W/850 18 G13 5000 80 1310 13000

TL-D 18W/865 18 G13 6500 80 1275 13000

TL-D 30W/827 30 G13 2700 82 2400 13000

TL-D 30W/830 30 G13 3000 83 2400 13000

TL-D 30W/840 30 G13 4000 82 2400 13000

TL-D 30W/865 30 G13 6500 80 2300 13000

TL-D 36W/827 36 G13 2700 82 3250 15000

TL-D 36W/830 36 G13 3000 83 3250 15000

TL-D 36W/840 36 G13 4000 82 3250 15000

TL-D 36W/850 36 G13 5000 80 3170 15000

TL-D 36W/865 36 G13 6500 80 3070 15000

TL-D 58W/830 58 G13 3000 83 5150 15000

TL-D 58W/840 58 G13 4000 85 5200 15000

TL-D 58W/865 58 G13 6500 80 4800 15000

TL-D 30W/840 30 G13 4000 80 2750 13000*

TL-D 30W/865 30 G13 6500 80 2600 13000*

TL-D 16W/830 16 G13 3000 85 1400 20000

TL-D 16W/840 16 G13 4000 85 1400 20000

TL-D 32W/830 32 G13 3000 85 3200 20000

TL-D 32W/840 32 G13 4000 85 3200 20000

TL-D 50W/830 50 G13 3000 85 5000 20000

TL-D 50W/840 50 G13 4000 85 5000 20000

TL-D 18W/830 18 G13 3000 85 1350 47000

TL-D 18W/840 18 G13 4000 85 1350 47000

TL-D 18W/865 18 G13 6500 85 1250 47000

TL-D 36W/830 36 G13 3000 85 3250 47000

TL-D 36W/840 36 G13 4000 85 3250 47000

TL-D 58W/830 58 G13 3000 85 5150 47000

TL-D 58W/840 58 G13 4000 85 5150 47000

TL-D 18W/830 18 G13 3000 83 1330 28000

TL-D 18W/840 18 G13 4000 82 1330 28000

TL-D 36W/830 36 G13 3000 83 3250 28000

TL-D 36W/840 36 G13 4000 82 3250 28000

TL-D 58W/830 58 G13 3000 83 5150 28000

TL-D 58W/840 58 G13 4000 82 5150 28000

MASTER TL5 Circular

TL-D Lifemax Super 80

TL-D Lifemax Click-2-Save


MASTER TL-D Xtreme Super 80

MASTER TL-D Xtra Super 80

Notes: * For lamp only

Lamp Lamp Wattage Cap Base Color Color Rendering Luminous Flux Life to 50%

[W] Temperature [K] [Ra] Lamp [lm] Failures [hrs]


Fluorescent lamps

TL-D 10W/33-640 10 G13 4100 60 500 5000

TL-D 10W/54-765 10 G13 6200 75 430 5000

TL-D 14W/33-640 14 G13 4100 63 750 13000

TL-D 14W/54-765 14 G13 6200 72 660 13000

TL-D 15W/33-640 15 G13 4100 63 960 13000

TL-D 15W/54-765 15 G13 6200 72 830 13000

TL-D 18W/29-530 18 G13 2900 51 1250 13000

TL-D 18W/35-535 18 G13 3500 55 1150 13000

TL-D 18W/54-765 18 G13 6200 72 1050 13000

TL-D 30W/29-530 30 G13 2900 51 2175 13000

TL-D 30W/33-640 30 G13 4100 63 2100 13000

TL-D 30W/35-535 30 G13 3500 55 2300 13000

TL-D 30W/54-765 30 G13 6200 72 1825 13000

TL-D 36W/29-530 36 G13 2900 51 2975 13000

TL-D 36W/33-640 36 G13 4100 63 2850 13000

TL-D 36W/54-765 36 G13 6200 72 2500 13000

TL-D 58W/29-530 58 G13 2900 51 4700 13000

TL-D 58W/33-640 58 G13 4100 63 4600 13000

TL-D 58W/35-535 58 G13 3500 55 4600 13000

TL-D 58W/54-765 58 G13 6200 72 4000 13000

TL-E 22W/840 22 G10q 4000 85 1285 9000

TL-E 22W/865 22 G10q 6500 85 1250 9000

TL-E 32W/830 32 G10q 3000 85 2300 9000

TL-E 32W/840 32 G10q 4000 85 2300 9000

TL-E 32W/850 32 G10q 5000 82 2350 9000

TL-E 32W/865 32 G10q 6500 85 2310 9000

TL-E 40W/840 40 G10q 4000 85 3200 9000

TL-E 40W/865 40 G10q 6500 85 3070 9000

TL-E 22W/33-640 22 G10q 4100 63 1250 9000

TL-E 22W/54-765 22 G10q 6200 72 1050 9000

TL-E 32W/33-640 32 G10q 4100 63 2050 9000

TL-E 32W/54-765 32 G10q 6200 72 1750 9000

TL-E 40W/33-640 40 G10q 4100 63 2900 9000

TL-E 40W/54-765 40 G10q 6200 72 2500 9000

Compact fluorescent lamps non integrated

MASTER PL-C 10W/827/2P 1CT 10 G24d-1 2700 83 600 10000

MASTER PL-C 10W/840/2P 1CT 10 G24d-1 4000 82 600 10000

MASTER PL-C 10W/865/2P 1CT 10 G24d-1 6500 79 600 10000

MASTER PL-C 13W/827/2P 1CT 13 G24d-1 2700 83 900 10000

MASTER PL-C 13W/830/2P 1CT 13 G24d-1 3000 83 900 10000

MASTER PL-C 13W/840/2P 1CT 13 G24d-1 4000 82 900 10000

MASTER PL-C 13W/865/2P 1CT 13 G24d-1 6500 79 900 10000

MASTER PL-C 18W/827/2P 1CT 18 G24d-2 2700 83 1200 10000

MASTER PL-C 18W/830 /2P 1CT 18 G24d-2 3000 82 1200 10000

MASTER PL-C 18W/830/2P 1CT 18 G24d-2 3000 83 1200 10000

MASTER PL-C 18W/840/2P 1CT 18 G24d-2 4000 82 1200 10000

MASTER PL-C 18W/865/2P 1CT 18 G24d-2 6500 79 1200 10000

MASTER PL-C 26W/827/2P 1CT 26 G24d-3 2700 83 1800 10000

MASTER PL-C 26W/830 /2P 1CT 26 G24d-3 3000 82 1800 10000

MASTER PL-C 26W/830/2P 1CT 26 G24d-3 3000 83 1800 10000

TL-D Lifemax Standard Colors

TL-E Lifemax Super 80

TL-E Lifemax Standard Colors


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Product survey

Product survey

Product survey

Lamp Rated Lamp Cap Base Color Color Rendering Luminous Flux Life to 50%

Wattage [W] Temperature [K] Index [Ra] Lamp [lm] Failures [hrs]


Compact fluorescent lamps non integrated

MASTER PL-C 26W/840/2P 1CT 26 G24d-3 4000 82 1800 10000

MASTER PL-C 26W/865/2P 1CT 26 G24d-3 6500 79 1800 10000

MASTER PL-C 10W/827/4P 1CT 10 G24q-1 2700 82 600 10000

MASTER PL-C 10W/830/4P 1CT 10 G24q-1 3000 83 600 10000

MASTER PL-C 10W/840/4P 1CT 10 G24q-1 4000 82 600 10000

MASTER PL-C 13W/827/4P 1CT 13 G24q-1 2700 83 900 10000

MASTER PL-C 13W/830/4P 1CT 13 G24q-1 3000 83 900 10000

MASTER PL-C 13W/840/4P 1CT 13 G24q-1 4000 82 900 10000

MASTER PL-C 18W/827/4P 1CT 18 G24q-2 2700 83 1200 10000

MASTER PL-C 18W/830/4P 1CT 18 G24q-2 3000 83 1200 10000

MASTER PL-C 18W/840/4P 1CT 18 G24q-2 4000 82 1200 10000

MASTER PL-C 26W/827/4P 1CT 26 G24q-3 2700 83 1800 10000

MASTER PL-C 26W/830/4P 1CT 26 G24q-3 3000 83 1800 10000

MASTER PL-C 26W/840/4P 1CT 26 G24q-3 4000 82 1800 10000

MASTER PL-C 26W/840/4P 1CT 26 G24q-3 4000 82 1800 10000

MASTER PL-S 5W/827/2P 1CT 5 G23 2700 82 250 8000

MASTER PL-S 5W/840/2P 1CT 5 G23 4000 82 250 8000

MASTER PL-S 7W/830/2P 1CT 7 G23 3000 82 400 8000

MASTER PL-S 7W/827/2P 1CT 7 G23 2700 83 400 8000

MASTER PL-S 7W/840/2P 1CT 7 G23 4000 82 400 8000

MASTER PL-S 7W/865/2P 1CT 7 G23 6500 79 400 8000

MASTER PL-S 9W/827/2P 1CT 9 G23 2700 83 600 8000

MASTER PL-S 9W/840/2P 1CT 9 G23 4000 82 600 8000

MASTER PL-S 9W/865/2P 1CT 9 G23 6500 79 600 8000

MASTER PL-S 11W/827/2P 1CT 11 G23 2700 83 900 8000

MASTER PL-S 11W/840/2P 1CT 11 G23 4000 82 900 8000

MASTER PL-S 11W/865/2P 1CT 11 G23 6500 79 900 8000

MASTER PL-S 13W/827/2P 1CT 13 GX23 2700 83 900 8000

MASTER PL-S 13W/865/2P 1CT 13 GX23 6500 79 900 8000

PL-S 7W/827/4P 1CT 7 2G7 2700 83 400 8000

PL-S 7W/840/4P 1CT 7 2G7 4000 82 400 8000

PL-S 7W/865/4P 1CT 7 2G7 6500 79 400 8000

PL-S 9W/827/4P 1CT 9 2G7 2700 83 600 8000

PL-S 9W/840/4P 1CT 9 2G7 4000 82 600 8000

PL-S 11W/840/4P 1CT 11 2G7 4000 82 900 8000

PL-S 11W/865/4P 1CT 11 2G7 6500 79 900 8000

PL-Q Pro 16W/827/2P 1CT 16 GR8 2700 82 1050 10000

PL-Q Pro 16W/830/2P 1CT 16 GR8 3000 82 1050 10000

PL-Q Pro 16W/835/2P 1CT 16 GR8 3500 82 1050 10000

PL-Q Pro 16W/827/4P 1CT 16 GR10q 2700 82 1050 12000

PL-Q Pro 16W/830/4P 1CT 16 GR10q 3000 82 1050 12000

PL-Q Pro 16W/835/4P 1CT 16 GR10q 3500 82 1050 12000

PL-Q Pro 28W/827/4P 1CT 28 GR10q 2700 82 2050 12000

PL-Q Pro 28W/830/4P 1CT 28 GR10q 3000 82 2050 12000

PL-Q Pro 28W/835/4P 1CT 28 GR10q 3500 82 2050 12000

PL-Q Pro 28W/840/4P 1CT 28 GR10q 4000 82 2050 12000

PL-Q Pro 38W/827/4P 1CT 38 GR10q 2700 82 2850 12000

PL-Q Pro 38W/830/4P 1CT 38 GR10q 3000 82 2850 12000







Lamp Rated Lamp Cap Base Color Color Rendering Luminous Flux Life to 50%

Wattage [W] Temperature [K] Index [Ra] Lamp [lm] Failures [hrs]


Compact fluorescent lamps non integrated

PL-Q Pro 38W/835/4P 1CT 38 GR10q 3500 82 2850 12000

PL-Q Pro 38W/840/4P 1CT 38 GR10q 4000 82 2850 12000

MASTER PL-L 18W/827/4P 1CT 18 2G11 2700 82 1200 20000

MASTER PL-L 18W/830/4P 1CT 18 2G11 3000 82 1200 20000

MASTER PL-L 18W/840/4P 1CT 18 2G11 4000 82 1200 20000

MASTER PL-L 18W/865/4P 1CT 18 2G11 6500 80 1200 20000

MASTER PL-L 24W/827/4P 1CT 24 2G11 2700 82 1800 20000

MASTER PL-L 24W/830/4P 1CT 24 2G11 3000 82 1800 20000

MASTER PL-L 24W/840/4P 1CT 24 2G11 4000 82 1800 20000

MASTER PL-L 24W/865/4P 1CT 24 2G11 6500 80 1800 20000

MASTER PL-L 36W/827/4P 1CT 36 2G11 2700 82 2900 20000

MASTER PL-L 36W/830/4P 1CT 36 2G11 3000 82 2900 20000

MASTER PL-L 36W/835 2G11 /4P 1CT 36 2G11 3500 82 2900 20000

MASTER PL-L 36W/840/4P 1CT 36 2G11 4000 82 2900 20000

MASTER PL-L 36W/865/4P 1CT 36 2G11 6500 80 2900 20000

MASTER PL-L 40W/830/4P 1CT 40 2G11 3000 82 3500 20000

MASTER PL-L 40W/840/4P 1CT 40 2G11 4000 82 3500 20000

MASTER PL-L 55W/830/4P 1CT 55 2G11 3000 82 4800 20000

MASTER PL-L 55W/835/4P 1CT 55 2G11 3500 82 4800 20000

MASTER PL-L 55W/840/4P 1CT 55 2G11 4000 82 4800 20000

MASTER PL-L 55W/865/4P 1CT 55 2G11 6500 80 4500 20000

MASTER PL-L 80W/840/4P 1CT 80 2G11 4000 82 6000 20000

PL-L 90 De Luxe Pro 36W/930/4P 1CT 36 2G11 3000 90 2350 20000

PL-L 90 De Luxe Pro 36W/950/4P 1CT 36 2G11 5300 90 2350 20000

PL-L 90 De Luxe Pro 55W/930/4P 1CT 55 2G11 3000 90 3650 20000

PL-L 90 De Luxe Pro 55W/950/4P 1CT 55 2G11 5300 90 3650 20000

MASTER PL-T 13W/827/2P 1CT 13 GX24d-1 2700 82 900 10000

MASTER PL-T 13W/830/2P 1CT 13 GX24d-1 3000 82 900 10000

MASTER PL-T 13W/840/2P 1CT 13 GX24d-1 4000 82 900 10000

MASTER PL-T 18W/827/2P 1CT 18 GX24d-2 2700 82 1200 10000

MASTER PL-T 18W/830/2P 1CT 18 GX24d-2 3000 82 1200 10000

MASTER PL-T 18W/840/2P 1CT 18 GX24d-2 4000 82 1200 10000

MASTER PL-T 26W/827/2P 1CT 26 GX24d-3 2700 82 1800 10000

MASTER PL-T 26W/830/2P 1CT 26 GX24d-3 3000 82 1800 10000

MASTER PL-T 26W/840/2P 1CT 26 GX24d-3 4000 82 1800 10000

MASTER PL-T 13W/827/4P 1CT 13 GX24q-1 2700 82 900 13000

MASTER PL-T 13W/830/4P 1CT 13 GX24q-1 3000 82 900 13000

MASTER PL-T 13W/840/4P 1CT 13 GX24q-1 4000 82 900 13000

MASTER PL-T 18W/827/4P 1CT 18 GX24q-2 2700 82 1200 13000

MASTER PL-T 18W/830/4P 1CT 18 GX24q-2 3000 82 1200 13000

MASTER PL-T 18W/840/4P 1CT 18 GX24q-2 4000 82 1200 13000

MASTER PL-T 26W/827/4P 1CT 26 GX24q-3 2700 82 1800 13000

MASTER PL-T 26W/840/4P 1CT 26 GX24q-3 4000 82 1800 13000

MASTER PL-T 32W/827/4P 1CT 32 GX24q-3 2700 82 2400 13000

MASTER PL-T 32W/830/4P 1CT 32 GX24q-3 3000 82 2400 13000

MASTER PL-T 26W/830/4P 1CT 26 GX24q-3 3000 82 1800 13000

MASTER PL-T 32W/835/4P 1CT 32 GX24q-3 3500 82 2400 13000

MASTER PL-T 32W/840/4P 1CT 32 GX24q-3 4000 82 2400 13000

MASTER PL-T 32W/850/4P 1CT 32 GX24q-3 4000 82 2400 13000

MASTER PL-T 42W/827/4P 1CT 42 GX24q-4 2700 82 3200 13000





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324 325

Product survey

Product survey

Lamp Rated Lamp Cap Base Color Color Rendering Luminous Flux Life to 50%

Wattage [W] Temperature [K] Index [Ra] Lamp [lm] Failures [hrs]


Compact fluorescent lamps non integrated

MASTER PL-T 42W/830/4P 1CT 42 GX24q-4 3000 82 3200 13000

MASTER PL-T 42W/835/4P 1CT 42 GX24q-4 3500 82 3200 13000

MASTER PL-T 42W/840/4P 1CT 42 GX24q-4 4000 82 3200 13000

MASTER PL-T 42W/850/4P 1CT 42 GX24q-4 4000 82 3200 13000

MASTER PL-T 57W/827/4P 1CT 57 GX24q-5 2700 82 4300 13000

MASTER PL-T 57W/830/4P 1CT 57 GX24q-5 3000 82 4300 13000

MASTER PL-T 57W/835/4P 1CT 57 GX24q-5 3500 82 4300 13000

MASTER PL-T 57W/840/4P 1CT 57 GX24q-5 4000 82 4300 13000

MASTER PL-T 57W/850/4P 1CT 57 GX24q-5 4000 82 4300 13000

MASTER PL-T TOP 18W/830/4P 1CT 18 GX24q-2 3000 82 1200 13000

MASTER PL-T TOP 18W/840/4P 1CT 18 GX24q-2 4000 82 1200 13000

MASTER PL-T TOP 26W/830/4P 1CT 26 GX24q-3 3000 82 1800 13000

MASTER PL-T TOP 26W/840/4P 1CT 26 GX24q-3 4000 82 1800 13000

MASTER PL-T TOP 32W/827/4P 1CT 32 GX24q-3 2700 82 2400 13000

MASTER PL-T TOP 32W/830/4P 1CT 32 GX24q-3 3000 82 2400 13000

MASTER PL-T TOP 32W/840/4P 1CT 32 GX24q-3 4000 82 2400 13000

MASTER PL-T TOP 42W/827/4P 1CT 42 GX24q-4 2700 82 3200 13000

MASTER PL-T TOP 42W/830/4P 1CT 42 GX24q-4 3000 82 3200 13000

MASTER PL-T TOP 42W/840/4P 1CT 42 GX24q-4 4000 82 3200 13000

MASTER PL-T TOP 57W/827/4P 1CT 57 GX24q-5 2700 82 4300 13000

MASTER PL-T TOP 57W/830/4P 1CT 57 GX24q-5 3000 82 4300 13000

MASTER PL-T TOP 57W/840/4P 1CT 57 GX24q-5 4000 82 4300 13000

MASTER PL-H 60W/830/4P 1CT 60 2G8-1 3000 82 4000 20000

MASTER PL-H 60W/830/4P 1CT 60 2G8-1 3000 82 4000 20000

MASTER PL-H 60W/840/4P 1CT 60 2G8-1 4000 82 4000 20000

MASTER PL-H 85W/830/4P 1CT 85 2G8-1 3000 82 6000 20000

MASTER PL-H 85W/840/4P 1CT 85 2G8-1 4000 82 6000 20000

MASTER PL-H 85W/840/4P 1CT 85 2G8-1 4000 82 6000 20000

MASTER PL-H 120W/830/4P 1CT 120 2G8-1 3000 82 9000 20000

MASTER PL-H 120W/840/4P 1CT 120 2G8-1 4000 82 9000 20000

High-Intensity discharge lamps

CDM-T 35W/830 38 G12 3000 81 3300 12000

CDM-T 35W/942* 38 G12 4200 86 3300 -

CDM-T 70W/830 71 G12 3000 84 6600 12000

CDM-T 70W/942 72 G12 4200 92 6600 12000

CDM-T 150W/830 147 G12 3000 85 14000 12000

CDM-T 150W/942 145 G12 4200 96 12700 12000

CDM-T 250W/830 245 G12 3000 89 23000 20000

CDM-TC 35W/830 38 G8.5 3000 81 3300 9000

CDM-TC 35W/942* 38 G8.5 4200 87 3000 -

CDM-TC 70W/830* 73 G8.5 3000 83 6400 6000

CDM-Tm 20W/830 22 PGJ5 3000 86 1650 12000

CDM-Tm 35W/830 35 PGJ5 3000 85 3000 12000

CDM-TP 70W/830 73 PG12-2 3000 81 6000 12000

CDM-TP 70W/942 74 PG12-2 4200 90 5800 12000

CDM-TP 150W/830 149 PGX12-2 3000 85 13000 12000

CDM-TP 150W/942 148 PGX12-2 4200 95 12000 12000






Notes: * Electronic ballast only



Lamp Lamp Wattage Cap Base Color Color Rendering Luminous Flux Life to 50%

[W] Temperature [K] [Ra] Lamp [lm] Failures [hrs]


Lamp Lamp Wattage Cap Base Color Color Rendering Luminous Intensity Life to 50%

[W] Temperature [K] [Ra] [cd] Failures [hrs]

High-Intensity discharge lamps

CDM-R 35W/830 E27 PAR20 10D 39 E27 3000 81 23000 9000

CDM-R 35W/830 E27 PAR20 30D 39 E27 3000 81 5000 9000

CDM-R 35W/942 E27 PAR20L 10D* 39 E27 4200 92 21500 6000

CDM-R 35W/942 E27 PAR20L 30D* 39 E27 4200 92 5000 6000

CDM-R 35W/830 E27 PAR30L 10D 39 E27 3000 81 44000 9000

CDM-R 35W/830 E27 PAR30L 30D 39 E27 3000 81 7400 9000

CDM-R 70W/830 E27 PAR30L 10D 73 E27 3000 83 68000 11000

CDM-R 70W/830 E27 PAR30L 30D 73 E27 3000 83 13500 11000

CDM-R 70W/830 E27 PAR30L 40D 73 E27 3000 83 10000 11000

CDM-R 70W/942 E27 PAR30L 10D* 73 E27 4200 94 63000 9000

CDM-R 70W/942 E27 PAR30L 30D* 73 E27 4200 94 13000 9000

CDM-R 70W/942 E27 PAR30L 40D* 73 E27 4200 94 9000 9000

CDM-R111 20W/830 10D* 22 GX8.5 3000 85 20000 -

CDM-R111 35W/830 10D 38 GX8.5 3000 81 55000 10000

CDM-R111 35W/830 24D 38 GX8.5 3000 81 8500 10000

CDM-R111 35W/830 40D 38 GX8.5 3000 81 4000 10000

CDM-R111 70W/830 10D* 73 GX8.5 3000 84 50000 7500

CDM-R111 70W/830 24D* 73 GX8.5 3000 84 15000 7500

CDM-R111 70W/830 40D* 73 GX8.5 3000 84 9000 7500



High-Intensity discharge lamps

CDM-TD 70W/830 71 RX7s 3000 82 6500 15000

CDM-TD 70W/942 71 RX7s 4200 92 6000 15000

CDM-TD 150W/830 145 RX7s 3000 88 13250 15000

CDM-TD 150W/942 149 RX7s 4200 96 14200 15000

CDM-EP 70W/940 CL 70 E27 4000 92 5600 20000

CDM-EP 70W/940 CO 70 E27 4000 92 5100 20000

CDM-EP 100W/940 CL 100 E27 4000 92 8200 20000

CDM-EP 100W/940 CO 100 E27 4000 92 7500 20000

CDM-EP 150W/940 CL 150 E27 4000 92 12000 20000

CDM-EP 150W/940 CO 150 E27 4000 92 11000 20000

CDM-ET 70W/830 72 E27 3000 81 5900 14000

CDM-ET 150W/830 148 E40 3000 85 13500 14000

CDM-TT 70W/830 72 E27 3000 83 6300 14000

CDM-TT 70W/942 73 E27 4200 90 6400 9000

CDM-TT 150W/830 147 E40 3000 85 13500 14000

CDM-TT 150W/942 146 E40 4200 90 12100 -

CDM-TT 250W/840 250 E40 4000 85 21500 7000

CDM-TT 400W/840 380 E40 4000 85 34000 9000

Notes: * Electronic ballast only





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326 327

Product survey

Product survey


Lamp Lamp Wattage Cap Base Color Color Rendering Luminous Flux Life to 50%

[W] Temperature [K] [Ra] Lamp [lm] Failures [hrs]

High-Intensity discharge lamps

CPO-T White 60W/728 60 PGZ12 2730 66 6800 12000

CPO-T White 140W/728 140 PGZ12 2860 66 16500 12000

SDW-T 35W/825 33 PG12-1 2500 83 1300 15000

SDW-T 50W/825 53 PG12-1 2500 83 2300 15000

SDW-TG 50W/825 54 GX12-1 2550 81 2400 10000

SDW-TG 100W/825 99 GX12-1 2550 83 4900 10000

MHN-TD 70W/730 70 Rx7s 3000 70 6200 10500

MHN-TD 150W/730 150 Rx7s 3000 70 13800 10500

MHN-TD 70W/842 70 Rx7s 4200 80 5700 10500

MHN-TD 150W/842 150 Rx7s 4200 85 12900 10500

MHN-TD 70W/852 70 Rx7s 5200 80 5000 10500

MHN-TD 150W/852 150 Rx7s 5200 85 11000 10500

MHN-SA 1800W/956 230V 1800 (P)SFC 5600 90 155000 5000

MHN-SA 1800W/956 230V 1800 X830R 5600 90 155000 5000

MHN-SA 1800W/956 400V 1800 (P)SFC 5600 90 160000 5000

MHN-SA 2000W/956 400V 2040 X830R 5600 90 200000 5500

MHN-LA 1000W/842 230V 1040 Cable 4200 80 100000 10000

MHN-LA 1000W/956 230V 1040 Cable 5600 90 90000 10000

MHN-LA 2000W/842 400V 2040 Cable 4200 80 220000 12000

MHN-LA 2000W/956 400V 2040 Cable 5600 90 190000 12000

MHN-SB 2000W/956 400V 2040 Cable 5600 90 200000 3500

HPI-T 1000W/643 1000 E40 4300 65 50000 10000

HPI-T 2000W/642 380V 2000 E40 3800 65 210000 10000

HPI-T 2000W/646 220V 2000 E40 4200 65 189000 10000

HPI Plus 250W/745 BU 250 E40 4500/4000 69 18000/25500 20000

HPI Plus 250W/745 BU-P 250 E40 4500/4000 69 18000/25500 20000

HPI Plus 250W/767 BU 250 E40 6700/5400 69 18000/25500 20000

HPI Plus 400W/745 BU 400 E40 6700/5400 69 35000/42500 20000

HPI Plus 400W/745 BU-P 400 E40 4500/4000 69 35000/42500 20000

HPI Plus 400W/745 BUS 400 E40 4500/4000 69 35000/42500 20000

HPI Plus 400W/767 BU 400 E40 4500/4000 69 30000/32500 20000

HPI Plus 400W/745 BUS-P 400 E40 6700/5400 69 30000/32500 20000

HPI-T Plus 250W/645 250 E40 4500 65 18000/25000 20000

HPI-T Plus 400W/645 400 E40 4500 65 35000/42500 20000

MH-T 400W Blue 400 E40 - - 10000 5000

MH-T 400W Green 400 E40 - - 30000 5000

MH-T 400W Red 400 E40 - - 18000 5000

MH-T 400W Violet 400 E40 - - 10000 5000

MASTER CosmoPolis CPO-T White

SDW-T White Son

SDW-TG Mini White Son




HPI Plus


HPI-T High Wattage

MH-T Artcolour

HPI-T Plus

HPI Plus

Lamp Lamp Wattage Cap Base Color Color Rendering Luminous Flux Life to 50%

[W] Temperature [K] [Ra] Lamp [lm] Failures [hrs]


High-Intensity discharge lamps

MH 70W/640 CL 70 E27 4000 60 5600 10000

MH 70W/640 P CL 70 E27 3700 60 5600 10000

MH 150W/640 CL 150 E27 4000 65 13500 10000

SON PIA Plus 150W 150 E40 2000 25 17000 32000

SON PIA Plus 250W 250 E40 2000 25 31100 32000

SON PIA Plus 400W 400 E40 2000 25 55500 32000

SON-T PIA Plus 50W 50 E27 2000 25 4400 28000

SON-T PIA Plus 70W 70 E27 2000 20 6600 28000

SON-T PIA Plus 100W 100 E40 2000 20 10700 32000

SON-T PIA Plus 150W 150 E40 2000 20 18000 32000

SON-T PIA Plus 250W 250 E40 2000 25 33200 32000

SON-T PIA Plus 400W 400 E40 2000 25 56500 32000

SON-T PIA Plus 600W 600 E40 2000 25 90000 32000

SON 50W 50 E27 2000 25 3500 24000

SON 70W 70 E27 2000 20 5600 28000

SON 150W 150 E40 2000 20 14500 28000

SON 250W 250 E40 2000 25 27000 28000

SON 400W 400 E40 2000 25 48000 28000

SON 50WI 50 E27 2000 25 3400 28000

SON 70WI 70 E27 2000 20 5600 28000

SON-T 70W 70 E27 2000 25 6000 24000

SON-T 100W 100 E40 2000 20 9000 28000

SON-T 150W 150 E40 2000 25 15000 28000

SON-T 250W 250 E40 2000 25 28000 28000

SON-T 400W 400 E40 2000 25 48000 28000

SON-T 1000W 1000 E40 2000 25 130000 16000

HPL-N 80W/542 80 E27 4200 48 3700 24000

HPL-N 125W/542 125 B22d-3 4100 46 6200 24000

HPL-N 125W/542 125 E27 4200 46 6200 24000

HPL-N 200W/542 200 E40 4000 36 10050 16000

HPL-N 250W/542 250 E40 4100 45 12700 16000

HPL-N 400W/542 400 E40 3900 45 22000 16000

HPL-N 1000W/542 1000 E40 3900 36 58500 12000

ML 160W B22 235-245V 160 B22 3600 65 3000 9000

ML 160W E27 235-245V 160 E27 3600 65 3000 9000








Page 24: Philips Lighting Manual

328 329

Product survey

Product survey

Lamp Rated Lamp Voltage [V] Beam Angle Cap Base Luminous Life to 50%

Wattage [W] Intensity [cd] Failures [hrs]

Information Information

Lamp Rated Lamp Voltage [V] Cap Base Luminous Life to 50%

Wattage [W] Flux [lm] Failures [hrs]

Aluline Pro 111mm

Aluline Pro 37/56mm

HHaallooggeenn llaammppss


MASTER Line ES 20W GU5.3 12V 8D 20 12 8 GU5.3 6500 5000

MASTER Line ES 20W GU5.3 12V 36D 20 12 36 GU5.3 1000 5000

MASTER Line Plus

MASTER Line Plus 20W GU5.3 12V 10D 1CT 20 12 10 GU5.3 6500 4000

MASTER Line Plus 20W GU5.3 12V 24D 1CT 20 12 24 GU5.3 1700 4000

MASTER Line Plus 20W GU5.3 12V 38D 1CT 20 12 38 GU5.3 800 4000

MASTER Line Plus 50W GU5.3 12V 10D 1CT 50 12 10 GU5.3 15000 4000

MASTER Line Plus 50W GU5.3 12V 24D 1CT 50 12 24 GU5.3 5200 4000

MASTER Line Plus 50W GU5.3 12V 38D 1CT 50 12 38 GU5.3 2300 4000

MASTER Line Plus 50W GU5.3 12V 60D 1CT 50 12 60 GU5.3 1100 4000

Aluline Pro 50 12 8 G53 23000 3000

Aluline Pro 50 12 24 G53 4000 3000

Aluline Pro 75 12 8 G53 30000 3000

Aluline Pro 75 12 24 G53 5300 3000

Aluline Pro 75 12 45 G53 - 3000

Aluline Pro 100 12 8 G53 48000 3000

Aluline Pro 100 12 24 G53 8500 3000

Aluline Pro 100 12 45 G53 - 3000

Aluline Pro 15 6 6D B15d 5200 2000

Aluline Pro 15 6 4D B15d 11000 2000

Aluline Pro 15 6 14D B15d 1900 2000

Aluline Pro 20 12 6D B15d 6400 2000

Aluline Pro 20 12 18D B15d 1500 2000

Aluline Pro 20 12 18D B15d 1000 20005

Aluline Pro 20 12 18D B15d 550 2000

Aluline Pro 20 12 32D B15d 750 2000

Aluline Pro 20 12 32D B15d 350 2000

Aluline Pro 35 6 6D B15d 18000 2000

Aluline Pro 35 6 14D B15d 4400 2000

Aluline Pro 35 12 40D B15d 550 2000

Aluline Pro 50 12 10D B15d 12000 2000

Aluline Pro 50 12 22D B15d 2000 2000

Aluline Pro 50 12 25D B15d 2500 2000

Halogen lamps

Capsuleline Pro

Capsuleline Pro 20 12 G4 320 4000

Capsuleline Pro 20 12 G4 315 4000

Capsuleline Pro 20 24 G4 300 3000

Capsuleline Pro 20 12 GY6.35 300 4000

Capsuleline Pro 20 12 GY6.35 300 4000

Capsuleline Pro 50 12 GY6.35 950 4000

Capsuleline Pro 50 12 GY6.35 950 4000

Capsuleline Pro 50 24 GY6.35 850 3000

Capsuleline Pro 75 12 GY6.35 1575 4000

Capsuleline Pro 100 12 GY6.35 2550 4000

Capsuleline Pro 100 24 GY6.35 2200 3000

Essential Capsule

Essential Capsule 20W G4 12V CL 1CT 20 12 G4 250 2000

Essential Capsule 20W G4 12V CL IP 20 12 G4 250 2000

Essential Capsule 20W GY6.53 12V CL 1CT 20 12 GY6.53 250 2000

Essential Capsule 20W GY6.53 12V CL 1CT 20 12 GY6.53 465 2000

Essential Capsule 50W GY6.53 12V CL 1CT 50 12 GY6.53 700 2000

Essential Capsule 50W GY6.53 12V CL IP 50 12 GY6.53 700 2000

Essential Capsule 50W GY6.53 12V CL 50 12 GY6.53 1100 2000

Page 25: Philips Lighting Manual


Product survey


Lamp Rated Lamp Voltage [V] Beam Angle Cap Base Luminous Life to 50%

Wattage [W] Intensity [cd] Failures [hrs]

Halogen lamps

Essential Twistline Dichro 50W GU10 230V 40D 1CT 50 230 40 GU10 400 2000

Essential Twistline Dichro 50W GU10 230V 40D 1CT 50 230 40 GU10 400 2000

Essential Twistline Dichro 50W GU10 230V 40D 1CT 50 230 40 GU10 400 2000

Halo Spotone 35W B22 240V FL 1CT 35 240 30 B22 250 2000

Halo Spotone 35W E14 120V FL 1CT 35 120 30 E14 250 2000

Halo Spotone 35W E14 230V FL 1CT 35 230 30 E14 250 2000

Halo Spotone 35W E14 240V FL 1CT 35 240 30 E14 250 2000

Halo Spotone 35W E27 120V FL 1CT 35 120 30 E27 250 2000

Halo Spotone 35W E27 230V FL 1CT 35 230 30 E27 250 2000

Halo Spotone 35W E27 240V FL 1CT 35 240 30 E27 250 2000

Halo Spotone 50W B22 240V FL 1CT 50 240 30 B22 400 2000

Halo Spotone 50W B22 240V WFL 1CT 50 240 60 B22 250 2000

Halo Spotone 50W E14 120V FL 1CT 50 120 30 E14 400 2000

Halo Spotone 50W E14 230V FL 1CT 50 230 30 E14 400 2000

Halo Spotone 50W E14 240V FL 1CT 50 240 30 E14 400 2000

Halo Spotone 50W E27 120V FL 1CT 50 120 30 E27 400 2000

Halo Spotone 50W E27 230V FL 1CT 50 230 30 E27 400 2000

Halo Spotone 50W E27 240V FL 1CT 50 240 30 E27 400 2000

Halo Spotone 50W E27 240V WFL 1CT 50 240 60 E27 250 2000

PAR38 HalogenA 75 230 10D E27 7800 2000

PAR38 HalogenA 75 230 30D E27 1870 2000

PAR38 HalogenA 100 230 10D E27 8500 2000

PAR38 HalogenA 100 230 30D E27 2550 2000

PAR30S HalogenA Pro 75 230 10D E27 5525 2000

PAR30S HalogenA Pro 75 230 30D E27 1700 2000

PAR30S HalogenA Pro 75 240 10D E27 5525 2000

PAR30S HalogenA Pro 75 240 30D E27 1700 2000

PAR30S HalogenA Pro 100 230 10D E27 9000 2000

PAR30S HalogenA Pro 100 230 30D E27 3000 2000

MASTER PAR20 E 20W E27 230V 25D 1CT 20 230 25 E27 1200 5000

MASTER PAR20 E 20W E27 240V 10D 1CT 20 240 10 E27 7000 5000

PAR20 HalogenA Pro 50 230 10D E27 3000 2000

PAR20 HalogenA Pro 50 230 25D E27 850 2000

PAR20 HalogenA Pro 50 240 10D E27 2550 2000

PAR20 HalogenA Pro 50 240 25D E27 850 2000

PAR16 HalogenA 40 230 25D E14 950 2000

PAR38 HalogenA

PAR30S HalogenA Pro

MASTER PAR 20-Electronic

PAR20 HalogenA Pro

PAR16 HalogenA

Essential Twistline Dichroic

Halo Spotone

Care has been taken to ensure that the information contained here in the catalogue is correct. In case any information is found tobe wrong due to misprints or an oversight, the same can be confirmed and corrected only by an official notification from the com-pany in the form of a suitable letter issued by the Marketing Manager, in which case the latter will be valid and shall supercede theinformation printed here.

Details of gear used in the luminaire are available on request from the manufacture.In case of failure of any component, the replacement should be done in consultation with the manufacturer.Owing to continuous innovation and improvement, Philips India reserves the right to make changes in the data without prior notice.