philosophy of education


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Philosophy of Education


Page 1: philosophy of education

Running Head: Philosophy of Education 5.3

Philosophy of Education 5.3

Teresa Puga

Fresno Pacific University

Page 2: philosophy of education

Philosophy of Education 5.3

Philosophy of Education 5.3

Education is the most powerful and important aspect of an individual’s life.

Education does not necessarily mean the education of a child education is a lifelong

process. It is very important to keep learning and discovering new and helpful

information no matter the age. Observing a parent or adult role model continuing their

education is so important for children, it shows these children how important it is to their

role model and thus becomes important to the child. Education is very important for

young children to value and have the opportunity to experience.

On the educating of a child I feel that the DAP: Developmentally Appropriate

Practice is the way to teach young children. I feel that observing a child experience new

things is the way that a child should be taught and assessed, not through test-driven

curriculum. The children attain knowledge when they have hands on experiences to relate

to the lesson being taught. Children also need time to get up and move to get their blood

pumping and their brains ready to learn new information. These are some the ideas that I

will incorporate into my classroom as a teacher. Having the child’s best interest at heart is

always the way to proceed in the method of education.