phoenixnl jan-mrch 2013

ORA Watamu Bay Peponi Hotel Ashnil Samburu Camp Mara Siria   8 ,  9 5  0  from   K  S  H  S  6 ,5  0  0   from   K  S  H  S   1  1  0  -  from   E  U  RO   1  2  0  -  from   U  S  D 7el    Ȃ       ȏ  ZZZ phoeni[ sa I arisG e Mara Siria Sa  Iari  BeaFh O   ers 5th Januar  y 2013 - 31st March 2013 F or  unique  saf ar i  s under t he Kenyan sun

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7/30/2019 PhoenixNL Jan-Mrch 2013 1/12

ORA Watamu Bay

Peponi Hotel

Ashnil Samburu Camp

Mara Siria

  8, 95 0 from 

 K S H S

 6,5 0 0  from 

 K S H S

  1 1 0 - from 


  1 2 0 - from 

 U S D

7el   Ȃ     ȏ  ZZZphoeni[saI arisGe

Mara Siria

Sa Iari  BeaFh O ers5th Januar y 2013 - 31s

t March 2013 

F or  unique  saf ar i s under   t he Kenyan  sun

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Mara Siria

The Masai Mara National Reserve in Southwestern Kenya cov-

ers an area of 1,500 km2 of open grassland, rivers and gentle

hills and boarders with the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania.

Known for the big migration of thousands of wilderbeasts, ga-

zelles and zebras every year, the Mara is Kenya’s most visited

wildlife reserve. Since 2000 the reserve is managed through the

Mara Conservancy, a not-for-profit management company.


Mara Siria CampThe Mara Siria Camp is a luxurious and eco-friendly tentedcamp in the heart of the Masai Mara. The camp blends nicelyinto the natural environment of the Siria Escarpment, andoffers an unique opportunity to explore the natural beauty of the Masai Mara. Even after returning from a day out on safarithe feeling of wilderness will be maintained.

All tents and cottages have a private terrace where you can

relax and let pass by your impressions collected during aneventful day on safari. The en-suite bathrooms are equippedZLWKVDIDULVKRZHUVKDQGZDVKEDVLQVÁXVKWRLOHWV

In case you wish to “cool down” you can enjoy our swimmingpool, which offers a spectacular view on the Mara river andthe Mara plains.

AFtivitiesPossible activities comprise of game drives accompanied byour professional, competent driver guides, bushwalks with the

camp naturalist, mountain bike tours around the camp andescarpment as well as private sundowners, cultural visits andhot air balloon safaris.


t Luxury Banda p. p. in a double/night FB ....... 8,950 KES

t Luxury Tents p. p. in a double/night FB ....... 9,950 KES

t DeLuxe Tents p. p. in a double/night, FB ... 10,950 KES

t 3 Days/2 Nights Road Package (min 4 pax) . 29,500 KESt 3 Days/2 Nights Flying Package ................... 59,500 KES

 8, 95 0 from 

 K S H S

Mara Siria Pool View

Mara Siria Deluxe TentsMara Siria View

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Crater /aNe Camp

Crater Lake Camp is tucked away in a hidden corner of Kenya’sGreat Rift Valley and offers a stirring encounter with wildAfrica close to Nairobi.

The camp is built on the shores of green volcanic like in thebottom of an old volcanic crater. The crater is 87 hectares inextent and the lake takes up to 14 hectares of this area. Overthe last four years, the camp has been awarded a total of fourawards by the Kenya travel Magazine “Travel News and Life-

style” including best tented camp in Kenya and best weekendgetaway. The tents are a picture of rustic sophistication, withelegant four-poster beds and reproduction furniture combinedwith modern en-suite bathrooms in a charming, comfortableblend of old and new.

Chui /oGJeChui Lodge, situated in the 18,000 acre Oserian WildlifeSanctuary, is a luxury lodge in the Rift Valley. Committed topreserving the ecological balance and supporting wildlife con-servation of the area the lodge perceives its power from a geo-thermal power station nearby. A stunning heated swimmingpool with great views of the waterhole and the escarpment isa short stroll from the main building. Enjoy the stunning viewover the Rift Valley in individually designed, elegant cottagesand experience the area through game

drives, bush walks and boat trips.

.ianJa]i HouseKiangazi House is a beautiful country house situated on a hillset amongst delightful lush gardens and rolling lawns with un-surpassed scenery of Lake Naivasha and the Great Rift Valley.The house lies in the wildlife corridor adjacent to the private20,000 acre Oserian Wildlife Sanctuary with a fascinating di-versity of wildlife including White rhino, leopard, cheetah andmany more. The house is built in the old traditional style of lo-cal stone and timber with individually hand-crafted furnitureand provides luxury accommodation in a tranquil setting. Pri-

YDWHORXQJHVDEDUDQGOLEUDU\DOOZLWKÀUHSODFHVDUHSHUIHFWto curl up on a couch with a glass of exquisite wine.

t P. p. in a double/night, FB

 16, 8 0 0 K S H S

t P. p. in a double/night, FB ............................ 6,565 KES

t Half Board .................................................... 5,565 KES

 5,565 from 

 K S H S

Chui Lodge

t P. p. in a double/night, FB ......................... 16,800 KESincluding soft drinks, beer & house wines

t Sanctuary fee, p.p. per day ........................ 2,000 KES

  16, 8 0 0 from 

 K S H S

Crater Lake Camp

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SZeetZaters Samburu

SZeetZaters 7enteG CampLocated on the plains of Mount Kenya,clustered around a waterhole and set inthe pristine calm of the private Ol PejetaConservancy, Sweetwaters Tented Campoffers a charming blend of undercan-vas ambiance and safari luxury. Thecamp features thirty-nine luxury tents,each with its own private verandaoverlooking the waterhole. The central

restaurant offers both regional andinternational cuisine. The WaterholeBar, built in the style of a game-viewinghide, overlooks the waterhole and of-fers unrivalled wildlife-watching. Thenew morani wing comprimises 11 veryspacious tents, exquisitely designed andfurnished and offer fantastic views of Mount Kenya and the watering hole.

Ashnil Samburu Camp

Ashnil Samburu Camp is located in the

Buffalo Springs Game Reserve adjacentto Samburu National Reserve. The 24deluxe en-suite tents are spacious andoffer you a unique view over the EwasoNyiro River and the surrounding land-scape. Pure relaxation can be found inthe lounge area and at the pool whilethe restaurant offers international,oriental and African traditional cui-sines. Ashnil is the perfect base for gamedrives and walking safaris to explore thewildlife of the incredible Samburu area.

Samburu ΖntrepiGsSamburu Intrepids is a lush oasis onthe banks of the great Uaso Nyiro Riverin Samburu Game Reserve. The tentedlodge is a delight to be in – deliciouslycooled by the river breeze and theforest. The luxury tented camp sits onraised decks overlooking the brownriver where the elephants sometimesmake an appearance or the crocodiles

come out to lounge by the river’s banks.

Ol Pejeta HouseSet in extensive grounds, with gloriousviews of Mount Kenya, this exclusive

ranch house a series of reception rooms,including an elegant drawing room withEDURQLDOÀUHSODFHDQGDVHULHVRIVFH-nic verandas. The grounds include twoprivate swimming pools and a barbequeand external dining area. The Ol PejetaConservancy, which is host to all themembers of the ‘Big Five’ (elephant,rhino, lion, buffalo and leopard), has ahigher wildlife-to-area ratio than anyKenyan national park and is one of onlyfour private game conservancies to havebeen founded in Kenya.

t P. p. in a double/night, FB

6,5 0 0 K S H S

t P. p. in a double/night, FB

 8,4 0 0 K S H S

t P. p. in a double/night, FB

 1 1, 0 0 0 K S H S

t P. p. in a double/night, FB

 9, 0 0 0 K S H S

Samburu Intrepids

Sweetwaters Tented Camp

Ol Pejeta House

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Mt .enya  /aiNipia

Sosian CampSosian is a 24,000 acre private ranch in the heart of Laikipia, avast expanse of wilderness in the heart of Kenya’s highlandsand home to a huge diversity of mammals and birds. Theranch house was built in the 1940’s by Italian artisans, and inrecent years was beautifully restored to accommodate up to14 people in the atmosphere of a private home, now known asSosian Lodge. 7 cottages lie in the tropical garden overlook-ing Mt. Kenya and miles of unspoilt Africa, each with its ownprivate veranda and en-suite bathroom; the lodge has a swim-

ming pool, tennis court, and organic vegetable garden.There are a huge range of activities available including walk-ing, horse riding, camel safaris, game drives, night drives,ÀVKLQJELUGVKRRWLQJDUFKHU\WHQQLVDQGVZLPPLQJLQWKHwaterfalls behind the ranch house.

7he MuNima RiGJe HousesThe Mukima Ridge Houses are stone-built in a modern colonialstyle: low bungalows with oversized verandas, offering maxi-mum visibility of the panoramic views from sunrise to sunset.Here you can enjoy the huge vista of African mountains andplains, together with the convenience of local amenities.

In addition, each plot has a guesthouse with two ensuite bed-rooms, that could also be converted into a one-bedroom unitwith lounge and kitchen. A three-bedroom staff house, withstore and generator room, completes the plan.

Castle )orest /oGJeCastle Forest Lodge is located deep in the thick forest on theslopes to the south of Mount Kenya. It is set in a natural sur-rounding of rainforest, fresh water rivers with falls, a fabulousview of the valley on one side of the lodge, and the impressivepeaks of Mount Kenya on the other. The main house was builtin 1910 with river stones and wood from the surrounding for-est and rivers. It is told that both Queen Elizabeth and Presi-dent Jomo Kenyatta visited Castle Forest Lodge when theywere students. In 2000, Castle Forest Lodge was renovated toaccommodate slightly over thirty guests. When looking for aweekend break, Castle Forest Lodge is ideally located at a just 3hour drive from Nairobi off the Kutus-Kianyaga road.

t P. p. in a double/night, FB ......................... 15,640 KESincl.: all drinks (except champagne), game drives,

camel & horse riding, walking, fly camping, fishing,ranching activities, laundry, airstrip transfers,exclusive use of vehicle (subject to availability)

t Conservation fee, per adult per night ......... 3,000 KES

 15,64 0 from 

 K S H S

t From 10.1.13 1-6 adults, per house/night . 25,000 KESmin. stay 2 nights, selfcatering

t cook, per night ........................................... 2,000 KES

t FB supplement, p.p., (incl. soft drinks) ...... 6,000 KES


 25, 0 0 0 from 

 K S H S

t P. p. in a double/night, FB

4, 8 3 0 K S H S

The Mukima Ridge House Castle Forest Lodge

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.aNameJa  .isumu

RonGo RetreatThe tranquil Retreat Centre in the Kakamega Rain Forest is ahospitable homestead. It consists of the main house of clap-ERDUGDQGFRORQLDOHUDFRUUXJDWHGLURQDQGÀYHFRWWDJHVLQWKHsame style, whose proximity to the forest makes it a delightfulaccommodation. Among the vast array of birds the Kakamega5DLQ)RUHVWLVKRPHWRRIWKHWRWDOEXWWHUÁ\SRSXODWLRQRI

Kenya. If you would like to catch a glimpse of the local cultureor if you are looking forest and relaxation in a special spotRondo Retreat offers wonderful walks and views.

.iboNo BayKiboko Bay Resort was founded by Nirmal and Beelay Dar-EDUDQGRIÀFLDOO\RSHQHGWRWKHSXEOLFLQ'HFHPEHU,Wwas formerly a recreational spot called Dunga Refreshments,Sunset beach, before it was taken up and redesigned by thenew management. It is situated on an old quarry on the shoresof Lake Victoria (the second largest fresh water lake in theworld). The resort has a team of 30 well trained staff to handlethe needs of the customers. Aims - Create a recreational facil-ity by the lake - Enhance tourism in Nyanza - Use the natural

resource, - Let people enjoy the natural ambiance of the lakelocation.

RusinJa ΖslanG /oGJe

Rusinga Island Lodge is a private retreat in one of Africa’smost remote and historical corners, Rusinga Island, in the leg-endary Lake Victoria – the world’s second largest freshwaterlake and destination of many intrepid 19th century explorers- in Western Kenya. With their high-thatched roofs, spaciousverandas overlooking lush gardens and the sparkling waters of Lake Victoria beyond, Rusinga’s accommodation comprises sixVHOIFRQWDLQHGFRWWDJHVSOXVDIDPLO\FRWWDJH$PRQJVWÀVKLQJRusinga Island Lodge offers birdwatching, biking and hiking.

t P. p. in a double/night, HB .......................... 5,500 KES

t P. p. in a double/night, FB .......................... 6,500 KES

5,5 0 0 from 

 K S H S

t P. p. in a double/night, B&B ....................... 5,500 KES

t p. p. in a double/night, HB ......................... 7,000 KES

t p. p. in a double/night, FB ......................... 8,500 KES


5,5 0 0 from 

 K S H S

t P. p. in a double/night, FB

 14, 0 0 0 K S H S

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Amboseli  /imuru

7aZi /oGJeTawi Lodge is located on a private conservancy of 6,000 acres.,WVMXVWÀYHPLQXWHVIURP.LPDQD*DWHWKHHDVWHUQHQWUDQFHto Amboseli National Park, at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro(5,963m) – the world’s largest free-standing mountain. TawiLodge offers stylish accommodation while visiting Amboseliand also contributes in the promotion of a harmonious

development for the wildlife and the Masai people along thecorridor between Amboseli and the Chyulu Hills.

Ol 7uNai /oGJeOl Tukai Lodge is an eco-rated lodge in Amboseli National Parkwith a unique view over the wetlands and Mt. Kilimanjaro. All80 chalet-style rooms offer luxury and tranquility as well as anamazing sunset over the Amboseli plains. Possible activitiescan include game drives, bird walks, champagne buffet break-fast and aromatic massages.

MlanJo )armThe farm is located in Ngecha about 45 minutes from VillageMarket. The farmhouse is full of art, so be ready for a colour-ful environment. Outside is just green. Food is home cooked,mainly vegetarian with many fresh vegetables from the farm.The place is ideal for weekends or weekdays for people wholike to relax from a safari or the hustle of the city and just bewith nature - take long walks on the farm, admire the differ-HQWÁRUDIDXQDDQGDUWDQGHQMR\WKHJDUGHQMXVWVLSSLQJDWHDreading books.

t From 06.01. p. p. in a double/night, FB .... 12,000 KES

t Conserfation fee, p. p./day ............................ 700 KES

 1 2, 0 0 0

t P. p. in a double/night, FB

 9, 0 0 0

t P. p. in a double/night, FB

 3,5 0 0


 K S H S


 K S H S


 K S H S

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7savo (ast West

NJulia SaI ari /oGJeNgulia Safari lodge is situated spectacularly on the edge of Ndawe Escarpment, offering a vast panorama of Tsavo’ssweeping plains. Ngulia is a ideal base from which to exploreTsavo West, one of the world’s largest national parks. All of the Big Five – elephant, lion, leopard, buffalo and rhino –can be found here. A spectacular backdrop of the abundantwildlife is the snow covered dome of Mount Kilimanjaro, thehighest peak on the entire African continent. When in theheat of the day, the animals disappear; guests can swim in the

lodge’s pool or take a dive to the oasis of Mzima springs. Here,a special viewing facility allows the observer view hippo wal-lowing with surprising grace from below the water line. AfterGDUNWKHZDWHUKROHE\WKHORGJHLVÁRRGOLWDOORZLQJJXHVWVWRsee nocturnal animals come in from thebush to slake their thirst.

/ions Blu Part of the ecosystem of Kenya’s largest game park, Tsavo,Lions Bluff clings to the edge of a bluff suspended above the125,000 acre LUMO Community Wildlife Sanctuary.

Stay in a small, unique lodge of sustainable timber, canvas andtraditional coconut thatch. Sip sundowners on an open terracewith Kilimanjaro as the back drop, followed by dinner over-looking a small water hole visited by a family of elephants.

Sleep in a hand-made four poster bed in crisp cotton sheetsand awake to Africa’s incredible sunrise ready to enjoy a gamedrive or bush walk before a hearty breakfast - perhaps in the

bush - and you have begun to conjure upthe magic that is Lions Bluff.

Ashnil Aruba /oGJeAshnil Aruba lodge was opened in April 2008. The lodge isnamed after Aruba dam, an oasis which forms an irresistableattraction to wildlife. This lodge sits amongst landscapedJDUGHQVFORVHWRWKHGDP,WKDVDVZLPPLQJSRROÀQHUHVWDX-rant, bar, wouvenir shop, viewing decks and conferencing andbusiness centre facilities.

The property offers 40 deluxe rooms, each with a terrace toenjoy the scenery, whilst some villas have interconnectingrooms and also one or two have full disabled facilities. There

is also some tented accommodation for who want to experi-ence a night under canvas - but there is a slight premium forthe tents, and unlike the rooms, an extra bed for a child or 3rdadult cannot be added.

Ashnil Aruba lodge is located in Tsavo East National Park andis easily accessible by air and road - it is approximately 160 kmfrom Mombasa and 300 Km from Nairobi. The nearest airstripis 25 minutes away from the lodge.

t P. p. in a double/night, FB

5, 25 0 K S H S

t P. p. in a double/night, FB

 8, 0 0 0 K S H S

t P. p. in a double/night, FB

5,5 0 0 K S H S

Lions Bluff Ngulia Safari Lodge

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Mombasa .iliI i  =an]ibar

Serena BeaFh Hotel SpaThe Serena Beach Hotel & Spa stretches along the white Shan-zu Beach, shaded by coconut palms. It is only a 20 minutesdrive from Moi International Airport in Mombasa. The hotel issurrounded by vast tropical gardens and offers a combinationof indigenous architecture in replication of a Swahili town inthe 13th century and modern hospitality. Enjoy the recrea-WLRQDOIDFLOLWLHVZLWKVFXEDGLYLQJWHQQLVVTXDVKZLQGVXUÀQJGHHSVHDÀVKLQJPLQLVDLOLQJFRUDOUHHIVQRUNHOOLQJEHDFKYRO-leyball or relax while using the legendary Maisha Mind, Body

& Spirit Spa and their various health and beauty treatments.

8nJuja HouseUnguja House overlooks the Indian Ocean at the mouth of 7DNDXQJX&UHHNFORVHWR.LOLÀ7KHIRXUEHGURRPKRXVHEXLOW

from natural coral stone is an elegant modern testimony of an original Zanzibari Swahili house. The house is situated ona low coral cliff in a lovely garden with spectacular Baobabtrees. A tunnel through the coral leads directly to the beach,where one can swim or explore the beauty of the creek andthe sea. The house is furnished with original Swahili antiques,has a large pool and three spacious terraces with stunningviews.

Bluebay BeaFh Resort Spa =an]ibar%OXHED\%HDFKLVDVWDUUHVRUWVLWXDWHGRQWKHÀQHVWZLGHwhite, sandy east coast of Zanzibar spread over beautiful30-acre site with vast tropical gardens. The resorts bedroomcottages are located on rising ground overlooking verdant gar-dens, the public areas, the pool, the more than 1,000 beautifulpalm trees, the sparkling white beach and the azure seas withits coral reef offering particularly warm and safe swimming.Water sports activities and excursions can be arranged as wellas spa treatments.

7he 9oyaJerThe Voyager is a vibrant, ship-themed resort famous for host-LQJVRPHRI$IULFD·VÀQHVWIDPLO\HQWHUWDLQPHQWVDQGDQLPD-

tion programmes, including unique themed journeys acrossthe seven seas, culinary extravaganzas, and special music,fashion, comedy and acrobatic shows.

Moored ten kilometres north of Mombasa city centre alongNyali Road in Nyali, Voyager Beach Resort’s convenient ‘berth’gives guests easy access to a huge variety of historical, sport-ing and cultural attractions, including Africa’s largest croco-dile farm and the world-famous Haller Park (formerly BamburiNature Trail).

t P. p. in a double/night, HB

 1 0, 0 0 0 K S H S

t 4 Days/3 Nights Flying Package with Fly540,p. p. in a double/night, HB ........................... 888 USD

t Extra night .................................................... 150 USD

 8 8 8, - from  U S D

t 1-4 adults, selfcatering ............................. 30,000 KES

t 5-6 adults, sefcatering .............................. 35,000 KES

t 7-8 adults, sefcatering .............................. 40,000 KES

t FB supplement p.p./night. .......................... 1,500 KES

 3 0, 0 0 0 from 

 K S H S

t 05.01. p. p. in a double/night, all incl ........ 12,440 KES

t From 06.01. p. p. in a double/night, FB ........ 5,390 KES

5, 3 9 0 from  K S H S

Bluebay Beach Resort & Spa Zanzibar

The VoyagerSerena Beach Hotel & Spa Unguja House

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Watamu SpeFial

WA7AM8Watamu is situated on the North Coast, approximately 100 km North of Mombasa and

25 km South of Malindi. Watamu’s beach, voted one of the top ten beaches in the

world, has a reputation for being quiet. So quiet, in fact, you are often not within a

kilometre of the nearest sunbather or other beach walkers.

The Watamu Marine Nationalpark is also recognized internationally as a UNESCO

Biosphere Reserve. The area is designated as a site of natural excellence, and should

demonstrate how local people and the environment can co –exist. The park and its

coral gardens are one of the main justifications for visiting Watamu.The waters off Watamu offer the opportunity for a variety of water sports, including

deep sea fishing, kite surfing, wind surfing, Kayaking, snorkelling amongst others.


7urtle WatFhSeveral species of marine turtle lay theireggs on the beaches around Watamu andWatamu Turtle Watch, part of the LocalOcean Trust, has set up a series of initia-tives with local people to protect thesethreatened animals. Female turtles laythousands of eggs here between Januaryand April. Contact the trust’s Marine In-formation Centre if you’re interested inseeing this incredible natural spectacle.

MiGa CreeNThe mangrove forests around MidaCreek, just South of Watamu, support ahuge number of bird species, including

WKHVSHFWDFXODU0DODFKLWHNLQJÀVKHU=HOORZELOOHGVWRUNDQG$IULFDQÀVKeagle. It’s paradise for bird-watchers andthere is also a place for snorkelling andscuba diving at the mouth of the creek.

Marine National ParNThe Marine Park and Reserve is re-nowned world wide for its natural beau-ty and boasts a rich marine life from thevisiting Whale Sharks and Manta Rays tothree species of Sea Turtle.

Pristine white-sand beaches and reef-protected lagoons line the WatamuNational Marine Park. It is one of thebest kept secrets in the world with onlythe Great Barrier Reef itself having abigger species list and that only in a fargreater expanse! It is virtually impos-sible to snorkel without seeing at least afew dozen species inside the main reef;divers outside the fringe reef stand an

H[FHOOHQWFKDQFHRIYLHZLQJWKHPDJQLÀ-cent whale shark and Manta Rays thatare seasonal visitors. The park is alsohome to three species of sea turtle whoalso nest on the Marine Park beaches.

*eGe RuinsGede Ruins is a 12th century Swahilivillage that was mysteriously abandonedsome 600 years ago. It is now a NationalMuseum, and the ruins are heavily over-grown with beautiful indigenous foresttrees, baobabs and tamarind. Taking aguided tour through the ruins and the

museum will teach you a lot of interest-ing things about the fascinating cultureof the Swahili people and the ancienttown they constructed. Additionally,

 you can walk along the nature trail net-work leading to lesser ruins.

ArabuNo SoNoNe )orestThe Arabuko-Sokoke Forest is is thelargest remaining section of dry coastalforest found in Eastern and Southern

Africa. It is a unique habitat character-L]HGE\DQHQRUPRXVDUUD\RIÁRUDDQGfauna. It has no less than six endangeredspecies of birds, three of them endemicto the forest, as well as the little knownGolden Rumped Elephant Shrew, a giantVKUHZWKDWKDVRQO\EHHQLGHQWLÀHGLQa couple of locations in East Africa. Forvisitors less keen on “twitching” andornithology the forest is also lovely for awalk, and exciting too, considering thereis a resident herd of elephant and buf-falo! If you are generally interested in

nature or like hiking, biking and camp-ing, Arabuko-Sokoke is a good destina-tion for you.

Mida Creek

Marine National Park

Gede Ruins Marine National Park

For more information: www.watamu.bizCourtesy of the images: Watamu Marine Association

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Watamu SpeFial

Turtle BayTurtle Bay Beach Club is a haven of funand entertainment for the whole family.The club is situated on 200 metres of beach on the edge of the internation-ally acclaimed Watamu National MarinePark, one of the best in Kenya. The hotelbuildings are set in 10 acres of tropicallylandscaped gardens with 145 rooms,three restaurants, three bars, entertain-

ment lounge and swimming pool. Theclub offers excellent water sports facili-ties in a national marine park hostingDQDEXQGDQWYDULHW\RIÀVKFRUDODQGmarine life.

Al Hamra

Al Hamra was built in 2011 and is de-signed in a contemporary Swahili stylewhich wonderfully captures the atmos-phere of an ancient house but with allthe contemporary features essential tomodern living. The house is within asecure gated landscaped garden and isfully staffed. Al Hamra sleeps 10 peopleand has a courtyard swimming pool onWKHÀUVWÁRRU7KHUHLVGLUHFWDFFHVVWRthe powder white sands of turtle beach.

ORA Watamu BayWatamu Bay is facing a beautiful 700metres beach at the entrance of theWatamu Marine Park, featured by theunmistakable white sand coral atolls of the lagoon, emerging during the lowtide. The hotel offers stunning sandywhite beaches and enchanting oceanviews accessible from any part of thehotel. It has 200 beautiful, modern

furnished rooms, divided in one or twoÁRRUVEXQJDORZVWXFNHGDZD\DPRQJDlarge garden facing the sea. Guests canenjoy two swimming pools anda spa.

ORA -aFaranGa BeaFh Resort

ORA Jacaranda Beach Resort is idyllicallyset just in the heart of the enchantingMarine Reserve of Watamu, it is sur-URXQGHGE\DFRPSHOOLQJEHDFKRIÀQHwhite sand. When there are low tides,it is surrounded by spectacular land-scapes and fascinating coral atolls. Theso-called “Sardinia 2” is a privilegeddestination for excursionists comingfrom Watamu and Malindi. The coralatolls that surround Jacaranda can beeasily reached on foot when there are

low tides.

ORA TZiJa BeaFh ResortOra Twiga Beach Resort is situated in theWatamu area, in one of the most beauti-ful places of the whole coast of Kenya,about 20 minutes by car from Malindi.The resort leans directly out on a mar-vellous beach in front of the famousfetch denominated “Sardinia Two”,that appears or disappears dependingon the tides. You will be spellbound

from thousands of blue tonalities of theIndian ocean and from the white beach,where you can take a pleasant and relax-ing walks, with the low tide, admiringbeautiful sand-banks.

Built in an Arabic architectural style,each room has either a balcony or agarden and breathtaking views of theIndian Ocean and its enchanting colours.All the rooms are air conditioned andelegantly furnished with a four-posterbed, mosquito net, refrigerator, desk,

television and safety box.

t P. p. in a double/night, FB

  1 0,5 0 0 K S H S

t P. p. in a double/night, FB

  1 8, 14 0 K S H S

t P. p. in a double/night, FB

  1 35, - U S D

t P. p. in a double/night, FB

 1 2 0, - U S D

t P. p. in a double/night, FB

  1 05, - U S D

Al Hamra

ORA Jacaranda Beach ResortTurtle Bay ORA Watamu Bay

7/30/2019 PhoenixNL Jan-Mrch 2013 12/12

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BOOKING CONTACTSPhoenix Safaris (K) Ltd, Village Market

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Peponi HotelPeponi Hotel is one of Lamu’s most famous and iconichotels. First opened in 1967 it retains much of its originalcharm with only 24 rooms, all individually furnished. Longknown as ‘the place to stay’ when visiting Lamu, the hotelis right on the water’s edge in Shela Village. the hotel fea-

tures whitewashed terraces, blazing bougainvillea, palmsand plenty of activity in its bars andrestaurants.

KipunJani ([plorerPerched on the southwestern tip of Lamu Island, where theprotected mangroves of Kipungani Creek meet the end of 

a secluded sandy beach, Kipungani is a dream destinationfor those seeking a true away-from-it-all island holiday.It offers 13 spacious bandas shaded by the palm trees thatline the 600-metre beachfront, thebandas are constructed entirelyfrom local materials.

/amu HouseLamu House (Formerly Salama House & Azania House),situated overlooking the Harbor in Lamu Town. Theseare two converted and completely rebuilt Swahili Houses.There is an interior pool, dining room and small courtyard.

Now with a private beach club onManda island.

t From 06.01. p. p. in a double/night, FB 16,900 KES

t 3 Days/2 Nights Flying Packagep. p. in a double, FB ............................... 560 USD

t Extra Night .............................................. 110 USD

  16, 9 0 0 from 

 K S H S

t P. p. in a double/night, 1 & 2 nights B&B 100 EUR

t 3 & more nights B&B ..................................85 EUR

  1 0 0, - from 


t P. p. in a double/night, FB


 1 1 0, - E U RO