photo analysis from photoshoots

Photo Analysis from photoshoots Chloe Harris Photoshoot One: Front cover

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Photo Analysis fromphotoshoots

Chloe Harris

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Photoshoot One: Front cover

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Photoshoot Two


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Favourite photos from photoshoot two

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Billboard Photoshoot One:

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Favourite photos from billboard photoshoot

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Contents page photoshoot

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Favourite photos from contents page photos

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My Final Choice Of Photos to use in


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Front Cover

I chose to use this photo for the main image of

my magazine because , both of the boys that I

used to model my magazine give a veryserious/ direct gaze to the camera. The result

of this will automatically draw in my target

audience’s attention , causing them to

become interested in what the article is about

. The both have their arms crossed in front of

their chest symbolizing they are very secure

and ‘meaning business’ in the important rugby

match that they play. The lighting in this

picture also shows well on their bodies as itmakes them stand out more.

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Reasons in which i chose to use this image

to be the main image of my double pagespread; the character in this image is also

featured on the front of the magazine

conveying a form of importance as he is the

main feature of this magazine. His

expression on his face also is very natural

conveying that he enjoys the sport that he

plays. It also shows how relaxed he is and

has a sense of humor compared to the

image of him on the front of the magazine

where he gives a very serious expression.

The lighting on this picture has not worked

as well as the previous one, yet this can be

fixed once edited in photoshop.

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Contents Page

I chose to use this as the main image for my

workout due to the natural expression that thischaracter projects. As a personal trainer wearing

suitable clothing , she conveys that she is happy

and relaxed. This would apply more to the female

side of my targeted audience, as many individuals

would feel more empowered to do exercise in

which is planned by a women , making them feel

more comfortable with the exercises the are

included. She is giving a direct gaze to the camera

also which helps to engage my audience. Thelighting in this image is used well also helping to

highlight the warming expression on her face also.

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These images I chose to use for my

billboard. Reasons for this was

because of how well the action forthe specific sports movement was

outlined and due to all these

images being filled in black they

were easily recognizable to what

sport they related too. This helped

to promote both the male and

female side of sports as all these

sports can be played by either

sexes, nor one of them is male

dominated. The lighting for these

images was not a major major

matter due them all being edited in

photoshop at a later date to create

silhouette figures.