photographs (unaltered and permission)


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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Photographs (unaltered and permission)


Page 2: Photographs (unaltered and permission)

STAGE ONE - PERMISSION• I contacted a range of my male friends who I thought would be

suitable to model for pictures for my hip-hop magazine. I felt it would be more sensible to ask for permission, rather than to use the photo’s without them knowing it was being used for my coursework.

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STAGE TWO – BOOKING CAMERA• On the day I wanted to take photos, I went to the College Media

Department and filled out a booking form to book out a camera to use.

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STAGE THREE – TAKING PHOTOS• After booking the camera, I went and found places that I

could take photos of the people I had asked permission of. I took a range of photos, below are some examples:

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STAGE FOUR - SELECTION• After taking a range of photos, I had to select which ones

were most suitable to use in my magazine. I had to consider what the pictures would look like after a bit of editing. These are the pictures I chose to use:

Front Cover Contents Page Double Page Spread

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I didn’t use these photographs because the two models have their bags on in the photos so it makes the photographs look very unprofessional.

I didn’t use these photographs because the model isn’t looking directly at the camera so I felt that it wasn’t suitable to use because it is more professional and conventional for there to be direct contact between the model and reader of the magazine.

I chose to use this photograph because the dress sense of the model is fashionable and associated with hip-hop so it is appropriate for my magazine. The model is also wearing sunglasses and a watch which is reflected off the light which boosts the expensive gold it is made out of. These props add to the whole hip-hop look.This is the same model I used for my front cover as the cover story is going to be about him so it will make the magazine flow betterI am going to use this for the double page spread and not the front cover as there is no visible eye contact due to the sunglasses.

I chose to use this photograph because the model is wearing headphones which means it is suitable for a music magazine. He also has his hood up which reflects the ‘rebellious’ stereotype associated with hip-hop artists. Furthermore, the background is interesting to look at visually so the picture will look attention-grabbing on the page. I am going to use this picture for my contents page because it is a photo of another artist so it will enhance and add more depth to the content of the magazine.

I chose to use this photograph because the model is wearing quite rich clothing which reflects the stereotypically rich status given to hip-hop artists. Although he is not wearing much jewellery, he is wearing a diamond watch which contributes to the hip-hop look. He is also wearing a red top underneath which co-ordinates well with my masthead, as that is going to be red too. I decided to use this for my front cover as he is making direct eye contact with the camera and his pose would make the photo fit around the layout I am hoping to achieve.

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I edited this picture in Adobe Photoshop CS6. I did this by:• Using the Magnetic Lasso tool and Quick

Selection Tool to remove the background of the image so I was left with just a cut out of the model.

• Using the brightness tool to increase the brightness of the image.

• Using the ‘Auto Tone’ and ‘Auto Contrast’ tools.

I feel that the edited image looks much better than the original and more professional which makes it more suitable to use in a magazine.

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I edited this picture in Adobe Photoshop CS6. I did this by:• Using the Magnetic Lasso tool and Quick

Selection Tool to remove the background of the image so I was left with just a cut out of the model. I went around the circle shape of the background so it looked more interesting.

• Using the black and white and threshold effects to make the image black and white with a posterize effect.

• Using the Clone Stamp Tool to make the headphone shape more circular at the top of the models head as his hood was getting in the way of it.

I have edited this image like this to challenge the typical conventions of images used on contents pages as I want mine to look more interesting and suited to my target audience of 16-20 year olds males.

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I edited this picture in Adobe Photoshop CS6. I did this by:• Using the Magnetic Lasso tool and Quick

Selection Tool to remove the background of the image so I was left with just a cut out of the model.

• Using the black and white effect to make the image black and white

I edited this image like this as I want to adopt a minimalistic look to my double page spread so using a black and white main image make the page look clean and simple.