photonics-based broadband microwave...

3498 JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 35, NO. 16, AUGUST 15, 2017 Photonics-Based Broadband Microwave Measurement Shilong Pan, Senior Member, IEEE, Member, OSA, and Jianping Yao, Fellow, IEEE, Fellow, OSA (Invited Tutorial) Abstract—Microwave measurement refers to the acquisition of parameters of a microwave signal or the identification of proper- ties of an object via microwave-based approaches. Thanks to the broad bandwidth and high speed provided by modern photonics, microwave measurement in the optical domain can provide better performance in terms of bandwidth and speed which may not be achievable using traditional, even state-of-the-art electronics. In this tutorial, techniques for photonics-based broadband and high- speed microwave measurement are discussed with an emphasis on the system architectures for microwave signal parameter measure- ment and object property identification. Emerging technologies in this area and possible future research directions are also discussed. Index Terms—Electromagnetic field measurement, instanta- neous frequency measurement, microwave measurement, mi- crowave photonics, phase noise, photonics-based radar, position localization. I. INTRODUCTION M ICROWAVE measurements are conventionally per- formed using electronic devices. The advantages of purely electronic microwave measurements include high reso- lution and high flexibility. For many applications, however, mi- crowave measurements for wideband and high speed signals are needed, which may not be implementable via electronic devices due to the limited speed and bandwidth. On the other hand, mod- ern photonics can provide a much broader bandwidth, which can be used for wideband and high speed microwave measurements. A variety of photonics-based techniques have been proposed and developed in recent years [1]–[6]. In general, photonics-based microwave measurements can be roughly divided into two cat- egories: the measurements of parameters of a microwave signal such as power, phase, phase noise, instantaneous frequency, and spectrum, and the non-contact measurement of the properties of Manuscript received June 2, 2016; accepted June 17, 2016. Date of publi- cation July 6, 2016; date of current version June 24, 2017. This work was supported in parts by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61527820 and 61422108, the Jiangsu Provincial Program for High- level Talents in Six Areas (DZXX-034), the “333 Project” of Jiangsu Province (BRA2015343), and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. S. Pan is with the Key Laboratory of Radar Imaging and Microwave Photon- ics, Ministry of Education, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, 210016, China (e-mail: [email protected]). J. Yao is with the Microwave Photonics Research Laboratory, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5, Canada (e-mail: [email protected]). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JLT.2016.2587580 an object (e.g., position, velocity, and direction of arrival) using microwave as the medium. To measure the parameters of a microwave signal, the microwave signal to be measured is first converted to the optical domain using a modulator. The microwave-modulated optical signal is then sent to an optical processing module where the parameter to be measured is converted to an amplitude change. The amplitude information is finally extracted with a photode- tector (PD). Photonics-based techniques can also be employed to implement broadband microwave signal generation, distri- bution, and processing, to construct high-performance radar and distributed antenna systems for non-contact measurement of objects. This tutorial contains an overview of recent photonics-based microwave measurement techniques developed for broadband microwave measurements such as electric field, phase noise, in- stantaneous frequency, and spectrum. A photonics-based radar and fiber-connected distributed antenna system for position lo- calization are also introduced, and emerging technologies in this area and possible future research directions are discussed. II. MEASUREMENT OF MICROWAVE SIGNAL P ARAMETERS A. Electric Field Measurement Electric-field measurement refers to the amplitude measure- ment of an electrical field, which is of critical importance in fields like high-voltage engineering, electromagnetic com- patibility, antenna measurements, non-destructive inspection, and bioelectromagnetism. Conventionally, metallic antennas are used to measure the electric fields. Their considerably large size and metal composition, however, would distort the original electric field, resulting in poor spatial resolution and imprecise measurement [7]. Transient electric fields are particularly dif- ficult to measure with traditional electric-field sensors. On the contrary, electro-optic (EO) sensors are compact and dielectric, which prevents the distribution of the electric field being mea- sured from perturbation and allows for accurate measurement and high spatial resolution. EO sensors also have large enough bandwidth for measuring transient electric fields [8], [9]. The EO sensor is essentially similar to an electro-optical modulator (EOM), which, in most cases, is built based on the Pockels effect in an EO crystal. When performing electric-field measurement, the optical modulation scheme in an EO sen- sor can be amplitude, phase or polarization state modulation. 0733-8724 © 2016 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

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Page 1: Photonics-Based Broadband Microwave measurements can be roughly divided into two cat-egories: the measurements


Photonics-Based Broadband MicrowaveMeasurement

Shilong Pan, Senior Member, IEEE, Member, OSA, and Jianping Yao, Fellow, IEEE, Fellow, OSA

(Invited Tutorial)

Abstract—Microwave measurement refers to the acquisition ofparameters of a microwave signal or the identification of proper-ties of an object via microwave-based approaches. Thanks to thebroad bandwidth and high speed provided by modern photonics,microwave measurement in the optical domain can provide betterperformance in terms of bandwidth and speed which may not beachievable using traditional, even state-of-the-art electronics. Inthis tutorial, techniques for photonics-based broadband and high-speed microwave measurement are discussed with an emphasis onthe system architectures for microwave signal parameter measure-ment and object property identification. Emerging technologies inthis area and possible future research directions are also discussed.

Index Terms—Electromagnetic field measurement, instanta-neous frequency measurement, microwave measurement, mi-crowave photonics, phase noise, photonics-based radar, positionlocalization.


M ICROWAVE measurements are conventionally per-formed using electronic devices. The advantages of

purely electronic microwave measurements include high reso-lution and high flexibility. For many applications, however, mi-crowave measurements for wideband and high speed signals areneeded, which may not be implementable via electronic devicesdue to the limited speed and bandwidth. On the other hand, mod-ern photonics can provide a much broader bandwidth, which canbe used for wideband and high speed microwave measurements.A variety of photonics-based techniques have been proposed anddeveloped in recent years [1]–[6]. In general, photonics-basedmicrowave measurements can be roughly divided into two cat-egories: the measurements of parameters of a microwave signalsuch as power, phase, phase noise, instantaneous frequency, andspectrum, and the non-contact measurement of the properties of

Manuscript received June 2, 2016; accepted June 17, 2016. Date of publi-cation July 6, 2016; date of current version June 24, 2017. This work wassupported in parts by the National Natural Science Foundation of China underGrants 61527820 and 61422108, the Jiangsu Provincial Program for High-level Talents in Six Areas (DZXX-034), the “333 Project” of Jiangsu Province(BRA2015343), and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Councilof Canada.

S. Pan is with the Key Laboratory of Radar Imaging and Microwave Photon-ics, Ministry of Education, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing, 210016, China (e-mail: [email protected]).

J. Yao is with the Microwave Photonics Research Laboratory, School ofElectrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Ottawa, Ottawa,ON K1N 6N5, Canada (e-mail: [email protected]).

Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available onlineat

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JLT.2016.2587580

an object (e.g., position, velocity, and direction of arrival) usingmicrowave as the medium.

To measure the parameters of a microwave signal, themicrowave signal to be measured is first converted to the opticaldomain using a modulator. The microwave-modulated opticalsignal is then sent to an optical processing module where theparameter to be measured is converted to an amplitude change.The amplitude information is finally extracted with a photode-tector (PD). Photonics-based techniques can also be employedto implement broadband microwave signal generation, distri-bution, and processing, to construct high-performance radarand distributed antenna systems for non-contact measurementof objects.

This tutorial contains an overview of recent photonics-basedmicrowave measurement techniques developed for broadbandmicrowave measurements such as electric field, phase noise, in-stantaneous frequency, and spectrum. A photonics-based radarand fiber-connected distributed antenna system for position lo-calization are also introduced, and emerging technologies in thisarea and possible future research directions are discussed.


A. Electric Field Measurement

Electric-field measurement refers to the amplitude measure-ment of an electrical field, which is of critical importancein fields like high-voltage engineering, electromagnetic com-patibility, antenna measurements, non-destructive inspection,and bioelectromagnetism. Conventionally, metallic antennas areused to measure the electric fields. Their considerably largesize and metal composition, however, would distort the originalelectric field, resulting in poor spatial resolution and imprecisemeasurement [7]. Transient electric fields are particularly dif-ficult to measure with traditional electric-field sensors. On thecontrary, electro-optic (EO) sensors are compact and dielectric,which prevents the distribution of the electric field being mea-sured from perturbation and allows for accurate measurementand high spatial resolution. EO sensors also have large enoughbandwidth for measuring transient electric fields [8], [9].

The EO sensor is essentially similar to an electro-opticalmodulator (EOM), which, in most cases, is built based on thePockels effect in an EO crystal. When performing electric-fieldmeasurement, the optical modulation scheme in an EO sen-sor can be amplitude, phase or polarization state modulation.

0733-8724 © 2016 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistributionrequires IEEE permission. See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

Page 2: Photonics-Based Broadband Microwave measurements can be roughly divided into two cat-egories: the measurements


Fig. 1. Diagram of a typical electric-optic sensor. EO crystal:electro-optic crystal.

Fig. 2. Diagram of a typical electric-field measurement system. LD: laserdiode. PD: photodetector. SMF: single mode fiber.

According to a comprehensive investigation conducted in a pre-vious study [10], amplitude-modulation-based EO sensors per-form slightly better than sensors based on either of the other twomodulation schemes. Accordingly, optical amplitude modula-tion is most commonly employed in electric-field measurementsystems. Fig. 1 shows a diagram of a typical EO sensor basedon optical amplitude modulation. In this system, two polarizerswith orthogonal polarization directions are placed at the twoends of a waveguide formed by an EO crystal. To maintain alinear relationship with the applied electric field without a DCbias, a quarter-wave plate is inserted between the first polarizerand the EO crystal to introduce an additional phase shift of π/2between the ordinary and extraordinary light waves. When theelectric field to be measured is applied, the refraction index ofthe EO crystal is modified and an amplitude-modulated opticalsignal is generated at the output of the second polarizer. Afterconverting the modulated optical signal into an electrical sig-nal and detecting the signal in the time (or frequency) domaindomain, the electric field is measured.

Fig. 2 shows a schematic diagram of a typical electric-fieldmeasurement system incorporating a single EO sensor. The EOsensor in the detection zone can be placed far away from thelocal station. Optical fibers are naturally chosen to connect thesensor with the local station. In the local station, a laser diode(LD) is used to provide the probe light, and a PD followed by ananalyzer is employed to perform optical-to-electrical conversionto restore the electric-field information. This system configura-tion facilitates remote electric-field sensing while minimizingpotential distortions to the electric field being measured.

To ensure high spatial resolution, the size of the EO sensor,which is closely related to the EO crystal, should be as small aspossible. Previous researchers have extensively investigated theeffects of various EO crystals [11]. Initially, EO sensors weretypically made of potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KDP), bis-muth germanium oxide (BGO), or bismuth silicon oxide (BSO).KDP-based EO sensors fell out of favor due to deliquescence andtemperature sensitivity, leaving BGO and BSO crystals morecommon materials for EO sensors; these types of sensors are

typically oversize, however, due to their small EO coefficient(especially when high sensitivity is required). Recently, lithiumniobate (LiNbO3) crystals with a high EO coefficient, widebandwidth, and high stability have grown more common, whichenable compact size and enhance the sensor’s sensitivity, dy-namic range, and robustness [12], [13]. Benefitting from thesmall size, LiNbO3-based sensors would nearly not distort theelectric field being measured and a high accuracy and high spa-tial resolution measurement can be achieved. For instance, anintegrated EO sensor based on a LiNbO3 crystal was reported[14], by which the electric field with a spatial resolution as smallas 500 µm was detected.

Measurement bandwidth is also a crucial consideration indesigning any electric-field measurement system. Particularly,a large bandwidth is highly desirable for transient electric-fieldmeasurements. To date, the detection of an electric field from DCto several GHz is fairly easily achievable [15] and a dynamicrange of over 130 dB spreading from 1 mV/m/Hz1/2 to thebreakdown electric field in the air can also be achieved [16],[17]. To detect an electric field that is varying at a frequencyas high as terahertz, electro-optical devices with a very highresponse speed should be used. A gallium phosphide crystalwas proven suitable for use in THz wave EO sensors becauseof its 7-THz bandwidth [18]. A zinc telluride crystal was laterdemonstrated to be spectrally sensitive beyond 3 THz [19]. Todetect such a high-speed signal, a terahertz PD is required toextract the electric-field information [20]; unfortunately, suchPDs are usually expensive. To avoid the use of a high speed PD,electric-field measurement schemes based on optical frequencydown-conversion can be applied. For example, a recirculatingfrequency shifter based hybrid electro-optic probing system wasproposed to expand the instantaneous probing bandwidth [21].The recirculating frequency shifter generates a wideband opticalfrequency comb (OFC) with a frequency spacing of Δf, whichis modulated by the received microwave signal with a centerfrequency of f, generating a series of frequency componentswith frequencies of f-nΔf (n is an integer) after the PD. Thesystem has substantial flexibility, with the potential to down-convert THz frequencies to only a few GHz. The electric-fieldmeasuring bandwidth can also be enhanced by applying high-even-order harmonic sidebands produced on an optical-carrierprobe beam with two cascaded EOMs [22]. With this method,the sensing frequency range can be routinely expanded by atleast four times.

Recently, numerous electric-field measurement solutions us-ing new materials (or with new designs) have been effectivelydemonstrated. A compact EO sensor based on a silicon-organichybrid modulator driven by a bowtie antenna was proposed [23],where slow-light effects in an EO polymer refilled silicon-slotphotonic crystal waveguide, coupled with broadband electricfield enhancement provided by the bowtie antenna, are uti-lized to enhance the interaction between electrical waves andlight waves, leading to an ultra large effective in-device EOcoefficient over 1000 pm/V, i.e., remarkably high sensitivity.The bowtie antenna integrated on a doped silicon slot pho-tonic crystal waveguides has a broad operational bandwidthwith a maximum resonance frequency of 10 GHz. In [24],live-line detection of small defects in a high voltage composite

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insulator using a compact electric-field measurement system isdemonstrated. The small size (millimeter in transverse dimen-sions) of the EO sensor allows the measurements of axial andradial electric-field components close to the composite insulatorrod and between sheds, which is a great advantage compared toother defect detection methods.

B. Microwave Phase Noise Measurement

Phase noise measurement is becoming increasingly importantfor the design and evaluation of modern microwave systems andradio frequency (RF) circuits, such as wireless communicationssystems, radar systems and analog to digital converters (ADCs).In a wireless communications system, oscillator phase noise inthe transmitter and receiver would affect both up-conversion anddown-conversion, which eventually decrease the signal-to-noiseratio of the demodulated signal and increase the bit error rate[25]. In a radar system, the phase noise of the local oscillator(LO) would limit the range resolution and receiver sensitivity.Especially in a Doppler radar system, a higher oscillator phasenoise would require a higher transmitted power to ensure acorrect target detection [26]. In ADCs, the phase noise of thesampling signal will induce sampling errors, which also deteri-orate the signal-to-noise ratio of the converted digital signal andincrease the bit error rate [27].

Mathematically, the output voltage of a microwave signalfrom a microwave oscillator can be described as

v(t) = VS sin [2πf0t + Δϕ (t)]

= VS sin

⎡⎣2πf0t +


Δf (fm )fm

sin 2πfm t

⎤⎦ (1)

where VS is the amplitude of the signal, f0 is the ideal frequency,and Δϕ(t) is the phase fluctuation. Δf(fm ) is the frequencyfluctuation away from the carrier frequency fm . In general, thelevel of a phase noise is measured by the ratio of the power in onephase modulation sideband Pssb (calculated in 1 Hz bandwidth)at an offset frequency of fm to the total signal power Ps , i.e.

L(fm ) =Pssb


Δf 2 (fm )2f 2


. (2)

The unit for phase noise is dBc/Hz. In writing (2), we assumedΔf(fm )/fm < π/6.

To measure phase noise, which is essential for RF engineers tofind the factors that influence the frequency stability and then im-prove the performance of microwave systems and RF circuits, atleast four techniques have been developed [28]: the direct spec-trum technique, frequency discriminator method, phase detectortechnique, and residual method. All four are based on pure elec-tronic devices. The details of these techniques including theiradvantages, disadvantages, and recent development have beensummarized in [28].

For phase noise measurement, the key parameter indicatorsare the noise floor and measurement bandwidth. However, allthe phase noise measurement systems constructed based onpure electronic devices have a noise floor which increases with

Fig. 3. Phase noise measurement system based on a frequency discrimina-tor. DUT: device under test. LPF: low pass filter. LNA: low noise amplifier.DBM: double-balanced mixer.

frequency. Thanks to this effect, low noise floor and largemeasurement bandwidth cannot be achieved simultaneously.One approach to mitigate this disadvantage is to replace cer-tain microwave components with their photonic counterparts,as the latter have inherent features including broad bandwidth,low loss, flat frequency response, and high isolation. Previousefforts in this area have led to the successful implementation ofthe frequency discriminator method in the optical domain.

Fig. 3 shows a typical phase noise measurement scheme basedon the frequency discriminator method [29]. The signal fromthe device under test (DUT) is divided equally into two parts.The first part is delayed by a delay line, through which smallfrequency fluctuations of the DUT are converted into phase fluc-tuations. A mixer is used as a phase detector, which convertsthe phase difference between the two paths into a DC volt-age. To maintain phase quadrature of the carrier frequency atthe two inputs of the mixer, a phase shifter is inserted in theundelayed path.

The obtained DC voltage at the output of the mixer is relatedto the phase detector constant K, the fixed time delay τd , andthe frequency fluctuation of the DUT Δf(fm ) by

V (fm ) = K2πτdΔf (fm ) . (3)

The output voltage is measured by a low-frequency spectrumanalyzer as a double sideband voltage spectral density Sv (fm ).According to (2) and (3), L(fm ) is related to the measuredSv (fm ) by

L (fm ) =V 2 (fm )8K2π2τ 2


f 2m =

Sv (fm )8K2π2τ 2

d f 2m

. (4)

Sv (fm ) can be read from the spectrum analyzer, the phasedetector constant K is calculated by measuring the DC outputvoltage change of the mixer for a known phase change in oneinput of the mixer, and τd can be calculated by

τd =√



where εr is the relative dielectric constant of the delay line, andLd is delay line deference between the two paths [28]. With theknown Sv (fm ), K, and τd , L(fm ) can be calculated by (4).

The delay-line frequency discriminator technique is limitedby the delay line in two aspects. On one hand, its sensitivity islimited by the loss of the delay-line due to the power requirementof the mixer; using a lower power than that required will degradethe sensitivity. On the other hand, the measurement bandwidthis limited by the bandwidth of the delay line. For instance,NoiseXT PN9000 [30], a commercial phase noise measurement

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Fig. 4. Phase noise measurement system based on optical fiber delay. MZM:Mach-Zehnder modulator.

Fig. 5. Phase noise measurement system based on a microwave-photonicphase shifter. PolM: polarization modulator. OBPF: optical band pass filter. PC:polarization controller. Pol: polarizer.

instrument based on frequency discriminator technique usingcoaxial cable as the delay line, can only measure a DUT with afrequency ranging from 2 MHz to 1.8 GHz.

In effort to remedy these problems, a phase noise measure-ment system based on optical fiber delay was established [31],with the schematic diagram shown in Fig. 4. Due to the low loss(∼0.2 dB/km), large bandwidth (∼10s THz) and small signaldistortion, the optical fiber is an optimal device to serve as a de-lay line. The noise floor of this system can reach −130 dBc/Hzat an offset frequency of 10 kHz from a carrier frequency of10 GHz [32].

It is important to note that the noise floor of the measurementsystem depends on the length of the optical fiber – the longerthe fiber, the lower the noise floor. But a longer fiber also meansa higher loss and a lower offset frequency [28]. This problemmight be solved by using a longer optical fiber for low-offset-frequency measurement and a shorter delay line for high-offset-frequency measurement [33].

Although using an optical fiber to replace the electronicdelay line enhances measurement sensitivity because a muchlonger delay line can be applied, the measurement bandwidthis still limited by electrical components in the system such asthe phase shifter and mixer. To increase the bandwidth, theelectrical phase shifter in Fig. 4 can be replaced with a wide-band microwave-photonic phase shifter as shown in Fig. 5 [33].The photonic components in the dashed box are used to real-ize electrical-to-optical conversion, time delay, and phase shift.The microwave-photonic phase shifter consists of a polariza-tion modulator (PolM), an optical bandpass filter (OBPF), apolarization controller (PC), a polarizer, and a PD. Its operationprocess was described in [34]. By adjusting the PC, the phase ofthe microwave signal recovered at the PD can be continuouslyadjusted within a full 360° range. The noise floor of this sys-tem is −133 dBc/Hz at an offset frequency of 10 kHz from a

Fig. 6. Phase noise measurement system based on a microwave-photonicfrequency down-converter. PM: phase modulator. TOBPF: tunable optical bandpass filter.

Fig. 7. Phase noise measurement system applying both microwave photonicphase shifter and microwave photonic down-converter.

carrier frequency of 10 GHz, reflecting the fact that the sensi-tivity of the system is not affected by the microwave-photonicphase shifter. The wide operational bandwidth of the system,from 5 to 40 GHz, is also verified by phase noise measurementof a wideband signal source.

In addition to the phase shifter, active devices including theelectronic mixer and low noise amplifier (LNA) also signifi-cantly affect the performance of phase noise measurement sys-tems. Accordingly, a phase noise measurement system basedon a microwave-photonic frequency down-converter was estab-lished [35], as shown in Fig. 6. An EOM is used to convert themicrowave signal to be measured to the optical domain, gen-erating an optical carrier and two sidebands. After being timedelayed by an optical fiber, the optical signal is modulated bythe microwave signal again at a second EOM, generating an-other pair of sidebands. Frequency down-conversion is realizedby selecting two first-order sidebands on one side of the opti-cal carrier and beating them at a PD [36]. The incorporationof the electro-optical mixing in the system not only removesthe measurement bandwidth limit by the electronic mixer butalso avoids the sensitivity degradation caused by the electricalsignal amplification because the nonlinear effect in the EOM issufficiently strong. The noise floor of such a system can reach−137 dBc/Hz at an offset frequency of 10 kHz from a car-rier frequency of 10 GHz, and the measurement range is from5 to 40 GHz.

Incorporating both microwave photonic phase shifter and mi-crowave photonic mixer in the measurement system, as shown inFig. 7, all the high-frequency electronic devices can be avoided[37]. This system can achieve a large operation bandwidth,which is limited only by the bandwidth of the EOMs, and phasenoise measurement sensitivity as low as −140 dBc/Hz at anoffset frequency of 10 kHz from a carrier frequency of 10 GHz.

The measured phase noise through the systems mentionedabove consists of the DUT phase noise and the equipmentbackground noise. To further improve the phase noise mea-surement sensitivity, a two-channel cross-correlation technique

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Fig. 8. Two-channel cross-correlation technique for phase noisemeasurement. FFT: fast Fourier transformation.

Fig. 9. Two-channel cross-correlation system based on optical delay lines.

can be applied, which can efficiently reduce the equipmentbackground noise [38]. Fig. 8 shows the diagram of a typi-cal two-channel cross-correlation technique. Suppose A(f) andB(f) are the Fourier transforms of the signals in channels A andB, respectively, which can be expressed as

A (f) = FFT [a (t) + c (t)] (6)

B (f) = FFT [b (t) + c (t)] (7)

where a(t) and b(t) are the uncorrelated equipment backgroundnoise that exist in channels A and B, respectively, and c(t) is theDUT phase noise. The cross spectrum of signals in these twochannels is defined as

SAB (f) = A (f) × B∗ (f) . (8)

By averaging the cross spectrum SAB , the uncorrelated noisea(t) and b(t) are dramatically reduced. Averaging over m spectra,the uncorrelated noise would decrease by a factor of 1/


[39]. As a result, the phase noise sensitivity can be improved byincreasing the number of correlations.

Fig. 9 shows one implementation of such a technique in theoptical domain, with two sets of almost identical components toform two channels [40]. A commercial photonics-based phasenoise measurement system released by OEwaves, PHENOMwas built based on this configuration [41], which has a noisefloor as low as −170 dBc/Hz at an offset frequency of 10 kHzfrom a carrier frequency of 10 GHz.

Fig. 10. Microwave spectrum analysis system based on an optical channelizer.EOM: electro-optical modulator.

C. Spectrum Analysis

Cognitive radio and warfare systems must have the capabil-ity to estimate the frequency of an unknown input signal overa large spectral range, but the measurement range of the fre-quency or spectrum measurement system using pure electricalsolutions is limited due to the electronic bottleneck. By virtueof the broad bandwidth, photonics-based frequency or spec-trum measurement can potentially secure a larger measurementrange. In addition, photonics-based measurement technologiesalso offer advantages such as low loss and immunity to elec-tromagnetic interference (EMI). In recent decades, extensiveresearch has been conducted to the design and implementationof the spectrum measurement of microwave signal based onphotonic techniques [42].

Generally, photonics-based microwave spectrum measure-ment techniques can be classified into two main categories.In the first category, an optical channelizer is employed to spec-trally divide the microwave modulated optical signal into con-tiguous parallel channels [43]–[46]. The optical spectrum of theoptical microwave signal is obtained by detecting the opticalsignals in each channel. In the second category, optical spatial-spectral material is applied to analyze the spectra of broadbandor frequency agile microwave signals [47]–[49].

1) Spectrum Measurement Via an Optical Channelizer: Aconceptual diagram of the microwave signal spectrum mea-surement scheme based on an optical channelizer is shown inFig. 10. The microwave signal is first converted into an opticalsignal using an EOM, then the optical microwave signal is splitinto various contiguous parallel channels with the optical chan-nelizer. Each channel corresponds to a particular microwavefrequency. The split optical signals are then detected by an ar-ray of PDs and finally sent to an electrical processing unit toobtain the spectral information [42]. The key component in thesystem is the optical channelizer, which is effectually an array ofnarrowband optical filters with adjacent pass bands. Previously,the optical channelizer was realized by an integrated opticalphased array consisting of multiple electro-optic waveguide de-lay lines [43], a high-resolution free-space diffraction grating[44], an array of phase-shifted fiber gratings [45], and an in-tegrated Bragg-grating with a Fresnel lens [46]. A review ofthese optical channelizers can be found in [42]. Although theoptical channelizer can support spectrum measurement of mi-crowave signal with a large bandwidth, its resolution is limitedby the minimum achievable bandwidth of the optical filter array(typically larger than 1 GHz) which must have precise center

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Fig. 11. Diagram of the microwave spectrum analysis system based oncoherent optical channelizer using a diffraction grating.

frequencies and identical bandwidth. One solution to this prob-lem is the coherent channelization implemented based on OFCs[50]–[52], which can theoretically realize kHz-level resolution.

Fig. 11 shows one of the earliest coherent optical channelizerproposed by W. Wang et al. [44]. The light wave modulated bythe microwave signal to be measured is incident to a diffractiongrating. Different frequency components are dispersed with dif-ferent angles and subsequently directed onto a detector array,and the position of the detector corresponds to a particular mi-crowave frequency. An OFC with a frequency spacing equal tothe channel spacing is incident to the grating at an offset anglewith respect to the optical microwave signal, so every portion ofthe signal spectrum is translated to the same IF band and eachchannel can use the same post-processing electronics, whichgreatly reduces the complexity of the processing system. Thisapproach, however, still has a limited resolution due to the ne-cessity of narrowband filtering (which is determined by the reso-lution of the diffraction grating and the position of the detector).

To overcome this problem, the single-frequency laser sourcein Fig. 10 can be replaced by an OFC and the optical channelizeris changed to a periodic optical filter (e.g. Fabry-Perot filters[50]) together with a wavelength-division multiplexer (WDM).The OFC is modulated to create an array of copies of microwavesignal. Then, the periodic optical filter with a free spectral range(FSR) that differs slightly from the wavelength spacing of theOFC is employed to select different frequency components inthe RF copies around different comb lines. Finally, the WDMsplits the selected frequency components around different comblines into different channels.

However, the wavelength drift of the periodic optical filteror the optical microwave signal will seriously affect theperformance of the optical channelizer containing a periodicoptical filter. To remedy this, coherent channelization usingtwo coherent OFCs with slightly different wavelength spacingscan be applied. Fig. 12 illustrates the operation principle. Themicrowave signal to be measured is copied by an OFC in theoptical domain and each copy is coupled with a comb line ofa local OFC and directed to a spatially separated channel by

Fig. 12. Optical channelization based on dual coherent OFCs. (a) The signalOFC and local OFC. (b) The modulated signal OFC. (c) Extracting differentspectrum slices of the microwave signal in each channel. OFC: OFC.

Fig. 13. Spectrum analyzer based on spatial-spectral material with an engrav-ing laser. SHB: spectral hole burning.

a WDM. Via the optical-to-electrical conversion in a PD andlow-pass or bandpass filtering in an electrical filter, differentcomponents in the microwave signal are selected and presentedin different channels. Wavelength drift is not a problem becausethe two OFCs can be generated using the same seed laser,and because the WDM has relatively broad passbands whichcan tolerate certain wavelength drifts. Typical coherent opticalchannelizer based on dual coherent OFCs were demonstratedin [51], [52], which demonstrated that microwave spectrumanalysis with high frequency resolution and high crosstalksuppression is, in fact, achievable.

2) Spectrum Measurement Via Spatial-Spectral Material:The key component of the spatial-spectral material based spec-trum measurement is a rare earth doped material which can beused to record the power spectrum of an optical signal underthe spectral hole burning (SHB) effect. The individual ions inthe rare earth doped crystal have narrow optical resonances,exhibiting linewidths in the kilohertz order at cryogenic tem-peratures (4–6 K). The inhomogeneous absorption profile canrange from 20 to over 200 GHz, which provides a natural advan-tage for broadband spectrum measurement. There are generallytwo types of spatial-spectral material based spectrum analysistechniques: the use of an engraving laser or the use of a linearchirped reading out laser.

Fig. 13 shows a schematic diagram of the spatial-spectralmaterial-based microwave spectrum analyzer with an engravinglaser [53]. In the spatial-spectral material, two monochromaticangled beams from the engraving laser inscribes an absorptiongrating based on SHB effect, which is able to diffract the incidentprobe beam. The microwave signal to be analyzed is modulatedonto an optical carrier, serving as the probe beam, which istuned to the resonance wavelength of the ions (Tm 793 nm or

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Fig. 14. Spatial-spectral material based spectrum analyzer with a linearchirped laser. (a) Schematic diagram. (b) Operation principle.

Er 1.5 μm) with a large-bandwidth EOM. By scanning the en-graving laser frequency in synchrony with the angle of inci-dence during the grating engraving procedure, different spectralcomponents of the input light beam are diffracted in differentdirections; the spectrum information is then recorded using aPD array. Due to the complexity of the scanning engraving laserand PD array, this technique is very difficult to be implementedin practice. In addition, its response speed is quite low.

To solve the problems described above, a spatial-spectral ma-terial based spectrum analysis technique using a linearly chirpedreading out laser was proposed [47]. The principle of this typeof technique is illustrated in Fig. 14. First, the modulated opti-cal beam illuminates one spatial location on the spatial-spectralcrystal. When the bandwidth of the modulated optical beam lieswithin the inhomogeneous absorption profile of the material,the full power spectrum of the optical beam is recorded throughthe optical SHB effect. Multiple frequencies can be burned in-dependently and simultaneously, where the absorption depthdepends on the power at each frequency. This recorded powerspectrum stored in the modified absorption profile can persistfor the population lifetime of the absorption transition levels,which is about 10 ms in Tm- and Er-doped crystals [47]. A lin-ear frequency chirp laser is used to read out the spectrum storedin the spatial-spectral material, as shown in Fig. 14(b). The out-put field is the time domain map of the recorded spectrum whilethe transformation between the coordinate domains is scaledby the chirp rate, so the broadband spectrum information canbe read out using a low-frequency oscilloscope when the chirprate is sufficiently slow. For instance, by using a linear chirpedlaser with external modulation, the response time is improvedto the millisecond [48], [54]. The measurement resolution canreach 1 MHz in a measurement range of 10 GHz. Because thechirped laser generation system is always not ideal, a spectro-scopic technique can be employed, which can achieve spectralanalysis covering a bandwidth of 10 GHz with >5500 spectral

Fig. 15. Microwave frequency measurement system based on microwavepower monitoring. FDPP: frequency-dependent power penalty.

channels and 43-dB dynamic range [49]. In addition, fine reso-lution and broad bandwidth can be achieved simultaneously byusing an enhanced chirped fiber laser [55].

The key advantages of the spectrum measurement technologybased on the SHB effect in spatial-spectral material is that thespectra of the microwave signals can be analyzed with broadbandwidth, high spectral resolution, large dynamic range, andlow readout latency [47], [56], but the disadvantage is also ev-ident include the fact that the SHB effect is significant only ifthe spatial-spectral material is cryogenically cooled.

D. Instantaneous Frequency Measurement

Instantaneous frequency measurement (IFM) is an impor-tant task in radar warning receivers, antistealth defense, andelectronic intelligence systems. Fast measurement speed, ac-curate measurement, and large frequency measurement rangeare essential for these applications. Unfortunately, conventionalelectrical IFM systems are vulnerable to EMI and usually havemeasurement range limited to about 18 GHz due to the limitedbandwidth of the electronic components. Microwave photonictechniques can be employed to extend the bandwidth of IFMreceivers to tens or even hundreds of GHz, and also offer theadvantage of immunity to EMI.

For the IFM, as compared to the spectrum analysis, we neednot to know the detailed spectrum of the microwave signal, sothe measurement can be significantly simplified while the mea-surement resolution and range are evidently improved. Gener-ally, photonics-based IFM can be implemented by monitoringmicrowave power, optical power, or time delays since a fixed re-lationship between the microwave frequency and the microwavepower, optical power or time delay can be established in the op-tical domain.

1) IFM Based on Microwave Power Monitoring: A typicalIFM scheme based on microwave power monitoring is shown inFig. 15 [42]. The unknown microwave signal is first convertedat an EOM into an optical microwave signal consisting of twosidebands and an optical carrier (DSB+C), then the optical mi-crowave signal is inserted into an optical channel that can inducea frequency-dependent power penalty. Beating the optical car-rier with the upper sideband and the lower sideband at a PDwould generate a new microwave signal of which the power,as compared to the original power of the microwave signal, isa function of the microwave frequency. To eliminate the effectof power fluctuation produced by the measurement system twoparallel measurements using two optical channels with differ-ent frequency-dependent power penalties are usually required.

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Techniques Measurement Measurementrange (GHz) error (GHz)

IM + CD [57] 4–12 ±0.1IM + CD [58] 5–15.6 ±0.1PM + CD [59] 7.3–17.95 ±0.5IM + CD, assisted by electronic pre-processing[60]

4–19 ±0.1

IM/PM+CD [61] 2–19 ± 0.2PolM+CD [62] 3–18 ± 0.2Photonic microwave filter pair [63] 0.5–36 ±0.2Single-passband photonic microwave filter [64] 0.4–1.6 ±0.06IM/PM + CD [65] 0.5–20 ±0.09PolM + CD [66] 2–20 ±0.1IM + CD + FWM [67] 0.04–40 ±0.1

IM: intensity modulation; PM: phase modulation; PolM: polarization modulation; PolM:polarization modulation; CD: chromatic dispersion; FWM: four-wave mixing.

The ratio of the microwave powers in the two measurementsis defined as the amplitude comparison function (ACF). If theACF has a monotonic relationship with the frequency of themicrowave signal in a certain frequency range, IFM can be re-alized without ambiguity. To form such monotonic relationship,the frequency-dependent power penalties can be realized usinga dispersive element or a photonic microwave filter.

When the frequency-dependent power penalty is realized bya dispersive element, the power of the microwave signal fromthe PD is a function of the chromatic dispersion (CD) andthe microwave frequency. To realize two different frequency-dependent power penalties, different dispersion values or dif-ferent modulation schemes can be applied. The former methodcan only provide IFM with a limited measurement range, sincethe ACF at low frequencies has a slow-increasing slope, whilethe latter can realize IFM with a significantly large measure-ment range. The microwave frequency response of the system islow pass for an intensity-modulated optical signal transmittingin the dispersive medium, while for a phase-modulated opticalsignal the frequency response is band pass. Accordingly, theratio of the two frequency responses has a very steep slope atlow frequencies due to the complementary nature of the twofrequency responses. Because the measurement range can beextended using a complementary frequency response, a pho-tonic microwave filter with complementary frequency responsecan also be designed for IFM with a broad measurement range.

A wealth of IFM schemes based on the above methods havebeen proposed and the performance is summarized in Table I,which shows that the measurement range of this IFM techniquecan reach 40 GHz and the measurement error is within about±0.1 GHz.

2) IFM Based on Optical Power Monitoring: The majorproblem associated with conducting IFM by monitoring themicrowave power is that it requires high-frequency PD and mi-crowave devices. To avoid the use of these expensive devices, itis possible to create a monotonic relationship between the fre-quency of the microwave signal to be measured and the opticalpower, because optical power meter is very cheap. Fig. 16(a)

Fig. 16. Microwave frequency measurement system based on optical powermonitoring. (a) Schematic diagram. (b) Operation principle.


Techniques Measurement Measurementrange (GHz) error (GHz)

Two-tap Sagnac-loop filter [74] 0–20 ±0.2Integrated ring-assisted Mach-Zehnderinterferometer [75]

5–15 ±0.2

Complementary polarization domaininterferometer [76]

2.5–30 except16–17.5


FBG-based Linear filter [68] 1–10 ±0.2Silicon microdisk resonator [77] 9–19 ±0.2On-chip FWM [78] 0–40 ±0.318

illustrates the schematic diagram of a typical microwavefrequency measurement system based on optical power monitor-ing. The microwave signal is converted to an optical signal usinga MZM while an optical filter with a special spectral response isplaced at the output of the MZM. The wavelength informationis thus converted to optical power information. The key com-ponent in Fig. 16(a) is the optical filter with sinusoidal spectralresponse, which can be realized by a two-tap Sagnac-loop fil-ter, an integrated ring-assisted Mach-Zehnder interferometer,and a complementary polarization domain interferometer pairwith a tunable FSR. In [68], a specially-designed fiber Bragggrating (FBG) with two spectral slopes inversely proportionalto the optical frequency was applied where the ACF is linearwith microwave frequency, which ensured the slope of the ACFis the same for different frequencies. In addition to the abovetechniques, several new IFM techniques based on optical powermeasurement achieved by on-chip four-wave mixing (FWM) orsilicon microdisk resonator were proposed. The performance ofthese IFM techniques are summarized in Table II.

There are also other photonics-based IFM solutions, suchas IFM using a Fabry-Perot scanning receiver [69], pho-tonic Hilbert transform [70], frequency-to-time mapping [71],[72], and nonuniform optical undersampling [73]. Althoughphotonics-based IFM has attracted a great deal of research in-terest, there is still quite a lot of work to be done to makethe techniques practicable. Among various photonic-based IFMtechniques mentioned above, the measurement range is typi-cally less than 20 GHz, which does not meet the requirementsof modern practical applications. In addition, the measurementerror or measurement resolution is generally tens or hundredsof MHz, which is much larger compared to that of electronic

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Fig. 17. Multiple-frequency measurement based on frequency-to-time map-ping in a dispersive element. (a) Schematic diagram. (b) Operation principle.

schemes. Last but not least, the sensitivity and dynamic rangeof the IFM system is reduced due to the electrical-to-opticaland optical-to-electrical conversion, which must be improved tomeet the requirement for working in the realistic electromag-netic environment.

3) Multiple-Frequency Measurement Based on Frequency-to-Time Mapping: The majority of the methods discussed abovecan only be applied for single frequency measurement. In a prac-tical system, however, (such as an electronic warfare system,)various unknown frequency components exist in the receivedsignal. An IFM capable of measuring multiple frequencies ishighly desirable, to this effect. Frequency-to-time mapping is aneffective approach to achieve simultaneous multiple-frequencymeasurement. The key point of this method to establish a rela-tionship between the frequency of the unknown signals in thefrequency domain and the electrical time delay in the time do-main. This relationship can be constructed based on dispersion-induced time delay [71] or frequency shifting recirculating delayline (FS-RDL) [72], [79].

Fig. 17(a) shows a schematic diagram of the multiple-frequency measurement system based on frequency-to-timemapping in a dispersive element [71]. The unknown multiple-tone signals are converted into an optical microwave signal inan EOM using carrier-suppressed DSB (CS-DSB) modulation.A high speed optical on-off switch is used to gate the opticalsignal, which introduces sharp leading edges as necessary toserve as time measurement reference points. The optical CS-DSB signal is then sent to a PD after being transmitted througha dispersive element with a linear group delay (e.g., chirped-FBG). It is well known that different optical wavelengths wouldundergo different time delays due to the CD. Therefore, eachsideband is mapped into a distinct time slot, as illustrated inFig. 17(b). Based on this method, in [71] two simultaneoussignals at 20 and 40 GHz were measured. It should be notedthat although this method can support multiple-frequency mea-surement, it has a relatively low resolution (∼12.5 GHz) and alarge measurement error (about± 1.56 GHz), or requires special

Fig. 18. Multiple-frequency measurement based on a FS-RDL. (a) Schematicdiagram. (b) Operation principle. FS: frequency shifter. RDL: recirculatingdelay line.

capability to acquire the needed relative time delays from theresultant waveform.

Frequency-to-time mapping based on FS-RDL can also beused for multiple-frequency measurement [72]. Fig. 18(a) showsthe schematic diagram of a typical multiple-frequency measure-ment scheme based on an FS-RDL. An optical carrier froman LD is modulated by the unknown microwave signal at aphase modulator (PM), then the phase-modulated optical signalis time-gated by a high-speed on-off optical switch before be-ing launched into an FS-RDL loop. The FS-RDL, as shown inthe dashed box in Fig. 18(a), consists of an optical frequencyshifter and an optical amplifier. The output of the FS-RDL loopis connected to a narrowband OBPF. The optical signal fromthe OBPF is detected by a PD, and the obtained photocurrent isobserved on a low-frequency oscilloscope that is synchronizedwith the control pulse connected to the optical switch.

The principle of the frequency measurement system basedon FS-RDL is illustrated in Fig. 18(b). Due to the small signalmodulation, we assume that the output of the optical switchcontains only three optical spectra components: the upper side-band, the optical carrier, and the lower sideband. This signalis injected into the FS-RDL loop. After each circulation, a fre-quency down-shift of Δf is introduced. After a certain num-ber of circulations, the down-shifted signal would drop in thepassband of the OBPF (see the dashed profile). If the OBPFbandwidth is narrow enough, only one optical component isselected at a time, resulting in a square pulse being displayedon the oscilloscope. Corresponding to the relative locations inthe optical spectrum, three pulses show up on the oscilloscopesequentially at the time t− k , t0 , and tk . To avoid ambiguity,the trigger of the oscilloscope is adjusted to only display thepulse from the upper sideband. Because the frequency shift isrelated to the time delay when circulating in the FS-RDL, thefrequency of the microwave signal can be calculated by measur-ing the time gap between the pulse for the carrier and that forthe upper sideband.

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Fig. 19. Typical radar system. LO: local oscillator; ADC: analog-to-digitalconverter.

Based on this principle, in [72] the OBPF is realized by the in-fiber stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) effect which usuallyresults in a passband as narrow as tens of MHz, and therefore amultiple-frequency measurement system with a frequency rangeof 0.1–20 GHz and a measurement resolution of 250 MHz wasdemonstrated. In [79], an optical heterodyning scheme and alow-bandwidth PD were applied for the purpose of multiple-frequency measurement, in which one of the optical side-bands of the CS-DSB-modulated signal is down-shifted by theFS-RDL and then directed to the PD in tandem with the opticalcarrier. When the frequency of the beat signal falls into the PDresponse window, an electrical pulse can be observed on the os-cilloscope. The number of circulation can be counted accuratelycounted based on the time of the pulse on the oscilloscope—sothe frequency of the unknown signal can be calculated if thefrequency shift Δf of the FS-RDL is known.

Due to the fast development of the photonic integration tech-nique, photonic integrated chips (PICs) for IFM applicationshave garnered sizable research interest. PICs can reduce thesize and complexity of the system while enhancing its sta-bility. For instance, if the FS-RDL can be implemented bya PIC, the loop length would be dramatically reduced andthus the response time of the entire system can be reduced.Recently, a Si3N4-based chip [80] and an As2S3-based SBSchip [81] have been proposed for photonics-based microwavefrequency measurement.



Different from the measurement of parameters of microwavesignals, in which optical methods are mainly used to convert theparameter to be measured into an optical or microwave ampli-tude/time change, in the photonics-based measurement systemfor non-contact acquisition of objects’ properties, photonics-based techniques are employed to realize broadband microwavesignal generation, distribution, or processing. Typical systemsin this category includes photonics-based radars and fiber-connected distributed antenna systems.

A. Photonics-Based Radar

Radar is one of the most important measurement systemswhich uses the microwave as a medium. The basic systemblock diagram of a radar is shown in Fig. 19. By transmit-ting microwave signals and analyzing echo parameters suchas power, delay, direction and frequency, radar systems can

provide the information on the distance, velocity, position, andelectromagnetic scattering characteristics of targets, and caneven image the area under radiation. In recent decades, radar sys-tems have gradually put forward the demand for broadening boththe instantaneous bandwidth and the working frequency range.With pulse compression technology, the range resolution of aradar system transmitting a waveform of bandwidth B is givenby δr = c/(2B) [82]. Thus, for a synthetic aperture radar witha resolution requirement as high as 0.1 m, a microwave wave-form with an instantaneous bandwidth of 1.5 GHz is needed.The generation, transmission, receiving and processing of sucha broadband signal are challenging for pure electronics basedapproaches. In addition to the instantaneous bandwidth, a fre-quency range covering tens of GHz is also required to meetthe tendency of multi-band, multi-function and high-density in-tegration in the development of modern radar systems. Again,RF frontend based on pure electronic technology can hardlyachieve satisfactory performance over the entire frequencyrange necessary.

Photonic technologies allow the generation and processingof broadband microwave signals to be implemented in the op-tical domain, where the optical carrier with a center frequencyof up to several hundreds of terahertz can dramatically com-press the relative bandwidth of the microwave signal so that thebroad-bandwidth related problem in the microwave domain canbe effectually eliminated. By applying optical devices with lowloss, light weight and immunity to EMI, performance of manyimportant functional units in the radar system can be noticeablyenhanced. For instance, with a high-Q optical storage elementsuch as a length of fiber, an optoelectronic oscillator (OEO) canperform as an LO with ultra-low phase noise at a frequencyeven up to 40 GHz. Microwave signals with an instantaneousbandwidth as large as several octaves can also be directly gener-ated in the optical domain, which could negate the demand forcomplicated frequency multiplication or up-conversion in theelectrical domain. In the receiver, photonic microwave filteringcan provide cross-band tunability to enable reconfigurability ofthe receiver. In addition, ultra-stable pulses from a mode-lockedlaser (MLL) can be employed to implement photonic-assistedsampling, which can enable high effective number of bits inquantization especially for a high input frequency up to tens ofGHz. Moreover, a phased-array radar with a phase shifter-basedbeamforming network would suffers from the beam squint prob-lem when feeding or receiving a broadband signal. But if thephase shifters are replaced by optical true time delay modules,broadband beams would be properly formed and steered. Moredetails of the advances in the application of photonic technolo-gies in radar can be found in [4], in which many exciting topics,such as OEOs, stable RF signal transfer, microwave photonicfiltering, arbitrary waveform generation, beamforming, pho-tonic mixing, phase coding, switching, and ADC, are reviewedat length.

Several photonics-based radar systems have been developedrecently [83]–[87]. In [83], a radar capable of measuring boththe position and velocity of a target was established with aphotonics-based transceiver supporting a broad frequency rangeup to 40 GHz. As shown in Fig. 20, both the RF generation andthe ADC are implemented with the assistance of photonics.

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Fig. 20. Radar system based on photonic-based RF generator andphotonic-based ADC. S/P: series-to-parallel converter. DCF: dispersioncompensation fiber FS: frequency shifter.

Fig. 21. Photonics-based radar system in [87]. DE: dispersion element; OC:optical coupler; TOF: tunable optical filter; VODL: variable optical delay line.

Furthermore, the mode-locked laser, which provides abundantmodes in the optical spectrum, is shared by both the transmit-ter for RF generation and the receiver for ultra-short samplingso that the coherence of the radar system is ensured. Remark-able enhancements can be found in the operational frequencyrange and the effective number of bits of ADC at high fre-quencies. A field-trial demonstration was also conducted to ver-ify the effectiveness of the photonics-based transceiver in theradar system, where velocity resolution of 2 km/h was real-ized along with a 150-m range resolution, which can be fur-ther improved to 23 m via pulse coding. In [84], a photonicradar transceiver capable of simultaneous and independent op-eration in both X- and S-bands was designed and evaluated.To generate microwave signals with different carrier frequen-cies, the whole optical spectrum of the pulses from the MLLis intensity-modulated by the IF waveforms so that microwavesignals in various bands can be obtained through the beating ofMLL modes with disparate spectral spacing. The desired mi-crowave signals are selected from the PD current by microwavebandpass filters and then power-amplified for transmission. Inthe receiver, photonic bandpass sampling is also implementedand the sampling-induced aliasing helps to down-convert RFsignals to their original IFs. This improved system is evalu-ated in both aerial [85] and maritime scenarios [86]. Becauseof the coherence of the two bands, the fusion process of datafrom X- and S- bands for a doubled resolution can be greatly

Fig. 22. (a) Conventional distributed radar system. (b) Fiber-connecteddistributed radar system.

simplified [86]. With the photonic technologies, the schemes in[83]–[86] have remarkably enlarged the carrier frequency rangeof the radar system. However, the instantaneous bandwidth isstill limited to several hundreds of Megahertz because the base-band signal is generated in the electrical domain. Recently, aphotonics-based radar system with an instantaneous bandwidthof several GHz was proposed [87], as shown in Fig. 21, inwhich the transmitted signals are directly generated in the op-tical domain. To process the broadband signals in the receiver,the large instantaneous bandwidth is compressed in the opticaldomain through time-stretching in dispersive elements so that alow-frequency electronic ADC can effectively digitize the echosignal. In a dual-target detection experiment, a range resolutionof less than 5.7 cm is achieved with a 4-GHz bandwidth X-bandsignal.

It is worth mentioning that although the photonic-based radarhas obvious advantages over traditional radar system in regardsto bandwidth and many other aspects, even state-of-the-art pho-tonic technology does not offer a fully workable solution tohigh-power microwave amplification, which is one of the mostimportant segments in both the transmitter and receiver of aradar system. In addition, the extra loss in optical-to-electricaland electrical-to-optical conversion could also degrade the per-formance of the entire system. Therefore, the photonic-basedradar should not reject the advances in electronic technologyand extensive efforts are still required to the development ofphotonic devices and subsystems so that a promising future ofphotonic broadband radar can be truly guaranteed.

B. Fiber-Connected Distributed Radar System

Because of the capability of counter-stealth and the significantincrease of radar coverage area and angle resolution, distributedradar systems with multiple transceivers have received greatinterests in the past decades, which can obtain the target infor-mation from multiple perspectives [88]–[90]. Conventionally,radar transceivers and the central controlling units in distributedradar systems are connected by electrical cables [91] or wire-lessly [92], as depicted schematically in Fig. 22(a). Because

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Fig. 23. Fiber-distributed UWB radar network based on wavelength reusingtransceivers. OFD: optical frequency discriminator. EC: electrical circulator.

these transmission media always have a relatively small band-width (or severe multipath fading) and substantial loss, radarsignal generation and received echo processing must be per-formed in each individual transceiver. To make the cost andthe complexity of the transceiver reasonable, only very simplesignal processing algorithm can be adopted, inevitably sacri-ficing the performance of the entire system. In addition, clocksynchronization among the transceivers is complicated and usu-ally inaccurate, which further degrades the performance of theradar system.

These limitations can mitigated by replacing the electrical ca-ble with optical fiber [93], [94]. With the low loss optical fiberas the transmission medium, the radar signals can be generatedvia photonics-based approach in a central office (CO), deliveredto each radar transceiver by low-loss optical fiber, and pro-cessed cooperatively in the CO as illustrated in Fig. 22(b). In atleast three aspects, microwave photonic technologies can bringimprovement to the distributed radar system: 1) Prolonging thebaseline between each pair of transceivers, which increases boththe localization accuracy and coverage area; 2) allowing formore sophisticated hardware and software resources by movingthe radar signal generation and processing from the transceiversto the CO, which facilitates higher radar performance; and3) greatly simplifying the transceiver, thus reducing the com-plexity and cost of the entire system.

Recently, a number of fiber-connected distributed radar sys-tems were developed. In [95], a fiber-distributed bistatic ultra-wideband (UWB) radar based on optical time division multi-plexing (OTDM) was reported, as shown in Fig. 23. This radarconsists of a CO and two spatially separated transceivers. OTDMtechnology is implemented by inserting an appropriate lengthof optical fiber between the two radar transceivers, allowing theUWB pulses received by different transceivers to be identifiedby the time slots in which they are presented. The UWB pulsesemitted from different transceivers are designed to have oppositepolarities, allowing the user to readily identify the transceiverfrom which the echo UWB pulse is emitted. Therefore, tar-get information in the radar coverage area can be extracted viasingle-channel cooperative signal processing in the CO. In addi-

Fig. 24. Distributed MIMO chaotic radar based on WDM technology.OS: optical splitter. EBPF: electrical bandpass filter. EA: electrical amplifier.

tion, wavelength-reuse is applied in each transceiver to simplifythe system and polarization division multiplexing is employedto avoid optical interference. Experiments have shown that 2-Dlocalization with centimeter-level accuracy is achievable.

It is worth noting that the OTDM-based fiber-connected dis-tributed radar requires ultrashort pulse sources to prevent signaloverlap between different transceivers. In addition, the lengthof the SMF between the adjacent transceivers must be care-fully selected according to the pulse repetition, pulse dura-tion, transceivers separation, and detection zone. If the receivedsignals are separated in the wavelength domain, both the pulsedand non-pulsed signal sources can be applied. In [96], a novelconcept to realize a distributed MIMO chaotic radar that func-tions without complex signal processing and precise clock syn-chronization in each receiver was proposed and demonstratedbased on WDM technology.

Fig. 24 shows the schematic diagram, where the widebandquasi-orthogonal chaotic signals are generated by chaotic OEOswith a bandwidth of 7.5 GHz. All of the reference signals fromthe transmitters and the received signals from the receivers aresent to the CO via a WDM network for joint signal processing.Two-dimensional localization of a metal target with a positionerror below 6.5 cm is realized.



In addition to those discussed above, emerging photonic tech-niques have opened up many other possibilities and capacitiesin broadband microwave measurement, such as microwave pas-sive direction finding, Doppler frequency shift estimation, andmulti-antenna based GPS positioning.

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Fig. 25. DOA estimation system based on SHB effect.

A. Microwave Passive Direction Finding

Direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation can be used to min-imize the signal power of the interference while maximizingthe power of the desired signal, improving the performanceof the system. Therefore, DOA is a very interesting capabilityfor broadband mobile systems and electronic warfare systems.Several interesting approaches have been proposed for directionfinding of microwave signals [97]–[99].

In arrayed antennas, the incoming signal at each antennaarrives with a different time delay depending on the angle be-tween the signal source and the antenna array. By measuringthe relative time delay, the angle of incidence can be cal-culated accordingly. Till now, photonics-based DOA can beachieved based on phase shift to power mapping and SHB inspatial-spectral materials.

Phase shift to power mapping based DOA measurementsystem can be achieved by two cascaded EOMs with opticalCS-DSB modulation [98]. Because of the phase difference be-tween the two received RF signals, the total power at the carrierwavelength will be a function of the phase shift, thus, by detect-ing the power at the carrier wavelength, the phase shift can beestimated and the DOA can be calculated accordingly.

Fig. 25 shows a diagram of a typical DOA estimation sys-tem based on SHB effect in spatial-spectral materials [99]. Themicrowave signals are modulated on an optical carrier at twoparallel modulators, then the obtained optical microwave sig-nals are combined by an optical coupler where they interferewith each other. Two optical signals are achieved at the twooutput ports of the optical coupler, each of which consists ofan upper sideband, optical carrier, and a lower sideband. Thespectra of the two signals are recorded at different positions inthe spatial-spectral material by SHB effect. The depths of thespectral holes is dependent on the powers of the optical spectralcomponents. Then, the recorded upper (or lower) sidebands ofboth optical signals are read out by two chirped laser beams.The power ratio of the two upper (or lower) sidebands can beused to calculate the time difference of arrival and the DOA.

B. Doppler Frequency Shift Estimation

Doppler frequency shift widely exists in applications such aswireless communications, electronic warfare, and radars. Quan-titatively and accurately Doppler frequency shift measurementwithin a wide frequency range is thus required.

Using a photonics-based technique shown in Fig. 26, theDoppler frequency shift can be measured with a high resolu-

Fig. 26. Photonic Doppler frequency shift estimation system.

Fig. 27. Diagram of a typical multi-antenna based GPS positioning system.DM-SOA: directly modulated semiconductor optical amplifier. RDM: relativedelay monitor.

tion and a wide frequency range. The original microwave signalbefore emitting is modulated on an optical carrier using EOM1with optical CS-DSB modulation, while the received microwavesignal with Doppler frequency shift is launched into EOM2, per-forming DSB with carrier modulation. Using a low-speed PD,the Doppler frequency shift can be obtained. In a previous study,a measurement range from −90 to 90 kHz with a measurementerror within ±5 × 10−10 Hz was achieved [100].

C. Multi-Antenna Receiver-Based GPS Positioning

Multi-antenna receiver based GPS positioning systems havebeen developed for attitude determination as well as deformationmonitoring of engineering structures [101], [102]. By using onlyone receiver while transmitting the GPS signal from the antennasto the receiver via optical fiber, the well-known limitation ofconventional systems, i.e. the error in the vertical is two to threetimes than that in the horizontal due to the inhomogeneity ofthe satellite sky distribution and the receiver clock errors canbe possibly solved. Such type of system is depicted in Fig. 27[103]. A distributed feedback laser in the local station is directlymodulated by a LO signal to produce an optical reference signal,then the optical signals are then divided into two paths andsent via optical fibers to two directly-modulated semiconductoroptical amplifiers in the remote stations. In the semiconductoroptical amplifiers, the LO carried in the optical signal mixeswith the GPS signals received by the antennas, downconvertingthe GPS signals to IF signals. The modulated GPS-IF signalsin tandem with the reference signals are then transmitted backto the local station and converted back to the electrical signals.By measuring the phase difference between the two receivedLOs, the relative delay of the two paths can be estimated. Withthis relative delay, high vertical precision can be guaranteed bycertain algorithm. Since there is only one receiver in the local

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station, the relative clock errors are preventable. As a result,mm-level measurement resolution can be obtained along bothvertical and horizontal axes.


This paper provided an overview of the photonics-basedtechnologies developed over the past two decades for the ac-quisition of microwave signal parameters and the non-contactmeasurement of object properties, with an emphasis on rele-vant principles and system architectures for measuring elec-tromagnetic fields, phase noise, instantaneous frequencies andspectra. Photonics-based radar systems, fiber-connected dis-tributed antenna systems, and a few emerging topics in thisarea (e.g., passive direction finding, Doppler frequency shiftmeasurement and multi-antenna-based GPS positioning) werealso reviewed.

Although some of the photonics-based microwave measure-ment systems discussed here have been commercialized, suchas the electric-field measurement and the phase noise measure-ment system, most remain merely conceptual due to the relativeimmaturity of photonic-based techniques for microwave appli-cations in general. The primary performance limitation factorsare the high noise figure of the systems due to low electrical-to-optical or optical-to-electrical conversion efficiency, the rel-atively small dynamic range because of the nonlinearity of theEOMs and the low power handling capability of the PDs. Theseproblems could be overcome by post signal processing such aslong-term averaging, multiple-channel measurement with datafusion or advanced algorithms, so the trend that an increasingnumber of photonic techniques are being applied for microwavemeasurement is clear. In addition, rapid development in photon-ics integrated circuits may soon result in ultra-compact and re-liable photonics-based microwave measurement solutions withsignificantly improved performance.


The author would like to thank several individuals from theKey Laboratory of Radar Imaging and Microwave Photonics,Ministry of Education, Nanjing University of Aeronautics andAstronautics, Nanjing, China, for their assistance: X. Wang,F. Zhang, Z. Tang, J. Shi, X. Ye, X. Chen, M. Xue, J. Fu,and W. Xu.


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Shilong Pan (S’06–M’09–SM’13) received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in elec-tronics engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 2004 and 2008,respectively. From 2008 to 2010, he was a “Vision 2010” Postdoctoral ResearchFellow in the Microwave Photonics Research Laboratory, University of Ottawa,Canada. He joined the College of Electronic and Information Engineering,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China, in 2010, where heis currently a Full Professor and the Executive Director of the Key Laboratory ofRadar Imaging and Microwave Photonics (Nanjing Univ. Aeronaut. Astronaut.),Ministry of Education.

His research has focused on microwave photonics, which includes opticalgeneration and processing of microwave signals, ultrawideband over fiber, pho-tonic microwave measurement, and integrated microwave photonics. He hasauthored or co-authored more than 250 research papers, including more than130 papers in peer-reviewed journals and 120 papers in conference proceedings.

Dr. Pan is a Senior Member of the IEEE Microwave Theory and TechniquesSociety, the IEEE Photonics Society, the IEEE Instrumentation and Measure-ment Society, and a Member of the Optical Society of America. He was selectedto receive an OSA outstanding Reviewer Award in 2015. He is currently a TopicalEditor for Chinese Optics Letters. He was the Chair of numerous internationalconferences and workshops, including the TPC Chair of the International Con-ference on Optical Communications and Networks in 2015, the TPC Chair ofthe high-speed and broadband wireless technologies subcommittee of the IEEERadio Wireless Symposium in 2013, 2014, and 2016, the TPC Chair of theOptical fiber sensors and the microwave photonics subcommittee Chair of theOptoElectronics and Communication Conference in 2015, and the Chair of themicrowave photonics for broadband measurement workshop of InternationalMicrowave Symposium in 2015.

Jianping Yao (M’99–SM’01–F’12) received the Ph.D. degree in electricalengineering from the Universite de Toulon, Toulon, France, in December 1997.

He is a Professor and the University Research Chair at the School of Elec-trical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Ottawa, Ottawa. Hejoined the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Techno-logical University, Singapore, as an Assistant Professor in 1998. In December2001, he joined the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,University of Ottawa, as an Assistant Professor, where he became an AssociateProfessor in 2003, and a Full Professor in 2006. He was appointed the UniversityResearch Chair in Microwave Photonics in 2007. From July 2007 to June 2010,he was the Director of the Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Electrical and Com-puter Engineering. He was reappointed as the Director of the Ottawa-CarletonInstitute for Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2013. He has publishedmore than 500 papers, including more than 290 papers in peer-reviewed jour-nals and 210 papers in conference proceedings. He was a Guest Editor for theFocus Issue on Microwave Photonics in Optics Express in 2013 and a FeatureIssue on Microwave Photonics in Photonics Research in 2014. He is currentlya Topical Editor for Optics Letters, and serves on the Editorial Board of theIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, and ChinaScience Bulletin.

Dr. Yao is the Chair of numerous international conferences, symposia, andworkshops, including the Vice Technical Program Committee (TPC) Chair of theIEEE Microwave Photonics Conference in 2007, the TPC Cochair of the Asia-Pacific Microwave Photonics Conference in 2009 and 2010, the TPC Chair ofthe high-speed and broadband wireless technologies subcommittee of the IEEERadio Wireless Symposium in 2009–2012, the TPC Chair of the microwavephotonics subcommittee of the IEEE Photonics Society Annual Meeting in2009, the TPC Chair of the IEEE Microwave Photonics Conference in 2010,the General Cochair of the IEEE Microwave Photonics Conference in 2011,the TPC Cochair of the IEEE Microwave Photonics Conference in 2014, andthe General Cochair of the IEEE Microwave Photonics Conference in 2015.He received the 2005 International Creative Research Award at the Universityof Ottawa, the 2007 George S. Glinski Award for Excellence in Research, andthe OSA Outstanding Reviewer Award in 2012. He is an IEEE MTT-S Dis-tinguished Microwave Lecturer for 2013–2015. He is a registered ProfessionalEngineer of Ontario. He is a Fellow of the Optical Society of America and theCanadian Academy of Engineering.