photos of franklin county soldiers and sailors in world war i

Photos of Franklin County Soldiers and Sailors in World War One These 40 photos used to hang on the wall of the Warren C. Black American Legion Post in the mezzanine of Municipal (then called Memorial) Auditorium at 3 rd and Hickory, Ottawa. Although these photos suffered some water damage, there are over 600 intact images in FCHS’s collection.

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Page 1: Photos of franklin county soldiers and sailors in World War I

Photos of Franklin County Soldiers and Sailors in World War One

These 40 photos used to hang on the wall of the Warren C. Black American Legion Post in the mezzanine of Municipal (then called Memorial) Auditorium at 3rd and Hickory, Ottawa.

Although these photos suffered some water damage, there are over 600 intact images in FCHS’s collection.

Page 2: Photos of franklin county soldiers and sailors in World War I

Isaac H. Seymour John Henry

Page 3: Photos of franklin county soldiers and sailors in World War I

Arthur Hill, Wellsville

Clarence Moody

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Connie HerronE.E. Hill

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Charles Keene Clarence Godsey, Homewood

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Bill HoobingClarence Gephard

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David L. Mickey Ed Pearce, Le Loup

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Edward F. ReedyF.A. Trump

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Floyd Stevenson, Richmond Frank Thornbrough

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Frank Lewis, Princeton Fred C. Johnson

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George Lathrop Glen C. Hayward

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Harley B. Finch, Rantoul Harold G. Springer

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Hasty Stanotough Harry C. Sturgeon, Lane

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Howard Kissinger, Homewood

Howard Pearson

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Leo Kirkwood Lonnie Mishler, Richmond

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Jesse McDaniel, Princeton John T. Potts

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Lucky Hostetter, Wellsville Oren Henderson

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Raymond E. Simmons, Wellsville

W.C. Schrader

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Verne D. Gamble William B. Smith, Wellsville

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Ralph Killough Ray A. Pearson, Pomona