photostoryboard analysis

Photostoryboard analysis 1. As this shot takes place in a library, obviously the lighting is artificial. Despite this, particular areas are highlighted with extra lighting to show key parts within the shot. The camera is in the form of an over the shoulder shot of her picking up a book off the shelf. We have decided to use this shot because it almost shows the scene in the girl’s perspective as we will be able to see the man’s eyes through the bookshelf. The miss en scene shows the girl picking up a book and seeing the stalker's eyes through the shelf. The two characters shown are the girl, the main protagonist, and the man’s eyes through the book shelf. This will make the male character appear mysterious as we can only see his eyes.

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Post on 02-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Photostoryboard analysis

Photostoryboard analysis


As this shot takes place in a

library, obviously the lighting

is artificial. Despite this,

particular areas are

highlighted with extra lighting

to show key parts within the


The camera is in the form of an

over the shoulder shot of her

picking up a book off the shelf.

We have decided to use this

shot because it almost shows

the scene in the girl’s

perspective as we will be able

to see the man’s eyes through

the bookshelf.

The miss en scene shows the

girl picking up a book and

seeing the stalker's eyes through the shelf.

The two characters shown are the girl, the main protagonist,

and the man’s eyes through the book shelf. This will make the

male character appear mysterious as we can only see his eyes.

The sound in this particular shot will be tense yet fairly quite.

We will try to add a sense of confusion through the music as

we are not certain as to if the man is actually there.

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As with the

previous shot,

this scene also

takes place in

a library so

the lighting is

artificial. We

will make sure

the lighting is

fairly dark and

sinister where

her 'follower'

is standing to make the scene seem more eerie and evil. As

the library starts to close, the lights will switch off one by one

so the darkness is coming 'towards her'. The darkness could

symbolise the idea of death and danger.

When the phone is shot close up, the camera will show the

phone in focus and blur the background to show the audience

that the phone is an important prop.

The mise en scene in this particular shot shows 'unknown'

calling against a red background of the phone, which could

connote danger or death.

The character in this particular shot is not shown, yet we see

the girl holding her phone, obviously looking at the unknown

number calling.

The only, yet important, prop shown in this shot is the phone,

held by the girl.

In this shot, before the phone rings, there will be a build up in

music until her phone vibrates loudly on the table as this will

make the audience give a ‘sigh of relief’ as it is only her

Page 3: Photostoryboard analysis

phone, yet when she sees that it is an unknown number,

perhaps eerie music will play to make the audience feel in


After answering the phone, we will hear the caller breathing

heavily down the phone.


The lighting in this

particular scene is fairly

dark as it is outside at

night, however, to make

sure the female character is

visible, we will include

lighting such as car

headlights behind the girl

or lighting equipment by

the camera.

The shot is shown in the

perspective of the ‘follower’

hiding behind a tree or

bush. The girl is shown n

the distance closing her car

boot. This tells the

audience that the girl is not

just ‘seeing’ things and is actually being watched.

The sound at this point will be tense and uncanny to make the

audience feel anxious.

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The fourth image shows the girl who finally gets home yet

does not realise that her 'stalker' has followed her and is

hiding behind a hedge or fence. The porch light in front of her

house will light the scene so the girl appears almost vulnerable

as she is completely lit, yet the 'follower' will look sinister in

the background.

The camera will be in the form of an establishing shot to set

the scene in order for us to see both characters present in the


The sound, once again, will be tense and ‘on edge’ to make the

audience in fright as to what is going to happen to the girl.

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The lighting is artificial in this shot also as it is set in the girl’s

home. The camera shot is set over the shoulder when in

conversation with her mother to show the follower outside the


In this shot, the mother and daughter are discussing the fact

that she thinks someone is ‘following’ her, yet she comes to

the conclusion that she is just ‘seeing’ things as she is tired,

so assures her mother she is okay and will take her mum to the


The sound will be diegetic, hearing the conversation between

the two characters and, perhaps, hearing the television in the

background. We may decide to play a sharp noise when we

see the ‘follower’ outside the window, yet as the girl does not

see him here.

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In the sixth shot, the girl drops her mum off at the pub, and as

she is about to get out of the car to say goodbye to her mum,

the camera sees the 'stalker' in the distance. The lighting will

be lit by streetlights and, perhaps, some extra lighting from

car headlights, as this may not be bright enough. Half of the

'follower' will be lit to show his 'sinister' side yet we will still

be able to see him.

This shot shows an establishing shot in order for the audience

to see both characters in the scene.

The sound will be similar to that throughout yet there will be

background characters talking and laughing outside of the


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The lighting in this shot may be lit by the inside lights

within the car. Although if this looks too obvious, the actor

playing the ‘follower’ could hold a torch close to his face for

the camera to see him in the rearview mirror.

The camera is in the form of an over the shoulder shot yet

we are in the perspective of the male actor as we can see

his eyes in the mirror

The sound will be tense and fairly sharp, although the main

protagonist does not see him at this point so the music will

not be too loud.

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As there has just been a

‘power cut’ in this shot,

we found it difficult to

find the perfect lighting

to light the scene yet

still show there has

been a power cut. We

have decided to use

artificial lighting in

another room with

doors open in order to

see the character

through the power cut.

The camera in this shot

shows the girl looking in to the cupboard to search for a

torch. The sound at this point will become even more tense

with more of a build up for the next shot in order for the

audience to feel anxious.

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The lighting in this scene

is lit by a torch as there

has been a power cut.

She holds a torch as she

goes up the stairs and

this shines on his face to

show his face’s shadows.

This is the first time the

camera sees what he

looks like facially. The

camera will be an

extreme close-up of the

follower's face in the

girl's perspective. The

follower will be dressed

in black and will look


Obviously this will be the

climax of the film where she sees her stalker so the music

will be more upbeat before she screams.

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The last scene is where the girl has screamed herself awake to

her mother calling her phone. She says to her mother she just

had a bad dream and her mum says she is getting a cab home

so the girl falls back asleep. The camera retreats to see her

‘follower’ standing at the end of her bed in the mirror.

The lighting may still be dark as there has been a power cut or,

perhaps, the stalker could have switched the fuse box off so

may have switched it back on at this stage?

The sound will be quiet until the camera sees the male

character in the scene and then the music will be almost
