phrasal verbs

Phrasal verb A phrasal verb is a verb followed by a preposition or an adverb; the combination (a verb + a preposition or verb +an adverb ) creates a meaning different from the original verb alone, of the original verb. Phrasal verbs and other multi-word verbs are an important part of the English language. However, they are mainly used in spoken English and informal texts. asal-verbs

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Page 1: Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal verb

A phrasal verb is a verb followed by a preposition or an adverb; the combination (a verb + a preposition or verb +an adverb) creates a meaning different from the original verb alone, of the original verb.

Phrasal verbs and other multi-word verbs are an important part of the English language. However, they are mainly used in spoken English and informal texts.

Page 2: Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal verb

Phrasal verbs have two parts: a main verb and an adverb particle.

Phrasal verbs often have meanings which we cannot easily guess from their individual parts. (The meanings are in brackets.)

• The book first came out in 1997. (was published)• The plane took off an hour late. (flew into the air)• The lecture went on till 6.30. (continued)• It’s difficult to make out what she’s


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Phrasal verb with get

Example :To get = to obtain I need to get a new battery for my camera.To get together = to meet Why don’t we all get together for lunch one day?

TO GET can be used in a number of patterns and has a number of meanings.

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• I got my passport last week. (to obtain)• She got her driving license last week. (to obtain)• They got permission to live in Switzerland. (to obtain)• I got a letter from my friend in Nigeria. (to receive)• He gets $1,000 a year from his father. (to receive)• She got a new coat from Zappaloni in Rome. (to buy)• We got a new television for the sitting room. (to buy)

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• How are you getting home tonight?• We got to London around 6 p.m.• What time will we get there?• When did you get back from New York?

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• I am getting old.• It's getting hotter.• By the time they reached the house they

were getting hungry.• I'm getting tired of all this nonsense.• My mother's getting old and needs looking after.• It gets dark very early in the winter.• Don't touch the stove until is gets cool.

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• Do you get it means do you understand.Do you get what the teacher was explaining in class?

• He's getting dinner tonight means he's preparing the meal.You can relax. It's my turn to get dinner tonight.

• I'll get the bill means I'll pay.Put your wallet away! I'll get the bill.

• That really gets me! means that irritates me.It really gets me when my sister shows up late.

• To get rid of something means to throw it away.I'm going to get rid of all these old newspapers.

• To get out of bed on the wrong side means to be in a bad mood.He got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning and he's been horrible all day.

• To get your own back means to have your revenge or punish someone.She's getting her own back for all those rude things you said at the party last night.

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EXERCISES PHRASAL VERBSPhrasal verb Meaning Example

ache for Want something or someone very much.

He was so lonely he ached for the sound of a human voice.

act on Take action as a result of something The police acted on the call they received.

act out Demonstrate something with gestures and actions.

They acted out the scene in the classroom.

arrive atReach (an agreement, a decision, a conclusion)

It is hoped that they will arrive at an agreement at the end of the meeting..

ask in Invite someone to come inside.I couldn't leave her standing outside in the cold so I asked her in.

ask out Invite someone to lunch, dinner, the cinema ...

John has asked Mary out several times.

break off1) Stop, discontinue

2) Stop speaking

1) It was decided to break off diplomatic relations with that country.2) She broke off in the middle of a sentence.

break out of Escape from a place by force. Three prisoners broke out of jail.

break up Come to an end (marriage, relationship...)

After her marriage broke up, Emma went to live in London.

bring off Succeed in doing something difficult

You pretended to be a journalist and he believed you?I never thought you'd bring that off!

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1) Stop (something) working

2) Become exhausted from overworking

1) The fuse has burnt out.2) Tom will burn himself out if he doesn't

call off Cancel The meeting was called off because of the strike.

carry on Continue. He carried on gardening in spite of the rain.

catch up with Reach the same stage as someone else.I've missed some classes so I'll have to work hard to catch up with the others.

clam up Refuse to speak. When the teacher arrived, she clammed up.

close down Stop operating (company, restaurant, cinema ...)

When the factory closed down, the employees lost their jobs.

drive at Insinuate; be trying to say. What exactly are you driving at?

drop out Leave school without finishing.

drown out Be louder in order to cover another sound.She turned up the music to drown out the noise of the children outside.

egg on Encourage Egged on by his friends, the boy climbed over the wall.

even out1) Eliminate differences of opinion.

2) Become level or regular

1) After a long discussion they managed to even out their differences.2) The road was evened out to make it safer.

face up (to) Accept ad deal with something unpleasant.

Sam will have to face up to the fact that Jenny is not in love with him.

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EXERCISES PHRASAL VERBSfall back on Be able to use something in an emergency We were lucky to have some tinned

food to fall back on.

figure out Understand / find the answer I'm trying to figure out how to assemble the wardrobe.

fix up Repair or renovate They're going to fix up the house before moving in.

fizzle out Gradually end Over the years their friendship fizzled out.

focus on Concentrate on something The advertising campaign will focus on the quality of the product.

fold in Mix one ingredient with another. Fold in the eggs with the sugar.

freak out Panic or go crazyShe nearly freaked out when she saw the colour of her hair. It was a disaster!

fuss over Pay excessive attention to She's always fussing over her grandson.

get away Escape The robbers got away in a black car.

get down to Start to actually do something. It's time to get down to some serious work!

get in Enter How did the burglar get in?

get out Leave How did he get out?

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EXERCISES PHRASAL VERBShand back Return She read the article and

then handed it back.

hand down Pass on (by tradition, inheritance...) My clothes were handed down to me by my older sister.

hand out Distribute Samples will be handed out at the end of the demonstration.

hang on Wait Hang on a minute. I'm early ready.

hang up End a telephone conversation Don't hang up. I haven't finished yet.

head off Start to go somewhere. He headed off to the train station.

head for Go/move in a certain direction. The boat was heading for the rocks.

hold up Show as an example She held up the diagram for all to see.

iron outResolve by discussion/ eliminatedifferences The meeting tomorrow will be an

opportunity toiron out difficulties.

invite out Ask someone to join you for lunch, dinner, etc. Harry invited her out for dinner.

join in Participate She was too shy to join in the game.

jot down Take quick notes I jotted down the address while watching the programme on TV.