phrase clause 2013

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  • 8/13/2019 Phrase Clause 2013


    What are the other components of a


    Clauses and PHRASES

    Clause: Group of words that CONTAIN a

    subject and a verb (not necessarily aSENTENCE)

    Quadree dunks - Sub: Verb:

    Because the dog barks - Sub:

    Verb:Phrase: Group of words that LACKSeither a subject, a verb, or both.

    runs into the darkness - Lacks:

    QuadreesUncle JohnnyLacks:

  • 8/13/2019 Phrase Clause 2013


    Color Code the Phrases and Clauses

    on the spot driving the car

    the team wins to sleep

    while I jump Coreys red coatfalling on the floor since Akron closes

    dropped a beat teachers need


  • 8/13/2019 Phrase Clause 2013


    Types of Phrases Prepositional Phrase: A phrase with a

    preposition and a NOUN:

    Quadree went into the crib.

    Adjective phrase: Describes a NOUN

    The boy sitting by the Lincoln is Quadree.

    Adverb phrase: Describes a VERB,adjective, or adverb

    Quadree danced with grace.

  • 8/13/2019 Phrase Clause 2013


    Prepositional Phrase

    A preposition attached to a noun and describesthe subject or the verb.

    Trevel ran to the bathroom.

    What/who is the prepositional phrase describing?

    The classroom on the English hallway with the

    maroon and gold wall is the coolest room.

    What are the prepositional phrases describing?

    It is describing to WHERE Trevel ran (ADVERB).

    They are describing which classroom is the coolest


  • 8/13/2019 Phrase Clause 2013


    Whats the purpose of a Prep. phrase?

    Prep. phrases add detail to the sentence.

    Frank prattled.I want to know what he prattled about. Lets add a phrase to

    the sentence.

    Frank prattled about thegame.I want to know where he prattled. Lets add a phrase to the

    sentence.Frank prattled about the game at

    CiCis. I want to know when he prattled. Lets add a phrase to the

    sentence.On Wednesday, Frank prattled about taxesat CiCis.

    I want to know to whom he prattled. Lets add a phrase to the


    On Wednesday, Frank prattled about taxes at CiCisto


  • 8/13/2019 Phrase Clause 2013


    Identify the Prepositional Phrase.

    1. The Grammys honored teachers on the stage.2. I want your help with this homework.3. With ease, my father built our house.4. Andy Griffith died at age eighty.

    Fill in the Prepositional Phrase:1. I stand


    2. Tyquan can see the trees

    _____________________________.3. John tackles the quarter back


    4. They found money


  • 8/13/2019 Phrase Clause 2013


    Appositive Phrase

    Appositive phrase:A noun/pronoun that clarifies

    the NOUN beside it (It is surrounded by COMMAS

    and you must have a specific name).

    Quadree, a basketball player, writes


    A really gifted student, Mark dunked a ball

    on Quadree.

    The Lakers, __________________, lost to

    the Clippers,__________________.

  • 8/13/2019 Phrase Clause 2013


    Identify the Appositive Phrase

    1. Jose Martinez, an essayist, was one of Spainsbest writers.

    2. The green turtle, a species of sea turtles, can

    swim fast.

    3. At home, Rachel speaks German, her firstlanguage.

    4. A dedicated worker, Mr. Walker is the first to

    arrive at the office each morning.

    5. The flowers on the table are from our neighbor,the ones down the street.

    6. The stage manager, the new lady, has worked all

    day on the set.

    7. An aspiring writer, Coretta hopes to work for a

  • 8/13/2019 Phrase Clause 2013


    Fill in with an Appositive Phrase

    1. Karen, ______________, bought a

    Hummer 3 for her birthday.

    2. The Sampsons live on Hinton Street,


    3. Samson likes books written by James

    Patterson, ____________.

    4. Mount Everest, _______________, is thehighest peak in India.

  • 8/13/2019 Phrase Clause 2013


    Review Phrases:

    Identify and underline the phrase(s) in eachsentence:

    1. Under the cars hood, youll find the V6 engine,

    an efficient engine.

    2. James, an artist, paints many masterpieces inhis spare time.

    3. The tools needed for the shelf are on the table,

    the tall one.

    4. Feeling sick, Andrea, a medical student, calledout of work.

    5. Before the State of the Union Address, my

    family, a close-knit one, went for a walk around

    the block.

  • 8/13/2019 Phrase Clause 2013


  • 8/13/2019 Phrase Clause 2013


    Types of Phrases

    Verbal Phrases:

    Participial Phrase: Verbs that end in

    ing ored used as an ADJECTIVE.

    Dunking the ball,Quadree scored thewinning point.

    The game scheduled at Hanoverwill be

    played on Tuesday.

  • 8/13/2019 Phrase Clause 2013


    More verbal phrases

    Gerund phrase: Verb that ends ining used as a noun

    Alexis triedjumping into the pool.

    In thinking of his team,Quadree dunked the ball.

    Infinitive phrase: To+verb used as a noun, adj., or an adv.

    Quadreesdream is to dunk a ball.

    Quadree went to dunk the ball, but TruMelblocked


    Quadree is coming to visit next week.

  • 8/13/2019 Phrase Clause 2013


    Infinitive Phrase

    Identify the Infinitive Phrase:1. He went to paint the house last week.2. After the movies, we need to stop by the grocery


    3. The report cards have to be distributed today.

    4. If you want to arrive on time, you need to leaveearly.Fill in the Infinitive Phrase:

    1. The family wants __________________________.

    2. My sister loves

    ____________________________.3. You cant learn


    4. Everyone entered the contest


  • 8/13/2019 Phrase Clause 2013


    Independent Clauses

    Independent Clause:

    Makes COMPLETE sense when it stands alone.

    Can be a SENTENCE.

    Quadree flashes.

    The dog changes.


  • 8/13/2019 Phrase Clause 2013


    Identify the Independent Clause

    1. Gio sleeps on his desk every day.

    2. Gio will have a hard time passing if he keeps

    falling asleep.

    3. He needs to stay awake in this class.4. Once the field is cleared, the team can come to

    warm- up.

    5. Last night, the Lakers, a basketball team, lost to

    the Heat, which upsets Gio.

  • 8/13/2019 Phrase Clause 2013


    Lets Write Independent Clauses

    Subject: Breon

    Verb: Walk:_____________________________________________________

    Subject: Desk

    Verb: Break


    Your Own:______________________________________________Your Own:______________________________________________

  • 8/13/2019 Phrase Clause 2013


    Read the passage. Identify the Independent Clauses.

    Cross out the Fragments (Incomplete sentences).

    (1) Long before Michael Oher made it to

    the NFL. (2) He didn't have a family to speak of.

    (3) He grew up in a rough part of Memphis. (4)

    The son of a crack-addict mother and an absent

    father. (5) When he enrolled in high school. (6)

    He didn't have a permanent home. (7) Then the

    Tuohy family took him in.

  • 8/13/2019 Phrase Clause 2013


    Dependent Clauses

    Dependent Clause:

    Does NOT make complete sense when it

    stands alone. CANNOT be a sentence.

    because Quadree flashes

    whenever the dog changes

    which TruMelskips

  • 8/13/2019 Phrase Clause 2013


    Dependent Clause: Adjective

    Quadree, who is shorter than TruMel, plays


    Which noun is described by who is shorterthan TruMel? Quadree

    - Describes a NOUN

    - The store, which is down the street, has a lot

    of customers who purchase lottery tickets.

    Which nouns are being described?Store




  • 8/13/2019 Phrase Clause 2013


    Identify the Adjective Clauses:1. The students who have not turned in their homework will receive

    a zero.

    2. My mother passed the gravy, which was homemade, and

    accidently spilled it.

    3. You need to use the hammer that has a wooden handle.

    4. We go to the movies at South Park, which was renovated last

    year.5. The blinds that were ordered for the living havent arrived yet.

    Fill in with an Adjective Clause:

    1. Anyone ________________________________ must sign up in

    guidance.2. The cheetah, ___________________________________, chased down

    the gazelle.

    3. I cannot attend that study session


    4. We cant believe ____________________________________.

  • 8/13/2019 Phrase Clause 2013


    Identify the Fragments and Sentences (Independent


    (1)Amy was excited. (2) As a reporter for her

    middle school newspaper, The Blaze, she had been

    asked to interview someone and write an article about

    that person. (3) Once a month, with an interesting adult

    from the community, The Blaze publishes an interview

    about a person. (5) That has a positive impact on the

    community. (5) Last month a student interviewed a local

    figure skater. (6) Who had just made the United States

    Olympic Team. (7) Amy had no idea whom to interview.

  • 8/13/2019 Phrase Clause 2013


    Dependent Clause: Adverb

    Describes a VERB

    Tells HOW, when or why about the verb

    Quadree cant dunk because he is short.WHY cant Quadree dunk? because he is short

    If you want to dunk a ball, you must jump high.

    How can I dunk a ball? If I jump high.


    When a sentence begins with an adverbial clause, a COMMA is placed

    after the ENTIRE clause.

  • 8/13/2019 Phrase Clause 2013


    Identify the Adverbial Clause:

    1.Because the Ravens lost the Superbowl, theydo not get rings.

    2.The camera broke before the photographer

    finished the session.

    3. Jashante and I cannot attend the field tripsince we didnt bring our permission forms.

    4. Once the Star Spangled Banner is over, the

    game will begin.

    5.An athletic person, Quadree lifts weights everyday even though his coach advises him not to do


  • 8/13/2019 Phrase Clause 2013


    Fill in the Adverbial Clause:1. The State of the Union address aired _________

    the regularly scheduled shows finished.

    2. __________ Angel made the winning shot, theteam celebrated at CicisPizza Restaurant.

    3. The program will not survive if


    4. Our parents reprimanded us since____________________________________________.

    5. ____________________________________ wevisited the Science Museum of Virginia.

    6. Id like to try Kung Pao shrimp________________________________________


  • 8/13/2019 Phrase Clause 2013


    Identify the Fragments and Sentences.

    (1) Jefferson began clearing the land for the house

    in 1768. (2) Although construction of the original design

    began the following year. (3)Jefferson first moved into the

    partially completed house in 1770. (4) Because he did

    not have much time to enjoy his new home, he had to

    focus on his political interests. (5)Due to Jeffersons

    involvement with the nations politics, progress on

    Monticello over the next several years was steady but

    slow. (6)However, the house was essentially finished by

    1784 7 When Jefferson left for Paris to ne otiate a

  • 8/13/2019 Phrase Clause 2013


    Read the passage. Identify the Independent Clauses and

    Dependent Clauses. Label the types of Dependent Clauses.

    (1) The Tuohys, who adopted Michael Oher, live just a

    short distance from Oher's old neighborhood, but it is a world

    away. (2) Because he was like other young black men who grew

    up poor in Memphis, Oher seemed destined for one of two

    possible outcomes. (3) He could have a life consumed by drugs

    and gangs, or he could have one of sports with a glimmer of

    hope. (4) For Oher, the journey to success began in a housingproject called Hurt Village, which is appropriately named. (5)

    Hurt Village, which was poverty- stricken, could have claimed

    him, but the Tuohys opened their door to Oher that opened a

    world of hope for him