physical and molecular processes controlling the formation

Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation, Structure and Breakdown of the Salivary Pellicle Anthony Ash A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy to the University of East Anglia, for research conducted at the Institute of Food Research March 2014 © This copy of the thesis has been supplied on condition that anyone who consults it is understood to recognise that its copyright rests with the author and that use of any information derived there from must in accordance with current UK Copyright Law. In addition, any quotation or extract must include full attribution.

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Page 1: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation

Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the

Formation, Structure and Breakdown of the

Salivary Pellicle

Anthony Ash

A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy to the

University of East Anglia, for research conducted at the Institute of Food


March 2014

© This copy of the thesis has been supplied on condition that anyone who consults it

is understood to recognise that its copyright rests with the author and that use of any

information derived there from must in accordance with current UK Copyright Law.

In addition, any quotation or extract must include full attribution.

Page 2: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


English Abstract


Despite the importance of the pellicle in oral physiological and pathological

processes, an understanding of the fundamental physical and molecular mechanisms

underlying the structural formation and breakdown of this protein film remains

unresolved. Therefore the work carried out herein attempts to elucidate the structural

changes that the pellicle undergoes upon exposure to intrinsic and extrinsic factors.

Such as; the role that mucins play in pellicle formation, the effect of a changing

acidic environment or the structural changes that occur upon contact with dentifrice



in vitro adsorbed pellicles were formed from the saliva (stimulated parotid saliva and

stimulated whole mouth saliva) of 14 healthy volunteers, and studied using

techniques including a quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring and a

dual polarisation interferometer. The pellicles were then exposed to certain food and

oral hygiene ingredients to observe the physical (e.g. surface mass, density, thickness

and viscoelasticity) and chemical (e.g. protein composition) modifications that the

pellicle undergoes when challenged in this way.


Mucins present in whole mouth saliva were shown to help form a more viscous

pellicle compared to a pellicle formed from mucin free saliva (parotid saliva).

Whereas, the pellicle formed from saliva containing 10 mM CaCl2 was more diffuse

and less stable compared to pellicles formed from saliva containing 1mM CaCl2.

Structural changes in the pellicle also took place upon exposure to pH4 and pH3

Page 3: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


citrate buffers, changes that may be related to the isoelectric points of the proteins

present in the pellicle. Finally, the polyanionic STP molecule was shown to be more

effective than SDS at displacing pellicle form hydroxyapatite.


This research demonstrated that the composition of saliva has an important effect on

the physical properties of the adsorbed pellicle; and lays the foundations as to how

regulating the calcium concentration of saliva provides a mechanism that can control

the physical properties of the in-vitro formed pellicle. In addition, the structural

changes that the pellicle undergoes under differing acidic environments, and upon

exposure to components of oral hygiene products, were observed to help understand

the mechanisms underlying the formation and breakdown of the salivary pellicle.

Page 4: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Riassunto Italiano


Nonostante l'importanza della pellicola nei processi orali fisiologici e patologici, la

comprensione dei meccanismi fisici e molecolari fondamentali alla base della

formazione strutturale e la ripartizione di questo film proteina rimane irrisolta.

Pertanto il lavoro svolto qui cerca di illustrare i cambiamenti strutturali che la

pellicola subisce in seguito all'esposizione a fattori intrinseci ed estrinseci. Ad

esempio, il ruolo che svolgono le mucine nella formazione della pellicola, l'effetto di

un ambiente acido o i cambiamenti strutturali che si verificano al contatto con

componenti di dentifricio.


Per comprendere ulteriormente tali caratteristiche fisiche, furono formate pellicole in

vitro estratte da saliva di quattordici volontari sani (saliva stimolata intera e saliva

stimolata dalla ghiandola parotide) utilizzando un microbilancia cristallo di quarzo

con dissipazione, e un interferometro a doppia polarizzazione. Le pellicole furono

poi esposte a determinati alimenti e determinati ingredienti di igiene orale per poter

notare quali modificazioni avessero subito. Modificazioni fisiche tali superficie di

massa, densità, spessore e viscosità; e modificazioni chimiche tali identificazione

delle proteine.


Si è dimostrato che le mucine presenti nella saliva, aiutano a formare una pellicola

più viscosa rispetto ad una pellicola formata da saliva senza mucine (saliva parotide).

In più, la pellicola formata da saliva che contenenva 10 mM CaCl2 era più diffusa e

meno stabile rispetto ad una pellicole formata da saliva che conteneva 1 mM CaCl2. I

cambiamenti strutturali della pellicola hanno avuto luogo anche in seguito

Page 5: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


all'esposizione pH4 e pH3 buffer citrate. Queste modifiche possono essere correlate

ai punti isoelettrici delle proteine presenti nella pellicola. Infine, il polyanionic

molecola STP ha dimostrato di essere più efficace dello SDS a spostare la pellicola



Questa ricerca ha dimostrato non solo che la composizione della saliva ha un effetto

importante sulle proprietà fisiche della pellicola, ma anche che cambiando la

concentrazione di calcio della saliva, si può creare un meccanismo in grado di

controllare le proprietà fisiche della pellicola in vitro. Inoltre, i cambiamenti

strutturali che la pellicola subisce quando sotto le diverse condizioni acide e quando

esposta agli elementi dei prodotti di igiene orale, aiutano a capire i meccanismi alla

base della formazione e della ripartizione della pellicola salivare.

Page 6: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation



I would like to express my profound gratitude to Prof. Peter Wilde and Dr. Gary

Burnett for giving me the opportunity to carry out this research and supporting me

throughout the progression of this PhD. In four years of study I have never been denied

a single opportunity to publish my research or present my work at international

conferences in the USA, Brazil or to attend training schools in Switzerland, Germany

and Holland. I can’t imagine having better supervisors for my PhD, Thank you very


I am also very grateful to Mike Ridout, Dr. Roger Parker, Dr. Rob Penfold, Dr.

Patrick Gunning and Andrew ‘make it so’ Kirby for their scientific expertise and

insightful suggestions. The amount of time that you gave up to explain techniques or

difficult concepts to me was remarkable. All I can say is that I have been very lucky

to have had the chance to work alongside you all, and I am very grateful for the

guidance and supervision that you gave me. Thank you.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone at the Institute of Food Research, past and

present, for making my time here so productive; not only from a work perspective

but a social one too. Our many visits to the Fat Cat certainly helped oil the

progression of this PhD, and I always felt that the group meetings held there were the

most productive. Although it is not possible to mention every single person who has

influenced my time here, I would like to thank all the amazing people I have met

over the past 4 years. Thank you for being a part of this amazing and fulfilling

journey. I have had the time of my life!

Dedicated to my Mother; ‘Gabriella Anna Paronuzzi Ash’ and Father; ‘Julian

Horace Ash’. You have given me the happiest life a son could ask for,

Thank you.

Page 7: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


“You don’t miss the water until the well runs dry”

Page 8: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation



1. A. Ash, G.R. Burnett, R. Parker, M.J. Ridout, N.M. Rigby and P.J. Wilde,

Structural characterisation of parotid and whole mouth salivary pellicles adsorbed

onto DPI and QCMD hydroxyapatite sensors, Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces, (2013).

In Press doi: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2013.10.024. Based on chapter 4

2. A. Ash, M.J. Ridout, R. Parker, A.R. Mackie, G.R. Burnett and P.J. Wilde, Effect

of calcium ions on in vitro pellicle formation from parotid and whole saliva,

Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 102 (2013) 546-553. Based on chapter 5

Page 9: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Table of Contents

Thesis Title...................................................................................................................1

English Abstract......................................................................................................2-3

Italian Abstract........................................................................................................4-5



List of Figures ....................................................................................................18-25

List of Tables.............................................................................................................26

Chapters 1– 8.....................................................................................................27–223


Page 10: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Chapter 1 The Salivary Pellicle...............................................................................27


History of pellicle exploration....................................................................................31

Function of the acquired enamel pellicle (AEP).........................................................33

Lubrication of tooth surfaces.............................................................................33

Semi permeable membrane & mineral homeostasis.........................................35

Bacterial adherence...........................................................................................37

Formation of the AEP.................................................................................................38

Composition of the AEP.............................................................................................44

Protein composition of AEP..............................................................................46

Lipid composition of AEP.................................................................................47

Carbohydrate composition of AEP....................................................................48

Structure of the AEP...................................................................................................49

Food components that influence the AEP...................................................................53

pH changes........................................................................................................53

Calcium changes................................................................................................54

Components of oral hygiene products that influence the AEP...................................56

Research Aims............................................................................................................59

Page 11: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Chapter 2 Techniques used to Investigate the Formation, Structure and

Composition of the Salivary Pellicle........................................................................61


Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation monitoring (QCMD)........................63

Change in the frequency of the oscillating sensor to calculate mass................64

Measuring change in dissipation to determine viscoelasticity..........................65

Voigt model for viscoelasticity.........................................................................67

Dual Polarisation Interferometer (DPI)......................................................................69

Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)..............................................................................75

Protein Analysis..........................................................................................................79

Fast protein liquid chromatography............................................................................80

Hydroxyapatite packed column.........................................................................81

1-dimension Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.................83

2-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE)................................85

First dimension separation (isoelectric focussing)............................................85

Second dimension separation (SDS-PAGE).....................................................85

Liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)............................87


Saliva collection................................................................................................90

Saliva protein concentration..............................................................................93

Page 12: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Chapter 3 Salivary Pellicle Adsorption and Characterisation Relative to

Hydrophobic, Silica and Hydroxyapatite surfaces................................................95


Materials and Methods................................................................................................99

Sensor cleaning................................................................................................100

Contact angles.................................................................................................100

Surface roughness............................................................................................101

2-D gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry.............................................101

In situ trypsin hydrolysis of protein bands......................................................101



Surface roughness............................................................................................103

Contact angle...................................................................................................103

Surface charge.................................................................................................106



Identification of in vitro hydroxyapatite bound pellicle proteins....................113


Page 13: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Chapter 4 Structural Characterisation of Parotid and Whole Mouth Salivary

Pellicles Adsorbed onto DPI and QCMD Hydroxyapatite Sensors....................125


Materials and methods..............................................................................................128

Saliva collection..............................................................................................128

Saliva adsorption protocol...............................................................................128

Simulated salivary buffer................................................................................129

Sensor properties.............................................................................................129

Sensor cleaning................................................................................................130

Mucin immuno-blotting..................................................................................130



Mucin composition..........................................................................................132

QCM-D pellicle adsorption.............................................................................133

Protein concentration.......................................................................................135

Viscoelastic properties.....................................................................................137

DPI Pellicle adsorption....................................................................................138

Pellicle density................................................................................................141


Page 14: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Chapter 5 Effect of Calcium Ions on in vitro Pellicle Formation from Parotid

and Whole Mouth Saliva........................................................................................149


Materials and methods..............................................................................................152

Saliva collection..............................................................................................152

Saliva adsorption.............................................................................................152

Sensor properties.............................................................................................154

DPI sensor cleaning.........................................................................................154

QCMD sensor cleaning...................................................................................155




Pellicle ‘polymer’ mass..........................................................................156

Pellicle Thickness..................................................................................156

Pellicle Density......................................................................................157


Pellicle hydrated mass & thickness........................................................160

Pellicle viscoelasticity............................................................................163


Page 15: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Chapter 6 Structural Changes of the Salivary Pellicle Under Acidic



Materials & Methods................................................................................................176


Sensor properties.............................................................................................176

Quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCMD)...............177

Dual polarisation interferometer (DPI)...........................................................178






Page 16: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Chapter 7 Structural and Compositional Changes in the Salivary Pellicle

Induced Upon Exposure to SDS and STP............................................................190


Materials & Methods................................................................................................193

Saliva collection..............................................................................................193


Quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCMD)...............193

Dual polarisation interferometer (DPI) ..........................................................194

Sensor properties.............................................................................................195

Fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC)...................................................196






FPLC Protein identification.............................................................................203



Page 17: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Chapter 8 Conclusion.............................................................................................218

Page 18: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


List of Figures

Figure 1.0. Release of ordered water molecules drives the formation of protein

adsorption to enamel. In (a), a salivary protein and an enamel surface are shown

surrounded by ordered water molecules, which represent a low entropy system. (b)

then shows how adsorption of the salivary protein to the tooth enamel surface

releases some of the ordered water molecules surrounding them. This increase in

entropy provides the thermodynamic push toward protein adsorption and

consequently formation of the AEP............................................................................40

Figure 1.1. Current proposed outline of pellicle formation: (a) initial salivary protein

adsorption occurs rapidly, followed by; (b) the formation of a dense basal layer.

Subsequently, (c) protein aggregates and mucins adsorb to form a more globular

outer layer, when finally (d) bacteria adsorb and colonise the outer pellicle. Initially

the pellicle provides a protective barrier for teeth, preventing enamel abrasion and

demineralisation. However, over time the pellicle becomes the primary site for the

attachment of acid producing bacteria........................................................................50

Figure 2.0.1. (a) Photograph of the QCMD fitted with a QAFC 302 axial flow

measurement chamber. (b) Inner chamber of the QCMD where the sensor is placed

on top of the green o-ring. (c) Photograph of gold coated QCMD sensors that

sandwich the quartz crystal disc. The front of the sensor is where the proteins adsorb;

and the gold electrode on the back of the sensors is where the electrical voltage is


Figure 2.0.2. Thickness shear mode oscillation of the QCMD sensor. Due to the

piezoelectric properties of quartz, it is possible to excite the crystal to oscillate by

applying an alternating flow of electricity across its electrodes at a frequency to

which the crystal resonates (i.e 5MHz). When applying a direct current (DC) to the

sensor it shifts the sensor in one direction (a). When the current is switched off the

sensor returns to its original position (b). By reversing the flow of electricity the

sensor will move in the opposite direction (c). Thus by applying an alternating

current (AC) to the sensor (where the flow of electric charge periodically reverses

direction) will result in the sensor oscillating left and right in what is known as the

thickness shear mode (d)............................................................................................64

Figure 2.0.3 An example of dissipation differences between (a) an elastic film and

(b) a more viscous film...............................................................................................66

Figure 2.0.4. (a) The QCMD sensor oscillates at different frequencies (or

overtones). This results in a decrease in the detection or penetration depth of the film

at increasing overtones of the oscillating sensor.........................................................67

Figure 2.0.5. Photos: (a) PC, pump and DPI unit (b) Temperature control unit where

sensor is clamped (c) sensor holding unit...................................................................69

Page 19: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Figure 2.0.6. (a) Plan view of the DPI silicon oxynitride sensor: arrows 1 and 3

indicate the position of the measuring channels of the sensor; and arrow 2 indicates

the reference channel where no contact with the sample was made. (b) Side view,

schematic representation of the sensor, showing the dual slab waveguides, and the

passage of polarised light through the sensing and reference waveguides.................70

Figure 2.0.7. The electric field profile of light in a waveguide of the DPI sensor. The

evanescent field extends only a few hundred nanometers from the waveguide

surface, an area known as the near field. Any changes in the refractive index in this

nearfield region will influence the speed at which light passes down the waveguide.

The higher the refractive index of an adsorbed material, the greater the slowing effect

on light passing through the sensor.............................................................................70

Figure 2.0.8. Output from both waveguides combine to generate interference

patterns. Changes in these patterns are directly related to both the refractive index

and the thickness of the molecular layer. (a) Principle of interferometry; when light

waves interact. (b) Screen image of a fringe pattern as light passes through a sensor.

1 and 3 represent the fringe pattern from measuring channels 1 and 3 of the sensor;

whereas 2 represents the fringe pattern of the reference channel of the sensor where

no contact with the sample was made.........................................................................71

Figure 2.0.9. TE and TM evanescent fields passing through a DPI sensor with an

adsorbed monolayer of proteins. The TE mode evanescent field is more closely

confined to the surface of the waveguide than the TM mode evanescent field; and is

therefore more sensitive to adsorbed material close to the surface than the TM mode.

This difference is exploited to obtain information about the structure of the layer on

the waveguide surface.................................................................................................72

Figure 2.1.0. (a) Graph displaying the phase change of an adsorbing film over time.

(b) The converted phase data from time point t to generate a range of thickness and

RI values that satisfy the observed phase change observed in TM and TE mode. The

point of intersection corresponds to the layer condition on the waveguide surface at

time t...........................................................................................................................73

Figure 2.1.1. (a) Photo of the MFP-3D-BIO AFM sat on a vibration isolation

platform (right side) with controller unit and PC (left side). Padded room reduces

environmental vibrations which can impact image quality. (b) (i) MFP-3D head

where cantilever tip is held and moves the tip in the vertical z direction. (ii) Stage or

MFP-3D XY scanner that moves the sample in the horizontal x and y direction. (c)

Scanning electron micrograph of the AFM tip and cantilever used to ‘feel’ the

surface of a sample......................................................................................................76

Figure 2.1.2. Schematic overview of the AFM that illustrates the main features......77

Figure 2.1.3. The apparatus (i) consists of a Biocad Sprint liquid chromatography

equipped with an internal PC running Windows 95 and used for controlling the

system and storing and processing data. (ii) schematic overview of the system........81

Figure 2.1.4. schematic representation of the binding mechanisms of salivary

proteins to the hydroxyapatite.....................................................................................82

Page 20: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Figure 2.1.5. schematic representation of peptides separated by mass in a

polyacrylamide gel......................................................................................................84

Figure 2.1.6. (a) schematic of isoelectric focusing: a mixture of salivary proteins

were resolved on a pH3-10 Immobilized pH gradient strip according to each proteins

isoelectric point, independent of the protein size. (b) Schematic diagram showing the

second dimension separation of proteins by SDS-PAGE after separation by


Figure 2.1.7. A typical experimental workflow for salivary protein identification and

characterisation using LC-MS/MS data; and a schematic outline of the LTQ-


Figure 2.1.8. Image of a Lashley cup and the collection of parotid saliva (a)

placement of the Lashely cup in preparation for the collection of parotid saliva; (b)

Parotid duct (also known as Stensen’s duct) located in the upper cheek next to the

maxillary second molar; (c) Inner structure of the Lashley cgup showing ;(i) the

vacuum chamber that allows the attachment of the device to the surrounding buccal

surface; and (ii) Parotid saliva collection chamber where the parotid saliva


Figure 2.1.9. Bacterial growth derived from PS and WMS. PS and WMS was

swabbed onto 3 different media: (a) M17 medium supplemented with either glucose

only; (b) de Man, Rogosa and Sharpe and (c) Blood Agar Base 1% Yeast Extract

5%Horse Blood. Plates were then incubated for 24 hours at 37°C............................93

Figure 3.0.1. AFM imaging and contact angle photo of: (a) DPI hydroxyapatite

coated sensor; (b) a QCMD hydroxyapatite coated sensor; (c) DPI silica sensor; (d)

QCMD silica sensor; (e) DPI C18 functionalised sensor; (f) QCMD polystyrene

functionalised sensor. Differences between either surface roughness or wettability

can clearly be observed in all sensors, apart from (b) and (d) .................................104

Figure 3.0.2. Bar chart displaying the different contact angles of all the DPI and

QCMD sensors used. No significant difference between DPI and QCMD

hydroxyapatite sensors. The hydrophobic DPI C18 and QCMD polystyrene sensors

display the highest contact angle of all the sensors. But surprisingly DPI and QCMD

silica sensors display significantly different contact angles.....................................105

Figure 3.0.3. (a) Graph showing the change in frequency of the sensor (≈ pellicle

hydrated mass) over time. (b) Bar chart showing the adsorbed pellicle hydrated mass

after rinsing with buffer............................................................................................107

Figure 3.0.4. (a) Graph showing the change in dissipation of the sensor (≈ pellicle

softness) over time. (b) Bar chart showing the dissipation value of the sensor, and

thus, adsorbed pellicle softness after rinsing with buffer.........................................108

Page 21: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Figure 3.0.5. Bar chart displaying ΔD (dissipation) as a function of Δf (frequency)

measured for the 3rd overtone reflecting qualitative viscoelastic properties of the

pellicle (less negative = more elastic) on three different surfaces. Pellicle adsorbed

to the hydroxyapatite sensor was shown to be more rigid than pellicle adsorbed to

silica and polystyrene................................................................................................109

Figure 3.0.6. (a) Adsorption profile of salivary pellicle ‘dry’ mass onto three DPI

sensors (Silica, C-18 and hydroxyapatite). (b) Bar chart showing the ‘dry’ mass of

the adsorbed pellicle after rinsing with buffer..........................................................110

Figure 3.0.7. (a) Adsorption profile of salivary pellicle thickness on three DPI

sensors (Silica, C-18 and hydroxyapatite). (b) Bar chart showing the thickness of the

adsorbed pellicle after rinsing with buffer................................................................111

Figure 3.0.8. (a) Adsorption profile of salivary pellicle density on three DPI sensors

(Silica, C-18 and hydroxyapatite). (b) Bar chart showing the density of the adsorbed

pellicle after rinsing with buffer...............................................................................112

Figure 3.0.9. Two-dimensional gels obtained in pH range between 3 and 10 and

12.5% of SDS–PAGE stained with colloidal Coomassie blue of: (a) originalWMS

sample and (b) a hydroxyapatite incubated WMS sample (identifying non-adsorbed

proteins) and (c) gels a and b overlaid to reveal salivary proteins that do adsorb

(orange) and those that do not (Black/blue)..............................................................114

Figure 3.1.0. A section of 2D gel displaying the selective adsorption of spot B8

(Calgranulin – A) to hydroxyapatite from 3 different volunteers (a), (b) and (c); and

the limited adsorption of spots B7 (Cystatin-SN); B12 (Cystatin-SN); and D3


Figure 4.1. Immunoblot displaying the presence of mucins (MUC 1, 2, 5AC, 5B, 6

and 7) in WMS and their general absence from PS in 4 of the 14 volunteers’ saliva

used in this study. MUC 7 and MUC 5B being the primary mucins present in saliva;

with traces of epithelial derived mucins (MUC 1 and MUC 2); and very faint blots of

pulmonary (MUC 5AC) and human gastric (MUC6) mucins.................................132

Figure 4.2. The adsorption profile of an example (a) WMS and (b) PS sample; with

raw data and fitted Voigt modelled data (WMS χ2 = 9.3 x10

5; PS χ2 = 13.5 x10


Adsorption profile of (c) mean frequency and (d) mean dissipation changes versus

time; measured for the 3rd

overtone by QCM-D for the adsorption of WMS (n=10)

and PS (n=10) pellicle on hydroxyapatite coated sensors. Frequency decreases

instantly, with a concomitant rapid increase in dissipation, as the saliva rapidly

adsorbs to the sensor surface. Following 120 minutes adsorption a simulated salivary

buffer was used to remove loosely adsorbed material from the pellicle...................133

Figure 4.3. Box plot displaying the variation in the protein concentration of PS (n =

33) and WMS (n = 42)..............................................................................................136

Page 22: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Figure 4.4. linear regression analysis of Sauerbrey mass as a function of the protein

concentration for (b) PS (n=10) and (c) WMS (n=10) derived pellicles. This suggests

that the PS protein concentration had a positive association to the adsorbed

Sauerbrey mass of the adsorbed salivary pellicle.....................................................136

Figure 4.5. Bar chart displaying the ratio of Δf/ΔD for WMS and PS derived pellicles

at three different stages of pellicle formation. Throughout the experiment the PS

formed a pellicle that had a lower Δf/ΔD ratio than WMS derived pellicle. This

suggests that the PS derived pellicle was more elastic relative to WMS derived


Figure 4.6. Adsorption profile of (a) WMS (n=10) and (b) PS (n=10) forming a

pellicle over time on a DPI hydroxyapatite coated sensor. Thickness, mass and

density of the pellicle increase rapidly as the saliva rapidly adsorbs to the sensor

surface. Following 120 minutes adsorption a simulated salivary buffer was used to

remove loosely adsorbed material from the pellicle.................................................139

Figure 4.7. Box plot displaying the rate of pellicle formation derived from PS and

WMS after 2 hours adsorption. The PS continually adsorbs to the surface of both

QCMD and DPI sensors for the duration of the experiment. Whereas WMS formed

pellicle stopped adsorbing and actual desorption of pellicle mass was observed.....140

Figure 4.8. Density difference between PS and WMS pellicle at different stages of

formation. Throughout the experiment the density of the PS derived pellicle was

higher than that of the WMS derived pellicle. This suggest that the WMS derived

pellicle is more diffuse relative to the PS derived pellicle........................................141

Figure 4.9 Proposed model of pellicle formation: (a) The mucins contain a number

of sites that can potentially promote adsorption to a surface. These include hydrogen

bonding and hydrophobic interactions (via the carbonyl groups and methyl groups)

and electrostatic interactions (via sialic acid residues). (b) The smaller MW surface

active proteins (i.e statherin, histatins) that are entrapped in the mucin network begin

to diffuse through the network adsorbing onto the enamel surface. (c) These low MW

proteins crosslink to form a dense basal layer. (d) Mucins and protein aggregates then

arrange themselves in a way that results in a small amount of syneresis to take


Figure 5.1. Adsorption profile of WMS forming a pellicle over time on a DPI sensor.

(a) Real time TM and TE phase changes that show: I the baseline recorded in

deionised water, II the peak value of the adsorbed pellicle, III the phase shift post

calcium rinse. IV & V the phase shifts post water rinse. (a) The derived thickness,

polymer mass and density changes derived from TE and TM phase changes using

Maxwell’s equations. (b) Thickness, mass and density of the pellicle increase rapidly

as the saliva rapidly adsorbs to the sensor surface. Following 20 minutes adsorption a

calcium rinse removed loosely adsorbed material from the pellicle. Upon rinsing the

pellicle with water, the thickness and mass was reduced with a concomitant increase

in pellicle density......................................................................................................154

Page 23: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Figure 5.2. (a) Box plot of DPI measured polymer mass, thickness and density

changes formed from WMS containing 0 mM Calcium (2 mM EDTA) (n=10); the

natural concentration of WMS + 1 mM CaCl2 (n=10); and natural concentration of

WMS +10 mM CaCl2 (n=10). (b) PS containing 0 mM Calcium (2 mM EDTA)

(n=12); the natural concentration of PS + 1 mM CaCl2 (n=12); and natural

concentration of PS +10 mM CaCl2 (n=12). Values reported are peak, post calcium

rinse and post water rinse values (* = Significant difference (p ≤ 0.01)).................158

Figure 5.3. (a) Frequency and (b) dissipation changes versus time measured for the


overtone (15 MHz) by QCMD for the adsorption of WMS at different calcium

concentrations of saliva. I baseline recorded in deionised water. II Peak value. III

post calcium rinse. IV & V water rinse. Increasing concentrations of calcium in

saliva display lower frequency oscillations with respective higher dissipation


Figure 5.4. Comparison of frequency changes to pellicle formed from (a) WMS and

(b) PS containing 0 mM Calcium (+2mM EDTA) (n=12), natural concentration of

WMS + 1mM CaCl2 (n=12), and natural concentration of PS + 10 mM CaCl2

(n=12). (* = Significant difference (p ≤ 0.05)).........................................................163

Figure 5.5. Comparison of dissipation changes to pellicle formed from (a) WMS and

(b) PS containing 0 mM Calcium (+2mM EDTA) (n=12), natural concentration of

WMS + 1mM CaCl2 (n=12), and natural concentration of PS + 10 mM CaCl2

(n=12). (* = Significant difference (p ≤ 0.05)).........................................................164

Figure 5.6. ΔD as a function of Δf measured at the 3rd

overtone by QCM-D for the

adsorption of (a) WMS pellicle and (b) PS pellicle containing: 0 mM Calcium

(+2mM EDTA); + 1mM CaCl2, and +10 mM CaCl2...............................................165

Figure 5.7. Proposed model for the changes in the structure of the pellicle derived

from saliva containing different concentrations of calcium: (a) Pellicle formed from

saliva containing 0mM CaCl2 or 1mM CaCl2. (b) Pellicle formed from saliva

containing 10mM CaCl2. Proteins in saliva aggregate at 10mM CaCl2, prior to

pellicle adsorption. The aggregates subsequently deposit onto the sensor surface

forming thicker more diffuse films...........................................................................170

Figure 6.1. Salivary pellicle adsorption profile on a QCMD silica sensor after (a) 2

hour adsorption of the salivary pellicle and then subsequent rinsing of the adsorbed

pellicle with citrate buffer at: (b) pH7 (c) pH6 (d) pH5 (e) pH4 (f) pH3 and (g)


Figure 6.2. Salivary pellicle adsorption profile on a DPI silica sensor after (a) 2 hour

adsorption of the salivary pellicle and then subsequent rinsing of the adsorbed

pellicle with citrate buffer at: (b) pH7 (c) pH6 (d) pH5 (e) pH4 (f) pH3 and (g)


Figure 6.3. Bar charts representing the mean (n=5) (a) Dissipation, (b) Sauerbrey

mass, thickness and (c) ratio of Δf/ΔD for salivary pellicles under different pH

conditions (i.e. pH 3- pH7). The pellicle undergoes predominant structural changes

at pH 4 and pH 3.......................................................................................................181

Page 24: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Figure 6.4. Bar charts representing the mean (n=5) (a) Thickness, (b) Mass and (c)

Density changes of the salivary pellicle under different pH conditions (i.e. pH 3-

pH7). Significant changes in Mass and density but not thickness were


Figure 6.5. (a) salivary pellicle showing glycosylated mucins over a layer of low-

molecular weight proteins bathed in pH7 citrate buffer solution, representing a

densely packed rigid film relative to (b) where a more diffuse and viscous salivary

pellicle was observed when bathed in a more acidic (i.e. pH3 and pH4) citrate buffer


Figure 7.1. QCMD Experimental procedure: Salivary pellicle adsorption profile

for a parotid saliva sample on a QCMD hydroxyapatite sensor. (i) Addition of saliva

(ii) phosphate buffer rinse (iii) 10 mM STP or SDS rinse (iv) phosphate buffer


Figure 7.2. DPI Experimental procedure: Salivary pellicle adsorption profile for

parotid saliva sample on a DPI hydroxyapatite sensor. (i) Addition of saliva (ii)

phosphate buffer rinse (iii) 10 mM STP or SDS rinse (iv) phosphate buffer


Figure 7.3. Box plot displaying the Sauerbrey mass (primary axis) and thickness

(secondary axis) of the combined WMS and PS salivary pellicles on hydroxyapatite

and silica sensors before and after rinsing with 10mM STP and 10mM SDS; and the

statistical differences between them.........................................................................199

Figure 7.4. ∆f /∆D plot displaying the different elastic properties of the combined

WMS and PS salivary pellicles before and after rinsing with SDS and STP on both

hydroxyapatite and silica surfaces. (A test for outliers was performed using the

“outlier test” function in the R statistical package and removed from the plots.......200

Figure 7.5. Box plot displaying the changes in thickness, mass and density of

combined WMS and PS salivary pellicles adsorbed to a DPI hydroxyapatite and

silica sensor before and after rinsing with 10mM STP and 10mM SDS..................202

Figure 7.6. (a) Chromatogram showing the displacement of saliva proteins from

hydroxyapatite by 10mM STP (three repeats) and the fractions collected (labelled 1-

4); and the accompanying typical electrophoretic profile observed of those fractions

separated by SDSPAGE (lanes 1-4). (b) Chromatogram showing the displacement of

saliva proteins from hydroxyapatite by 10mM SDS (three repeats) and the fractions

collected (labelled i - iv); and the accompanying typical electrophoretic profile

observed of those fractions separated by SDSPAGE (labelled i - iv).......................204

Figure 7.7. Qualitative classification of the in vitro pellicle proteins displaced by

10mM STP and 10 mM SDS according to (a) molecular weight and (b) isoelectric

point. N.B STP displaced significantly more proteins than SDS. The following pie

charts only show relative contributions of proteins displaced out of 100% and do not

represent the total amount of protein displaced........................................................209

Page 25: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Figure 7.8. AFM image of a (a) 2 hour adsorbed salivary pellicle. (b) The same

pellicle after exposure to 10mM STP. The holes in the pellicle represent areas where

the pellicle network has been displaced by STP entering defects within the


Page 26: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


List of Tables

Table 3.1. Surface properties of the DPI and QCMD sensors.................................106

Table 3.2. List of proteins identified from gel in Figure 3.0.9. (c). Several spots

were assigned as the same protein, due to possible post-translational modifications,

protein isoforms and peptides...................................................................................137

Table 4.1. QCM-D values of the adsorbed Sauerbrey and Voigt mass, thickness and

rate of formation for WMS (n=10) and PS (n=10) determined on hydroxyapatite

surfaces after 1 minute and 2 hour saliva adsorption; and after rinsing with simulated

salivary buffer...........................................................................................................135

Table 4.2. DPI values of the adsorbed polymer mass, density and thickness for WMS

(n=10) and PS (n=10) determined on hydroxyapatite surfaces after 1 minute and 2

hour saliva adsorption; and after rinsing with simulated salivary buffer..................140

Table 5.1. Effect of the calcium concentration of WMS and PS on Sauerbrey and

Voigt modelled thickness and hydrated mass changes to pellicle formed from (a)

WMS containing 0 mM Calcium (2 mM EDTA) (n=10); natural concentration of

WMS + 1 mM CaCl2 (n=10); and natural concentration of WMS +10 mM CaCl2

(n=10). And pellicle formed from (b) PS containing 0 mM Calcium (2mM EDTA)

(n=12), natural concentration of PS + 1mM CaCl2 (n=12), and natural concentration

of PS + 10 mM CaCl2 (n=12)....................................................................................162

Table 6.1. QCMD data of the salivary pellicle under neutral and acidic conditions

(pH7 – pH3)..............................................................................................................182

Table 6.2. DPI data of the salivary pellicle under neutral and acidic conditions (pH7

– pH3).......................................................................................................................184

Table 7.1. (a) Identified proteins displaced from hydroxyapatite using 10mM


Table 7.1. (b). Identified proteins displaced from hydroxyapatite using 10mM


Page 27: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Chapter 1

The Salivary Pellicle

Page 28: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation



The formation of the acquired enamel pellicle (AEP) at the tooth/saliva interface is a

result of the selective adsorption of proteins, including enzymes and glyco-proteins

that are present in saliva [1]. The saliva is a fluid that is secreted via three pairs of

major salivary glands (parotid, sublingual and submandibular) and by hundreds of

minor salivary glands located throughout the mouth [2]. The glands differ in the type

of secretion they produce, which is subject to the ratio of mucous to serous glandular

cells within the respective glands. Serous cells are found in parotid, submandibular,

palatal and lingual glands that secrete a watery fluid, essentially devoid of mucins.

Mucous cells, present in submandibular, sublingual, labial, palatal and lingual

glands, produce mucin rich saliva, which generates a more viscoelastic fluid [3].

Parotid saliva therefore generates a serous secretion devoid of mucins, whereas

whole saliva generates a secretion formed from a mixture of all the salivary glands

within the mouth, alongside oral tissue fragments and bacterial components found

within the oral cavity. The amount and composition of saliva however, depends on

factors, such as: the flow rate [4], circadian rhythm [5], drugs [6], age [7], gender [8]

and physiological status [9]. Although the average secretion of saliva ranges from 0.3

to 7.0 ml/min[10], with about 0.5 – 1.5 l of saliva produced per day [11].

Whole mouth saliva is mainly composed of water (99.5%), proteins (0.3%) and

inorganic trace substances (0.2%) [11, 12]. Saliva’s relatively low protein and ion

concentration change a fluid that is predominantly water into a solution with physical

characteristics very unlike that of water. These characteristics allow saliva to perform

its multifunctional roles in speech, lubrication, digestion of food and importantly the

formation of the salivary pellicle which helps to maintain oral health [13]. As the

Page 29: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


salivary pellicle constitutes an interface between teeth and the oral environment, it is

universally accepted to be of prime importance for several protective functions

within the oral cavity. For example, the AEP aids the lubrication of teeth, protecting

dentition against abrasion and erosion [14]; and behaves as a perm-selective

membrane promoting tooth re-mineralisation, whilst protecting against the de-

mineralization of teeth caused by acids [15-17]. However, the beneficial effect of the

AEP is ambivalent, as it not only protects the enamel but also provides the primary

site for bacterial attachment and the build-up of plaque, which can increase the risk

of caries [18]. This is important, as the Adult Dental Health Survey carried out in the

UK in 1998 showed that nearly 72% of dentate adults presented visible plaque on

their teeth [19]. Despite the importance of the AEP in oral physiological and

pathological processes, an understanding of the fundamental physico-chemical

mechanisms underlying the structural formation of this protein film has been difficult

to achieve. This has been because only minuscule amounts of in vivo formed pellicle

can be collected from tooth surfaces [20]. Despite this hurdle, several authors [20-27]

have studied the composition of the AEP using a number of methods which has

allowed identification of mucins, amylase, albumin, IgA, S-IgA, proline-rich proteins

(PRPs), cystatins, lysozyme, carbonic anhydrase, lactoferrin, statherin and histatins

as key pellicle components. However, more recently, greater attention has been given

to the structural appearance of the adsorbed pellicle layer using a number of

techniques, such as: scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron

microscopy (TEM) confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), Quartz Crystal

Microbalance (QCMD), Dual polarisation interferometry (DPI) and atomic force

microscopy (AFM) which has resulted in a greater understanding of AEP [28-34].

Current thinking suggests that the formation of the AEP takes place in two stages.

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The initial pellicle forms almost instantaneously via non-covalent interactions;

whereby proteins with a high affinity to hydroxyapatite, the primary mineral of

enamel, are the first proteins to adsorb to the tooth surface [35]. This then permits a

slower secondary phase of continuous adsorption of biomolecules present in saliva.

These two phases of protein adsorption can be viewed as two distinct zones under

electron microscopes: one as a primary electron dense basal layer, and the second, an

outer globular layer, porous in nature [32, 36]. It is believed that the dense basal

layer consists extensively of proline rich proteins (PRPs), whereas the outer globular,

porous structure contains a combination of mucins and protein aggregates. However,

other components foreign to saliva also influence pellicle formation and structure.

For example, it is thought that the effects of eating certain foods and/or the use of

certain oral hygiene products may alter the structure of the pellicle. Some

components of toothpaste (e.g. sodium tripolyphosphate (STP) and Sodium lauryl

sulphate (SLS)) are known to remove some of the proteins from the AEP [37]. In

addition, certain components of foods, such as calcium found in dairy products or the

low pH of soft drinks, may change the structure of the AEP [33, 38, 39].

Unfortunately, the effects that these extrinsic factors have on the AEP remain to a

large extent unknown. This review therefore sets out to help illuminate the

significance of the pellicle by covering a brief history of the AEP; followed by its

function: in terms of enamel protection; its formation: in terms of the thermodynamic

aspects of protein bio-adhesion; Its composition: in terms of the proteins,

carbohydrates and lipids that have been hitherto identified; and finally, its structure:

in terms of thickness, mass and morphology.

Page 31: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


History of pellicle exploration

Alexander Nasmyth is credited as being the first person to become aware that the

surfaces of teeth were encapsulated with an organic pellicle. In the 1830’s he

observed that “…detached portions of membrane floating on the surface of the

solution in which human teeth had been submitted to the action of acid", and

described this membrane as "the persistent dental capsule" [40]. Later, this capsule

was referred to as “Nasmyth’s membrane” and was commonly believed to be of

embryological origin. However, this was soon proved not to be the case, as in 1926,

Chase [41] was able to show that organic films were present not only on enamel

surfaces but also on surfaces of amalgam fillings and dentures. These findings

indicated that Nasmyth’s membrane could not be of embryologic origin and that the

membrane on the enamel surface had to be accrued by other means. Sometime later

in 1949, Frank [cited in, 42] described two types of enamel membranes. One was a

prematurely formed membrane, which developed prior to tooth eruption, and was

found to be rich in ameloblastic cellular remnants; whilst the other membrane

coating only appeared after exposure of the tooth to the oral environment. These

findings explain to a certain extent why some early authors [43, 44] exploring the

enamel pellicle had been convinced by its embryological origins. Subsequently, it

became accepted that embryologic integuments are lost after eruption of the teeth,

and that these are replaced by an acellular, bacteria-free, protein rich membrane

termed the “acquired enamel pellicle” an expression introduced by Dawes et al. in

[45]. Subsequently, Hay [46], studied the adsorption of whole saliva to various forms

of hydroxyapatite, including ground enamel. He found that the proteins removed

from the surface of freshly extracted teeth had the same electrophoretic mobility as

Page 32: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


saliva proteins adsorbed by the hydroxyapatite and enamel powder in vitro. This was

significant; as it was now possible to hypothesize that the AEP that forms on tooth

surfaces originates from precursors present in saliva. Over the years similar

techniques were used to examine deposits on enamel via a variety of electrophoretic

techniques [47, 48]. Observations from these studies permitted the identification of

individual members of different salivary protein families and demonstrated the

selective nature of salivary protein adsorption to the enamel surface; as only certain

members of salivary protein families seemed to be involved in AEP formation.

Today a number of in vivo [49, 50], in situ [51, 52] and in vitro [53, 54] experiments

have been performed in order to tease out additional information about the nature of

the AEP. Collectively, these studies have furthered knowledge about the structure,

formation, composition and function of the AEP. However, they have also raised

many more questions that still remain to be addressed. It is perhaps for this reason

that the AEP is still an area of science that continues to stimulate a great deal of

interest, one hundred and seventy four years after Nasmyth’s first discovery.

Page 33: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Function of the acquired enamel

pellicle (AEP)

The AEP appears to have a number of functions that primarily involve protecting the

enamel surfaces of teeth. For example the AEP protects teeth from abrasive forces by

means of lubrication; it is able to regulate demineralisation/remineralisation of

calcium phosphate ions present in the enamel and helps neutralize acid produced by

oral bacteria [12]. However, the function of the pellicle in protecting tooth enamel is

somewhat ambivalent; this is because AEP also provides sites for the initial

attachment of bacteria to the tooth surface, which is the first step in plaque

formation. Therefore, AEP plays a major role in the interactions that take place at the

tooth/saliva interface which are important both physiologically and pathologically


Lubrication of tooth surfaces

Lubrication can be defined as an attribute of a substance that reduces friction

between two moving surfaces; in this case, oral surfaces. The AEP provides

lubrication for teeth that facilitates speech, mastication and plays a key role in the

sensory perception of food and food components [56]. Without suitable lubrication,

damage to teeth and epithelial surfaces in the mouth occur, as a result of excessive

wear between surfaces (i.e. tooth/tooth or tooth/mucosae abrasion). Evidence of the

importance that lubrication plays can be seen in individuals who suffer from

Xerostomia (i.e. hyposalivation)[57]. Without adequate saliva in the mouth,

functions such as speech, mastication and swallowing become difficult to perform

and if left untreated over time impairment of oral health is likely to occur. For

Page 34: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


example, onset of dental caries, mucous membrane damage or dental wear are all

conditions that are more likely to occur in individuals who hyposalivate [58]

The lubricative properties of the AEP have been attributed to several salivary

proteins, including mucins, statherin, amylase, proline-rich glycoproteins and acidic

proline-rich proteins [39, 59, 60]. Early studies found that MUC5B was a better

lubricant than MUC7[61]. However, proteins do not always behave the same in vitro

as they would in vivo and so the lubricating properties of salivary proteins are

heavily dependent on the method and model surfaces used [62]. Consequently no

straightforward correlations have yet been made between viscosity, protein

adsorption and lubrication [56]. For example, early studies suggested that lubrication

depended upon viscosity of saliva as well as the physical properties of the adsorbed

surface [63, 64]. However, experiments by Aguirre et al. [61] observed that while the

viscosity of Submandibular/sublingual saliva was almost double that of PS, there was

little difference in lubrication between the two, which suggests that lubrication and

viscosity at the tooth surface are independent of each other. Later, Douglas et al. [65]

showed that statherin functions as an important boundary lubricant in the pellicle

perhaps as a consequence of its amphipathic nature. Evidence for the importance of

the amphipathic nature of molecules for lubrication was also shown by Reeh et al.

[66]; whereby friction between opposing tooth surfaces was reduced by amphipathic

molecules. These studies suggest that perhaps the configuration of proteins maybe

the key characteristic for the lubricant properties of AEP.

The mechanisms of salivary lubrication have been quantitatively measured by means

of a reduction in the coefficient of friction [see 66 for more details]. Using this

Page 35: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


method Berg et al. [59, 67] monitored the lubrication effect of salivary proteins

between silica surfaces, using AFM. They found that the presence of adsorbed

salivary pellicles between hard surfaces reduced the friction coefficient by a factor of

20 when compared to a NaCl solution. It appears that the salivary proteins which

adsorb onto enamel permit surfaces to slide over each other with a reduced friction as

a result of repulsive van der Waal forces between opposing salivary films. All of

these studies briefly touched upon suggest that the pellicle layer rather than the bulk

salivary fluid is of more importance to lubrication than previously thought [68].

Semi permeable membrane & mineral homeostasis

The pellicle acts as a semi permeable barrier, which helps maintain the structure of

the enamel surface by preventing demineralisation and/or facilitating enamel

remineralisation. At neutral pH (7.0) saliva is supersaturated with respect to calcium

and phosphate ions[69]. If the pH of saliva surrounding the tooth is lowered

(increasing H+ ions) it ceases to be supersaturated as the H

+ ions react with (PO4

3-) or

(OH) ions in the saliva reducing their concentration. This is important because the

demineralisation of hydroxyapatite in the enamel is governed by the law of mass

action, so that the loss of calcium and phosphate ions present in saliva is directly

related to the loss of calcium and phosphate ions in teeth. In other words, as the

saliva becomes less saturated with calcium phosphate, as a consequence of low pH,

the hydroxyapatite in enamel disassociates to counteract the change. Thus,

hydroxyapatite is not attacked directly by H+

ions but simply responds to a shift in

ion concentrations in the saliva; so as long as the tooth surface is in an acidic

environment that is undersaturated with respect to calcium and phosphate, the tooth

will dissolve. Interestingly it is actually water that is responsible for disrupting the

Page 36: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


crystal lattice bonds of hydroxyapatite by reducing the attractive forces between

calcium and phosphate ions [see 70 for more details].

Mostly small chain acids (e.g. formic, lactic, acetic, and propionic acids) produced

by bacteria when exposed to fermentable carbohydrates are responsible for

demineralising the enamel [71]. However, AEP is able to behave as a semi

permeable membrane which permits it to manage acid diffusion and transport of

calcium and phosphate ions into and out of the enamel surface slowing down the

demineralisation of enamel in acidic environments and promoting remineralisation in

basic/neutral environments [72, 73]. Further evidence supporting the role of AEP as

a protective film against acid erosion has come from a number studies. For example,

an electron microscopic study demonstrated that the presence of a salivary pellicle

drastically reduced erosion of enamel by an acidic cola drink [74]. Amaechi et al.

[75] also found that a 60-min in situ formed pellicle layer gave some protection to

the enamel surface against the erosive challenge of orange juice, and Hannig et

al.[14] found that even a 3-min in situ formed pellicle layer provides some protective

effect on the enamel surface against citric acid attack. More recently Hannig et al.

[38], showed that during consumption of acidic beverages in situ, the erosive effects

on pellicle coated bovine enamel were modest and that orange juice seemed to be

less damaging when compared to low pH cola beverages. However, it is not only the

semi permeable structure that is responsible for the protective nature of the pellicle

but specific components of the pellicle also contribute to the shielding of the enamel

surface from a hostile environment.

Page 37: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Bacterial adherence

As briefly mentioned the nature of AEP is not solely protective in its nature and is in

fact somewhat ambivalent in its defence of tooth enamel. For example, several

pellicle components such as, proline-rich proteins, mucin MG 2 and fibrinogen serve

as specific receptor sites for bacterial adherence [68, 76]. These salivary proteins

present epitopes or peptide sequences on their surface that are recognized by a

variety of antennae systems on the bacterial cells (i.e. pili, fibrils and fimbriae).

Streptococcus soralis, S. sanguis and S.mitis account for 80% of primary colonizers

[77]. This Initial bacterial adhesion passes through a phase of weak and reversible

binding before an irreversible attachment is established [78]. Over time this initial

layer is subsequently displaced by anaerobic bacteria such as, S. mutans, S. sobrinus,

and Lactobacilli [79]. These bacteria are responsible for the fermentation of

carbohydrates in food and subsequent production of organic acids in the oral

environment; this can result in a decrease in pH and potentially promotes tooth

demineralisation. Conversely, certain bacteria in dental biofilms may lessen the

effects of acid-producing bacteria. For example, Veillonella metabolises lactic acid

produced by some bacteria; and S. salivarius contain urease that produces ammonia

compounds, which can raise the pH of the saliva, thus delaying tooth

demineralisation [71]. Interestingly, Comelli et al. [80] found that bacterial strains

used in the dairy industry such as S. thermophilus and Lactobacillus lactis ssp. lactis

were able to integrate into a biofilm present on a hydroxyapatite surface and to

interfere with development of the cariogenic species S. sobrinus. This is important,

as it shows that the AEP may not only be manipulated by components native to the

oral cavity but can also be affected by factors of non salivary origin, such as the

ingredients found in food.

Page 38: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Formation of the AEP

The AEP is an organic pellicle on the tooth surface formed by selective adsorption of

mostly salivary proteins derived from the continuous exposure of enamel to whole

saliva [81]. The formation of this pellicle is considered to be a selective process, as

only a limited number of the proteins that have been detected in whole saliva are

found to reside in the AEP [22]. Currently, phosphor-proteins such as, acidic proline

rich proteins (aPRPs), histatin and statherin are the main salivary proteins thought to

play an important role as pellicle precursor proteins (PPPs). As such, these proteins

have been widely studied with respect to their ability to adsorb onto enamel surfaces

and thus influence early pellicle formation [1, 82].

The adsorption of proteins required for pellicle formation is influenced by a number

of variables inherent to the individual, making it difficult to elucidate the respective

roles that pellicle proteins play in AEP formation. For example, protein adsorption

will be affected by factors such as an individuals’ circadian cycle, the location of

teeth in the mouth and the tooth’s physical (e.g. surface roughness) and chemical

(e.g. hydrophobicity of enamel) properties [35, 83-85]. Therefore numerous

methodical approaches have been designed to explore AEP formation. For example,

in vivo studies have been used where the pellicle is scraped off of the tooth surface

[86]; in situ studies, where enamel, often bovine, is exposed in the oral cavity [72];

or in vitro studies, where different dental components are exposed to collected saliva

extra-orally [87]. Although data from these studies are not always comparable, as a

consequence of diverse methodologies, it is generally accepted that the basic rate

determining steps of AEP formation comprise the following steps:

Page 39: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


1. Diffusion of salivary proteins towards the enamel surface,

2. Attachment of proteins to the enamel surface,

3. Potential conformational changes and cross-linking of proteins

4. Potential detachment from the enamel surface and transport away from the


In explaining these rate determining steps, researchers have emphasized the

nonspecific physicochemical mechanisms of adhesion [88]. This involves either a

thermodynamic model (see Figure 1.0.) or mathematical models such as the

Derjaguin, Landau, Verwey, Overbeek (DLVO) principle, in which protein adhesion

is regarded as the total sum of Van der Waals, acid–base, and electrostatic

interactions[See 89 for more details]. Although these electrostatic interactions are

imperative in the binding of proteins to solid surfaces, protein adsorption is driven by

an increase in entropy [90]. In other words, the formation of the AEP can be directly

related to the second law of thermodynamics. This states that the tendency in nature

is toward ever-greater disorder in the universe, a law that initially appears to be

somewhat unrelated to describe AEP formation. However, by referring to Gibbs’s

law of free energy (equation 1) it is possible to see how the second law of

thermodynamics directly affects protein adsorption at the tooth– saliva interface.

Protein adsorption, and thus AEP formation, will occur spontaneously if more energy

is released in a system than gained, either by a gain in entropy (disorder) or a

decrease in enthalpy (heat), respectively [91]. For the formation of AEP, an increase

in entropy is central as the changes in enthalpy at high coverage of tooth surface are

Page 40: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


negligible [92] . Where, G = Gibbs free energy, H = enthalpy, T = absolute

temperature, S = entropy and ∆ads = net change of the thermodynamical parameters.

Equation 1. Gibbs’s law of free energy

∆adsG = ∆adsH - T ∆adsS < 0

The increase in entropy, and thus the driving force of protein adsorption in the above

equation, is displayed graphically in Figure 1.0.

Figure 1.0. Release of ordered water molecules drives the formation of protein

adsorption to enamel. In (a), a salivary protein and an enamel surface are shown

surrounded by ordered water molecules, which represent a low entropy system.

(b) then shows how adsorption of the salivary protein to the tooth enamel surface

releases some of the ordered water molecules surrounding them. This increase in

entropy provides the thermodynamic push toward protein adsorption and

consequently formation of the AEP.

Page 41: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Studies have shown that there are a small group of salivary proteins that show an

increased selective adsorption to enamel over other proteins found in saliva. These

include acidic PRPs, statherin and histatins, also known as pellicle precursor proteins

(PPPs) [26, 93]. When PPPs adsorb to the surface of teeth, they appear to undergo a

conformational change, whereby they increase their cross-sectional area and provide

a fast coverage of the tooth surface [94]. This occurs because there is a driving force

for the reduction of excess surface energy on the tooth surface; somewhat analogous

to when a liquid forms a spherical drop to reduce excess energy by reducing its total

interfacial area [95]. Obviously the tooth is unable to adopt a spherical shape as it is a

solid; however, the driving force (i.e. reduction of surface energy) is the same, and

thus the solid tooth overcomes its high surface energy via the adsorption of proteins,

rather than the energetically favourable shape change seen in liquids. Despite these

somewhat abstract theories (Gibbs free energy/surface energy) used to describe

protein adsorption to tooth enamel, formation of the AEP can be thought of more

tangibly as taking place in two stages. The first stage being characterised by a rapid

adsorption of proteins to the enamel surface (proteins with a high diffusion

coefficient and high affinity for hydroxyapatite), followed by a second, slower phase,

due to larger components, such as larger proteins and aggregates with a lower

affinity for hydroxyapatite.

The initial stage of pellicle formation can be visualised as an electron dense basal

layer observed via transmission electron microscopy micrographs Hannig [35]. They

showed that the dense basal layer of the AEP starts to form within seconds taking

between 2 - 3 minutes to complete, reaching an estimated thickness of 10 - 20 nm,

where it remains for about 30 minutes. The rapid first stage of AEP formation is

Page 42: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


followed by a slower second phase, whereby pellicle thickness is increased by

continuous adsorption of biopolymers from saliva. However, rather than a continued

adsorption of single PPPs, studies have now shown that micelle like globules and

heterotypic complexes, together known as supramolecular pellicle precursors (SPPs),

maybe responsible for the second stage increase in pellicle thickness. This is because

SPPs are structurally much larger than individual PPPs and are therefore more likely

to be responsible for the increase in thickness of the AEP. Evidence to support this

comes from the similarities that are shown to exist between the amino acid profiles

of SPPs and the amino acid profiles of 2 hour in vivo AEP [96]. This has also been

confirmed by electron microscopic investigations of in situ pellicles, showing

globular structures of 80–120 nm in diameter [97].

Under in vivo conditions the AEP is continually exposed to proteolytic activity of

enzymes (of bacterial origin) which could potentially be important for the

development of the pellicle structure over time [21]. In addition, other enzymes such

as amylase, glucosyltransferases and lysozyme are a few of the active enzymes that

have been detected in the pellicle that may affect the AEP [98]. Furthermore, in a

recent study by Hannig [27], amino transferase and alanine amino transferase were

also found in active conformations after only 3 minutes of pellicle formation. These

enzymes are important as they may influence AEP formation by complexing

adsorbed molecules [99] and/or by influencing enzymatic cross-linking of pellicle

proteins [100]. Although a full comprehension of the role that active enzymes play in

AEP is yet to be fully understood, they do give an appreciation of how AEP can

behave as a dynamic film due to the continuous remodelling of adsorbed pellicle

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proteins via these enzymes. However, the dynamic nature of the AEP also makes it

difficult to characterize the in vivo formation of AEP.

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Composition of the AEP

Elucidation of the composition of AEP remains relatively obscure as a consequence

of the minute quantities of pellicle that can be collected from the tooth surface. These

amounts have been estimated at approximately 1.0 µg per labial tooth surface, a

quantity that makes it difficult to analyse under standard chromatographic techniques

[20]. In addition, it can also be difficult to selectively remove pellicle material from

tooth surfaces without contaminating it with salivary secretions and bacteria, which

can result in erroneous analysis of pellicle composition. As a result, a number of

studies have been performed through the incubation of saliva with hydroxyapatite

powder [87, 101] or hydroxyapatite plaques [28, 82] under in vitro conditions in

order to imitate the formation of AEP in vivo. These in vitro studies have provided

valuable information on the way certain salivary proteins can display different

affinities for hydroxyapatite surfaces and thus give clues as to which proteins are

likely to adhere to tooth surfaces. However, these methods are not completely

reliable as a number of studies comparing in vivo enamel pellicles with in vitro

hydroxyapatite pellicles found that the electrophoretic characteristics and amino acid

profile differed significantly between the two surfaces [20, 86]. Yao et al. [20] also

found that the pellicle appeared to undergo extensive enzymatic changes in vivo, as a

greater number of intact proteins had been found in in vitro pellicles when compared

to in vivo pellicles. This highlights how AEP, under in vivo conditions, is not a static

structure but is in a state of dynamic equilibrium with the surrounding saliva. The

AEP should therefore be viewed as an ever-changing, dynamic film that shows

continual adsorption and desorption of bio-molecules and is very sensitive to changes

in its environment [102]. For example, Rykke and Sonju [103] found that pellicles

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formed for 24 hrs when food and beverage intake was avoided were similar; whilst

pellicles formed for 24 hrs when subjects consumed a normal diet, exhibited

significant differences. This suggests that even the components of food can modify in

vivo pellicle composition. Furthermore, the proteolytic activity of enzymes present in

saliva also contribute to changes in pellicle composition via their inherent enzymatic

functions and by providing sites for bacterial adherence [104]. In fact, the effect of

enzymes on pellicle composition is mulitfactorial, as they also have relevance as

structural pellicle constituents [99]. For example, the enzymes alpha-amylase and

lysozyme have been shown to be integral parts of salivary micelle like globules that

are believed to contribute to pellicle formation [97, 105]. This has been supported by

electron microscopic investigations of in situ pellicles, showing globular structures of

80–120 nm in diameter [28]. In addition, pellicle composition may differ from where

it is collected in the mouth. For example, Vacca Smith & Bowen [82] showed that

the overall protein composition of in vivo formed pellicles displayed characteristics

typical of the saliva prevailing in the area of the mouth where the pellicles were

formed. Transmission electron microscopic and confocal laser-scanning microscopic

studies of in situ pellicles have shown that pellicles formed on buccal sites are

thicker than those formed on palatal sites and are therefore more likely to differ in

composition [35, 75]. In addition to the enzymes within secretions of different

salivary glands, Kajisa et al. [106] and Boackle et al. [107] both suggest that gingival

crevicular fluid, serum, bacteria, mucosal tissues, epithelial cells and fluids from the

respiratory tract should also be regarded as possible sources for pellicle-immobilized

enzymes. Therefore, the maturation of AEP and subsequent exposure to enzymes and

components within saliva over time is likely to lead to modifications of adsorbed

molecules within the AEP, resulting in compositional changes of AEP over time.

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Furthermore, Zimmerman et al. [108] also showed that there can be differences in

the proteome of deciduous teeth compared to permanent enamel; again, highlighting

the difficulties surrounding the identification of AEP proteins. None the less Mass

Spectrometry (MS) techniques and database search algorithms are constantly

improving[109]; and if used correctly [110], are powerful methods in the

identification of pellicle proteins.

Protein composition of AEP

Early compositional analysis of AEP using histo-chemical staining techniques

suggested that it was mainly proteinaceous in nature. Such results were confirmed by

the observation of Dobbs [111] and later Meckel [112] who found that pellicle was

lost upon incubation of teeth with proteolytic enzymes. A number of other different

techniques have since been used to expose the composition of AEP, via

chromatographic, electrophoretic and immunological techniques. Most of these

studies showed that the most abundant components of the pellicle are proteins,

glycoproteins, enzymes, and mucins [36]. For example, several authors have

identified the presence of mucins MG1 and MG2, amylase, albumin, IgA, S-IgA,

proline-rich proteins (PRPs), cystatins, lysozyme, carbonic anhydrase, lactoferrin and

histatins as major pellicle components [23, 87, 113].

Improvements in methods of mechanical and chemical removal of pellicle have also

made it possible to selectively harvest AEP from the tooth surfaces in vivo. The tooth

surface is either swabbed with a polyvinlidene fluoride membrane filter soaked in

0.5M sodium bicarbonate [114] or rubbed with a foam sponge soaked with 2%

sodium dodecyl sulphate [115]. Using these methods Yao [22] identified components

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in pellicle included histatins, lysozyme, statherin, cytokeratins, and calgranulin;

whilst Carlen [116] was able to reveal that proteins in plasma, such as fibrinogen,

albumin and IgG were also incorporated in experimentally formed pellicles.

Other developments have seen improvements in mass spectrometric techniques

which have allowed characterisation of peptides to femtomole levels. For example,

Siqueria [50] used - Liquid chromatography electrospray ionisation tandem MS - to

identify 130 pellicle proteins, of which 89 were found in three of the five

experiments, suggesting a degree of uniformity between different pellicles. Vittorino

et al. [26] used- Matrix assisted laser desorption ionisation time of flight MS- to

identify more than 90 peptides/proteins in AEP. The majority of the identifications

corresponded to peptide/protein fragments belonging aPRPs, basic PRPs, statherin,

cystatins and histatins. Further progress in the elucidation of the composition of in

vivo pellicle has been achieved by using indirect detection methods, such as the use

of immunological assays to identify AEP components [22]. These techniques have

also provided evidence for the presence of alpha-amylase, lysozyme and statherin as

components of the acquired salivary pellicle [60, 117]

Lipid composition of AEP

Information pertaining to lipid composition of the AEP is very limited even though

Slomiany et al. [118] reported that lipids account for 22-23% of the dry weight of

pellicle. They found glycolipids and neutral lipids and phospholipids. However, only

the presence of phosphatidylcholine has been confirmed by other researchers

Kautsky & Featherstone [119]. Despite the scarcity of data surrounding the lipid

composition of AEP, it is potentially an area of interest to oral hygiene. This is

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because in 1990, Slomiany et al. [120] found that the interaction of salivary

phospholipids with enamel may influence the susceptibility of the tooth surface to

demineralization by acids produced by plaque. Although only limited information is

available about the nature of lipids in the pellicle, current work carried out in 2012

by Reich et al. [121] suggests a new technique for the determination of the fatty acid

profile of the pellicle, which has the potential to shed new light on the lipid profile of

the pellicle.

Carbohydrate composition of AEP

As with lipids, studies relating to the carbohydrate composition of pellicle are scarce

and rather dated. In 1975, Sonju [122] reported that the pellicle contains several

sugars of which glucose dominates (67%) with traces of glucosamine (18%);

galactose (9%) and mannose (6%) also present. Mayhall & Butler [123] suggested

that the glucose sugar was likely to originate from glycoproteins, whilst Slomiany et

al. [118] believed that glycol-lipids may be partly responsible for the high proportion

of the glucose monosaccharide found in the pellicle. However, Hannig & Joiner [68]

proposed more recently that the origin of glucose is much more likely to be as a

consequence of adsorption of glucans, bacterial in origin. Unfortunately, the inter-

relationships between all these components (e.g. proteins, peptides, lipids and

carbohydrates) and how they are structurally organised on the tooth surface has yet to

be clarified.

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Structure of the AEP

Hitherto a complete understanding of the three dimensional structure of in situ

formed AEP has not yet been fully characterised; even though significant inroads are

being made. Current knowledge of the surface structure of AEP has been founded

upon microscopic investigations such as SEM, TEM and AFM [28-30, 113]; whereas

the structural physical properties (i.e. mass, thickness and density) of the AEP have

been investigated using QCMD, DPI and ellipsometry [33, 34, 124]. These

investigations generally reveal a pellicle that is composed of a tightly adsorbed

electron dense basal layer and a loosely arranged outer globular layer. Rupp et al.

[125] observed a two-step adsorption process that may indicate the structural

heterogeneity of the salivary pellicle between a dense basal layer and a more

hydrated outer layer. It was suggested by Skjorland et al. [126] that these dense and

hydrated layers were due to compositional differences between the two stages of

pellicle formation (see Figure 1.1.).

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Figure 1.1. Current proposed outline of pellicle formation: (a) initial salivary protein

adsorption occurs rapidly, followed by; (b) the formation of a dense basal layer.

Subsequently, (c) protein aggregates and mucins adsorb to form a more globular

outer layer, when finally (d) bacteria adsorb and colonise the outer pellicle. Initially

the pellicle provides a protective barrier for teeth, preventing enamel abrasion and

demineralisation. However, over time the pellicle becomes the primary site for the

attachment of acid producing bacteria.

Early electron microscopy analyses of pellicle displayed an irregular and rutted

morphological pattern on the pellicle’s surface [127, 128]. This was also seen on

more recently performed SEM and AFM studies which showed that the surface of

the in vivo formed pellicle has a structure similar to a sponge like matrix, made up of

a network of spherical like particles [28, 29]. The diameters of these particles was

shown to be between 10nm and 20nm after a few minutes of pellicle formation,

whereas after 2 hours of pellicle formation diameters of adsorbed proteins were

shown to be between 20nm and 60nm [28]. These studies also showed that palatal

formed pellicle displays an uneven surface characterized by an intricate network of

20nm to 40nm wide tentacle like structures that interconnect larger globules between

60nm and 150 nm in diameter. The reason for these differences in pellicle thickness

remains uncertain, however, it has been suggested that factors acting locally in the

mouth, such as shearing forces of the tongue and differing supply of salivary

components at different locations of the mouth may be responsible for the assorted

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pellicle thicknesses seen on tooth surfaces. However, Sonju Clasen [129] provided

evidence that the action of the tongue does not influence pellicle thickness or it’s

structural appearance; and therefore, differences in pellicle thickness are more likely

to be related to the varying supply of salivary components in different regions of the

oral cavity. This is because salivary glands produce secretions that are made up of

many different types of proteins with varying molecular weights at different

concentrations that can vary significantly between glands [130]. For example, the

parotid gland produces watery, serous saliva essentially devoid of mucins, whilst

submandibular and sublingual glands produce viscous saliva that is rich in mucins.

Consequently, certain salivary glands have the potential to bathe teeth with distinctly

different secretions depending on the location of teeth in the mouth. For example,

upper posterior buccal molars are likely to receive a continuous flow of components

from parotid saliva, whilst lower anterior lingual incisors are likely to receive a

continuous flow of components from submandibular and sublingual glands. How

these differences affect pellicle thickness however is still uncertain. As apart from

differences between secretions of certain salivary glands, it is known that the

composition of saliva also depends on circadian cycle, sex, age, diet and general

health of an individual, all of which is also likely to affect the structural differences

seen in pellicle samples [131].

In 2009, Hannig et al. [38] studied the pellicle structure in situ using bovine enamel

slabs fixed onto a tooth surface and found that the electron dense layer had a

thickness of ≈5nm – 30 nm. This layer was then covered by a less dense globular

structure of variable thickness. For example, the thickness of globular structures on

the 1st molar ranged between 100 nm and 500 nm on the buccal surface; and 20nm –

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40 nm on the palatal surface. They also estimated that the thickness of the globular

structures on incisors was 100nm on the labial surface and 20nm – 40 nm on the

palatal surface. Furthermore, in the mandible pre-molars the buccal pellicles were

300 nm in thickness, whilst the lingual pellicles were between 20– 40 nm. As with

previous studies they also concluded that the structure of pellicle is indeed dependent

on the site of formation. This is important because variations in pellicle thickness and

composition may influence early bacterial attachment and subsequent tooth-related

diseases in various parts of the mouth [132]. For example, it is possible that a thick,

continuous pellicle has the potential to play a significant role in protecting

underlying enamel acting as a diffusion barrier inhibiting the demineralization of

enamel [75]. Furthermore, the pellicle thickness and structure may be important for

the lubrication of tooth surfaces [133] and may also alter its function as a semi-

permeable membrane to ionic conductivity, which is important for remineralisation

of enamel surfaces [134].

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Food components that influence the


The adsorption of salivary components on tooth surfaces during pellicle formation

has been shown to be influenced by a number of dietary components [82, 135, 136].

For example, Vacca Smith & Bowen [82, 136] showed that rinsing hydroxyapatite

discs with milk as well as rinsing with sucrose, sorbitol or xylitol caused changes in

the composition and formation of the salivary pellicle. Early in vitro studies also

showed that certain casein derivatives of milk can adsorb onto the tooth surface and

integrate into the salivary pellicle in exchange for albumin [137]. Thus, certain

dietary components may well be considered integral components of the pellicle. This

is important because the pellicle provides binding receptors for a number of bacteria.

Therefore, any modifications in the composition of the pellicle induced by dietary

components are likely to alter its microbial binding preferences.

pH changes

The consumption of acidic beverages such as fruit juices and sports drinks are

increasing in the western diet. This may be a problem, as consumption of these

drinks has been linked with dental erosion. For example, in vitro and in situ studies

have clearly demonstrated the erosive properties of soft drinks on tooth enamel [138,

139]. Although it is important to measure enamel loss in relation to consumption of

acidic beverages, it is perhaps more important to assess the effect that acidic

challenges have on the morphology and thickness of the pellicle layer itself; as it is

the pellicle that has first contact with any acidic challenges. In an in situ study,

Hannig et al. [38] showed that the consumption of erosive beverages removed

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considerable amounts of the outer layer of the pellicle; but the basal layer remained

unaffected (Cardenas et al. [140] showed that Mucin MUC5B may be responsible for

the tenacity of the basal layer). This was considered important as protection against

tooth erosion has been related to the thickness of the pellicle layer. For example,

Amaechi et al. [75] showed an inverse relationship between the degree of enamel

dissolution and the thickness of the AEP. However more recently it was shown that

even a 3 minute in situ formed pellicle layer provides protection against citric acid

attack that does not differ significantly from the protective effect of a 2 hour in situ

formed pellicle [14]. Therefore pellicle thickness may not be as important in

protecting tooth surfaces against acids as previously thought. Furthermore, the pH of

a beverage is likely to be more relevant to the extent of erosive demineralisation of

teeth in vitro than pellicle thickness [141]. Hannig [38] found that pellicle limits

diffusion of acids to the tooth surface in a pH-dependent manner. For example, they

found that orange juice (pH 3.8) had no effect on micro-hardness of pellicle coated

enamel, whereas Coke Light ® (pH 2.85) did manage to cause a decrease in the

micro-hardness of pellicle coated enamel; however, the calcium in the orange juice

may have had a modulating effect on the erosive process [138]. This is an interesting

point, as calcium may also alter the structure of the AEP.

Calcium changes

Phosphoproteins such as, acidic proline rich proteins (aPRPs), histatin and statherin

found in saliva are thought to play an important role as pellicle precursor proteins. [1,

25, 36, 68, 82]. These proteins contain calcium binding domains that may serve to

provide a region of high calcium concentration close to the tooth surface, thus

facilitating the mineralisation of teeth. A number of studies have looked at the

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interplay between the structure of the pellicle and the ionic composition of the saliva

[142-146]. However, it is of particular interest to understand the role calcium ions

play on pellicle structure, as calcium ions are thought to have a bearing on the

attraction between pellicle proteins and the surface to which pellicle proteins adsorb

[18, 144]. For example, Tanizawa et al. [143] showed that calcium ions were able to

enhance pellicle formation onto hydroxyapatite surfaces via calcium bridging of

proteins. Whilst Proctor et al. [39] showed that chelation of calcium from saliva

caused a dramatic decrease in the mechanical properties of an adsorbed salivary film,

consistent with the breakdown of pellicle structure. Ash et al. [33] also observed

changes in the hydrated mass, polymer mass, thickness and polymer concentration of

the pellicle for both WMS and PS formed pellicles when the natural calcium

concentration of the respective salivas was increased from 0 mM to 10 mM. These

studies provide information that help elucidate the mechanisms behind pellicle

formation and structure.

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Components of oral hygiene products

that influence the AEP

It is well known that dentifrices used in conjunction with tooth brushing act to

remove stains and discolorations as well as to reduce plaque and calculus deposits on

teeth [147]. Certain basic ingredients such as, detergents (e.g. sodium dodecyl

sulphate), abrasives (e.g. sodium carbonate), and fluoride are common to most

dentifrices. These ingredients are added to dentifrices in order to remove stained

pellicle from dentition and loosen deposits on tooth surfaces that may become

cariogenic. Ideally, dentifrices should effectively remove stains and cariogenic

bacteria from the tooth surface without excessive removal of the protective pellicle.

in vitro and in vivo studies have shown that brushing with certain dentifrices

significantly reduces the pellicle film thickness [148, 149]. Joiner et al. [150] showed

that the thickness of a six hour in situ formed pellicle, followed by ten seconds of ex

vivo tooth brushing with a toothpaste slurry, reduced the pellicle to a 1–30 nm basal

layer. Confirming previous findings indicating that the basal pellicle layer has a

higher resistance against abrasion compared to the outer globular layer [151].

The incomplete removal of the basal layer of the pellicle from the tooth surface is

important, as this would suggest that it can continue to impart protection to enamel

even after short tooth brushing cycles. Furthermore, Hannig et al. [14] found that

even a 3-min in situ formed pellicle layer provides some protective effect on the

enamel surface against acid attack; suggesting that even if the pellicle was

completely removed by brushing teeth with a dentifrice, the rapid accumulation of

pellicle on the tooth surface is likely to prevent any excessive damage occurring.

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Other components of dentifrices that have been found to influence the formation of

pellicle are chelants known as, condensed phosphates, that display strong reactivity

to enamel surfaces, producing significant anti-stain and anti-calculus effects [152,


The anionic condensed phosphates used in dentifrices have been shown to remove

pellicle proteins that have become stained and can prevent the development of

calculus [37]. Pyrophosphate was one of the first condensed phosphates used in

dentifrices, demonstrating clinical efficacy in the prevention of dental calculus [154]

and chlorhexidine promoted dental stains [155]. However, the efficacy of

pyrophosphate is reduced over time, either by hydrolytic breakdown of its

intermolecular bonds, or because it becomes displaced by re-adsorbing salivary

proteins in the pellicle [156]. Consequently, longer chain variants of pyrophosphate

(e.g. sodium hexametaphosphates, sodium tripolyphosphates or

“polypyrophosphates’’) have been developed in order to overcome the limitations of

pyrophosphate as an intraoral cleaner [152]. This is mainly because condensed

phosphates have more anionic phosphate bonds and more binding sites than

pyrophosphate. Consequently condensed phosphates have a greater surface affinity

for tooth enamel because they present more binding sites to the tooth surface.

Subsequently they also display an increased retention and activity on the tooth

surface as they can withstand hydrolytic challenge from pellicle enzymes for longer

and thus continue inhibiting calculus formation or stain development for longer than

the smaller chain pyrophosphates [157].

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The safety of pyrophosphate salts in dentifrices are well established now [145] and

today condensed phosphates are found in most dentifrices worldwide [158]. For

example, Sodium tripolyphosphate, a linear condensed phosphate is used in many

teeth whitening products which have been shown to be effective in removing stain in

vitro [159]. Of particular interest is that the pre-treatment of teeth with STP has been

shown to reduce the adsorption of both protein and stain by more than 50% [37].

This suggests that STP can modify the pellicle in such a way as to prevent certain

proteins or chromogens from adsorbing. Baig et al. [160] suggested that the

condensed phosphates do this by blocking sites on the enamel surface that have an

affinity for certain chromogens; and that the condensed phosphates also have a

higher affinity for enamel which may be responsible for the competitive desorption

of chromogens. Therefore, unlike abrasives that physically remove pellicle proteins,

condensed phosphates have the additional benefit of being able to alter the

adsorption and desorption of pellicle proteins over time by altering the pellicle’s

physicochemical composition. This is important as cleaning teeth with dentifrices

that contain condensed phosphates may prevent the adsorption of cariogenic bacteria

and chromogens for longer than the smaller chain length pyrophosphates. Whilst

SDS is known to remove pellicle proteins[30], and STP has been shown to be

effective in the in vitro removal of stain [161]; the impact of SDS and STP on

salivary pellicle structure has not been investigated or characterised in great detail.

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Research Aims

As the pellicle is the primary interface between the oral environment and the hard

and soft tissue of the mouth it plays an important role in oral physiological and

pathological processes. For example, the pellicle serves as a protective barrier against

acids that can damage teeth but also lubricates tissues in the mouth which helps to

make the consumption and processing of food easier and tastier. Consequently, a

deeper understanding of the structural changes that take place when the pellicle is

exposed to different environments will help our understanding of the structural

adaptation that the pellicle undergoes upon exposure to everyday food and oral

hygiene products. This research sets out to determine the underlying mechanisms

responsible for the formation and breakdown of the pellicle on hard tissue substrates;

information that has implications for the development of more effective oral hygiene

products and the potential generation of simulated salivas.

Experiments were designed to:

Determine the role of mucins on the formation of the pellicle by comparing

how whole mouth saliva and mucin free parotid saliva, form their respective


Determine the physical structure of the pellicle under varying calcium

concentrations to establish the role calcium plays in pellicle formation.

Determine the changes that the pellicle undergoes in the presence of an

increasing acidic environment at pH concentrations commonly consumed in

human diets.

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Determine the mechanisms by which detergents (i.e. SDS) and preservatives

(i.e. STP) from dental hygiene products control the breakdown of the salivary


Identify proteins that are present in the pellicle and identify proteins that are

removed via SDS or STP

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Chapter 2

Techniques used to Investigate the

Formation, Structure and Composition

of the Salivary Pellicle

Page 62: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation



The following description of the techniques used in this investigation of the salivary

pellicle provides a concise coverage of the fundamental principles that lay behind

each instrument operated during the course of this research. However, the exact

details of most experimental procedures are to be found in the results chapters. The

explanation of the techniques used will be described from the perspective of a non-

physicist. Thus, equations, formulas and physical phenomenon that the instruments

exploit to measure salivary pellicle structure and composition, will be explained in a

way that makes the understanding of the instrumentation simple and accessible to

undergraduate, post-graduate and post-doctoral researchers. The intention therefore,

is to remove the mystery that lies behind these methods in order to give researchers

who are interested in exploiting these techniques a running start with their research.

In so doing this also demonstrates that the techniques carried out in this thesis have

been understood and applied correctly.

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Quartz Crystal Microbalance with

Dissipation monitoring (QCMD)

The QCMD (see Figure 2.0.1.) is a technique that can be used to determine the mass

and viscoelastic properties of adsorbed films [162]. The technique is based on

changes in the frequency of an oscillating quartz crystal sensor when mass is

adsorbed onto its surface. The oscillation of a quartz crystal is brought about by what

is known as the piezoelectric effect [163]. A piezoelectric material is one that

produces an electrical charge when a mechanical stress is applied (the material is

squeezed or stretched); or conversely, a mechanical deformation is produced when

an electric field is applied.

Figure 2.0.1. (a) Photograph of the QCMD fitted with a QAFC 302 axial flow

measurement chamber. (b) Inner chamber of the QCMD where the sensor is placed

on top of the green o-ring. (c) Photograph of gold coated QCMD sensors that

sandwich the quartz crystal disc. The front of the sensor is where the proteins adsorb;

and the gold electrode on the back of the sensors is where the electrical voltage is


Quartz (which is a single-crystal form of SiO2) is piezoelectric. However, because

quartz crystals are also highly anisotropic (i.e. the mechanical deformation varies

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greatly with crystallographic direction) it is important that the crystals are cut at a

specific angle to the crystal planes. An AT-cut quartz crystal was used as the sensor,

because at this cut the sensor oscillates in the thickness shear mode, the mode most

sensitive to the addition or removal of mass (see Figure 2.0.2.).

Figure 2.0.2. Thickness shear mode oscillation of the QCMD sensor. Due to the

piezoelectric properties of quartz, it is possible to excite the crystal to oscillate by

applying an alternating flow of electricity across its electrodes at a frequency to

which the crystal resonates (i.e 5MHz). When applying a direct current (DC) to the

sensor it shifts the sensor in one direction (a). When the current is switched off the

sensor returns to its original position (b). By reversing the flow of electricity the

sensor will move in the opposite direction (c). Thus by applying an alternating

current (AC) to the sensor (where the flow of electric charge periodically reverses

direction) will result in the sensor oscillating left and right in what is known as the

thickness shear mode (d).

Change in the frequency of the oscillating sensor to calculate


Changing the mass of the sensor (by adsorbing material to it) will change its resonant

frequency. Changes in the resonant frequency of the oscillating sensor can then be

related to changes in mass adsorbing on to the quartz surface through the Sauerbrey

relationship [164].

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Equation 2.1. The Sauerbrey relationship

Where Δm is change in adsorbed mass (ng cm-2), ρ0 is the density of the quartz

crystal (2650 kg m-3), v0 is the shear velocity in quartz (3340 m s-1), fn is the resonant

frequency (5.0 MHz), and Δf is the actual change in frequency recorded by the

instrument. The Sauerbrey relation is valid for rigid, evenly distributed, and thinly

adsorbed layers. However, for viscoelastic films, the Sauerbrey relationship

underestimates the hydrated mass and thus another method of analysis is needed to

fully characterise such a film. Therefore, in addition to recording frequency changes,

the QCM-D measures a second parameter known as Dissipation (D).

Measuring change in dissipation to determine viscoelasticity

Dissipation (D) is inversely proportional to the decay time (τ) and resonant frequency

(f) of the oscillating sensor as follows:

Equation 2.2. Dissipation relationship to Frequency

The instrument measures the decay time (τ) by stopping the current to the crystal

sensor and allowing the crystal to freely oscillate to a standstill. The decrease in the

amplitude of the oscillation with time is dependent on the viscoelasticity of the

adsorbed layer. This is because the more elastic and rigid the adsorbed layer on the

sensor surface is, the longer it takes for the sensor to stop oscillating. Conversely, the

more viscous the adsorbed layer on the sensor surface is, the less time it takes for the

Page 66: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


sensor to stop oscillating (see Figure 2.0.3.).

Figure 2.0.3 An example of dissipation differences between (a) an elastic film and

(b) a more viscous film

So far it has been observed that Δf and ΔD can be used to measure adsorbed mass

and viscoelasticity respectively. However, at the fundamental frequency (i.e. the

lowest frequency at which the crystal sensor resonates/vibrates (5MHz) only the top

layer of the adsorbed layer is disturbed. Consequently measuring the Δf and ΔD at

this frequency alone, only gives a sense of the physical properties of the upper, outer

layer of the film. This is because the detection range away from the sensor surface

decreases with increasing overtone number. In other words, low frequencies of

oscillation monitor the events at the top of the film furthest from the sensor surface,

whilst higher frequencies of oscillation monitor the events closer to the bottom of the

film nearest to the sensor surface (see Figure 2.0.4.). This is important because

different overtones are measuring different parts of the layer and can therefore give

information about the homogeneity of the adsorbed layer. Therefore, assuming that

the adsorbed film has a uniform thickness and density the instrument combines

frequency (f) and dissipation (D) measurements from multiple harmonics

Page 67: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


(overtones), which can be used to extract unknown parameters (i.e. thickness,

hydrated mass and viscoelasticity) of the adsorbed film when applied to the Voigt

model for viscoelasticity[165].

Figure 2.0.4. (a) The QCMD sensor oscillates at different frequencies (or

overtones). This results in a decrease in the detection or penetration depth of the film

at increasing overtones of the oscillating sensor. (b) Plan view of the sensor and

penetration depth at different overtones.

Voigt model for viscoelasticity

The QCMD instrument comes equipped with a software package to model the

thickness and viscoelastic properties of the adsorbed layers. The QTools package is

based on either the Maxwell or Voigt model for viscoelasticity. It is the latter of

these models that is most commonly employed for modelling viscoelastic layers as it

is applied for polymers that conserve their shape and do not flow. The work by

Voinova et al. [165]used this model to derive a general solution of a wave equation

to describe the dynamics of viscoelastic polymer materials adsorbed on a quartz

crystal chip. The QTools package incorporates the solutions from this work that

describes the changes in frequency and dissipation when a single viscoelastic layer is

adsorbed from a Newtonian liquid. In short, the Voigt model tries to account for the

Page 68: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


viscoelastic behaviour of an adsorbed film, and thus more accurately estimates the

adsorbed hydrated mass for this type of film compared to the assumption of a purely

elastic film by the Sauerbrey model.

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Dual Polarisation Interferometer (DPI)

In contrast to the QCMD, which measures the hydrated mass of an adsorbed film; the

DPI measures the dry mass of a film. The measurements of mass, thickness and

density were performed in real time using an AnaLight Bio200 dual polarization

interferometer (Farfield Sensors Ltd., Manchester,UK) [166]. The device uses a

silicon oxynitride sensor chip that was clamped in a temperature-controlled enclosure

that allowed the temperature to be maintained constant for all experiments. A gasket

on top of the sensor forms two measurement chambers, each 1mm wide, 17 mm long

and 1 mm deep (see Figure 2.0.5.).

Figure 2.0.5. Photos: (a) PC, pump and DPI unit (b) Temperature control unit where

the sensor is clamped (c) sensor holding unit.

The sensor chip itself has a five layer structure consisting of two horizontally stacked

waveguides, a sensing waveguide on top of a reference waveguide which is then

separated by an opaque cladding material. The two optical paths (waveguides)

present within the sensor allows polarised light from a helium neon laser

(wavelength, 632.8 nm) to pass through the sensor (see Figure 2.0.6.).

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Figure 2.0.6. (a) Plan view of the DPI silicon oxynitride sensor: arrows 1 and 3

indicate the position of the measuring channels of the sensor; and arrow 2 indicates

the reference channel where no contact with the sample was made. (b) Side view,

schematic representation of the sensor, showing the dual slab waveguides, and the

passage of polarised light through the sensing and reference waveguides.

However, the polarised light is not completely confined within the waveguide

structures. The light decays exponentially away from the borders of the waveguide;

this part of the light wave is known as the evanescent (vanishing) field (see Figure


Figure 2.0.7. The electric field profile of light in a waveguide of the DPI sensor. The

evanescent field extends only a few hundred nanometers from the waveguide

surface, an area known as the near field. Any changes in the refractive index in this

nearfield region will influence the speed at which light passes down the waveguide.

The higher the refractive index of an adsorbed material, the greater the slowing effect

on light passing through the sensor.

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Molecules at the surface of the sensing (upper) waveguide will interact with the

evanescent field and the speed at which the light passes through the waveguide will

be altered according to the refractive index (RI) of the adsorbing material. In

contrast, the light in the reference (lower) waveguide is covered by cladding and is

therefore not exposed to any RI changes and thus progresses at a constant velocity

through the waveguide. This provides an optical reference for when the two beams of

light diverge from the ends of the upper and lower waveguides combining to form

dark and light interference fringes (See Figure 2.0.8.).

Figure 2.0.8. Output from both waveguides combine to generate interference

patterns. Changes in these patterns are directly related to both the refractive index

and the thickness of the molecular layer. (a) Principle of interferometry; when light

waves interact. (b) Screen image of a fringe pattern as light passes through a sensor.

1 and 3 represent the fringe pattern from measuring channels 1 and 3 of the sensor;

whereas 2 represents the fringe pattern of the reference channel of the sensor where

no contact with the sample was made.

As further protein are added or removed from the sensor surface the speed that light

travels through the upper waveguide is changed and thus the position of the

interference fringes also moves in response. Furthermore, the polarisation of light

that passes through the waveguide is alternately switched between two polarisations:

transverse magnetic (TM) and transverse electric (TE) by a ferroelectric liquid

Page 72: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


crystal half-wave plate (or polariser switch) that oscillated at 50 Hz (See Figure

2.0.9.). After traversing the chip length the emergent light forms an interference

fringe pattern that was detected by a 1024x1024 camera, located at the far field (6

mm from the output face of the chip) and passes the output to a digital signal

processor that is linked to the polariser switch where the type of polarised light is

linked to the fringe pattern being produced. TE and TM respond differently to

protein adsorption/displacement and therefore provide independent measurements of

the adsorbed material, enabling two optical phase change measurements to be made.

Figure 2.0.9. TE and TM evanescent fields passing through a DPI sensor with an

adsorbed monolayer of proteins. The TE mode evanescent field is more closely

confined to the surface of the waveguide than the TM mode evanescent field; and is

therefore more sensitive to adsorbed material close to the surface than the TM mode.

This difference is exploited to obtain information about the structure of the layer on

the waveguide surface.

By assuming that the adsorbed film behaved as a single homogeneous layer (e.g.

uniform composition & density along the chip length) and was isotropic (e.g. RI of

TM = RI of TE); a range of thickness and RI values that satisfy the observed

interference fringe movement are obtained. By solving Maxwell’s equations

simultaneously for the phase change of the TE and TM the mean refractive index and

Page 73: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


thickness of the adsorbed film was obtained (See Figure 2.1.0.). As would be

expected the thickness and RI values obtained in TM polarisation mode and TE

polarisation mode are not identical, a direct consequence of their different evanescent

fields. However, when the two series of computed layer thickness and refractive

index values obtained for the two polarisation modes are overlaid there is a single

point where TE and TM meet, which corresponds to the layer condition on the

waveguide surface at time t. By carrying out this calculation at all time points of the

experiment; layer thickness and refractive index measurements for the entire time

course of the experiment can be acquired.

Figure 2.1.0. (a) Graph displaying the phase change of an adsorbing film over time.

(b) The converted phase data from time point t to generate a range of thickness and

RI values that satisfy the observed phase change observed in TM and TE mode. The

point of intersection corresponds to the layer condition on the waveguide surface at

time t.

Page 74: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Because RI is a linear function of protein concentration over a wide range of protein

concentrations [167],the absolute amount of the adsorbed molecules, Γ (referred to as

‘polymer’ mass) can be obtained via the de Feijter formula [168].

Equation 2.3. The Feijter equation to calculate adsorbed mass of a film

Where nf and df represent the RI and thickness of the adsorbed film, nbuffer the RI of

the buffer used in the experiment and dn/dc the RI increment of the adsorbing

proteins. The surface adsorbed mass densities determined from this formula depend

only on the difference in the refractive index of the adsorbed film (nf) and the RI of

the buffer (nbuffer) therefore the coupled solvent molecules of the film do not

contribute to the mass as they do for the QCMD technique. These calculations were

carried out using the Analight Explorer software (version, Farfield

Scientific, Manchester, UK). The assumed refractive index increment dn/dc was

0.15, a value typical for protein films [169].

Page 75: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)

AFM is a technique that images the 3 dimensional topography of a surface and is a

method that does not require any chemical treatment of a sample that would

potentially alter the structure of the sample under examination. Furthermore, AFM

can carry out measurements in both air and liquid so that the in vivo conditions of the

pellicle can be more closely matched. The primary purpose of the Asylum Research

MFP-3D AFM (see Figure 2.1.1.) in this research was to quantitatively measure

surface roughness of substrates that were used to measure the adsorption of the

salivary pellicle and the surface roughness of the salivary pellicle itself. The

following details how topographical images of the pellicle and sensor surfaces

reproduced in this thesis were constructed by plotting the sample height of a surface

against the AFM probe tip position.

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Figure 2.1.1. (a) Photo of the MFP-3D-BIO AFM sat on a vibration isolation

platform (right side) with controller unit and PC (left side). Padded room reduces

environmental vibrations which can impact image quality. (b) (i) MFP-3D head

where cantilever tip is held and moves the tip in the vertical z direction. (ii) Stage or

MFP-3D XY scanner that moves the sample in the horizontal x and y direction. (c)

Scanning electron micrograph of the AFM tip and cantilever used to ‘feel’ the

surface of a sample.

The AFM is a probe microscope that ‘feels’ the surface of a sample, somewhat

analogous to how a blind person uses their fingertips to probe Braille. Unlike human

fingers however, the probes that were used in the AFM are in the order of

nanometres in size, which permits nanometre (10-9 m) scale resolution of an

untreated sample. The pointed tip, or probe, that touches the sample surface extends

down from the end of the cantilever. When the tip was scanned over a surface, forces

between the tip and the sample lead to a deflection of the cantilever. The deflection

was measured by the reflection of a laser that was focused on the back of the

cantilever (See Figure 2.1.2.). As the tip scans (scan rate 2 Hz) the surface of a

sample, the cantilever moves up and down relative to the contours of the surface

which deflects the laser beam into a photodiode. The photodiode is split into four

Page 77: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


sections and measures the difference in light intensities from where the reflected

laser beam lands; so that lateral motions of the tip can be calculated. Feedback from

this photodiode enables the piezoelectric scanners to maintain the tip at a constant

force above the sample to obtain the correct height information of the surface. This

feedback mechanism is important to inform the instrument to adjust the tip-to-sample

distance to prevent damaging the sample.

Figure 2.1.2. Schematic overview of the AFM that illustrates the main features.

For this whole process to work accurately it was important to ensure that any

deflection observed in the cantilever was a consequence of the surface roughness of

the sample. To do this the stiffness of the cantilever must be accounted for; where the

application of force and the deflection of the cantilever is expressed via Hooke’s law:

F = -ks,

F = force

k = spring constant (stiffness of the cantilever)

s = distance the cantilever is bent.

In this thesis Olympus AC 160 cantilevers with a spring constant quoted at 42 N m-1

were used. In order to prevent the tip from scraping and damaging the sample, an

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AFM technique known as tapping mode was employed. In tapping mode, the

cantilever was driven to oscillate, in an up down motion near its resonance frequency

by a small piezoelectric element mounted in the AFM tip holder. This resulted in the

cantilever oscillating at about 300 kHz at an amplitude of a few nanometres. The

oscillating tip was then moved toward the surface until it began to lightly touch, or

tap the surface. Whenever the tip passed over a peak in the surface of the sample, the

oscillation of the cantilever becomes restricted and consequently the amplitude of

oscillation decreases. Conversely, when the tip passed over a fissure in the sample

surface, the oscillation of the cantilever was less restricted and the amplitude

increases. These changes in amplitude are measured by the photodiode and passed

onto a computer which generates the AFM image in three dimensions; the horizontal

x and y plane, and the vertical z dimension [170]. Software analysis then permits root

mean square surface roughness to be calculated; an important factor when discussing

protein adsorption kinetics.

Page 79: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Protein Analysis

The following methods describe the techniques used to identify pellicle protein

composition and protein concentration in this study. The order in which each

technique is described follows the chain of techniques that lead to the identification

of pellicle proteins in this research.

Basic chromatography principles

Column chromatography is a technique that separates proteins into different fractions

by taking advantage of differences in protein charge, size and binding affinities. The

technique used has a stationary phase (hydroxyapatite) that was held in a column;

and a mobile phase (saliva and subsequently buffer) that permeates through the

stationary phase. Individual proteins migrate through the column at different rates,

depending on the properties of the proteins and their affinity for stationary phase, in

this case hydroxyapatite. The stationary phase contains chemical groups that only

specific salivary proteins bind to. The passage of these proteins through the column

was delayed and their emergence from the column was detected by measuring the

absorbance at 280nm and 220nm recorded via UV/Vis detectors.

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Fast protein liquid chromatography

For the separation of salivary proteins a technique called Fast protein

liquid chromatography was used. This is an improvement on traditional column

chromatography techniques because instead of the mobile phase (saliva) being

allowed to drip through a column under gravity, it is forced through under pressure

(≤3, 000 psi & flow rate range between 0.2 to 100.0 ml/min) via a peristaltic pump.

In addition, small hydroxyapatite particle sizes (≤40nm) were used for the column

packing material which gave a larger surface area for interactions with the saliva.

This reduced the diffusion of the sample throughout the column, and improved the

ability to distinguish between the separation of proteins measured by the UV/Vis

detector. Salivary protein fractionation was performed via a BioCAD SPRINT

Perfusion Chromatography workstation (PerSeptive Biosystems, Massachusetts,

USA) (see Figure 2.1.3.) ; using ceramic hydroxyapatite particles (Bio-Rad

Laboratories, Hertfordshire, UK) as the column packing media. Detection of proteins

was performed at 280nm and 220nm and effluent was collected using an Advantec

SF-2120 super fraction collector (California, USA). Subsequent 2 ml fractions were

then dehydrated in a Speed-vac SPD131DDA (Thermo Scientific, Hampshire, UK)

and frozen for later protein analysis (e.g. SDSPAGE).

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Figure 2.1.3. The apparatus (i) consists of a Biocad Sprint liquid chromatography

equipped with an internal PC running Windows 95 and used for controlling the

system and storing and processing data. (ii) schematic overview of the system.

Hydroxyapatite packed column

Hydroxyapatite (Ca10 (PO4)6OH2) is the main component of tooth enamel (~ 98%).

Thus it was deemed appropriate to pack the column and separate salivary proteins

relative to their affinity to hydroxyapatite particles. Although the protein interactions

with hydroxyapatite are complex (see [171] for a detailed review), the following

description attempts to elucidate the most significant features of the hydroxyapatite

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protein interaction. Hydroxyapatite contains two types of binding sites, positively

charged calcium and negatively charged phosphates. As a result, predominantly basic

proteins from saliva will bind via cation exchange interactions with the negatively

charged phosphate ions of hydroxyapatite. However, the positive amino groups on

these proteins will also be repelled by the calcium sites on the hydroxyapatite

packing; consequently, overall binding will depend upon the combined effects of

these repulsion/attraction interactions. On the contrary, acidic proteins from saliva

adsorb with the positively charged calcium ions of hydroxyapatite and are repelled

by the negatively charged phosphate sites (see Figure 2.1.4.). These interactions

where disrupted using components found in dentifrice products and fractions

collected (See chapter 7) and separated using 1D SDS-PAGE.

Figure 2.1.4. schematic representation of the binding mechanisms of salivary

proteins to the hydroxyapatite.

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1-dimensional Sodium dodecyl

sulphate polyacrylamide gel

electrophoresis (1D SDS-PAGE)

Sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) is an anionic (negatively charged) detergent that

denatures proteins down to their primary structure (addition of dithiothreitol breaks

the disulfide bonds that SDS cannot). Furthermore, SDS applies a negative charge to

each protein in proportion to the mass of the protein, so that one molecule of SDS

binds to every two amino acid residues of a protein. This treatment has two


(1) In an electric field all polypeptides are driven toward the anode (+ve charge).

(2) Proteins are denatured so that only protein mass will influence migration


Therefore, depending on the molecular mass of each peptide, the peptide will move

differently through a polyacrylamide gel; depending on the pore size of the gel being

used. The pore size of a gel can be varied by changing the total percentage of

acrylamide present in the gel. Gels with a gradient of 4% acrylamide at the top of the

gel, increasing to 12% acrylamide at the bottom of the gel were used.

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This gradient generated a sieving effect that separated proteins according to their

size. Therefore, as each protein moves through the gel, the pore sizes become

progressively smaller. The combination of gel pore size and protein charge, size, and

shape determines the migration rate of the protein (see Figure 2.1.5).

Figure 2.1.5. schematic representation of peptides separated by mass in a

polyacrylamide gel

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2-dimensional polyacrylamide gel

electrophoresis (2D-PAGE)

A widely used approach is two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE). Introduced

in the seventies [172]. The purpose of this method was to separate salivary proteins

by two dimensions; firstly by isoelectric point (pI) using isoelectric focussing (IEF),

then by size using SDS PAGE to obtain individual proteins which are observed as

individual spots on a stained gel. Spots of interest can be excised from the gel and

subjected to in-gel tryptic digestion to allow identifications via MS/MS analysis.

First dimension separation (isoelectric focussing)

The experiment involves the separation of proteins according to their isoelectric

point (pI) by isoelectric focusing (IEF). IEF works by applying an electric field to

proteins within a pH gradient. The proteins separate as they migrate through the pH

gradient in response to the applied voltage. When a protein reaches a pH value that

matches its pI, its net electrical charge becomes neutral, and stops migrating. In this

way, each protein in a sample becomes "focused" according to its pI. Immobilized

pH gradient (IPG) with ampholytes covalently bound to a gel are used to (See Figure

2.1.6. (a))

Second dimension separation (SDS-PAGE)

The proteins resolved by IEF are then applied to SDS-PAGE and separated by

molecular weight (as previously described) in a direction perpendicular to the first

dimension (see Figure 2.1.6. (b)). Separated proteins can then be excised from the

gels and identified using mass spectrometry

Page 86: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Figure 2.1.6. (a) schematic of isoelectric focusing: a mixture of salivary proteins

were resolved on a pH3-10 Immobilized pH gradient strip according to each proteins

isoelectric point, independent of the protein size. (b) Schematic diagram showing the

second dimension separation of proteins by SDS-PAGE after separation by IEF.

Page 87: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Liquid chromatography tandem mass

spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)

Figure 2.1.7. illustrates the typical experimental workflow for protein identification

using liquid chromatography (LC) and electrospray ionization tandem mass

spectrometry (MS/MS) in this research. This technique was performed using a ‘linear

trap quadrupole’ (LTQ)-Orbitrap mass spectrometer (Thermo) and a nanoflow-

HPLC system (nanoACQUITY: Waters) [173]. Prior to LC-MS/MS analysis

however, 1D-PAGE and 2D-PAGE separation was performed so as to reduce the

complexity of the saliva/pellicle samples. Proteins of interest were then excised from

the gels and the enzyme trypsin, which selectively cleaves peptides at the C-terminal

side of arginine and lysine, was used to digest the proteins into peptides. These

peptides were then introduced into the nanoflow-HPLC system which regulates the

flow of peptides into the mass spectrometer. Upon exiting the HPLC system, the

peptides were sprayed under high-voltage via the electrospray ionization (ESI)

source, where small droplets of the peptides were formed and vaporised giving rise

to ionised peptides. The first stage of mass analysis (MS1) takes place in the linear

ion trap which separated the ionised peptides with respect to their mass-to-charge

ratios (m/z). Each isolated ionised peptide was then induced to fragment by collision

induced dissociation (CID); and the fragmented peptides were then passed into the

Orbitrap for the second stage of mass analysis (MS2). Here, fragmented ionized

peptides revolve about the central electrode and oscillate harmonically along the

orbitrap’s axis (the z-direction) with a frequency characteristic of the peptides m/z

values. This permits the generation of an MS/MS spectrum that identifies the

sequence of the peptide. This sequence is then correlated with theoretical sequences

Page 88: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


generated in silico using database search algorithms. Proteins in this research were

identified using the MASCOT v2.2.06 search engine [174]; where the degree of

matching between each experimental and theoretical mass spectrum was assigned a

score and the peptide sequence in the database with the most significant score was

assumed to be correct. Analysis was performed using a LTQ-Orbitrap mass

spectrometer (Thermo) and a nanoflow-HPLC system (nanoACQUITY: Waters).

Peptides were trapped on line to a Symmetry C18 Trap (5 μm, 180 μm x 20 mm)

which was then switched in-line to a UPLC BEH C18 Column, (1.7 μm, 75 μm x

250 mm) held at 45°C. Peptides were eluted by a gradient of 0–80% acetonitrile in

0.1% formic acid over 50 min at a flow rate of 250 nl min−1. The mass spectrometer

was operated in positive ion mode with a nano-spray source at a capillary

temperature of 200°C. The Orbitrap was run with a resolution of 60,000 over the

mass range m/z 300–2,000 and an MS target of 106 and 1 sec maximum scan time.

The MS/MS was triggered by a minimal signal of 2000 with an Automatic Gain

Control target of 30,000 ions and maximum scan time of 150 ms. For MS/MS events

selection of 2+ and 3+ charge states selection were used. Dynamic exclusion was set

to 1 count and 30 sec exclusion time with an exclusion mass window of ±20 ppm.

Proteins were identified by searching the Thermo RAW files converted to Mascot

generic format by Proteome Discover 1.1 (Thermo) and proteins were identified by

interrogating the Sprot_trembl20121031 proteome database (taxonomy Homo

Sapiens) using the MASCOT v2.4.1 search engine [174].

Page 89: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Figure 2.1.7. A typical experimental workflow for salivary protein identification and

characterisation using LC-MS/MS data; and a schematic outline of the LTQ-Orbitrap.

Page 90: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation



The composition of stimulated and unstimulated differs significantly. About 70 % of

the unstimulated whole saliva is derived from the submandibular/sublingual glands;

about 15-20 % from the parotid and 5-8 % from the minor salivary glands. When

saliva is stimulated, the parotid saliva contributes up to 50% of the total WMS [4].

However, the proteins of WMS are susceptible to hydrolysis by proteolytic

enzymes,[175]. Consequently, when no pre-treatment of saliva is implemented (e.g.

protease inhibition, centrifugation and temperature control) rapid changes in the

nature and composition of the saliva takes place [176]. Due to the rapid degradation,

low secretion rate, coupled with the relatively large volumes of saliva required for

analysis (≥10ml for WMS and ≥30ml for PS samples), unstimulated saliva was not

used in this study. Furthermore, the rapid secretion of stimulated saliva minimised

the time between collection and measurement, thus eliminating the need for protease

inhibitors and centrifugation of the saliva. The consequence of which were saliva

samples that were more representative of the saliva produced in vivo.

Saliva collection

Saliva collection of stimulated Whole Mouth Saliva (WMS) and stimulated Parotid

Saliva (PS) was undertaken according to a protocol approved by the National

Research Ethics Service, by the Hertfordshire Research Ethics Committee. Study

reference number: 10/H0311/15 registered online at ID:

NCT01167504; Protocol ID: IFR03-2010. The saliva was obtained from 14

apparently healthy nonsmoking male and female volunteers, ranging in age from 20

to 50 years. The subjects had no history or current signs of oral conditions that could

Page 91: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


affect oral fluid composition. In order to collect WMS, volunteers rinsed their mouth

with 10ml of bottled still water (Waitrose, Norwich, UK) twice. Volunteers then

chewed on flavour-free gum (Gumlink, Dandyvej, Denmark) and expectorated the

saliva into a small sterile collection bottle for up to 15 min, or until they had

produced 10 mL of saliva. The PS was collected using a sterilised Lashley suction

cup which was placed over the parotid duct (see Figure 2.1.8) after the nurse cleaned

the inside of the cheek around the parotid duct area with sterile gauze [177]. Once

the cup was in position the volunteer was asked to gently draw back the plunger of

the syringe attached to the tubing on the cup to create mild suction in the outer,

suction chamber of the cup until the cup is held securely but comfortably in place.

The salivary secretion was stimulated by sucking ‘Rosey Apples’ boiled sweets

(Asda, Norwich, UK). This continued for up to 45 minutes, or until 20-30 mls of

saliva had been produced. Salivas were kept in ice upon expectoration, and were

used immediately for study; and therefore it was deemed that no protease inhibitors

were required. Moreover, this would mimic the behaviour of the in vivo pellicle as

closely as possible, including potential proteolysis of the pellicle and pre-cursor


Page 92: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Figure 2.1.8. Image of a Lashley cup and the collection of parotid saliva (a)

placement of the Lashely cup in preparation for the collection of parotid saliva; (b)

Parotid duct (also known as Stensen’s duct) located in the upper cheek next to the

maxillary second molar; (c) Inner structure of the Lashley cup showing ;(i) the

vacuum chamber that allows the attachment of the device to the surrounding buccal

surface; and (ii) Parotid saliva collection chamber where the parotid saliva flows.

In order to ensure that the collection procedure was being carried out correctly; and

to validate that no mixing of PS was taking place during the collection of volunteers

PS, three different media were used to observe bacterial growth within WMS and PS

samples. Because PS is ductal saliva, and is therefore essentially bacteria free,

no/limited bacterial growth was observed. Conversely, plates that contained WMS

did, as expected, show bacterial growth and thus confirmed that the protocol was

effective at separating the two types of saliva (See Figure 2.1.9).

Page 93: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Figure 2.1.9. Bacterial growth derived from PS and WMS. PS and WMS was

swabbed onto 3 different media: (a) M17 medium supplemented with either glucose

only; (b) de Man, Rogosa and Sharpe and (c) Blood Agar Base 1% Yeast Extract

5%Horse Blood. Plates were then incubated for 24 hours at 37°C.

Saliva protein concentration

Total protein concentration of whole mouth saliva and parotid saliva of the

volunteers’ saliva samples was carried out via BCA (bicinchoninic acid) assay kits

from Pierce Biotechnology Inc., (Rockford,IL, USA). This assay is based on two

chemical reactions; the first is the Biuret reaction, where cupric ions (Cu2+) are

reduced (i.e. gain electrons) to cuprous ions (Cu+) by the peptide bonds of proteins in

an alkaline environment. The amount of Cu2+ reduced is proportional to the amount

Page 94: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


of protein present in the solution within concentrations of 20 – 2,000 μg/ml [178].

The second step involves the chelating of one Cu1+ with two BCA molecules forming

a purple coloured solution, which absorbs light at a wavelength of 562nm. This was

measured with a ‘Benchmark Plus Microplate Spectrophotometer (Bio-Rad

Laboratories Ltd., Hertfordshire, UK). The protein concentration of saliva samples

were then determined by comparing there absorbance values with a standard curve of

absorbances from nine concentrations (0 ug/ml to 2,000 ug/ml) of bovine serum

albumin (BSA) provided with the kit.

Page 95: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Chapter 3

Salivary Pellicle Adsorption and

Characterisation Relative to

Hydrophobic, Silica and

Hydroxyapatite Surfaces

Page 96: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation



In 2001 Nakanishi described the event of proteins adsorbing to a solid interface as:

“a common but very complicated phenomenon” [179]. Common, because proteins

are amphipathic molecules which renders them intrinsically surface-active

molecules; and complicated because protein adsorption is confounded by numerous

variables that render a simple description of the subject area very difficult. This is

because protein adsorption is influenced by many factors (e.g. properties of the

protein; properties of the surface, temperature, pH and ion concentration).

Consequently, even though significant progress in certain areas of protein adsorption

has been achieved (see Vroman effect [180]) differing opinions on how to explain

protein adsorption continue (see Daly et al. [181] Vs. Wertz [182] et al.) to this day.

Added to this complexity is that saliva is a heterogeneous and variable fluid that

contains hundreds of proteins that vary in concentration and depend on many factors

such as; saliva flow rate, circadian rhythm[183]; type and size of the salivary gland

[184]; and physiological status of the subject [56].Therefore, developing a model that

predicts the adsorption behavior of saliva to a surface, with the currently available

methods, is very challenging. In addition, the dynamic nature of enamel pellicle once

adsorbed to a surface results in a film that is constantly evolving with its oral

environment, making it difficult to be certain of an exact structure. In order to

circumvent these issues a number of studies have identified proteins within the

pellicle, which have then been isolated to observe their individual adsorption

behaviors. For example, proline-rich proteins [62], statherin [51], mucin [185], serum

albumin [115] and lysozyme [186] have all been studied to help understand in greater

detail the adsorption phenomenon of the pellicle that occurs in the mouth. However,

Page 97: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


once isolated the adsorption characteristic of an isolated protein is no longer

representative of how it behaves in a mixture of solutes such as that found in the

mouth. Therefore another way pellicle adsorption can be observed is by using several

whole mouth saliva samples from numerous volunteers, and then following pellicle

adsorption onto surfaces that are representative of surfaces in the mouth.

Consequently, the formation of salivary pellicles derived from stimulated whole

mouth saliva samples on 6 different surfaces (3 DPI sensors: Silica; hydroxyapatite;

C18 and 3 QCMD sensors: Silica; hydroxyapatite; polystyrene) that vary in charge

and hydrophobicity was observed. Observing the adsorption of the WMS on each of

these surfaces helps to envisage the formation of the salivary pellicle as it may take

place in the oral cavity, as it too consists of physically diverse surfaces (i.e. hard

enamel and soft mucosa) that impact the adsorption behaviour of salivary proteins

and gives an indication as to how different surface properties (i.e hydrophobicity,

roughness) can affect salivary protein adsorption. Furthermore, in order to push our

understanding of salivary pellicle formation on the tooth surface a little further it was

decided that distinguishing which of the salivary proteins were involved in pellicle

forming process should be identified. This was because the formation of the enamel

pellicle is the result of selective adsorption of salivary components to the tooth

surface; thus, not all proteins in saliva are involved in the pellicle forming process.

As the dental enamel is primarily made of hydroxyapatite this was used as a model

for the tooth surface. Subsequently the types of proteins that bind to hydroxyapatite

were exposed via a combination of 2D-gel and mass spectrometry. This was also

considered a useful step in explaining the adsorption isotherms of the hydroxyapatite

sensors observed in this chapter and subsequent chapters where hydroxyapatite was

used. The aim of this chapter therefore is three fold. Firstly, to observe the

Page 98: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


adsorption profiles of stimulated WMS on hydrophilic hydrophobic and

hydroxyapatite coated sensors. Secondly to introduce the reader to some of the

complexities of protein adsorption; and thirdly, to identify the selective proteins from

saliva that are adsorbing to hydroxyapatite, which are potentially the same proteins

adsorbing to enamel in the mouth.

Page 99: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Materials and Methods

Hydroxyapatite, hydrophilic and hydrophobic sensors were used to observe the

pellicle forming properties and physical structure of WMS derived pellicle. Two

instruments (QCMD and DPI) were used to investigate the adsorption profiles of the

following 3 different surfaces:

For the DPI experiments the following sensors were used:

- Hydroxyapatite coated

- C18 functionalised (Hydrophobic)

- Silicon oxynitride (Hydrophilic)

and for the QCMD experiments the following sensors were used:

- Hydroxyapatite coated

- Amorphous Fluoropolymer 1600/Teflon-like (Hydrophobic)

- Silicon dioxide (Hydrophilic)

Two surface properties of these sensors (roughness and wettability) were

investigated via AFM and contact angle measurements (See Figure 3.0.1.) in order to

highlight potential surface effects on subsequent pellicle formation and structure data

produced from the DPI and QCMD.

Stimulated whole mouth saliva was collected as previously mentioned in Chapter 2.

Once the sample had been expectorated, 2 ml of the saliva was used for QCMD

analysis and 2 ml of the same saliva sample was used for DPI analysis. The saliva

Page 100: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


was allowed 2 hours to adsorb and was then rinsed with a 10mM pH 7 phosphate

buffer in order to remove any loosely adsorbed material. These experiments were

repeated five times per sensor, using a different saliva sample per experiment. No

sensor was used more than three times.

Sensor cleaning

After the completion of the experiment, QCMD and DPI surfaces were cleaned with

2% w/v SDS (Sigma-Aldrich, UK), followed by 2% w/v Hellmenax then copiously

rinsed with buffer followed by MiliQ water. QCMD sensors were further dried with

oxygen free nitrogen gas and exposed to UV-ozone (Bio-Force Nanosciences Inc.,

Iowa, USA) for 20 min. Whereas the DPI sensors were not removed from the

instrument, but had 20% isopropanol flowing over the senor at 20 μl/min until the

next experiment.

Contact angles

The contact angle is a quantitative measure of the wetting of the solid by the liquid.

This wettability of the sensors was measured by Attension Theta optical tensiometer

(Biolin Scientific) in order to predict the hydrophobic nature of the sensors surfaces.

Contact angles were measured with Mili-Q water (drop size ≈15μl) as static contact

angles using the sessile drop technique with an Attension Theta optical tensiometer

(Biolin Scientific). The computer captures an image of the drop which is analyzed

with a drop profile fitting method in order to determine contact angle. When attracted

by the solid, the liquid forms a drop with low contact angles (θ < 90°). If repelled,

the contact angles are high (θ > 90°).

Page 101: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Surface roughness

An MFP-3D atomic force microscope (Asylum Research, CA, USA) was used to

measure the root mean square surface roughness (RMS) of the sensors. See chapter 2

for methods.

2-D gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry

These techniques were used to identify which salivary proteins were selectively

binding to hydroxyapatite. WMS was collected from 3 volunteers as described in

chapter 2. Each sample was analyzed via 2D gel electrophoresis (See chapter 2) to

identify salivary proteins present in WMS. However, 0.1ml of each of the volunteer’s

WMS sample was also added to 0.01mg of HA powder. The WMS/hydroxyapatite

mixture was incubated for 2 h at 37 °C under continuous mixing. After 2 hours, the

resulting suspensions were centrifuged at 10000 rpm for 10 min at 4 °C and the

supernatants were then analyzed via 2D electrophoresis to identify salivary proteins

that had not adsorbed to hydroxyapatite. By comparing the gels from the saliva

samples that had or hadn’t been exposed to hydroxyapatite, it was possible to

observe which proteins had been selectively adsorbed to the hydroxyapatite.

In situ trypsin hydrolysis of protein bands

Gel pieces of interest were excised using a 5ml Diamond pipette tip (Gilson) and

then washed with two 15 min incubations in 200mM ammonium bicarbonate (ABC)

in 50% (v/v) acetonitrile (500μl) to equilibrate the gel to pH 8 and remove the stain,

followed by 10 min incubations with acetonitrile (Fisher) (500μl). Any cysteine thiol

side chains were then reduced by incubation with 10mM dithiothreitol in 50mM

ABC (500μl) for 30 min at 60°C before being alkylated with 100mM iodoacetamide

Page 102: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


in 50mM ABC (500μl) for 30 min in the dark at room temperature. The gel pieces

were then washed with two 15 min incubations in 200mM ammonium bicarbonate

(ABC) in 50% (v/v) acetonitrile (500μl) followed by 10 min in acetonitrile (500μl) to

dehydrate and shrink the gel pieces before air drying. The protein was digested by

the addition of 100ng Trypsin in 10μl of 10mM ABC (modified porcine trypsin;

Promega), or a mixture of 100ng Trypsin and 100ng Endoproteinase GluC (Roche)

in 10μl of 10mM ABC before incubated overnight at 37°C. Following digest the

samples were acidified by incubating with 10μl of 1% (v/v) formic acid for 10 min.

The digest solution removed from tube into an Eppendorf tube and the gel pieces

were then washed with 50% Acetonitrile (20μl) for 10mins to recover more digest

peptides from the gel. The combined extracted digest samples were then dried down

at the Low Drying setting (some heat) on a Speed Vac SC110 (Savant) fitted with a

Refrigerated Condensation Trap and a Vac V-500 (Buchi). The samples were then

frozen at -80°C until ready for Orbitrap analysis.


Significant differences in pellicle mass, thickness and density of WMS derived

pellicle between sensors was determined by two sample t tests after the post buffer

rinse of the pellicle. This was carried out using GenStat (14th Edition, VSN

International Ltd, Hemel Hempstead, UK). Two sample t tests were also used to

determin significant differences between the measured contact angles of the sensors.

A p value < 0.05 was considered significant in all statistical analysis.

Page 103: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation



Surface roughness of the hydroxyapatite coated DPI sensor (RMS = 18.7nm) was

higher compared to the silica oxynitride (RMS = 4.7 nm) and the C18

(RMS = 8.9nm) sensors. The surface roughness of the QCMD sensors was much

more uniform; Hydroxyapatie (RMS = 1.4nm) silicon dioxide (RMS = 1.2nm) and

polystyrene (RMS = 1.6nm) (See Figure 3.0.1. and Table 3.1.).

Contact angles (three repeats on each DPI and QCMD sensor) did not differ

significantly between the DPI (42 ±13o) and the QCMD (43 ±4o) hydroxyapatite

sensors. Whilst unsurprisingly, the C18 and polystyrene functionalised sensors were

shown to be the most hydrophobic of the sensors, with contact angles of 99 ±1o and

80 ±3o respectively, what was surprising was the large difference in contact angles

between the DPI (68 ±1o) and QCMD (32 ±1o) silica sensors; a difference of ~36 o

(See Figure 3.0.2.).

Page 104: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Figure 3.0.1. AFM imaging and contact angle photo of: (a) DPI hydroxyapatite

coated sensor; (b) a QCMD hydroxyapatite coated sensor; (c) DPI silica sensor; (d)

QCMD silica sensor; (e) DPI C18 functionalised sensor; (f) QCMD polystyrene

functionalised sensor. Differences between either surface roughness or wettability

can clearly be observed in all sensors, apart from (b) and (d).

Page 105: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Figure 3.0.2. Bar chart displaying the different contact angles of all the DPI and

QCMD sensors used. No significant difference between DPI and QCMD

hydroxyapatite sensors. The hydrophobic DPI C18 and QCMD polystyrene sensors

display the highest contact angle of all the sensors. But surprisingly DPI and QCMD

silica sensors display significantly different contact angles.

Page 106: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Surface charge

The isoelectric point of hydroxyapatite is estimated at ≈pH 8 [187]; and under the

neutral (pH7) conditions used for the adsorption of saliva in this study the

hydroxyapatite surface would have carried a slight positive charge. The isolelectric

point of silica is ≈pH 2 [188] so under the conditions used in this study, the silica

would have carried a negative charge. Finally the C18 and polystyrene sensors were

assumed to be uncharged, even though some residual charge of the underlying silica

may have some influence on adsorption this was not verified (See Table 3.1.).

Table 3.1. Surface properties of the DPI and QCMD sensors

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The adsorption of the salivary pellicle was very rapid for all three surfaces (See

Figure 3.0.3. (a)). The hydrated mass of the pellicle after rinsing away any loosely

adsorbed material with phosphate buffer was: 1212 ±154 ng/cm2 on the silica

surface; 1094 ±111 ng/cm2 on the polystyrene surface; and 1363 ±176 ng/cm2 on the

hydroxyapatite. The pellicle adsorbed to the hydroxyapatite sensor measured the

highest hydrated mass compared to the other two sensors, but this difference was

only statistically significant when compared against the polystyrene sensor (See

Figure 3.0.3. (b)).

Figure 3.0.3. (a) Graph showing the change in frequency of the sensor (≈ pellicle

hydrated mass) over time. (b) Bar chart showing the adsorbed pellicle hydrated mass

after rinsing with buffer.

As the pellicle adsorbed to the sensor surface an increase in dissipation (measured at

the 3rd overtone) was observed. This dissipation increase gives an independent

qualitative insight into the viscoelasticity of the pellicle, corresponding to an

decrease in rigidity or elasticity of the film. For the hydroxyapatite and polystyrene

sensors the increase in dissipation was proportional to the increase in pellicle mass

Page 108: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


(See Figure 3.0.4. (a)). However, for the pellicle adsorbed to the silica senor a

slightly different phenomenon was observed. Initially an increase in dissipation of

the sensor as the proteins adsorb to the surface occurred (as was observed with the

polystyrene and hydroxyapatite sensors); but then a rapid drop in the dissipation of

the sensor occurs after 2 minutes adsorption. This suggests some viscoelastic

changes taking place in the early stages of pellicle formation on the silica sensor that

was not observed on the other sensors. The dissipation of the pellicle after rinsing

away any loosely adsorbed material with phosphate buffer was: 9 ±1 x10-6 on the

silica surface; 8 ±3 x10-6 on the polystyrene surface; and 12 ±2 x10-6 on the

hydroxyapatite. The pellicle adsorbed to the hydroxyapatite sensor measured the

highest dissipation and was significantly different statistically when compared to the

other two sensors (See Figure 3.0.4. (b)).

Figure 3.0.4. (a) Graph showing the change in dissipation of the sensor (≈ pellicle

softness) over time. (b) Bar chart showing the dissipation value of the sensor, and

thus, adsorbed pellicle softness after rinsing with buffer.

This data showed that the decrease in frequency (i.e. increase in hydrated mass) was

highly associated to an increase in dissipation for WMS derived pellicle on all three

Page 109: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


surfaces. By comparing the ratio between Δf (Hz) and ΔD (unitless) (see Figure

3.0.5) after rinsing with buffer, the viscoelastic properties of the adsorbing pellicle,

with respect to the induced energy dissipation of the sensor per coupled unit mass,

can be observed. Such that a more negative Δf /ΔD value indicates the addition of

mass without eliciting a significant dissipation increase, which is characteristic of a

more rigid salivary pellicle. Conversely a less negative Δf /ΔD value indicates a

more viscoelastic, dissipative, salivary pellicle. This data shows that the pellicle

adsorbed to the hydroxyapatite sensors contained a significantly greater viscous

component (-6 ± 1Δf/ΔD) within its structure than the pellicle adsorbed to the silica

(-7 ± 1Δf /ΔD) and polystyrene (-8 ± 2Δf/ΔD) sensors.

Figure 3.0.5. Bar chart displaying ΔD (dissipation) as a function of Δf (frequency)

measured for the 3rd overtone reflecting qualitative viscoelastic properties of the

pellicle (less negative = more elastic) on three different surfaces. Pellicle adsorbed

to the hydroxyapatite sensor was shown to be more rigid than pellicle adsorbed to

silica and polystyrene.

Page 110: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation



Pellicle ‘dry’ mass The formation of the salivary pellicle onto all three DPI sensors

occurs very rapidly. The peak ‘dry’ mass was reached after circa 20 minutes

adsorption time. Subsequently no further adsorption, or desorption, was observed

(See Figure 3.0.6. (a)). After rinsing loosely adsorbed material from the sensor with

phosphate buffer, a larger decrease in mass was observed from the hydroxyapatite

coated sensor, relative to the silica and C-18 sensors. Post buffer rinse the silica and

C-18 sensors showed similar quantities of adsorbed mass (369 ±68 ng/cm2 and 339

±94 ng/cm2 respectively). Whereas the pellicle formed onto the hydroxyapatite

formed a pellicle of significantly higher mass (1416 ±742 ng/cm2) relative to the

other two sensors (See Figure 3.0.6. (b)).

Figure 3.0.6. (a) Adsorption profile of salivary pellicle ‘dry’ mass onto three DPI

sensors (Silica, C-18 and hydroxyapatite). (b) Bar chart showing the ‘dry’ mass of

the adsorbed pellicle after rinsing with buffer.

(a) (b)

Page 111: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Pellicle Thickness Although peak pellicle thickness was reached under ~20 minutes

adsorption time for all three sensors, the thickness of the pellicle differed

significantly for all three sensors (See Figure 3.0.7. (a)). After the buffer rinse, the

pellicle adsorbed to the C-18 sensor was the thinnest (4 ±1nm). Pellicle

formed onto the silica sensor was slightly thicker (6 ±1nm) but the pellicle with the

largest thickness was that formed on the hydroxyapatite-coated sensor (17 ±3nm)

(See Figure 3.0.7 (b)).

Figure 3.0.7. (a) Adsorption profile of salivary pellicle thickness on three DPI

sensors (Silica, C-18 and hydroxyapatite). (b) Bar chart showing the thickness of the

adsorbed pellicle after rinsing with buffer.

(a) (b)

Page 112: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Pellicle Density The peak density of the pellicle is reached very quickly for all three

sensors observed. However, the pellicle adsorbed onto the silica sensor had a much

lower density when compared to the density of the pellicles adsorbed onto the C-18

and hydroxyapatite sensors (See Figure 3.0.8. (a)). After rinsing with buffer the

density of the pellicle on silica was measured at 0.6 ±0.1 g/cm3; whilst on the C-18

and hydroxyapatite sensors the density of the pellicle was measured at 0.8 ±0.1g/cm3,

0.8 ±0.3g/cm3 respectively (See Figure 3.0.8 (b)).

Figure 3.0.8. (a) Adsorption profile of salivary pellicle density on three DPI sensors

(Silica, C-18 and hydroxyapatite). (b) Bar chart showing the density of the adsorbed

pellicle after rinsing with buffer.

(a) (b)

Page 113: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Identification of in vitro hydroxyapatite bound pellicle proteins

Comparison of the 2D gel electrophoresis patterns obtained from WMS samples

(Figure 3.0.9(a)) with those obtained after incubation of WMS with HA (Figure 3.0.9

(b)) showed a similar pattern of protein distribution for all samples, from all three

subjects (See Figure 3.1.0.). The number of spots observed on the 2D gel of saliva

exposed to hydroxyapatite was much smaller than that observed on the 2-D gels of

the saliva that was not exposed to hydroxyapatite. These missing proteins were

assumed to be proteins adsorbing to hydroxyapatite, which can be considered to be

good candidates for actual in vivo pellicle proteins.

Page 114: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Figure 3.0.9. Two-dimensional gels obtained in pH range between 3 and 10 and

12.5% of SDS–PAGE stained with colloidal Coomassie blue of: (a) originalWMS

sample and (b) a hydroxyapatite incubated WMS sample (identifying non-adsorbed

proteins) and (c) gels a and b overlaid to reveal salivary proteins that do adsorb

(orange) and those that do not (Black/blue).

Page 115: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


The specific adsorption of salivary proteins to hydroxyapatite was highlighted in

Figure 3.1.0. Here it was observed that calgranulin-A (Spot B8) was present in all

three volunteers saliva and selectively adsorbed to hydroxyapatite in all experiments.

Whilst proteins Cystatin-SN and Cystatin-B were also present in all three volunteers

saliva the adsorption of these proteins to hydroxyapatite was limited; highlighting the

specific adsorption taking place between salivary proteins and hydroxyapatite.

Page 116: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Figure 3.1.0. A section of 2D gel displaying the selective adsorption of spot B8

(Calgranulin – A) to hydroxyapatite from 3 different volunteers (a), (b) and (c); and

the limited adsorption of spots B7 (Cystatin-SN); B12 (Cystatin-SN); and D3


A total of 39 spots (highest scoring proteins) were identified from the 2D gels (See

Table 3.2.). Many of the identified proteins were shown to be present in more than

one form (Figure 3.1.0. and Table 3.2.). This could be due to fragmentation caused

by bacterial degradation or by, phosphorylation, or glycosylation. For example,

major proteins identified in different forms were salivary α-amylase, cheek mucosal

cytokeratins, and the cystatins. The cystatins were identified in a number of isoforms

(cystatin S, cystatin SN and cystatin B) that may differ with respect to

phosphorylation and/or glycosylation [189]. In addition, a number of cytokeratins

from oral epithelia were also present, such as, cytokeratin -4, -5, -13 and -16 which

have all been shown to be present in the mouth [190].

Page 117: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Table 3.2. List of proteins identified from gel in Figure 3.0.9. (c). Several spots

were assigned as the same protein, due to possible post-translational modifications,

protein isoforms and peptides.

Page 118: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation



This chapter attempts to attain a general insight into the adsorption of saliva and

focus on the way the salivary pellicle forms onto hydrophobic, silica and

hydroxyapatite coated surfaces. Despite the different surfaces used, the amphipathic

nature of proteins allowed a salivary pellicle to form instantaneously on to all of the

surfaces. This is not to say that the surface had no effect on the pellicle structure. On

the contrary, differences in pellicle structure were observed in many cases and these

differences are likely to depend on the type of surface the saliva was adsorbing too,

as all other conditions such as buffer concentration, temperature, adsorption time and

rinsing steps were kept the same for all experiments.

QCMD: The salivary pellicle with the highest hydrated mass was observed on the

QCMD hydroxyapatite coated sensor. This may suggest that a higher number of the

proteins in saliva have a higher affinity to hydroxyapatite than polystyrene or silica,

and subsequently more proteins adsorb to the hydroxyapatite sensor than the

polystyrene or silica sensors. Santos et al. [124] also observed higher adsorbed

amounts on hydroxyapatite compared to silica sensors via QCMD and ellipsometry.

However, it may also be the case that it is in fact the type of proteins adsorbing to the

hydroxyapatite sensor, rather than the quantity of proteins. This was because the

QCMD measured all the adsorbed material on the sensor, including the water content

of the pellicle. Consequently, the proteins that adsorb to hydroxyapatite may produce

a pellicle that is capable of absorbing more water into its structure than the types of

proteins adsorbing onto the polystyrene and silica sensors. This would help explain

the higher hydrated mass observed, and it may not therefore simply be a matter of

increased protein adsorption. Supporting this description of increased pellicle

Page 119: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


hydration on the hydroxyapatite sensor was the dissipation data. This showed that the

pellicle adsorbed to hydroxyapatite formed a softer, less rigid film compared to the

pellicles adsorbed to silica and polystyrene; a less elastic pellicle would be

suggestive of a more hydrated film. This would also compliment work by

Veeregowda et al. [34] where the hydration of the pellicle is described to play an

important role in the lubricating processes of the mouth. However, despite the

evidence produced by the QCMD it was not possible to be explicit as to the precise

mechanisms that resulted in a pellicle with a higher hydrated mass when salivary

proteins adsorb to hydroxyapatite (increased protein adsorption vs. increased pellicle

hydration). Consequently, pellicle formation was also observed via the DPI to

measure the dry mass of the pellicle (i.e. pellicle layer without water content) using

hydroxyapatite, silica and C-18 sensors; in order to mirror as closely as possible the

sensors used for the QCMD.

DPI: The pellicle adsorbed to the hydroxyapatite sensor was much thicker and had a

significantly higher mass than the silica and C-18 sensors. However, this difference

was likely due to the difference in the surface roughness of the DPI hydroxyapatite

sensor relative to the C-18 and silica sensors. The RMS surface roughness of the

hydroxyapatite sensor was 4 times greater than the silica sensor and 2 times higher

than the C-18 senor. Rechendorff et al. [191] showed that the adsorption of

fibrinogen increased with increasing RMS roughness, and that this increase in

adsorption was beyond the accompanying increase in surface area. Subsequently, it

was no surprise that the hydroxyapatite sensor adsorbed a pellicle that was thicker

and was of a higher mass when compared to the smoother silica and C-18 surfaces.

However, because the effective RI of the waveguide (i.e. DPI hydroxyapatite sensor)

Page 120: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


changes in proportion to the amount of added material, the change in mass observed

was still a valid measurement of the amount of added protein to the hydroxyapatite

surface; only, the hydroxyapatite surface is microcrystalline and has a much larger

surface area. As a result, this difference in surface area made it difficult to compare

saliva adsorption and pellicle formation on hydroxyapatite sensors relative to the

other smoother DPI sensors. Subsequently, the principle mechanism behind the

observed increased mass on the hydroxyapatite sensors remains unresolved.

Nevertheless, because hydroxyapatite is the main component of dental enamel the

use of a DPI hydroxyapatite sensor is desirable when looking at pellicle formation.

This is because hydroxyapatite is considered a good model for the chemical

properties of the tooth surface [192]. As a result, the DPI hydroxyapatite sensor was

a surface that could still be used to observe how pellicle structure changes depending

on the type of saliva used (Chapter 4) and how the pellicle was affected by

surfactants (see Chapter 7) when used as an independent measurement. Even though

there isn’t a comparable positively charged surface, to compare with the

hydroxyapatite, it only has a small positive charge, yet has a very large adsorption of

proteins, some of which are neutral and basic. Thus it would suggest that there is a

more specific interaction with the substrate, especially as some of the identified

proteins are known to bind calcium or have discrete negatively charged regions in

their structure [193] and thus may well bind strongly to hydroxyapatite.

2D-gel & LC-MS/MS: The identification of proteins adsorbing to hydroxyapatite

was also analysed via 2-dimensional SDS-PAGE of in vitro (hydroxyapatite) formed

pellicle, and subsequent mass spectrometry of excised gels. Due to the miniscule

quantities of protein that can be extracted from the DPI and QCMD sensors and from

Page 121: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


the in vivo formed pellicle, experiments were performed in vitro. In this way the

identification of the salivary proteins adsorbing to hydroxyapatite powder may help

identify the proteins adsorbing to the QCMD and DPI hydroxyapatite sensors.

Identification of these proteins may also provide supporting evidence to the structural

observations made from the QCMD and DPI hydroxyapatite sensors. For example,

there is clear evidence that enzymes perform a structural role in the pellicle [24].

This evidence was supported by the identification of proteins adsorbed to

hydroxyapatite herein; where enzymes such as amylase, transglutaminase and

carbonic anhydrase were identified. It has been suggested that protein aggregates that

form in the mouth play a significant role in the formation of the pellicle [97]. The

amino acid composition of these micelles is similar to that of a 2-hour in vivo pellicle

layer [96]. Furthermore, electron microscope studies have also identified globular

structures on in situ formed pellicles [35]. Consequently the rapid increase in pellicle

mass and thickness observed from QCMD and DPI data maybe a result of protein

aggregates adsorbing to the surface, rather than the adsorption of individual proteins.

Although a full explanation behind the complexities of salivary protein adsorption to

a surface is beyond the scope of this work (see reviews [194, 195] for more detail) it

is understood that the adsorption of proteins from saliva onto the hydroxyapatite

solid surface is the result of a number of non covalent interactions that

simultaneously occur between components of saliva and hydroxyapatite.

At the surface of hydroxyapatite, calcium ions have a stronger tendency then the

phosphate ions to dissolve, resulting in an overall negative charge at the surface [62].

This surface is subsequently coated with cationic calcium counter ions, resulting in

an ionic double layer [68]. Consequently, although a number of forces dictate the

Page 122: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


adsorption of proteins to a surface, basic proteins are more likely to be bound by

ionic interactions via their positively charged amino groups with the negatively

charged phosphate ions of hydroxyapatite. Whilst acidic proteins will bind via their

negatively charged carboxyl groups with the positively charged calcium ions of

hydroxyapatite [25]. In addition to these short range (< 5nm) ionic interactions, Van

der Waals forces and hydrophobic interactions also contribute to the formation of

AEP as these have a longer range of attraction (50 – 100nm and 10-50nm

respectively) and therefore may help overcome potential repulsive forces between

prospective pellicle components of the same charge [196]. These interactions result

in the selective adsorption of only a certain number of proteins found in saliva (see

Figure 3.1.0.); a phenomenon that has also been observed for salivary enzymes,

where only a fraction of enzymes present in oral fluids have been detected in the

pellicle [24].

In addition to the evidence that enzymes are structural elements of the pellicle [105]

it has been shown that amylase, lysozyme, carbonic anhydrases, glucosyltransferases

and fructosyltransferase are immobilized in an active conformation in the pellicle

layer where they exhibit buffering properties and antibacterial effects in addition to

their influence on the structural modification of AEP [24]. Two of these salivary

enzymes (amylase & carbonic anhydrase) were also identified herein and are worthy

of particular focus. The reader is also referred to references [24, 27, 60] for more

detailed discussion on other enzymatic properties of the pellicle.

Amylase: Using various techniques, amylase has been shown to be one of the major

components of AEP. It has been detected in both experimental pellicles and in situ

Page 123: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


formed pellicles [60] and is known to be the most abundant enzyme in human saliva

[197]. The enzymatic role of amylase is to catalyse the breakdown of dietary starch

to glucose and maltose saccharides, to facilitate absorption into the body [77].

However, glucose and maltose can be further metabolized by cariogenic bacteria to

organic acids, which can lead to tooth demineralisation [102]. So why does the

pellicle contain an enzyme that appears to promote cariogenic bacteria so close to the

tooth surface? Firstly, amylase is an important structural component of AEP as it

forms heterotypic complexes with Mucin Glycoprotein 1, which is the most abundant

mucin detected in the pellicle. Consequently, amylase is considered to be an

important precursor protein in the initial formation of the pellicle [105]. Secondly,

the amylase adsorbed into the AEP undergoes conformational changes, so that

pellicle-bound amylase has a lower affinity to starch than the amylase found free in

saliva [198]. In other words, pellicle bound amylase does not produce as much

fermentable carbohydrates for bacteria as unbound amylase, free in saliva.

Subsequently, amylase adsorbed onto AEP provides protection for tooth enamel via

its structural role in pellicle formation, whilst its capacity to produce fermentable

carbohydrates for cariogenic bacteria is negligible.

Carbonic anhydrase (CA): CA exists as a number of isoenzymes, though CA II and

CA VI are the two that are dominant in AEP. CA II and VI has been shown to be

present in situ formed pellicles [23]; and van der Mei [135] showed that the

immobilized enzyme retains its biological activity in vivo. The CAs catalyse the

reversible reaction seen in equation below. This has an important protective function

for teeth, as CA accelerates acid removal in the local environment of the tooth

surface, thus preventing carie formation.

Page 124: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Equation 1. Carbonic anhydrase drives the reaction converting carbonic acid to

carbon dioxide and water (see below), which effectively takes up accessible

hydrogen ions.

CO2 + H2O ⇆ HCO3- + H+

Carbonic anhydrase

Salivary flow ensures that there is enough bicarbonate [HCO3-] present to take up

excess [H+] so that when acid is produced within the mouth the increase in [H+] will

move the position of equilibrium to the left, producing more carbon dioxide and

water. Now, although carbon dioxide is also an acid, in an open system such as the

mouth, carbon dioxide is converted from a dissolved state into a volatile gas where it

is lost to the atmosphere. Thus the acidic environment has been neutralised and

demineralisation of teeth prevented. From the above discussion, enzymes

not only play a role in pellicle structure, but are also involved in pellicle function.

In conclusion, this chapter has summarised the physical properties of the pellicle and

how these properties can be influenced by the surface to which the pellicle adsorbs.

Furthermore, identification of the proteins that adsorb to hydroxyapatite help explain

the structural formation of the pellicle that adsorbs to the hydroxyapatite coated

DPI/QCMD sensors and how some of these proteins maintain some activity.

Although this work raises some interesting points regarding pellicle structure and

pellicle composition the reader should be made aware that the systems used in this

work do not reflect the dynamic conditions of the mouth, such as, the continual flow

and clearance of saliva. As a result, several differences have been found between

pellicles formed in vitro and those in vivo [35, 117]. Furthermore, enzymes from

bacterial cells, mucosal tissues and from consumed foods can also integrate into the

pellicle in vivo and may too influence pellicle structure [for more details see 36, 106

]; factors that could not be simulated in this work.

Page 125: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Chapter 4

Structural Characterisation of Parotid

and Whole Mouth Salivary Pellicles

Adsorbed onto DPI and QCMD

Hydroxyapatite Sensors

Page 126: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation



In the previous chapter the selective adsorption of salivary proteins, including

enzymes and glyco-proteins at the tooth/saliva interface resulting in the formation of

a salivary pellicle was observed [1]. As this pellicle constitutes an interface between

teeth and the oral environment, it is universally accepted to be of prime importance

for several protective functions within the oral cavity [14, 15, 34]. Despite the

importance of the pellicle in oral physiological and pathological processes, an

understanding of the fundamental physical and molecular mechanisms underlying the

structural formation of this protein film remains unresolved. This is because the

adsorption of salivary proteins required for pellicle formation is influenced by a

number of variables inherent to the individual, making it difficult to elucidate the

respective roles that salivary proteins play in pellicle formation. For example, protein

adsorption may be affected by the location of teeth in the mouth and the tooth’s

physical (e.g. surface roughness) and chemical (e.g. hydrophobicity of enamel)

properties [35, 83-85]; a phenomenon that was also observed in the previous chapter.

Other factors such as the dynamic protein composition of individual’s saliva and the

effect that exogenous proteins (food- or bacterially-derived) may have on the pellicle

can complicate the interpretation of results. Therefore numerous methodical

approaches have been designed to explore pellicle formation. For example, in vivo

studies have been used where the pellicle is scrapped from the tooth surface [50, 86];

or in situ studies, where enamel, often bovine, is exposed in the oral cavity [72]; or in

vitro studies where different substrates are exposed to collected saliva extra-orally

[87, 192, 199]. In this study the differences in the properties of pellicles formed from

stimulated parotid saliva (PS), which contains little or no mucin; and stimulated

Page 127: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


whole mouth saliva (WMS), which contains mainly two types of mucin: MUC5B

and MUC7[200] was investigated. By combining the data from quartz -crystal

microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCM-D) and a dual polarisation

interferometer (DPI) the formation and structure of the salivary pellicle by contacting

WMS and PS with hydroxyapatite (the main component of enamel[201]) coated

sensors was observed. Combining these techniques not only allowed us to measure

the hydrated mass, dry mass, thickness and viscoelastic properties of the pellicle; but

also to record the density of the PS and WMS formed pellicles. The pellicle density

was a physical parameter of pellicle structure that had hitherto been assumed and not

directly measured. Therefore, this study takes our understanding of the formation and

structure of this salivary film a step further; as one can now comment on the packing

of the pellicle proteins (i.e. low density ≡ diffuse pellicle or high density ≡ compact

pellicle). With this added information the kinetic adsorption processes involved in

the formation of PS and WMS salivary pellicles were observed. Subsequently, the

role that different salivary components (e.g. mucins) have on the formation and

structure of the salivary pellicle as it takes place on the tooth surface was


Page 128: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Materials and methods

Saliva collection

10 WMS and 10 PS samples were obtained from 14 apparently healthy, non-

smoking, male and female volunteers, ranging in age from 20 to 50 years. Volunteers

refrained from eating 1 hour prior to donation, and rinsed their mouths twice with 10

mL of bottled still water (Waitrose, UK). To collect WMS, volunteers then chewed

on flavour-free gum (Gumlink, Denmark) and expectorated the saliva into a small

sterile collection until they had produced 10 mL of saliva. The stimulated PS was

collected using a sterilised Lashley suction cup [177]. The salivary secretion was

stimulated by sucking citric acid containing boiled sweets (‘Rosey-Apples’, ASDA,

UK). This continued until 20-30 mL of saliva had been produced. Samples were

kept on ice upon expectoration, and were used as soon as possible upon collection.

The protein content of each collection was measured via the bicinchoninic acid

(BCA) assay (Pierce Chemical Co., Illinois, USA) using bovine serum albumin as a

protein standard[178].

Saliva adsorption protocol

All substrates used were coated in hydroxyapatite (HA). QCM-D measurements were

performed using a D300 QCMD (Q-Sense AB, Vastra Frolunda, Sweden) with a

QAFC 302 axial flow measurement chamber maintained at 36.8oC. HA coated AT-

cut piezoelectric quartz crystals sandwiched between gold electrodes (QSX-303, Q-

Sense AB, Vastra Frolunda, Sweden) were used as the substrate. Measurements of

pellicle thickness and refractive indices (RI) were performed using an AnaLight

Bio200 DPI (Farfield Sensors Ltd., Manchester, UK). The device used a silicon-

oxynitride sensor that was coated with HA. The sensor was clamped in a

Page 129: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


temperature-controlled enclosure and maintained at 36.8oC for all experiments. A 0.5

ml sample of saliva (PS or WMS depending on the experiment) was injected into the

QCMD and DPI instruments at the same time (both used static adsorption systems

i.e. not a flow-cell). Pellicle formation was monitored for 120 minutes before rinsing

with a 0.5ml simulated salivary buffer solution (see below). Three data points were

collected during the time course of the experiment: at 1 minute adsorption, 120

minutes adsorption and at 130minutes (i.e. post buffer rinse).

Simulated salivary buffer

A simulated salivary buffer of similar ionic strength to saliva was used (100 mM

NaCl, 1 mM CaCl2, 3 mM Na3PO4 and HEPES, pH 7.5). Solutions were prepared in

deionised and filtered ultra-pure water (Nanopure Diamond, Barnstead Int., USA).

Sensor properties

The substrates used for the adsorption of saliva were ten QCMD hydroxyapatite (Q-

Sense AB, Vastra Frolunda, Sweden) and ten DPI hydroxyapatite coated sensors

(Farfield Scientific, Manchester, UK); each one used a maximum of three times. The

HA sensors were calibrated to take into account the R.I. (1.52) and thickness

(940nm) of this hydroxyapatite layer when measuring the thickness, mass and

density of the salivary pellicle. This was done by stripping the hydroxyapatite from

one of the sensors (using phosphoric acid at pH1.7) and measuring the subsequent

phase change of TE and TM upon removal of hydroxyapatite. The R.I. and thickness

values of the hydroxyapatite sensors could then be calculated and entered manually

into the software for subsequent salivary film analysis; assuming that all of the DPI

hydroxyapatite sensors were coated with similar quantities of hydroxyapatite.

Page 130: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Sensor cleaning

After the completion of the experiment, QCMD and DPI surfaces were cleaned with

2% w/v SDS (Sigma-Aldrich, UK), followed by 2% w/v HX then copiously rinsed

with simulated salivary buffer followed by MiliQ water rinsing and dried with

oxygen free nitrogen gas. Finally, QCMD sensors were exposed to UV-ozone (Bio-

Force Nanosciences Inc., Iowa, USA) for 20 min.

Mucin immuno-blotting

Immuno-blotting a 1μl sample from each of the whole mouth and parotid saliva

dilutions (dilution factor: 5, 10, 15) were transferred onto an Immuno-Blot PVDF

membrane (0.2 μm pore, Bio-Rad) and were left to dry for 2 h. Unoccupied protein-

binding sites of the membrane were then blocked by incubation (2 h, 25oC) with 5%

Bovine Serum Albumin (Sigma) in phosphate buffered saline and Tween 20 (PBST)

solution (137 mM NaCl, 10 mM Na phosphate, 2.7 mM KCl, 0.1% v/v Tween 20,

pH 7.5) followed by washing in PBST (3 x 5 min, 50 mL). The membranes were

then incubated separately in a 1:250 dilution of MUC 1, MUC 2, MUC5AC,

MUC5B and MUC7 rabbit polyclonal antibody and MUC6 goat polyclonal antibody

respectively (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, inc. Dallas, USA); and placed on a shaker in

fridge at 4oC for 10 h. The membranes were then washed in PBST (3 x 5 min, 50

mL) and then incubated in a 1:1000 dilution of goat anti-rabbit alkaline phosphatase

conjugate and rabbit anti-goat for MUC6 (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, inc. Dallas,

USA) for 3 h at 25oC and then washed in PBST (as above). Bound antibody was

located by briefly washing the membrane in water (1 x 30 s, 100 mL) and then

staining using 10 mL of a SIGMA FASTTM

BCIP/ NBT substrate tablet solution (1

Page 131: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


tablet in 10 mL of water). The washing step was sufficient to remove any inhibitory

effect of phosphate on the alkaline phosphatase.


Significant differences in pellicle mass, thickness and density in relation to WMS

and PS formed pellicles was determined by two sample t tests at three points of the

experiment (i.e. pellicle formed after 1 minute; pellicle formed after 2 hrs and

pellicle post buffer rinse) using GenStat (14th Edition, VSN International Ltd, Hemel

Hempstead, UK). In addition, simple linear regression analysis of pellicle mass as a

function of the protein concentration of saliva was carried out; also using GenStat. A

p value < 0.05 was considered significant in all statistical analysis.

Page 132: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation



Mucin composition

An immunoblot test was performed using rabbit and goat polyclonal antibodies

against MUC 1, 2, 5AC, 5B, 6 and 7. A number of mucins were present in the WMS

of all volunteers tested (See Figure 4.1.) were observed. Conversely all these mucins

were absent from PS with only traces of MUC 5B being detected in the PS of

volunteer 1 and 4, possibly due to the presence of minor salivary glands close to the

parotid gland duct on PS collection. Despite this, the immunoblot used confirmed the

scarcity of all 5 types of mucins from PS, but their presence in WMS.

Figure 4.1. Immunoblot displaying the presence of mucins (MUC 1, 2, 5AC, 5B, 6

and 7) in WMS and their general absence from PS in 4 of the 14 volunteers’ saliva

used in this study. MUC 7 and MUC 5B being the primary mucins present in saliva;

with traces of epithelial derived mucins (MUC 1 and MUC 2); and very faint blots of

pulmonary (MUC 5AC) and human gastric (MUC6) mucins.

Page 133: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


QCM-D pellicle adsorption

Figure 4.2. shows the frequency and dissipation profile for WMS and PS adsorption

onto hydroxyapatite surfaces measured at the 3rd overtone. Upon addition of WMS

and PS a rapid decrease in frequency, due to an increase in adsorbed hydrated mass,

was observed. While the WMS pellicle reached a plateau after 20 min adsorption, the

proteins from PS continually adsorb to the surface even after 120 minutes.

Figure 4.2. The adsorption profile of an example (a) WMS and (b) PS sample; with

raw data and fitted Voigt modelled data (WMS χ2 = 9.3 x10

5; PS χ2 = 13.5 x10


Adsorption profile of (c) mean frequency and (d) mean dissipation changes versus

time; measured for the 3rd

overtone by QCM-D for the adsorption of WMS (n=10)

and PS (n=10) pellicle on hydroxyapatite coated sensors. Frequency decreases

instantly, with a concomitant rapid increase in dissipation, as the saliva rapidly

adsorbs to the sensor surface. Following 120 minutes adsorption a simulated salivary

buffer was used to remove loosely adsorbed material from the pellicle.



Page 134: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


When Δf and ΔD were used in Voigt model analysis the initial rate of adsorption for

WMS and PS was recorded at 868 ±475 ng/cm2/min and 520±240 ng/cm


respectively (see Table 4.1.). This reduced to -1±3 ng/cm2/min for WMS and 7±2

ng/cm2/min for PS in the last hour of pellicle adsorption. The mass uptake was also

accompanied by a rapid increase in energy dissipation. The PS pellicle had a slower

increase in dissipation in the early stages of pellicle formation, compared to WMS,

which inferred that the PS pellicle was more rigid with respect to the WMS pellicle.



Page 135: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


In fact, the dissipation value for WMS pellicle reached a plateau almost instantly, as

opposed to the dissipation value for PS pellicle, which increased incrementally over


Table 4.1. QCM-D values of the adsorbed Sauerbrey and Voigt mass, thickness and

rate of formation for WMS (n=10) and PS (n=10) determined on hydroxyapatite

surfaces after 1 minute and 2 hour saliva adsorption; and after rinsing with simulated

salivary buffer.

* = p < 0.05; a = 0.054

N.B. modelled mass differs from the modelled thickness due to the assumed density

of the adsorbed pellicle and therefore the two parameters are statistically identical.

Protein concentration

The mean protein concentration of WMS was 1.6 ±0.6 mg/ml and PS 0.9 ±0.3

mg/ml, samples collected were shown to be significantly different (p <0.05) (see

Figure 4.3.). Although few studies, if any, have directly compared the protein

concentration of WMS with PS from the same group of volunteers, the results are

similar to individual studies of PS [202] and WMS [203] protein concentration. PS

protein concentration was shown to have a significant (p<0.05) positive association

to the adsorbed hydrated Sauerbrey mass of the adsorbed salivary pellicle (Figure

4.4. (a)). Thus, with increasing protein concentration of PS, an increase in the

hydrated Sauerbrey mass of the pellicle was observed. Conversely, the WMS protein

Page 136: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


concentration was shown to have no significant (p=0.3) association to the adsorbed

hydrated Sauerbrey mass of the pellicle; and therefore, was independent of protein

concentration (Figure 4.4. (b)).

Figure 4.3. Box plot displaying the variation in the protein concentration of PS (n =

33) and WMS (n = 42).

Figure 4.4. linear regression analysis of Sauerbrey mass as a function of the protein

concentration for (a) PS (n=10) and (b) WMS (n=10) derived pellicles. This suggests

that the PS protein concentration had a positive association to the adsorbed

Sauerbrey mass of the adsorbed salivary pellicle.

(b) (a)

Page 137: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Viscoelastic properties

By comparing the ratio between ∆f (Hz) and ∆D (unitless) (see Fig. 4.5.) one can

observe the viscoelastic properties of the adsorbing pellicle with respect to the

induced energy dissipation of the sensor per coupled unit mass. Such that a more

negative ∆f /∆D value indicates the addition of mass without eliciting a significant

dissipation increase, which is characteristic of a rigid, elastic salivary pellicle.

Conversely a less negative ∆f /∆D value indicates a viscoelastic, more dissipative,

salivary pellicle. PS formed pellicle was predominantly more elastic after 1 min

adsorption (−12.8 ∆f /∆D), 2 h adsorption (−8.8 ∆f /∆D) and after rinsing with buffer

(−9.4 ∆f /∆D) with respect to the WMS pellicle where the ∆f /∆D ratio at the same

time points was −8.1, −6.8 and −6.8, respectively.

Page 138: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Figure 4.5. Bar chart displaying the ratio of Δf/ΔD for WMS and PS derived pellicles

at three different stages of pellicle formation. Throughout the experiment the PS

formed a pellicle that had a lower Δf/ΔD ratio than WMS derived pellicle. This

suggests that the PS derived pellicle was more elastic relative to WMS derived


DPI Pellicle adsorption

On the introduction of WMS and PS to the DPI hydroxyapatite sensor, a rapid

increase in the polymer mass, thickness and density of the pellicle was observed (see

Figure 4.5. (a) and (b)). PS and WMS formed a salivary pellicle at a mean rate of

1576±392 ng/cm2/min and 954±493 ng/cm

2/min in the 1st minute of pellicle

adsorption respectively (see Table 4.2.). Consequently, the PS formed pellicle

deposited more mass (1576±392ng/cm2) compared to the WMS formed pellicle

(954±493ng/cm2) after 1 minute of adsorption. However, over time (>1hour) no

statistical difference between WMS and PS pellicle mass and thickness was

Page 139: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


observed; and the rate of formation for WMS effectively stops at -0.2 ±1ng/cm2/min;

whilst for PS it slows considerably to 1 ±2ng/cm2/min (see Figure 4.6.). The pellicle

thickness of both PS and WMS formed pellicles ranged from 12 – 24 nm at different

stages of pellicle formation (similar to the Voigt modelled pellicle thickness

measured via QCM-D) and at no point of the experiment was a statistical difference

observed. Nevertheless, a consistent difference in pellicle density between PS and

WMS formed pellicles was consistently observed.

Figure 4.6. Adsorption profile of (a) WMS (n=10) and (b) PS (n=10) forming a

pellicle over time on a DPI hydroxyapatite coated sensor. Thickness, mass and

density of the pellicle increase rapidly as the saliva rapidly adsorbs to the sensor

surface. Following 120 minutes adsorption a simulated salivary buffer was used to

remove loosely adsorbed material from the pellicle.

(a) (b)

Page 140: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Table 4.2. DPI values of the adsorbed polymer mass, density and thickness for WMS

(n=10) and PS (n=10) determined on hydroxyapatite surfaces after 1 minute and 2

hour saliva adsorption; and after rinsing with simulated salivary buffer.

*= p <0.05; a = 0.058

Figure 4.7. Box plot displaying the rate of pellicle formation derived from PS and

WMS after 2 hours adsorption. The PS continually adsorbs to the surface of both

QCMD and DPI sensors for the duration of the experiment. Whereas WMS formed

pellicle stopped adsorbing and actual desorption of pellicle mass was observed.

Page 141: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Pellicle density

In the 1st minute of adsorption the densities of the PS (1.0±0.1g/cm3) and WMS

(0.8±0.2g/cm3) formed pellicles differed significantly (p<0.05). In fact, the

difference in pellicle density for WMS and PS derived pellicle was consistently

observed throughout the experiment (see Figure 4.8.). The maximum mean pellicle

density (1.1±0.1g/cm3) occurred after 2 hours PS pellicle adsorption and the lowest

pellicle density (0.8±0.3g/cm3) occurred after rinsing the WMS pellicle after 120

minutes of adsorption. This suggests that the pellicle formed from PS was more

compact on the sensor surface; as opposed to the WMS pellicle, which produced a

pellicle with a lower density, suggesting a more diffuse pellicle.

Figure 4.8. Density difference between PS and WMS pellicle at different stages of

formation. Throughout the experiment the density of the PS derived pellicle was

higher than that of the WMS derived pellicle. This suggest that the WMS derived

pellicle is more diffuse relative to the PS derived pellicle.

Page 142: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation



The focus of this study was to compare the differences in the pellicle structure

formed from stimulated PS and stimulated WMS using optical (DPI) and acoustic

(QCM-D) methods in order to explain how observed structural differences between

PS and WMS pellicle came about. Furthermore, by comparing the pellicle forming

properties of WMS with that of PS an indication of the role that salivary mucins play

in pellicle formation and structure was provided; as the latter contains little or no

mucins. The primary mucins detected in WMS i.e. MUC 5B (MG1) and MUC 7

(MG2), were to be expected, however it was also observed that traces of epithelial

derived mucins (MUC 1 and MUC 2) were present. Faint blots of pulmonary (MUC

5AC) and human gastric (MUC6) mucins were observed; although, these signals

were very weak and could easily be caused by some cross reactivity with mucins or

aspecific binding to other compounds. Despite this, the literature often only cites the

presence of MG1 and MG2 in saliva, which this study has shown not to be the case.

Nevertheless, with respect to understanding the physical properties of the pellicle it is

MG1 that generates most interest as it is not only the most concentrated mucin in

saliva[200]; but also because it has a higher affinity for the tooth mineral

(hydroxyapatite) than the other main salivary mucin, MG2 [204].

The mucins contain a number of sites that can potentially promote adsorption to a

surface. These include hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions via the

carbonyl groups and methyl groups found in N-acetyl residues (i.e. N-acetyl

glucoasamine, N-acetyl galactosamine) and electrostatic interactions via sialic acid

residues [205].

Page 143: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


In Table 4.2. and Figure 4.6. the polymer mass, thickness, density differences

between WMS and PS pellicles using the DPI is presented. This shows that WMS

and PS pellicles reach a thickness of ~20nm after 2 hours of adsorption. This

compares well with our own QCMD data and that found in other studies [140, 144,

206]; where observed pellicle thicknesses ranged between ~20 and ~40nm.

Considering that globular proteins of mass of 50kDa will have a diameter of approx

5nm [207] it is clear that the pellicles investigated here are likely be composed of

multilayers, as seen in work by Baek et al. in 2009[32].

Considering that all salivary proteins are amphiphilic, regardless of their glandular

origin, some relationship between salivary protein concentration and pellicle mass

may be expected. However, it was observed that only the PS protein concentration

was correlated with pellicle mass (Figure 4.4. (a)), and that increasing concentrations

of salivary proteins contained within WMS did not necessarily result in a higher

surface mass concentration of adsorbed pellicle (Figure 4.4. (b)). Whilst it was

shown previously that low molecular proteins present in parotid saliva, primarily

statherin, form a primary adsorbed layer [39, 51], which will typically follow

monolayer adsorption behaviour, and adsorption will be self-limiting when the

surface is saturated [195]; to suggest a typical adsorption profile for WMS is a

difficult task considering the complex mixture of proteins present in WMS [208].

Hannig & Hannig [18] describe how adsorption of salivary proteins to form the

pellicle will be driven by electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions. The smaller

MW, surface active proteins that are rich in phosphor-serines (i.e. histatins and

statherin) will have a higher diffusion coefficient, and a strong affinity for the

hydroxyapatite surface, allowing them to adsorb more quickly and form the primary

Page 144: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


layers in both PS and WMS. Subsequent adsorption will depend on the attractive

interactions between the proteins present, perhaps enhanced by specific calcium

mediated interactions [33].

For PS, the absence of the large mucins allows the smaller proteins to continually

form a dense pellicle. The speed and hence extent of the pellicle formation with PS

will therefore be influenced by the protein concentration. In contrast, the presence of

the much larger MW mucin proteins in WMS will reduce the packing density and

lead to a less dense pellicle, as observed in Figure 4.8. Therefore, the formation of

the pellicle from WMS becomes complex, due to the presence of mucins. At low

mucin concentrations, protein adsorption is rapid, forming a dense pellicle. At high

mucin concentrations, higher viscosity will slow protein diffusion to the surface,

particularly the large MW proteins, and the presence of mucins will reduce pellicle

density. However, as the proportion of parotid saliva in WMS is not known in these

samples, and may vary between individuals, no clear relationship between protein

content and pellicle formation could be derived. Nevertheless, the PS pellicle was

shown to be much denser than WMS pellicle which would suggest that the proteins

present in PS are able to form a more compact pellicle when compared to WMS

pellicle, as was suggested from the DPI analysis. This would infer that proteins from

PS may be important for the formation of the dense basal layer of the enamel


From the QCMD data it was observed that unlike PS pellicle formation, where

adsorption of proteins never reached equilibrium, WMS pellicle reached a plateau,

and began to lose mass, suggesting that components present in WMS are preventing

Page 145: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


further pellicle growth after a certain point (see Figure 4.2. (c)). It is possible that

mucins may be arranging themselves in a way that halts the continual adsorption of

salivary proteins once the pellicle has formed. Santos et al. [124] also observed

conformational changes in the pellicle after initial protein adsorption had taken place.

However, it may be that under the current experimental procedure salivary proteins

required for further pellicle growth become exhausted; whereas in the mouth, saliva,

and thus pellicle proteins, are constantly being replenished. In Table 4.1. Here two

estimates of the hydrated mass, thickness and rate of pellicle formation based upon a

rigid elastic film (Sauerbrey model) and a softer more viscoelastic film (Voigt

model) have been presented. It can be observed that the main differences between the

way WMS and PS pellicles form occurs in the first minute of adsorption. Here, the

WMS pellicle develops faster than the PS pellicle forming a pellicle that is thicker

and higher in hydrated mass. Although after 60 min adsorption the mass of PS and

WMS films is the same, which suggests that the proteins present in PS are able to

continually adsorb to the surface forming multilayers of low molecular weight

proteins; and although the mass may be similar, the density, thickness and rate of

formation are different. So although there may be similarities during the primary

formation due to the role of the parotid proteins in both samples, as the pellicle

develops, differences in formation behaviour begin to emerge. It appears then that a

combination of low MW proteins found in PS alongside the presence of proteins

found in WMS appears to optimize the formation of the pellicle.

In this study it was also observed the structure of the pellicle formed from WMS and

PS by comparing ∆f /∆D ratio (see Figure 4.5.) of the adsorbing pellicle with respect

to the induced energy dissipation of the sensor per coupled unit mass. A lower ∆f/∆D

ratio indicated the addition of pellicle mass without eliciting a significant dissipation

Page 146: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


increase, which was characteristic of a rigid or elastic salivary pellicle. In the early

stages of pellicle formation (< 1minute) PS pellicle was found to be more elastic (-13

∆f/∆D) than the WMS formed pellicle (-8 ∆f/∆D). As the pellicle adsorption

progressed, the PS formed pellicle was consistently more elastic relative to the WMS

saliva formed pellicle. This phenomenon was also recently observed by Veeregowda

et al. [34] where WMS (as well as submandibular saliva) produced ‘softer’ adsorbed

films compared to the PS. This further suggests a more diffuse WMS pellicle, with

weaker interactions between the components, which would be expected as more

mucins adsorb into the film.

It appears then, that components of saliva absent in PS but present in WMS adsorb

and interact with the hydroxyapatite surfaces that permit the WMS to form a more

viscous and diffuse pellicle, compared to the more elastic and compact PS formed

pellicles. Rupp et al. [125] also observed a similar structural heterogeneity of the

salivary pellicle between a dense basal layer and a more hydrated outer layer. It was

suggested by Skjorland et al. [126] that these dense and hydrated layers were due to

compositional differences between the two stages of pellicle formation.

One can therefore propose that the presence of high MW mucins in WMS enhances

the adsorption of low MW proteins to promote the formation of the dense basal layer.

Possibly due to the water binding and network forming properties of the large MW

mucins, which hinders the diffusion of the large proteins, but allows diffusion of the

smaller proteins through the mucin network [209, 210]. This could ensure that low

MW proteins are able to diffuse to the surface more rapidly, allowing a consistent

order in the structure of the salivary pellicle. So that a dense basal layer (containing

low MW proteins) can form first, followed by a more diffuse globular layer

Page 147: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


(containing high molecular protein aggregates) arriving to the tooth surface

afterwards (See Figure 4.9.). This is in agreement with in situ TEM studies of pellicle

morphology where two distinct zones were found [30, 35].

Figure 4.9 Proposed model of pellicle formation: (a) The mucins contain a number

of sites that can potentially promote adsorption to a surface. These include hydrogen

bonding and hydrophobic interactions (via the carbonyl groups and methyl groups)

and electrostatic interactions (via sialic acid residues). (b) The smaller MW surface

active proteins (i.e statherin, histatins) that are entrapped in the mucin network begin

to diffuse through the network adsorbing onto the enamel surface. (c) These low MW

proteins crosslink to form a dense basal layer. (d) Mucins and protein aggregates

then arrange themselves in a way that results in a small amount of syneresis to take


However, it is also important to recognise that protein adsorption to a solid/liquid

interface is driven by many factors that should also be considered[195]. For example,

protein adsorption to the enamel surface will be affected by the location of teeth in

the mouth, and the tooth’s physical (e.g. surface roughness) and chemical properties

(e.g. hydrophobicity of enamel). Furthermore, the protein composition of an

individual’s saliva is highly variable [211]; which will also have an impact on the

adsorption of the pellicle proteins to the enamel surface [85, 108]. Another

consideration is that this study has focused on the absence of mucins from parotid

saliva as a means to compare pellicle formation of saliva with and without mucins; it

Page 148: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


should be noted that PS is a ductal fluid, and as such, bacteria free, as opposed to

WMS, which contains copious amounts of micro-organisms[212]. Components that

are released from bacterial and host cells are known to be incorporated into the

pellicle. Therefore some of the differences in the way the pellicles form may also be

due to the presence of bacteria in WMS and the absence of bacteria from PS. These

effects however, were minimised by the salivary collection methods used and by

utilising the saliva immediately after collection.

In conclusion, the data presented help to further define the mechanisms leading to the

multi-layered structure of the salivary pellicle and demonstrate that salivary

composition has an important effect on the properties of the adsorbed pellicle. In

particular, this study has suggested that the mucins within saliva may play two key

roles during pellicle formation; firstly they may promote the diffusion of low MW

proteins to the enamel surface, and thereby promote a consistent order to the pellicle

structure; and secondly the mucins also play an important role within the pellicle

itself, by forming a less elastic, outer layer, which almost certainly possesses

lubricating properties more suited to protecting the tooth surface from abrasive

stresses. This knowledge augments our current understanding of the salivary pellicle,

which is important for the development of more realistic salivary mimetics;

something that has been hitherto untenable, due to difficulties in mimicking the

complex interfacial properties of saliva. Furthermore, following the formation of the

pellicle may help elucidate the mechanisms in which it is able to impede enamel

demineralisation and subsequent dental carie formation.

Page 149: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Chapter 5

Effect of Calcium Ions on in vitro

Pellicle Formation from Parotid and

Whole Mouth Saliva

Page 150: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation



Currently, phosphoproteins such as, acidic proline rich proteins (aPRPs), histatins

and statherin are the main salivary proteins thought to play an important role as

pellicle precursor proteins. As such, these proteins have been widely studied with

respect to their ability to adsorb onto oral surfaces and thus influence early pellicle

formation [1, 25, 36, 68, 82]. These proteins contain calcium-binding domains that

may serve to provide a region of high calcium concentration close to the tooth

surface, thus facilitating the mineralisation of teeth. The importance that the pellicle

plays in preserving oral health becomes apparent in individuals who suffer from

Xerostomia (i.e. dry mouth syndrome) [57, 58, 213]. Without adequate saliva in the

mouth to produce an effective salivary pellicle, these individuals can suffer from

increased dental caries and mucous membrane damage. Although artificial salivas are

currently available as a treatment [214, 215], they only provide limited relief to the

discomfort that Xerostomia inflicts, principally because current artificial salivas do

not adequately mimic the complex interfacial film forming properties (i.e. thickness

and viscoelasticity) of human saliva [216], which plays a key role in oral

lubrication[39]. A number of studies have looked at the interplay between the

structure of the pellicle and the ionic composition of the saliva [142-146]. Of

particular interest has been to understand the role calcium ions play on pellicle

structure, as calcium ions are thought to have a bearing on the attraction between

pellicle proteins and the surface to which pellicle proteins adsorb [18, 144]. For

example, Tanizawa et al. [143] showed that calcium ions were able to enhance

pellicle formation onto hydroxyapatite surfaces via calcium bridging of proteins.

Whilst Proctor et al. [39] showed that chelation of calcium from saliva caused a

Page 151: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


dramatic decrease in the mechanical properties of an adsorbed salivary film,

consistent with the breakdown of pellicle structure. Thus, information regarding the

physical structure of the pellicle under varying calcium conditions should help

elucidate the mechanisms behind pellicle formation. Therefore, in this study the in

vitro formation of the salivary pellicle at different concentrations of calcium, from

stimulated parotid saliva (PS) and stimulated whole mouth saliva (WMS) onto silicon

oxide surfaces, using a quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring

(QCMD) and a dual polarisation interferometer (DPI) was examined. Together these

techniques yield information on changes in the pellicle structure in terms of adsorbed

mass, thickness, polymer concentration, and density of the WMS and PS pellicles.

Although there have been studies of the salivary pellicle formation using QCMD

[124, 206, 217], It is possible that this is the first time that both DPI and QCMD have

been used in combination to observe the real-time adsorption of the salivary pellicle

in this way. It is hoped that this approach will also help us to understand the

mechanisms underlying the formation and breakdown of the salivary pellicle. This

new knowledge not only augments our current understanding of the salivary pellicle,

which is important for the development of more realistic salivary mimetics, but also

demonstrates how different interfacial techniques can be used to complement ones


Page 152: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Materials and methods

Saliva collection

Saliva collection was undertaken according to a protocol previously assessed by an

independent ethics panel. The saliva was obtained from 14 apparently healthy non-

smoking male and female volunteers, ranging in age from 20 to 50 years.

Saliva adsorption

In addition to the calcium already present in saliva, the calcium concentration of both

WMS and PS were increased by 1 mM Calcium chloride (CaCl2(Sigma-Aldrich,

UK)) and 10mM CaCl2 respectively. Furthermore, to test the adsorption of the

salivary pellicle in the absence of free calcium, a 2 mM EDTA solution (VWR

International Ltd., UK) was used to sequester all calcium-ions from WMS and PS

(CaCl2 and NaEDTA solutions were prepared in deionised and filtered ultra-pure

water Nanopure Diamond, Barnstead Int., USA). Sewon et al. [218] showed that the

average total calcium concentration of stimulated WMS was 1.3 ±0.4 mM. Therefore

2 mM EDTA was used to sequester calcium from both parotid and whole mouth

salivas. This was performed so that the salivas could be reduced to a known calcium

concentration starting point. Thus the salivas containing EDTA were used as the

control saliva sample.

Page 153: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


The WMS and PS samples collected from each volunteer were divided into three

aliquots respectively:

(i) 0 mM CaCl2

(1ml saliva + 1.5ml 4mM EDTA + 0.5 ml H2O)

(ii) 1 mM CaCl2

(1ml saliva + 1.5ml 2mM CaCl2 + 0.5 ml H2O)

(iii) 10 mM CaCl2

(1ml saliva + 1.5ml 20mM CaCl2 + 0.5 ml H2O)

Each respective saliva sample was then measured concomitantly on the QCMD and

DPI (both static adsorption systems i.e. not flow-cell). Upon injection of 0.5 ml of

saliva, pellicle formation was monitored for 20 minutes, when pellicle formation

plateaus (See Figure 5.1.). Subsequently the pellicle was rinsed with a 0.5ml calcium

solution, which had a concentration equal to the calcium concentration of the saliva

being used (i.e 0 mM, 1 mM or 10 mM CaCl2). At this point the data was recorded as

the post calcium rinse value. Finally the pellicle was rinsed twice with deionised

water, and upon the second rinsing, the data was recorded as the post water rinse


Page 154: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Figure 5.1. Adsorption profile of WMS forming a pellicle over time on a DPI sensor.

(a) Real time TM and TE phase changes that show: I the baseline recorded in

deionised water, II the peak value of the adsorbed pellicle, III the phase shift post

calcium rinse. IV & V the phase shifts post water rinse. (a) The derived thickness,

polymer mass and density changes derived from TE and TM phase changes using

Maxwell’s equations. (b) Thickness, mass and density of the pellicle increase rapidly

as the saliva rapidly adsorbs to the sensor surface. Following 20 minutes adsorption a

calcium rinse removed loosely adsorbed material from the pellicle. Upon rinsing the

pellicle with water, the thickness and mass was reduced with a concomitant increase

in pellicle density.

Sensor properties

The substrates used for the adsorption of saliva were; silicon dioxide QCM-D sensors

(Part No. QSX 303, Q-Sense AB, Vastra Frolunda, Sweden.) and silicon oxynitride

DPI sensors (Part No. 2007-110c, Farfield Scientific, Manchester, UK.). See Chapter

3 for more details.

DPI sensor cleaning

After the completion of the experiment, surfaces were rinsed with 2% v/v Hellmanex

(Müllheim, Germany), for 5 minutes, rinsed with ultra-pure water, followed by 2%

w/v SDS(Sigma-Aldrich, UK), then rinsed with 50% v/v IPA (Sigma-Aldrich, UK).

Page 155: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


QCMD sensor cleaning

After the completion of the experiment, surfaces were cleaned with 2% v/v

Hellmanex rinsed with water, followed by 2% w/v SDS then rinsed with water and

dried with nitrogen. Finally sensors were exposed to UV-ozone (Bio-Force

Nanosciences Inc., Iowa, USA) for 30 minutes.


Significant differences in pellicle mass, thickness and density in relation to calcium

concentration of WMS and PS was determined by one-way ANOVA and Tukey post

hoc analysis at three points of the experiment (i.e. peak, post calcium rinse and post

water rinse values) using GenStat (14th

Edition, VSN International Ltd, Hemel

Hempstead, UK). Level of significance was set at p < 0.05. Linear regression

functions were fitted and R2 values calculated using Microsoft Office Excel 2007

(Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA, USA).

Page 156: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation




Pellicle ‘polymer’ mass

The mean pellicle polymer mass for both WMS and PS did not change significantly

with the addition of 1mM CaCl2 or with the removal of calcium (using 2 mM EDTA)

from saliva. However, the mass for WMS increased significantly when 10 mM CaCl2

was added to WMS (See Figure 5.2. (a)) and PS (See Figure 5.2. (b)) respectively.

Upon rinsing each pellicle with a CaCl2 solution (at a concentration equal to the

CaCl2 concentration present in the saliva) the pellicle formed maintained its

additional mass. However, upon rinsing pellicles with de-ionised water any increase

in mass that occurred in both WMS and PS was completely removed.

Pellicle Thickness

Increasing the natural concentration of calcium in WMS and PS by an additional 1

mM CaCl2 had no effect on the thickness of the pellicle. However, increasing the

natural calcium concentration of saliva by 10 mM resulted in a significant increase in

the thickness of the resultant pellicle. Upon rinsing the pellicle with a calcium

solution (at a concentration equal to the CaCl2 concentration present in the saliva) the

mean pellicle thickness for all three salivas (i.e. 0 mM CaCl2 (natural saliva +2 mM

EDTA), natural saliva + 1 mM CaCl2 and natural saliva + 10 mM CaCl2) remained

similar. Upon rinsing with de-ionised water, a dramatic loss in pellicle thickness was

again observed. In particular, WMS (See Figure 5.2. (a)) and PS (See Figure 5.2. (b))

containing an extra 10 mM CaCl2 showed large losses in pellicle thickness when

rinsed with de-ionised water.

Page 157: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Pellicle Density

The addition of 1 mM CaCl2 or the removal of calcium from saliva had no significant

effect on the density of PS or WMS pellicles. However, a large drop in the density of

the pellicles formed from both WMS (See Figure 5.2. (a)) and PS (See Figure 5.2.(b))

occurred when the natural calcium concentration of saliva was increased by 10 mM

CaCl2. Subsequent rinsing of the pellicles with de-ionised water returned the density

of all salivary pellicles to statistically similar values.

Page 158: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Figure 5.2. (a) Box plot of DPI measured polymer mass, thickness and density

changes formed from WMS containing 0 mM Calcium (2 mM EDTA) (n=10); the

natural concentration of WMS + 1 mM CaCl2 (n=10); and natural concentration of

WMS +10 mM CaCl2 (n=10). (b) PS containing 0 mM Calcium (2 mM EDTA)

(n=12); the natural concentration of PS + 1 mM CaCl2 (n=12); and natural

concentration of PS +10 mM CaCl2 (n=12). Values reported are peak, post calcium

rinse and post water rinse values (* = Significant difference (p ≤ 0.01)).

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Page 160: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation



Pellicle hydrated mass & thickness

Hydrated mass measured via QCMD takes into consideration the hydration, or water,

contained within salivary pellicle. The viscous properties of softer films dampen the

sensor’s frequency of oscillation, and in such cases the Sauerbrey model

underestimates the mass, whereupon another method of analysis is needed to fully

characterise the film. Therefore, in addition to recording frequency changes, the

QCMD measures a second parameter known as dissipation (D) (See Figure 5.3.).

Figure 5.3. (a) Frequency and (b) dissipation changes versus time measured for the


overtone (15 MHz) by QCMD for the adsorption of WMS at different calcium

concentrations of saliva. I baseline recorded in deionised water. II Peak value. III

post calcium rinse. IV & V water rinse. Increasing concentrations of calcium in

saliva display lower frequency oscillations with respective higher dissipation values.

The addition of 1 mM CaCl2 to natural saliva or the removal of calcium (using 2 mM

EDTA) from saliva had no significant effect on the hydrated mass of PS or WMS

Page 161: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


pellicles. However, a notable increase in the hydrated mass for pellicles formed from

both WMS and PS occurred when the natural calcium concentration of these salivas

was increased by 10 mM CaCl2 (see Table 5.1.). When the dissipation of the

oscillations was also considered alongside the frequency of oscillation changes, the

significant difference between pellicle thickness and mass was also observed with the

addition of 1 mM CaCl2 to saliva. This was reflected in an increase in peak values

for Voigt fitted thickness and mass respectively (see Table 5.1.).

Page 162: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Table 5.1. Effect of the calcium concentration of WMS and PS on Sauerbrey and

Voigt modelled thickness and hydrated mass changes to pellicle formed from (a)

WMS containing 0 mM Calcium (2 mM EDTA) (n=10); natural concentration of

WMS + 1 mM CaCl2 (n=10); and natural concentration of WMS +10 mM CaCl2

(n=10). And pellicle formed from (b) PS containing 0 mM Calcium (2mM EDTA)

(n=12), natural concentration of PS + 1mM CaCl2 (n=12), and natural concentration

of PS + 10 mM CaCl2 (n=12).

a and

b represent significant differences (p≤ 0.05) between respective means.

ab is not

significantly different between either a or

b. N.B. Modelled mass differs from the

modelled thickness due to the assumed density of the adsorbed pellicle and therefore

the two parameters are statistically identical.

Page 163: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


For example, the frequency change observed at the 3rd

overtone, which by applying

the Sauerbrey equation, is inversely proportional to the hydrated mass of the WMS

pellicle, showed a decrease in frequency from -65 ±15 Hz at 0 mM CaCl2 down to -

104 ±42 Hz when the natural calcium concentration of WMS was increased by

10mM CaCl2. A decrease in frequency from -55 ±13 Hz at 0 mM CaCl2 down to -

113 ±55 Hz when the natural calcium concentration of PS was increased by 10mM

CaCl2 was also observed (See Figure 5.4. (a) and (b)).

Figure 5.4. Comparison of frequency changes to pellicle formed from (a) WMS and

(b) PS containing 0 mM Calcium (+2mM EDTA) (n=12), natural concentration of

WMS + 1mM CaCl2 (n=12), and natural concentration of PS + 10 mM CaCl2

(n=12). (* = Significant difference (p ≤ 0.05)).

Pellicle viscoelasticity

The dissipation value observed at the 3rd

overtone also gave an independent

qualitative insight into the viscoelasticity of the pellicle (i.e. the higher the dissipation

value, the less elastic the film). WMS pellicle, showed an increase in dissipation from

8 ±3 at 0 mM CaCl2 up to 13 ±6 when the natural calcium concentration of WMS

was increased by 10mM CaCl2 . An increase in dissipation from -5 ±2 Hz at 0 mM

Page 164: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


CaCl2 up to10 ±5 when the natural calcium concentration of PS was increased by

10mM CaCl2 was also observed (See Figure 5.5. (a) and (b)). Dissipation values in

this study were also used to improve modelling of hydrated mass and thickness from

Sauerbrey model to the Voigt model. Overall the mean thicknesses and hydrated

masses calculated using the Voigt model are a factor of 1.6 – 3.1 higher than the

Sauerbrey values (see table 1).

Figure 5.5. Comparison of dissipation changes to pellicle formed from (a) WMS and

(b) PS containing 0 mM Calcium (+2mM EDTA) (n=12), natural concentration of

WMS + 1mM CaCl2 (n=12), and natural concentration of PS + 10 mM CaCl2

(n=12). (* = Significant difference (p ≤ 0.05)).

Figure 5.6. (a) and (b) show that the decrease in frequency is highly associated (p<

0.02) to an increase in dissipation for both PS and WMS at all three concentrations of

calcium in saliva. This correlation is predicted by the Voigt model as both negative

frequency shift and dissipation are proportional to the thickness for thin films [165].

However, the slope of the correlation indicates differences in the viscoelasticity of

the films. This phenomenon was more pronounced in the saliva that had 0 and 1 mM

CaCl2 added to it. For example, the gradient of the curve for PS and WMS pellicle

dissipation, as a function of frequency, was twice as high in WMS and PS that

Page 165: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


contained an extra 10 mM CaCl2 as opposed to saliva containing 0 mM CaCl2, or an

added 1 mM CaCl2. For a given value of Δf the 0 mM and 1 mM CaCl2 films have

higher dissipations (ΔD) indicating they are relatively more viscous whereas the 10

mM CaCl2 films are relatively elastic.

Figure 5.6. ΔD as a function of Δf measured at the 3rd

overtone by QCM-D for the

adsorption of (a) WMS pellicle and (b) PS pellicle containing: 0 mM Calcium

(+2mM EDTA); + 1mM CaCl2, and +10 mM CaCl2.

Page 166: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation



The formation of the salivary pellicle is a dynamic process that begins almost

instantly (see Figure 5.1. and 5.3.) with the adsorption of low molecular weight

proteins, followed by the adsorption of larger salivary proteins and protein aggregates

with time [68]. Some evidence suggests that there is potential for Vroman-like [180]

effects to take place, for example; between mucin MUC 5B with statherin and PRP1

[193]. However, Svendesen et al.[93] found that this exchange may be quite limited

during the first hour of pellicle formation. Therefore under the experimental

conditions used in this study the Vroman effect is unlikely to apply to the same

extent in salivary proteins as is exhibited by blood serum proteins. Nevertheless,

pellicles formed in this study showed striking similarities with work carried out by

Hannig et al. [35]. They showed that after 1 minute the salivary adsorption process

was able to form an electron dense pellicle layer, 10–20 nm thick, on an enamel

surface; a thickness that was not dissimilar from our own results, despite the

differences in the substrates being used. This not only augments confidence in the

other physical parameters (i.e. mass and density) reported in this study, but also

demonstrates that proteins in saliva are flexible with regard to the surfaces they

adsorb to; thus permitting a salivary pellicle to form on diverse surfaces such as

foods and dental implants [18].

The physical structure of the salivary pellicle has been thought to be influenced by

calcium ions in saliva, as these divalent cations can permit the cross-linking of

proteins [219]. Cross-linking of proteins has been shown to be important in

maintaining micelle-like protein aggregates present in saliva, which may play an

important role in the formation of the salivary pellicle [97, 220]. However, in this

Page 167: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


study the DPI data showed little difference in the polymer mass, thickness and

density of salivary pellicles formed from WMS and PS when calcium was

sequestered using EDTA (i.e. 0 mM calcium) or when saliva was supplemented with

1 mM CaCl2. Not until the natural calcium concentration of WMS and PS was

increased by 10 mM CaCl2 that a significant effect on the pellicle polymer mass,

thickness and density was observed. The addition of 10 mM CaCl2 to saliva resulted

in a pellicle that was thicker, with a higher surface polymer mass; but more diffuse

than pellicles formed from saliva containing no calcium or saliva with 1mM CaCl2

added. This would suggest that the pellicle formed in the presence of an extra 10 mM

CaCl2 is much more nebulous than when a natural calcium concentration was used.

This phenomenon was also more pronounced in pellicles formed from PS, where the

increase in pellicle thickness and mass, and the concomitant decrease in density was

higher than WMS pellicles. This was likely a consequence of the higher proportion of

proteins in PS that contain calcium binding domains (i.e. statherin, histatins) [221],

and therefore PS was more sensitive to the presence of calcium ions [222].

Further differences between PS and WMS adsorption also impact the physical nature

of the respective salivas. For example, PS is a serous fluid that contains a number of

low molecular weight proteins (≤ 15 kDa), such as cystatins, and acidic proline-rich

proteins that have properties which make them suitable for forming the primary layer

of the pellicle [223, 224]. These properties include being able to diffuse rapidly to the

solid/liquid interface, re-arrange at the surface, and interact with neighbouring

molecules [51]. In contrast, WMS contains high molecular weight proteins (≥ 180

kDa) such as mucins, which do not diffuse rapidly to the surface because of their size

and highly glycated side chains. Moreover, mucins increase the viscosity of saliva

Page 168: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


and thus concomitantly slow down the diffusion of other proteins present in saliva.

These physical differences between PS and WMS also influence the conversion of

raw data (i.e. ∆f and ∆D) to modelled data (i.e. Sauerbrey and Voigt) when analysing

QCMD data[225]. Consequently the qualitative changes in ∆f and ∆D of the

respective salivas, when observing differences in pellicle structure at different

concentrations of calcium, were highlighted in this study.

The QCMD data showed that by increasing the natural calcium concentration of

WMS and PS by 10 mM CaCl2 one could generate a statistically significant (p< 0.05)

increase in hydrated mass of the pellicle. This, however, was reciprocated by an

increase in pellicle elasticity, which was observed by a slower increase in dissipation

with increasing negative frequency change (see Figure 5.4. and Figure 5.5.). All

salivary pellicles, regardless of calcium concentration had a high association between

the dissipation of the pellicle as a function of frequency. This correlates well with the

work carried out by Voinova et al. [165], who show that dissipation increases with

film thickness; so that as the salivary pellicle gets thicker, both the negative change

in frequency, and the positive change in dissipation increase. This phenomenon was

amplified by the addition of 10mM CaCl2 to both PS and WMS, manifesting itself as

the change in the gradient of the slope observed in Figure 5.6.. At 10 mM calcium the

dissipation was increasing less with variation of frequency. This means that the

salivary pellicles were becoming less dissipative and more elastic (closer to

Sauerbrey behaviour) when 10 mM CaCl2 was added to the saliva.

It was observed that little difference in the hydrated mass and thickness of salivary

pellicles formed from WMS and PS when calcium was sequestered using EDTA (i.e.

Page 169: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


0 mM calcium) or when 1 mM CaCl2 was added to the calcium already present in the

saliva. This raised an interesting question: why did adding 1 mM CaCl2 to the natural

calcium concentration of saliva show no response in terms of pellicle structure; but

increasing the natural calcium concentration of saliva by an extra 10 mM CaCl2

triggered a significant increase in mass, thickness and concomitant decrease in

density and pellicle viscoelasticity. It appears that at low concentrations of calcium in

saliva (i.e. 0 mM CaCl2 and natural calcium concentration of saliva + 1 mM CaCl2)

there was no impact on the mass, thickness density and viscoelasticity of the pellicle,

and that the salivary pellicle could readily form in the absence of calcium. This

correlates well with the observations found by Proctor et al. [39] where they

demonstrate that the surface tension of saliva at the air-water interface was

unaffected by removal of calcium from saliva using 2 mM EDTA; thus also

concluding that the passage of proteins to a surface is unaffected by the absence of

calcium from saliva. They also showed that the elastic modulus of the adsorbed

salivary film was significantly reduced upon removal of CaCl2 by EDTA. However,

this was measured at very low frequencies (0.2 Hz), which would detect changes in

intermolecular interactions, whereas the high frequencies used by QCMD (>5MHz)

were not as sensitive to these changes. This suggests that the change in

viscoelasticity observed by Proctor et al. [39] was not due to a total breakdown of the

adsorbed pellicle in the absence of CaCl2 but more likely connected to the overall

elasticity of the protein film through calcium mediated intermolecular interactions. It

is possible that increasing the natural calcium concentration of saliva by 10 mM

CaCl2 increases the aggregation of proteins in saliva. Consequently, rather than small

individual proteins packing to the surface forming densely packed salivary films,

they form large protein aggregates in the saliva, prior to pellicle adsorption, and

Page 170: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


subsequently deposit onto the sensor surface forming thicker more diffuse films (See

Figure 5.7.). This explicates the increase in mass, thickness and decrease in density

observed by the DPI measurements upon increasing the natural calcium

concentration of saliva by 10 mM CaCl2. In addition, the increase in elasticity could

be due to the increase in calcium crosslinks within the film increasing the rigidity of

the film.

Figure 5.7. Proposed model for the changes in the structure of the pellicle derived

from saliva containing different concentrations of calcium: (a) Pellicle formed from

saliva containing 0mM CaCl2 or 1mM CaCl2. (b) Pellicle formed from saliva

containing 10mM CaCl2. Proteins in saliva aggregate at 10mM CaCl2 prior to

pellicle adsorption. The aggregates subsequently deposit onto the sensor surface

forming thicker more diffuse films.

It was also interesting to note that upon washing with de-ionised water the density of

the pellicles return to that observed for saliva with no added calcium, suggesting that

the nebulous protein adsorbed was easily removed, leaving a more dense and robust

basal layer. The rapid loss of protein from the pellicle on rinsing with de-ionised

water highlights the importance of maintaining the pH and ionic balance of saliva in

order to preserve the stability of the pellicle. It is likely that upon introduction of de-

Page 171: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


ionised water to the pellicle, ions and proteins, leached out into the water, primarily

due to the hypotonicity of the de-ionised water. This rapid decrease in the ionic

concentration of the pellicle would have increased the electrostatic repulsion between

anionic moieties within proteins and reduced intermolecular interactions [91, 144,

226]. This destabilised the structure of the pellicle facilitating loss of loosely bound

proteins, which explains the observed dramatic decrease in pellicle thickness and

mass with concomitant increase in density (see Figure 5.2.).

To conclude, this study lays the foundations on how regulating the calcium

concentration of saliva provides a mechanism that can control the physical properties

of the salivary pellicle. In addition, the overall structure of the pellicle, in terms of

mass and thickness is relatively insensitive to calcium at low concentrations,

allowing a flexibility to adapt to changing physiological and environmental

conditions was also observed. It is important to recognise that these in vitro results do

not necessarily represent the true nature of how the salivary pellicle forms in the oral

cavity. Furthermore, there was also a dilution of the saliva samples which could have

confounded the results, and this needs to be taken into account when interpreting the

data. Despite these limitations the results do provide some evidence as to how the

pellicle may behave on oral surfaces when calcium concentrations change; although

further research was required to develop a more realistic representation of pellicle

formation in the oral cavity. This was subsequently observed, by studying the

adsorption of saliva on hydroxyapatite and hydrophobic sensors, which were more

representative of conditions in the mouth.

Page 172: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Chapter 6

Structural Changes of the Salivary

Pellicle under Acidic Conditions

Page 173: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation



Knowledge on the protective function of the salivary pellicle against acid erosion is

mainly based on experiments that compare enamel test pieces exposed to differing

acidic environments. A number of these studies show that enamel covered with a

salivary pellicle reduces enamel mineral loss, decreases erosive lesion depth and

enhances enamel re-hardening compared to pellicle free enamel [227-230]. These

techniques are valuable in confirming the protective role that the pellicle plays in the

mouth, but they provide limited information on the actual structural changes that the

pellicle undergoes when exposed to acidic environments. For data regarding

structural changes in the pellicle, one has to look at studies observing the

organoleptic properties of food; in particular mouthfeel/texture studies.

Mouthfeel perception is of particular interest to the food industry as it is a physical

property of food that can influence consumer choice. For example, food texture

studies have shown that consumer preferences for dairy products was driven by the

perception of smooth and creamy textures [231]. The pellicle is recognised as an

important factor in texture perception. Subsequently the interaction between salivary

proteins and astringent compounds have been studied using a number of techniques;

such as turbidity [232], chromatography [233], tribology [234], nuclear magnetic

resonance [235] and light scattering [236]. Current literature seems to agree that

astringency is a physical stimulus arising from precipitation of salivary proteins

(proline-rich proteins, histatins and bovine mucins have all been observed to

precipitate through interaction with polyphenols) and consequent breakdown of the

lubricating salivary pellicle[237].

Page 174: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


The saliva contains a mixture of amphiphilic proteins that selectively adsorb to all

soft (i.e. mucosa), and hard (i.e. enamel) tissues within the oral cavity [45] which

determines all interfacial events taking place between the mouth and the

environment, and therefore performs both a protective and a gustatory role [13, 68,

238]. Many studies [235, 236, 239-243] therefore have investigated the molecular

basis of astringency by focusing on the interaction between proteins present in

salivary pellicle and polyphenols. However, it has also been revealed that an

increasing acidic environment can elicit a perception of dryness in the mouth, by

reducing the interfacial shear elasticity of the salivary pellicle. Rosetti et al. [244]

showed that increasing the concentration of citric acid in saliva reduced the

interfacial shear elasticity of the salivary pellicle at the air liquid interface. This

would support work carried out by Sowalsky & Noble [245] who observed that citric

acid elicit a perception of oral dryness as a secondary attribute (sourness being the


Citric acid is often added to beverages such as fruit juices and soft drinks helping to

create a tart flavour, giving the impression of freshness, but also acts as a

preservative by lowering the pH of the product. In the UK alone there has been an 8-

fold increase in the consumption of soft drinks since the 1950s [246]. This increase

in soft drink consumption has paralleled an increase in enamel erosion.

Consequently, the structural changes that the pellicle undergoes when exposed to

citric acid is of interest in terms of its protective role in the mouth, but also with

respect to the astringent sensations that occur when citric acid is consumed. The

importance that the pellicle plays in these roles becomes apparent in individuals who

suffer from dry mouth syndrome (i.e. Xerostomia) [57, 58, 213] common to

Page 175: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


hyposalivators and patients with Sjogren’s syndrome. Without adequate saliva in the

mouth to produce an effective salivary pellicle, these individuals suffer from

difficulties in swallowing, speech, mastication, an increase in dental caries and

mucous membrane damage, as well as an altered sensory perception of food (i.e.

Dysgeusia) [247].

In this chapter, the in vitro formation of the salivary pellicle and the structural

modifications that the salivary pellicle undergoes when exposed to increasing

concentrations of citric acid was examined. This was carried out by adsorbing

stimulated whole mouth saliva (WMS) onto silicon oxide surfaces, using a quartz

crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCMD) and a dual polarisation

interferometer (DPI) to yield information on changes in the pellicle structure in terms

of adsorbed mass, thickness and pellicle density when challenged with increasing

concentrations of citric acid. The novel information, helps to reveal the changes in

the complex interfacial film forming properties of human saliva [216], which plays a

key role in maintaining the physiological processes of the oral cavity.

Page 176: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Materials & Methods


Saliva: Stimulated WMS samples were obtained from 6 apparently healthy, non-

smoking, male and female volunteers, ranging in age from 20 to 50 years. Saliva

collection was undertaken according to the protocol previously described in chapter


Buffers: Citric acid (sigma), sodium hydroxide (sigma) and Miliq water were used to

make a series of 10mM citrate buffers at pH3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. pH was altered by

neutralization with NaOH from pH 3 to pH 7. Solutions were prepared in deionised

and filtered ultra-pure water (Nanopure Diamond, Barnstead Int., USA).

Sensor properties

The substrates used for the formation of the salivary pellicle were QCMD and DPI

silica coated sensors. The root mean square surface roughness of the DPI sensors was

4.7nm, and 1.2 nm for the QCMD silica sensors; measured by MFP-3D atomic force

microscope (Asylum Research, CA, USA)) as described in Chapter 3. The

isolelectric point of silica is ≈pH 2 (Vansant et al., 1995) so under the conditions

used in this study (pH3-pH7), the silica would have carried a negative charge.

Sensor cleaning

After the completion of the experiment, QCMD and DPI surfaces were cleaned with

2% w/v SDS (Sigma-Aldrich, UK), followed by 2% v/v Hellmanex (Müllheim,

Germany), then copiously rinsed with ultra-pure water and subsequently dried with

Page 177: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


oxygen free nitrogen gas. Finally, QCMD sensors were exposed to UV-ozone (Bio-

Force Nanosciences Inc., Iowa, USA) for 20 min.

Quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCMD)

The measurements were performed using a D300 QCMD (Q-Sense AB, Vastra

Frolunda, Sweden) with a QAFC 302 axial flow measurement chamber maintained at

36.8oC as previously described. Saliva was allowed to adsorb to the sensor for 2

hours as formation of the pellicle reaches equilibrium between adsorption and

desorption of salivary proteins within 90–120 min [126, 248, 249]. Furthermore, in

previous studies 120-min pellicle differed neither from 24-h biofilms nor from 3-min

short time pellicles regarding its protective potential [250-252]. Therefore 2 hours

was deemed a satisfactory adsorption time. Subsequently the in vitro pellicle was

rinsed with increasingly acidic solutions at 10 minute time intervals; until the last

rinse when a pH7 citrate buffer solution was used (See Figure 6.1.).

Page 178: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Figure 6.1. Salivary pellicle adsorption profile on a QCMD silica sensor after (a) 2

hour adsorption of the salivary pellicle and then subsequent rinsing of the adsorbed

pellicle with citrate buffer at: (b) pH7 (c) pH6 (d) pH5 (e) pH4 (f) pH3 and (g) pH7.

Dual polarisation interferometer (DPI)

Measurements of surface layer thickness and refractive indices were performed in

real time using an AnaLight Bio200 DPI, previously described in chapter 2. As with

the QCMD experiment the saliva was allowed 2 hours to adsorb to the sensor and

subsequently the in vitro pellicle was also rinsed with increasingly acid solutions as

10 minute time intervals; until the last rinse when a pH7 citrate buffer solution was

used (See Figure 6.2.).

Page 179: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Figure 6.2. Salivary pellicle adsorption profile on a DPI silica sensor after (a) 2 hour

adsorption of the salivary pellicle and then subsequent rinsing of the adsorbed

pellicle with citrate buffer at: (b) pH7 (c) pH6 (d) pH5 (e) pH4 (f) pH3 and (g) pH7.


Significant differences in pellicle mass, thickness, density and dissipation was

determined by two sample t tests at each of the pH rinse steps of the experiment (i.e.

measurement of pellicle mass at pH7 against pellicle mass at pH 6, pH 5, pH4, pH 3

and finally at pH7) using GenStat (14th Edition, VSN International Ltd, Hemel

Hempstead, UK). A p value < 0.05 was considered significant in all statistical


Page 180: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation




Upon the addition of saliva to the silica substrate a rapid adsorption of salivary

proteins takes place (see Figure 6.1.). The formation of the pellicle began to reach

equilibrium after 20 minutes adsorption, however the pellicle was given 2 hours to

fully adsorb. Upon the first rinse step (i.e. citrate buffer at pH7) a small amount of

loosely adsorbed material was removed from the pellicle. Subsequent rinsing with

citrate buffer at pH 6 and pH 5 did not produce any significant structural changes to

the pellicle. However, upon rinsing with pH4 citrate buffer; a significant increase in

the dissipation of the pellicle took place from 9±2 x 10-6

to 12±4 x 10-6

(See Figure

6.2.). Another significant increase in dissipation took place when the pellicle was

rinsed with a pH 3 citrate buffer solution; increasing the dissipation to 15 ±5 x 10-6


However, when a citrate buffer of pH7 was reintroduced over the pellicle the

dissipation returned to similar levels observed at the initial pH7 rinse. This suggests

that the pellicle was able to adapt its structure to the acidity of the environment with

which it is exposed.

Page 181: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Figure 6.3. Bar charts representing the mean (n=5) (a) Dissipation, (b) Sauerbrey

mass, thickness and (c) ratio of Δf/ΔD for salivary pellicles under different pH

conditions (i.e. pH 3- pH7). The pellicle undergoes predominant structural changes

at pH 4 and pH 3.

Page 182: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Of interest was that these changes in the dissipation of the pellicle did not reciprocate

a change in the pellicle mass. Only until the final rinse of the pellicle was a

significant change in hydrated mass observed; where the pellicle dropped to 1100

±114 ng/cm2 (see Table 6.1.). This suggests that under the acidic conditions used in

this experiment the pellicle was able to maintain a significant portion of hydrated

mass despite significant changes in dissipation after several acidic rinse steps.

Table 6.1. QCMD data of the salivary pellicle under neutral and acidic conditions

(pH7 – pH3)


As was observed with the QCMD results; upon the addition of saliva to the DPI

silica substrate a very rapid adsorption of salivary proteins took place (see Figure

6.2.). The mean pellicle polymer mass was 385 ng/cm2 after 2 hours adsorption. The

formation of the pellicle began to plateau after 20 minutes adsorption; however, the

pellicle was given a total 2 hours to fully adsorb, for reasons previously stated. Upon

the first rinse step (i.e. citrate buffer at pH7) any loosely adsorbed material was

removed. In fact, at each rinse a significant quantity of pellicle mass was removed,

Page 183: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


despite the thickness of the pellicle remaining relatively consistent throughout the

experiment (See Figure 6.4.).

Figure 6.4. Bar charts representing the mean (n=5) (a) Thickness, (b) Mass and (c)

Density changes of the salivary pellicle under different pH conditions (i.e. pH 3-

pH7). Significant changes in Mass and density but not hickness were observed.

Page 184: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


This continual decrease in mass and stable thickness eventually gave rise to

significant changes in pellicle density; dropping from 0.65 ±0.1 g/cm3 to 0.46 ±0.2

g/cm3.The change in density was most notable after the introduction of citrate buffer

at pH4 and pH3 (See Table 6.2.). This change in pellicle density was shown to be

irreversible when the final rinse of citrate buffer at pH7 had no effect on pellicle

density. This suggests that after several acidic rinse steps the pellicle was able to

maintain thickness despite significant changes in mass, resulting in a subsequent

decrease in pellicle density.

Table 6.2. DPI data of the salivary pellicle under neutral and acidic conditions (pH7

– pH3)

Page 185: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation



Knowledge on the protective function of the salivary pellicle is mainly based on

experiments performed in vitro with salivary pellicle coatings formed on enamel test

pieces. These studies show that the enamel micro-hardness, mineral loss and surface

roughness changes are less pronounced if the surfaces are coated with in situ formed

pellicles. The evidence supporting the protective role of the pellicle is overwhelming

[14, 15, 72, 151, 227, 229, 230, 251, 253-257]; however, these studies did not

evaluate the structural modifications of the pellicle during an acidic challenge; and

therefore what is not completely clear is: what structural modifications does the

pellicle undergo when exposed to an acidic environment? And how do these

structural modifications influence the protective role of the pellicle?

The present study therefore was designed to investigate the structure of the salivary

pellicle at the solid/liquid interface by observing the formation of the salivary pellicle

on silica QCMD and silica DPI sensors; and then exposing the pellicle to increasing

acidic environments using citric acid. It was observed that the most significant

changes in pellicle structure occurred when the pellicle was bathed in more acidic

(i.e. pH4 and a pH3) citrate buffer solutions; with respect to the pellicle bathed in

less acidic citrate buffers (i.e. pH7, pH6 and pH5). However, it is with the addition of

the pH 4 citrate buffer that drastic structural changes begin to take place. At this

concentration of hydrogen ions in solution the salivary pellicle became more diffuse,

where the density of the pellicle decreased significantly (p <0.05) from 0.64 ± 0.1

g/cm3 at pH 7 to 0.58 ± 0.1 g/cm

3 at pH4. Whilst the data also showed that the

pellicle became more viscous or ‘softer’ where the dissipation of the pellicle

Page 186: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


increased significantly (p <0.05) from 9 ± 1 x10-6

at pH7 to 12 ± 1 x10-6

at pH4 (see

Figure 6.5.). It is evident from the data that an interaction between the pellicle

proteins was triggered at ~pH4; this is likely to be a consequence of a change in

repulsion and attraction between proteins at this concentration of hydrogen ions.

Figure 6.5. (a) salivary pellicle showing glycosylated mucins over a layer of low-

molecular weight proteins bathed in pH7 citrate buffer solution, representing a

densely packed rigid film relative to (b) where a more diffuse and viscous salivary

pellicle was observed when bathed in a more acidic (i.e. pH3 and pH4) citrate buffer


In 2009 Siqueira & Oppenheim [49] identified that majority of peptides in the

salivary pellicle were acidic in nature with 50% of all pellicle peptides having an

isoelectric point (pI) of < 5.9. Proctor et al. [39] also observed that a pellicle formed

from parotid saliva was predominantly composed of statherin and concluded that this

protein’s pI was pH ~4.2. Other common pellicle proteins such as Cystatin-S and

acidic proline rich proteins have similarly low pIs and therefore remain negatively

charged at pH conditions found in the oral cavity [258]. On the one hand, this

facilitates the adsorption to cationic calcium ions on the enamel surface, but on the

other hand, when the pH of the environment is reduced to pH 4 pellicle proteins

begin to change charge. Since the net electrostatic repulsive energy of these pellicle

proteins is small at neutral pH, (relative to favourable non covalent interactions) most

of the proteins in the pellicle remain stable. This was reflected in the negligible

Page 187: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


change in the physical structure of the pellicle when rinsed with citrate buffers at

pH7, and even with the slightly acidic pH6 and pH5 citrate buffers. However, when

the citrate buffer was lowered to pH 4, significantly lower than the pI of most pellicle

proteins, a noticeable change in physical structure was observed.

This structural change is likely a consequence of the interaction between hydrogen

ions present in the acidic citrate buffer and the pellicle proteins; whereby hydrogen

ions bind to the carboxyl groups and the amino groups of amino acids; neutralising

their negative charges. The net charge of the pellicle proteins become positive and

consequently an increase in electrostatic repulsion between amino acids took place.

This then permits favourable non covalent interactions to be overcome; resulting in

rearrangement of the protein molecules within the pellicle. This would explain the

decrease in pellicle density and elasticity observed upon exposure to citrate buffers at

pH 3 and pH4.

In 2007 Rossetti et al. [244] also observed a decrease in pellicle elasticity (at the air

saliva interface) when citric acid was added to saliva. This was described as a

consequence of aggregation and precipitation of salivary proteins adsorbed at the air

interface. They hypothesised that astringency upon consumption of citric acid arises

from the same disruption (e.g. aggregation and precipitation) of proteins in the

salivary pellicle lubricating the oral tissue. Vardhanabhuti et al. [259] also observed

that interactions between positively charged proteins and salivary proteins play a role

in the astringency of whey protein drinks at low pH. Other acidic beverages such as

fruit juices and soft drinks however, are the most common cause for enamel erosions

in western societies; and the pH at which demineralisation occurs is approximately

Page 188: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


5.5 (referred to as the critical pH [258] depending on the concentration of calcium

and phosphate in saliva [260]). Yet the structural change of the salivary pellicle was

only observed to take place at pH4 and below. It can be assumed therefore that the

pellicle’s resistance to change at pH 5 is partly responsible for the anti-erosive

potential of the pellicle that forms on the tooth surface. It appears, that the complex

structure and range of interactions within the pellicle prevent it from completely

falling apart at low pH. Although the structure is clearly affected, it still has enough

integrity and strength to keep the vast majority of the structure in place, and continue

to protect the enamel, and rapidly restore itself when the pH increases again.

However, pH alone is not predictive of a food’s potential to cause enamel erosion as

other factors modify the progression of erosion. For example, yoghurt (pH ~4) shows

no erosive capacity which is thought to be due to its high content of calcium and

phosphate ions making it supersaturated with respect to the hydroxyapatite of

enamel[138]. Furthermore, adding calcium to orange juice or sports drinks (e.g.

Lucozade) has been shown to reduce the erosive potential of acidic beverages [73].

For example, Mahoney et al. also showed that an orange drink with a pH of 3.84

(and 32 mM calcium) caused no statistically significant changes in enamel, dentine

hardness or elastic modulus [261]. It is also important to appreciate that the oral

cavity prevents the dissolution of enamel via a number of other salivary based

mechanisms, and does not just rely on the salivary pellicle for protection. For

example: saliva directly acts on the erosive agent itself by diluting, clearing and

buffering acids[9, 57]. In addition, the concentration of calcium and phosphate ions

in saliva serves as a natural reservoir for the remineralisation of hydroxyapatite,

which slows the dissolution rate of enamel [4, 11, 81, 262]. Therefore individual’s

salivary flow rates and eating habits also need to be considered when interpreting the

Page 189: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


in vitro data presented. Nevertheless, this study gives an insight to the potential

mechanisms involved upon structural changes of the pellicle when it is exposed to an

acidic environment in the mouth; changes that are of interest to dental research; with

regard to the anti-erosive potential of the pellicle; and the food industry, in terms of

pellicle lubricity and mouth-feel.

Page 190: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Chapter 7

Structural and Compositional Changes

in the Salivary Pellicle Induced Upon

Exposure to SDS and STP

Page 191: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation



The salivary pellicle is a protein rich film that forms on all surfaces within the

mouth, and provides a barrier to dissolution of enamel by dietary acids, and

concomitantly lubricates the mouth, facilitating the consumption and processing of

food [13]. However, the pellicle is ambivalent in nature as it also provides the

primary sites for the attachment of bacteria, which in certain cases can be responsible

for the development of plaque; a risk factor for carie formation [18]. The pellicle

therefore is juxtaposed between protecting the oral cavity from acidic and abrasive

damage, whilst aiding the adsorption of plaque forming bacteria close to the tooth

surface [55]. Widespread dentifrice products used in conjunction with tooth brushing

act to reduce these plaque deposits, as well as tooth stain removal [147]. Certain

ingredients such as, detergents (e.g. sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS)) and abrasives

(e.g. sodium carbonate) are common to most dentifrices. These ingredients are used

to remove stained pellicle from dentition and loosen deposits on tooth surfaces that

may become cariogenic over time [263]. In addition, chelants; known as condensed

phosphates (e.g. sodium tripolyphosphate (STP)), display a strong affinity to enamel

surfaces [264]. These anionic condensed phosphates have not only been shown to

remove pellicle proteins that have become stained, but have also been shown to

reduce plaque development [37]. The safety of pyrophosphate salts and detergents

found in dentifrice products (such as STP and SDS) is now well established and

today, condensed phosphates and detergents are found in most dentifrices worldwide

[153, 158]. And whilst SDS is known to remove pellicle proteins [30], and STP has

been shown to be effective in the in vitro removal of stain [161]; the impact of SDS

and STP on salivary pellicle structure has not been investigated or characterised in

Page 192: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


great detail. As the pellicle is the primary interface between the oral environment

and the hard and soft tissue of the mouth, it plays an important role in oral

physiological and pathological processes [68]. Consequently, a deeper understanding

of the structural changes that SDS and STP induce in the salivary pellicle is

important to understand. Therefore, this study investigates how STP and SDS impact

the preformed salivary pellicle adsorbed onto DPI and QCMD silica and

hydroxyapatite sensors and to identify the proteins SDS and STP displace using a

hydroxyapatite FPLC column. Changes in the physical structure of the salivary

pellicle (surface mass, density, thickness and viscoelasticity) and the identification of

the proteins that SDS and STP displace are reported to help understand the way SDS

and STP, not only remove the pellicle from the surface, but also what effect exposure

to these chemicals has on the structure of the remaining salivary pellicle.

Page 193: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Materials & Methods

Saliva collection

Saliva was collected from apparently healthy volunteers according to a protocol

previously assessed by an independent ethics panel as described in Chapter 2. 10

saliva samples (5 WMS & 5 PS) were exposed to hydroxyapatite and silica QCM-D

and DPI sensors respectively. Subsequently each experiment was rinsed with either

10 mM SDS or 10 mM STP.


The concentration of SDS and STP in oral hygiene products is around 1.5% w/w and

10% w/w respectively. In order to account for the dilution of STP and SDS by the

saliva during use in the mouth, a concentration of 10mM of SDS (0.29% w/w) and

10mM STP (0.36% w/w) was used. 0.1M Phosphate buffer (Sigma-Aldrich) was

used, with ultra-pure water as the solvent (Nanopure Diamond, Barnstead Int., USA).

Quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation monitoring (QCMD)

Changes in frequency and dissipation of the oscillating sensor were measured using a

D300 QCMD (Q-Sense AB, Vastra Frolunda, Sweden) as previously described in

Chapter 2. Saliva was allowed to adsorb for 2 hours onto either a silica or

hydroxyapatite coated substrate before any rinsing took place. The adsorbed pellicle

was then rinsed with a phosphate buffer to remove any loosely adsorbed material and

allowed 10 minutes to equilibrate. Then the pellicle was rinsed with 10mM STP or

10mM SDS (depending on the experiment being carried out) and allowed to

equilibrate for 10 minutes. Finally, phosphate buffer was used to rinse away any

displaced pellicle proteins (See Figure 7.1. for experimental procedure).

Page 194: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Figure 7.1. QCMD Experimental procedure: Salivary pellicle adsorption profile

for a parotid saliva sample on a QCMD hydroxyapatite sensor. (i) Addition of saliva

(ii) phosphate buffer rinse (iii) 10 mM STP or SDS rinse (iv) phosphate buffer rinse.

Dual polarisation interferometer (DPI)

Measurements of surface layer thickness and refractive indices (RI) were performed

in real time using an AnaLight Bio200 DPI (Farfield Sensors Ltd., Manchester, UK).

The sensor (silica or hydroxyapatite coated) was clamped in a temperature-controlled

enclosure allowing the temperature to be maintained at 36.8oC for all experiments as

previously described in Chapter 2. As with QCMD experiments, the adsorption of

salivary proteins and subsequent rinsing steps were identical. i.e. Saliva was allowed

to adsorb for 2 hours before any rinsing took place. The adsorbed pellicle was then

rinsed with a phosphate buffer to remove any loosely adsorbed material and allowed

10 minutes to equilibrate. Then the pellicle was rinsed with 10mM STP or 10mM

Page 195: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


SDS (depending on the experiment being carried out) and allowed 10 minutes to

equilibrate. Finally, phosphate buffer was used to rinse away any displaced pellicle

proteins (See Figure 7.2.); which shows the typical adsorption profile of a parotid

saliva sample using the DPI.

Figure 7.2. DPI Experimental procedure: Salivary pellicle adsorption profile for

parotid saliva sample on a DPI hydroxyapatite sensor. (i) Addition of saliva (ii)

phosphate buffer rinse (iii) 10 mM STP or SDS rinse (iv) phosphate buffer rinse.

Sensor properties

The substrates used for the formation of the salivary pellicle were QCMD and DPI

sensors coated with either hydroxyapatite (which constitutes the main mineral of the

dental enamel) or silica. These surfaces differ in both their physical and chemical

composition and were used in order to observe how the pellicle and the displacers

(STP and SDS) behave on the two different surfaces. Under the neutral conditions

(≈pH7) used for the adsorption of the salivary pellicle in this study, the

hydroxyapatite surface would have carried a slight positive charge and the silica a

strong negative charge. These properties affect the interaction of SDS and STP as

pellicle displacers and will be discussed later.

Page 196: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC)

Salivary protein fractionation was performed via a BioCAD SPRINT Perfusion

Chromatography workstation (PerSeptive Biosystems, Massachusetts, USA); using

ceramic hydroxyapatite particles (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hertfordshire, UK) as the

column packing media, which was replaced after each experiment. Saliva was

injected into the column and allowed to adsorb for 2 hours. Un-adsorbed salivary

proteins were then flushed out of the column (10 column volumes) by phosphate

buffer. The remaining adsorbed proteins were then eluted using either 10mM SDS or

10mM STP (10 column volumes). Detection of proteins displaced by 10 mM SDS

and 10 mM STP was performed at 220nm; eluted proteins were collected (2ml per

fraction) using an Advantec SF-2120 super fraction collector (Advantec MFS Inc.,

CA, USA). Subsequently each 2 ml protein fraction collected was dialysed against

mili-q water using Spectra/Por 3 dialysis tubing with a MWCO of 3.5 kDa (Spectrum

Laboratories Inc., CA, USA) and then concentrated down to 0.5ml using a Speed-

vac SPD131DDA (Thermo Scientific, Hampshire, UK).


The pellicle protein fractions were further separated by molecular weight using SDS-

PAGE. 10 µl protein samples were run on 8 cm x 9 cm, 4–12% NuPage MES BIS-

TRIS pre-cast gels (Invitrogen) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The

voltage was set at 200 V, 100 watts and a current of 350 mA per gel for 35 min. The

gel was then fixed in a solution containing 50% methanol, 10% acetic acid and 40%

ultra-pure water, and then stained with Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 (Thermo).

Page 197: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Mark 12TM

unstained standard protein standards (Invitrogen) were used as molecular

weight markers.

Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) & In situ trypsin hydrolysis of protein


Details previously explained on page 86-88 and page 99.


A hydroxyapatite coated QCMD sensor was placed in WMS for 2 hours and

maintained at 36.8 oC to allow a pellicle to adsorb to the surface of the sensor. After

exposure to saliva the sensor was rinsed with phosphate buffer and then mounted in

an AFM holder. The pellicle adsorbed to the sensor surface was then imaged in

liquid (phosphate buffer). The same sensor was then soaked in 10 mM STP for 10

minutes and then rinsed with phosphate buffer. The pellicle was then re-imaged in

liquid (phosphate buffer).

Page 198: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation




In Figure 7.3. a box plot displays the change in pellicle mass and thickness on silica

and hydroxyapatite sensors before and after exposure to 10mM SDS and 10mM STP.

The mean mass for the combined PS and WMS salivary pellicles (1215 ±289

ng/cm2) was slightly higher on the hydroxyapatite sensor than on the silica sensor

(1103 ±139ng/cm2) but the difference was not statistically significant (p=0.11). After

exposure to 10mM SDS the pellicle adsorbed onto hydroxyapatite sensor was

reduced to 663 ±297ng/cm2

(7 ±3nm thick). Whilst after exposure to 10mM STP it

was reduced to 491 ±293ng/cm2

(5 ±3nm thick). This showed that the remaining

pellicle adsorbed onto the hydroxyapatite substrate was larger in mean thickness and

mass when exposed to 10mM SDS as opposed to 10mM STP. However, a

significant reversal of this result took place when SDS or STP was exposed to the

pellicle adsorbed on the silica surface. This showed a large reduction in the

remaining pellicle mass and thickness after exposure to 10mM SDS (mass: 194 ±

171ng/cm2; thickness: 2 ±2nm thick); but only a small change when the pellicle was

exposed to 10mM STP (911± 142ng/cm2; 9 ±1nm thick). This shows that STP was

more effective at displacing pellicle from the hydroxyapatite surface, whilst

conversely; SDS was more effective at displacing pellicle from the silica surface.

Page 199: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Figure 7.3. Box plot displaying the Sauerbrey mass (primary axis) and thickness

(secondary axis) of the combined WMS and PS salivary pellicles on hydroxyapatite

and silica sensors before and after rinsing with 10mM STP and 10mM SDS; and the

statistical differences between them.

By comparing the ratio between ∆D and ∆f, the viscoelastic properties of the pellicle

were observed with respect to the induced energy dissipation of the sensor, per

coupled unit mass. In short, a steep negative slope, or a highly negative gradient, is

indicative of an elastic pellicle. The results showed that the salivary pellicle before

exposure to SDS and STP on both hydroxyapatite and silica substrates had similar

viscoelastic properties (-2.2 MHz and -3.4 MHz respectively) (see Figure 7.4.).

When the pellicle was exposed to 10mM SDS, it became predominantly more elastic

relative to the untreated pellicle on both hydroxyapatite (-7.2 MHz) and silica (-7.8

MHz) sensors. However, when the pellicle was exposed to 10mM STP, it only

became predominantly more elastic relative to the untreated pellicle on the

hydroxyapatite (-6.8 MHz) sensor; and not on the silica (-2.9 MHz) sensor.

Page 200: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Figure 7.4. ∆f /∆D plot displaying the different elastic properties of the combined

WMS and PS salivary pellicles before and after rinsing with SDS and STP on both

hydroxyapatite and silica surfaces. (A test for outliers was performed using the

“outlier test” function in the R statistical package and removed from the plots

[Details p.294-296 in 265].


The structural properties (e.g. mass, thickness and density) of the pellicle adsorbed

onto hydroxyapatite and silica sensors before and after exposure to 10mM SDS and

10mM STP is shown as a box plot in Figure 7.5. Unlike the QCMD results, there was

a significant difference in the pellicle’s structure on the DPI hydroxyapatite sensor

(mean mass: 1390 ±731 ng/cm2) compared to the DPI silica sensor (mean mass: 366

±52 ng/cm2). After displacing the pellicle adsorbed on the hydroxyapatite sensors

with 10mM SDS for 10 minutes, the remaining pellicle had a mean mass of 354


(displaced ~70% mass); a mean thickness of ≤6 ±3nm; and a mean

density of ≤0.6 ±0.2 g/cm3. Similarly, after exposing the pellicle to 10 mM STP the

Page 201: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


remaining pellicle had a mean mass of 246 ±289ng/cm2

(displaced ~80% mass); a

mean thickness of ≤4 ±4nm; and a mean density of ≤0.6 ±0.3 g/cm3. However, when

observing the remaining pellicle on the silica sensor after the application of 10mM

SDS and 10mM STP, a drastic difference (p < 0.05) between the two was observed.

After the application of 10mM SDS the remaining pellicle structure had a mean mass

of 113 ±63ng/cm2

(displaced ~70% mass); a mean thickness of 2 ±1nm; and a mean

density of 0.5 ±0.2 g/cm3. Whilst after the application of 10mM STP the remaining

pellicle structure had a much higher mean mass (268 ±38ng/cm2) only displacing

~20% of the pellicle mass; and higher mean thickness (5 ±2nm); and mean density

(0.6 ±0.2 g/cm3). Demostrating that STP was less effective at displacing from the

silica surface compared to hydroxyapatite.

Page 202: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Figure 7.5. Box plot displaying the changes in thickness, mass and density of

combined WMS and PS salivary pellicles adsorbed to a DPI hydroxyapatite and

silica sensor before and after rinsing with 10mM STP and 10mM SDS.

Sig. diff. (p<0.05) between pellicle (Mass(am), Thickness(a

t), Density(a

d)) adsorbed to Hydroxyapatite and Silica

Sig. diff. (p<0.05) in pellicle Mass (b), Thickness (c), Density (d) after rinsing with 10mM SDS or 10mM STP

Sig. diff. (p< 0.05) in pellicle mass (e), after rinsing with 10mM SDS or 10mM STP;

(f) Sig. diff. (p< 0.05) between remaining pellicle mass rinsed with 10mM SDS and pellicles rinsed with 10mM STP

(g) Sig. diff. (p< 0.05) in pellicle thickness, after rinsing with SDS and STP;

(h) Sig. diff. (p< 0.05) between SDS and STP

(i): Sig. diff. (p< 0.05) in pellicle mass, after rinsing with SDS

Page 203: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


FPLC Protein identification

Whole mouth saliva was loaded into the hydroxyapatite-packed column and non

adsorbed proteins flushed through. Adsorbed proteins subsequently displaced from

the hydroxyapatite column using SDS or STP were collected to establish which

proteins 10mM SDS and 10mM STP were displacing. The STP appeared to be much

more effective at displacing proteins from the hydroxyapatite column than the SDS.

The STP solution removed proteins as soon as contact was made with the column;

whereas the SDS did not displace proteins until after ~5 minutes exposure (See

figure 7.6.).

Page 204: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Figure 7.6. (a) Chromatogram showing the displacement of saliva proteins from

hydroxyapatite by 10mM STP (three repeats) and the fractions collected (labelled 1-

4); and the accompanying typical electrophoretic profile observed of those fractions

separated by SDSPAGE (lanes 1-4). (b) Chromatogram showing the displacement of

saliva proteins from hydroxyapatite by 10mM SDS (three repeats) and the fractions

collected (labelled i - iv); and the accompanying typical electrophoretic profile

observed of those fractions separated by SDSPAGE (labelled i - iv).

Page 205: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation



Analysis of in vitro pellicle formed on the hydroxyapatite chromatography column

was performed by a combination of chromatography, electrophoretic separation and

tandem mass spectrometry. The displacement of salivary proteins from

hydroxyapatite using 10 mM STP (see Table 7.1. (a)) showed the presence of 74

proteins from the major bands selected and 35 proteins using 10 mM SDS (see Table

7.1. (b)). Salivary proteins that are commonly found in the in vivo pellicle, such as;

α-amylase, and cystatins, appear to be displaced by both STP and SDS. In addition,

the identification of keratin (type II cytoskeletal 2 epidermal) in the in vitro pellicle

suggests that the oral epithelium is also a source of pellicle proteins. The presence of

a number of enzymes (e.g. α-amylase, carbonic anhydrase and lactoperoxidase) some

of which have been shown to be immobilized in an active conformation in the

pellicle layer [24] highlight the dynamic nature of the salivary pellicle that goes

beyond a physical barrier.

Page 206: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Table 7.1. (a) Identified proteins displaced from hydroxyapatite using 10mM STP.

Page 207: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Table 7.1. (a) Continued.

Page 208: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Table 7.1. (b). Identified proteins displaced from hydroxyapatite using 10mM SDS.

The pellicle proteins identified were grouped according to their molecular weight

(MW) to distinguish which types of proteins were being displaced when the pellicle

was exposed to SDS or STP (See Figure 7.7. (a)). The STP displaced significantly

more protein compared to SDS; and across a wider range of MWs, including a lot of

high MW proteins. Whereas the SDS displaced fewer proteins; of which most were

above 55 kD. In addition, the proteins were also grouped according to their

isoelectric points (Figure 7.7. (b)). Considering that the pH value of stimulated saliva

can increase up to pH 8 [9]; and that over 70% of all these proteins had isoelectric

Page 209: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


points below pH 7; the majority of proteins displaced by STP or SDS were acidic in


Figure 7.7. Qualitative classification of the in vitro pellicle proteins displaced by

10mM STP and 10 mM SDS according to (a) molecular weight and (b) isoelectric

point. N.B STP displaced significantly more proteins than SDS. The following pie

charts only show relative contributions of proteins displaced out of 100% and do not

represent the total amount of protein displaced.

Page 210: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation



The first part of the present study used QCM-D and DPI to investigate the physical

structure of the salivary pellicle at solid surfaces. These techniques made it possible

to quantify the adsorption/desorption processes in real time, and observe the response

of the pellicle structure upon exposure to SDS and STP [266, 267]. In both

instruments 10mM STP had a more dramatic impact on the salivary pellicles

adsorbed on the hydroxyapatite coated sensors as opposed to salivary pellicles

adsorbed onto silica sensors. This difference in response was likely to be due to the

electrostatic differences between the two surfaces (one negative (i.e. silica) and one

positive (i.e. hydroxyapatite)). It was likely that STP was chelating cationic calcium

ions of the hydroxyapatite coated sensors, and in by doing so, was strongly adsorbing

to the hydroxyapatite [145]. In this way, STP appears to displace the salivary

pellicle indirectly via competitive adsorption for the hydroxyapatite surface.

However, relying solely on competitive adsorption to explain the displacement of

pellicle from the hydroxyapatite surface using STP was not entirely satisfactory. This

was because a small amount of pellicle displacement from the anionic silica surface

when using STP was observed.

As the STP molecule is polyanionic and the surface of the silica sensor (under the

conditions of this experiment) was also anionic, if competitive displacement was the

only mode of action, one would see no displacement of pellicle adsorbed to the silica

surface, as STP would be repulsed from the negative silica surface. However, this

was not the case as STP displaced a small quantity of pellicle adsorbed onto the silica

surface as well. One explanation for this phenomenon would be that STP was

Page 211: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


interacting with the pellicle directly by chelating, and thus removing calcium ions

that cross-link proteins within the pellicle itself. Because calcium ions have been

shown to increase the strength of salivary films [39], their absence from the pellicle

via STP chelation may result in a pellicle that is more loosely bound and therefore

easier to displace.

SDS on the other hand was shown to displace significant quantities of pellicle from

both silica and hydroxyapatite surfaces but, as has been observed in other studies

[124, 268] the displacement was more pronounced on the silica sensor. Certain,

surfactants are able to displace proteins by competitive adsorption with hydrophobic

surfaces. Despite the surfaces in this study being only moderately hydrophobic, they

will still be attractive to surfactants such as SDS. Although, the exact mechanism of

protein displacement via surfactants is still unclear, work carried out by Mackie et al.

[269] suggest that the protein films can be displaced by surfactants entering defects

within the protein network and expanding these areas until the protein network

breaks and is displaced; a process known as ‘orogenic displacement’ (See Figure


Page 212: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Figure 7.8. AFM image of (a) 2 hour adsorbed salivary pellicle. (b) The same

pellicle after exposure to 10mM STP. The holes in the pellicle in image (b) represent

areas where the pellicle network has been displaced by STP entering defects within

the pellicle.

However, it has been shown that protein displacement potential of SDS is different

depending on the surfaces that the proteins have adsorbed to [140] and that the

mechanism behind the displacement of proteins from a silica surface using SDS has

been suggested to be repulsion between negatively charged protein-SDS complexes

and the negatively charged silica surface [270].This would suggest that the SDS

displaces the pellicle adsorbed onto the sensors by interacting directly with the

proteins of the adsorbed pellicle. Nonetheless, a significant amount of pellicle

remained attached to both hydroxyapatite and silica sensors after exposure of the

pellicle to 10mM SDS and 10mM STP.

The remaining pellicle adsorbed onto the hydroxyapatite substrate was larger in

mean thickness and mass after exposure to 10mM SDS than when exposed to 10mM

STP. The increase in elasticity (observed in the ΔF/ΔD plots); and the concomitant

reduction in pellicle density (see figure 7.5.) after exposure to SDS and STP, would

Page 213: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


suggest that the proteins that contributed to the viscous component of the pellicle

were being removed, whilst the elastic component of the pellicle remained present.

This would imply a curious structural transformation from a dense, viscoelastic

structured pellicle, to an elastic but more diffuse pellicle after exposure to SDS and


When SDS and STP were exposed to the pellicle adsorbed on the silica surface; a

large reduction in the remaining pellicle mass and thickness only took place after

exposure to 10mM SDS, (only a small change occurred when the pellicle was

exposed to 10mM STP). It appears that SDS was able to reduce the viscous nature of

the pellicle on both silica and hydroxyapatite surfaces, whereas the STP appeared to

leave a more robust pellicle on the silica surface. Unlike SDS, STP does not contain

any regions of hydrophobicity. Therefore STP does not displace pellicle proteins via

hydrophobic interactions, and is also unlikely to interfere with any of the basic

proteins attached to the negatively charged phosphate ions of the hydroxyapatite

surface, such as Lysozyme and Histatins, due to its polyanionic nature. SDS on the

other hand, is an amphiphilic anionic detergent that although negatively charged has

a much lower charge density than the STP molecule, and can therefore directly

solubilise proteins within the pellicle regardless of the charge of the sensor the

pellicle had been adsorbed to. This was reflected in the fact that significant

displacement of pellicle from all sensors occurred when exposed to SDS. However,

contrary to this was the lack of protein displacement observed in the second part of

this study, where pellicle proteins were exposed to 10mM SDS or 10mM STP via

hydroxyapatite chromatography. Rykke et al. [271] observed the lack of protein

(albumin) displacement from hydroxyapatite when exposed to SDS; suggesting that

Page 214: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


the hydrocarbon tail of SDS lowered the desorbing potential of the molecule. If this

was indeed the case, it would suggest that the interaction between pellicle proteins

adsorbed onto the hydroxyapatite coating of the QCMD and DPI sensors are more

susceptible to protein displacement than the hydroxyapatite of the FPLC column.

Perhaps the underlying silica beneath the hydroxyapatite coatings of the DPI and

QCMD sensors facilitates the displacement of pellicle proteins from the sensors.

However, it may simply be that the difference in surface area to volume ratio of the

hydroxyapatite column compared to the sensors is the primary reason for the

differences observed. Other studies [124, 268] have also shown that SDS was less

effective at protein displacement on hydroxyapatite surfaces when compared to

silica. This compliments our observation of the minute quantities of pellicle

displacement when the SDS was exposed to the pellicle adsorbed onto

hydroxyapatite via FPLC. STP, on the other hand was very effective in displacing

proteins from all hydroxyapatite surfaces and this was reflected particularly well in

the ion exchange chromatogram Figure 7.6. (a).

The observation that the majority (~70%) of proteins displaced by SDS and STP

were acidic in nature implies that the negatively charged sulphate group of SDS, and

the negatively charged phosphate groups of STP, was where the key interactions

between the cationic calcium ions of the hydroxyapatite surface and the adsorbed

proteins was taking place. This interaction was much stronger for STP than it was for

SDS. However, the high concentration of acidic proteins identified could be a

consequence of the high concentration of acidic proteins throughout the pellicle [49]

as opposed to any specific anionic (SDS) or cationic (Ca++

) interaction.

Page 215: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Complications in the analysis of data occurred as a consequence of the high

variability in the adsorbed mass of pellicle observed between individuals; as has also

been recorded in other studies [33]. This was highlighted by the high standard

deviation observed for the mean WMS pellicle that adsorbed onto both QCMD and

DPI hydroxyapatite sensors (1215 ±289 ng/cm2 and 1390 ±731 ng/cm

2 respectively).

These differences are likely to be a consequence of the variable composition of the

volunteer’s saliva, a common difficulty encountered in salivary research [272]. The

variability in measurements of biological samples such as saliva can conceal real

trends in data sets when sample sizes or numbers of data points are relatively few. To

increase the overall power of the system under study, the data from PS formed

pellicles with that of WMS formed pellicles was combined. Increasing the number of

data sets in this way confirmed if trends in the data were statistically significant

[273]. This was considered a valid as the main aim of the study was to understand the

impact of STP and SDS on the adsorbed pellicle as opposed to difference in PS and

WMS pellicle.

Other differences in pellicle structure arose due to the physical and chemical

properties of the sensors used in this study. For example, it has been shown that the

protein profiles of the salivary pellicle adsorbed onto hydroxyapatite in vitro can

differ from the salivary pellicle adsorbed onto enamel in vivo; even when formed

from the same saliva [115]. However, [20, and 36] identified proteins in vivo to also

be present in vitro thus validating the system used in the current study.

It is known that protein adsorption to a solid surface is affected by a number of

parameters, such as the surface roughness of the sensor (see chapter 3), or the

Page 216: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


hydrophobicity of the sensor [195]. As the DPI hydroxyapatite and silica sensors

used in this study varied in a number of physical parameters, it was not possible to

determine with certainty whether the saliva sample, or the sensor’s substrate, had the

greater effect on the amount of pellicle proteins adsorbing to the sensor surface.

However, and importantly for the interpretation of the results in this study, the

chemical properties of the sensors remained consistent. That is to say that both DPI

and QCMD hydroxyapatite sensors would have remained positively charged and the

silica sensors would have remained negatively charged at the pH used in these

experiments. And it was this phenomenon that was exploited to distinguish the

modes of action with which the polyanionic STP and amphiphilic SDS displaced

pellicle from the surface of hydroxyapatite and silica sensors.

In conclusion the interaction of the polyanionic molecule STP with the salivary

pellicle is strongly influenced by electrical charge of the surface that the pellicle has

adsorbed to. For example, STP removes pellicle from hydroxyapatite via competitive

adsorption for the cationic calcium ions on the hydroxyapatite surface, and by

sequestering calcium ions that cross link proteins within the pellicle. However, STP

is less effective when removing pellicle from silica surfaces mainly due to electrical

repulsion from the silica. Conversely, SDS was affected less by the surface that the

pellicle had adsorbed onto and was able to displace significant quantities of pellicle

adsorbed on both hydroxyapatite and silica surfaces via a direct interaction with the

pellicle. However, the pellicle displacing potential of SDS was shown to be less

effective on pure hydroxyapatite compared to hydroxyapatite coated QCM-D and

DPI sensors; and it maybe that the underlying sensor, beneath the hydroxyapatite

Page 217: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


coatings, increases the adsorption potential of SDS, and should be considered when

interpreting SDS protein displacement from sensors with a hydroxyapatite coating.

Page 218: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


Chapter 8


Page 219: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


The salivary pellicle plays an important role in maintaining oral health, however, a

complete understanding of its genesis remains unresolved. In an attempt to provide

more detail in the subject area this thesis has highlighted the physical properties of

the salivary pellicle during its formation in vitro and when exposed to different

components of food (e.g. calcium [33]& changes in pH) and dental hygiene products

(e.g. STP & SDS). This information has been important in helping to further

understand the formation of the salivary pellicle and its structure and composition on

different surfaces (e.g. silica & hydroxyapatite). For example, it was shown how the

physical properties of the pellicle (e.g. mass & viscoelasticity) are influenced by the

physical properties of the sensor (e.g. hydrophobicity & surface roughness) to which

the salivary proteins adsorb. This early work resulted in the selection of two types of

surfaces (i.e. hydroxyapatite & silica) being used for the remainder of the project.

The use of stimulated parotid saliva (mucin free) and stimulated whole mouth saliva

on these surfaces made it possible to deduce an appreciation for the role that mucins

play in the formation of the pellicle [274]. In particular, the mucins within saliva

were shown to play two key roles during pellicle formation. Firstly they may favour

the diffusion of low MW proteins to the enamel surface, by hindering the diffusion of

high molecular weight proteins and secondly, the mucins help to form a less elastic,

outer layer, thus lubricating the tooth surface and providing protection against

potential abrasive stresses. Other components inherent to saliva, such as calcium,

were also explored. It was found that increasing the natural calcium concentration of

saliva by 10 mM CaCl2 increased the aggregation of proteins in saliva; forming large

protein aggregates prior to pellicle adsorption, which subsequently deposit onto the

sensor surface forming thicker but less dense films [33]. However, the overall

structure of the pellicle was shown to be insensitive to calcium at low concentrations,

Page 220: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


allowing a flexibility to adapt to changing physiological and environmental

conditions. Other environmental changes such as, changes in acidity were also

observed. This gave an insight to the potential mechanisms involved upon structural

changes of the pellicle when it was exposed to an acidic environment in the mouth

when, for example, consuming acidic foods. A structural change of the salivary

pellicle was only observed to take place at pH4 and below. This correlated with the

pI of some of the proteins identified in the pellicle, reducing the binding with

calcium and thus weakening the pellicle structure. However the pellicle remained

largely intact, and this resistance to structural change was considered to be partly

responsible for the anti-erosive potential of the pellicle that forms on the tooth

surface. Finally, the investigation of STP and SDS was explored in order to try and

understand the way these different dentifrice components displace the pellicle; and

further, to what degree they affect the remaining pellicle structure. STP was shown to

remove pellicle from hydroxyapatite via competitive adsorption for the cationic

calcium ions on the hydroxyapatite surface, and by sequestering calcium ions that

cross link proteins within the pellicle. SDS on the other hand, was shown to directly

solubilise proteins within the pellicle regardless of the surface charge of the sensor.

Identification of pellicle proteins that were displaced by SDS and STP were also

investigated to understand how SDS and STP affect the structure and composition of

the pellicle and the mechanisms of pellicle displacement. This new knowledge builds

upon the current understanding of the salivary pellicle and may provide details

towards the development of more realistic and effective salivary mimetics, which has

currently not been possible due to the complex interfacial properties of saliva.

Page 221: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


The multifunctional roles of saliva, in particular the formation, structure and

composition of the salivary pellicle, represents a very focused area of scientific

research. From a dental perspective, the interaction between the pellicle formed in

the mouth and its interaction with dental components is starting to generate a lot of

attention [34, 254, 255, 263, 275-278]. In particular, combining ingredients that not

only remove biofilm build up; but also potentially interact with the pellicle to prevent

subsequent bacterial adsorption, is a topic that may become widespread. Altering

molecules present in the pellicle, which may bind to bacterial surface receptors, is

one way that could prevent bacterial adsorption close to the tooth surface. Gibbons et

al. [279] used enzymes added to toothpaste formulations to alter the carbohydrate

moieties of the pellicle in vitro, which subsequently caused a reduction of bacterial

adherence (N.B. Carbohydrates can be ligands used for bacterial adherence).

Although, confirmation of those findings in vivo failed, it does perhaps open up the

field to test other combinations of enzymes in oral hygiene formulations to see if

pellicle modification takes place; and if any potential changes can result in the

development of an effective prophylaxis against tooth decay. Recently, Hannig et al.

[275] were able to show that certain mouthwash preparations containing

hydroxyapatite microclusters displayed antiadherent and antibacterial effects.

There is also increasing interest from food scientists to understand the influence of

the pellicle on the sensory perception of foods and how certain food ingredients

interact with the pellicle [244, 280, 281]. For example, performing studies to unravel

the chemical and physical mechanisms by which salivary components mediate the

processing and perception of food could potentially help reveal the importance of the

pellicle on taste and texture perception. Combining laboratory techniques that

Page 222: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


measure the viscoelastic nature of the pellicle, alongside trained human sensory

panels to evaluate changes in food texture or taste, may take us a step closer to

elucidating the pellicle’s role in the sensory perception of foods. Studies have looked

at how polyphenols found in fruits and vegetables can induce a dry, puckering

feeling in the mouth [217, 244, 259, 282]. A consequence of the pellicle losing its

viscoelastic properties as pellicle proteins aggregate with polyphenols [238].

However, it may be more revealing to observe the effect of food components that can

create a creamy sensation in the mouth. For example, it may be useful to look at the

effect of different fatty acids found in foods on the viscoelastic effect they have on a

preformed pellicle. Identifying any potential change in pellicle structure could

provide important information on the changes that the pellicle undergoes when

exposed to fat rich foods; foods that humans find desirable. This could potentially

result in acquiring the knowledge required to modify foods in order to increase

palatability or reduce fat content without the loss of texture.

Another area of research involves the possible regenerative properties and functions

of the salivary pellicle. For example, evidence suggests that growth factors play a

role in wound healing and the maintenance of oral and systemic health [283]. This

raises several questions, each of which would be potential avenues of further pellicle

research. For example, could the salivary pellicle be selectively enhanced to promote

these growth factors? Or enhanced to selectively control bacterial adherence and

aggregation? Would it be possible to promote the adsorption of buffering systems

close to the tooth surface to prevent acid erosion? Or would it be possible to extract

salivary components to develop more effective artificial salivas? A relatively

straightforward future study would be to use the information gathered in this research

Page 223: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation


on the physical behaviour of the pellicle to design and develop improved artificial

salivas. Research should focus on these topics by using in vivo pellicle models where

possible or in vitro models as a substitute. Systematic investigation of the formation

of the pellicle in this way is necessary to promote long-term changes of the in vivo

formed pellicle layer. Whilst this research may represent a significant challenge, the

results of such studies would provide important insights into the functional properties

of the salivary pellicle, insights that are essential for the development of future

pellicle based research.

Page 224: Physical and Molecular Processes Controlling the Formation



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