physical assessment

Physical Examination of the Newborn General Appearance: Received patient in bed awake with IVF D5IMB flowing at 10 gtts/ min @ right metacarpal vein, no tenderness, swelling and pain noted in insertion site. She has good cry and good suck. She is well-flexed, with full range of motion and with spontaneous movement. Skin: Skin is yellowish in color, no lesions present, no edema noted, skin is warm to touch, a little bit dry and good skin turgor that returns back in 1-2 seconds. Head: (-) Lacerations, (+) caput succedaneum, (-) bruising and swelling, fontanels soft, firm and flat Eyes: (-) tears when crying, (-) redness and purulent discharge, (-) edema around the eyelids, (+) PERRLA, (+) blink reflex, Yellowish color in skin near the eyes and the eyes as well Ears: pinna tends to bend easily, with startle reflex. Nose: obligate nasal breathers, with bilateral patent nostrils, (-) nasal discharges, (-) nasal flaring Mouth: mucosa a little bit dry, tongue moves freely and does not protrude, (+) sucking and rooting reflex Neck: short and thick, turns easily side to side.

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Post on 19-Dec-2015




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Physical Examination of the Newborn

Physical Examination of the Newborn

General Appearance: Received patient in bed awake with IVF D5IMB flowing at 10 gtts/ min @ right metacarpal vein, no tenderness, swelling and pain noted in insertion site. She has good cry and good suck. She is well-flexed, with full range of motion and with spontaneous movement.

Skin: Skin is yellowish in color, no lesions present, no edema noted, skin is warm to touch, a little bit dry and good skin turgor that returns back in 1-2 seconds.

Head: (-) Lacerations, (+) caput succedaneum, (-) bruising and swelling, fontanels soft, firm and flat

Eyes: (-) tears when crying, (-) redness and purulent discharge, (-) edema around the eyelids, (+) PERRLA, (+) blink reflex, Yellowish color in skin near the eyes and the eyes as well

Ears: pinna tends to bend easily, with startle reflex.

Nose: obligate nasal breathers, with bilateral patent nostrils, (-) nasal discharges, (-) nasal flaring

Mouth: mucosa a little bit dry, tongue moves freely and does not protrude, (+) sucking and rooting reflex

Neck: short and thick, turns easily side to side.

Chest: with evident xiphoid process, with symmetrical nipples, with symmetrical chest movements, (-) retractions,(-) murmur

Abdomen: Abdomen is symmetrical, still yellowish in color, no lesion and strae noted, Respiration is 46 cpm, umbilicus in the center with no discharges noted, umbilicus in dry with no foul odor.

Back: intact spine, (-) mass

Rectum: with patent anal opening, (+) passage of stool

Extremities: (-) edema on both extremities, (+) peripheral pulses

Patient response in the different reflexes:

Palmar reflexes present

Plantar reflexes present

Tonic neck reflex present

Heel reflex present

Moro reflex present

Babinski reflex present