physics ch 23 help

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  • 7/30/2019 Physics Ch 23 Help



    23.3 Calculating Electric Potential23.3 Calculating Electric Potential

    Use two approaches in calculating the potential dueto a charge distribution:

    1) if the charge distribution is known, we can use


    2) if we know how the electric field depends onposition, we can use

    (sometimes use a combination of these two approaches)

  • 7/30/2019 Physics Ch 23 Help



    Example: A charged conducting sphere

    A solid conducting sphere of radius R has a total charge q. Find

    the potential everywhere, both outside and inside the sphere.

  • 7/30/2019 Physics Ch 23 Help



    Example: Oppositely charged parallel plates

    Find the potential at any height y between two oppositely

    charged parallel plates.

    usually take

    potential at b to bezero

  • 7/30/2019 Physics Ch 23 Help


    Example: An infinite line charge or charged conductingcylinder

    Find the potential at a distance r from a very long line chargewith linear charge density .

    by setting Vb

    = 0 at

    point b at an arbitraryradial distance r


  • 7/30/2019 Physics Ch 23 Help


    Example: A ring of charge

    Electric charge is distributed uniformly around a thin ring of

    radius a, with total charge Q. Find the potential at a point P onthe ring axis at a distance x from the centre of the ring.

  • 7/30/2019 Physics Ch 23 Help


    Example: A line of charge

    Electric charge Q is distributed uniformly along a line or thin

    rod of length 2a. Find the potential at a point P along theperpendicular bisector of the rod at a distance x from its centre.

  • 7/30/2019 Physics Ch 23 Help


    7(Tipler, W. H. Freeman & Co.)

    Example: Infinite plane and point charge


  • 7/30/2019 Physics Ch 23 Help



    23.4 Equipotential Surfaces23.4 Equipotential Surfaces

    The potential at various points in an E-field can berepresented graphically by equipotential surfaces

    these are three-dimensional surfaces on which theelectric potential Vis the same at every point

    if q0 moves from point to point on this surface, the

    electric potential energy q0Vremains constant since the potential energy does not change as q0

    moves over an equipotential surface, Edoes no work

    this implies that the E-field must be perpendicular to

    the equipotential surface at every point

  • 7/30/2019 Physics Ch 23 Help



    Cross sections of equipotentialsurfaces (blue lines) andelectric field lines (red lines) fordifferent arrangements ofcharges

  • 7/30/2019 Physics Ch 23 Help



    Equipotentials and ConductorsEquipotentials and Conductors

    When all charges are at

    rest, the surface of aconductor is always anequipotential surface

    When all charges are atrest, the E-field justoutside a conductor mustbe perpendicular to the

    surface at every point

  • 7/30/2019 Physics Ch 23 Help



    We know E= 0 everywhere inside the conductor!

    at any point just inside the surface the component of Etangent to the surface is zero

    it follows that the tangential component of Eis also zerojust outside the surface

    therefore Eis perpendicular to the surface at each point

    consider q0


    around a rectangularloop and returning to

    its starting point

  • 7/30/2019 Physics Ch 23 Help



    Theorem :

    In an electrostatic situation, if a conductor contains a cavityand if no charge is present inside the cavity, then there canbe no net charge anywhere on the surface of the cavity.

  • 7/30/2019 Physics Ch 23 Help



    23.5 Potential Gradient23.5 Potential Gradient

    From before:

    if we know Ewe can calculate V

    now we consider the reverse; if we know Vhow do wecalculate E?

    To do this we now consider Vas a function of thecoordinates (x,y,z) of a point in space:

  • 7/30/2019 Physics Ch 23 Help





    is the change of potential energy when a point

    moves from b to a:

    dVis the infinitesimal change of potentialaccompanying an infinitesimal elementdlof the path

    from b to a

    (i.e., integrands are equal)

  • 7/30/2019 Physics Ch 23 Help



    write Eand dlin terms of their components:

    the components of Ecan be written in terms of V

    in terms of unit vectors we can write Eas

  • 7/30/2019 Physics Ch 23 Help



    in vector notation the following operator is called thegradient of the function f:

    therefore in vector notation and in terms of thegradient the E-field is given by

    the potential gradient

    if Eis radial with respect to a point and ris thedistance from the point then the above corresponds to

  • 7/30/2019 Physics Ch 23 Help



    Example: Field of a point charge

    Find the vector electric field given that the potential at a radialdistance r from a point charge q is

    Example: Field outside a charged conducting cylinder

    Find the components of the electric field outside the cylindergiven that the potential outside the cylinder with radius R andcharge per unit length is

    Example: Field of a ring charge

    Find the electric field at a point P given that the potential atpoint P on the axis a distance x from the centre of a ring, withradius a and total charge Q, is