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Physics for the IB Diploma K. A. Tsokos Fifth edition © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-70820-3 - Physics for the IB Diploma, Fifth Edition K. A. Tsokos Frontmatter More information

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Physics for theIB Diploma

K. A. Tsokos

Fifth edition© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-70820-3 - Physics for the IB Diploma, Fifth EditionK. A. TsokosFrontmatterMore information

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Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo, Delhi, Dubai, Tokyo

Cambridge University PressThe Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK

www.cambridge.orgInformation on this title:

First, second and third editions © K. A. Tsokos 1998, 1999, 2001Fourth edition © Cambridge University Press 2005Fifth edition © Cambridge University Press 2005, 2008

This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press.

First published by K. A. Tsokos 1998Second edition 1999Third edition 2001Fourth edition published by Cambridge University Press 2005Fifth edition 20085th printing with corrections 2009

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Preface xiA note to the reader xii

Part I Core and AHL 1

Topic 1: Physics and physical measurement 2

1.1 The realm of physics – Core 2Orders of magnitude and units 2Fundamental interactions 5

1.2 Uncertainties and errors – Core 8Errors of measurement 8Significant digits 11Line of best fit 12

1.3 Mathematical and graphical techniques – Core 14

Multiplicative changes 14Straight-line graphs 15Getting a linear graph 16Interpreting graphs 17Sine curves 18Making assumptions 18

1.4 Vectors and scalars – Core 21Vectors 21Multiplication of a vector by a scalar 22Addition of vectors 22Subtraction of vectors 24Components of a vector 25

1.5 Graphical analysis and uncertainties – Core 31

Logarithmic functions 31Propagation of errors 33

Topic 2: Mechanics 38

2.1 Kinematic concepts – Core 38Displacement and velocity 38Frames of reference 42Graphs for uniform motion 44

2.2 Motion with constant acceleration – Core 48

Acceleration 48Measuring speed and acceleration 54More on graphs 56

2.3 The concept of force – Core 63Forces and their direction 64Hooke’s law 67

2.4 Newton’s first law – Core 69Newton’s first law 69Equilibrium 70

2.5 Newton’s second and third laws – Core 76

Newton’s second law 77The inclined plane 82Newton’s third law 83

2.6 Linear momentum – Core 87The concept of momentum 87Impulse 89The law of conservation of

momentum 91Proof of momentum conservation 93Two-dimensional collisions 95

2.7 Work, energy and power – Core 99Work done by a force 99Gravitational potential energy 102The work–kinetic energy relation 103Conservation of energy 104Frictional forces 107Power 108Kinetic energy and momentum 110The problem of least time 112

2.8 Circular motion – Core 119Circular motion and centripetal

acceleration 119Centripetal forces 122Angular momentum 123© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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2.9 The law of gravitation – Core 127Newton’s law of gravitation 127Gravitational field strength 129

2.10 Projectile motion – AHL 132Parabolic motion 132Launch at an arbitrary angle 134Effect of air resistance forces 138

2.11 Motion in a gravitational field – AHL 142Gravitational potential energy 143Escape velocity 145Orbital motion 146Equipotential surfaces 149The binary star system 151

Topic 3: Thermal properties of matter 158

3.1 Thermal concepts – Core 158Temperature 158Heat as energy 159The atomic model of matter 160

3.2 Thermal properties – Core 163Specific heat capacity 163Change of state 165Measuring specific heats 167Evaporation 168The kinetic theory of gases 169

3.3 Ideal gases – AHL 174Pressure 174The Boyle–Mariotte law 175The volume–temperature law 176The pressure–temperature law 177The equation of state 178

3.4 Thermodynamics – AHL 183Internal energy 183Work done on or by a gas 184The first law of thermodynamics 187The second law of thermodynamics 189Degradation of energy 192

Topic 4: Oscillations and waves 195

4.1 Simple harmonic motion – Core 195Oscillations 195Kinematics of simple harmonic motion 196Energy in simple harmonic motion 204Damping 207Forced oscillations and resonance 208

iv Contents

4.2 Travelling-wave characteristics – Core 216What is a wave? 216Transverse and longitudinal waves 217Wave pulses 218Travelling waves 218Wavefronts 224

4.3 Wave phenomena I: reflection andrefraction – Core 228The principle of superposition 228Reflection and refraction of waves 231Huygens’ principle 234

4.4 Wave phenomena II: diffraction andinterference – Core 238Diffraction 238Interference 240

4.5 The Doppler effect – AHL / SL Option A 244

The Doppler effect 244

4.6 Standing waves – AHL / SL Option A 251Standing waves on strings and tubes 251Resonance and the speed of sound 255

4.7 Diffraction – AHL / SL Option A 259Diffraction 259Single-slit diffraction 261

4.8 Resolution – AHL / SL Option A 267The Rayleigh criterion 267

4.9 Polarization – AHL / SL Option A 271What is polarization? 271Malus’s law 272Polarizers and analysers 273Polarization by reflection 274Optical activity 275Practical applications of

polarization 276

Topic 5: Electricity and magnetism 280

5.1 Electric charge – Core 280Properties of electric charge 280Coulomb’s law for the electric force 285

5.2 Electric field and electric potential – Core 289

Electric field 289Electric potential 292The electronvolt 295© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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5.3 Electric field and electric potential – AHL 299

Electric fields 299Electric potential and energy 300Equipotential surfaces 304The connection between electric

potential and electric field 305Similarities between electricity

and gravitation 306

5.4 Electric current and electric resistance – Core 310

Electric current 310Electric resistance 312Electric power 314

5.5 Electric circuits – Core 318Emf 318Simple electric circuits 320Ammeters and voltmeters 325Sensors based on the potential

divider 327

5.6 Magnetic fields – Core 336Magnetic field 336The magnetic force on a current 338The magnetic force on a

moving charge 339Ørsted’s discovery 341The force between two

current-carrying wires 343

5.7 Electromagnetic induction – AHL 350A wire moving in a magnetic field 350Faraday’s law 351Lenz’s law 354Faraday’s disc 356

5.8 Alternating current – AHL 360The AC generator 360Power in AC circuits 361The transformer 363Transformers and power

transmission 365

Topic 6: Atomic and nuclear physics 367

6.1 The atom and its nucleus – Core 367The discovery of the nuclear atom 367Consequences of the Rutherford

(Geiger–Marsden) experiment 368

Contents v

The Rutherford model of the atom 369The Bohr model 369Nuclear structure 370The forces within the nucleus 371

6.2 Radioactivity – Core 373The nature of alpha, beta and

gamma radiations 373Radioactive decay equations 376The law of radioactive decay 377

6.3 Nuclear reactions – Core 380The unified mass unit 380The mass defect and binding energy 381Nuclear reactions 384Nuclear fission 385Nuclear fusion 385

6.4 Interactions of matter with energy – AHL / SL Option B 389

The photoelectric effect 389De Broglie’s wavelength 394

6.5 Quantum theory and the uncertainty principle – AHL / SL Option B 398

Atomic spectra 398The ‘electron in a box’ model 399The Schrödinger theory 400The Heisenberg uncertainty principle 402

6.6 Nuclear physics – AHL / SL Option B 407Scattering experiments and distance

of closest approach 407The mass spectrometer 408Beta decay and the neutrino 409Nuclear energy levels 410The radioactive decay law 411

Topic 7: Energy, power and climate change 415

7.1 Energy degradation and powergeneration – Core 415Degradation of energy 415Electricity production 417Energy sources 417Fossil fuels 418Nuclear power 420Solar power 423Hydroelectric power 425Wind power 427Wave power 428© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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7.2 The greenhouse effect and global warming – Core 434

The black-body law 434Solar radiation 436The greenhouse effect 438Global warming 444Sea level 447Effects of global warming on climate 448

Topic 8: Digital technology

8.1 Analogue and digital signals – AHL / SL Option C / SL and HL Option F 454

Binary numbers 454Analogue and digital signals 455Compact disks 458Other storage devices 459Advantages of digital storage 461

8.2 Digital imaging with charge-coupled devices – AHL / SL Option C 463

Capacitance 463The charge-coupled device 464CCD imaging characteristics 466Medical uses of CCDs 467

Part II Options 471The content of Options A–D (except Option A1) is identical to that in theappropriate chapter in the Core and AHL material, to which the reader isreferred (details are given in the text).

SL Option A – Sight and wave phenomena

A1 The eye and sight – SL 472The structure of the human eye 472Depth of vision 473Accommodation 474Scotopic and photopic vision 474Colour 475Colour blindness 476Colour addition 476Colour subtraction 477Perception of colour and light 478

A2 The Doppler effect – SL 480

A3 Standing waves – SL 480

A4 Diffraction – SL 480

vi Contents

A5 Resolution – SL 481

A6 Polarization – SL 481

SL Option B – Quantum physics

B1 Quantum physics – SL 482

B2 Nuclear physics – SL 482

SL Option C – Digital technology

C1 Analogue and digital signals – SL 483

C2 Data capture and imaging using CCDs – SL 483

C3 Electronics – SL 484

C4 The mobile phone system – SL 484

SL Option D – Relativity and particle physics

D1 Introduction to relativity – SL 485

D2 Concepts and postulates of special relativity – SL 485

D3 Relativistic kinematics – SL 485

D4 Particles and interactions – SL 486

D5 Quarks – SL 486

SL and HL Option E – Astrophysics

E1 Introduction to the universe – SLand HL 487

The solar system 487Beyond the solar system 489The motion of the stars 491

E2 Stellar radiation – SL and HL 494The energy source of stars 494Luminosity 495Black-body radiation 496Stellar spectra 498The Hertzsprung–Russell diagram 499Types of stars 500

E3 Stellar objects – SL and HL 506The parallax method 506Absolute and apparent magnitudes 507Spectroscopic parallax 510The Cepheids 511© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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E4 Cosmology – SL and HL 514Olbers’ paradox 514The expanding universe 516The Big Bang: the creation of space

and time 517The development of the universe 517

E5 Stellar evolution – Extension HL 521Nucleosynthesis 521Evolutionary paths and stellar

processes 525Pulsars and quasars 529

E6 Galaxies – Extension HL 533Types of galaxy 533Galactic motion 536Hubble’s law 537The evolution of the

universe 539

SL and HL Option F – Communications

F1 Radio communication – SL and HL 544

Modulation 544Amplitude modulation (AM) 546Frequency modulation (FM) 548Comparing AM and FM 550The AM radio receiver 550

F2 Analogue and digital signals – SL and HL 554

Binary numbers 554Analogue and digital signals 554Bit rate of a digital signal 554The transmission and reception of

digital signals 557Time division multiplexing 558The advantages of digital

communication 558

F3 Optic fibre transmission – SL and HL 562

Total internal reflection 562Optical fibres 564Dispersion 565Attenuation 567Detection 569Noise 570Regeneration 571

Contents vii

F4 Channels of communication – SL and HL 574

Copper wires 574Wire pairs 575Coaxial cables 575Optic fibres 575Radio waves 576Microwave transmission through

free space 577Satellite communications 578

F5 Electronics – Extension HL 584The operational amplifier (op-amp) 584The non-inverting amplifier 588Reshaping digital pulses – the

Schmitt trigger 590

F6 The mobile phone system – Extension HL 596

SL and HL Option G – Electromagnetic waves

G1 Light – SL and HL 598The speed of light 598Electromagnetic waves 599Properties of EM waves 601The laser 603

G2 Optical instruments – SL and HL 607Lenses 607Optical instruments 617Lens aberrations 620

G3 Interference and diffraction – SL and HL 624

Two-source interference 624Young’s two-slit experiment 626Intensity in two-slit interference 628Multiple-slit diffraction 629The diffraction grating 631

G4 X-rays – Extension HL 634The production of X-rays 634X-ray diffraction 635

G5 Thin-film interference – Extension HL 640

Parallel films 640Thin air wedges 641Measuring small distances 642© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-70820-3 - Physics for the IB Diploma, Fifth EditionK. A. TsokosFrontmatterMore information

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HL Option H – Special and general relativity

H1 The principle of special relativity – HL 644

Frames of reference 645The speed of light 647The principle of special relativity 648

H2 The effects of special relativity – HL 652Time dilation 652Length contraction 657Addition of velocities 659

H3 Consequences of and evidence for special relativity – HL 663

Relativistic energy 663Evidence for special relativity 666The Michelson–Morley experiment 667The constancy of the speed of

light 669

H4 Relativistic mechanics – HL 671Momentum and energy

(momenergy) 671A point about units 673A free electron cannot absorb

(or emit) a photon 674

H5 General relativity – HL 677The principle of equivalence 677The tests of general relativity 680The structure of the theory 682Black holes 683Time dilation in general

relativity 685

HL Option I – Biomedical physics

I1 The functioning of the ear – HL 690The ear 690Intensity of sound 693Hearing defects 697

I2 Medical imaging – HL 700Properties of radiation 700X-ray imaging 702Other imaging techniques 705Ultrasound 707Diagnostic uses of radioactive

sources 709

I3 Radiation in medicine – HL 712Biological effects of radiation

and dosimetry 712Radiation therapy 716

HL Option J – Particle physics

J1 Particles and interactions – HL 718Particles and antiparticles 718The elementary particles 719Quantum numbers 720Antiparticles 720Spin 721The Heisenberg uncertainty

principle for time and energy 722Virtual particles 723Interactions and exchange particles 723Feynman diagrams 725The range of an interaction 728

J2 Detectors and accelerators – HL 731The need for high energies 731Resolution 732Accelerators 733Synchrotron radiation 738Available energy 738Detectors 740

J3 Quarks and leptons – HL 746Hadrons – baryons and mesons 746Baryon number 748Strangeness 748The spin of hadrons 749Colour 749Gluons 750Confinement 751The interaction between nucleons 752Quarks, leptons and the standard

model 752Lepton number 753The Higgs particle 753

J4 Experimental evidence for the standard model – HL 758

Gell-Mann’s prediction of the omega-minus 758

The direct evidence for quarks 758Asymptotic freedom 761The discovery of the Z0 and

neutral currents 761

viii Contents© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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J5 Cosmology and strings – HL 764The Boltzmann equation 764Matter and antimatter 765Strings 766

Physics and the theory of knowledge (TOK) – SL and HL 770


1 Physical constants 777

2 Masses of elements and selected isotopes 778

3 Astronomical data 780

4 Some important mathematical results 781

5 Nobel prize winners in physics 782

Answers to questions 788

Glossary of selected terms 819

Index 832

Contents ix© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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For Alexios and Alkeos© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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Physics is a fundamental science, and thosewho study it will gain an understanding of thebasic laws that govern everything from the verysmall subatomic to the very large cosmic scale.The study of physics provides us with anunparalleled power of analysis that is useful inthe study of the other sciences, engineering andmathematics, as well as in daily life.

This fifth edition of Physics for the IB Diplomafollows the previous edition, but containsmaterial for the new syllabus that will beexamined for the first time in May 2009. Itcovers the entire International Baccalaureate(IB) syllabus, including all options at bothstandard level (SL) and higher level (HL). Itincludes a chapter on the role of physics in thetheory of knowledge (TOK), along with manydiscussion questions for TOK. Each chapteropens with a list of objectives, which includethe important formulae that will be covered inthat chapter. The questions at the end of eachchapter have been increased, and there areanswers at the end of the book for all thoseinvolving calculation (and for some others too).

Part I of the book covers the core material and theadditional higher level (AHL) material. The titleand running heads of each chapter clearlyindicate whether the chapter is part of the core orAHL. Part II covers the optional subjects. There arenow four options that are available to SL studentsonly (Option A, Sight and wave phenomena;Option B, Quantum physics; Option C, Digitaltechnology; and Option D, Relativity and particlephysics). The material for these is the same as thecorresponding AHL material, and so these fourSL options are neither repeated nor presentedseparately (except for one chapter, Option A1, The

eye and sight, which is not part of the AHL core).Three options (Option E, Astrophysics; Option F,Communications; and Option G, Electromagneticwaves) are available to both SL and HL students.Finally, there are three options (Option H, Specialand general relativity; Option I, Biomedicalphysics; and Option J, Particle physics) that areavailable to HL students only.

The division of this book into chapters andsections usually follows quite closely thesyllabus published by the InternationalBaccalaureate Organization (IBO). This does notmean, however, that this particular ordershould be followed in teaching. Within reason,the sections are fairly independent of each other,and so alternative teaching sequences may beused. It must also be stressed that this book isnot an official guide to the IB syllabus, nor isthis book connected with the IBO in any way.

The book contains many example questions andanswers that are meant to make the studentmore comfortable with solving problems. Someare more involved than others. There are alsoquestions at the end of each chapter, which thestudent should attempt to answer to test his orher understanding. Even though the IB does notrequire calculus for physics, I have usedcalculus, on occasion, in the text and in thequestions for the benefit of those studentstaking both physics and mathematics at higherlevel. They can apply what they are learning inmathematics in a concrete and well-definedcontext. However, calculus is not essential forfollowing the book. It is assumed that a studentstarting a physics course at this level knows thebasics of trigonometry and is comfortable withsimple algebraic manipulations.© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-70820-3 - Physics for the IB Diploma, Fifth EditionK. A. TsokosFrontmatterMore information

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In many questions and examples I have notresisted the temptation to use 10 m s-2 as thenumerical value of the acceleration due togravity. I have also followed the conventions ofsymbols used by the IBO in their Physics DataBooklet, with one major exception. The DataBooklet uses the symbol s for displacement.Almost universally, the symbol s is reserved fordistance, and so s stands for distance in thisbook, not displacement. Also, I have chosen tocall initial velocities, speeds, etc. by v0 ratherthan the IBO’s u.

I wish to thank my wife, Ellie Tragakes, for hergreat help and support. I am indebted to fellowteacher Wim Reimert for his careful reading ofthe book and his extensive comments that haveimproved the book – I thank him sincerely. Iwould like to thank Geoff Amor, who has editedthe new material for the fifth edition,implemented my changes, and made manysuggestions for its improvement.

K. A. TsokosAthens

May 2007

A note to the readerThe main text of each chapter contains anumber of different features, which are clearlyidentified by the use of headings or by othertypographical means, as outlined below.

Learning outcomes/objectivesThese are provided as bullet lists at thebeginning of each chapter, and indicate whatyou will have learned or be able to do when youhave finished studying the chapter.

xii Preface

Important results, laws, definitions andsignificant formulaeParticularly important material, such asimportant results, laws, definitions andsignificant formulae, appear in a shaded box.

Example questionsThese occur in nearly all of the chapters. Theyare indicated by the heading ‘Examplequestion(s)’ and all have a full answer. It is agood idea to attempt to solve these problemsbefore reading the answers. There are over 500such example questions in this book.

Material for higher level studentsThis material is highlighted in a shaded boxthat is labelled ‘HL only’.

Material that is outside the IB syllabusSome material is included that is outside the IBsyllabus and will not be examined in the IBexams. It is included here for two reasons. Thefirst is that I believe that it clarifies syllabusmaterial and in some cases it does so inessential ways. The second is that it gives theinterested student a more rounded view of thesubject that is not bounded by the rigidsyllabus content. Such material is highlightedin a shaded box that is labelled ‘Supplementarymaterial’. There is also a small amount of othersimilar material with different labels.

QuestionsEach chapter ends with a set of numberedquestions. Answers to all those that involvecalculation are given at the end of the book.Answers are also provided for some otherquestions where it is useful for students to beable to check their answers.© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press978-0-521-70820-3 - Physics for the IB Diploma, Fifth EditionK. A. TsokosFrontmatterMore information