physio answers

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Post on 14-Apr-2018




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  • 7/27/2019 Physio Answers


    1) In what form is iron present in the liver?


    2)Characteristics of inflammation

    Calor (heat), dolor (pain), rubor (redness), tumor (swelling)

    3)if a mother with O Rh+ has a baby with Rh-, the father is...?

    The father can be either Rh+ or Rh-.

    4)Protein catabolism products?

    Urea, ammonia, uric acid, creatinine.

    5) percentage of hemoglobin in the RBC?


    6)when is erythropoetin produced?

    Its synthesized by kidney, in response to decreased oxygen in the blood.

    7)Where does erythropoesis take place before birth?

    Mainly in liver and spleen. Some in the red bone marrow, thymus and lymph nodes.

    8) which of the following is not agranulocyte?

    I dont have the examples, but I can tell you that agranulocytes ARE monocytes, and


    neutrophils, eosinophil, basophil is not agranulocytes.

    9) WBC count- 12300/mm3 ---> interpretation

    Leukocytosis. Inflammation, infection, poisoning.

    10)which of the following is a natural anticoagulant

    Heparin, Antithrombin 3, Protein S & K

    11) which of the following leucocytes is a phagocyte

    I dont have any example, but I know thatNeutrophil, Eisinophil, Basophil and Monocytes

    ARE phagocyte.

    12) which of the following leucocytes increases in value in allergies


    13) WHich one of the following leucocytes produce heparin?

    Basophils, mastocytes.

    14) what differentaites from megacaryocytes?


    15)difference between leucocytes and erythrocytes

  • 7/27/2019 Physio Answers


    Leucocytes have no nucleus. Only one type of RBC found in blood. WBC= Immunity. RBC=

    Supplies oxygen to different parts of body. RBC 120 days life span.

    16) Functions of blood plasma

    Maintenance of oncotic pressure (albumin), maintenance of pH (albumin), transport of

    substances especially by globulins, defence(immunoglobulins, complement, properdin,reactive C protein), maintenance of erythrocyte sedimentation rate, enzymes(proteolysis,

    blood coagulation, fibrinolysis)

    17)Facts about T-lymphocytes

    T cells mature in Thymus and are instructed to recognize different antigens presented by

    the antigen presenting cells.

    18)osmotic pressure: what are the important factors

    19)what would increase reabsorption of water in the kidneys?


    20)glucose reabsorption

    21)sodium reabsorption

    22)which products increase water reabsorption in the distal convulated



    23)functional unit of the kidney


    24)what increase the clearance of renal inulin


    25)in the proximal convulated tubule which products are reabsorbed

    26)vaccines: type of immunity(natural,artificial,active,passive ?)

    Acquired artificial.

    27)renal bloodflow

    Renal blood flow is regulated by several mechanisms: autoregulation, nervous and humoralregulation. (LOOK MORE IN THE BOOK)

    28)what starts the extrinsic pathway for coagulation

    Factor XII

    29)which order do these go in: 1prothrombin 2thrombin 3fibrinogen

    4fibrin (the actual order)

  • 7/27/2019 Physio Answers


    Prothrombin -> Thrombin -> Fibrinogen -> Fibrin

    30) what do myeloblast differentiate into

    Myelocyte -> Thrombocyte

    31)which factors are needed for erythropoiesisErythropoietin is the hormone that stimulates erythropoiesis in the spleen and bone


    32)the normal value for water volume in adults

    30-40 ml/kg

    33) Which of these do not belong?

    - Bilirubin Biliverdin Heme - Globin


  • 7/27/2019 Physio Answers


    43) Effect of ADH

    Reduce the water elimination by the kidney

    44) Which substances can be excreted in the nephrone ( urea, hydrogen ion,

    potassium ecc)

    45) Reabsorption of glucose ( in which part of the nephrone)

    Proximal convoluted tubule.

    46) where is the Na absorbed active?

    47) Destruction(frstrelse) of erythrocytes takes place in which of the following

    organs? svar: Spleen, Liver and Bone marrow

    48)which of the white blood cells are most numerous ? Svar: Neutrophils (60%), the

    most least one is Basophils(1%)