physiognomical sketches by lavater · dear reader, this book was referenced in one of the 185...

Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930. To celebrate the centennial of this publication, the Pictoumasons website presents a complete set of indexed issues of the magazine. As far as the editor was able to, books which were suggested to the reader have been searched for on the internet and included in 'The Builder' library.' This is a book that was preserved for generations on library shelves before it was carefully scanned by one of several organizations as part of a project to make the world's books discoverable online. Wherever possible, the source and original scanner identification has been retained. Only blank pages have been removed and this header- page added. The original book has survived long enough for the copyright to expire and the book to enter the public domain. A public domain book is one that was never subject to copyright or whose legal copyright term has expired. Whether a book is in the public domain may vary country to country. Public domain books belong to the public and 'pictoumasons' makes no claim of ownership to any of the books in this library; we are merely their custodians. Often, marks, notations and other marginalia present in the original volume will appear in these files – a reminder of this book's long journey from the publisher to a library and finally to you. Since you are reading this book now, you can probably also keep a copy of it on your computer, so we ask you to Keep it legal. Whatever your use, remember that you are responsible for ensuring that what you are doing is legal. Do not assume that just because we believe a book to be in the public domain for users in Canada, that the work is also in the public domain for users in other countries. Whether a book is still in copyright varies from country to country. Please do not assume that a book's appearance in 'The Builder' library means it can be used in any manner anywhere in the world. Copyright infringement liability can be quite severe. The Webmaster

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Page 1: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

Dear Reader,

This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930. To celebrate the centennial of this publication, the Pictoumasons website presents a complete set of indexed issues of the magazine. As far as the editor was able to, books which were suggested to the reader have been searched for on the internet and included in 'The Builder' library.'

This is a book that was preserved for generations on library shelves before it was carefully scanned by one of several organizations as part of a project to make the world's books discoverable online. Wherever possible, the source and original scanner identification has been retained. Only blank pages have been removed and this header-page added.

The original book has survived long enough for the copyright to expire and the book to enter the public domain. A public domain book is one that was never subject to copyright or whose legal copyright term has expired. Whether a book is in the public domain may vary country to country. Public domain books belong to the public and 'pictoumasons' makes no claim of ownership to any of the books in this library; we are merely their custodians.

Often, marks, notations and other marginalia present in the original volume will appear in these files – a reminder of this book's long journey from the publisher to a library and finally to you.

Since you are reading this book now, you can probably also keep a copy of it on your computer, so we ask you to Keep it legal. Whatever your use, remember that you are responsible for ensuring that what you are doing is legal. Do not assume that just because we believe a book to be in the public domain for users in Canada, that the work is also in the public domain for users in other countries. Whether a book is still in copyright varies from country to country. Please do not assume that a book's appearance in 'The Builder' library means it can be used in any manner anywhere in the world. Copyright infringement liability can be quite severe.

The Webmaster

Page 2: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

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Page 3: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

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Page 4: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

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Page 5: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930



JOHN CASPAR LAVATER was born at Zurich, in Switzerland, on the 15th of

November, 1741. At an early age he displayed great sensibility and penetration.

He announced also a taste tor drawing, in which he afterwards excelled ; modelled

in wax, polished glass, and rmplnyed his juvenile years in various other amusements

of the like kind, which had a relation either to philosophy or the mathematics. In

the higher classes at school, his x:eal for the sciences was excited partly by the coun-

sels of Bodmer and Breitinger, and partly by a strong desire to enmlate some of

his school-fellows, distinguished by their talents. Lavater soon became knowji by

the free and bold manner in which he thought and expressed himself; and every

thing he said or wrote manifested, in the strongest manner, a warm heart and a lively


Being destined for the church, instead of consulting books which treated of the

branches of knowledge with which it was necessary he should be acquainted, in order

to qualify him for the duties of his intended situation, he preferred acquiring them

by conversation from the most enlightened of his fellow students, and from those ec-

clesiastics who were most celebrated for their wistlom and learning. Before he en-

tered into orders, he had given striking proofs of his ardent love of justice and virtue.

The benevolence of his heart, and some small tracts which he wrote on religion and

morality, had already gained him the esteem and aft'ection of the greater part of his

fellow citizens.

The first work, indeed, published by this extraordinary man, was a pamphlet

against a magistrate who had ixen guilty of some acts of oppression. It was written

with great spirit and energy ; made the author known as a young man of whose

future eminence the greatest hopes were entertained ; and procured hini that respect

which belongs only to superior talents.

In the month ot' May, 1761, he was admitted into orders, and in March, 1763,

he made n toin- to Prussia, under the care of professor Sulzer, well known for his

Page 6: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

theorj of the fine arts, and in company with the two brothers Hesse ; and Fuseli, well

known in this country as an eminent painter. Lavater resided some time in Prussia

with the celebrated Spalding of Barth, in Pomerania ; and, while in this situation,

he embraced every opportunity of improving his taste, and enlarging the general

stock of his knowledge.

After his return, he was some time deacon of the church of the Orphan-House,

of which he nas afterwards, viz. in 1774, appointed first pastor. In 1778, the con-

gregation of the church of St. Peter, the only one in the canton of Zurich which

has a right to name its own ministers, made choice of him as their deacon, and m

1786 he was elected first pastor.

In consequence of a request made to him by the Helvetic society, he composed

his Chansons Siiisses, Helvetic songs ; which are replete Avith sublime ideas, and are

now sung by that society, and by the youth in several of the cantons. About the

same time he published his Vues sur I'Eternite, Prospect of Eternity, a work which

has become the model of Swiss poetry.

He afterwards published Chansons Sacrees, Sacred Songs ; which are also entitled

to the highest praise. The Messiade, the Messiah, a kind of didactic and historical

poem ; Joseph d'Arimathe, Joseph of Arimathea, le Cceur Humain, the Human

Heart, Ponce Pilate, Pontius Pilate, and a Bibliotheque Manuelle, Manuel Library,

in several volumes, in which he gives an account of his theological and moral


But the most remarkable of the works of Lavater, and that which has most con-

tributed to raise his fame, are the Essais Physiognom'iques, Physiognomical Essays.

These Essays, he observes, contain " only the materials for treating the science,'

but there will be found in them an ingenious system, and the result of majij cu-

rious and new observations. They were the amusement of his leisure hours, during

the greater part of his life, and the expences which he incurred in forming his Phy-

siognomical Cabinet, exhausted in a great measme his small property.

Page 7: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

A whole volume \vt)uld not be sufticicnt to give a short analysis of all the works

of Lavater, polemic, ascetic, moral, and theological, besides a great number of


The number of works which he published, and of those which he left m manu-

script, must excite astonishment ; and this astonishment is still farther increased

when we retiect on the extent and the regularity of his correspondence, the scru-

pulous fidelity with which he discharged the duties of his ministry, the numerous

visits which he received, and tlie interruptions occasioned by his beneficence and

celebrity. This fertility of his genius can be no other way accounted for than by

ascribing it to the order and regularity which he observed in the employment of hi;


His conversation was always animated and interesting. His lively disposition,

and his desire to please, added to great sensibility and delicacy of sentiment, made

his company to be much sought after by all those who had the pleasure of his ac-


Lavater was deeply affected by the calamities of his country, and he neglected

nothing that could tend to alleviate them. It is not improbable that he became the

victim of party spirit. At the re-taking of Zurich by the French, he was badly

wounded ; and there is reason to believe that it was not by the victors : for he care-

fully concealed both the name and the motives of the person from whom he had re-

ceived the injury.

During fifteen months of almost continual and extreme suffering, he shewed an

example of patience and resignation highly worthy of imitation. He frequently said,

" Thanks to heaven T have always had the happiness to believe in the immortality of

the soul ; but 1 never had a more clear conviction of it than at present." Even when

his end was approaching, he dictated, with a faltering voice, some religious verses,

which he terminated with a j)rayer.

Page 8: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

This great man died on the 2d of January, 1801. Ofenninger,* who had the best

opportvinity of knowing Lavater's talents, speaking of his poetry, says, there are few

of his poems which do not occasion a kind of subhme pleasure, produce some lasting

advantage, unfold and impress some useful truth, exhibit some beautiful example,

or excite some generous, virtuous, pious, and benevolent sentiment.

" It is impossible, however, to conceive a life more active than that of Lavater :

he composed incessantly, and his continual zeal kept alive the ardour of his imagi-

nation. He always took more and more pains to finish his productions ; and the ver-

sification of his last lyric poems is purer and chaster than that which he wrote be-

fore. Every reader must acknowledge the beauty of the versification of his Jesus the

Messiah, the sublimity of his Ode on the Ascension, the excellence of the morality

in his Epistle to his Son, the naivit^ of the Helvetic Songs, and the natural painting

in the Cataract of the Rhine."

* Ho was deacon of the church of which Lavater was pastor.

Printed by J. Wright, neninark-Court, S'r^nd.

Page 9: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

FoimuiiiHe, Finn . f'nf/yffii- , 'J'/rnhU , DiAfnirrf'uI ..^[(miinruf. ///// i^' rmi/tir.

Dnm-n hi- J.Aiattr Krumri/ fyj J/.tifinan

J^Nishti Mn II. nil'}, hi RHA\>xtlr\-, J'/.W, Anw./^ Il.ii!Smsa,iTs$Xiit/f Mf/l .i/ln: I'oiiman SmetJ.oni'n.

Page 10: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

'191 -C

liliat is sffn of htm shervs n num . dttrntn-e , n-ite .penetnitini} . tnuufiiil . but hf //irs net hcM his hvk well


J)nwn bf Larii&r.JSrvmy'^ f^' J^'/ti^finan .

fiidit/i'J Jin- //./8r2,l>i''&JiyitS<iry,JT/>9.Stnmd r iXyx'SmsR^STtfJ^iBlffiiO^IIItr. (flmun Strter.Lcndpn.

Page 11: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

Dnmm if Laiatrr.

Grtuidfta- iinrf Trtidt-nce. httt tpo nuwh smsiiatih'

£ntjntt 'ii bv XLwmutn

fflfu ivrcfuad was a Irttk lorver it rvou/d dciurtt inon wisdom . —TTu Frofilt daes ruyt want wisdom -T/u Tfiman islhinhry andwufI}' sensual


perhaps not abvai's .

Page 12: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

i ,Wi_

Jlalf fise. T/ir Jllitiuii' is f/ioiMhtfiil . The ForrJuad rvould be wise?- ifit fell moir barkrvani . The Mve i/uliOTles a serwtis ma/r.

who ri'fiijhs nrll /rhaf hf purposes. 7'hf Kir nnd the Eye-bron' iire mtfier rrenk. 7'Af J^Titih lulembli' n'lse


Dm/vn hy Lrn'Ofrr. T.nnmv'd fiy J.Zu/fman.

Fublith'd Mty //./Sl>2,hy ^lVffes^ty:J^/S9.Senvuit: J.LxiBmaiL^l'8,S/a/> Bf/l Mrjf.l'otemm StrffT.Loadifn .

Page 13: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

Tlfimail of^fM ."(t ^ci^ oifn (J- Iwi luUt, ^/W ^^4t /My y^J^^ rnMv^

lji^oi%L mUupoJ n^JfijyL /'^fi^^Ma Lear nu^uu- d [a^^foAi

'J'okrablv desupied . 'JJif loiinlenance (jooti aiiii /ni/n/iay. jitsl mild hut not sulfiah/dr miuctdine. Die JS/id- tj' die^ve

not sirl'fmeiidv wise. 'I'lif rv/ioli- hiu a dtoijc//////// n/t(/ siids/ifd ad.

Dnuvn bi' Layatir.lutij/iH J/iz}- ll./802.lrf \K\\\S<!^'^i^\..\''/:'i.StranJ,i- .\\.\\^!a3rLj''..'a.lUfle Btll-ilUi- thlamn Sfnft.

EnaraiH f>v J.Lulprutu


Page 14: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

Urn %U ciytikeit(ji(Hi cmU^j(^^,^{t(^ Ist^a. [yhAj^iMun p^tM\f2t ^cr^tM.

I 10 1 91 [^

Au ancient or diilii/iuitni head fitU cf strxnuj nahiralpowers .fiill of'ijooii siiise.widioutprecision.

A. hon-vivtuit . fvi'sc in deurminuii] andj'u7n .

Pnuvn In- Lityatrr. Emmu'd hyJLutTmivi


FMiM Jluv \i\\.}Xt%\V-\\r'lSi'.Str.i/Ll s- J.Uiiffiuaii. .I'.W.jf/JM}- A-/1^i/h . thif/mw Slr,;f Zontim


Page 15: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

/uutTWntcuc Ouyec loecle^ U neJ /^?M^^iU. U tmn'hii ei U ^eucfiL maMtnctnJ- on (froxz tC^a Cheduu.

Sonu'tfitiuj Opcn.XohkJ.iimmotis. T/u Kvf nnd tin- K\r -hivir n'lsr. The (ontour at the Foirhmd ifoi's nol hiirnioiiize sulficienllv

Ti'ith tfif Eye and the pnuferU y<\(e'. The (hi// (//id Month n/r de//r/e//l /// tjrtiiiji/hefs i///d n>armth .

Dnuin by Luiaur. £nitrM-'dbyJ.Litj]min.

PdbhJi'./ Mty //./So: . In- HJLWcillcx. J ''/A.' S/ni/iJi .LLiilTiuau . Sf.S li/rf.- Ml- Wrv. u-/mi.ui S/rfrt. i^rbf.'ri


Page 16: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

Ci)tljlari "^t td^

Mmorr riitvr thxui miuiury in tfie fon-fif.hL J'Wes pirmn,] ,m,{ wise. The Jose hu nPthinp ijmzf. but rt fuis ,j Im-

prudence. Tfu Ahudi is dry. deeisiye. n'iduvrt i/mir.

f.nomfii In- J.Huiimim.J'inmm fy- J.itinter.

I'uhluh;! .\f,u/i. /*'-•, In- V^W^KfiHiiy.STlSO.Slnmi .f .l.I.uITinan.-ri'AZo* JitU^Vln'.ttianim .^Orrf.

Page 17: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

- IMoitqJi ifir ivnWur ofUves is nfft suffkie/iiU' chvncterisb'c , there mtir fm'ert/ulefs he discffvered a pfivsukfnomr manlv,

wise and deterrm/ud, hut void a/ du^/idy, ^rourfid/te/s , or benevo/eriee


Ihxovn by Zavttter. Erujmyil bv J/tUlpTtan.

Tublishii Jfar //./Sot, by KJi.WfitLryr^'T'AW .fww./^ 3.\AiX(mxa.3?i!S .LiOlr JSett ^ffirr.ti'&mm S^et

Page 18: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930


foniiujal Lovf , nrll exprf/seJ but rwt .ru/firtmtif natt/ra/, iiMwua/i na/itrai .'/'//<• /^//// /.f iipnp/ir. /ivnesf, hut n<->f pofi^ti

cf rrwc/i ri'isdoni and sfems rather absent T/i/ Jleiui cY the Woman is somen -/laf too /tvve.ruyerthelpi modest. m/M , temper.

c/uistr and /'ait/^'ul.

Dr.inn hi I.iiiatrr. £nffnn>'d fiy J.tu/fhum.

Page 19: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

<n>(>(/ Si'nsf . Ri'iiitutfi' , rvltfioitl it/tr i^i/ii/rh lil/u-r ijir<il or niiiin . TTf is rmuhst , niilJ .iWilnentious lU/if ih/y//>iif>/f

ofany I Jcl of i/iiiislur at/wr i//y,i/ or snialf


Drvrt-n br Litvttttr. EiupviJ by J./,i9ffrhin


£iiithHMa, ii.igoi.h ^\\.yntitt\.J?/S9.Simjkl.i- iX,\xVinMm.. .]'>S. r.eldi Btll .ilh . toltimm Sam


Page 20: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

dn^fcii. (fulfil /mn/jue. i^'ie^i Ci^ nm^i/ujiu/l/Je cjcu' mU CjiiUiju^cMJi

(jMum %J/^ ctAit', un-tepoj tniA/ice^ujb un ml dircluinl cujic /tp/u^m.

Clointislmess w/iirh i/ivs not want for sense, It is d triviijuUitX' desinms ofsomftitmij It is a amirakii qi-iff.

^ nu'liinchoh rrpose. ^In Eye on t/ie look oiit. with reflection.

T^rimTt bv Larattr. JCninn'it /l J.J,uiT"V<n.

FublithJJ&n' I//802. by iUlWestlev; J:'/**. JV^ifli/A- y'LvSXvaa.xuy^JS .I.itttf fitU,i&i:u'tiniivi SlTrf(,London.

Page 21: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

uMpaJiuu' ^emru^Ur JiH^OtuU^ .rruujionru, lu)nn^H^ ^^A '^'"' lnuc^<^fit^f^



Tfiis is TWta woma/i of wit, butijnoJ. virtuous, modest . tfit ffovti rrurther of a fiimi/y .

Jim/in bv Lattuit'


£nffr,v'J bf J.Lufinan


rubluhd Jlstj- ///.<':', by R31.Uestlcv,.r"/j.». J-i>.M./'J- J l.ii«maa. ).":'<?, /-«»)!• M!J//p: lokrrum StrrftM-nAm.

Page 22: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

tlda 'dfdhi^' /^^W; Jui-faucdni . lout e/ len^cndk-


The E\e n full of runmihi, .mluruiq and msimiatitu] The Jose, is e.iprf/snr uf'qmil jiiil.jenu-nt and tfh^ Jhuih.of insincerct}'.

Dnuf/i bi- /.'itiiurKn»7nn\f f'r J./tu/fman


rtMs/u/ JLj^' u./iioi.dv lU\y\'es:Ae-y.'^^/^>i*.S/nin,/ Jt- SA,\x^ma^JT7Sj.aflf BrU^mi. tW/man Jtn^rt.IiVkiiVt.

Page 23: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

lOl-n J:

Tfie Forehead n'Oiioiit chanicter, rnttiout spirit ii'ttfioiU foire. llw JS'ose u iwt stupid, but dull. Tlw Mjuih is fiill of' indiffirence


Tfu Eyes do jiot vnnrnse jiiucJi . '17ie C/tin qrosslr sensual.

Dnuvn by Zmu/rr. Erumril !» J.Lutmum

J'uMuhd M.n 1/ i»,> KJLW>5llrr.,1T/.«i»..f/win,/ji- i\.w9aaa\.S' :8J.adt lltll^iJttv,(oltnian J(rtrrJ,'


Page 24: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

It^^^imi^ ImM. f^-^anj ispii cfoed fjJtefnfmtnl ^lilv


Thf Foirhfad trit/wttt rnif/i diui n'itJioiit spirit. T/ir Ihr lAtrrmelv /ffble Thi- Mcntt/i ijooti n/ui pacifit-

The ¥ose , separauh' ivnsidard, Wla-ahly ri'uv


Jffnrfn In Ltuvtttr F.rutmfJ bv i'Lt/^Jh%m.

ruHuh.i Mn- //./.iiX fy &M.Wtsiieyjr/if.Sff)tm/d- JJjullin.m. .I'^'tf, Uilf M/.J//(i. u-Zmutn Slrert.Li'iUcn.

Page 25: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930


1 ^^l 'J'^^

2iiTiitra!h' (rood inoiienitrh- Si-nsiuil , siruph Sii/ufiii/if ' t/if r/^'rt <ifii Ai/iifiiirit' tmifWitnu'fif I

TVitfioitt I''i/r <r/i,/ ri'iriioiil /JrifJi/y.

nibliiJtii 2fiailiSo' KJlA\tstlrv:J"/Ji;,.f//Mr»/. j- iX.viSmAn Xr.'Hj.iitff lifU.i/:.!' cb/ftna/iSlrffr.EiuinvH 6t JJiiifimm .

Page 26: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

!X'ii/T7? 6\' /.,7iM/fr


Jjtoei^ ktiuo(, Jtl^e . ec/KcUval mt^l/an4 mt-d^U . nmtU-eu^ 2t I'c^t^

Dnviit, tiniiii . irisi-. nltniiiiY . iviiUrnpLuire ,moJesf , <i /ricr o/ onh-

JiMay.f Mil- il./t','.\t'r \\\V\\ts.\\e\J''/i.-\Smm,i.f S.L\\SXmfin.iyi8.J.i{r/t Mf .illtr.i'i'lmum Sirfrt. r.jruim.

J^nfrjvJ M' J.lii/r"!'"'-

Page 27: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

]/i ifIf r/i\si,>,jriimn ,jnJ roiintendnix (hm is nrt/hiip (Uid luntdUy. T/if ForehfaJ imt^ (he Eye ttrr

very n-aik. 'J'hf Xose . ronsidered bv itself, ts more wise . 2h Mriith ix <vnsrie/i/wus nmf tplerably n'tse.

Jhiirin 6t- Juiial/r.

J'i,l)li.tliJMiv l/./Hi'l h \Ky[yKrgAev:^y/X9 Sfnm.f JC 3i,nfffxait.JT:Sj,Mf fleff^mr.r<:^6m,zn .^rrrft.

Page 28: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

!?f-a^ n-ofiter character.

^1 sn-orti/lv mtirki'ii Chin-or/fr . ^

tm efpm,^e^ cjiu a Utr prnf/ ,^\i /^^ n-n ki ^tj icu<^ (jlu It f^iJyu fjf knj^ui^ urn

A kuid o/WJiiiirnti/i . ivho h<is ti ///oik//////// <//r //'////i>/// ////n/c/riq. A^'rsr /iin/i-/- /////// ///>• JJo///// /s it/r/'aj's a

caricature announcini/ more /'oily t/ian /I'lsi/om. 77ierc is in tfie Kvcbrorrs and //le JJ011//1 lUi air of' t/isrontenf,

a rvan/ o/' eneri/\


J>nm'n h L,iy,iler -\ J':rufnnu/ ir J.Zu/prum.

3Ms/i,/ 2fcn ll.i3o7.i\ \KVL\\fs\XcyJ^/SP.Stnui,/ i- i\^\\^mx,\J'' 28J.ill/f /}fffJ//r,.to/f>n.m Ai>v/' /.m./on

Page 29: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

Cra^Jtite- JinnlicJiKiLt


T/if ijnmi'st Sensuality . —

/ 10.i9ri

Brntijhlv Sensual . Hiird . Tnipenioiis . Dull


DnuiT, by Z.uatrr JlnenuU bv JLutfirum


Tiibli-Aii Mm- II. iSoi. 6r R^J\.V/esx\ry:Jyif^.Sinint/J- A.l.xsf^xim.J" cSMftf RftI .llt-t.i'olminn .^nwt.Xanifon

Page 30: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

jttije ^tbchran nie. (J^diginUcii ofuif. fvdt.

Fonmd namnv-niiriiii'ii Kc/kjioiisiiiss /rif/ioul I'/uirilv. —

(^luiiOJcilhTiik. R)Tnu, ^i^uljo, C(^(L?^^. f^ ^^ fcLOL el^4t

Timid RebtfioHsrifss . contniftiuf , Sirupuloiis .conscuntioiis hut nif/ioift /jnur tintl tjniet\- , modest


TempfratT , /hrth/h/, kit nt /f(isf .<is /hr ii.i rrijiirds t/if Kirs irrr imsfMi/v.

7Mm7i h\ J,aivtrr. En^r'd h- JSufprum

/'iMsAitMn- 11/802. br Y^\\S*{t&\Sey.y?li9.S(nmdt 3.LiiSm3ajy::a./Mf Bell^lll/i-, lolrman .'itrfft, Zondon


Page 31: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

ji<lhmiWh .rfu^ruli/t



pa^ (jb nil^^tum\U{t pcu Ia. toivcU. %^io^£ par Loeil. Ps^wfuMn pcu I'eiijifM


// Af ///Its tluit JlumiUfy nwv be deluieated. It is /Am //i<t/ she appears iTtfmdve . Jfer Jose despetds nisiiom _

J/fT' MoiiJh /imi<1/ti' . /fer A'iy dr\(Tfi'on . . ll/0(]e/fier she is resperttthh' .

Jhawn 6y lunaor . Ennray'd fy J.LulJrmm.

rublishdMiw //. l8oi b>- 'K\SMf3^y^°/S^.Str(md» i\,xSmai\^2S,LMt Jit//Mey.Co/ermm ^Strert. Jiom/m


Page 32: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

Wc'ihiffk . Dfliiiiii- of'Jiiififniinit i/i fJir /hr ( .^fontfi . .In iii,i'i.hi!i\>n /o Imri,;-.

C lo.iqn-

JhMntt hv f„tnitrr /,'fh'nnif h» J.Zitffmtin .

///'AiA,/ //•! // /X^i.&v R.ll.\\r?!lr\ ' V i*'. .••>»///./ .1- J.l.uiriinn , »7-. tWr/n>ut StTfff , /..vh£*ff .

Page 33: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

(UUnUon nvM^. tu2



.<& hVi o-oiuffi-uin^


Jiiiiie (jreedf altention . f/ie ijf/iiiis irrv modrmfr , //ir Aose lolupUioiu

I'lthlu/i,/ ir,n- // /Jloi /n \Ki\yresAc\..\T/6p.,i/niru/.t- .\\,u{tn\Mi.T'!/>./.i/Ht Mr//J/ln-.Mrmirn (fr,-^.J„'ntton

Page 34: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

/• /O.l.g-j.

Sfiisiuil Bruliilit}', iViir.fl' ciiiini/u] /i/i/r/i iit/ri.f o/i/i ii/ riuir.u- i/i/ov/nffit ('m/timyi I'oJi/uu'd /o

few ol'jfcts .


jynm/n by LMiitrr. Uruna'if h' JXufi'mim

Fubluftd Miir /f.Ali'l. i> RII MWtisy.jV/S.^ Stnrn./ i- J.l.uffinan. y:S, LittU BfU.iJ/ei: i' Strrft.

Page 35: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

Fi'fh/i' and Jiifatiuition iti du lonheoil . I'W/r in t/ir K\r , Smsiuilit}- i/i tfif Xosf arul still niorr />/ the Moiit/i.

Dmnn by ZiO'irter Kritfniiii hv J.Lutfmitn.

rublnhti ilav li.uliK. ttv '^Sy^es^v\'.yii9..'itr,uid kll,\TSa>sii^J?28.Littie Bell JUty.rolorum Svrtt.

Page 36: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

GzmtUlhlit tnitetfiem fcktux OVn. ^l^ff-

Jleanne/s rvitfi ihe appeamnce offmatnei's

J3u think at first sujht tfun u .mnrri.nuj .rtraoniauur . t/.ar ,s ,rn- IM- T/un u tnorr rvuuiom ,n the liur th.n ,n the Jose.

Dnzrvn h' ZaiitnrErujrayd *r J-Jji^pnan.

Page 37: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

J/ti^diJ^ Mlii/^fft UihUifdli. J(il^iUot)9to-lfminwjti>dtmj^ii^

Fatitrn/ iin,{ maim/'/i- Sttipidih'. T/ir position o/' //tr J^oiv/ifiiti mitrks n mJitw/ i/n/'ossibility. Y'/if Krc

IS rrcith a/iJ ri'it/ioitl sfunt .

'/'//,• Moiit/i /.< ronipkuh- sfiifiid , nof /rss so. f/if (71//!-

/'nurn />v /.,i:,irrr Ktu^rayJ hv JJ,it^ian.

I'lil'lithJ Jin II. ii1»2, 6r KJ\.\Vcst\r\ .\TiSff.,^/fnm/I- .T.T.iilTuiau. X'':'fi. Littit }\tlUJIn:l'olmhiii <^tn-ff. LmJon

Page 38: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

The Eyf considered nuth tfu- rvri/ikks thai proceed from it, full of /uirdmfs Iri t/ie Mouth ivld rmilice

77>e ri'holf e.rh/l>ifs ti fieri yiviiril rritfiout cft/ur lojc ,r/iodfsp or cfioritw

Dnmrn h' Zm-attr.Enarai^ by JXutfnwn


JU'lij/id jr,n II. I9ci. h ^'S.ViisAevJT/i9. S^xoui !• Ja.uffiuaii. S^lS.IMt Jiflljilley liUnum Strrft.Lciuicn

Page 39: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

f) u/71 mlui t <rh ne- J!)Ob/ieit

Dulnefs wii/iouT Wickednefs


-i^fl^tiM Iout elU b(Hidt}cni^rijQiptU}Aitt\iL^cnittvki^

-U (!) Click eji- Soiuit . -^Mj tjl- pfa^ fitf. qu k jto^^ tPU icjc


The Forehead. the Eve lUid Ae Mouth urr nitfiout spirit.Judijenunt or frienjv Th^! Mouth

is good 'I'/u Aosi- is rnorr wise thuri the Forehead or t/ie other purts

7, , , Enarav'd by .ILiijfman,IJrtwn hi' J>ni-arfr

"- ^'

I'-iMuhi1 M/it II iSo-: ti V.\n\>iirr..T'/Sl>Jlniniti-ii,vSman.jr2,'>J.{/t/i-Jtf/l^ll/fi-.i:^/fm,in Sfrrff^. London .

Page 40: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

1, . ,;.. w


^iHroti fh/l ofuriiirfmiiuiid stmujlh The Xosr is //lorr rri'sr //iiui //ir Kves . 'J'/ii' Jloiith pitrtahs (f

J)/s,f,7ir/ , of i}idoh'niY,of t/if ili.'!ii,jri't/(>lf This is ,i /ihjn diffiai// /o liisivurse upon.

JJnmTj by Liii\ilrr Zrujmt J hi J Lurihum


J-'uhluJiif Mir // /So:. In KiXWrs&ry.y^/Sd.Sir.mii XiA.uStiagu. J?2a,Mittie Sfl/ ^ftj. Coleman i/rfrtr

Page 41: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

Waimss . Ik pnrvs .mir,-n-(y hut rrit/ioiif spirit nri.i rrit/ioiit mmn.^T/u E\r is nit/irr /,-,' !,uy,-.

The Jose is rwt luni


The Fore/uad dofs not accord n'tt/i t/ic Uir ._ Ke suffers littfe nnd Ins sifffcrifh] is /iiij-cd riit/i /wpc


Jhym-n bv futt'oter.EruTnii'ii by J'.Lu0nan

Zon.ion . i'uMiJi ./ Mm' //,/<»"!'. Ai \(\K\\'rsi\ry-.J^/i9.S0^m./X-ZXv\\mAii..\'':\i,t.Ut/fJif/I.J/l(l/rlmi,in Str/ft

Page 42: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930


O^riipunuj kUC

Stdrr not irt KjriohU /rar. _ Innocence.

10 igil

^ittcntion mured n'it/i t/civf/on tirid superstitious fear: Sonesp- and re/hrtitni n'ltfioitt

ijenius. _ I'he n'hole harmonious .

Mnrnm br J.aiiitir Xn^rar'd by JXtufinan.

London, Fublu/td Xtv //./Sol. by 'VL^^y^eiic\J^/S9.Jtn^n<^.tZ^,vSlTa3n,JycS./.rrf/f Btll ^llln. Celtnum Snet


Page 43: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

FhU(jmiTtic mdanchoh' . - Tlu Fose is mrf /rtm/i/u/ in Jiuigi'mfnt; maiciiline anif fiisi . 'r/if ivrrtoiir rniirks a i/is/'osifion

io Ttulanfhol}-. The JIoiil/i if not /oolis/i . but liri , co/d nnJ tnuiuiif to (//"trit


Diwi'n by Litnrtrr. Sn^n-Hfy-


FubUshd .Vnv ii Ifo:. M \i.\\S'irsiSc\..^y/i9.SmuLf l- n,ntlmm..V:.1./,iffff Jifl/ .///fi. tolfnum ,^trrel .L.m,i'n.

Page 44: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

c/e. fJlmJon (m-ti- trn^elk

ITif Fore/iMii 7t',ak. T/if K\r jmisiir <inJ rritfi.uit spirif Thf Xos( r/iiMs/i . T/if Mo/ir/i timid.

T/if I'liin i;i«',/ (i/i(f >iii>i{fst

Jinm-n by fuaaw. Kn^mrU br XZurfin^r,.

rubbshd Mav ll, lS,n. br RJD^rcsdf v.-l"/-';'. Srniruf, t- J.I.iiflman yzgZrttU 3eU .Vln: Mtman Strrrt

Page 45: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

T/u Forehenti is n'itJuiut spirif . The, taken sipiuxitelv , folfrahh n'tsi'.l'hi- Jloul/i a/iii i/u lUv are nenk.

TVu rrho/e f/matiti' rfitfiout s/re/?t/f//


J)nitvn by Lm-atrr Ennmid by J.Lu/finan


J^ibliihcl May //. /*'?. by R.IUVfsdcv. 3^/59, StninJ i- i\.vlllmim.Jt?28.Zitttr fifll.iUty . iWeman S/reft. Zondun .

Page 46: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930



(y5 dnjeiu nut \fcjt{^f{eit.

(jood St'rise mith Fir/rm^s

Um^, (MvhMynwM.acimk jmmfik.'TadUl^ hjt Ur^tda^fm^. ^^jmote ^miu^.

/ 10/. gy. jc_

&ood .vrusr . (woil luunoiir,pj-ivnpt iictuih' . /uippy tn Si'tf/iru) diifrmuYS . Firm . xheerju/

J)T\ovn bv ZavaUr. En^v'd by JXit/fman


Publish,i Mil- //. ^^Jflr:s&c\\J?lSO.Stnmd .(• JJ,ulfinaii.J.'.'<y./fl* Seil .Ulty; CoUman Stryft. Zandon.

Page 47: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

ICUi^f luckt qMrSfr Odwctot

I'Titdeiire , not icrv urtnr .

JconJ U {mU put muUud. ^dlil. Ijl m^ U (hfKuJub .^ nwrikn^

(cmJ (roir an fiomMC pnwe^, dchf ti nik tn ion Cchfulf.

mhotrt the Toirhend bill litt/r spirrTi/d/ 'Hir tUr , the Xose , //// .Ifoiitfi t/ii- nun s/ic/r n mun

prudent, adhr and ric/i in tjood ndvur


.Dran/n fit /una/rr Sn^ray'd it J^Lu^fruv).

PuHis/itf Jfity fi,/So2.b\ ^SytftAry.SriiS.Slmnd i iX^yMmza^iS.lttt/e Sell ^ll/ei . lot^man Strvff

Page 48: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

^Utteuji ddfirCf SU^iml. - Atif lKfiJ&.m c/uaoUte .fCfwriC^e^Q^ jwuc^.


Atthout^h afhr Kap/i4iel , wcthout trirth , ruithout character^ , if' not ofpious titsire


J)nin'n hi /.ntitf/r Unffnti'd fir .IZ u/finan


Fuhlithd Jlaj // )UVfrf:i&jrf,y^/)9..1mtn,l x- i\^affmaxi, if 211. Zrltlf 3^1/ Jl/fi t'o/fni,m Sfivft.

Page 49: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

a Idcuf d ^^Kj^ p^^^^ jiyuijjm^ Ji^juilk. l^(nuk o^Wurih^ d ftjlKlulJank,



Frudenrf rni.veit nii/i /rr<iAv/f/s <?//>/ .u/f/i/rwn . — 7Vic IJirs nry /lot Jiisfh litSKjrifif . 77ii- A7w /oirs to i-n/ov ,rn,f rrposr

on sensual pldvitrrs . Thf Moiuh is limn/ iinil rr/lediruj


Drtvi'n by Lux'iitfr Erufnii'd by JLiifjrrutn


?'ii/jtis/i,/ ,[/,ii- //./floj. />) \KM\Vi-!.\\rY..\y/S9 St/and i- lLvSfiu!ui,X''2e.f.irfff Jiflt Allry iWfrnan Str/t^. LvnJcn

Page 50: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

Cu/miru^. Sanguine.

A man f.vtrmiely sanpui/ie iin,i I'oliiptuotis n>ho /ms iw idf,7 of r/uistity . 3r funis aside his eves from

seducing objects .Se does not numt /'or tindersfiindtn^ but his fempemtitre cften makes him prtjethis duty.

I'lMishJ 3f.iv II iao;l by ^^'aVfriiicj.S'liS.Strun.l r i\xlSsnsD..J'-28.1M ndl ^ilUy. (\>Unum S/rrft Z,'-t,i>n

Page 51: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930


^a louche) eji fofij Carac/le^ U Ca Sa/^e(f hop(>e/^ P^"^ ^ ^^^ ^^ /^^^ ^ ^^^^ •

r/usfivfih- /t,i.< ////• ,iir ,ir',]iYaUuss <nu1 il is my /M- r/urt niMS if ,ilmr ///> /nr/ ,if',jood smsf. Thf Jose is <? /iW^ above

Trudiocntr. 7'//r A've is irrr ordiruirv <is also the forehead It is no/ f>ro/oii/id T/u 2Lvith ti'.ints r/nmuter and the Beard

IS too handsome /or the Ifead and Mouth .

J)rarvn by LiVtitrr.

J'tiblMd Mii- ll.iS<^2. b) RJiWcstlrv. .riS9..'</>tmJ .f J.I.iiffinau yr-S.£Mf fifU Alln: Cctmun Strvrr. L.mtcn.

En^mr'd by tf-Lutfrnan


Page 52: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

^Ui4icUnta U pajftn^t hfif<iff finfijidi^

(roodmiiii/r . T/imwrnr .TmU/Jiirrur 77,r X,w is won- /r/W nn.l iiiorr Mral.- t/i,ui t/„- fhrs .T/u Mouth is t/ie s,'at ,f

ivrpui uinormiY . This JlfuJ will not umla-takx aiiy thi/uj ,it/i,-r luul or ,jimt Ituu-luus to ti futssn'mess cirr ttwiipal.

DmnTi bv Ininrter, Erwrafd br •AZuiihwn

I'uhluhd yfm- II.ISO-: hv R.U.\\cstlrv.X''/.W.V/>«/;,/x- ,I.I.iif[ni.m.J?Vtf, /'»»''' Rell^mv. I'clinutn Street.loruion

Page 53: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

/'>rann by Ltnatrr T^ru^nifJ fir J.Zt^fnw

Q}'af?€j ^/dul.^ IjliT A'(i/'//,ir/.

cCaeJheft^ kida fixU fifaqt qiu. It ^i- f/ k he^ /yg^Z:A.vv „ ^,m€ Jujmti .,n,ft/,m^ .ipostol,.- m tiu nfioU fuiure .m.i ui tfu^ ,vunt/rui/,.Y thrn- u lomrthuuj of chjnuitr . Tlu Sre is rm so Ti'ist as Af Fonfuad i- Jo,

lublijkd JUtr II no:, /n- ^JLyrtsAry..friS9.Slnm,i..f ll.n&am.jrig.ZIa^ Jifll^Hf,-. ibUman Sirttt Zondci

Page 54: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

Froplifti'r serhnisrit'ss ti/nf npfuinril uu.i'omh/frirss .

rhe Fji/f/! pmrtj-(Ttini] and immoifiihk . //if Eve/irorrs cholfrii- , thf J7w frm ,^ conurumiiing


the Forehead hard and ahrais /hrhidaip . //n- /hiir rharactrris/jc.

Dnu,n hv Lcu ,/*/•Enpra^d />> J'

/'iif>/ii/i(/ JfiTV // /Hi>:,/>> KWWrsAev. .y'/SO Srni/ii/ f .W.w^mAU,,y;':g./,il//r Ml .lll,-\. I'oleniMi S/r,v/


Page 55: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930


A Ifead fid/ of I it/our , pu'l\- , uttaitiori , juitlunit i\v<it-r thiftinrfioii , sirtftufss , haiTJwnv


DnuiTt hy'iUrr JSnffntf'if fy' J-LurVnan.

Pitbluh'd Mm //"/So-:. by ^\\\\^rsAr\- yiia.Simnd X- JO.uffinan.^r"?*, J.ittU TIfff ^iUei . loltm.m Str,-rr. Lontfcn

Page 56: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930








Cimnini) rvithotit /lulifr'rnait , l/iifi//!/riirf l)or(i/rui4^ on tnaUce .


Jjiivater, Zn.fmvii b} J.lttrjman


Fuhlishii ii'f'iSOi.h 'S.XW^c^rv.yiSO Slnvui x- i\.x>Smsa\.S?28.LMf PeO JlUy. loUm.m Stneft.

Page 57: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930

Stiipiiiitr in ///I- /'Urs , S(K\Y dm/ Moii/h . /f?,rAvtt'/s m ///,• /''orf/h'ti,i . Simn- /I'/f/i' ,/i'ni'iis in ////' Kirhvn'S . _

^j'Oii cover the whole , /fte JloutJi sren bv ilst'/f is not //i/ot/et//er n'eak.

Untrvn l<r Lmater. Enffrav'd fy- <r.Liiftfnan


/.oriiion. fublishd .\rn,- /i,/8o2. by KJl.Wisdry.J:%j'.J//U'/</d:- JJ.iiffinaa JTi'^^-iTAJV JifU ^Jllfy. w/fman Sfrrt.

Page 58: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930


ITie ri'holf is //,</ l>,i<f/\ ^Us/ijnfif , hi/t fhf Forr/ii;uf rs /lof /visr nor (/ir Moit/h liyhhrtp

ein/f nr/f ,misiifereiL f/w Pnyf/r rrnnrs r/iarnrfFr


Drtmm Ip- Lata/tr Engntrii fy tTHuiffruin


Li^nJcn £ubhshJ JLiy //./<?('-' ^i- ^&:?i^ti&zj.y/S9.itnmd A-^lxiSaim.I!'28.ZMr BfllJlIn-. CffUman Street-

Page 59: Physiognomical sketches by Lavater · Dear Reader, This book was referenced in one of the 185 issues of 'The Builder' Magazine which was published between January 1915 and May 1930