pick up and go!

v An app for Parents of New Drivers

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Post on 25-May-2015




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Pick up & Go! Is an app for Parents of new drivers, give your child the responsibility they deserve in the safest car in the world. Brand new cars for brand new drivers. Hertz Pick up & Go! Powered by Volvo.


  • 1. vAn app for Parents of New Drivers

2. An app that cultivates driverresponsibility for new drivers! 3. The ProblemSource: NBC News 4. Many lives could be saved 2,700 dead 282,000 injured $26 billion in motor vehicle injures.. All in 2010Source: Insurance Institute for Highway Safety 5. The Solution 6. Whats ready? All API infrastructure ready Backend and front end Beacons Tech Keyless entry Hands-free driving with locked phone Hertz Reservation system Ready for all devices Unsafe Driver warnings (w/ merit system) 7. DEMO 8. Technology1. TCS2. Cordova/PhoneGap3. Windows Phone/Visual Studio4. Hertz APIs (NeverLost, Trip Planning)5. MBED + Nordic Bluetooth for accesscontrol beacon6. Volvo Autonomous driving7. M2X Raw data 9. Whats next? Geo-fencing Self-driving cars for easy pickup! Voice to text SMS Assisted DrivingOh, and we have a jingle too!