pictures from draft 2 construction work

Draft 2 opening sequence Pictures while Filming By: Vanessa Justino

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Post on 12-Dec-2014



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  • 1. Draft 2 opening sequencePictures while Filming By: Vanessa Justino

2. Delia Toilet Scene (Flashback) AndreeaVanessas houseVanessa Vanessa - Actor Anna - Photographer Delia - Holding Camera (filming) Andreea Holding lightVanessaAnnaDelia This is a picture taken to show filmingAndreeathe toilet scene (flashback) on theVanessaopening sequence 3. Andreea Binging scene (Flashback)-Vanessas house Testing the camera and the light position beforeDeliastarting to film Vanessa Anna taking pictures Preparing the character (putting make up) before starting to film.DeliaFilming the BingingVanessa scene (flashback)Andreea DeliaDelia 4. Eating scene (Flashback) VanessaVanessas house Vanessa - Actor Anna - Photographer Delia - Holding Camera (filming) Andreea Holding lightFilming the one of the flashback scenes on theopening sequenceDelia VanessaDeliaDelia Vanessa 5. Walking (Last scene) - Putney BridgeVanessa Vanessa Preparing the character(putting make up) beforestarting to film. Anna taking pictures Andreea Helping with other stuff DeliaDelia Vanessa Vanessa Delia DeliaThis are picture takenwhile we were FilmingDelia 6. Walking (fist scene) - Oxford Street VanessaDelia Vanessa Delia Preparing the character (putting make up) before starting to film.VanessaDeliaAndreea FilmingDeliaAnna taking pictures 7. Photo-shoot scene (Flashback) Delias housePreparing theDeliaVanessa Vanessacharacter (puttingmake up) beforestarting to film.Holding the light Andreeato make the Preparing the photo-shoot setfootage brighterAnna taking picturesVanessa