pie international + pie books catalog fall/winter 2013

Graphic Art Collection Fall/Winter 2013

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PIE International + PIE BOOKS is based in Tokyo, was established in 1985. P=Pretty, I=Impressive, E=Entertaining.


Page 1: PIE International + PIE BOOKS Catalog Fall/Winter 2013

Graphic Art CollectionFall/Winter 2013

Page 2: PIE International + PIE BOOKS Catalog Fall/Winter 2013

New Titles


Page 3: PIE International + PIE BOOKS Catalog Fall/Winter 2013

New Titles


Yokai MuseumThe Art of Japanese Supernatural Beings from YUMOTO Koichi Collection

Yokai are a class of supernatural mon-sters in Japanese folklore. Yokai have attracted the artists and have been a common theme in art works until these days because of their unique forms and their mysterious behaviors.This book is a visual collection of art works of Yokai in Japan since the Edo period (1603 - 1868). The works are not only paintings but also wood block prints, scrolls, ceramics, kimonos, chil-dren’s playthings such as board games, and more. All items that are featured in the book come from personal collec-tions by Koichi Yumoto, who has the largest Yokai art collection in Japan.

Related Title


→ P.13

Art / Japanese CultureSize: 257 x 182mm Pages: 288p (272 in Color)Bound: SoftboundISBN: 978-4-7562-4337-9Release date: July 2013Price: ¥2,800

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New Titles


KATSUYA TerAdA 10 Ten10 Year retrospective

Katsuya Terada is one of Japan’s most sought-after illustrators who is known as the character designer for the ani-mated film, Blood: The Last Vampire. This book is a catalogue for his exhibi-tion (held at Kyoto International Manga Museum, Japan / March 16 - June 30, 2013 ) o f h is works in t he recen t decade. The book contains most of the works featured in the exhibition such as mangas, illustrations, as well as prelim-inary sketches, production drawings, that are around 600 pieces. It will be an ultimate book for Terada’s fans and also a great reference book for illustrators and manga artists.*The author’s interview is included in the English jacket.

Related Title


→ P.18

Art / Illustration & Design / MangaSize: 210 x 148mmPages: 328p (64p in 4 Color + 264p in 2 Color)Bound: SoftboundISBN: 978-4-7562-4376-8Release date: April 2013Price: ¥2,300

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New Titles


91Chapter 2

Color samples of Max ja Moritz (1968). The design is inspired by a darkly humorous German tale from 1865.

Left:Max ja Moritz, 1968

For her new designs, Maija carried out test prints in original colors first and then in black and white. In this way, she obtained the desired screens and saw how colors with strong contrasts affected the patterns. According to the many color swatches, Maija experimented repeatedly before she found the ideal color combination. A great number of color tests were performed in the 1960s and 1970s. Sometimes up to fifty tests were done for one pattern. At that time color charts like Pantone did not exist, so Maija created her own color charts. She mixed the desired hue in gouache before painting. Then she showed it to Marimekko’s paint workshop. Maija had an amazing eye for color.



Marimekko shop, Piironki, on Fabian street in the center of Helsinki, 1964. Piironki specialized in interior fabrics. Photo: Design Museo

Right:Maalaisruusu, 1964

Maija Isolaart, fabric, marimekko

Maija Isola (1927–2001) was the textile designer hired by Marimekko. Her most famous print, Unikko, has become the most recognizable icon of the Marimekko Company.Her early work was inspired by nature, and her f i r s t pr in t s were crea ted through a photographic process where-by actual plants were projected onto a screen. As she matured, her designs became bolder and less detailed, con-taining large areas of color.Her travels also played a role in her designs; she spent time in Yugoslavia, Italy and Algeria, incorporating stylistic elements from these varied cultures. These experiences gave her a vast pal-ette from which to draw, and this range is clearly evident in her far-ranging designs.Most of the contents of this book are her textile works but also her lifestyle is featured. This is a valuable title for all sort of designers, textile lovers, those w h o a r e i n t e r e s t e d i n N o r t h e r n European designs, and by all means for Marimekko fans all over the world.

ContentsChapter 1: The beginning of Maija Isola’s legendChapter 2: Work, Travel, Life / SketchbookChapter 3: Maija’s late years, and legacy

Related Title

Katsuji Wakisaka

→ P.19

Art / Design / FashionSize: 210 x 148mmPages: 160p (Full color)Bound: SoftboundISBN: 978-4-7562-4366-9Release date: March 2013Price: ¥2,400

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New Titles


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New Titles


William Morris: Father of Modern design and PatternTextile, Book & editorial designs and More

William Morris (1834 - 1896) was an English textile designer, artist, writer, and even a liber tarian socialist. His flower patterns are well-known world-wide, but his other design works such as editorial and font design are also worth watching and appreciating.This book presents not only his textile pat terns but also book design, font design, posters, stamps and various artworks including painting, all of which will become precious reference for desingers as well as for art lovers.

Related Title

George Barbier

→ P.25

Art / Illustration & DesignSize: 257 x 186mm Pages: 296p (Full Color)Bound: SoftboundISBN: 978-4-7562-4336-2Release date: March 2013Price: ¥2,800

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New Titles


New Titles


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New Titles


Traditional Japanese Stencil Patterns (with dVd)1600 images of Ise Katagami from Isetan Mitsukoshi collection

This is a resource book of traditional Japanese stencil pat terns, named “Isekatagami”, which is said to be ini-tially created 1000 years ago. The pat-terns are still used for kimono, obi and many other Japanese fabrics. Isetan Mis tukoshi , a Japanese up-sca le department store chain and a collector of those precious patterns’mocks, has generously decided to open their collec-tion to public in book form with those patterns in JPEG and PNG format for use. This book will definitely be a pre-cious resource for texitle and fashion p ro fess iona ls as we l l a s g raph ic designers. The accompanying booklet contains the designs of Furoshik i, J a p a ne s e w r a pp ing f a b r i c , w i t h Isekatagami patterns on it.

Japanese Culture / Clip Art / DesignSize: 240 x 176mmPages: 362p (4 Color / 2 Color) Bound: Softbound with plastic jacket + DVD-ROM + small bookletISBN: 978-4-7562-4330-0Release date: January 2013Price: ¥3,600

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New Titles


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New Titles


MANGAThe Pre-History of Japanese Comics

The influence of manga on international comics had grown considerably over the past two decades. The origins of manga can be traced back to the Edo Period (1603 - 1868) of Japanese history, specifically to popular type of books using ukiyo-e, Japanese woodblock prints. These books con-tained humorous content and featured humans, fantastical creatures and even references to celebrities of the period. As literacy rose in Japan throughout the 18th Century (part of the Edo Period) and in to the 19 th and ear ly 20 th Century (the Meiji Period), these kind of illustrated novels became popular and it is from here that we actually get the first recorded use of the term manga to describe a words-and-pictures based story.This book includes original works of manga dated from 17th to early 20th Century. It is a great source book for graphic designers as well as comic book artists, and also Japanese art lov-ers who can find some great works of well-known ukiyo-e ar tists such as K u n i y o s h i U t a g a w a , H o k u s a i Katsushika, and Yoshitoshi Tsukioka. The book will present works in chrono-logical order. * This book contains a small amount of artistic nudity.

Related Title

Hokusai Manga

→ P.22

Art / Japanese CultureSize: 210 x 148mmPages: 280p (240 in color)Bound: SoftboundISBN: 978-4-7562-4357-7Release date: March 2013Price: ¥2,800

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New Titles


Girly & Cute Graphics

The girly image has been having unfail-ing power with great impact these days, which attract a broad range of audience. This is the third edition of our “Girly Graphics” series, featuring current adver-tisements, catalogues, posters, shop cards, direct mail and logos. The works will be classified by the image words such as “Glamorous & Poisonous”, “Sweet & Natural”, “Pop & Rock” and “Romantic & Fairy tale”. Color palette will be included on the front page of each chapter.

Contents:Glamorous & Poisonous / Sweet & Natural / Pop & Rock / Romantic & Fairy tale / Logo & Mark

Design / GraphicSize: 306mm x 230mmPages: 200p (Full Color)Bound: HardboundISBN: 978-4-7562-4313-3Release date: January 2013Price: ¥9,800

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New Titles


Ornament and Initial : Beauty of Graphic design, 17 - 20th Century

This enthusiastic selection of typo-graphic fonts and styles, from 17th to early 20th century in Europe, traces the modern evolution of the printed letter, reproducing pages from exquisitely designed catalogs and books showing type. Also included are borders, orna-ments, initial letters and decorations and many magnificent examples.This will be a valuable reference book for graphic designers and students studying design, and will be a complet-ed edition of typography in Medieval and Modern European history.

About the Author:Cees W. de Jong is a designer and pub-lisher based in Laren, the Netherlands. He has published numerous books on design, architecture and art, and is now working as a design/publishing consul-tant and author. He has also published many books on graphic design. His books include Type: A Visual History of Typefaces and Graphic Styles 1628-1900 (2009/08 ) and Type: A Visual History of Typefaces and Graphic Styles 1901-1938 by Taschen America Llc (2010/3)

Design / GraphicSize: 265 × 190mmPages: 362p (320 in Color)Bound: SoftboundISBN: 978-4-7562-4284-6Release date: August 2013Price: ¥3,800

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New Titles


drawing and Handwriting Texturesready-to-Use Frames and Background Patterns (with dVd-rOM)

This book is a clip art collection, which is drawn by Yoko Kibamoto, an illustra-tor who is popular with her softly-col-ored touch and heartwarming illustra-tions.Most clip arts are not concrete things but abstract patterns - such as stripes, dots, scratches, etc. - so that users can turn the patterns into whatever they like, and can apply them in their works.The digital files are on the accompa-nied DVD-ROM in the format of JPEG and PNG (350dpi) , all of which are suitable for professional use.

retro designs of Japan: ready-to-Use Lines, Frames and Background Patterns

Traditional Japanese Patterns and Motifs

This book is a collection of small motifs, lines and frames, which appeared on the print items in the period of Taisho and Showa (the early to mid 20th century). The objects in the book are elegant and useful for those who would love to have retro and vintage flavor.

It is said that Japanese sense of beau-ty is condensed in Japanese traditional patterns.In this book, the patterns are classified into two groups ; pat terns inspired from nature (plants, animals and phe-nomena) and abstract patterns (geom-etry, form, auspicious omens motifs).

Clip Art / DesignSize: 257 x 182mmPages: 128p (Full color)Bound: Softbound + DVD-ROMISBN: 978-4-7562-4388-1Release date: August 2013Price: ¥2,400

Clip Art / Design257 x 182mm 128p (Full color) Softbound + DVD-ROM978-4-7562-4335-5 April 2013 ¥2,800

Art / Japanese Culture210 x 148mm 192p (Full color) Softbound978-4-7562-4424-6 August 2013 ¥2,800

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New Titles


Tadanori Yokoo: Complete Book designs

Tadanori Yokoo, born in 1936, is one of the most successful and international-ly recognized graphic designers and artists in Japan. This book is the first and only collection in which all of his book designs in past 55 years, that are around 900 pieces, will be included.

Mushroom Botanical Art

GAKIA Girl and Monsters’ Night Parade

This book is a collection of mushroom and fungi paintings by European and Japanese naturalists in the 18th to the 19th century. Beautiful color plate illustrations of each mushroom will attract both botanical art fans and mushroom lovers.

Sawaki Takeyasu is a Japanese game character designer and he used to work for CAPCOM. His representative works are Devil May Cry series, El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron and Okami. Takeyasu has also been working as an illustrator/writer recent-ly, and this book is his first picture book to be published.

Art / Design / GraphicSize: 245 × 188mmPages: 520p (Full color)Bound: Hardbound ISBN: 978-4-7562-4281-5Release date: June 2013Price: ¥8,800

Art / Illustration & Design210 x 148mm 240p (Full Color) Softbound 978-4-7562-4258-7 September 2012 ¥2,200

Art / Illustration & Design / Manga257 x 182mm 80p (Full color) Hardbound978-4-7562-4352-2 September 2013 ¥2,000

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Recent Titles


GeNGAOtomo Katsuhiro Original Pictures

Cool Japan designInspired Graphics of Japanese Manga, Animation and Game

Otomo Katsuhiro is one of the most respected and influential Japanese art-ists/storytellers in the history of modern comics. He has also worked extensively in animation including hugely successful adaptation of his own epic manga, “Akira,” which is widely considered to be a pinnacle of the form - a work of astonishing power and visionary scope, with unsurpassed artistry. The book contains full-size illustrations of almost all the works featured in the exhibition held in Tokyo in 2012, as well as prelim-inary sketches, production drawings, and the domestic advertising pieces that rarely seen outside of Japan.

COOL JAPAN - the Japanese pop cultures that make a strong impact to interna-tional interest, such as video games, m a n g a , a n i m a t i o n a n d s o o n . Originally, these contents were just for the limited fans. Growing the market, they have been improved to “well-designed” graphics not only for the maniac but also for the general audi-ence. This book features many kinds of book designs, shop tool designs, advertising designs, CD/DVD jacket designs, and novelty designs with Japanese manga, animation and video game characters.

Art / Illustration & Design / MangaSize: 364 x 257mmPages: 256p (2&3 Special Colors)Bound: Softbound + booklet (16 Pages B/W) ISBN: 978-4-7562-4273-0 Release date: April 2012Price: ¥4,800

Art / Illustration & Design / MangaSize: 257 x 182mmPages: 224p (Full Color)Bound: Softbound ISBN: 978-4-7562-4257-0Release date: August 2012Price: ¥3,600

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Recent Titles


Katsuji Wakisaka: Japanese Textile designerMarimekko, SOU SOU and 10,000 Postcards to His Wife

Fujiwo Ishimoto WorksTextile and Ceramic

Katsuji Wakisaka, a Japanese textile designer, started his career as the first J a p a n e s e d e s i g n e r t o w o r k f o r Marimekko, the Finnish textile compa-ny, in 1968. Surrounded by the beauti-ful nature of Finland, he developed an aesthetic for organic shapes and bold colors. This is a title for designers, textile lovers and those who are inter-ested in Finnish and modern Japanese designs. Even those who do not know Wakisaka will enjoy and be inspired by the book.

Fujiwo Ishimoto is a Japanese texit-ile and ceramic artist who has been living in Helsinki, Finland for over 40 years and known as a designer for Marimekko and Arabia. Inspired by traditional Asian art and culture but also by Finnish traditions and nature, Ishimoto has continued to reinvent himself. In total, he has made over 300 designs for Marimekko, and he also creates unique ceramic works in Arabia Art Department since 1989.Most of the contents are his textile and ceramic works but the photographs of his relative places and interviews are also included.

Art / Illustration & DesignSize: 210 x 148mmPages: 192p (Full Color)Bound: SoftboundISBN: 978-4-7562-4268-6Release date: August 2012Price: ¥2,200

Art / Design / FashionSize: 220 x 148mmPages: 192p (Full Color)Bound: SoftboundISBN: 978-4-7562-4301-0Release date: December 2012Price: ¥2,200

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Recent Titles


Cats in Ukiyo-eJapanese Woodblock Print of UTAGAWA Kuniyoshi

Kuniyoshi Utagawa (1797-1892) was one o f t he grea t mas te r s o f t he Japanese ukiyo-e style of woodblock pr ints and paint ing. The range of Kuniyoshi’s preferred subjects includ-ed many genres: landscapes, beautiful women, Kabuki actors, mythical ani-mals, and cats. More than any other Japanese artist, Kuniyoshi depicted cats humorously and satirically, with great accuracy and careful observa-t ion. This book is a col lec t ion of Kuniyoshi’s works that featured cats. It will attract ukiyo-e lovers and cat lov-ers, while it provides valuable inspira-tion to designers or illustrators.

Japanese Paper & Clothready-to-Use Background Patterns

Natural Style Materialsready-to-Use Objects, Ornaments, and Background Patterns

This is a resource book including materials of Japanese paper and cloth patterns, all of which can be used for the background design. All data are on attached DVD-ROM with JPEG and PNG image.

These days, eco-friendly and organic designed products/stores are in mode. This is a resource book including lay-out materials that will be useful for designs that give people natural and organic images. All data is on attached DVD-ROM with JPEG and PNG image.

Art / Japanese CultureSize: 210 x 148mm Pages: 192p (Full Color)Bound: SoftboundISBN: 978-4-7562-4287-7Release date: October 2012Price: ¥2,200

Limited editionWith Kuniyoshi cat print cotton towel produced by Yamamoto Jin Shoten, a long-established fabric item manufacturer in Kyoto.ISBN: 978-4-7562-4298-3Price: ¥2,750

Clip Art / Design257 x 182mm 128p (Full Color) Softbound + DVD-ROM978-4-7562-4219-8 July 2012 ¥2,800

Clip Art / Design257 x 182mm 128p (Full Color) Softbound + DVD-ROM 978-4-7562-4267-9 August 2012 ¥2,800

Page 21: PIE International + PIE BOOKS Catalog Fall/Winter 2013

Recent Titles


Shop Image Graphics in NYFood, Fashion, Living

60’s Fashion Style

New York City has been at the fore-front of new trend in art and design and it is a place where artists and cre-atives from around the world gather. Many shops in NY like an artistic bou-tique, an organic cosmetic store, a contemporary café, etc., are full of cutting-edge original designs. Loosely grouped under the three cate-gories of food, fashion and living, this book introduces retailers who have successfully created unified images that ex tend from store inter ior to graphic communications, such as shop cards, flyers, direct mails, menus, shopping bags and more.

Most people may think of 60’s fashion as hippie or Mod fashions. But 60’s fashion is actually much more compli-cated and varied. With carrying down of fancy and elegant style from 50’s, it’s developed with a variety of stylistic changes. This chunky book brings out retrospective 60’s fashion classified by items and scenes: hairstyle, knit wear, dress, bags, par ty style and more. Readers must reaffirm great tastes and spirit of 1960s when you turn the page, and the book will be a great source of ideas not only for read-ers’ fashion but also for graphic or tex-tile designs.

Design / Graphic / Shop Interior & ExteriorSize: 306 x 230mmPages: 192p (Full Color)Bound: Hardbound ISBN: 978-4-7562-4256-3Release date: July 2012Price: ¥9,800

Art / Design / FashionSize: 189 x 149mmPages: 416p (Full Color)Bound: Softbound ISBN: 978-4-7562-4291-4Release date: September 2012Price: ¥2,400

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Published Titles - Art / Japanese Culture


Hokusai Manga

rimpa decorative Japanese Painting

Cherry Blossoms Traditional Patterns in Japanese design

ShungaJapanese erotic Art

Mythical Beasts of JapanFrom evil Creatures to Sacred Beings

“Hokusai Manga” is one of the masterpieces by Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849 ) , a master of Ukiyo-e artist. He depicts ordinary people’s lives, animals, plants, landscapes and human figures to historical and supernatural, even demon and mon-sters, as if it were visual encyclopedia, which amount to 15 volumes.

Rimpa, one of the major ar t move-ments of Japanese paint ing, was founded in Kyoto in the 17th century. A characteristic feature of Rimpa is its rich decorative style, such as back-grounds with gold leaf, based on the classical Yamato-e style. Simple natu-ral subjects such as birds, flowers and plants were often used as motifs.

Cherry blossoms are considered as national flower in Japan. They have been celebrated for many centuries and hold a very prominent position in Japanese culture. About 220 works dating from the 8th century through the 20th century are featured in the b o o k i n c l u d i n g s u c h a r t i s t s a s Hiroshige and Taikan Yokoyama.

Shunga, a type of Ukiyo-e, which is made with the finest Japanese wood-block prints technique, and portrays the erotic expression between men and women with pleasures and pains, and the beauty of their body. This glo-rious volume features works from the Edo period, including the works by Ukiyo-e artists such as Utamaro and Hokusai.

T h i s b o ok f ea t u res a va r i e t y o f Japanese mythical beasts, such as Karajishi (Chinese Lion), Kirin (Chinese Unicorn ) , Ryu (Dragon) and more. Most of featured works, mainly from 12th century to 19th century, are painted by well-known artists includ-ing Hokusai and Kuniyoshi. Not only paintings but also curved motifs, dec-orative art collections are included.


304 x 210mm 696p (2&3 Special Colors) Softbound978-4-7562-4069-9 ¥5,800

210 x 148mm 400p (200 in Color) Softbound 978-4-89444-898-8 ¥3,800

210 x 148mm 400p (200 in Color) Softbound978-4-89444-748-6 ¥3,800

210 x 148mm 400p (210 in Color) Softbound978-4-89444-802-5 ¥3,800

210 x 148mm 392p (228 in Color) Softbound978-4-89444-788-2 ¥3,800

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Published Titles - Art / Japanese Culture






nobu’s VegetarianCookbook

FuroshikiThe Art of Japanese Wrapping Fabric

Katachi – a Japanese sacred geome-try-, such as paper, wood, bamboo, fiber, clay, metal and stone. This book showcases about 600 pieces of the natural feeling and sense of beauty that Japanese people have been culti-vating and passing on over the years. This is an anticipated reprint edition of Katachi (978-4-89444-462-1).

A visual documentation of the art of Japanese sweets with descriptions of their intimate connection to the sea-sons from whence they were inspired. Awarded the Honourable Mention for Best Cookbook Design in Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2004.

Renowned sushi chef Kazuo Nagayama’s own personal recipes are presented here with exquisitely photographed examples that provide a glimpse into the painstak-ing art that goes into making each piece that is sure to leave the reader salivat-ing! Sushi is arranged by season reflect-ing the availability of the main ingredi-ents while it includes thoughtful descrip-tions.

In Japanese culture these graceful cre-ations are of ten displayed in living rooms as symbols of the beauty of nature. People not only enjoy i t s appearance but also appreciate the effort put into their creation. This book is a collection of exquisite photographs of bonsai grouped by month –featuring many seasonal examples of these min-iature trees from January to December.

nobu’s restaurants are known the world over for the quality of their ingre-dients and for the tecnique and origi-nality with which the food is prepared and presented. Now, in this first cook-book by nobu to focus on vegetable dishes, the master chef shares his exper t ise and deep knowledge of Japanese cuisine in sixty recipes that showcase vegetables in all their variety.

Furoshiki is a traditional Japanese wrapping cloth, which is frequently used to carry clothes, gifts and other goods and has been a part of daily lives in Japan through the ages. This book features about 150 pieces of furoshiki from the collection of such long-established manufacturers in Kyoto as Miyai, Okaju and etc.


151 x 105mm 480p (B/W) Softbound978-4-7562-4157-3 ¥1,600

225 x 150mm 392p (Full Color) Softbound 978-4-89444-288-7 ¥3,800

210 x 140mm 208p (Full Color) Softbound978-4-7562-4134-4 ¥2,000

225 x 165mm 288p (Full Color) Softbound978-4-7562-4094-1 ¥3,800

267 x 218mm 176p (Full Color) Hardbound978-4-89444-905-3 ¥4,200

264 x 157mm 256p (240 in Color) Softbound978-4-7562-4156-6 ¥2,800

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Published Titles - Art / Japanese Culture


Kimono and the Motifs ofJapan

Child Kimono and the Colors of Japan

Kimono History and Style

Summer Kimonos and the Colors of Japan

NohClassical Japanese Performing Art

Kimono and the Colors of Japan

As a long-waited new volume in the best sell ing “The K imono and the Colors of Japan” serial books, this fifth volume serves as an encyclopedia of motifs on kimonos. Not only motifs on kimonos and sashes but also those on various kimono ornaments are pre-sented. This is a “must” book for kimo-no fans, fashion lovers and those who are interested in Japanese culture.

As the third to “Kimono and the Colors of Japan,” this book features kimonos for children with various cute patterns and motifs from seasonal flowers, birds and traditional toys, etc. Not only patterns of kimonos but also seasonal rituals and toys for children are cov-ered.

Developed in 8th century in Japan, kimono –a Japanese traditional gar-ment- is still worn by all Japanese people on special occasions. Sachiko Ito, a fashion director introduces its typical styles of each era and the types of kimono for various occasions.

As the second to “Kimono and the Colors of Japan,” this book features motifs and colors depicted in summer kimonos and obis. Patterns of flowers and grasses, insects, fish and shell-fish, and Western landscapes, in addi-t ion to daring colors and delicate embroidery, have been brought in these kimonos to the level of art.

The revised edition of Noh, published in 2004. With a 600-year history, it is the world’s oldest performing art and designated an Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO. Beautifully pho-tographed with selected thir ty Noh stories among about 100-200 stories still performed in Japan today, this vol-ume pursues the subtle, profound aes-thetics and visionary qualities of Noh.

This distinctive book features various delicate Japanese colors through the practices in kimono. Japanese sensi-tivity had created such traditional col-ors, consisting of 9 different colors in the classification of red, so in green, pink, blue, brown, purple, yellow, black & white, gold & silver respectively.

220 x 150mm 256p (Full Color) Softbound978-4-89444-832-2 ¥2,800

264 x 157mm 240p (232 in Color) Softbound978-4-89444-607-6 ¥2,800

245 x 182mm 176p (Full Color) Softbound978-4-7562-4145-0 ¥2,800

264 x 157mm 232p (224 in Color) Softbound978-4-89444-531-4 ¥2,800

210 x 130mm 288p (Full Color) Softbound978-4-89444-846-9 ¥2,800

264 x 157mm 240p (232 in Color) Softbound978-4-89444-451-5 ¥2,800

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Published Titles - Art / Illustration & Design


A Japanese Botanist's 17th Century Sketchbook: Autumn Flowers

George Barbier Postcard Book

A Japanese Botanist's 17th Century Sketchbook: Spring Flowers

24 post cards and an essay about George Barbier in one book. Almost all illustrations are from the original book George Barbier: Master of Art Deco (ISBN: 978-4-7562-4144-3), however, 1 illustration is newly included.

Selection of flower sketches from “Soumoku Shasei” by Shigekata Kanoh, a Japanese illustrator in 17th century. Unlike completed painting, these works are rough and sim-ple, which is what makes it so interesting tasteful. Beautiful flowers with Japanese traditional colors will attract botanical art fans and flower lovers. This book includes line drawings that have made newly by tracing those sketches, so that the readers can practice their own painting. It is pleasant to look and taste the beauty of these flow-ers, also useful for your own drawing and painting.

George Barbier: Master of Art deco Fashion, Illustration and Graphic design

George Barbier (1882–1932) is one of the great French illustrators of the ear-ly 20th century. He is famous for his elegant ar t deco works that were heavily influenced by orientalism and Parisian couture. Born in Nantes, France in 1882, he skyrocketed to fame and notoriety after his first exhi-bition in 1911. Known as one of “the knights of the bracelet” for his luxuri-ous and glamorous lifestyle and work, George Barbier also received renown for costumes and set designs he did for theater, film, and ballet. This book is perfect for designers as well as a beautiful gift for someone special.


257 x 182mm 242p (140 in Color) Softbound978-4-89444-837-7 September 2010 ¥2,800

160 x 120mm 16p + 24 Postcards (Full Color)Hardbound 978-4-7562-4204-4 ¥1,380

257 x 182mm 260p (160 in Color) Softbound978-4-89444-836-0 February 2010 ¥2,800

Size: 257 x 182mmPages: 296p (288 in Color)Bound: Softbound ISBN: 978-4-7562-4144-3Price: ¥2,800

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Published Titles - Art / Illustration & Design


Modern Patterns of Japan Sweet & Nostalgic

Vintage Fabric from the States

Isetatsu Collection Traditional Patterns on Japanese Wood-Print Paper

Traditional JapaneseColor Palette

The Traditional Colors of Japan

This book presents a collection of patterns created by Yonagado, an artist who creates lovely and yet nostalgic patterns and products inspired by those items originally produced around the ’60s. The pat-terns of such items as kimonos for girls and boys, papers, packages and stationeries are colorfully presented in this single volume.

The patterns of American fabrics in the late 19th to the 20th century are pre-sented in this single volume. Each page presents one to six fabrics, so readers can enjoy the details of each pattern.

Since 1864, Isetatsu has been one of the most important manufacturers and retailers of the Edo-style Japanese traditional woodblock-printed paper. It has more than 1,000 original patterns not only in the traditional Edo style but also some that mix the old style with cutting-edge designs.

This is a sister book of “The Traditional Colors of Japan”, and focuses on the beauty of Japanese traditional color combination. It explores the aesthetic of color combination in traditional Japanese art works, which constitute the exquisite world of color. About 100 examples of two, three or more color combinations in various f ields are included.

This book is a distinctive encyclopedia of Japanese traditional colors. The colors live on in paintings, crafts, tex-tiles, literature and performing arts, playing a profound role in Japanese life and culture. This book presents 250 of traditional Japanese colors with photographs and explanation of their names and CMYK/RGB data.

210 x 148mm 184p (Full Color) Softbound978-4-89444-819-3 ¥2,000

148 x 210mm 216p (Full Color) Softbound978-4-89444-488-1 ¥2,200

210 x 148mm 192p (Full Color) Softbound978-4-89444-770-7 ¥2,200

210 x 148mm 192p (176 in Color) Softbound978-4-89444-806-3 ¥2,800

210 x 148mm 192p (176 in Color) Softbound978-4-89444-578-9 ¥2,800

Page 27: PIE International + PIE BOOKS Catalog Fall/Winter 2013

Published Titles - Art / Illustration & Design


Heroes & HeroinesJapanese Video Game + Animation Illustration

Olle eksell Swedish Graphic designerThe Sixties by Kishin

Hervé MorvanThe Genius of French Poster Art

Girl, IllustratedJapanese Manga, Anime and Video Game Characters

Who are the hottest Japanese video game and ani-mation heroes and heroines? This is a most updated collection by about 100 prominent character design-ers of video game and animation created in 2010 and 2011. The interviews with some of the design-ers are also included.

This book collects about 400 out-standing graphic design works of Olle Eksell, one of the most respected and distinguished Swedish graphic design-er. Olle Eksell, who passed away in April 2007, is well known as a creator of Mazetti Cacao Eye, and contributed to advertising campaigns, book cov-ers, drawings for picture books, pack-aging and textiles.

A collection of photographs in the ’60s of Japan by Kishin Shinoyama, at once a monograph on the artist but also an accurate portrayal of a time and place. About 400 b/w and some full color photographs are presented in this vol-ume.

Hervé Morvan (1917-1980) is a great French poster artist and designer who became well-known for his advertising poster for Perrier in 1950. This collec-tion contains around 280 of Morvan’s creations ranging from the advertising posters for kids, food/drink, house-hold, fashion, travel, campaigns, alco-hol, cigarette, film and music, and the greeting cards.

This is a provocative collection by 100 professional i l lustrators who r ise above the throng in this subculture. It features 500 high quality works in the manga and anime styles showing female characters in various enticing poses. Featured illustrators are all from Japan, such as mota, Akatsuki Kato, Gorobottu, redjuice, refeia, Nino, Masakichi and more.


257 x 182mm 208p (192 in Color) Softbound978-4-7562-4169-6 ¥2,800

257 x 182mm 240p (224 in Color) Softbound978-4-89444-547-5 ¥3,800

308 x 236mm 400p (B/W) Hardbound978-4-7562-4077-4 ¥7,800

210 x 148mm 268p (224 in color) Softbound978-4-89444-840-7 ¥2,800

257 x 182mm 208p (192 in color) Softbound978-4-7562-4008-8 ¥2,800

Page 28: PIE International + PIE BOOKS Catalog Fall/Winter 2013

Published Titles - Design


The Art of Paper Folding for POP-UP

Following the first edition, this reprint edition is now available at a more rea-sonable price for broader audience. 30 pop-up sheets held together by two screws which not only hold the book together but are also easily removable, offer a feast of useful pop-ups that can be used as greeting cards, hang-ings, decorations or whatever your heart desires.



Paper & Clothready-to-Use Background Patterns

This volume includes more than 300 paper and cloths patterns, such as antique paper, craft paper, notebook, label, tag and ribbon, all of which are on the attached DVD. The data format is JPEG and PNG, which are useful for both graphic and web designs. All images and some examples using these patterns are shown in the book.

Size: 192 x 160mmPages: 34p (30 Samples + 4)Bound: Hardbound ISBN: 978-4-89444-686-1Price: ¥3,800

Size: 257 x 182mmPages: 128p (Full Color)Bound: Softbound+DVD-ROMISBN: 978-4-7562-4026-2Price: ¥2,800

Page 29: PIE International + PIE BOOKS Catalog Fall/Winter 2013

Published Titles - Design


More Graphic Simplicity

New eco-Style Graphics

Concisely designed advertising that reflects a clear understanding of what elements are necessary and what elements are not, that conveys the concepts behind a product at a single glance, is extremely effective for the visual communication that takes place between the designer and the viewer.

“Eco” is a worldwide interest and important key word when a company considers launching a new product or service these days. Focusing on success-ful graphic works for “eco” products and services as well as graphics using “eco” materials, this book shall be a “must” reference for the designers in need of a good idea for their next works.

Corporate Brochuredesigns

Newest brochures and annual reports for enterprises and various facilities from many countries are presented in this single volume. Such practical information as size, format, table of contents, and the design concept of each work is also included. As a refer-ence for those graphic works and trends of graphic design, this is a must-book for graphic designers.

Shop Image Graphics in Paris

About 80 unique shops and restaurants in Paris are revealed through their one-of-the-kind designs. This book includes interior and exterior designs and such graphic tools as shop cards, flyers, direct mails, menus, shopping bags and more. The shops and restaurants range from a contemporary cafe or a hip restaurant to a rococo style statio-nery shop or a trendy boutique.

306 x 230mm 192p (Full Color) Hardbound978-4-7562-4076-7 ¥9,800

257 x 182mm 192p (184 in Color) Hardbound978-4-7562-4057-6 ¥5,800

306 x 230mm 224p (Full Color) Hardbound978-4-7562-4051-4 ¥12,000

306 x 230mm 192p (Full Color) Hardbound978-4-89444-704-2 ¥9,800

Page 30: PIE International + PIE BOOKS Catalog Fall/Winter 2013

Published Titles - Design


Best Package & Wrapping Graphics

Beauty & Healthcare Package design

This book introduces many, exciting packages and wrapping examples cat-egorized by industry. The photos of shop interior/exterior design are also included so that those photos would give readers ideas how a product package would harmonize the shop interior and exterior design.

This book will present pretty, attrac-tive and fashionable selected high-quality package designs by product category. You can see the beauty & healthcare industries as a treasury of the designs that catch women’s heart.

Smart designs: Business Cards

To designers, a business card is an extremely difficult item in terms of that they need to express the originality and creativi t y within a very small space. In other words, designers will enjoy it and condense his or her ideas and skills into a small piece of paper. This collection of business cards from various nations will encourage greater ideas when designing their works.

Hello! UK Graphics Graphic design in the UK since the 1980s

Hello ! UK Graphics introduces the designers who became “a history maker” from 1980, when Tomato and Neville Brody appeared, to the present with their superior works. Covering from the history of the UK graphic design through to the newly possible movement, this is a bible for the UK graphic lovers!

Package Form and designencyclopedia of Paper-Folding designs (with Cd-rOM)

New encyclopedia of Paper-Folding designs (with Cd-rOM)

This is the third title focusing on paper packaging in “Encyclopedia of Paper Folding Design” series. The 150 high quality works are all created by the industry professionals. The template files are included in PDF files on the accompanied CD-ROM.

A special collection focusing on “fold-ing” as a form of graphic expression. From direct mail pieces and cards we encounter everyday to products involv-ing complex folding methods, the works are presented in photographs as they are effected by folding, with flat schematics (on CD-ROM) of their pre-folded forms as reference.


306 x 230mm 192p (Full Color) Hardbound978-4-89444-694-6 ¥9,800

286 x 230mm 160p (Full Color) Hardbound978-4-89444-729-5 ¥7,800

250 x 200mm 232p (Full Color) Softbound978-4-7562-4003-3 ¥3,800

297 x 210mm 224p (Full Color) Softbound978-4-7562-4036-1 ¥3,800

280 x 216mm 240p (Full Color) Softbound978-4-89444-591-8 ¥7,800

280 x 216mm 240p (160 in Color) Softbound978-4-89444-271-9 ¥7,800

Page 31: PIE International + PIE BOOKS Catalog Fall/Winter 2013

Exclusive for Asia




Applied Typography23

PromotionalTool designsfor retailsand Brands


Graphicexplanationin design

designs that Grab Women's Attention

StrategicGraphicdesignsfor directMail

Peaceful and Soothing Graphics


Hot Localdesign

Hot Local designers Profiles

Take Onefor Free !

Modern andTraditional:Japanesquedesigns byStyle


306 x 230mm192p (Full Color)Hardbound978-4-7562-4358-4¥9,800

250 x 200mm224p (Full Color)Softbound978-4-7562-4300-3¥5,800

306 x 230mm240p (Full Color)Hardbound978-4-7562-4325-6¥14,000

306 x 230mm256p (Full Color)Hardbound978-4-7562-4283-9¥12,000

297 x 210mm272p (248 in Color)Hardbound978-4-7562-4349-2¥12,000

306 x 230mm192p (Full Color)Hardbound978-4-7562-4163-4¥9,800

306 x 230mm192p (184 in Color)Hardbound978-4-7562-4047-7¥9,800

250 x 200mm224p (Full color)Softbound978-4-7562-4406-2¥5,800

306 x 230mm192 Pages (Full Color)Hardbound978-4-7562-4228-0¥9,800

306 x 230mm192p (Full Color)Hardbound978-4-7562-4217-4¥9,800

250 x 200mm232p (24 in Color)Softbound978-4-7562-4089-7¥5,800

257 x 182mm240p (Full color)Softbound978-4-7562-4367-6¥5,800

306 x 230mm192p (Full Color)Hardbound978-4-7562-4005-7¥9,800

306 x 230mm224p (Full Color)Hardbound978-4-7562-4266-2¥14,000

250 x 200mm232p (184 in Color)Softbound978-4-7562-4013-2¥5,800

Page 32: PIE International + PIE BOOKS Catalog Fall/Winter 2013

Exclusive for Asia



Layout Style SeriesBy Hand

Layout Style SeriesCool &Stylish

Advertisingdesignby Season

Layout Style SeriesJapan Style

Layout Style SeriesGirly & Cute

europeanClassicalOrnaments& Frames

Layout Style SeriesNatural Style



*Prices, specifications, release dates and artworks are subject to change whithout notice.

For more information about the distribution of our books, please contact [email protected].

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For up-to-date information on PIE International and PIE BOOKS including the latest news, upcoming titles, release dates and call for entries of your design works, please visit our following web page;http://www.pie.co.jp/english/emailnews

PIe International Inc. 2-32-4, Minami-Otsuka, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 170-0005 JAPANTEL: +81-3-3944-3981 FAX: +81-3-5395-4830 E-mail: [email protected] URL: http://www.pie.co.jp/english facebook:piebooks

300 x 224mm176p (Full Color)Softbound978-4-7562-4334-8¥3,800

250 x 188mm120p (Full Color)Softbound978-4-7562-4373-7¥2,800

250 x 190mm120p (112 in Color)Softbound978-4-7562-4064-4¥2,800

300 x 224mm176p (Full Color)Softbound978-4-7562-4179-5¥3,800

250 x 190mm120p (112 in Color)Softbound978-4-7562-4240-2¥2,800

250 x 190mm120p (112 in Color)Softbound978-4-7562-4063-7¥2,800

257 x 182mm128p (Gold & Black color)Softbound978-4-7562-4191-7¥2,800

250 x 190mm120p (112 in Color)Softbound978-4-7562-4241-9¥2,800

257 x 182mm128p (Full Color)Softbound978-4-7562-4072-9¥2,800