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PIMPED BY PARASITES PARTHENIA ONASSIS GRANT Jul y 7, 201 0 CHAPTER 9 The Seven Laws Of Manifestation Loving yourself enhances your immune system, changes your cells, and allows you to become immune to toxicities, because the frequency of love is the most powerful force in existence. -Barbara Marciniac author of Family of Light We must walk according to the highest light we have, encountering lovingly those who are out of harmony, and trying to inspire them to a better way. www.peacepilgrim.com/peacep.htm THE PROBLEM WITH DESIRE Carnelian Sage in her book The Greatest Manifestation Principle in the World says that “instead of focusing on your desire … hold in mind that which you desire without adding desire to it” (Sage 56). Sage’s statement is more clearly understandable when one reviews Dr. Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness introduced in Chapter 3. Note that desire vibrates at the same level as addiction, 125. The paradox of desire (which is at the same level as addiction) is that one cannot have it until one does not want it or is not attached to needing it because desire is, in actuality, a low level emotion that leaves one feeling “frustrated,” “unfulfilled,” or “lacking.” On the other hand, love leaves one feeling “blessed,” “grateful” and “fulfilled.” It stands to reason, therefore, that one cannot manifest anything other than cravings at the level of desire, attachment, or addiction. Moreover, everything at this level can only end in disappointment. That is why one can only have what one desires after attachment to needing or desiring it is taken out of the mix. WHAT IS LOVE? 1

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The Seven Laws Of ManifestationLoving yourself enhances your immune system, changes your cells, and allows you to become immune to toxicities, because the frequency of love is the most powerful force in existence.

-Barbara Marciniac author of Family of Light

We must walk according to the highest light we have, encountering lovingly those who are out of harmony, and trying to inspire them to a better way. www.peacepilgrim.com/peacep.htm


Carnelian Sage in her book The Greatest Manifestation Principle in the World says that “instead of focusing on your desire … hold in mind that which you desire without adding desire to it” (Sage 56). Sage’s statement is more clearly understandable when one reviews Dr. Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness introduced in Chapter 3. Note that desire vibrates at the same level as addiction, 125. The paradox of desire (which is at the same level as addiction) is that one cannot have it until one does not want it or is not attached to needing it because desire is, in actuality, a low level emotion that leaves one feeling “frustrated,” “unfulfilled,” or “lacking.” On the other hand, love leaves one feeling “blessed,” “grateful” and “fulfilled.” It stands to reason, therefore, that one cannot manifest anything other than cravings at the level of desire, attachment, or addiction. Moreover, everything at this level can only end in disappointment. That is why one can only have what one desires after attachment to needing or desiring it is taken out of the mix.


Sage defines love as “a state of being, not a state of feeling. It goes beyond the realm of emotions. It’s an attitude of benevolence and kindness towards all creation, including one’s self, at all times and under all circumstances.” Sage elaborates that “any endeavor that employs the magnetism of love MUST necessarily manifest because love’s frequency is a vibrational match to that of God, which is the architect of all creation” (Sage 67).

The following chart, by Dr. David Hawkins in his book Transcending the Levels of Consciousness, reveals that the average person confuses love with feelings of infatuation, desire, or passion. Quite frankly, the information in this chart should be mandatory for adolescents and teens not only to help them distinguish between infatuation and love, but to enable them to recognize what true love. This chart can be life as well as soul saving should individuals find themselves in jealous, controlling or abusive relationships. Upon studying the chart, they will be able to realize that real love does not hurt the other physically, emotionally or spiritually.


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Ironically, abusive relationships begin as early as middle school and continue to escalate into adulthood when left unchecked. Therefore, the earlier children learn what true love is, the easier it will be for them to develop discernment about the difference between infatuation and love. All too often individuals, especially women, listen to what an abusive partner versus what that person does. They easily accept justifications such as: “I hit you because I love you” or “I hurt you because I can’t stand to see you talking to someone else.” The gift of discernment that can be gained through an understanding of this chart can save our youth years of heartache or prevent them from doing what Cher says that women are prone to do: make a mistake and then marry it.



(Level 145) (Level 500+)

Locus Self/ego Self/spiritOrigin Animal instinct Spiritual stateMental function Impaired reality testing UpliftedIntention Mate, get Bond, enjoyDuration Transitory PermanentHormone/endocrine Adrenaline/sex hormones EndorphinsEmotions Excess/imbalance Calm/balancedBrain physiology Left brain–physical Right brain-ethericStability Impaired/desperate EnhancedEmotional Frantic, fearful, torment Self-fulfillingBody functions Impaired, loss of appetite Improved

and sleepDescription Addiction, craving Fulfillment, contentPathology Suicide, stalking, despair Well-being

depressionJudgment Impaired ImprovedPerception Exaggeration, glamorized IlluminatedIntention Possess, capture, control, own Be withEmotional Frustration, anxiety Gratitude, satisfiedProductivity Disrupted EnhancedSelf image Inflated PositiveLoss Depression, rage, hate, blame Grief, regret, longingBalance Erratic, over-stimulated Steady Social image Inflated EnhancedIntellectual function Romanticizing, Lower mind Realistic, Higher MindConsciousness level Lowers RaisesStyle Involvement AlignmentPattern Individualism Concordance


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Relatedness Demanding, limiting Harmonious, expansiveGood Satisfy, own Fulfill, complete


Toltec Master, Don Miguel Ruiz, in his book Beyond Fear, says that we need to understand that we are “dreaming 24 hours a day.” He admonishes us to “stop judging and stop victimization.” More importantly, free will dictates that one must consciously choose to wake up from the nightmare unconsciously tapped into through the collective dream state. Native American Shaman James Endredy, in his book Beyond 2012 refers to the higher self or the Divine self as the Luminous Self. He states that

when you awaken to the Luminous Self, you break free from previous guilt and shame because you clearly see that those actions causing you grief were committed by a confused, misled, and asleep self who WAS NOT the real you … When you awaken to your Luminous Self, feelings of guilt and shame are no longer relevant because you live squarely in the now. Not the past. Not the future … Moving forward while fully awake is imperative … waking up to the Luminous Self is like awakening from a bad dream … Until your people begin to sense the need to awaken from the dream, nothing will change. This truth must be told at all cost, no matter how unpopular it is … The more people whispering into the sleeping man’s ear, the more probably he will awaken (Endredy 64-65).

The universal tendency to believe the dream state is the real world is eerily depicted in the movie The Matrix and in Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave.” This nightmare is prolonged each time individuals choose fear over Love. In reality, love is our true nature; it is humanity’s God given legacy. In The Matrix, Cipher chooses to plug back into the Matrix and dream his life away because the harsh reality of life is too much for him to deal with. The painful truth is, everyone has to go through the Dark Night of the Soul, as depicted in The Matrix by a desolate and denuded landscape created by mankind’s destructive tendencies which are driven by the Ego which is fear and separation based. The good news is, the Phoenix can be reborn through the ashes of its own fire and destruction.


Endredy explains that to fully awaken, it is important to observe one’s “previous actions and then feel and work through the pain and shame of what one sees. Without passing through this crisis, one cannot align with the higher self. Moreover, finding the courage to face the crisis that the sleeping self has created is imperative because “your personal and global crisis is the door leading to your higher self.” Endredy adds that “transformation in consciousness is directly proportional to the amount of truth you can handle.” He advises that one admit that one does not know the answers, then “surrender control and seek the truth.” It is challenging, to say the least, for many people to accept the truth because “knowledge of the truth requires radical change.” It is, however, imperative that we become “fully awake so that we can see and act from the truth” because “the degree to which you are awake is measured by the degree to which you are able to accept the truth, especially a truth that your self centered idea of yourself does not want to hear” (Endredy 59, 66-67).



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The greatest impediment to truth is the Ego, which thrives off of lies and dies in the light of truth. That is why those who are ego driven tend to resort to the old adage “the truth hurts.” This is true but only for the Ego. Those who have mastered their Egos find lies painful and the truth healing. That is why Christ said that “the truth will set you free.” The truth liberates souls from the tyranny of their egos. It also allows the heart to open up to the healing vibrations of love. In effect, truth is an attribute of love; love is the only thing that is real.

Emerson says that “the secret of fortune is joy,” which is also an attribute of love; in fact, all positive, life sustaining emotions emanate from love. Christ said that “love is the fulfillment of the law” while the Golden Rule admonishes to “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” The problem is that those who do not love themselves tend to be unaware that everyone is an emanation of the Divine, thus, they treat themselves badly and others even worse.

Feeling good attracts good things because “like attracts like.” On the other hand, feelings of lack, neediness, desire and addiction can only attract more of the same. That is why the film The Secret, ends with two subtle yet powerful words: “Feel Good.”


In quantum physics there is a Law called Critical Mass wherein an electron has to reach 51% of a higher vibration before the entire electron begins to automatically vibrate at the higher rate of speed. The same law applies to manifestation wherein “practice makes perfect” in that one has to think, act or be a certain way for 21 days continuously before a new habit becomes automatic. The Law of Critical Mass has kicked in once a process becomes second nature and is as effortless as breathing. Naturally, we all want instant gratification and balk at putting in 10,000 hours to become the best, as Gladwell points out in Outliers. By the same token, one cannot skip from elementary to graduate school because all new learning is based on a foundation of mastering the fundamentals. Thus, a lag time between manifestation is natural while striving to master the basics. Moreover, those who have not yet mastered negative emotions, such as hatred and anger, would pose a serious threat to him/herself and others if there were no lag time between manifestations. Therefore, love is the most important emotion to master for manifesting results that benefit the self and others.

In lieu of the foregoing, to eliminate the lag time between manifestation, it is important to consciously do the work of raising one’s level of consciousness to the vibration of love which is “a vibrational match to that of God, who is the architect of all creation” which is quite a challenge for those out of integrity and lacking the courage to speak and follow their own truth, which is the path to self actualization (Sage 67). Those who reach the level of courage arrive at a real milestone in their evolution because, at that level, they then become true to themselves. Being true to oneself is more important than material possessions and the approval or acceptance of others.

The law of love and the power of grace are direct connections to the field of oneness, non duality and non separation. Human consciousness has risen in awareness and personal growth to the point where more and more they are finding the courage to demand, en mass, integrity and ethical behavior from elected officials.


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The unexplored and under-tapped frontier of unconditional love is the level where one begins to walk in the realm of the miraculous and to experience almost instant manifestation of desires. At those times when one cannot manage to get the law of attraction to operate on a positive and consistent level, search the heart to see where grudges, resentments, resistance, non-acceptance, and/or non forgiveness are hiding. Anywhere the essential element of unconditional love is missing; there will be lack, limitation and suffering.


As an emanation of the Divine, it is not spiritual to be poor in an abundant universe. Nor is being rich a bad thing; it is the LOVE of money that is the root of evil. Thus, all negative, limiting beliefs about money must be transmuted in order to be wealthy and financially secure. A point that people always bring up has to do with those who are unkind or unloving in some areas of their lives, who manifest money by the barrel full. Up close, one will find that many individuals are born with an innate or intuitive knowledge of the law of manifestation while some acquire it by growing up in a wealthy family or by being exposed to the secrets of wealthy people then applying them (See Wallace Wattles book or audio The Science of Getting Rich).

The rich tend to automatically focus on the task of making more money because they do, indeed, love money. Moreover, they have no internal conflict about charging good money for their products, time or services because they believe they are bringing something of value to individuals, or that they are serving a need or demand for their product or service. Moreover, the wealthy tend to immerse themselves creatively and wholeheartedly in the pursuit of what they love as if it were the only thing that mattered. Furthermore, most wealthy individuals tend to be highly motivated in their pursuit of wealth, and in their maintenance of it. More importantly, they know their worth. They do not “bargain with life for a penny” because they know that that is “all that life will pay.” And they definitely do not buy into the old adage that “money is the root of all evil;” they know that money is a necessity. In their pursuit of money (the thing they love), the rich fill themselves with the joy of a wish fulfilled even before it has manifested, which attracts even more wealth to them. That is love in action. Their love happens to be money. Moreover, they know that the best way to help the poor is “by not being one of them.” The rich innately understand that money opens doors of opportunity while providing them with the finer things in life, which they also love. Thus, they have hitched their wagon to the star of focused intent and love of the things they desire, which explains why there are people with a lot of money who are not vibrating at the level of unconditional love in ALL AREAS of their lives. Often, such individuals settle for love of material things to the exclusion of loving relationships, oneness with the Divine, etc. The point is, universal laws work for everyone, good, bad, ugly or indifferent. The sun shines on all. The secret is learning the law of manifestation (explained in this chapter in 7 steps) and applying it diligently every day.

Everyone can have more; the avaricious person tends to settle for money at the expense of unloving or poverty stricken relationships thereby attracting more of the same, while a poor person focuses on the very thing he/she does not want: lack, limitation and poverty, thereby attracting more of the same. Thus, the sum total of what a person has or lacks in life boils down to the thoughts dwelled on most


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frequently. We attract what we think about most: if it’s lack of money, then we attract that; if it’s bad health, we attract more bad health; if it’s dysfunctional relationships, we attract more of those, etc.


To embrace all of life and live with courage and commitment to truth, one must accept the good with the bad by not resisting the ups and downs of life. The Tao or “the way” is to simply accept death, destruction and loss as the opposite of birth, regeneration and bliss, and to accept that all relationships end in either death or dissolution. When one can accept all realities, it is easier to maintain an attitude of gratitude for the love one has. Moreover, cherishing the love in one’s life in the present moment prevents regrets in the future should that loved one be lost through death or separation. Dido points out this paradox in her song “Life For Rent:” While my heart is a shield and I won’t let it down/ While I am so afraid to fail so I won’t even try/ Well, how can I say I’m even alive?

The foregoing begs the question: Why waste life shut off from the most wonderful thing in the world, love, due to fear of loss when loss, in one way or another, is inevitable? The reality is that with each loss comes a new blessing. The truth is, light and beauty wait on the other side of darkness. Learning to hold on to hope, like the last match on a cold, frozen dark night of the soul, can determine whether one freezes to death or makes it till the dawn.


Spending time with those vibrating at a higher consciousness will help raise one’s consciousness in the same way that people who vibrate at a low level of consciousness will keep one stuck at lower levels of consciousness. Those already vibrating at high levels are better equipped to resist the negative pull of the lower levels. Even though the universe and all of life evolves in an upward spiral, humanity resists this upward pull, fighting to stay where they are versus getting excited by change since it is the only thing one can count on. In reality, no one is condemned to the lower levels of consciousness. What discourages most people is the amount of discipline and work is required on a daily basis to rise to higher levels of consciousness. It’s easier to put off that journey. Such a delay is to one’s detriment, however, in that Yogananda warns individuals that “everything can wait except your search for enlightenment.”

Most people find that their “mechanical habits are almost impossible to break but equally difficult to endure” (Endredy 64). That quote aptly describes the uneasy alliance between parasites and their hosts. Those caught in the grips of an over infestation of parasites which is inexorably tied to some type of addiction, has not been adequately addressed by professionals and laymen alike.

As mentioned in previous chapters, until hitting rock bottom, those who are addicted to whatever, sit and whine to a willing ear that thrives on feeling better off than the whiner. Misery does, indeed, love company. Ultimately, one has to become miserable enough to do more than sit on the nail and whine. One has to be willing to COMMIT to change. Ultimately, all addicts must reach rock bottom before they can find the inner motivation to change. Bottoming out entailing hurting bad enough to do something about the pain of being sick, overweight, or alienated and estranged due to a drug, alcohol or food addiction.


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The profound yet simple power of love and forgiveness often ends up getting over looked when searching for keys to health, peace of mind or abundance. As stressed in the previous chapter on forgiveness, when one overlooks the power of forgiveness (particularly, one’s father), or when one fails to put it into action, one continues to encounter unexpected obstacles and struggles with making and amassing money. However, money and the removal of obstacles are not the only reasons to forgive others, even though they do present attractive incentives. Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len’s book Zero Limits The Hawaiian Secret to Wealth, Health, Peace and More; Joel S. Goldsmith’s book The Infinite Way; and Carnelian Sage’s book The Greatest Manifestation Principle in the World, all stress the importance of love as the missing element in the law of attraction.


Whether or not one is living under the law of love and forgiveness automatically affects one’s ability to supply oneself. In fact, Joel Goldsmith, in his book The Infinite Way: says: “we are all a law of love unto all with whom we come in contact … all who come within range of our thought and activity must be blessed by the contact. We are the light of the world … We are the law of supply in action.” In addition, the Bible reminds us that “I and the Father are one; all that the father has is mine.” However, “unless we now consciously and daily remind ourselves of the true nature of our being, we will come under the general belief that we are something separate and apart from God … You must realize yourself to be Life, Truth, and Love” (Goldsmith).


It appears that humanity’s ego driven addictions, coupled with their herd mentality, has led them to forget, en masse, who they really are, where they came from and all that they are capable of. For far too long, humanity’s authentic nature has been cloaked behind flawed beliefs, logical fallacies, outdated attitudes, and illusions aided by the Ego’s minions of parasites. Those tuned into higher frequencies, however, will be pleased to discover what many biblical scholars intuitively knew: that the first five books of the bible, called the Torah, were written in a numeric code. In fact, “each letter of each alphabet has always been linked with a very specific number value. The study of these relationships is known historically as Gematria. Through the one to one correspondence between letters and numbers, Gamatria reveals the hidden relationships” between alphabets of sacred languages and numbers (Braden 194). Gregg Braden, in his book The God Code states that “of the 17 characteristics that define today’s periodic table of elements, only one matches precisely with the hidden number values of the Hebrew language – the atomic mass, or simple mass. Through determining their simple mass, the elements of DNA (hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and carbon) within our bodies may now be replaced with four letters of the Hebrew alphabet: yod, hey, vav, and gimel, thus revealing that our DNA may be read literally as a translatable alphabet within each of our cells.”

Skeptics will be pleased to know that “the odds of these four letters randomly creating a meaningful message from the Hebrew alphabet are only one in 234,256 or the slim probability of .00042% (Braden 112). What scientists and scholars discovered was that by “replacing the elements of DNA with their


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equivalent of Hebrew letters, a message is revealed that is spelled out within each cell of our human body. By substituting these words for our genetic code” we discover that “the literal name of God forms a message within each cell of our bodies: God/Eternal within the body.” What is even more startling is that the message “God eternal within the body” translates the same in all of the sacred languages (Braden 139). Those who are begging to be ruled will dismiss, deny, or not even get the magnitude of this message. This message, however, is the most amazing discovery of my lifetime in that it ended a journey I had been on my entire life … one that would lead me to reconnection with the Divine.

Clearly the unveiling of this revelation not only had to wait on computers to grow sophisticated enough to decipher it, but it also had to wait on a rise in consciousness for it to be received. Sincere truth seekers, like me, are filled with gratitude and wonder about this disclosure. Within it lies the key to liberation from the shackles of parasitic, ego driven fear, ignorance, and dependence. When this information was revealed to me, I literally wanted to whack myself upside the head because the pieces to the puzzle had been hidden in plain sight all along and I did not have eyes to see. For instance, Christ made it perfectly clear that the “kingdom of heaven” was “within.” I had discovered this truth when I read the Bible as a child. I just didn’t know how to apply it after being taught that heaven was up in the sky somewhere. I did not know until I studied quantum physics that each cell is a microcosm of the macrocosmic universe. Thus, if heaven is out there in the universe somewhere, it is also within the universe of my own awareness. Ultimately, it struck me as sad that we waste so much of our life looking everywhere for answers except inside of ourselves. Moreover, the average person will do the most absurd things to avoid going within.

Greg Braden, in The Divine Matrix, uses the analogy of a holographic computer generated universe as a macrocosm and the human as a microcosm. When a hologram is divided into infinite pieces, each piece still contains a complete image of the original. Thus, this message reveals that as holographic images of the Divine, everyone has direct access to all of the infinite attributes of the Divine. They simply have to step into this awareness and claim it. That is what Christ meant when he said: “These things I do, even greater things you will do.” The problem is ignorance and attachment to old, outdated beliefs. Such limited thinking is not only insane but self destructive. Truly, the meek are the ones who will inherit the earth. Why? Because the meek can adapt and change; they easily let go of the old when presented new or updated information.


To find the key to the kingdom, which is hidden within, it is necessary to clear out everything that is unlike love, including parasites and negative, limited thinking. In so doing, one is creating a space for the divine to enter. Thus, the phrase: “cleanliness is next to Godliness” is both literal and metaphorical. No conscious individual would invite an honored guest into an unclean, cluttered, or filthy abode that is over run by parasites.

All living things need routine care and loving attention. Those who desire to be worthy of becoming a space for the Divine to enter, in order to play in the “fields of the Lord,” gain easy access through meditation, prayer, and a clean body temple. All masters and avatars throughout history have practiced fasting. Ask anyone who has managed to do a 40 day water fast or Master Cleanse about the levels of


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peace beyond measure, joy and bliss they experience during the fast. The process requires relinquishment of old ways of thinking, doing and being as well as daily discipline. The upside of self sacrifice and self mastery it that it positively affects the quantum field, creating ripple effects that indirectly uplifts everyone around. This chapter provides the reader a direct formula for manifesting desires and goal achievement. As with any form of mastery; doubt, disbelief, impatience, lack of discipline, and negativity become self fulfilling prophesies. As stressed in the chapter on gratitude and forgiveness, cultivating an attitude of gratitude and unconditional love creates an emotional state that matches the vibration of the universe. The universe vibrates to the Divine frequency of love and joy.


It is important to have patience and to master non-attachment to specific outcomes. Moreover, it is essential to let go of feelings of desperation. Desperately needing or wanting a specific outcome or desire interferes with Divine Mind fulfilling that desire as does impatience, attachment, doubt or lack of faith, all of which are low vibrations; manifestation requires high vibrational energy. Love, gratitude, appreciation and forgiveness are high vibrations that dispel the dense darkness of despair, fear, frustration, longing, desire and addiction. Anything that is not love is fear based and exists in the land of illusion or Maya.


Dwelling on the future in the belief that it holds something better or greater than the present moment, will automatically lower one’s vibration to the level of Desire. On Dr. David Hawkin’s Map of Consciousness, desire vibrates at 145 on a scale of 0-1000. This vibration is so low that is why the level of desire can only end up attracting frustration, disappointment and regret. A quick way to move into higher states of consciousness is by being fully present in the moment and aware. Thus, when the past comes up, observe it, get the lesson it is trying to teach, then let it go. Focus, instead, on the invisible realm of spirit where everything is already done according to belief. Know that the past and future exist merely in the mind; this moment is the only one that is real.

In that like can only attract like, avoid languishing in emotional states that vibrate lower than the level of courage (200 on the Map of Consciousness) any longer than it takes to learn the lesson. At levels below 200, one can only manifest emotions that feed the ego, resulting in quiet desperation, unease and unhappiness. Surrender to the Divine, asking for assistance to break free of the Matrix of fear, limiting thoughts and disbelief.

The following manifestation steps were gathered from various metaphysical schools of thought that span different time periods, yet are amazingly consistent regarding the process of “precipitation” (not to be confused with rain, although it is similar in that once the steps are mastered the things one desires can rain down). Books that explain the process or manifestation, creation or precipitation in more detail include The Seven Mighty Elohim Speak by Thomas Printz (1954) the Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East by Baird Spaulding, (1927); the Rosicrucian Philosophy, the teachings of Joel Goldsmith, (1930’s), and U.S. Anderson’s book Three Magic Words (1954) and, of course, The Secret although a


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couple of the steps are missing from The Secret. The amazing and uncanny alignment of these teachings, from different time periods, all attest to the universality of truth, which is the same no matter who speaks it or where it comes from. They serve as a reminder that King Solomon was right: There is nothing new under the sun.

My own life experience as a child is a testament to the fact that everyone possesses an innate ability to tap into this knowledge without read about or being taught the process. Some just tap in as I did. In order to manifest on a more consistent basis, however, it is quite helpful to memorize and practice the following seven steps without omitting any one of them. Omission of a particular step can result in manifestations that almost come to fruition but get aborted along the way due to a lack of concentration. Or omission can result in the creation manifesting yet suddenly disappearing through loss or misfortune which can occur when one fails to seal the design in Divine peace and maintain a state of peace in one’s life.

It is fitting to introduce the process with a reminder from U. S. Anderson, who states that “the moment we say something is impossible, we make it impossible for Universal Subconscious Mind or God to manifest it through us. Another man with a greater vision and a greater faith will bring it forth, for he will allow God to work through him. None of us has the right to say a thing is impossible, unless he is foolish enough to place limitations on God” (Anderson 273-274, 280, 283-284).

Everyone is in need of better health or healing, be it physical, mental or spiritual. Anderson points out that “as soon as buried guilt, hostilities and rejections were forgotten, the person would be healed … the real you is great and good and perfect. Acknowledge this perfection, and your body will become perfect also … “Hold out thy hand,” said Jesus to the man with the withered limb. The man did; Jesus saw a whole hand; the hand became whole.”

Before a condition can be healed, however, the mental condition must be released by surrendering the self to God or Universal Subconscious Mind. Let go of doubts, fears, hates and hurts, give up the struggle, trust in the invisible roots of one’s being, so that God Consciousness may engulf and make one whole. The way to healing all disease is to recognize one’s spiritual perfection (Anderson 285, 281). Pain is that which visits when one is in error. It is through suffering that one is turned back to the path of truth (Anderson 279). Kahlil Gibran adds that “much of your pain is self chosen. It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self. “


1. SET AN INTENTION BY MAKING A DECISION TO ACT AND COOPERATE WITH DIVINE INTELLIGENCE. This involves the WILL TO DO and to take action on inspiration and/or Divine Guidance received during prayer, meditation, dreams, or routine activities. First, however, it is important to identify what one does not want, then be sure not to focus at all on what is not wanted in that it will eventually be attracted. Instead, get clear and identify what you do want, and be sure to focus on that only, regardless of the current circumstances. Do not passively surrender to appearances or bow before the evidence of facts. When one detaches from a state of consciousness, the conditions and circumstances of that state vanish.


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2. GET A CLEAR PICTURE OR PERCEPTION IN THE MIND OF THE PATTERN OR DESIGN TO BE MANIFESTED. Now, project an image of what is desired upon the movie screen of the mind. Do this in a quiet, relaxed, meditative state, preferably before going to sleep or upon first waking up. During this meditation, hold the image in the mind’s eye for at least 2-3 minutes. The truth of manifestation depends upon the ILLUMINATION IN THE MIND AND THE INTENSITY OF THE IMAGINATION, not upon external facts. Man becomes what he imagines. To imagine a thing is so makes it so. Baird T. Spaulding states that “to think yourself there is to be there.” A true judgment need not conform to the external reality that it relates to. The inner world of continuous imagination is the force by which the outer world is brought to pass. Thus, one can imagine oneself into the state of fulfilled desire and escape from the jails of ignorance. Spaulding calls ignorance “the only enemy of man because it keeps us in bondage.” He points out that “all of infinity moves within us” and that when “ignorance is withdrawn from consciousness, we will manifest the light.”

3. POUR THE FEELING OF DIVINE LOVE, GRATITUDE, AND LIGHT INTO YOUR CREATION. Keep in mind that “feeling” or emotion is the prayer; words are simply a way of getting to the feeling. Generate the excitement and feeling of already having it. Carnelian Sage in her book The Greatest Manifestation Principle in the Universe, points out that the transformational power of love is a vibrational match to God. Spaulding adds that it takes no energy at all to give out love; love actually increases energy. He says that “love is the law of the universe … when it becomes the ruling passion of the individual, he is in harmony with all of the forces of infinite space … He that is in love is in God … Being at one with the infinite puts [one] at one with all of the manifestations of the Infinite.“ Cultivate the mindset that manifestations are to be used for the greater good of all, not solely for the self; know that the desire is good, that it will not hurt anyone else, and that the creation of it will put the self in a better position to be of greater service to others. Then claim it as done already. The idea behind non-profits and philanthropy is to give back for the good that has been received.


5. CONCENTRATE ON AND CONSECRATE YOUR DESIRE. Focus on one intention, one idea or one design at a time. Do not go off in another direction until your creation has manifested. Expect, listen and allow it to happen. Keep in mind the Law of Critical Mass mentioned earlier. Concentrating at regular intervals generates momentum, which aids in reaching Critical Mass more quickly.

6. SET ASIDE SPECIFIC TIMES AT REGULAR INTERVALS TO MEDITATE AND CONCENTRATE UPON YOUR DESIGN. Just as the sun rises and sets to a specific rhythm and the tides obey a regular rhythm, it is important to establish a regular discipline or routine such as setting aside specific times for visualization, prayer or meditation each day. The West tends to fit their spiritual practice into their lives instead of ordering their lives around their practice.

7. SEAL THE ENTIRE IDEA, DESIGN, OR DESIRE IN DIVINE PEACE. This involves letting go and letting God by releasing any feeling of personal responsibility, and staying in a state of peace


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regardless of outer appearances or circumstances. Sai Baba says to “do your part and leave the rest to God.” This entails allowing the law to work automatically. There is no need to instruct the Universal Subconscious Mind; it knows the perfect means of fulfillment. It may do so in an unexpected or miraculous way; so simply get out of the way. Remember that the pot takes forever to boil when standing over the stove, watching it. Spaulding reminds readers to “let go of the sense of need and accept the fact implied in the need; that it is already in existence.”


For thousands of years, the entire planet has been steeped in fear, ignorance, lack and limitation passed down and perpetuated through dogma spread by religious, societal and educational systems perpetuating dogma, blind beliefs and unexamined assumptions that place individuals in prisons of the mind. As a result, most are unaware of their true nature. Those who do understand it cannot be contained, controlled, nor misled. Unfortunately, only a small, select group have ever believed or exercised their Divine rights, let alone made the necessary sacrifice of discipline, practice and letting go of attachments. The benefits, however, far outweigh the price of admission; they include liberation from the bondage of fear, lack and limitation along with the ability to consistently manifest desires.

The invocation part of the manifestation process involves stating the words “ I am God.” There has been such a taboo in making this claim that, to this day, speaking it publicly will elicit instant chagrin from the unaware who will protest that those three words are sacrilegious, a blasphemy, or simply untrue. “I am” is the creative force in the universe in that any state of being attached to those two words with emotion and feeling will eventually elicit that state. For instance, those who utter “I’m tired; I’m stupid; I’m sick; I’m unlucky in love; I’m not good at sports, school, or whatever,” prove themselves right. Usually, no one will argue with another individual against his/her perceived limitations. The truth is that when you argue for your limitations, they are yours.

Much of humanity unconsciously use “I am” in a negative or limiting manner; unaware that they are in the process of creating what they attach to those two words. Thus, placing the word “God” behind “I am” puts a tremendous amount of responsibility upon the individual who utters them. They are therein claiming total self reliance, which would make this status undesirable for many: it’s simply too much responsibility. After all, who will they blame when things go wrong, other than themselves and their own wrong thinking? It’s far easier to blame others or to feel self righteous and indignant about it. It also gives people something to complain about. Those who choose the status of victim get to revel in their own self pity and receive the pity of others. This includes entitlement to free rides at the expense of others.

On the positive side, U. S. Anderson stresses that use of the three magic words, “I am God,” in a meditative state, elevates one’s consciousness to the level of unconditional love, which is the realm of magic and manifestation. Having been created as holographic images of God, all are entitled to lay claim to this divinity, which Christ modeled for the world. He symbolized it by the crucifixion, which cast off the mortal body for an immortal one. Spaulding points out that the Bible verse “Man was created in the image of God” was a mis-translation. He states that it should read “man is the image of God, [thus] he is, as an individual, what God is universally.” The inclusion of the word “in” has fed mankind’s


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confusion about who they really are, thus explaining why many Christians fail to embrace the possibilities inherent in Christ stating: “these things I do, even greater things you will do.”


Being a disciple means one who is disciplined. The problem, M. Scott Peck explains, is that Americans suffer from a disorder of discipline and a disorder of responsibility. It is therefore, an individual’s personal duty to cultivate daily practices that will develop the discipline to move out of lack and limitation and into personal responsibility. Spaulding recommends the following practices, which, if followed daily, will exponentially expand awareness and raise consciousness:

Keep the thought always in mind that you are cultivating the habit of Christ of God perfection. See this perfect presence within as your real self and claim it.

See a Divine White Light emanating from the center of your being, from every cell and every atom.

Whenever you say the word “God” know that your presence is presenting God to the world and beholding God as yourself. That teaching leaves no room for illusion, Maya or the Ego in one’s thoughts or body temple. The daily practice of remembering one’s real nature helps one let go of lack and limitation.

Think, know and do! Practice living daily in the vibration of God’s light.


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July 7,



“Any endeavor that employs the magnetism of love MUST necessarily manifest because love’s frequency is a vibrational match to that of God, which is the architect of all creation … Instead of focusing on your desire … hold in mind that which you desire without adding desire to it” -- Carnelian Sage. Desire vibrates at the same level as addiction; thus, one cannot expect to manifest anything other than craving and disappointment at the level of desire with its attendant addictions and attachments.

“Transformation in consciousness is directly proportional to the amount of truth you can handle … Until your people begin to sense the need to awaken from the dream, nothing will change. This truth must be told at all cost, no matter how unpopular it is … The more people whispering into the sleeping man’s ear, the more probably he will awaken” – James Endredy, American Shaman.

All levels below courage serve the ego’s need for greed and control while keeping the individual in bondage to fear and addiction. Moreover, everything below 200 represents force, deceit, and cowardice; it does not serve the world nor the individual.

The good news is that “when force meets power, force is eventually defeated. The motivation of Mahatma Gandhi (calibrated at 700) was very near the top of the range of normal human consciousness. Gandhi won in this struggle because his position was one of far greater power. The British Empire represented force (calibrated at 175). – Dr. David R. Hawkins Force vs. Power

The three magic words, “I am God” supports the point in Genesis that, as a creation of God, one may lay claim to the divinity lying dormant inside of every one, the same divinity Christ claimed and manifested as a model for us to use when he said “these things I do, even greater things you will do.” In fact, he literally gave us the keys to heaven in the following words: “The kingdom of God is within.”

It’s better to be alone than in bad company. It is in the silence that we are able to hear the voice of the Divine. The mindless chatter of the masses shuts out that voice. That is why all great masters went into nature; Buddha into the forest; Muhammad into a cave and Jesus into the Desert. Spend time in nature.

Cultivate an attitude of gratitude; it is the sunshine that allows blessings to grow. Also, remember to practice daily prayer, meditation and yoga.

Remember that to be a disciple means one who is disciplined.