pineal gland - portal of higher dimensions

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  • 5/28/2018 Pineal Gland - Portal of Higher Dimensions


    Pineal Gland: Portal of Higher Dimensions

    Last updated on March 23, 2014 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News

    The following is an exceptional article on the pineal gland by Dr. Terry Willard, world reknownleader and pioneer in the field of herbal medicine. You can visit his websitehere.

    byDr. Terry Willard

    One of the most wondrous parts of our physical body is the Pineal Gland. It is also called the

    epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis, conariumor the Third Eye.It is a small endocrine gland in the

    vertebrate brain. It produces serotoninand melatonin, hormones that affect mood and modulate

    our wake/sleep patterns and seasonal functions. Its shape resembles a tiny pinecone (hence its

    name in Latin,pinea, which means pinecone), and it is located near the center of the brain,between the two hemispheres, tucked in a groove where the two rounded thalamic bodies join.

    Even though this gland is hidden deep inside the brain and is only the size of a pea, it has been analmost fanatical obsession of masters, mystery schools and religions throughout the ages. Rene

    Descartes,the famous philosopher dedicated much of his life to studying the pineal gland,

    stating it is the principal seat of the soul. He believed it is the connection between the physicalbody and the mind/soul. We also see it playing prominent in the writings of Pythagoras, Plato,

    and Iamblichus, as well as in Egyptian,TibetanandRoman Catholic Church.It is even

    mentioned by the Founding Fathers of the USA.

    One of the central figures in Egyptian mystery school myths is the Eye of Horus. Many feel the

    eye of Horus is really thethird eye,or thepineal gland.There does seem to be a lot of

    similarities, at least from an anatomical point of view.
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    One of the central figures in Egyptian mystery school myths is theEye of Horus.Many feel the

    eye of Horus is really the third eye, or the pineal gland. There does seem to be a lot of

    similarities, at least from an anatomical point of view.

    The Egyptian connection does not stop there, by any meansin fact some feel the great

    pyramid of Giza was not only built to stimulate Pineal activity, it was built with the initiationchamber in the shape/ location of thepineal gland.
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    In earlier blogs we have talked about the law of similarities,fractal relationshipsor morphic

    resonance. When we have things with such a great degree of similarity of shape, they cancommunicate (vibrate) with each other with ease. This pyramid/ third eye connection was not

    lost on the Founding Fathers of the U.S.A., who were mostlyFree Masons;they used it as part ofthe countrys seal, which can be seen on the back of the American dollar bill to this day.
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    Many of the mystery schools often coded the information in the form of apine cone.We can see

    this prominently in the Vatican as one of the largest statues to nature. It also retains a dominant

    role on the staff of the Pope. Theentwined snakes on Osiris staffare reminiscent of thekundaliniforces entwining up the spinal cord to end in the pineal gland.
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    Related:Pine Cone Symbolism

    The Pineal Gland develops in the human fetus around 21 days, responding to light and darkness.

    Even though it is hidden deep inside the brain, it has photoreceptor cells that bear a strongresemblance to the retinal cells of the eyes. In some species, like lamprey (jawless, blood sucking

    eel-like fish) and tuatara (reptile), the pineal gland has access to the surface of the skin (a

    foramen opening) and acts as a third eye with photoreception, having cornea, lens and retina. In

    Humans, the pineal gland helps set up thecircadian rhythms.Melatonin is stimulated bydarkness and inhibited by light. Why would we have an organ buried deep inside our brain that

    responds to light?

    Recent scientific research has shown there are substantial, biological similarities between the

    retina and the pineal gland.Piezoelectric microcrystalsmay be transmitting photons that can be

    picked up by the retina-like tissue in the pineal glandwhere they are then sent to the brain and

    descrambled into visual images. This may be responsible for what we call the minds eyesuch as when we suddenly see a mental image of our friend right before he or she calls us.DNA

    itself seems to accumulate light and in the process transmit light to other cells as a form of

    communication. Can we watch this process in our minds eye? Clearly, more research is
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    necessary to fully understand how the Pineal Gland actually works, but we already have some

    intriguing research available.

    Even though the pineal gland is geographically in the center of the brain, it does not separate

    itself from the rest of the body with the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB), which the rest of the brain

    maintains. The internal portion of the pineal gland contains extremely coherent water, with smallcrystals that respond to piezoelectric frequencies. In fact, this water is so pure andcoherent,it ishard to find this purity anywhere else in nature accept the microtubules in the cell.Rudolf

    Steiner,a well-known scholar of the esoteric mystery schools, argued that the legend of the Holy

    Graila chalice filled with the waters of life or elixir of immortalityis yet anothersymbolic reference to the pineal gland. A recent Steiner compilation entitled The Mysteries of

    theHoly Grailestablishes detailed connections between the Grail legends and the pineal gland.

    The [Holy] Grail is also located within each of us, in the castle of theskull,and can nourish our

    subtlest perceptions in a way that dispels all but the most refined material influence.

    This response to light has not gone unnoticed by researchers of psychedelic hallucinations.Dr.Rick Strassman,while conducting research on the psychedelic dimethyltryptamine (DMT) at the

    University of New Mexico, advanced the controversial hypothesis that a massive release of DMT

    from the pineal gland prior to death or near death was the cause of thenear death experience(NDE)phenomenon. Several of his test subjects reported NDE-like audio or visual

    hallucinations. His explanation for this was the possible lack of panic involved in the clinical

    setting and possible dosage differences between those administered and those encountered in
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    actual NDE cases. Several subjects also reported contact with other beings, alien-like, insectoid

    or reptilian in nature, in highly advanced technological environments where the subjects were

    carried, probed, tested, manipulated, dismembered, taught, loved, and even raped

    by these beings. Basing his reasoning on his belief that all the enzymatic material needed to

    produce DMT is found in the pineal gland, and moreover in substantially greater concentrations

    than in any other part of the body, Strassman has speculated that DMT is made in the pinealgland. Currently there is no published reliable scientific evidence supporting this hypothesis andas such, it is merely a hypothesis. DMT and chemically similar substances have been found in

    many of the botanicals that are used by Shamans around the world to induce euphoric states for

    them to communicate with the spirit world.

    Related:Cannabis & The Pineal Gland : Turn On The Third Eye

    The mood altering substance serotonin, which is in the same chemical family of indols as

    melatonin andDMT,is manufactured in many parts of the body, especially the brain. Nicholas

    Giarmin, a professor of pharmacology, and Daniel Freedman, a professor of psychiatry,

    confirmed that the human brain manufactures serotonin at various sites in the brain. For example,in the Thalamus, they discovered 61 nanograms of serotonin per gram of tissue; in the

    Hippocampus, 56 ng.; in the Central Gray Section of the Midbrain, they found 482 ng. But in thePineal Gland, they found 3140 ng. of serotonin per gram of tissue. The Pineal Gland was

    unmistakably the richest site of serotonin in the brain. This discovery implicates the Pineal Gland

    as an important site of serotonergic [serotonin-forming] activity. This strongly suggests pineal

    gland function can affect mood. On the other hand, there may be some correlation between

    pineal gland health and autoimmune issues such as MS.

    Clearly, MS is associated with pineal calcification. For example, one study showed 100 percent

    of individuals with MS who were consecutively admitted to a hospital had pineal calcification

    compared to only 43 percent for similar-aged controls with other neurological disorders. Inaddition, groups who have a low MS incidence (e.g., African Americans, Japanese) also have

    less pineal calcification. Fluoride may affect the enzymatic conversion of tryptophan to

    melatonin. Fluoride may also affect the synthesis of melatonin precursors (e.g., serotonin), orother pineal products (e.g., 5-methoxytryptamine). The humanpineal gland contains the highest

    concentration of fluoridein the body. Whether or not fluoride interferes with pineal function in

    humans requires further investigation.

    Related:A Fluoride-Free Pineal Gland is More Important than Ever

    When you start adding all of this up, where mystery schools, philosophers, major religions, and

    shamans all point toward the pineal gland being important for spiritual awaking, we can easilysee a pattern. When you realize that modern health issues like mood disorders, depression andanxiety, as well as autoimmune issues like MS also point toward the small pineal gland, it

    triggers ones curiosity.

    Pineal GlandConnection to Spirit and Activation
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    As mentioned in earlier Blogs, the pineal gland has many interesting and curious connections to

    spirit. Often called the Third Eyethis small endocrine gland, buried deep in the center of the

    brain, has become the focus of many masters and shamans of the past. It has been claimed to bethe principle seat of the soul, playing a prominent role in the mythology of the Egyptians,

    Tibet Buddhists, Roman Catholic Church, philosophers, scientists and even the founding fathers

    of the U.S.A. Some say it is the Holy Grail. The pineal gland has light receptors (similar to oureyes) creating insight into our minds eye.It appears to have a connection to dreams,hallucinations, near death experiences,abductionsand even visions. But what is its connection to

    spirit or other dimensions?

    Related:Sammy Hagar says he's been abducted by aliens: 'They were plugged into me'
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    Being similar to a pinecone in shape (thus its name), the pineal gland is constructed in a three

    dimensionalFibonaccian spiral(that is close to a Golden Mean spiral). This shape in sacred

    geometry is considered a portal system onto itself, helping a person transcend dimensions inmany mystery schools. A prime example of this is the mystical group called the Sufi. They do a

    spiral dance to get close to God and the heavens. Inside the pineal gland not only do we find the

    manufacturing of several mind altering hormones such as melatonin, serotonin and possibly thepsychedelic dimethyltryptamine (DMT), we find extremely coherent water with piezoelectriccrystals. This extremely coherent water, encased in a sacred geometry chamber, has deep interest

    to us. The piezoelectric quality of this chamber is a great candidate for an event horizon to

    project us into other dimensions. This could be a connection to many things including: dreams,astral projection, remote viewing, visions and even the connection to higher self, the soul/spirit

    worlds. Some authorities have gone as far as calling it aStar Gate.

    It certainly has the mythos of several religions, but now itappears the science and anatomy confirmation of this is

    being teased out of the literature. As we have mentioned

    in other blogs, coherence is a very significant transfersystem of information.Coherenceis a great storage

    system, like computer chips, hard drives or even the

    MayanCrystal skulls.Psychics, seers and visionaries in

    many cultures throughout time have used it.

    This coherent water in the pineal gland might be the

    master event horizon, but there are other places in thebody that have coherent water. Dr. Stuart Hameroff,

    Professor of Anesthesiology at the University of Arizona,

    has put forward a theory. He believes the microtubules

    which are part of the cytoskeleton of cells, canat leastin brain neuronsbe the connection between the body

    and consciousness. Many feel microtubules throughout

    the body also have this connection. It appears thiscoherence of water communicates at the quantum level

    to the quantum field. In other blogs we have looked at this quantum field, (or Divine matrix,

    Noosphere, Source Field and many other names). At the core of these microtubules in the cellar

    matrix are centrioles, which control mitotic cell division.
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    Many researchers have contemplated these microtubules as part of a portal system. MostspecificallyDr. Carl Callemanin The Purposeful Universe, put forward a thesis that not only arecentrioles an important part of this fractal relationship and portal system, they are contemplated

    heavily in ancient Mayan Myths. He points out that the centrioles are one of the few places in the

    body that both circles (non-linear) and straight lines (linear) come together. The two centrioles

    are a 90o to each other, this being significant from both sacred geometry and esoteric lore. Thisfigure shows up as a T, a very important symbol to the Maya, as it is how man came into the

    earth plane. This connection can also be seen in at least one Renaissance painting of the Christ

    Child. The end of a microtubule has 13 amino acids, which Dr. Calleman says represent thesacred 7 days and 6 nights of the important Mayan week. He goes on further to state that, the

    number of different amino acids being 20, which completes the calculation of the sacred Tzolkin

    Calendar of (13 x 20 =) 260 days. Embedded inside the arrangement of the amino acids can also

    be found theFlower of Lifeand the Seed of Life, so important tosacred geometryand the
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    teachings ofDrunvalo Melchizedek.Dr. Calleman goes on to show how the spiral shape of DNA

    has a fractal and Halographic relationshipwith atoms, all the way up to the Universe. A Halo

    is the organization of the Universe, with this showing up as a spin, creating a Tree of Liferelationship. Of course there has to be coherence for all of these parts (Halos) to communicate.

    The Pineal Gland spiral pine cone shape makes it the master event horizon.
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    Some have gone on to suggest that this might be the core ofteleportationtechnology in thefuture. Beam me up, Scotty.
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    Related:Moving Into 5D, Hidden In Plain Sight

    The sum of underlying evidence points to a strong reason for why people who are interested inspiritual development, lucid dreams, or deeper understanding of the connection to higher

    self/spirit, may want to activate the pineal gland. This is not a new phenomenon. Mystery

    schools from the Free Masons to the Egyptians, Shamans and Tibetans and various esotericgroups, such as the Druids, have found rituals and techniques to stimulate theThird Eye, orpineal gland.

    Just as the pineal gland appears 21 days after conception, many feel the process of awaking thepineal gland should take a minimum of 21 days. One of the techniques I have found very useful

    is Alexandra LuppoldsDolphin Sun Activation Workshop, which takes a little over 21 days.

    This process goes through a personal clearing, followed by 21 days of guided meditations.

    There are many other techniques that have been

    used, including Tom Keyons Pineal Dimensional

    Attunement, given to him from the Hathors. There isan interesting and very economical downloadable

    book, Pineal Gland and Third Eye: How to Develop

    Conscious Self Psychic Abilities [Kindle Edition],

    by Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler. It goes through 15ways to activate the pineal gland. I still feel the 21-

    day guided meditation technique is the best, but

    there are many ways to enhance this process.

    In some cultures, it has traditionally been considered

    that a person is not even ready for marriage until

    their third eye is open. This is to say, they are goinginto this new relationship with their eyes wide open.

    An artifact of this practice can be seen in modern

    day India culture, where a woman will often wear abindi (a dot or sticker) on her forehead to cover the

    third eye area. You will also see both males and

    females in several cultures painting over their third

    eye as part of sacred ceremonies.

    Pineal GlandWhats going Wrong and

    How to Fix It
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    We looked at some of the many connections for this small gland and spiritual development.From being called the principle seat of the soulto the Third Eye, we saw how many

    mystery schools, religions, cults, philosopher and even politicians have viewed this hidden glandwith reverence and even ah. Some have gone as far as calling it astar gateto other dimensions.

    It appears that coherence of the crystals and water inside the pineal gland, as well as other placesin the body, plays a large role in it function as a portal system tolucid dreaming,psychic events,

    vision and possiblespiritual evolution.

    This bring up a few questions

    1. What, if anything is holding us back from this coherence?2. How can we activate this coherence?

    Holding us Back

    There are many things that might keep us from Pineal Gland coherence. Here are three.

    1. General over all poor health.2. Lack of (or too much) focus in ones life.

    3. Calcification of the pineal Gland.General Health
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    The Pineal Gland is almost like the bubble in a level. If life (physical, emotional, mental or

    spiritual) is out of level, the bubble is not in the middle and therefore coherence cannot happen.

    To have the Pineal Gland balanced and coherent, one has to have their life in order. This is not tosay that sometimes a person will not have a vision when in poor health, as this sometimes

    happens. These incidences are not sustained coherence.


    Interestingly, lack of and too much focus seem to cause the same problem with the Pineal Gland.

    Again, it is all about balance. As suggested in earlier blogs, too much focus can cause healthissues like Multiple Sclerosis (MS), also most often having calcification of the Pineal Gland.

    Coherence cannot happen unless a direction of focus is maintained, but not too fanatically

    focused on. So the lesson here is almost a soft fuzzy focus in the direction of the intended

    coherence. It is similar to why a person has a hard time seeing an aura if they look too hard at aperson; only perceiving them when they kind of get a fuzzy focus (out of the side of their eyes)

    look at a person. Coherence comes with just the right amount of focus, not too much, nor too

    direct, but just right. It is a feeling, a state of mind, or field, more than pure hard work. It issomething that comes with practicea Zone. Meditation is one of the best things to aid in

    obtaining that zone of feeling. Two other ways to lighten up too much focus arelaughterand

    hugging. Laughteris still one of the best medicines of all, as it creates that soft fuzzy feelingaround everything. Huggingcan give us strong surges of oxytocin, which bonds us and make us

    feel good all over. It relaxes the stiffness in a person, breaking down strong boundaries or even

    barriers. Of course this is another area ripe for Flower Essence.
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    Calcification of the Pineal Gland

    This one of the biggest areas to affects pineal gland function. Let look at some of the causes ofcalcification of the Pineal Gland. There are several so we will just look at some of the most

    common ones:

    1. Aging2. Fluoride

    3. Aluminum oxide
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    4. InflammationAging

    Even though, it appears that calcification of the pineal Gland is a natural process of aging. Many

    are starting to question this. There are many younger people that have more calcification thenolder people in recent years. Againmeditation,yoga,Tai chi, Qi Gong, will aid in keeping this

    area flexible. Visualization, vision seeking, lucid dreams, guided meditation all will help this

    area. Remember in the last Blog we showed howguided meditationcould help activate the

    Pineal Gland.


    There has been lots of research released since Dr. Jennifer Lukefrom the University of Surreyin England in 1997 found that fluoride could cause calcification of the Pineal gland. Animals

    treated with fluoride not only had lower levels of melatonin as expected, but female animals

    experienced an early onset of puberty. Due to the interference of melatonin production in theanimals in response to the fluoride treatment, the hormonal triggers that are responsible for

    puberty were disturbed. This is something we are seeing quite commonly in North America

    young girls these days.

    Dr. Luke summarized the findings:

    In conclusion, the human pineal gland contains the highest concentration of fluoride in thebody. Fluoride is associated with depressed pineal melatonin synthesis by prepubertal gerbils and

    an accelerated onset of sexual maturation in the female gerbil. The results strengthen the

    hypothesis that the pineal has a role in the timing of the onset of puberty.

    It is amazing that the medical (and dental) communities are so resistant to connecting theincrease of cognitive decline in adults (Alzheimers and various dementias), and behavioral

    issues in children (ADD, ADHD, depression and learning disabilities of all kinds) with

    calcification of the Pineal Gland and fluoridation.There have been over 23 human studies and 100

    animal studies linking fluoride to brain damage. It isnot new information, as some of the first papers were

    written in the Journal of the American Medical

    Association in September of 1943.

    Still a very high percentage of North American drinkfluoridated waterand get fluoride treatment tostrengthen their teeth. Many feel that the whole

    fluoridation process was a con, to get rid of large

    amounts of waste products from both the Aluminum

    and radiation industries. Be it as it may, taking inSodium Fluoride seems not only to be detrimental to

    your health, it may keep you from experiences your
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    higher self.

    Interestingly even though Sodium Fluoride seems to be a problem, taking Calcium Fluorideinthe form of a tissue salt (Homeopathically 12x) can decrease calcification of soft tissues,

    including thePineal Gland.It is also used to make a person more flexible.

    The fluoride question goes even deeper though. One of themost common drugs used for depression in the past has been

    Prozac (Fluoxetine).It is a selective serotonin reuptake

    inhibitor (SSRI), which has fluoride as a major componentof it. Prozac is approved for the treatment of major

    depression (including pediatric depression), obsessive-

    compulsive disorder (in both adult and pediatric

    populations), bulimia nervosa, panic disorder andpremenstrual dysphoric disorder.

    Over the last several years I have had many patients tell me the same thing about Prozac. Yesthey were less depressed, but they felt cut off from their spirit, their deeper self. When you hear

    the same thing said by many unconnected people over several years, it is easy to see a pattern.

    Looking at the molecule of Prozac, you can see the three green atoms of fluoride. These seem to

    aid in at least blocking this portal system and most likely calcifying the Pineal Gland. Thesepatients were coming in for something that would help reduce their depression, but still help

    them maintain the deeper connection with themselves. Fortunately withmedicinal mushrooms

    and Flower Essenceswe could almost always assist them in going off the SSRI, without havingrebound depression and help them feel more connected again.

    This of course points firmly again to the fluoride blocking the flow of energy through the Pineal

    Gland, as well as causing calcification.

    Aluminum oxide

    There is some evidence that Aluminum oxide can increase calcification of the Pineal Gland.

    There are many sources of aluminum exposure including aluminum cookware, anti-perspiration

    cosmetics, and some people even contendChemtrails.It seems prudent to reduce this exposure

    as much as possible.

    Related:Geoengineering - Chemtrail Flu-oride


    Inflammation in the body, especially inflammatory autoimmune issues such as Rheumatoid

    Arthritisand Lupusappears to increase the rate of calcification of soft tissues in the body. So

    one possible way to decrease calcification would be by trying to decrease inflammation using

    supplements. A C-reactive protein blood test can measure your level of inflammation. Highlevels are considered to be markers for heart disease as well as chronic autoimmune disorders.
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    Supplementsthat are considered to be effective against inflammation include Devils Claw,

    Turmeric, Stinging Nettle, Fish Oil, Medicinal Mushroom, Protolithic enzymes, homeopathics

    and others.

    Again it is important to realize that some of these autoimmune diseases are the direct result of

    living life out of balance. When ever possible, we should try to balance out life, maybe byspending a bit more time in nature or a holiday and meditation. Diet, and D-toxing can be a bigequalizer here, by eliminating acid forming foods, dairy, flour and sweets out one life for a


    Activating the Coherence

    We have already looked at things to avoid and a few supplements above that might aid in this

    process, but what else can be done? In earlier blogs we discussed Guided Meditation like

    Alexandra LuppoldsDolphin Sun Activation 21 day Workshop , and Tom Keyons Pineal

    Dimensional Attunement, given to him from the Hathors. But there are other things that seem to


    One of the vitamin supplements that seems to aid in this

    process are the Folates, as in the form of Folic Acid. It is

    interesting that a fetus has a high need for folates during

    the period of developing the neural tube and the Pineal

    Gland after the 21st day. It seems that the minimum is 1 mg

    daily, but 540 mg seems even better. This is in the same

    dosage range we use to reduce restless leg syndrome(often

    considered a lack of being grounded). The best form to take

    the folates though is in the form of Metafolin (L-5-MTHF).

    Metafolin is the natural form of folic acid used at the

    cellular level for DNA reproduction, the cysteine cycle and

    the regulation of homocysteine among others. The body can

    directly uses it; instead of the 58 chemical steps that

    folic acid has to go through to be useful.

    Contrary to some popular opinion, takingMelatonindoes not help this process; in fact it appears to

    reduce it, creating a dependency. I am not talking about the occasional use of melatonin; I am talking

    about its use on a regular basis. Only use it when having jet lag, or to help readjust circadian rhythms. It

    still appears that regulating sleep patterns to be closer to natural cycles (not staying up late under

    synthetic lights and raising with the sun) is the best way to work with circadian rhythm and to aid in your

    own production of melatonin. Spend time outside in natural sunlight when possible. In the winter we

    have employed light therapy in the morning (20

    30 minutes) for seasonal affective disorder (SAD),along with Flower Essences, Saint Johns Wortand medicinal mushrooms.

    This is not to say that melatonin is not important. Many people feel it is one of the more important

    hormones to have activated in the 20122013 cusp time. In fact some point to the crop circle found

    almost a year ago on July 23, 2011, at Roundhill, Willshire, England. It appears to have the shape of the

    same chemical structure as melatonin. Does this mean that there is someone out there, wanting us to

    focus on melatonin, or its place of manufacture the Pineal Gland?
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    Green foods, especially supplements like Chlorella can also be useful here. I suggest 14 grams


    Related:Pineal Gland Activation! Man Opens 3rd Eye With A Magnet

    In Conclusion

    The following items are things to implement, or take to aid in increasing coherence andactivation of the Pineal Gland.

    1. General over all poor health. Keeping in a good general state of health. Eating and livingin balance with natureas much as possible.

    2. Lack of (or too much) focus in ones life.o Laughter:one of humans strongest medicines

    o Hugging:to release our own Oxytocino Flower essence, Medicinal Mushroom; to balance out focus and used in many

    of the other area of activation.

    3. Calcification of the pineal Gland. Reduce with implementing the following protocolswhen appropriate.

    4. Agingo Meditation, yoga, Tai chi, Qi Gong, will aid in keeping this area flexible

    5. Fluorideo Calcium Fluoridein the form of a tissue salt (Homeopathically 12x)o Reduce use of fluorinated water, or drugs that contain fluoride.

    6. Aluminum oxide:reduce exposure.7. Inflammation:reduce when possible.

    o Devils Claw, Turmeric, Stinging Nettle, Fish Oil, Medicinal Mushroom,Protolithic enzymes and others

    o Balancing out ones life by spending more time in nature, Detoxing and eatingbetter.

    8. Directed Meditationor other forms of Pineal Activation9. Folates: Metafolin (L-5-MTHF)or folic acid 140 mg daily

    10.Reduce melatoninand replace with the following when appropriate.o Spending time in Sunlight. Readjust ones life closer to the sun cycles.

    o Saint Johns worto Light therapyo Chlorella