pineal tones.pdf

Metaphors: A spark igniting the seed of creation. Water and light stimulate the seed of creative consciousness to expand. An opening to creativity and opening to the divine source. Personal Activation: Opening of the third eye and strengthened connection to the higher self. The seeding of codes that are the building blocks and the geometric underpinnings of the universe. Expansion and opening up to more possibilities than ever imagined. Feeling of “you are with us once again”. Meditation: “I am now a channel of light and I radiate the expression of my creator with every breath I take. I consciously integrate all realities into my awareness and choose those that resonate with who I am.” Intention of Level 1 in the Pineal Tones: The seed of creation, the spark that ignites the pineal gland. Remembering your divine eternal perfection.

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Post on 06-Feb-2016




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Page 1: Pineal tones.pdf

Metaphors: A spark igniting the seed

of creation. Water and light stimulate the seed of

creative consciousness to expand.

An opening to creativity and opening

to the divine source. Personal Activation: Opening of the

third eye and strengthened

connection to the higher self. The

seeding of codes that are the

building blocks and the geometric

underpinnings of the universe.

Expansion and opening up to more

possibilities than ever imagined.

Feeling of “you are with us once

again”. Meditation: “I am now a channel of

light and I radiate the expression of

my creator with every breath I take. I

consciously integrate all realities

into my awareness and choose those

that resonate with who I am.”

Intention of Level 1 in the Pineal

Tones: The seed of creation, the

spark that ignites the pineal gland.

Remembering your divine eternal


Page 2: Pineal tones.pdf

Metaphors: A bridge or a stepping

stone that opens one up to the

energetic potentials for creating. The

stepping stone of transformation

without limitation. Personal Activation:

Enormous shifting in creative abilities.

Continued opening of the third eye and

the ability to express

interdimensionality. Experiences of

flashes of light in the vision field. Feels

like a foundation on which to create

one’s desires in a beautiful and

powerful way. Personal Activation: Enormous shifting

in creative abilities. Continued opening

of the third eye and the ability to

express interdimensionality.

Experiences of flashes of light in the

vision field. Feels like a foundation on

which to create one’s desires in a

beautiful and powerful way.

Meditation: "I now step fully into my

power as a multi-dimensional being.

With this, I recognize my role in

manifesting a brilliant life that glows

from within. I am light that sings the

song of creation.“ Intention of Level 2 in the Pineal Tones:

Acceleration and amplification of your

potential for creating and manifesting.

The stepping stone of transformation

without limitation.

Page 3: Pineal tones.pdf

Metaphor: Consciousness opens like a

lotus blossom that has been nurtured

by the light of the divine.

Personal Activation: A profound shift

of awareness, as if the shell encasing

one’s consciousness is cracked open

and pours out light. A feeling of

connectedness and oneness. Third

eye activation that enters the crown

chakra and projects out through the

third eye. The experience of being

given a key that unlocks a treasure

chest containing a sacred gift. An

angelic connection.

Meditation: “I accept the key that

opens portals to my conscious

evolution. I am eternal and I gratefully

accept the connection to angels,

guidance and knowledge that is part

of my soul.” ----- Intention of Level 3 in the Pineal

Tones: Moving into the seed sound of

creation. A profound shift of

awareness, and a third eye activation

that enters the crown chakra and

projects out through the third eye.

Merkabah energy and consciousness.

Page 4: Pineal tones.pdf

Metaphor: Two sparks collide and

form an intense energy vortex that

never diminishes.

Personal Activation: The experience of

a very strong electric and magnetic

energies of an ‘interdimensional

engine’ that run eternally, like a

gyroscope in perpetual motion.

Ignition of a connection within that

delivers information, knowledge and

wisdom from a divine origin.

Acceleration on one’s soul path.

Meditation: “My connection to the

divine is powerful and is—and always

will be—there for me. I am a conduit

for change in myself and assisting

others on their path.” ----- Intention of Level 4 in the Pineal

Tones: Moving through your souls

records. Very strong electric and

magnetic energies of an

‘interdimensional engine’ that ignites a

connection to information, knowledge

and wisdom from a divine origin. Soul

path acceleration.

Page 5: Pineal tones.pdf

Metaphors: Level 4 is the universal

engine and Level 5 is the vehicle

that holds it. Personal Activation: This is an

activation powerhouse that unravels

old energies and restructures them

to function on a higher level.

“Antenna’s” are sent up into other

dimensions to establish a

connection for bringing in more

light. There is a breakthrough on a

soul level; a remembrance of one’s

potential as a being that is here to

create and design the destiny of

your choosing. Meditation: “I am more than I have

ever dreamed of. The creative force

within me is exponentially greater,

now that I fully realize I AM divine

on all levels.” ----- Intention of Level 4-5 in the Pineal

Tones: A remembrance, returning to

the first breath of source. An

activation powerhouse that unravels

old energies and restructures them

to function on a higher level.

Page 6: Pineal tones.pdf

Metaphor: A ladder that bridges

information between your

higher self and pineal gland.

Personal Activation: This level

brings forth expansion and

unfolding of telepathy and

intuition. Just as a crystal

stores and contains

information, so does the master

cell in the pineal gland. The

energy of the sacred geometry

of the merkabah delivers

information from one’s higher

self and higher dimensions. One

may begin to experience

dimensions that vibrate at a

higher rate than most humans

live in. Meditation: “Information flows

freely to me now. My telepathic

portals are open to receiving

knowledge that assists me on

my path and is for my highest


Page 7: Pineal tones.pdf

Metaphor: The book of

knowledge from the ancient

mystery schools is revealed. Personal Activation: The

capstone alighting the top of

the pyramid is lifted,

revealing all the magic and

secrets therein. A book

opens, and sacred knowledge

now comes to light. The

pineal gland sends and

receives light codes that

contain knowledge and

wisdom. As the pineal

absorbs the light-encoded

information, it elevates one’s

consciousness to remember

teachings your soul learned

in the ancient mystery

schools. Meditation: “I receive an

acceleration of light codes

and actively participate in

the flow of knowledge

revealed to me. All doors to

the universal mind are open

to me now.”

Page 8: Pineal tones.pdf

Metaphors: Just as the invisible air

circulates around the planet

connecting all things on earth, so

does the unseen ‘quantum foam’

connect our planet to all of the

universe. Personal Activation: The notion of

separateness between one’s self and

anything else is an illusion. Quantum

foam, also referred to as space-time

foam, is a concept in quantum

mechanics, devised by John Wheeler

in 1955. The foam is described as the

foundation of the fabric of the

universe. I perceived this foam as a

wall of bubbles that pulsed and

moved. As the bubbles pressed tightly

against one another, the pressure

caused light to shoot out between

them, and the light formed stars. In

this level, the pineal gland receives

light/sound/frequency transmissions

from the stars and becomes

synchronized with the rhythmic

vibration and pulse of the universe. It

feels like a vibratory attunement of

one’s pineal gland. Meditation: “My pineal gland vibrates

in resonant synchronicity with the

universe and brings forth a greater

understanding of oneness and All

That Is.”

Page 9: Pineal tones.pdf

Metaphor: Acceleration and

expansion of joy that is highly

supportive of YOU Personal Activation: Angelic

energy in this piece of art. The

activity of the pineal gland

increases its spin rate to a higher

vibration and the centrifugal force

expands it outward. The innate

intelligence of the DNA is in

direct contact with one’s pineal

gland, resulting in expanded

abilities. Light circulates in the

pineal and infuses a ‘message

from home’ that asks us to step

up and step out into the next level

of consciousness. The level

assists the etheric body in holding

more light and releasing density.

One now realizes their DNA is

able to access the higher

dimensions that are supportive of

WHO YOU ARE. Meditation: “I joyfully receive the

light of my DNA in illuminating my

path and ideal evolution for my


Page 10: Pineal tones.pdf

“All things are possible, as you have the

ability to make and re-make your reality

to align with your ideal purpose. This is

the story of creation. The opening up to

the realization that the god part of us

has the abilities to create in a grand

manner we never thought possible.

Believe and start creating with purpose. Metaphors: The physical world

disguises itself by wearing a mask of

density. Personal Activation: Reaches into deep,

deep space. A place where light gathers

and cosmic intelligence creates order. It

is sound, light and frequency that is

everywhere, yet nowhere. Threads of

divine intelligence form a mesh-like

fabric that intertwines, forming DNA.

What seems real and solid becomes

dissolved and remade into a new

structure. Although it may appear

unchanged, this new structure carries a

more aware form of consciousness. You

are now open to higher forms of

communication and higher levels of

being. Meditation: “I dissolve all densities that

no longer serve me, and bring in light of

the highest consciousness. My DNA

resonates with—and aligns with—

Cosmic Intelligence and pure Divine

Love. I step forward with renewed

passion for my path and for all


Page 11: Pineal tones.pdf

Level 11 has a message of

oneness and compassion. Does a

river separate two pieces of land

or join them? Does the music of

wind chimes cut through the

silence or embrace it? Ask your

cells to co-create with you, all

you desire. Metaphors: The Song of a

Balanced Heart. A centerpoint

for balancing energies such as

male/female, inward/outward,


compassion/allowing. Personal Activation: Level 11

connects to the heart and pours

forth the energy of love. This is

the love of the divine feminine,

the type of love a mother would

have for her child. To receive this

love opens the heart to receive

more light and experience a

profound connection to the

essence of light in everyone and

every thing. Meditation: “I receive love as

divine light that creates a sacred

space around my heart in this

plane and all planes of my being.

I receive this love inwardly to

myself and outwardly to all


Page 12: Pineal tones.pdf

This layer of DNA activation is often referred

to as the “God Layer”. God is the source of

creation, and since God is in US, we too can

create in ways more profound than we ever

dreamed. Level 12 carries this message of

creation and forming of new realities: from the

original thought to the formation of that

thought in the physical. Whatever we think,

we can create. Step outside the boundaries of

what is thought to be “possible” and start to

manifest your most creative dreams of

wellness, abundance, peace, unity,

timelessness or ANYTHING! It’s your to claim. Metaphors: Creative expression of the Divine

is our eternal purpose. Personal Activation: At the center of Level is a

golden DNA. (The twelve layers of Level 12

start to the upper left and move to the left

until they circle back to the center at the

bottom right.) A dimensional shift that brings

awareness to the fractal nature of the

universe. Just as our Creator makes us in their

likeness, we create others in our likeness. Our

role as creative expressionists is amplified by

the power in our DNA. Our DNA now responds

and adapts to our thought patterns and beliefs

as we re-create our world. By being creative

expressionists who generate from a space of

love, we are working with Source energy as

was intended. This alignment is palpable as

old belief systems fall away and you step

through doorways that open you to all

possibilities. Meditation: “I align with the Divine and step

through portals that activate my innate

abilities as a creative expressionist. I now

create my world to support and accelerate all

desires that serve the highest good for myself

and others.”

Page 13: Pineal tones.pdf

When this image was perceived during

toning, the spin rate on the energy was

very fast, perhaps the fastest vibration

of all the levels to date. It carries a

message of interconnectedness with all

in the universe. Remember, sound is a

vibration, and vibration creates

structure and geometry, which creates

our environment (reality). Use Level 13

as a tool in creating what you truly want

in your world. Metaphors: The part of me that sees,

sees nothing. The part of me that knows,

knows everything. Personal Activation: Seeing is limited,

knowing is limitless. The energy in this

art feels like an energy boost to the

chakras and aura. One may feel them

vibrate and expand, as I did. This level

feels like an energetic coating for the

DNA, that enhances awareness and

intuition. The coating acts as a conduit

for connectivity between the pineal (our

inner lotus blossom) and other

dimensional aspects of ourselves. The

energy of this level feels like a vehicle

that is shifting into fifth gear or turbo

drive. An acceleration of one’s level of

awareness of what reality is and how to

participate in creating it. Meditation: “All

aspects of my DNA, in this dimension

and all dimensions, now spins, vibrates,

rotates and moves freely in the vibration

of love, joy, peace and harmony.”

Page 14: Pineal tones.pdf

When experiencing the toning sounds

of this level of activation it felt very

energetic, powerful, yet soft and

loving. Words like ‘delightful’ are

descriptive of the feeling this very

loving energy brings forth. Metaphors: A vibration that’s so high

it’s perceived as “an all encompassing

mist”. Personal Activation: Feels like an

integration of all previous levels of

DNA Activation, as well as a

calibration if one’s DNA to evolve into

a being of unlimited potential. This

level feels very connected to water:

ripples of water and sound, wave-like,

and misty. Feels very Lemurian and

perhaps brings forth a remembrance

of ancient teachings now submerged.

This is the first level in the DNA

Activation series to contain coded

symbols, and they feel like they were

used in Lemurian ceremonies and

chants to invoke the ascended

masters and connect to the source.

This is a very loving energy that feels

delightful, joyous and dolphin-like. Meditation: “I remember my home and

who I am. I honor the evolution of my

path and bless all aspects of love that

support me in this lifetime.”

Page 15: Pineal tones.pdf

This was originally titled “Whale

tones”, but was recently revealed to

be Level 15 in the DNA Activation

series. The captures the sounds made

by humpback whales as expressed

through the human voice. Metaphors: The song of the whales is

the song of creation. Personal Activation: Of all the pineal

toning sounds (DNA Activation) I’ve

heard, Level 15 is the one I’ve heard

the most. It’s the sound of the whales

as made by human voice and it’s

amazingly profound. The energies here

expand the top three chakras beyond

what is normally achievable. The high

vibration rate brings about an

awareness shift of epic proportion and

a feeling of compassion for humankind

and a spirit of “we are one”. In this art,

the center octagon and pentagons

were perceived as ‘where the whale

sound originates from’. (Visit for more on this.)

The sounds of this Level 15 move in

spirals and had the feeling of weaving

DNA in a way that was like witnessing

matter being made from sound. Meditation: “I am part of the whole,

and in asking for healing, I heal others.

I seek abundance so that all may be

abundant. I am loved so that all may

be loved. We are one.”

Page 16: Pineal tones.pdf

Metaphors: The house of mirrors

reveals fear to be an illusion. See

the truth of what is, and the

illusion is shattered. Personal Activation: this is a very

powerful level of DNA Activation.

The pineal is infused with a very

high frequency, the kind that is

shown to shatter glass in sound

experiments. The cells of the

pineal vibrate and expand into a

‘blowout of white light’. This feels

like the energies of Levels 4, 5, 6,

7 and 8 combined together to

infuse the soul with compassion.

Uplifting, loving and powerful, we

now have full realization of what

each of us if capable of

manifesting. This aligns you with a

more truthful, accurate version of

who you are and what you can

achieve rapidly. Meditation: “I instruct my body to

release all illusions and limitations

from every atom within. As light

pours in, I am filled with the

compassion, love and wisdom of

cosmic intelligence and create all

my desires from this divine space.”

Page 17: Pineal tones.pdf

The energies in this piece of art came

through as ‘universal love’. While Level

15 has a feeling of the energies of the

whales, this Level 17 relates to the

dolphins and joy. It is nurturing, playful,

and joyful with a sense of what ‘home’

feels like. The home that we remember

before we came to this lifetime. It is

interesting that a cocoon is what I saw

for this piece of art. Cocoons symbolize

potential awaiting transformation.

Growing in a protected state before

experiencing great change and growth. Metaphors: The irridescent cocoon that

encircles you with love. Personal Activation: The light-filled

cocoon holds the vibration of love. It

resonates at the same frequency as

love, the universe and DNA. In this

vibration, all that does not serve you

falls away. Life flows more freely, and a

state of joy permeates your moments.

Level 17 has a dolphin-like energy

associated with. It’s the energy of love,

joy and bliss. This level feels especially

sweet, and the desire to be inside the

warm cocoon is strong. You may

meditate on this if you also feel drawn

to it. Meditation: “I am home, and love is my

home. I thrive here and radiate this love

to my world.”

Page 18: Pineal tones.pdf

Level 18 had the message and feeling of a new

structure being created for our DNA. It was very

fractal-like and can be described as DNA giving

birth to an evolved form of itself, or a new form of

DNA. A genetic patterning that is interdimensional

and suited to the energies that we are moving into. There have been many interesting reports from

people who have heard the Pineal Tones for Level

18. Their experiences are associated with time

travel, no time, time stopping and even time going

backwards on clocks. One person told me about

the clock in their car being significantly out of sync

with the ‘real’ time, for no apparent reason. It was

backwards from the actual time. And then seeing

the clock shift again, forward, for no apparent

reason and, still, it was not in sync with the correct

time. I had my own experience after hearing Level

18. I went home and saw my DVR clock not only be

out of sync with the ‘real’ time—for no apparent

reason—but I also saw it go backwards for several

minutes, and then forwards again. I have also

noticed this happening too with clocks that sync to

satellites, such as GPS clocks. Perhaps time is

dissolving or becoming a bit less real than we are

used to. Metaphor: Entering a portal that creates a

dimensional shift. Personal Activation: The feeling of being in a time

tunnel or experiencing time travel and dimensional

travel. Time exists as energy that flows freely,

back and forth. Level 18 presented itself as “DNA

giving birth to a new form of DNA”, thus a new

human is created in the same body. The DNA form

looked as if a mesh-like squid or jellyfish that gave

off bubbles of light. The overall feeling of the

creation of a new structure that supports what we

are evolving into. Meditate on this one and see

where it takes you! Meditation: “I am a renewed and evolving spark of

the Divine, and my abilities expand accordingly.”

Page 19: Pineal tones.pdf

Level 19 was very unique in that it had some of the same geometries as

previous Levels, and some that were brand new. The hexagon is one of the

geometries that I don’t recall seeing that in other illustrations for the Pineal

Tone art. Another new shape was something that resembled a tree-of-life, but it

had 7 circles or spheres on it. Three on each side, plus one on top. It definitely

wanted to have 7 circles, not 6 and not 8. I drew it exactly as I saw it. One of

the tree shapes wanted to be placed INSIDE the center sphere in the art. It

didn’t feel complete until that was done. As always, before starting the Pineal Tones digital paintings, I meditate and ask

to see how to assemble the movement of the geometries and symbols into the

art. When I heard Level 19 for the first time, I saw a hexagon that unfolded

itself, and each side became a triangular section. These appeared to hinge and

open up, like a flower opens up. As I drew this hexagon unfolding, I realized I

was drawing a merkabah. It hadn’t occurred to me until then, that the hexagon

was a folded merkabah. I was pleasantly surprised, and drew it as such in the

art. After the art was finished, I meditated on meanings of Level 19. The information

that presented itself to me was that this particular tone had to do with Pleiadian

communication. The meditation revealed that Levels 19, 20 and 21 may be the

“Pleiadian Layers”, just as Levels 10, 11 & 12 are identified as the Lemurian

Layers. A phrase that came through during this meditation described the energy

of Level 19 as “The Original Code”. The tree-of-life shape in this art is actually a

symbol that represents a code of some sort, as well as a generator. It’s a

Pleiadian implant that was given to humans eons ago, as we were being seeded

by the beings or consciousness of that star system. It is in our DNA. The sphere

in the center of the art represents a soul, it is the soul of the viewer (you) who is

looking at the art. The words that came with this are: “There was once

Awakening. Now there is Re-Awakening. There was once Union. Now there is

Re-Union.” It is this imprint that is coming into its full expression now, and

opening us up to a more vibrant form of consciousness. This layer also felt like it had to do with joyful manifestation, and dimension

travel. I got the impression that the merkabah is a hexagon that extrudes itself

into a 6-sided pyramid-like structure, and then opens up like a lotus blossom. It

moves and spins and carries great energy and is a tool for extruding dimensions

and rendering time as non-existent. Something about how the merkabah joins

with other merkabahs facilitates or makes travel possible. The gold in the art seemed to be important to use. It felt like gold may also have

to do with the Pleiadians, as a means of communicating or enhancing the

electrical charge that’s carried within the code symbol. The energies of this art

can be summed up by saying this assists in connecting us with the original

architecture of our DNA. Oh, and I found it interesting, after I finished the art, that the roman numerals

for 19 = XIX, which forms a hexagon in the center, kind of mimicking the shapes

in the art above it. Enjoy!

Page 20: Pineal tones.pdf

While observing the energy in this level of the

Pineal Tones, I saw DNA form as spiraling

strands of energy. As they became interwoven,

‘ladder rungs’ formed and connected the strands.

The DNA became golden in color and more

structured at that point. The ladder rungs were

like cylinders and seemed to hold information.

Spheres of ‘codes’ that had information in them

came shooting out of the cylinder like pellets. As

the cylinder sprayed out these spheres of

information, I saw one of them open up and

unroll like a scroll. On it there were codes that

were shaped like squares and rectangles. I don’t

have a translation for these codes, but they feel

like the interdimensional information that is

within our DNA: the part that physics is still

trying to understand. You may meditate and tune

into this yourself and see what comes through

for you. A toroid-like shape also appeared, and that is

included at the bottom of the DNA strand. It may

be a depiction of what the coiled DNA looks like

when it is tightly woven. An interesting side note is that before I went to

the hear these tones in Dr. Todd’s office, I was

hearing them at home. I was in my home, and

getting ready to leave, when I swear I heard Dr.

Todd’s voice singing the tones. He has a unique

vocal and I was sure it was him. Twenty minutes

later when I got to his office, I could hear him

practicing the tones as I walked in. I told him I

heard him singing at my home, and he asked me

when that was. I said, “Twenty minutes ago.” He

told me he was looking at his notes for Level 20

and mentally singing them in his head at that

time. So, this level seemed to involve pre-

cognitive hearing, which was something new to


Page 21: Pineal tones.pdf

As I watched the energies of this tonal frequency

forming, I saw a shape that looked like a cross

between a radial galaxy and a mandala (flower-like)

shape. It moved and formed into sheets of light, with

no particular structure to it. It had the appearance of

an aurora borealis or sheer curtains of energy

moving in waves. As the frequencies radiated

outward and upward, concentric rings formed. The

words “similar to the way a solar system might form”

came to mind as I observed it. It also felt like as the

main shape (the flower-mandala) expands it creates

larger versions of itself, in the same manner that

ripples on a pond create larger ripples as it radiates. The energy here feels like one in which pure creation

is observed. The frequencies form geometries, and

the geometries form the world around us. The

magenta color was a surprise, and a first in this

series. But it felt very loving, like creation

manifesting from one’s heart. It also feels like 19, 20

and 21 in this series are a group. Part of reclaiming

the limitless we posses, and making us each our own

masters and imagineers of our creations. All of life is

creative, and using it for purposeful manifestation is

the reason why we came here. Metaphor: The formation of light through sound &

frequency. Personal Activation: The radiating geometries of

sound form beautiful patterns in our world, yet for

the most part, they are unseen. Visualize the

patterns that you are creating, and see them interact

with those of humanity as whole. The frequential

patterns form the grid system of our planet, and you

may uplift them through actions and deeds. Although

I use the word sound , it is far less limiting to use the

word FREQUENCY. A sound cannot always be heard,

but a frequency can carry to all places at all times. Meditation: “I am an intricate geometric pattern,

resonating to both earth & sun. My frequency forms a

flower in the garden of humanity.”

Page 22: Pineal tones.pdf

When creating the Level 22 painting, the meanings

that came through were that this level—and the

next—is about being in Mastery. As one moves into

personal mastery, we no longer make mind-based

decisions. Instead one’s thoughts and actions are

directed by the organ that is most connected to the

divine source: the heart. Filtering a thought or action

through the heart keeps one in integrity and provides

a compass that will always be a trusted guide. When seeing this image during the Pineal Tones, the

object at the bottom decried itself a ‘chromosome’.

I’m not a scientist and don’t know what a

chromosome looks like. After finishing this painting, I

Googled chromosome images and was surprised to

see remarkably similar shapes, spindles and

representations. The meaning that was given for this

‘chromosome’ in my art is the “unbinding of the

chromosome”. Those were the words that came

through with the vision. As this chromosome opened,

geometric spheres that were inside of it were

released. The spheres were made of patterns that

were slightly reminiscent of snowflakes, and quite

beautiful to behold. It felt like these spheres that

were being released contained codes or signals that

are carried within light. Metaphor: When you live through your heart, you walk

hand in hand with the divine. Personal Activation: The radiating circles at the top

and bottom of this painting represent sending and

receiving. Our DNA sends and receives signals of

coded information that assists us in creating our

bodies and our world. As your DNA and chromosomes

open up and evolve, be receptive to new information

that is integrating in ways that are new to you. It is

right timing that these are being activated now for our

evolution as human beings and divine beings. Meditation: “I accept the light that carries all

possibilities to the DNA within me, and I transmit this

divine light out to create my world.”

Page 23: Pineal tones.pdf

The information for my Art of the Pineal Tones arrives in bundles,

spread out over time. When I meet with the core group for receiving

the tones, I get a visual and some meanings when the tones are heard.

Later, when I listen to the recording prior to starting a painting, more

details are received as expanded understandings come into my

awareness. And finally, as I create each piece of art, I come into

greater understanding once again. Often, even further meanings are

received in the months and years after a painting is completed. A lot

like how life works, yes? Level 23 seems to be all about the 3′s and the creative force. In

numerology, three is associated with creativity. If the numbers 1 and 2

are seen as the parents, then 3 is the sum of those together, or the

offspring created by the first two numbers. There were three parts to

this pineal tone sequence, and three visuals given to me. The first was

a fan-shaped paintbrush type of object, which later revealed itself to

be the diamond symbol seen at the top of the art. The paintbrush was

shown to me as “the symbol of creating”. The second visual I received was a circle or sphere. The Pythagoreans

considered the sphere to be the master shape, even more elevated in

stature and closer to the Divine than the 5 Platonic Solids. In this art,

the words I received with the sphere shape were “symbolic of re-

creating ourselves as Masters.” Personal self-mastery is what these

times of evolution are all about. If each person masters their lessons

and walks the earth in mastery, we will witness the highest vibration

this planet has known. And that’s what we’re here for. The third visual I saw was a scattering of lines. They looked random,

but they were in groups of three’s. These are “lines that have not yet

made themselves into something.” They are the manifesting of thought

taking form. Level 23 is all about the creative force within all of us, the

creative force that made all of us, and the creative force that has no

beginning and no end. Metaphor: In order to paint the life you desire, you must first pick up

the paintbrush. Personal Activation: See yourself as the perfect sphere in this painting.

The Y-shaped symbol in the center are the energies of polarity (also

known as male-female energies) merging into one at your energy

center. Your desire (intention) is the spark that ignites the

manifestation of what you seek to create in this life. The beauty of the

human experience here on earth is that we are a species that CAN

create, and that is truly why we chose to be here. Use the electro-

magnetic energy in your field to activate your creation into being, and

to align with Personal Mastery. Meditation: “The primal creative force is within me and without me. I

now call upon this and utilize it to shape my life’s experiences.”

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The 24th and final piece of art (I think) in the Art of the

Pineal Tones for DNA Activation. I started this series in

late December 2006, and never imagined how it would

evolve into 24 pieces of art, taking nearly 6 years to

complete. What an incredible journey, to experience each

new Pineal Tone and then bring the frequency to life in a

richly dimensional visual form. It’s not an undertaking I

could have prepared for or foreseen while planning my art

career, but it’s what I am meant to do. I am truly grateful

to my friend Yawee, and our collaboration on this

fantastic project of sharing the tones with you. Level 24 conveys the message of “Returning Home” or

“Returning to Home”. The energy and vision of the

symbols contained in this painting express merging with

the parts of ourselves that are always in resonance with

the divine energy of source. You might describe this as

merging with god, oneness, love, all that is, or any

number of names. This is the feeling of one’s soul

merging with all that is present in the unified creative

force that we came from. While painting this piece of art, I felt very strong

emotions. It was a mixture of intense joy and love,

almost moving me to tears. And then it was a sadness or

a longing. That’s what thinking of home feels like. Do you

remember? Some day, when the time comes for us to exit

this plane of existence, I imagine the reception in the

other side of the veil to look like Level 24. What a joyous

celebration of light that will be! You WILL be recognized! Metaphor: A molecule of water does not see itself as a

limitless ocean. Personal Activation: It has often been said that the

illusion of life is that we are separate from the eternal

creative force that we came from. Level 24 reminds us

that “Returning Home” or merging with this divine source

is possible even while in our physical bodies. Gaze upon

this art and visualize your soul as a joyous dance of

light/energy. See it within you and without you. Imagine

the dance it makes as your energy floats and plays with

all the universe has to offer. See yourself connecting with

the divine light and see it also seeking you out, and

streaming light over you. In this, you will find strength in

who you truly are. Meditation: “I AM all that is, and all that is, is me.”

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The geometries in Level 25 came in very strong

and very specific. There is a connection to

knowledge from ancient Egypt contained

within the frequencies here, and a connection

to the other places we’ve experienced outside

of planet earth, from other lifetimes. At the

base is a blue pyramid shape made of

frequencies, although it appears solid, it is not.

It broadcasts to the earth, represented by the

turquoise bead surrounded in gold. The

geometry in the center is where

communication takes place between these

other lifetimes and abilities to the now. This

geometry is made of a material that is

somewhere between glass and metal. The

octahedron represent you, and above that, is

the representation of the planets and abilities

that are now beginning to be called forth. Sit

with this art and intend to strengthen your

connection, and see what comes through for

you. It will be unique to your own lineage. Metaphor: The Egyptian scarab moves

effortlessly between two worlds, both seen and

unseen, regenerating life in a miraculous and

simple way. Personal Activation: Communication from our

star family invoking a remembrance of your

home planet, or dimension you are most at

home in. The main geometry in this art calls

itself a “transitor”. It is not a device, but rather

an intrinsic part within us that can be used to

regrow or regenerate body parts. It’s used as a

communication tool and does this by tapping

into the aether energy. This is related to our

Egyptian past and part of our future, and we

are learning how to access this ability at this

time. Meditation: “I am a Master of Rebirth and


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Level 26 comes from a place of stillness,

the void from which creation springs.

Within the perfection of the sphere, like

the geometries of the triangle. One point

is a dot, two points are a line, and three

points create the triangle: the first shape

that is a plane and can contain something.

This geometric design carries the

frequencies of the remembrance of being

at one with Source. Before there was a

separation that became you, your soul,

there was this place of oneness. Sit with this and feel the energy, quietly

call in the feeling that this memory brings. Metaphor: Infinite joyful creation, without

beginning or end. Personal Activation: Remembering being

at ONE with the Source, or the first

outbreath that created your soul. The

sphere is a symbol of perfection, and

wholeness. It knows no struggle. It’s the

master shape the encompasses

everything. All points on the surface are

equally accessible from the center, and it

is the basis for the Flower of Life. The

sphere is a zero in numerology, and

signifies all that was before creation, and

our God power —the ability to

create/manifest. It also represents

potential, choice and creating from the

void. Synthesize your god-power with the

use of sound and the imagery in Level 26

art. Meditation: “The Divine Spark within me

knows my way home.”

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Level 27 enhances the

pineal gland with an

energy field that gave it

new abilities outside of the

physical body. There were

antennas that came out of

the pineal gland that

brought in communication,

as well as sent it out. The

pineal appeared to unfold

as a lotus flower, or many-

petaled flower. I don’t

know if the pineal actually

looks like what I drew, but

that’s how I saw it. There

were many dimensional

triangles that one could

move through, and those

are depicted at the top of

Level 27.

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Level 28 had a very, very

high spin rate. I think the

other level where I saw

such a spin rate was Level

13. Level 28 feels like it

has to do with the spiral

inside the heart, as well as

“radial fractals”. This is

the manifestation of

thought through

connection with the heart.

There are radial arms

above and below my

irridescent heart spiral,

made of Mandelbrot

fractals with radial arms

within them. Fractals

within fractals…. The bubble-pearl in the

center is there to

hold balance…but it feels

like more of a magnetic

balance with a push-pull

attribute to it.

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Level 29 carries the energy of ”The Song of

the Strands”, according to Dr. Todd, originator

of the Pineal Tones. As I listened to the tonal pattern for Level

29, the first words that were intuitively

received were ‘A prayer for humanity’. The central image I saw was a spiral DNA

strand that appeared as if it were ‘unzippered’,

in 2 rows. The part of the helix that looks like

ladder rungs appeared more like matchsticks

or the filaments and anthers of a flower. It was

puzzling. It wasn’t until 30 minutes afterwards

when I was sketching the art that a flood of

information came in. The filaments/anthers

were symbolic of the base pairs in DNA. After the Mt. Shasta Celebration Choir, Dr.

Todd stated that Level 27-28 opened us up to

new wonders like a petal on a rose

unfolding. Level 29 now zooms in further,

taking us into the center of the rose, where

pollination takes place. Where the creation or

reproduction of the next fractal occurs. The

base pairs appeared to be awaiting

‘pollination;, and I intuited that the pollen was

a metaphor for LIGHT. Light can be carried into

the DNA in various ways, including sound. Sound creates light and is the pollinator of our

DNA, it activates it, and DNA responds to it.

Sound enlivens your DNA, and in doing so,

opens one up to seeing & feeling & playing

with one’s new-found creative abilities. Light

plays the song of the strands like a maestro on

an angelic harp. It is the song in celebration of


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Level 30 carries the vibration of "A Leap of

Faith", according to Dr. Todd, originator of

the Pineal Tones. When I saw the geometries of this level of

the Pineal tones, it felt like a

FOUNDATION. The perspective grid felt

like it was propelling one forward, into

movement, in a gentle and natural way. It

wasn't perceived as a 'push' in any way.

What I intuitively ‘heard’ was that this was

not so much that this tone provides you

with a Leap of Faith, but rather, it is a

FOUNDATION for your Leap of Faith. It

provides the BALANCED PLATFORM from

which to leap. One cannot leap effectively

if they are standing on a pile of loose

rubble. You may put a lot of effort into

falling right where you are standing. If you

have a stable and solid base to stand on,

you can leap much farther with less effort.

This tone seems to provide that base from

which to leap.

The 3-sided triangle is a PERSON (you, the

viewer, or the one making the toning

sound). The pyramidal arcs to each side

of it feel like the energy surrounding the

possibilities that are there when one leaps

forward. The metallic object above the

pyramid feels like it holds the outcomes of

all possibilities that exist for a soul. It

moves and can unfold itself to make it into

other geometric shapes, much like the

way origami might unfold and reshape a

piece of paper into something else. Enjoy

Level 30 and see what unfolds for you with

the creative numeroligal aspect of the
