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  • 7/29/2019 Pink Province


    Ray 1

    Pink Province

    Written By: Ross Ray

    Lianna, the princess of the city of Kale, is just about to turn 21. Upon her 21st

    birthday, she will be

    forced to bear children for the rest of her life, for the chance of having a female baby. Lianna objects to

    this, but she has no say in her life.

    A thief is caught stealing gold from the treasure room, and it is a girl! She was disguised as a man, and

    has short red hair. Her name is Alyese. They plan to make her a birther as punishment, but the king

    says she is to masculine, and gives her to the guards as a moral booster.

    Lianna, longing to run away, visits Alyese. Alyese begs and deceives Lianna into freeing her. The next

    night, Lianna puts on armor, and goes to Alyeses holding cell. When she gets there, Alyese is naked and

    chained to the wall. She is covered in bruises and cuts, and the place reeks sweat. Lianna puts a robe

    on her, they leave the room. Before running away, Lianna grabs Alyeses cloths and bow, and the two

    sneak out the back entrance and into a forest.

    The next morning, Alleyse thanks Lianna, but criticizes her on bringing such a small amount of food.

    Eventually, they are attacked by guards searching for the princess. The battle serves as a tutorial, and is

    relatively easy. After the day is over, the two camp out in the forest again.

    When Lianna wakes up, everything is gone. Alleyse has robbed her! Lianna wanders the forest, knowingthat if she goes back to Kale, she will lose all of her freedom. After almost a complete day of walking

    and avoiding wolves, she is confronted by more guards. The battle is one-sided, and just about when

    Lianna is about to lose, a man in a hooded robe kills the guards, saving Lianna. Lianna passes out shortly

    after, and when she comes to, the hooded man is gone.

    Once again, Lianna wonders the forest, and then she is attacked again. But this time, by three women!

    The three women are about to kill Lianna, when Alleyse appears from behind them, and orders the

    attack off. Alleyse apologizes for robbing Lianna, but then says that Lianna was only slowing her down.

    Alleyse is the leader of an all-female village, hidden in the forest. Alleyse tells Lianna that as the leader,

    Alleyse leaves and robs the surrounding towns to help keep this village alive. Lianna fits in well, and gets

    along with Alleyess younger sister, Ellia, perfectly. Ellia, at 14yrs old, is the youngest girl that they know

    of, and is thought to be the last girl ever born. Lianna wants to fight along with Alleyse, so Alleyse trains

    her. Lianna has her hair cut, and after a while, is ready to raid cites with Alleyse.

    Lianna and Aleyse steal from many places, and become good friends over time. They eventually swear

    off all men, and vow to live in their all-female utopia for the rest of their lives, and begin to develop a

    deep love for each other. Theyre love never becomes sexual, but the love they share is a bond that

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    cannot be broken. Many side stories happen here, such as learning about Aleyses mother, and rescuing

    girls from brothels. As Lianna and Aleyse rob more and more cities, they overhear rumors about how

    the world is going to end.

    The two girls arrive at the next town they are going to raid, but before they start, they gather around a

    large group of people in the town square. A young man is about to hang. The young mans name isMichael, and he is being hung for treason. Lianna and Alyese decide to use this execution as a

    distraction. But before Michael is hung, he breaks free! Takes a sword from a guard, cuts his rope and

    runs around the city. The two girls quickly make their way into the treasure room, but they find Michael

    in there! The three argue about who owns the treasure, when they are suddenly attacked. The three

    are forced to retreat, and go their separate ways once leaving the city. Lianna and Alyese are angered

    that they got no treasure, and decide to call it off until the city cools off.

    The two find a cabin, and see Michael next to it. The three get into a scuffle, but an old man breaks up

    the fight. The old man is Michaels father, and explains why Michaels was going to be hung. Michael is

    a creative individual, who believes that there is an underlying reason for there being so few females.

    Michael also believes that the answer is not sex, and that there must be another way to have more

    female children. Michael says that since he was going to be hung, he planned on robbing the place, and

    declares that he will go first thing in the morning, and invites Lianna and Alyese to help him and split the


    Lianna and Alyese dont trust Michael primarily because of his gender, but agree with his beliefs. They

    reluctantly agree to raid the city with him, mostly because they will be able to steal more as a group of


    The raid is a success, but when they get back to Michaels home, the house is on fire, and guards are

    destroying the place. Michaels father is killed, and trio has a hard time killing the guards. When theydo, Michael briefly mourns his father, and asks the girls to let him join them. The girls pity him, and

    going against their vow of swearing off all men, allow him to join.

    The girls introduce Michael to the village of women, and have him go on raids with them. Michael takes

    a liking to Ellia, and teaches her how to use a dagger in self-defense. Many short stories happen her,

    such as Lianna getting abducted then rescued by Alyese and Michael, and trying to rescue girls from

    birthing farms. The three warm up to each other, the girls are still distant to Michael because of his

    gender, and are wary that he will betray them.

    After a while, Alyese becomes ill, and finds herself vomiting regularly, and feeling light headed.

    Eventually, Alyese realizes that she has missed her period, and comes to the realization that she is

    pregnant. Lianna believes it was from when Alyese was held prisoner in Kale, but Alyese says that she

    took every precaution to make sure this wouldnt happen. But regardless, Alyese is pregnant, and the

    three have to deal with it.

    Alyese abruptly declares that she should abort it, claiming that she is not a motherly individual, and that

    the baby would just be another boy. She also says that the child will slow her down in battle, and she

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    will eventually be forced to stop raids all together. After a lengthy discussion, Lianna tells Alyese what

    she thinks is the best decision. The player chooses what Lianna thinks. Alyese then decides that she

    needs to be alone, and leaves for the night.

    If the player chose for Lianna to say abortion, Lianna and Michael wake up, and begin to make breakfast,

    waiting for Alyese to rejoin them. After a short while, Alyese walks back, her thighs and hands covered

    in blood, and her eyes watery. Lianna runs to comfort her, and Alyese cries that she had no choice, and

    shes sorry. The team goes on, a sad mood fills them.

    If the player chose for Lianna to tell Alyese to keep it, Lianna and Michael wake up, and begin to make

    breakfast, waiting for Alyese to rejoin them. After a short while, Alyese walks back, and tells that she

    decided to keep the baby. Lianna hugs her, and says shes proud of her. Alyese claims that the baby is

    her new priority, and that she must not get hurt in battle. The game will end if Alyese falls in battle

    (KO), and from now on, Alyese runs slower in battle.

    The group of three decides to rob Kale, Liannas home town. On the way there, they run into the

    hooded man from the beginning. Lianna recognizes him, and says that they must attack him first before

    they are attacked. They get into a futile battle, and after the hooded man defeats them with magic, he

    removes his hood, and tells them his name is Kemual. He declares the trio as foolish thieves and

    infidels. He then says that if they wish to confront him again, he will be in Kale.

    After Kemual leaves, the party is too weak to chase after him, and Lianna is in a panic as to what he will

    do to Kale. After a day of rest, they hurry to Kale. Liannas priority is to warn her parents of the magical

    hooded man, but they are still there to rob the place. So Lianna will act as a distraction while Alyese and

    Michael loot.

    When the three get to Kale, they walk to the center, but before they split up, they see Kemual in front of

    everyone giving a speech. He is preaching about the end of the world. His speech goes like this.

    Are you all wondering why there are no girls? My name is Kemual, and I am an angel sent from God.

    Humans have been very sinful. God is going to cleanse the Earth of humans, then destroy the planet

    and start anew. Humanity is already damned. There will never be another female child. To purge the

    planet of the left over humans and animals, God will open the gates of Hell, and let demons run the

    Earth. Once all life is gone, the water will vanish, and all will be still. Then God can craft a new world.One will less sinful populace. I was sent to Earth to warn all the towns on the planet. This is the last

    place I had to warn. Hell will open up in five days.

    The city panics, and goes into an uproar. Lianna, Alyese and Michael are uneasy with what Kemual had

    to say, but they use the panic to their advantage. Lianna runs to her parents to tell them of her new life

    and what Kemual said. The Queen is very happy to see her daughter, but the King is very unpleased.

    The King is constantly interrupting, and it turns out that he knew Kemuel was coming. He had overheard

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    of Kemual from other Kings. The King thinks Kemual is a liar, and instructs Lianna to stay and be a

    birther. Lianna gets angry, and when she sees Alyese and Kemual with treasure out the window, she

    decides its time to go. She flees without saying good bye, and the King sends his best general after her.

    When Lianna meets up with her friends just outside of Kale, the Kings general attacks with soldiers. The

    battle is fierce, but the three eventually defeat him. The general lays down in pain, and then shouts thathe is not finished. The general stands up and stabs his sword through Liannas shoulder. Just before he

    finishes her off, Alyese shoots an arrow through his head. The three are fatigued, but start to laugh at

    their victory. However, it is short lived. Lianna sees a soldier with a bow behind Alyese. Lianna tries to

    warn her, but an arrow goes right through Alyeses shoulder. Lianna tries to limp to her, but more

    soldiers appear, and they shoot more arrows into Alyeses body. Alyese falls to the ground in pain, as

    more arrows go through her body. Knowing that staying would be suicide, Michael pulls away Lianna

    from her friend and forces them to retreat. With Liannas bad shoulder, they barely escape.

    Lianna is disgusted with Michael for forcing her to leave Alyese. Michael tells her they had no choice,

    and will rescue her from Kale in the morning. The next day, Liannas arm is still badly hurt, and in

    combat, she is weak. When they go back to the dungeon, Alyese is not there! Lianna asks her mother,

    and the Queen in a sad voice tells her that the prisoner has been taken to another town. The queen

    sympathizes with her daughter, and apologizes that she doesnt know which town Alyese was take to.

    Lianna and Michael leave Kale, and before they start looking for Alyese, they run into Kemual. They are

    wary of him, but Kemual doesnt attack. He walks to Lianna, and in a god-like act, holds his hand above

    her arm and heals her. Kemual then declares that they will find their friend, two towns south of here,

    and that she needs their help. They take his words to heart, and go south.

    They get to the town, and see a red haired girl being chased by men. Upon rescuing her, they find out it

    is Ellia! Ellia says that the women village ran out of food, and that they couldnt wait any longer, so Elliawent out on her own. Lianna angrily scolds Ellia, and informs her that her sister is missing. They take

    Ellia half way home, then the sky turns red. Monsters start crawling from holes in the ground, demons!

    Lianna and Michael fight the demons, and barely win. They tell Ellia to go straight home, and the two

    continue their search from Alyese.

    They run into Kemual again. This time, angry that he told them they would find Alyese. Kemual tells

    them that they found their friend, and that he did not specify who would be found. Lianna pleads that

    he tell them where Alyese is, but Kemual is un-phased, and askes why he should help a group of thieves.

    Lianna says that she loves Alyese, and that her reasons for stealing were only to help the other girls.

    Kemual eventually agrees to help, but says they need to act less sinfull. Kemual then says that althoughhe doesnt know where Alyese is, Liannas dad must. The three head back to Kale in a hurry, as the

    apocalypse is starting.

    Once back at Kale, demons have overrun the place. The queen mutilated; her head on a stick. After

    killing many demons, the three search for the King and find him hiding in a closet. Lianna interrogates

    him with her sword to his neck. The king cries, and says that she was sent to Sesso, the city ofsin.

    Sesso is a city of brothels and sex joints. Most of the women are sent there against their will, either

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    because they committed a crime, or simply because they are barren. In her anger, Lianna almost kills

    her father, but then lets him live, and the three head to Sesso.

    Lianna, Michael have a difficult time getting there with all the demons, but with Kemuals magic powers,

    they manage. When they finally arrive at Sesso, the place is in ruin. Some buildings are on fire while

    others are falling apart. The bodies of prostitutes litter the streets, and blood stains the walls. Thethree search the place up and down, and then enter a large whore house. They are greeted by two large

    demons, and get into a difficult battle. After the fight, the party scavenges around the dead bodies,

    hoping not to find Alyeses body. Then the party of three goes to the roof, and to their dismay, find

    Alyeses naked corpse crucified to the steeple. This sends Lianna in to a hysterical frenzy. She declares

    that she hates all men, and that men are responsible for the apocalypse and Alyeses death. Then she

    runs off.

    When Lianna runs off, Michael feels useless. He is hurt that she said all men were bad. Kemual insists

    that Michael is much more than just a man, and reassures him that he is righteous for not having taken

    advantage of women. Kemual then takes Michaels hand, and it glows blue.

    Lianna runs to the edge of a cliff, and in a depressed state, begins to walk to the edge. Right as she is

    just about to jump, she hears a girl cry. Lianna goes to help the scream, and find Ellia! She is being

    chased by demons. Lianna saves her life, and gives Ellia a dagger. Ellia can now fight, but she is not that

    strong. Ellia said that the women village was overrun with monsters, and she had to run. The two girls

    head back to the village in a hurry, but when they arrive, everyone is dead. The demons that killed the

    girls then start to persue Lianna and Ellia. The two are forced to fight, and they begin to lose rather fast.

    Just before they die, Michael comes in to the rescue, and he has magic powers! With Michael, the

    battle is one-sided.

    Once the demons are killed, Lianna confronts Michael, asking where he got his powers. Michael thenpunches Lianna in the face and sets the record straight. He says that he just saved her life, and didnt

    even get a thanks. And that her hating men just because of their gender makes her a hypocrite.

    Michael end his speech saying that he is here to protect her, and demands better respect. Lianna breaks

    into tears, and apologizes. After the heartfelt reunion, Michael tells Ellia of the situation.

    After coping with the fact that her sister is dead, Ellia takes her sisters bow from Michael, and decides

    to use it as her own. Michael says that Kemual gave him this power, and that Kemual told him they

    should meet up with him on the mountain top. The newly formed party of three make their way to

    mountain, and meet Kemual.

    Kemual, meeting Ellia for the first time, informs her that he is an angel sent from God. Ellia calls him

    out, saying its impossible. Her questioning makes Lianna also question Kemuals word. Kemual takes of

    his robe, puts his hands to the air, and sprouts wings.

    Kemual reintroduces himself:

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    I am Kemual, the protector ofHeaven. I was sent here to warn the humans of the apocalypse, and my

    mission is complete. However, Lianna, I have found you journey to be full of disdain and unfairness. Yet

    all you do, you do for others. The same goes for you friends. You are pure. You give me hope for

    whats left of humanity. So I will bestow the heavenly power of magic to the three of you.

    Michael, the wise, gets the power Ice. Lianna, the passionate, gets the power of Fire. And Ellie, theinnocent, gets the power of Mother Earth. After giving magic powers to the humans, Kemual tells them

    that it is the best of his hopes that they use the powers righteously and do whats right. Upon being

    asked what the righteous thing is to do, Kemual tells them it is up for them to find out. Kemual then

    flys away.

    Unsure of what to do with their powers, the three think about what would be the righteous thing to

    do. They cant come to a decision, so Lianna recommends they go back to Kale, wanting to see if her

    dad is still alive. Once they get there, everyone is dead except for the King, and all the demons are gone.

    The king says once the demons thought everyone was dead, they left for another town. The king feels

    disgusted with himself for hiding, but says he would be dead if he didnt. Hoping to fix the wrongs of his

    past, the king offers to use his kingdom as a safe haven for any survivors Lianna, Ellia and Michael rescue

    from other places. The three accept the offer, feeling that killing demons and saving survivors would be

    the most holy option.

    The party of three goes to various towns, saving surviving men here and there. While saving people,

    Lianna comes to the realization that Ellia and herself might be the only two females left on the planet.

    Shortly after realizing this, a large demon the size of a bear appears out of nowhere, and gives the main

    characters a difficult battle, even with their magic powers. Once they finally kill it, all the other small

    demons start run in fear, but Lianna grabs one and begins to violently interrogate it. The demon tells

    them that the large demon they killed was one of the five elite demons of the apocalypse, and that if all

    five elites are killed, the leader of the apocalypse, overlord Beelzebub, will appear. Upon hearing this

    information, Lianna, Ellia and Michael decide that the best course of action is to kill the leader of the

    apocalypse, and kill the elites. Before Lianna kills the grunt demon she is interrogating, it tells her about

    the last four elites alive. A dragon, a lava monster, a speed demon, and a snake. While saving survivors,

    the three head out to slay the elites.

    This part would be a large portion of the game. Throughout killing the elites, Michael and Lianna

    become closer to each other, and begin to develop a love for each other. After many battles, they kill all

    of the elites accept for the snake. While searching for the snake, they hear a scream; a female scream.

    They find a beautiful women being pursued by demons. After saving her, she introduces herself as

    Ashley. She says her family was killed by a large snake in Sesso. Since Sesso is so close by, they decide it

    would be best to kill the snake first, then take Ashley to Kale afterwords..

    In Sesso, the snake appears, and right before the battle, Ashley runs away in fear. The snake puts up a

    good fight, but he is no match for the heroes. After killing it, the three split up searching for Ashely.

    Michael searches out of town, and the girls search inside of Sesso.

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    Ellia finds a man left alive, but when she tries to heal him, he is too weak. The man tells her to come

    close, and he tells her something that startles Ellia. Michael finds Ashley near the cliff where Lianna

    once was at, and Ashley begins to over zealously thank him. She then begins to seductively touch his

    body, and begins to kiss him. Michael tries to hold back, but Ashley seduces him, and she begins telling

    him to protect her, save her, love her. Lianna runs into a small demon, but kills it with ease. She then

    meets with Ellia who tells her what the man told her. He told Ellia that there were three snakes here,

    but they were controlled by a much larger snake that looked like a woman. The two know it must be

    Ashley, and they search for Michael.

    When they find Michael, but its too late. He is covered in a pink flame, and is being controlled by

    Ashley, who has transformed into a large serpent siren. In this battle, Ashley will kiss Michael when she

    is low on health to absorb his life, and if the girls kill Michael, the battle will end in a game over. Once

    Ashley is finally defeated, Liannas voice breaks the curse on Michael, and he slays Ashley, finishing the

    last of the elites.

    Now that all the elites are dead, the party of three waits for overlord Beelzebub to appear, but nothing

    happens. Disappointed, they start to head back to Kale. When Kale is just in sight, the sky starts to

    darken, and then hundreds of demons charge to the city. The party runs into Kale just before the

    demons swarm it. Everyone in Kale fights, but the key players are the main characters with magic. The

    swarm lasts forever. Lots of humans are getting killed, but the party doesnt give up hope.

    Just when it seems the demons are going to win, they stop fighting. A large man covered in black fog

    walks from within the demons toward the party. The man reveals himself as Beelzebub, and asks for

    who killed his elites. Lianna, Michael and Ellia step forward proudly, but very weak and near defeat.

    Beelzebub introduces himself as the most powerful overlord of Hell, and that its because of his strength

    that he was chosen to lead the apocalypse. He says that he is not angry, but amused. He says that he isvery eager to battle the three humans and finally have a decent battle. He sees that they are weak, and

    gives them an ultimatum. He says that he will be back in three days on the highest mountain, waiting to

    battle them. He gives them the three days to rest up and prepare. Beelzebub turns into a black fog, and

    melts into the ground while laughing.

    The three days pass, and the group heals up in preparation. The King says that he is proud of his

    daughter, and even if they dont win, he will always love her. They go to the mountain, but their hope

    slowly starts to fade as the air gets rank, the sky dark, and they get ever closer to Beelzebub. Ellia asks if

    it is even possible to slay a demon so strong, and questions if this battle will be futile. Lianna scolds her

    for being negative, but says that she to is also scared.

    When they reach the summit, Beelzebub appears. He gloats about his power, and says that they will

    experience true terror. The battle begins, last a long time. Beelzebub starts off strong, but gets stronger

    as the battle goes on, changing his form two times. This is by far, the most difficult battle so far.

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    However, good prevails, and on the brink of death, Lianna and her friends kill Beelzebub. In a

    melodramatic exit, Beelzebub scrams, glows white, and then blows up. Almost instantly after his death,

    the sky goes back to blue, and the air becomes fresh. The apocalypse has ended!!!

    Exhausted, the party falls to the ground, and begins to laugh. Kemual then flies down from the sky

    where he once ascended, and starts to congratulate them. Kemual is overjoyed at their success. Hesays that the apocalypse has been conquered, the overlord is gone, and that the impossible was made

    possible. He also says that he was right to trust them with the heavenly power of magic, and humanity

    was worth helping out. However, Kemual says there is one thing that he is curious about. He asks

    Lianna why she fights. Why she has risked her life and fought dangerous battles.

    The player is given three options, each one resulting in a very different outcome.

    1. I fight to avenge the innocent.2. I fight to stop sin.3. I fight for people, good or bad.

    If the player says that they fight to avenge the innocent, the following scenario will happen.

    Lianna walks to Kemual, and says that she fights to balance out the wrongs, to get back at all the men

    and demons who caused others pain. She fights for the innocent slain, she fights for Alyese. Kemual

    gets closer to her, and tells her that revenge is a sinful action. But then Kemual says that in this case, he

    finds it justified. Kemual sticks out his hand, and places his palm on Liannas head. Liannas mind starts

    to flash, and for a few seconds, her life flashes before her eyes. She sees herself as a child, she sees her

    mother, and then she sees Alyese. The vision stops. Then Kemual says that he is proud, and tells the

    party to rest, and that theyve earned it.

    As they walk back to Kale, Lianna keeps having visions. They finally get to Kale, and everyone starts

    dancing. They make a large dinner, and throw a party. The whole time, Lianna is quiet, and keeps

    having visions. Finally, she goes to bed, and as she falls asleep, everything fades to white.

    In her night gown, Lianna walks in an empty white plane of nothingness. She runs around for a few

    minutes, but nothing happens. She sees a figure in the distance, and walks to it. When she gets close

    enough, she realizes its Alyese! Alyese is now an angel. She has sprouted wings, and her hair is long. Intears, Lianna runs to her, and says how much she has missed her. Lianna begins to cry uncontrollably,

    and says that she was scared and didnt know what to do. Alyese puts a finger to Liannas mouth, and

    tells her not to cry. Alyese tells her that she does not need to talk, and that she is perfect just the way

    she is. Alyese points to a golden gate in the distance, and tells Lianna to come, and that she is worthy of


    The two walk to the gate, and the screen fades to white for one last time.

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    If the player said they fought to stop sin, the following scenario will happen.

    Lianna stands proudly, and says that she wants to stop pain. Stop the sin that surrounds the world, and

    have peace unite, with all harmful actions halted. Kemual is greatly impressed, but says that he knew

    she would say this. Kemual walks over to Lianna, and places his hand on her head. She falls to her

    knees in pain, and begins to moan. Michael goes to help, buy Kemual tells him to stand back. Liannas

    eyes beam light, and then she sprouts wings. Kemual says that Lianna, with such a divine soul, has been

    an angel the whole time, and that she just needed to be awakened.

    Kemual tells her that she must now go to heaven with him. Ellia and Michael plead with her to stay, but

    the transformation has changed Lianna. She says it is her duty to go, and that they will meet soon.

    Kemual and Lianna fly up into the air, and to the heavens.

    Lianna begins thinking, and her thoughts are read aloud.

    I finally know why I fought. Life the unfairness of it all Sin needed to be stoped. She is reading

    from a large book, and a naked human is in front of her. She closes the book, and points to fiery pit.

    The man screams, and then is taken by angels and thrown into the pit. Every action is recorded, every

    man will pay is due. Lianna and hundereds of angels stand in a line. Thousands of demons stand in a

    line parallel to them. I am a warrior, I am a bringer of peace. The lines charge at eachother.

    I am an angel.

    If the player said they fought for people, good or bad, the following scenario will happen.

    Lianna says that she knows her choice is not that justified, but she fights for everyone on earth, pure or

    evil. She says that she doesnt know how earth got so off track, but she believes earth deserves another

    chance. She feels that the apocalypse was an unjustified punishment, and that humanity is worth

    sparing. Kemual, with a smile on his face, asks her if even the men who raped and killed Alyese deserve

    a second chance. Lianna frowns, and says that everyone makes mistakes, and that if they had a better

    upbringing in a world with the regular amount of women, maybe they wouldnt have done what theydid.

    Kemual says that he was hoping she would say this, and that they are worthy. He says he asked this

    question to see if her will was strong enough. He asks the party one last time if they believe that

    humanity deserves a second chance. They unanimously say yes. Kemual then says that their time has

    come. He bestows god like armor and weapons to them. With the new outfits, the three look holy and

    overpowered. Kemual looks at the ground, and says that if humanity really deserves a second chance,

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    its time for them to prove it. Kemual points at the floor, and it begins to crack and open up. When it

    finally opens all the way, Hell is in the hole. Kemual says that Beelzebub is an overlord, and a very

    powerful one at that, but he is not the leader of Hell. He says that Beelzebub was chosen to manage the

    apocalypse because of his strength, but that the one who chose Beelzebub was the devil, Lucifer. He

    then says if they can kill Lucifer and destroy Hell, he will personally ask God to give humanity a second

    chance. The party, with their armor and weapons in hand, accept the offer, and go into the hole.

    In Hell, they face many of their previous foes that have went to Hell, such as the general that killed

    Michaels father, and all the soldier grunts who have now turned into humanoid demons. The group

    spends a great deal of time getting to Lucifers castle, but they finally get there. (roughly 10 hours of


    In the castle, they go through many classical satanic demons, such as Death and Cerberus. But

    eventually, they get to Lucifer. Lucifer is a very tall man. He is white and pale, and wears a dark cape.

    The fight is fierce, and Lucifer has 5 forms. His last one being a mix between a scorpion and a dragon. In

    the battle, Lucifer is constantly using the party against themselves, controlling them by the sinful actions

    they have committed within their life. Lucifer also plays cheap, and is constantly calling for demons to

    fight with him. Long story short, Lucifer is slayed. Once the devil finally stops breathing, the castle starts

    to crumble. The party runs through Hell as it starts to implode and fall into lava, getting closer to where

    they came in. But the lava starts to rise, and they retreat to the highest point. Once there, the celling

    opens, and Kemual brings them up with his powers.

    Once out of the hole, Kemual is overjoyed at what they have accomplished. He cries out that he knew

    they could do it, and that they proved humanity deserves another chance. Kemual starts to ascend to

    heaven to ask God to give humanity a second chance, but then he stops. He swoops down to Lianna,

    and says that there is one thing he wants to do before going back to heaven. He says that he wants tofight them in a battle, and not hold back. He wants to see how he compares to the humans who

    destroyed Hell. They agree to fight, the final battle of the game begins.

    Kemual, while being the most difficult fighter, fights fair, and only has his one form. This is the longest

    battle, it takes everything that that the party has to beat him. Once Kemual is defeated, he laughs,

    saying that he has always wanted to feel like a human. To feel helpless and weak He thanks them,

    and says that he will appear the next day and tell everyone in Kale what to do once they are given a

    second chance. Kemual ascends into the sky, and the weary, but happy party of three returns home.

    The following day, everyone is in Kales town square, awaiting for Kemual to appear. Ellia and Lianna,

    the only girls left on the planet, are dressed in the finest dresses that the kingdom has to offer. Michael

    wears the most expensive armor in the castle, and everyone else (roughly 250 people) circles the three

    constantly giving thanks. Then, a ray of light shines down, and Kemual flies to them from the sky.

    Everyone is happy to see him, but Kemual is not smiling. Kemual then starts to speak. I have spoken

    with God, and he has made his decision. His word is final; Humanity will not get a second chance. The

    gates of Hell will reopen, and the apocalypse will be once more. Everyone begins to scream and panic

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    in a rage of anger. Lianna: NO!! We proved our worth!! Hell is gone! No longer does sin exist!

    Kemual: I cannot speak for God, so I will let you speak with him directly.

    Kemual backs up a few steps. A bright light shines down onto him, and he begins to glow a heavenly

    white color. God: Silence!! Kemuals voice is now much deeper, andhas a slight echo. God is

    speaking through his body. God: Humans. They can endure many years of trouble, but always makethe same mistakes. My decision is final.

    Lianna: But we proved humanity worthy! God: Out of all the sinful humans, only three stood to the

    call. To judge humanity by only three is foolish, and unfit. And it wasnt just will power that killed

    Beelzebub and Lucifer. You wouldnt have lasted nearly as long without the power of magic, a power

    from heaven. Hell will reopen.

    Michael: But we destroyed Hell! Hell is no more! God: Hell is but an image of the bad emotions and

    sinful actions of humans. In enough time, the sins of the humans left alive will reshape a new Hell, and

    fill it will once again.

    Ellia: No! We wont be sinful! Weve learned from our mistakes! Well be good this time! And well-

    God: YOU DARE QUESTION YOUR CREATOR?!? I am the almighty!! Ive seen the actions of humans.

    Its always the same! I know all! The second chance I give you will fall on deaf ears after long enough.

    And Ill be in the same situation.

    Lianna: But we tried so hard God: Your actions were righteous, and will not be unnoticed. Hell

    will be opened, but because of your actions, it will be postponed. I will give you 30 years. The

    apocalypse will be once more in 30 years. Youve done will, but this decision is the best for all. This is

    your province. Kemual raises his hands to the sky, and the light begins to fade. Kemual then looks at

    Lianna, Ellia and Michael, and in his regular voice says Im so sorry Ellia breaks into tears, and beginssobbing profusely. Kemual holds her, and sheds a tear. Lianna stands frozen in place, her fists clenched,

    and also begins to cry. Michael hugs her from behind, and Lianna turns to him. Eventually, Kemual

    backs away. He apologizes once more, and says he will be back in 30 years. He then flies away for a last


    5 years later.

    A five year old child is running around in flowers. The child is a girl! She plays near a puddle, and grabs

    some rocks. The girl runs to a house in a praire. Lianna is at the door. The girl shouts Mommy! and

    the two hug each other. Lianna and her little girl talk about small stuff, and then Lianna sends her

    daughter out to play. While watching her daughter run away, Michael appears from behind Lianna, and

    hugs her. They talk about how their child is wonderful, and that theyve come a long way from when

    they first met. Lianna says that it is unfair to their daughter that she is the only young person, and will

    grow up while everyone turns very old. Michael contrasts, saying that theyll give her a wonderful

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    childhood. There is a brief silence, then Lianna says when the apocalypse comes, their child will be

    alone. Michael nods, and says they must train her. Train her to be strong, and live on her own.

    Lianna: Im ready.

    Michael: Me to.

    The two look at the sky, and the credits begin to roll.

    To be continued.