pinterest presentation


Upload: fskane

Post on 04-Jul-2015




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Page 2: Pinterest presentation

What is Pinterest?

“Pinterest is a tool for collecting and organizing things you love.”

• Visual bookmarking tool based on interest

• Organizational tool

• Collaborative tool

• Social Media Site

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Why Should You Use Pinterest?

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The Breakdown: Pins

Pin: A pin can include an image or a video that can either be uploaded from your computer or straight from a website. Other people can repin your pin and when selected, you are linked directly to the original site that it came from. You can add your own descriptions to a pin.

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The Breakdown: Boards

Board: A board is used to organize your pins, often in categories. You can create multiple boards, both publically and privately.

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The Breakdown: Home Feed

Home feed: Your home feed contains a collection of pins from boards that you choose to follow. It is updated every time someone you follow adds a pin. I sidebar on the left, allows you to see who has repinned your pins.

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The Breakdown: Following and Unfollowing a Board

Following: You can follow other people’s boards on Pinterest. When you follow someone, their pins are displayed on your home feed.

Unfollowing: When you follow someone, it is never permanent. When you choose to unfollowsomeone, their boards will no longer show up on your home feed.

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Pinterest in Education

• You can search categories on Pinterest.

• Education


• Search by pin

• Search by board

• Search by pinner

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Ways to Use Pinterest in Education

• Student Use:

• Group collaboration when invited to join board

• Allows students to be creative, organized, resourceful

• Projects, presentations, journals, artwork, etc

• Organization:

• Easy access to original source

• Categorize boards by subject or unit

• Brief summary about pin/easy to remember

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Ways to Use Pinterest in Education

• Lesson Plans:

• Bookmark/pin

• Check back later

• Search themes

• Sharing Ideas:

• Set up boards for multiple people to pin

• Collaborate with teachers, parents, and students

• Share ideas

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My Board: Active Approaches to ASD in EDU

• My board targets teachers educating students with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?• ”Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and autism are both general

terms for a group of complex disorders of brain development. These disorders are characterized by difficulties in:”

• Social interaction

• Verbal & nonverbal communication

• Repetitive behaviors

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My Board: Active Approaches to ASD in EDU

• “ASD can be associated with intellectual disability with difficulties in:”• motor coordination

• Attention

• “Some persons with ASD excel in:”• Visual skills

• Music

• Math

• Art

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Pins On My Board Focus on…

• Social & Behavioral Approaches• Many people with ASD have difficulty socializing and

regulating their emotions. It is sometimes challenging for them to see things from another person’s perspective

• Sensory/Movement• People with ASD typically experience sensory

processing disorders. This occurs when the brain has difficulty processing sensory information.

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References0 Images downloaded from :

0Autism Speaks Inc. (2013). Autism Speaks. It’s Time to Listen. Retrieved March 13, 2013 from: (info on autism)

0Morrison, A. (2011). School Systems Blog. Four Ways to Use Pinterest in Education. Pearson School Systems. Retrieved March 13, 2013, from