p'istv- ls0 ''t i7 - university of...

4 I 1 t 1 D: BRADFORD, Editor. t5pcVTffinTfywT-TfffTHeTT1- r' - -- r,'KBrs' i?y'1zzx''xt'HrrnBn MIVIED WEEKLY IVI'.n V rllUll&DAY, 'Griffith.! T SY THO. T. 3RA.DP0F.D, POlt DANL, BK tl)FORS2a Publisher of the. Lairs of the U: States.) fOELlSUIAU OF.JICC, .MAIN ST. A FEW DOORS BC LOW BllC-)A'- s INN. Printing Offlceallhe old stind. Mill street. Tl'.KJis or this paper : . For. one year in ndvanco $2 50 Ifnot paid before the end of GmosP. 00 . " within the year 3 50 No paper will be discontinued until al ariear-age- i are paid, unless at J lie op lion of the Dili lor. fjJ-Letl- ers sent by mail to the Editor, must be post paid, or t'ey will not fie liken, out of Ike of- fice. A D V I2HT ISIIfG. 1 square, oriess, 3 thins veekry, $1,50; three months S'l; sit months $7,5'lr twelve months 515. Lonerones in propoiluii. 'a list of letters EMAINING in tl c To t Olhceut Lexinir- - 1,,.. Tfv . nn tlu 1I 1l.1v nl 1837. which ifnot taken out within three nuinlhs, will be sent to the General Post Offii e as dead let- ters. A Arnold Ellerson AllenderGmrs Adams Betsy miss Adams Abralium Atchison John Akin Samuel Alston James J BontouJohn Barbcc Ainerecnin iss Bradford William Bell John Bell S &. F Berry R B Dr Beiry E E B.itUill.Tohn. BeazlyR Bain Willi imPPr Baker Thomas Baker David Baker TDavid E ByrnaJames Barr mrs Banks John C Ball Charles V 2 Ball C Bell John II 3 Bell David II Bailey J RDr Baily William Brand Richard Brown Caleb Brawtler Thomas 3 Belleillaniion Berryman Gibson Bless Timothy Baird Thomas J 2 Bemua Dr Bradley Waton . Bradley R IS 3 Bqso.i A. J ; Bain George A Bass James M Dr Beatty Elizabeth mrs Barnes Jessrc Bryan William 2 Bryant Jpsscp Bryan Mary E miss Carlond Ann miss Curiam! Alexander Carter Edward Carter "Ioses Carter Dean Carrirt Robert Cavin" Thomas Claik mrre" Clark William II Clark Jcoh Dr Jas Campbell Sucky Chambers Mias Caell Samuel F Corrinston Joseph Corrimrtori Stephen Chnnini: Nancy inrs Elizabeth miss miss OraWfoid SI Coughren.Williftm Clark J V Clay WG Clagett It Dr Clark Hnnnrth' mrs Green' B 2 Can-e- v Mr Cnvin-Johnca- Craig Mary mis 2 Canon Elbert W Davis J 2 Jeptba Dr Davi-- - William; r.. Dani.ls Suanahmrs Debare George rjevore James Dougherty Robert Benjamin P Drake James Drake William Demoss John Ellis Benjamin Ellis William Emerine Abram "Falwards JL .F.lliott Samuel C TElholt Ja"-'- s 1 Tletcher Tlemiiih AA Dr Ton' John "Fitch Aaron 2 Fitcli Chester Forman-Wilba- B Forma n Ford Mary nu.s Frizwell Martin Fmik James Foley John Gilbert ITri Gilbert J Gri v Tliomas Armstrong William AlHlercon John Arnis William Ames David Akin Miiry.T mis Atkins Nancy mis Atkins Uelsy mrs 15 Buwhelle Fzra FDr 2 Bu.ks BG 2 Burke It M Burns Put Booth Fra'.cis II B.iMrick Jos'ph Brown Thomas BriiiMi John BrownJauiea II Brown James Brown Mary mrs BuzzarXl Solomon Bullock William Boobs John Bundcl nir Bojlo. William Bonner Charles -- 2 Bruce Charles B Bowley Beed Buckn'er Martha miss William Boyce Polly mrs Ifoicc John Blue Wil'oii .3 ' lirritM Jacob v llontr William Brent ItoUrt Byrne Anj;utinc 3 Birch John. 3' Bu'ers Catbuiine P,iid I lush J'l Btiiicot B C Bosworth N Burner Catharine niiss Bole James C Burricr John BriMon Thomas Bntler Francis Bone James II 2 Bjrns c Caper Michael ' Caiaway Vestal II Crawel! Edward iimj Cal.ig C Conrniest Lunsford Cooper Cooper John Cook William Cook P 1J Cook CamiiMl &. Huyh" - "" Cccke Ruhard Curd I' Zacarinh Christian David Croot ei Tliomn6 Croswrll William Comslle barah H Chaney Causey Dudley Denney John William BridL'ford Roberta Joseph Iauc Ileiiry Cowan Samuel Cunningharri.il M Cline William Chrisman Abraham Cox John Crawl Jefferson Curry John Cole James Colernin Juno Caldwell George AlfredCogbil! James- - rnmali Samuel Coleman Elhha W D Dowden E W Duke Wilson mrs Duke Mary mrs" . . . ti. n on.iTui! Knos I Tiohert Malhew Drake Criiiim Downina. William Deal John Davenport Henry S Doremiis Thomas C Uodds William V Dodson William M Dodo Jane E . F.lle.v & Chi"" 2 Elymer Charles Ealherly William T Ely B Elbeit John F Funster Ann mrs Featberson lib Fitch & Rinner Furgnson Aaron Foster Henry Ficg Elizabeth Fields mrs Flournoy M W Dr Foster Robeit BS2 Farrar Hugh Fithione Milton G Gilmour-James- Gilmor Lewis T Guetat Monsieur Gowlin John Grey J.v . . .r., Nathan m R S B r,noiIni"Ilt luciusi.i m.- - - ooiMaVinda mi-- s Graie, M.ihnda nuss .J Ge,tWilb..m2 ; ShDav.d Gibson J. t 3Mgg33gasa3rtraBcaigw;aTy-r- - i"zrfr CI. --.- I ,,!,. S f ' t ililll V. Ii,(m Green Henry Ok en Samuel S Green It turs Gean Wi'linn Gncc Paniei Gain-- s Richard W Dr Gardner Francis capt Graiei Thomas U IIiifnos.M D& co Harrison i.n M mis rII,nris John Dr 2 Harris Washington flarrisonGeo W Han Henry Ed nurd Henry CB Hemingway Thomas Hawkins Vnn mis? Hawkins EW P 3 Hawkins WW rev Harburn John Hawkins R 'I Headley Iueinila E mrsllodije Dai id M Harwoud Elizabeth ruis.'Hltoii Abner Hamiiiond I Headilintou I.bnn Headiiigtnn Nicbula Hiirndon 1' Herndon F D H Mocps Henderson TJ Hamtou John Hatmnet II II Hunt Bazil linden William Hambloton John Iriint A D nnj Irsmo rtlarv mrs Judd Sarah mrs Jefferson J G Jennings James R Jackson llenrv Jones Richard . Jones William Jones John II Jxnes JeEspo W Johnson LG Ketiney Silas L Ivenndv Robeit Kenney Robert P helley James A 2 Knox Samuel Liter John 2 Lctchei William 2 Long John P Dr o Long William Long Samuel Long Pope Love Andrew Lewis Leo Lewis Nancy Mrs 2 Lewis Lucinda nits Lewis Elizabeth mrs LyndsClnilesL Lincoln John C Luni kin John Mill. Martha P MarxL Miller Inac Flu, mii-- s Moore John P Moore B .Marshall Ahner Morton John W Morrison George E Morrison Alfied Morris William Morris Ann Mitchell Alexander Mitchell Nancy mrs Morgan John col Jefferson Milles iMarsh Nancy miss-Mars- Nancy mrs Middleton ilenry C Mpgu .Tamps May William Matt hewn Samuel Mathers James G Nel'oi Joepl Ne.il Charles 1 Wilfied 5 Offutt Otho Osborn R mrs Otts Silas Oglehy Joseph Pledger William 3 Parks Edward Paiker miss Pav-n- e Maiv S mrs Paine Thomas Payne Nathan S M mi-- s W Moses dlhanne Petit Petit Mr Walter Simon Dr Peed Jane mrs Tunstall Ann Keeve W Reed "mrs Itudd Samuel J 2 Read John C James miss mrs Jfissee Richar.l-o- n inrs B F 2 t -- xr tr s "" 1XE 7T. yiauMeFiLuwVj.jijj-ajjuaMjiaLggg- : MiA.-- L v. P'istv- ,' i' r:V--- - ''t ' 1- '-, v.- - - &!&.' Zz T ls0 . " Trar o his he comes, the of a noisy News all lumbering at his back." Gipson James Grubb John II Gordon Ahrirs Gilljoliir Joseph W W . Giicrin K'l'varil George Ch.wlis D II James I'unrtic Elyzy Hoeiy Jo0ih II ill William '3 I'ivrbee John 3 ni.Tbce Hester 2 Hii bee James V Hii;bce W ('h irles rev Ho 'tin II (J Hilton Willi nil 2 Hunt Wilson C C Hutsell Isaac Hurst V ,,!(er R HustHji Willi ira Hicks Samuel Hicks 1'ollv miss Rieo Ilnetin James II rev Ilpolccr Agnes mrs Hughes J mii Hughes Jacob 2 Andrew J 0 ' I&.J Johnson miss James Johnson John James CW Jaihes William Jones William & J II Joets Thomas Jones Alfred F Jackson mr K- - S T Kirkpatriek James Kennan Thomas Kerr John L Leer Joint Leinbndb John G Livingston Duncan- . Lowry Loll. ihil Isaac Lewis Melson Lown Richard J 2 John W Librarian of Libr.ny Laffooii J aim s 2 Lawell Peter Alfred 2 Morrow Samuel John Merrill Lueind i M mrs Miller i June Merrell Jefferson John Mrek Hough ?Jdss nrlhiiM'll Jo-e:- n IN ur Morton WilliarnAdr 2M'K.uney John V M'Coy M' Daniel Jnsr-.l- i It James M'Waiu Nancy jnrs Mr M'Coy M'Eritt Robert Marshall Mary A mrs M'Gca Maguire James M'ReynoldsJnmesA dr Montgomery William 2M,Fnrlan,l J B Hll-r- T G T N New II Nieholoil Lawrence ' Plvphiht E Margaret Payne Patterson Patterson James Patterson Patterson Nathaniel R Prather Pendegrass Henderson Quails Richardson charge Herald from George Goldrick Patrick Hamilton William ll.irnoy IIoHdday Margaret Johnston Killacudy Lawrence Lexington Lnoney Merchant Joseph A Alexander M'Crcllan M'Crarer Mirtn-.r- ! M'Moloohe Franklin M'Caffry James M'Nitt Elizabeths M'l'aac Thomas M'Gill Willium F beiry William Quarles Johnston M'Milon NjeN G O Overton William Oldham John Owen Joseph R N 2 Owen Thomas S 3 Ow'ings Thomas P Ponlk Small A mrs Punish William M Peehles It Price- - V O Price Charlott Price S.inford 2 Poindexter Mary A miss Pnlbn FSI Powell (Charles L LPigg Leivis Pollock Samuel Put man Joseph Pollard T I Dr Phillep Louis James W Ciuisbenlieriy It Rpnuk George" Reese mrs Reynolds Isaac uusseu uezehian Reatherford Lavinia Robinson William Rancy mrs Ropes T P rev Saiah Mr Richardson Richardson Lucy Dr Knox James Rizer Jacob Riley Camden Richetts Rosana miss Rogers lohn Dr 4 Rogers Henry jiCiuue ii ii Amanda DRunnyls L, II Richardson Retherfofd world; r..iliois, Gnllowiv Bciii.tiuni Ilit;iiin-o- n Unrbaugh Rodgcrs Timothy Lammey Ilervey Nathaniel M'Connor Catharine PanisliT Phillips Tbcodocia Richardson Ritchey John Ruclter John Rhine George Roy Charles H Roberts Rankin Shelby Anna N miss 4 Smith D mrs Scanllebnrry Thomas Mnitn i.ariiin u Smith K Sely mrs Smith Thomas 2 Spell Ann im- -i Shacklelord S.irah miSnn1h T,omi-.- i n.i-- s St. phrnsj eX A 'ii'itii L.im -- tevenson atbarini" BSmilh Allcid LEXINGTON, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1837. iitywr. irijtrT'fTtii beiile NHtliiimel Dr A J Siev ms '1' Smith ( hail, Ji hn m ,1 Smith-New- t .11 re J .nuts it S.imiii-ISunti- i J M 3 ."stanton Joseph Dr 2 Mlaw Jul. ii A ."ihuidierd Dr .snelgioie Jacob Steele Claiborne Steele Hairi6t Steele A Sti Calhaime mis St .i ilc lohn W S.uilh Charles B Tarlton A col I'niltun Caleb Templeton Samuel To'idvii.p Purnell '".nl rr' Todd David Samuel Traynh im William Trnm. n Richa'd D To.npkin.- - bitfu-1.- j Tompkins; I'overly I rimiile .loim ThounJ.:ro! Trotter J ml lb " mrs T'rotter G J Wn'I ice M.i".( t mrs lV.ilin e Job i v! Wail ice D Wallace Wm Wallace l Weainr Jiwaej Weatheily Joseph .A Walden M Join West mrs Wirnex Get herd Waltz Frederick .lohn Ward ('G rev Weber Michel iV'aliri ss Silas West Edward Winn wnaiey i ehb bury miss While Jacob 2 White James White George B 2 Woods Archibald . Vellar Virden John Duniel V.mgaw John Cornelius M sj "n .. .', .. - U- " - xc .11 Stone John bionu .Hary mrs Somers John Stublefield W capt 2 Simpson- Richard Knilow&ki Adolf Sliilniau S(une lev Siuiuiis phrfiim Stout M.ugarel miss T Tayjjir Catharine miss Taylor Sarah miss Taylor Ozias Taylor T ft Thornton E'. aline M Thoinp-o- n Robert Thruston John B B Thruston J Tinsley R Thompson John Tbompson Nelson Thompson William Thompson Wm C mrs W "Ti A I1' R L rPhompson Wiljiam Thompson Titus L W Woods James II W'oo.l Woods Eliz ibeib A Wood James Wood Joseph capt Wood Susanna B mrs Wilson Jefferson Wilson Si Qunrrier Waldeo Margaret mrsWil-o- n EhirnS Wheailey rtTAHSSwC Benjamin W diisltubert W B Woodson D in r Wie!sers,ham Lindsay Williamson V. jlliarnsou Jane Williamson Mcrret Winn Ann Mnriatmrs Wl.eeler Rebeca miss Lucy mrs rresioy Winn G Winn Jesscp I) Wredmand Charles K Witeear Aligns William Vi'nlcti Vennov Whitfield Richard Rebecca W, odlowl Mark II Woodford John T Wil-or- l Jl.irvy T Wilson Hugh 4- - Y Yates Richard Young Amhrn-- p M. Young James M Young Ilt'cn miss rtr"Pprsou evalling for the above letters wii pleaoc say they are advertised J. FICKLIN, P M Lexington, April 1, 1S37 14-- 3t m--- ; V rrl1Mrtmi -- mmmh mwrw BY AUTiSOKITYl i?i i V l.'af miss 3 vs -- !,' VkZ 1 a '. A. "ts. . jt mcM twssxr- - M'.,f& LA'S Ol-- TIIM UNITKD STATUS TASSF.D AT TIE SECOND Sr.SSI ijf OF TIIU Tivn-T- Y l'OURTII CONGRESS. Kubuc No. 23. AN ACT supplementary to fjjj act entitled "An in t to amend thejudici.il system ol the United States.'' Be it enacted by the Senate and 'House of Hep- - rescnlalivss of the United Slates of Jlmeiica in Congress assnriiled, hat the Supreme Court ot the United .Males shall lu rentier consist ol a duel justice, anil eiht associate luuges, jmy fheol whom shall constitute u quorum ; and, for this purp s, there ball be appointed two additional justices of said cbuit, with the like poweis, and to take tire same oaths, perform the same duties, and be entitled to the same salaiy, as the other judges. Here aster, the districts ol Vermont, Connecticut and New York, shall constitute the second circuit ; the ul New Jersey, and the eastern and westeiri districts ol Pcnnsi lvnnia. shall consti- - tule'tbe third circuit; the district of Maryland and the district ol Delaware thaR constitute the fojirth circuit; the districts of Virginia and the district of North Carolina shall constitute the filth circuit; the districts of South Carolina and Ge'uiyii shall constitute the sixth circuit; the distiitts of Ohio, Indiuna, Illinois, and Michigan shall, constitute the seventh circuit; and the circuit courts shall be held at Colum bue, in the Ohio- - disirici, on the third Mondays ju May and Decsmber; at Detroit, in the Mi clngan district, on the lourtli Monday in June; at Indianapolis, in the Indiana distnot, on the first Monday in December r at Vajjdalia, in the Illinois district, on the last Monday in JNorein- - ber. in each vcai : the districts ol Kentucky, cast and west Tennessee, and Missouri, .shall form and be'c.illed the eighth circuit ; and the distr.cls of Alabama, the eastern district of Louisiana, the oiitnet ol Mississippi, and tho district ot Aikansas, shall form and be called the ninth circuit. Si.c. 2. And be it farther enacted, l'bat the sessions ol said circuit courts shall beheld twice in each year m tue following distncts, to wit: commencing in the eastern uisinci oi L,ouisia mi, ut JNew Orleans, on ine itiiru .uoiiuay oi November, annually; in the district ol .Missis sippi, at Jackson, on the first Monday of .May and ontne ursi luonuay oi nuycmuer.uiimiaiiy ; in the southern district of Alabama, at Mobile, on the second Monday of April and the second Mondav of October, annually; in the western district of Pennsylvania, at Pittsburg, on the third Mondays ut May and November, annual- ly; in the district of Delaware, at Newcastle, on the Tuesday next following the fourth Mon- day of May, and at Dover on the Tuesday next following the third Monday of October, an- nually; and in tho district of Maryland, at Baltimore, on the first Monday ol April and the first Monday of October, annually; in tho northern distnctol New York, at Albany, on the second Tuesday ol June and the third Tues- - Inv nl lli.l.ihi r. .uiiiu.illv, and tluie hail be hiilden iiierm ol said circuit courts, annually, at I.ewisburg. in the we-tor- of Vir nia, commencing on the hrt Monday of Au- - nt Hunt-wil- in the northern district o Malama, communing on the tir-- t Monday of June; at St Louis, in llii aiiirut oi commencing on the first Monday in April; and ' at Litttle Rock, in the district of Arkans i, on the fourth Monday of March; nr.d thatno pro- cess, recognizance, oi bail bond, returnable to the next term of ein.er ol said conns, shall be nvoi.led or impaired, or affected by this change, :as to the commencement "of -- aid term; but that fall process, bail bonds, and recognizances re- - itHrnableto tlienext term of eitlierof said courts, , ,111111 ou reiurnaDie and returned to the court jnext held, according to this act, in the same manner as ii so made returnable on the lace itheieof, and shall have full effect accordingly; and lhat .ill continuances in cither ol said com ts shall be from ihe hist term to the couit appointed by this act, and the day herein ap- pointed fojthe como.iMicement of (he nevt sp - sion thereos: Provided. "I hat nothinir herein coniamea snaii preent llieju ige ol the not th- em distiiet of Neu Ynik "from holding the courts at Utica, nor the ju!s.e ol the western district of Fennsylvanoi Ir'om holding the courts at Williiimspnrf, at tlu same lime and the 5..1.C po.pr and juiisdictiou is heretofoie. Si:. 3. Jlr,d be it further enacted, That 'o (i.i.cb of .my act or nets of Congress .as vests in Hie dittiicl courts of the United States for the districts of Indiuna, Illinois, Missouri, Arkan- sas, the errttern 'district of Louisiana, the dis tnctol Hi - iiurlhem of New i oris., the western district ol Virginia, and the western district of Pennsylvania, and the dis tricts of Alabama, or either of them, the nower 'ind jurisdiction of circuit courts, be. .u-- the same is hereby, repealed; and there shall bero- - ulter be circuit courts held lor said by the chief or associate nistices of (he Su.irem'e Court, assigned or allotted Iodic circuilto which such districts may iepecli sly belong, and the ui.iricc juuges oi such severally and respectively, either (.1 whom shall constitute a quotum, which circu.t cnuits, timl (he jmlge- - theieg,f,-sha- ll have like poweis uuil exeicse !ife junsdiction as oihei circuit courts lim tin judges thereof, and theaid couits, oi.d the judges tnereol; shall Imvc like poiveir atu1 exercise like jurisdiction as the courts, anil the judge3 thereof, in the ptbja: circuits. rrom all judgments a niUlecrs ss, ren. lei ed in the district comts of the United States for the yvest ern district of Louisiana, writs of error and shall lie to the circuit imurt in the oilier d'atnet in i ul State, m the same m tru.ei ,i Irom deciees and judgeinenls r. ndi red in ibi which a e.rcuiteourt i. roud.d y this act. Si c. 4. Jlnd be it further darted. That ad iclions, suits, piosccutioiis, cau-cs- , pleas, pio-ces- and other proceedings, relative to any . au-- ciyil or oriiuinal, (which n ight h ne heir, rouglit, and could hate been, originally, cog- nizable in a circuit court,) now penili.ig in, or retumahle to, the several district cmirls of Illinois, Missouri, i. ikuisis. Michigan, tho eastt rn ol Louisiana, the Isiriits ol Alabama, the noithern ilistiict ni Vciv Yorkr the western district of l'eiinvlvi ni.i, and n district of Virginia, aetiiig as ofrcuit courts on the fir-- t day of A,pnl next, h ill tie, and are hereby decl.iied to tie, respec ovcly ti.msierred, returnable and coiitinoid In, 'he pver.il circuit com ts const i listed by this aci t i lie hoklcn yvithin the said tively ; ajjd shall be beard, trie I, and Jedei-anne- there'll, in the same manner as il oiigi-lall- y brought, entered, niospi uled. or had. in such circuit courts. Arrfl the s,iiciicuitcourts shall be governed by Hie same :us' and regula-tions- apply tothe other circuit conr's of the united states; and the clerk- - ol the sai courts, respect: vt !,, shall perioral the same duties, and ball be entitled to receive the same lees and euiolumints, which me by laiv established lor the clerks nl the oilier ciicuits courts of the United Stats The allotment ol tin ir chief lustice and ihe i. ate of (he said upreme Court to the scneral circuits shall be made as heretofore. Sic. o. And be ilfmlher enackd, That all nets and provisions inconsistent with this act be, and 'tile same are hereby, repealed. - P JA1IKN Ii. fULK, Spealer of tlie House of Repiesenlativcs . W. It. KING, President of the Senate , 7ro teinporc, Ai'PiiovLD, Maii.li 3d , I&.17. A N D IIFAV J A C KSON . Public No. 2l." A-- ACT to nuthowzc the proper oilieeia of the Tieiisury Department to credit the account ol the Treasurer of the Unite States with the amount of unavailable lun.ls standing tc Ins debit on the book-o- f the 'Krea-ui- to iransler the amountaof (he debit of banks and individuals indebted for tire and to au- thorize (he Seeietary of the Treasury to compromise and settle' said claims. , lie it enacted bpMie Senate and House of of IheUnited States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper accounting officers ol the Treasury tie, and they are hereby authorized to credit the account ol the Treasu rer of the United States, with the amount id the unavailable Innds whether ch'aigid to John or his pri rlcci ssor-- , and to tran-fe- r the amount to the debit of the banks and indi viduals, resptctivelj, that may be indebted for the same Sec 2. And be il further enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to compromise and finally settle Ihe claim? of the United Stat js, of the above des- - scription,igainst said bank and indiyiduals (vho Ii ivc proved insolvent, or tailed to make punctual- payments, on such lermS'ftnd condi- tions ns bo may deem most conducive to the in- terests of the United States: Provided, That this act shall not authorize any' compromise of thodfhtdue Irom the Allegheny Bank ql.l'enn-sylvani- ArriiovcD, March 3d, 1837. Public No. 25 J AN ACT to amend an "An ac' for laying off the towns of Fort Madison and Burlington . in the county of Des Moine.s'nnd the towns of Belleview, Du Buque, and Peru, in the county of Du limine, and Mineral Point, in the county of loway, Territory of Wisconsin, and for other purposes," approved July second, eihtci n In. ml red an i tlm t y sin. Be it exacted by the Senate and liuvse of of tlic I'm ltd Slnlisi f Avvrnain Congress assembled, '1 hat all acts and duties reqTnred to be done and performed by the Sur- veyor lor the Territory of Wisconsin, under the act to which this is an amendment, shall he done by a board of commissioners of three in number, any ty o Of y honi trill be a quorum to d.. busi- ness; said c o "i..! iss (IU rc to be appoint! o by the Presi.l nt !,. I ,'. -- ; iti . nil ,"p... ion- - to i hi ir t . rn, f m t ' their dutie-- , 1..1. ' . i . form the line fillnully an imp .iti.i'l P, - uidid, i h.i I he i. ho" of the i oo 'mi o1 i . ip- pointed undr tbt pw sent act sb ill no' ilii-fer- c with any of the acts performed by tl General, puor to the time ol the passage hereof, in pursuance of instructions under the net to which this is amendatory. Sic. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said commissioners shall have power to luar evidence and determine all claims to lots arising under the act to which this is an amendment; and for this purpose .the said commissioners are authorized to administer All oaths that may be imcessary, and reduce to writing all the evi dence in support of claims to'pre-emj.lio- n pre semen mr ineir consiiieranon, imd when all the testimony shad have been heauland considered, the said commissioners shall hie with the proper register and receiver for the district within which the towns are situated respectively, the testimony in each case, together with n certifi- cate in fa.vor ol ear Ii person having the right of under the provisions of the act of which this is amendatory ; and upon making pay nient to the propel- - receiver ol public mo- no, js lor the lot or lots to which such petsoli is entitled, the receiver shall giant a receipt there for, and the register issue certificates of pur ch.r-e- , (o he transmitted to the Commissioner of the General Land Office, as in other eases of the sale of public lands. Six-- . 3. And be it further enacted, That the proper register and receiver of public moneys, aster (be boaid of coiiimissioueis. have heard mil determined all the cases of un der tho act to which this is an amendment, shall expose the icsidiie of the the lots to public sale to the highest bidder, alter advertising the same in three public newspapers al least three months prior to the day ol sale, in the same manner as i provided for the sale of public lands in other cases; and alter paying the counnis.-ioucr- s the compensation hereafter allo.ved them," and all other expenses incident to the said survey and sale, the rcreiver of the land office shall pay oyer the'residue of the money be may fiom the sale of lots uforesaal, by pre- emption as well as at public auction, into the hands of the trustees of the wspeotive towns a unsaid, to be expended by them hi llvd ( rec- - Hon oi (in hi i c building-- , the const i uctiou ot sin f.ib'e yvhaives, and the improvement of thi streets in the said towns of Fort Madinn. Bur lington, Belleview, Du Bnquc, Peru and Miner al roint. Sec. 4. And be il further enacted, That the commissioners appointed to carry this act into effects shall be paid by il.e receiver of. pub'ic moneys ol tlio proper laud district, six dollars each, per day, lor tlnir e.vio.-s, fur every day ibe are necessarily employ ed. A , March 3 I, lc37. - Public-N- o. 2G J AN ACT to c.inliiine in force for a limited time the art entitled act to carry into effect a convention betnein the United States and Spain " Be il nailed bi Ihe Sen-it- r nnd House of Rep- - rescntalaes of the united Stales ot America m Congics iibtemlltd, I bat the provisions ol the act, entitled "An act to carry into effect a con vention between the Unit, d States ami Spain,'' approved on the seventh d .y ol June, one thou-sou- il eight hundred and thirty six, he, and the a omo ic hircby extendi d until the first day of February, one thouiond eight hundred arid thiitje3gbt and the commissioner appointed under the - ail act, shall, on or before the said driy, tt run. Kite . Ai.m.ovld, M 'icii ." I, 1837. "" ' " P.'hiic So.-2- 1 A.' ACT for tl e inure equitable administra- tion ol 11 e Ni.vy I'en-io- .i Fund. Re it. rmrtedIiM Ihe Sp, titpjud of Tien prcsL7itulnes of Il.e Cnilid stalls of America in tor.g.ni J ti:ii,u any or.icer, seaman or marine have died, or nitiv hereafter die. in the naval eivi e, leav ing a v. idow, and , is no widov , a child or children, such widow, and, iwwidow, such eb Idor chihlien, shall be cnli- - II...I n C ll.n ... ...All. l.r nl. r 1... l.lol. ...... ... ,; I.U.I lllb ....... ...IT "J IS II.VII the deceased would have la en entitled, under rue aoisrrguioinig ihe pay ot ine navy, miorce on (he first day of Januaiy, one thousand eight bundled and thirt4.c, to commence Irom the ihuc of the death of such c fiicur, seaman 01 marine: but ill case of the dret'i or 11- Iprmnronn .is micli ,ii!nw the bull" r.ii v shall --. j r"j ire. lr,filT..Kil.l i, rt.li(..initEtl!-hil...-r.(- .1 nfTl. O" "" - w. .......... v ... .. .. ...... cession). in, oriuurirh1. Provided, Thatthehalf pay granted to irjg child orciiliuren sm.il ce ise on their death, arujii their attaining tue or. of Lt.icnty oncyears. hrc. M. 1rtd be it further cnaelctl, that the peii-iuu- s which may nave utrr grumeu, 01 which may hereafter bo granfqgjUi officers, sea- men and marines, iri.thenavnlau'.vice. dicab!ed by wounds or injiiiios recciyMlv8tT!c, line of 4l.i ir duty,, shall W cotiwiIojW to commence irom tne time ot their irQjrrfljrraisrinicii, nnu that the amount of neirtjotnSJD vvhich said lolllcers, senrnr n, anil innlifJfliy be entitled, sh ill be regulated according to, the pay of the navv as it cxi'ted-o- the first dav of January, JSI.O I I. . .1 C II. I ...n..f ii.i.!rr1 l.ll.'l fl.trt, fll'A. w... ................ .,,.... .................. j.... Si:c. 3. Mnabe iljuititcr enaclea, indi an acts, ami parrs 01 acis, v men may nc iiiconsis lent with the provi-ion- s ol tliis act, be, and the tame are hereby, repoaltd, so Tar as tney may rtbite hereto. . 6i Aitroved, March 3d, 1P3i. Public No.28.jf' " AN ACT for the appointment of pommission-cr- s to adjust I be claims to reservations of land undei the lonrteentb article of the treaty of eighteen hundred and thirty with the Choc- taw Indians. Re ilenaeled by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the United Slates of America in Congiess assembled That there shall be appoint- ed by the President, by and with the advice anil consent of the Senate, threorcommissioneri whose duty it shall be to meet in the State of Mississippi at sucn time anil place, asme rre sident shall appoint and designate, and there proceed to ascertain the name ot every Cnoc-ta- Indian who was the head of an Indian family at the date of the treaty nt Dancing Kabbit Uieek, who has not already-obtaine- a reservation under said treaty, and who c"n show by satisfactory evidence tha.t he or she eomplied or offered to comply with all the re quisites of the fourteenth article of said treaty, to ( otitic lum r her, to a reservation under said article; and al-- o the number and namci of all the unmarried children of such heads of. families who formed a part of the family and were over ten years of age, and likewise tne number and names of the children of such heads of fam lies as were under ten years of age, and report to the President, to be, by him, laid be- - lore ( ongress, n the names or such Indians, ond the different section-o- t md to which cu. h ' '' . il cut t1. ' ii. w t re i v i, - .. ' w.lh I ie .vi. oi , . i ,..,: .. oners, I... niiei.iiu all) paiLols.n.i lands I...VJ Ltd sold by th- - Government, and the proofs appli- cable, to each case. Sec B Andb, i' f n t' enacted, Tho be- fore cnueung upon llmr duties, each of the iuuli .' all, belort onie judge or jus i7 No. 15 Vol. 52. tice ot the peace, take an oatb faithfully to dis- charge the duties imposed by this act. Six.-3- . And be it furllier enacted. That said Commissionersare hereby authorized to appoint a Secretary whose duty it shall be to record correctly all the proceedings of said Board, and faithfully to preserve the same as well as all de positions and other paper; hied belore said Boaid,.and w ho shall take an oath todischar-- u the duties imposed on him by this act. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, Th.it upon the request of the Coinniiisioners it shall be the duty of the District Attorney of the State of Mississippi, to attend said Board, and ivc ,jj assistance in procurirg the nttendui.u of wit- nesses, and his aid and advice in their ex.imi'i the bettir to enable the Commissioners to ascertain toe lacts correctly in each case. Sec. 5. And le il further enacted, That each ofsaid Commissi, nerssliall receive, while in t!.o discharge of the duties hereby imposed, a salary at the rate three thousand dollars per annum, the Secretary a salary .at Ihe rate offllteen hun. dred dollars per annum, and the District Attor- ney a salary at the rate of two thousand dol- lars per annum, to be paid quarterly out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appro- priated. Stc. (1. And be it further enacted, That sai-- t Commissioners shall have lull power to summon and cause to come before them, such yvmipsscs as they may deem necessary, and to havothem examined on oath, and is any v.itte-- s shall tes- tify falsely, with an intention to mi'lea-- l said Commissioners, sueh witness sh id he guilty of wilful and corrupt perjury, and hall, upon con- viction before any jurisdiction having coglii. zance thereof, Euffer the punishment by law in- flicted on those guilty of that offence. . Sec. 7. And tx il further enacted, Thlt'noi tiling" contained in this u t shall be so con-true- as to sanction what is called contingent loca- tions which have been made by f.'c rgc M. Martin for the hem sit as such India-is- as were : supposed to have been enliilid to othei land.-- , which have been uj.l by the I'r.ited ;t.it( s,sneh coming) ntdncatinris h iv ,n.- been made, with- out a.ffy legal aiitl.i.iity. It being the tine in. tertt of this act to icscrve to Congn - tin- power ofdoinglhat which may appear just when a corlect knowledge of all the lacts is obtained. Si.c. 8 And be it furthei enacted, 'II t this act shall be in force to Ihe fiis-- t ebiy ol March eighteen hundred and thiitj eight next and no longer ArrRovcn, March 30, 1837 . (.Public. No. 29. AN ACT making appropriations for building light houses,light-boats- , beacon lights, buoys, and dolphins, for the year one thousand eight hundred ami tlnrtyscven. 4 Be it enacted, by the Senate and,Hcuse of r.f the United States of America in Cong riss assembled, That the following appro- priations be, and the same are hereby, rnadp arid directed to be paiil out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to enable the Secretary of the Treasury to piovule, by contract, for building light houses, beacon-light- s, and for other p'ui poses horeinaf er men- tioned- State of Maine. For a light-hous- e to be erectcil on a proper site on Mark island, 111 Harpswell sound, five thousand dollais; for a light-hous- e to be erected on a proper site on Mount Desert island, at the entru- ce of French- man's bay, five thousand dollars; loi alight-hous- e on Rum island, nt the mouth of Da maris, cotta river, five thousand dollais; 'oi a'fog-bel- l on Seguin island, at the entrance of Ken- nebec rier, fifteen hundred dollars; lor plac- ing buoys on We-- t Quaddy bay, -- ml lor sub- stituting for the preci nt fog-b- e I, at the entrance ofsaid passage, ii cast-stee- l Irijngu'ar bull, or a bell of the usual (orm, but increa ed w eight, in e thousand five hundred dollars; fur a light louse to be erected on a proper site at Spoon in Penobscot bay, five thousand dollars; for a light house to be erected on Saddlebafk lodge, in Penobscot bay, five thousand dollars; foro to be erected on I'.igli islarul point, ju Penobscot bay , five Inou-an- d dollars; for rJight house to be erected at the mouth of Pleasant iver, five thousand dollars; iorplac ing monument 011 Fort Point ledge, Adams' ledge, ami Back's ledge, in Penobscot river, th ie thnus-n- dollars; for electing ,1 Uaceu light on Ilalf-ti- lulge, aud two l.uoysabout a mile and .1 ball-fio- the tow 11 01 Hi van, in the county of Hancock, three thoitsai.il dollars; for the CiFciitui of a light hun e nn York nub- ble, in the county of York, five thof.saiul dol- lars; lor a uioniiment on Porterficld's ledge, between O'wlshead nnd Goose river poirit, and a spindle on another ledge lying near the Porterfield ledge, two thousand six hundred dollars. State or New Hampshire . For the elec- tion of a pier on the east side of Whalesback light-hous- to secure it from the foice of the waves," three thousand dollars; fwr placing buoys ul the entiandc of Spruce creek, on th eastern edge of "Sunken rocks," and at the rust side of Amazeeh island, five hundred dol lars; for placing buoys on 'Co rock," near Fort point, sour hundred dollars. State or Massachusetts. For two small light.houses, should two be necesvirj, on pro- per sites, atornear Ipswich harbor, seven thou- sand dollais; for a light-hous- e to be erected 0:1 a proper site at or near Ned's point, contiguous to the village of Mattapoisett five thousand dollars; fortbiee small light houses on Nniistt beach, Cape Cod, fifteen feet high, ten thousand dollars; for the erection of buys upon the rucks and ledges at the entrance of the harhursof Lynn, Salem, Beverly, Muiblehead, nnd Man- chester, two thousand five hundred dollars; for lacing buoys on Aldrulge ledge, False spit, f lupjs ledge, Hospital Island ledge, Sculpion leilfc, Governor's Island point, and Little Farm bar, in Boston harbor, five hundred dollais; for erectiug a beacon at the mouth of New Bed- ford hiibor, two thousand dollars; for two small beacon lights on the north side of Nan- tucket Island, five hundred dollars; for placing a spindle in the harbor of Edgnrtown, nnd buoys, two hundred dollars; fqr erecting a at VV ing's neck, five thousand s; lor buoys 111 the harbor of Mattnpoisett, one- mi In.' dollars; for buoys on Bay rock, tho west side of Taun- ton theUd-- e on the si, 1. ilon river, oposite Full river, six hundred dol- lars; for buoys ar a place called Egypf, in Taunton river, one hundred dollars; sot a bea- con on Muscle bed, and a beacon on Oyster bed point, in Mount Hope bay, five thousand dollars; lor a light-hous- e on Mayo l.ach, in Wellllectbay, one thousand dolla'-- , (..riibuoy .l( p. i, l,u'. Rock near Ojstei isi.n ,1 on the south .ii. , Barnstable tl ree bundled .' liars. s 1 i m thi . For f ' 1. ' 'ing n !iht-hou-- e una pioper site orVLynde poinf, at the mouth ol Connecticut river, five thousand dol1 lot plae ins buoys on B'ack Boy ne'( iJ.ir'.i v'- - n f, Muiiy po ot r. el, and Wlici 1. r"s rock, m th b.irb. r 01 Iwihnqworth, tbiee bun-dr- dollars; lor abtuv-si- already commenced

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D: BRADFORD, Editor.t5pcVTffinTfywT-TfffTHeTT1- r' - --r,'KBrs' i?y'1zzx''xt'HrrnBn

MIVIED WEEKLY IVI'.n V rllUll&DAY, 'Griffith.! TSY THO. T. 3RA.DP0F.D,


Publisher of the. Lairs of the U: States.)


LOW BllC-)A'- s INN.

Printing Offlceallhe old stind. Mill street.Tl'.KJis or this paper : .

For. one year in ndvanco $2 50Ifnot paid before the end of GmosP. 00 .

" within the year 3 50No paper will be discontinued until al ariear-age- i

are paid, unless at J lie op lion of the Dili lor.fjJ-Letl- ers sent by mail to the Editor, must be

post paid, or t'ey will not fie liken, out of Ike of-

fice.A D V I2HT ISIIfG.

1 square, oriess, 3 thins veekry, $1,50; threemonths S'l; sit months $7,5'lr twelve months

515. Lonerones in propoiluii.

'a list of lettersEMAINING in tl c To t Olhceut Lexinir- -

1,,.. Tfv . nn tlu 1I 1l.1v nl 1837.which ifnot taken out within three nuinlhs, willbe sent to the General Post Offii e as dead let-


Arnold EllersonAllenderGmrsAdams Betsy missAdams AbraliumAtchison JohnAkin SamuelAlston James J

BontouJohnBarbcc Ainerecnin issBradford WilliamBell JohnBell S &. FBerry R B DrBeiry E EB.itUill.Tohn.BeazlyRBain Willi imPPrBaker ThomasBaker DavidBaker TDavid EByrnaJamesBarr mrsBanks John CBall Charles V 2Ball CBell John II 3

Bell David IIBailey J RDrBaily WilliamBrand RichardBrown CalebBrawtler Thomas 3

BelleillaniionBerryman GibsonBless TimothyBaird Thomas J 2Bemua DrBradley Waton .Bradley R IS 3Bqso.i A. J ;

Bain George ABass James M DrBeatty Elizabeth mrsBarnes JessrcBryan William 2Bryant JpsscpBryan Mary E miss

Carlond Ann missCuriam! AlexanderCarter EdwardCarter "IosesCarter DeanCarrirt RobertCavin" ThomasClaik mrre"Clark William IIClark Jcoh Dr

JasCampbell SuckyChambers MiasCaell Samuel FCorrinston JosephCorrimrtori StephenChnnini: Nancy inrs

Elizabeth miss missOraWfoid SI

Coughren.WilliftmClark J V

Clay W GClagett It DrClark Hnnnrth' mrs

Green' B 2Can-e- v Mr


Craig Mary mis 2Canon Elbert W

Davis J 2Jeptba Dr

Davi-- - William; r..Dani.ls

SuanahmrsDebare Georgerjevore JamesDougherty Robert

Benjamin PDrake JamesDrake WilliamDemoss John

Ellis BenjaminEllis WilliamEmerine Abram"Falwards J L.F.lliott Samuel C

TElholt Ja"-'- s 1

TletcherTlemiiih A A DrTon' John"Fitch Aaron 2

Fitcli ChesterForman-Wilba-

BForma n

Ford Mary nu.sFrizwell MartinFmik JamesFoley John

Gilbert ITriGilbert JGri v Tliomas

Armstrong WilliamAlHlercon JohnArnis WilliamAmes DavidAkin Miiry.T misAtkins Nancy misAtkins Uelsy mrs


Buwhelle Fzra FDr 2Bu.ks BG 2

Burke It MBurns PutBooth Fra'.cis IIB.iMrick Jos'phBrown ThomasBriiiMi JohnBrownJauiea IIBrown JamesBrown Mary mrsBuzzarXl SolomonBullock WilliamBoobs JohnBundcl nirBojlo. WilliamBonner Charles --2Bruce Charles B

Bowley BeedBuckn'er Martha miss

WilliamBoyce Polly mrsIfoicc JohnBlue Wil'oii .3 'lirritM Jacob v

llontr WilliamBrent ItoUrtByrne Anj;utinc 3Birch John. 3'Bu'ers CatbuiineP,iid I lush J'lBtiiicot B CBosworth NBurner Catharine niissBole James CBurricr JohnBriMon ThomasBntler FrancisBone James II 2BjrnscCaper Michael 'Caiaway Vestal IICrawel! Edward iimjCal.ig CConrniest LunsfordCooperCooper JohnCook WilliamCook P 1J


CamiiMl &. Huyh" - ""Cccke RuhardCurd I'

ZacarinhChristian DavidCroot ei Tliomn6Croswrll WilliamComslle barah HChaney










Cowan SamuelCunningharri.il MCline WilliamChrisman AbrahamCox JohnCrawl JeffersonCurry JohnCole JamesColernin Juno

Caldwell George AlfredCogbil! James- -

rnmali SamuelColeman Elhha W

DDowden E WDuke Wilson mrsDuke Mary mrs"

. . . ti. n on.iTui! KnosI Tiohert Malhew



Downina. WilliamDeal JohnDavenport Henry S

Doremiis Thomas C

Uodds William V

Dodson William MDodo Jane

E. F.lle.v & Chi"" 2

Elymer CharlesEalherly William TEly B

Elbeit John

FFunster Ann mrsFeatberson libFitch & RinnerFurgnson AaronFoster HenryFicg ElizabethFields mrsFlournoy M W Dr

Foster Robeit BS2Farrar HughFithione Milton


Gilmor Lewis TGuetat MonsieurGowlin John

Grey J.v . . .r., Nathan

m R



r,noiIni"Ilt luciusi.i m.- - -

ooiMaVinda mi-- s Graie, M.ihnda nuss

.JGe,tWilb..m2 ;

ShDav.d Gibson J. t

3Mgg33gasa3rtraBcaigw;aTy-r- - i"zrfr

CI. --.-I ,,!,. Sf ' t ililll V. Ii,(mGreen HenryOk en Samuel SGreen It tursGean Wi'linnGncc PanieiGain-- s Richard W Dr Gardner Francis captGraiei Thomas U

IIiifnos.M D & coHarrison i.n M mis

rII,nris John Dr 2Harris WashingtonflarrisonGeo W HanHenry Ed nurdHenry C BHemingway ThomasHawkins Vnn mis?Hawkins E W P 3Hawkins WW revHarburn JohnHawkins R 'IHeadley Iueinila E mrsllodije Dai id MHarwoud Elizabeth ruis.'Hltoii AbnerHamiiiond IHeadilintou I.bnnHeadiiigtnn NicbulaHiirndon 1'Herndon F DH MocpsHenderson TJHamtou JohnHatmnet II IIHunt Bazillinden WilliamHambloton John

Iriint A D nnjIrsmo rtlarv mrsJudd Sarah mrsJefferson J G

Jennings James RJackson llenrvJones Richard .

Jones WilliamJones John IIJxnes JeEspo WJohnson L G

Ketiney Silas LIvenndv RobeitKenney Robert Phelley James A 2Knox Samuel

Liter John 2Lctchei William 2Long John P Dr oLong WilliamLong SamuelLong PopeLove AndrewLewis LeoLewis Nancy Mrs 2Lewis Lucinda nitsLewis Elizabeth mrsLyndsClnilesLLincoln John CLuni kin John

Mill. Martha PMarxLMiller Inac

Flu, mii-- s

Moore John PMoore B.Marshall Ahner

Morton John WMorrison George EMorrison AlfiedMorris WilliamMorris AnnMitchell AlexanderMitchell Nancy mrsMorgan John col


MillesiMarsh Nancy miss-Mars-

Nancy mrsMiddleton ilenry CMpgu .TampsMay WilliamMatt hewn SamuelMathers James G

Nel'oi JoeplNe.il Charles 1

Wilfied 5

Offutt OthoOsborn R mrsOtts SilasOglehy Joseph

Pledger William 3

Parks EdwardPaiker missPav-n- e Maiv S mrsPaine ThomasPayne Nathan

SM mi-- s


PetitPetit Mr

WalterSimon Dr


Jane mrsTunstall


Keeve WReed "mrs

Itudd Samuel J 2Read

John CJames


JfisseeRichar.l-o- n inrs

B F 2


--xr tr s "" 1XE 7T. yiauMeFiLuwVj.jijj-ajjuaMjiaLggg- :

MiA.-- L v.P'istv- ,'

i' r:V--- - ''t ' 1- '-, v.- - -&!&.' Zz T

ls0 .

" Trar o his he comes, the of a noisy News all lumbering at his back."

Gipson JamesGrubb John IIGordon AhrirsGilljoliir

JosephW W .

Giicrin K'l'varilGeorge Ch.wlis D



Hoeiy Jo0ihII ill William '3I'ivrbee John 3

ni.Tbce Hester 2Hii bee James V

Hii;bce W('h irles rev

Ho 'tin II (J

Hilton Willi nil 2Hunt Wilson



Hutsell IsaacHurst V ,,!(er RHustHji Willi iraHicks SamuelHicks 1'ollv miss

RieoIlnetin James II revIlpolccr Agnes mrsHughes J miiHughes Jacob 2

Andrew J 0

'I&.JJohnson miss

JamesJohnson John

James C WJaihes WilliamJones William & J IIJoets ThomasJones Alfred FJackson mr

K- -

S TKirkpatriek JamesKennan ThomasKerr John


Leer JointLeinbndb John GLivingston Duncan- .

LowryLoll. ihil IsaacLewis MelsonLown Richard J 2

John WLibrarian of

Libr.nyLaffooii J aim s 2Lawell Peter

Alfred 2

Morrow SamuelJohn

Merrill Lueind i M mrsMiller i June Merrell Jefferson


Mrek Hough?JdssnrlhiiM'll Jo-e:- n IN ur

Morton WilliarnAdr 2M'K.uney John V

M'CoyM' Daniel Jnsr-.l- i


M'Waiu Nancy jnrsMr

M'CoyM'Eritt Robert

Marshall Mary A mrs M'GcaMaguire James M'ReynoldsJnmesA drMontgomery William 2M,Fnrlan,l J B





NNew II Nieholoil Lawrence '




PaynePattersonPatterson JamesPattersonPatterson






charge Herald from


Goldrick Patrick










Joseph A




Mirtn-.r- !

M'Moloohe FranklinM'Caffry James

M'Nitt ElizabethsM'l'aac ThomasM'Gill Willium F

beiry William




NjeN G

OOverton WilliamOldham JohnOwen Joseph R N 2

Owen Thomas S 3

Ow'ings Thomas

PPonlk Small A mrsPunish William

MPeehles ItPrice- - V OPrice CharlottPrice S.inford 2Poindexter Mary A miss

Pnlbn FSIPowell (Charles L

LPigg LeivisPollock SamuelPut man JosephPollard T I DrPhillep Louis

James W


ItRpnuk George" Reese mrsReynolds Isaac uusseu uezehianReatherford Lavinia Robinson WilliamRancy mrs Ropes T P rev







Rizer JacobRiley CamdenRichetts Rosana missRogers lohn Dr

4 Rogers HenryjiCiuue ii ii

Amanda DRunnyls L, II



world; r..iliois,


Bciii.tiuniIlit;iiin-o- n




Lammey Ilervey







RichardsonRitchey JohnRuclter JohnRhine GeorgeRoy Charles HRoberts Rankin

Shelby Anna N miss 4 Smith D mrs

Scanllebnrry Thomas Mnitn i.ariiin uSmith KSely mrsSmith Thomas 2Spell Ann im- -i

Shacklelord S.irah miSnn1h T,omi-.- i n.i-- s

St. phrnsj eX A 'ii'itii L.im-- tevenson atbarini" BSmilh Allcid

LEXINGTON, THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1837.iitywr. irijtrT'fTtii

beiile NHtliiimel Dr A JSiev ms '1' Smith ( hail,

Ji hn m ,1 Smith-New- t

.11 re J .nuts it S.imiii-ISunti- i J M 3."stanton Joseph Dr 2Mlaw Jul. ii A."ihuidierd Dr.snelgioie JacobSteele ClaiborneSteele Hairi6tSteele ASti Calhaime misSt .i ilc lohn WS.uilh Charles B

Tarlton A colI'niltun Caleb

Templeton SamuelTo'idvii.p Purnell'".nl rr'

Todd DavidSamuel

Traynh im WilliamTrnm. n Richa'd DTo.npkin.- - bitfu-1.-

j Tompkins; I'overlyI rimiile .loimThounJ.:ro!Trotter J ml lb " mrsT'rotter G J

Wn'I ice M.i".( t mrslV.ilin e Job i v!

Wail ice DWallace WmWallace l

Weainr JiwaejWeatheily Joseph .AWalden M

JoinWest mrsWirnex Get herdWaltz Frederick

.lohnWard ('G revWeber MicheliV'aliri ss SilasWest Edward

Winnwnaieyi ehb bury miss

While Jacob 2White JamesWhite George B 2Woods Archibald .

VellarVirden John

DunielV.mgaw John

Cornelius M

sj "n .. .',..

- U-"- xc


Stone Johnbionu .Hary mrsSomers JohnStublefield W capt 2Simpson- RichardKnilow&ki AdolfSliilniau S(une levSiuiuiis phrfiimStout M.ugarel miss

TTayjjir Catharine missTaylor Sarah missTaylor OziasTaylor T ftThornton E'. aline MThoinp-o- n RobertThruston John B

B Thruston JTinsley RThompson JohnTbompson NelsonThompson WilliamThompson Wm C mrs






rPhompson WiljiamThompson Titus L

WWoods James IIW'oo.lWoods Eliz ibeib AWood JamesWood Joseph captWood Susanna B mrsWilson JeffersonWilson Si Qunrrier

Waldeo Margaret mrsWil-o- n





W diisltubertW B

Woodson D in rWie!sers,ham LindsayWilliamsonV. jlliarnsou JaneWilliamson McrretWinn Ann Mnriatmrs

Wl.eeler Rebeca miss Lucy mrsrresioy Winn G

Winn Jesscp I)Wredmand Charles K Witeear Aligns







W, odlowl Mark IIWoodford John TWil-or- l Jl.irvy TWilson Hugh

4-- YYates RichardYoung Amhrn-- p M.

Young James MYoung Ilt'cn miss

rtr"Pprsou evalling for the above letters wiipleaoc say they are advertised

J. FICKLIN, P MLexington, April 1, 1S37 14-- 3t

m--- ; V rrl1Mrtmi --mmmh mwrw






vs --!,'VkZ1 a '.

A. "ts. . jtmcMtwssxr- -





Kubuc No. 23.

AN ACT supplementary to fjjj act entitled"An in t to amend thejudici.il system ol theUnited States.''Be it enacted by the Senate and 'House of Hep- -

rescnlalivss of the United Slates of Jlmeiica inCongress assnriiled, hat the Supreme Court otthe United .Males shall lu rentier consist ol aduel justice, anil eiht associate luuges, jmyfheol whom shall constitute u quorum ; and,for this purp s, there ball be appointed twoadditional justices of said cbuit, with the likepoweis, and to take tire same oaths, performthe same duties, and be entitled to the samesalaiy, as the other judges. Hereaster, the districts ol Vermont, Connecticut andNew York, shall constitute the second circuit ;

the ul New Jersey, and the eastern andwesteiri districts ol Pcnnsi lvnnia. shall consti- -

tule'tbe third circuit; the district of Marylandand the district ol Delaware thaR constitutethe fojirth circuit; the districts of Virginia andthe district of North Carolina shall constitutethe filth circuit; the districts of South Carolinaand Ge'uiyii shall constitute the sixth circuit;the distiitts of Ohio, Indiuna, Illinois, andMichigan shall, constitute the seventh circuit;and the circuit courts shall be held at Columbue, in the Ohio- - disirici, on the third Mondaysju May and Decsmber; at Detroit, in the Miclngan district, on the lourtli Monday in June;at Indianapolis, in the Indiana distnot, on thefirst Monday in December r at Vajjdalia, in theIllinois district, on the last Monday in JNorein- -

ber. in each vcai : the districts ol Kentucky,cast and west Tennessee, and Missouri, .shallform and be'c.illed the eighth circuit ; and thedistr.cls of Alabama, the eastern district ofLouisiana, the oiitnet ol Mississippi, and thodistrict ot Aikansas, shall form and be calledthe ninth circuit.

Si.c. 2. And be it farther enacted, l'bat thesessions ol said circuit courts shall beheld twicein each year m tue following distncts, to wit:commencing in the eastern uisinci oi L,ouisiami, ut JNew Orleans, on ine itiiru .uoiiuay oiNovember, annually; in the district ol .Missis

sippi, at Jackson, on the first Monday of .Mayand ontne ursi luonuay oi nuycmuer.uiimiaiiy ;

in the southern district of Alabama, at Mobile,on the second Monday of April and the secondMondav of October, annually; in the westerndistrict of Pennsylvania, at Pittsburg, on thethird Mondays ut May and November, annual-ly; in the district of Delaware, at Newcastle,on the Tuesday next following the fourth Mon-

day of May, and at Dover on the Tuesday nextfollowing the third Monday of October, an-

nually; and in tho district of Maryland, atBaltimore, on the first Monday ol April andthe first Monday of October, annually; in thonorthern distnctol New York, at Albany, onthe second Tuesday ol June and the third Tues- -

Inv nl lli.l.ihi r. .uiiiu.illv, and tluie hail behiilden iiierm ol said circuit courts, annually,at I.ewisburg. in the we-tor- of Virnia, commencing on the hrt Monday of Au- -

nt Hunt-wil- in the northern district oMalama, communing on the tir-- t Monday of

June; at St Louis, in llii aiiirut oi

commencing on the first Monday in April; and 'at Litttle Rock, in the district of Arkans i, onthe fourth Monday of March; nr.d thatno pro-cess, recognizance, oi bail bond, returnable tothe next term of ein.er ol said conns, shall benvoi.led or impaired, or affected by this change,

:as to the commencement "of -- aid term; but thatfall process, bail bonds, and recognizances re--itHrnableto tlienext term of eitlierof said courts, ,

,111111 ou reiurnaDie and returned to the courtjnext held, according to this act, in the samemanner as ii so made returnable on the lace

itheieof, and shall have full effect accordingly;and lhat .ill continuances in cither ol saidcom ts shall be from ihe hist term to the couitappointed by this act, and the day herein ap-pointed fojthe como.iMicement of (he nevt sp -

sion thereos: Provided. "I hat nothinir hereinconiamea snaii preent llieju ige ol the not th-em distiiet of Neu Ynik "from holding thecourts at Utica, nor the ju!s.e ol the westerndistrict of Fennsylvanoi Ir'om holding the courtsat Williiimspnrf, at tlu same lime and the5..1.C po.pr and juiisdictiou is heretofoie.

Si:. 3. Jlr,d be it further enacted, That 'o(i.i.cb of .my act or nets of Congress .as vests inHie dittiicl courts of the United States for thedistricts of Indiuna, Illinois, Missouri, Arkan-sas, the errttern 'district of Louisiana, the distnctol Hi - iiurlhem of Newi oris., the western district ol Virginia, and thewestern district of Pennsylvania, and the districts of Alabama, or either of them, the nower'ind jurisdiction of circuit courts, be. .u-- thesame is hereby, repealed; and there shall bero- -

ulter be circuit courts held lor said bythe chief or associate nistices of (he Su.irem'eCourt, assigned or allotted Iodic circuilto whichsuch districts may iepecli sly belong, and theui.iricc juuges oi such severally andrespectively, either (.1 whom shall constitute aquotum, which circu.t cnuits, timl (he jmlge- -

theieg,f,-sha- ll have like poweis uuil exeicse !ifejunsdiction as oihei circuit courts lim tinjudges thereof, and theaid couits, oi.dthe judges tnereol; shall Imvc like poiveir atu1exercise like jurisdiction as the courts,anil the judge3 thereof, in the ptbja: circuits.rrom all judgments a niUlecrs ss, ren. lei ed in thedistrict comts of the United States for the yvestern district of Louisiana, writs of error and

shall lie to the circuit imurt in the oilierd'atnet in i ul State, m the same m tru.ei ,i

Irom deciees and judgeinenls r. ndi red in ibiwhich a e.rcuiteourt i. roud.d

y this act.Si c. 4. Jlnd be it further darted. That ad

iclions, suits, piosccutioiis, cau-cs- , pleas, pio-ces-

and other proceedings, relative to any. au-- ciyil or oriiuinal, (which n ight h ne heir,

rouglit, and could hate been, originally, cog-

nizable in a circuit court,) now penili.ig in, orretumahle to, the several district cmirls of

Illinois, Missouri, i. ikuisis.Michigan, tho eastt rn ol Louisiana, theIsiriits ol Alabama, the noithern ilistiict niVciv Yorkr the western district of l'eiinvlvini.i, and n district of Virginia, aetiiig asofrcuit courts on the fir-- t day of A,pnl next,

h ill tie, and are hereby decl.iied to tie, respecovcly ti.msierred, returnable and coiitinoid In,'he pver.il circuit com ts const i listed by this acit i lie hoklcn yvithin the saidtively ; ajjd shall be beard, trie I, and Jedei-anne-

there'll, in the same manner as il oiigi-lall- y

brought, entered, niospi uled. or had. insuch circuit courts. Arrfl the s,iiciicuitcourtsshall be governed by Hie same :us' and regula-tions-

apply tothe other circuit conr's of theunited states; and the clerk- - ol the sai courts,respect: vt !,, shall perioral the same duties, andball be entitled to receive the same lees and

euiolumints, which me by laiv established lorthe clerks nl the oilier ciicuits courts of theUnited Stats The allotment ol tin ir chieflustice and ihe i. ate of (he saidupreme Court to the scneral circuits shall be

made as heretofore.Sic. o. And be ilfmlher enackd, That all

nets and provisions inconsistent with this act be,and 'tile same are hereby, repealed. - P

JA1IKN Ii. fULK,Spealer of tlie House of Repiesenlativcs .

W. It. KING,President of the Senate , 7ro teinporc,

Ai'PiiovLD, Maii.li 3d , I&.17.A N D IIFAV J A C KSON .

Public No. 2l."A-- ACT to nuthowzc the proper oilieeia of the

Tieiisury Department to credit the accountol the Treasurer of the Unite States withthe amount of unavailable lun.ls standing tcIns debit on the book-o- f the 'Krea-ui- toiransler the amountaof (he debit of banks andindividuals indebted for tire and to au-

thorize (he Seeietary of the Treasury tocompromise and settle' said claims. ,

lie it enacted bpMie Senate and House ofof IheUnited States of America in

Congress assembled, That the proper accountingofficers ol the Treasury tie, and they are herebyauthorized to credit the account ol the Treasurer of the United States, with the amount id theunavailable Innds whether ch'aigid to John

or his pri rlcci ssor-- , and to tran-fe- r

the amount to the debit of the banks and individuals, resptctivelj, that may be indebted forthe same

Sec 2. And be il further enacted, That theSecretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby,authorized to compromise and finally settle Iheclaim? of the United Stat js, of the above des- -

scription,igainst said bank and indiyiduals(vho Ii ivc proved insolvent, or tailed to makepunctual- payments, on such lermS'ftnd condi-

tions ns bo may deem most conducive to the in-

terests of the United States: Provided, Thatthis act shall not authorize any' compromise ofthodfhtdue Irom the Allegheny Bank ql.l'enn-sylvani-

ArriiovcD, March 3d, 1837.

Public No. 25 J

AN ACT to amend an "An ac'for laying off the towns of Fort Madison andBurlington . in the county of Des Moine.s'nndthe towns of Belleview, Du Buque, and Peru,in the county of Du limine, and MineralPoint, in the county of loway, Territory ofWisconsin, and for other purposes," approvedJuly second, eihtci n In. ml red an i tlm t y sin.Be it exacted by the Senate and liuvse of

of tlic I'm ltd Slnlisi f AvvrnainCongress assembled, '1 hat all acts and dutiesreqTnred to be done and performed by the Sur-

veyor lor the Territory of Wisconsin, under theact to which this is an amendment, shall he doneby a board of commissioners of three in number,any ty o Of y honi trill be a quorum to d.. busi-ness; said c o "i..! iss (IU rc to be appoint! o by thePresi.l nt !,. I ,'. -- ; iti . nil ,"p...

ion- - to i hi ir t . r n , f m t '

their dutie-- , 1..1. ' . i .form the line fillnully an imp .iti.i'l P, -

uidid, i h.i I he i. ho" of the i oo 'mi o1 i . ip-

pointed undr tbt pw sent act sb ill no' ilii-fer- c

with any of the acts performed by tlGeneral, puor to the time ol the passage

hereof, in pursuance of instructions under thenet to which this is amendatory.

Sic. 2. And be it further enacted, That thesaid commissioners shall have power to luarevidence and determine all claims to lots arisingunder the act to which this is an amendment;and for this purpose .the said commissioners areauthorized to administer All oaths that may be

imcessary, and reduce to writing all the evidence in support of claims to'pre-emj.lio- n presemen mr ineir consiiieranon, imd when all thetestimony shad have been heauland considered,the said commissioners shall hie with the properregister and receiver for the district withinwhich the towns are situated respectively, thetestimony in each case, together with n certifi-cate in fa.vor ol ear Ii person having the rightof under the provisions of the actof which this is amendatory ; and upon makingpay nient to the propel- - receiver ol public mo-no, js lor the lot or lots to which such petsoli isentitled, the receiver shall giant a receipt therefor, and the register issue certificates of purch.r-e-, (o he transmitted to the Commissioner ofthe General Land Office, as in other eases of thesale of public lands.

Six--. 3. And be it further enacted, That theproper register and receiver of public moneys,aster (be boaid of coiiimissioueis. have heardmil determined all the cases of under tho act to which this is an amendment, shallexpose the icsidiie of the the lots to public saleto the highest bidder, alter advertising the samein three public newspapers al least three monthsprior to the day ol sale, in the same manner asi provided for the sale of public lands in othercases; and alter paying the counnis.-ioucr- s thecompensation hereafter allo.ved them," and allother expenses incident to the said survey andsale, the rcreiver of the land office shall payoyer the'residue of the money be may

fiom the sale of lots uforesaal, by pre-emption as well as at public auction, into thehands of the trustees of the wspeotive townsa unsaid, to be expended by them hi llvd ( rec- -

Hon oi (in hi i c building-- , the const i uctiou ot sinf.ib'e yvhaives, and the improvement of thistreets in the said towns of Fort Madinn. Burlington, Belleview, Du Bnquc, Peru and Mineral roint.

Sec. 4. And be il further enacted, That thecommissioners appointed to carry this act intoeffects shall be paid by il.e receiver of. pub'icmoneys ol tlio proper laud district, six dollarseach, per day, lor tlnir e.vio.-s, fur every dayibe are necessarily employ ed.

A , March 3 I, lc37. -

Public-N- o. 2G JAN ACT to c.inliiine in force for a limited

time the art entitled act to carry intoeffect a convention betnein the United Statesand Spain "Be il nailed bi Ihe Sen-it- r nnd House of Rep- -

rescntalaes of the united Stales ot America mCongics iibtemlltd, I bat the provisions ol theact, entitled "An act to carry into effect a convention between the Unit, d States ami Spain,''approved on the seventh d .y ol June, one thou-sou- il

eight hundred and thirty six, he, and thea omo ic hircby extendi d until the first day of

February, one thouiond eight hundred aridthiitje3gbt and the commissioner appointedunder the - ail act, shall, on or before the saiddriy, tt run. Kite .

Ai.m.ovld, M 'icii ." I, 1837. ""

' "P.'hiic So.-2- 1

A.' ACT for tl e inure equitable administra-tion ol 11 e Ni.vy I'en-io- .i Fund.Re it. rmrtedIiM Ihe Sp, titpjud of Tien

prcsL7itulnes of Il.e Cnilid stalls of America intor.g.ni J ti:ii,u any or.icer, seamanor marine have died, or nitiv hereafter die. inthe naval eivi e, leav ing a v. idow, and , is nowidov , a child or children, such widow, and,iwwidow, such eb Idor chihlien, shall be cnli- -

II...I n C ll.n ... ...All. l.r nl. r 1... l.lol....... ... ,; I.U.I lllb ....... ...IT "J IS II.VIIthe deceased would have la en entitled, underrue aoisrrguioinig ihe pay ot ine navy, miorceon (he first day of Januaiy, one thousand eightbundled and thirt4.c, to commence Irom theihuc of the death of such c fiicur, seaman 01

marine: but ill case of the dret'i or 11-

Iprmnronn .is micli ,ii!nw the bull" r.ii v shall--. j r"jire. lr,filT..Kil.l i, rt.li(..initEtl!-hil...-r.(- .1 nfTl.O" "" - w. .......... v ... .. .. ......cession). in, oriuurirh1. Provided, Thatthehalfpay granted to irjg child orciiliuren sm.il ce iseon their death, arujii their attaining tue or. of

Lt.icnty oncyears.hrc. M. 1rtd be it further cnaelctl, that the

peii-iuu- s which may nave utrr grumeu, 01

which may hereafter bo granfqgjUi officers, sea-

men and marines, iri.thenavnlau'.vice. dicab!edby wounds or injiiiios recciyMlv8tT!c, lineof 4l.i ir duty,, shallW cotiwiIojW to commenceirom tne time ot their irQjrrfljrraisrinicii, nnuthat the amount of neirtjotnSJD vvhich said

lolllcers, senrnr n, anil innlifJfliy be entitled,sh ill be regulated according to, the pay of thenavv as it cxi'ted-o- the first dav of January,JSI.O I I. . .1 C II. I ...n..f ii.i.!rr1 l.ll.'l fl.trt, fll'A.w... ................ .,,.... .................. j....

Si:c. 3. Mnabe iljuititcr enaclea, indi anacts, ami parrs 01 acis, v men may nc iiiconsislent with the provi-ion- s ol tliis act, be, and thetame are hereby, repoaltd, so Tar as tney mayrtbite hereto. . 6i

Aitroved, March 3d, 1P3i.

Public No.28.jf' "AN ACT for the appointment of pommission-cr- s

to adjust I be claims to reservations of landundei the lonrteentb article of the treaty ofeighteen hundred and thirty with the Choc-

taw Indians.Re ilenaeled by the Senate and House of Rep-

resentatives of the United Slates of America inCongiess assembled That there shall be appoint-ed by the President, by and with the adviceanil consent of the Senate, threorcommissioneriwhose duty it shall be to meet in the State ofMississippi at sucn time anil place, asme rresident shall appoint and designate, and thereproceed to ascertain the name ot every Cnoc-ta-

Indian who was the head of an Indianfamily at the date of the treaty nt DancingKabbit Uieek, who has not already-obtaine- areservation under said treaty, and who c"nshow by satisfactory evidence tha.t he or sheeomplied or offered to comply with all the requisites of the fourteenth article of said treaty,to ( otitic lum r her, to a reservation undersaid article; and al-- o the number and namciof all the unmarried children of such heads of.families who formed a part of the family andwere over ten years of age, and likewise tnenumber and names of the children of such headsof fam lies as were under ten years of age, andreport to the President, to be, by him, laid be- -

lore ( ongress, n the names or such Indians,ond the different section-o- t md to which cu. h

' '' . il cut t1. 'ii. w t re i v i, -

.. ' w.lh I ie .vi. oi , . i ,..,: .. oners,I... niiei.iiu all) paiLols.n.i lands I...VJ Ltd

sold by th- - Government, and the proofs appli-cable, to each case.

Sec B Andb, i' f n t' enacted, Tho be-

fore cnueung upon llmr duties, each of theiuuli .' all, belort onie judge or jus

i7No. 15 Vol. 52.

tice ot the peace, take an oatb faithfully to dis-charge the duties imposed by this act.

Six.-3- . And be it furllier enacted. That saidCommissionersare hereby authorized to appointa Secretary whose duty it shall be to recordcorrectly all the proceedings of said Board, andfaithfully to preserve the same as well as all depositions and other paper; hied belore saidBoaid,.and w ho shall take an oath todischar-- uthe duties imposed on him by this act.

Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, Th.it uponthe request of the Coinniiisioners it shall be theduty of the District Attorney of the State ofMississippi, to attend said Board, and ivc ,jjassistance in procurirg the nttendui.u of wit-nesses, and his aid and advice in their ex.imi'i

the bettir to enable the Commissioners toascertain toe lacts correctly in each case.

Sec. 5. And le il further enacted, That eachofsaid Commissi, nerssliall receive, while in t!.odischarge of the duties hereby imposed, a salaryat the rate three thousand dollars per annum,the Secretary a salary .at Ihe rate offllteen hun.dred dollars per annum, and the District Attor-ney a salary at the rate of two thousand dol-lars per annum, to be paid quarterly out of anymoney in the Treasury not otherwise appro-priated.

Stc. (1. And be it further enacted, That sai-- tCommissioners shall have lull power to summonand cause to come before them, such yvmipsscsas they may deem necessary, and to havothemexamined on oath, and is any v.itte-- s shall tes-tify falsely, with an intention to mi'lea-- l saidCommissioners, sueh witness sh id he guilty ofwilful and corrupt perjury, and hall, upon con-viction before any jurisdiction having coglii.zance thereof, Euffer the punishment by law in-flicted on those guilty of that offence. .

Sec. 7. And tx il further enacted, Thlt'noitiling" contained in this u t shall be so con-true-

as to sanction what is called contingent loca-tions which have been made by f.'c rgc M.Martin for the hem sit as such India-is- as were


supposed to have been enliilid to othei land.--,which have been uj.l by the I'r.ited ;t.it( s,snehcoming) ntdncatinris h iv ,n.- been made, with-out a.ffy legal aiitl.i.iity. It being the tine in.tertt of this act to icscrve to Congn - tin- powerofdoinglhat which may appear just when acorlect knowledge of all the lacts is obtained.

Si.c. 8 And be it furthei enacted, 'II t thisact shall be in force to Ihe fiis-- t ebiy ol Marcheighteen hundred and thiitj eight next and nolonger

ArrRovcn, March 30, 1837 .

(.Public. No. 29.AN ACT making appropriations for building

light houses,light-boats- , beacon lights, buoys,and dolphins, for the year one thousand eighthundred ami tlnrtyscven. 4Be it enacted, by the Senate and,Hcuse of

r.f the United States ofAmerica inCong riss assembled, That the following appro-priations be, and the same are hereby, rnadparid directed to be paiil out of any money in thetreasury not otherwise appropriated, to enable

the Secretary of the Treasury to piovule, bycontract, for building light houses, beacon-light- s,

and for other p'ui poses horeinaf er men-tioned-

State of Maine. For a light-hous- e to beerectcil on a proper site on Mark island, 111

Harpswell sound, five thousand dollais; for alight-hous- e to be erected on a proper site onMount Desert island, at the entru- ce of French-man's bay, five thousand dollars; loi alight-hous- e

on Rum island, nt the mouth of Da maris,cotta river, five thousand dollais; 'oi a'fog-bel- l

on Seguin island, at the entrance of Ken-nebec rier, fifteen hundred dollars; lor plac-ing buoys on We-- t Quaddy bay, -- ml lor sub-

stituting for the preci nt fog-b- e I, at the entranceofsaid passage, ii cast-stee- l Irijngu'ar bull, ora bell of the usual (orm, but increa ed w eight,in e thousand five hundred dollars; fur a lightlouse to be erected on a proper site at Spoon

in Penobscot bay, five thousand dollars;for a light house to be erected on Saddlebafklodge, in Penobscot bay, five thousand dollars;foro to be erected on I'.igli islarulpoint, ju Penobscot bay , five Inou-an- d dollars;for rJight house to be erected at the mouth ofPleasant iver, five thousand dollars; iorplacing monument 011 Fort Point ledge, Adams'ledge, ami Back's ledge, in Penobscot river,th ie thnus-n- dollars; for electing ,1 Uaceulight on Ilalf-ti- lulge, aud two l.uoysabouta mile and .1 ball-fio- the tow 11 01 Hi van, inthe county of Hancock, three thoitsai.il dollars;for the CiFciitui of a light hun e nn York nub-ble, in the county of York, five thof.saiul dol-lars; lor a uioniiment on Porterficld's ledge,

between O'wlshead nnd Goose river poirit,and a spindle on another ledge lying near thePorterfield ledge, two thousand six hundreddollars.

State or New Hampshire . For the elec-tion of a pier on the east side of Whalesbacklight-hous- to secure it from the foice of thewaves," three thousand dollars; fwr placingbuoys ul the entiandc of Spruce creek, on theastern edge of "Sunken rocks," and at therust side of Amazeeh island, five hundred dollars; for placing buoys on 'Co rock," nearFort point, sour hundred dollars.

State or Massachusetts. For two smalllight.houses, should two be necesvirj, on pro-per sites, atornear Ipswich harbor, seven thou-sand dollais; for a light-hous- e to be erected 0:1a proper site at or near Ned's point, contiguousto the village of Mattapoisett five thousanddollars; fortbiee small light houses on Nniisttbeach, Cape Cod, fifteen feet high, ten thousanddollars; for the erection of buys upon the rucksand ledges at the entrance of the harhursofLynn, Salem, Beverly, Muiblehead, nnd Man-chester, two thousand five hundred dollars; for

lacing buoys on Aldrulge ledge, False spit,flupjs ledge, Hospital Island ledge, Sculpionleilfc, Governor's Island point, and Little Farmbar, in Boston harbor, five hundred dollais; forerectiug a beacon at the mouth of New Bed-

ford hiibor, two thousand dollars; for twosmall beacon lights on the north side of Nan-tucket Island, five hundred dollars; for placinga spindle in the harbor of Edgnrtown, nndbuoys, two hundred dollars; fqr erecting a

at VV ing's neck, five thousand s;

lor buoys 111 the harbor of Mattnpoisett,one- mi In.' dollars; for buoys on Bay rock,

tho west side of Taun-tontheUd-- e on the si, 1. ilon

river, oposite Full river, six hundred dol-

lars; for buoys ar a place called Egypf, inTaunton river, one hundred dollars; sot a bea-

con on Muscle bed, and a beacon on Oysterbed point, in Mount Hope bay, five thousanddollars; lor a light-hous- e on Mayo l.ach, inWellllectbay, one thousand dolla'-- , (..riibuoy.l( p. i, l,u'. Rock near Ojstei isi.n ,1 on thesouth .ii. , Barnstable tl ree bundled .' liars.

s 1 i m thi . For f ' 1. ' 'ing n!iht-hou-- e una pioper site orVLynde poinf, atthe mouth ol Connecticut river, five thousanddol1 lot plae ins buoys on B'ack Boy ne'(iJ.ir'.i v'- - n f, Muiiy po ot r. el, and Wlici 1. r"s

rock, m th b.irb. r 01 Iwihnqworth, tbiee bun-dr-

dollars; lor abtuv-si- already commenced