
Taken 2 Adaptation Pitch By Satpal Singh Unit 10 LO3 Pass

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Post on 29-Jul-2015




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Taken 2 Adaptation Pitch

By Satpal Singh Unit 10 LO3 Pass

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• What Are You Adapting? Taken 2• What Was It before? Movie• What Are You Adapting It Into? Video Game• Why? I am adapting this specific movie into a

video game as I feel that there are quite a lot of scenes within the movie users would like to complete themselves, as there are a number fighting scenes users could complete themselves.

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Genre And Narrative • Genre? • The genre for the videogame will be an action thriller, which is pretty similar to what

the original film was. I feel that the same people will want to watch something, which has the same feel throughout the videogame. I personally think that the videogame will be pretty much the same as it will have a lot of action scenes and the whole videogame will be based upon fighting and the use of weaponry. As well as being that type of genre I feel that this will mostly appeal to teens who have watched the film and are in fact into action thriller video games.

• Narrative? • The retired CIA agent Bryan Mills invites his teenage daughter Kim and his ex-wife

Lenore, who has separated from her second husband, to spend a couple of days in Istanbul where he is working.

• Meanwhile, the patriarch of the community of the Albanian gang of human trafficking, Murad Krasniqi, seeks revenge for the death of his son and organizes another gang to kidnap Bryan and his family. Bryan and Lenore are abducted by the Albanians mid air whilst travelling from America to Istanbul.

• Kim escapes and is the only hope that Bryan has to escape and save Lenore who is taken away from Brian.

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Constraints• There are many issues involved in terms of the technology that needs to be

used to create the game. In terms of budgeting and technology the adaptions will rely heavily on special effects and CGI and of course the game designers who will try to recreate the film by making it into a story of creating the game. The audience of the game will be on a global level as the film was created in Istanbul but was in fact created to attract an American audience. This means that the game will be competing with Hollywood productions.

• In terms of budgeting the game will need to be produced within budget for it be a success. The budget will be quite big though as it will cost a lot of money to try to produce a whole game from scratch with the use of special effects, computer design software and even the use of CGI. There are no significant issues with technological development that gets in the way of my planned adaptation. There are a range of CGI issues about the explosions, guns and special effects

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Opportunities• I feel that the main adaptation will bring along a main key feature, which is

interaction. It will allow the user to navigate through game and allow them to do exactly hat they want. When we watch the movie we are only ever given the chance t see the prospective of the main character who is Liam Neeson but to change this adaption from the film I would like to allow the gamers to choose whether they would like t be the villain (Albanian gang) or the hero (Liam Neeson). This will allow them to see and view the film in much better prospective as they will be able to play and see how each character felt and what was involved in all of the activities that took place.

• This will be a game that will be created n computer software and none of it will have real life images, which is the complete opposite to the film. Everything used in the film will need to be recreated so that it looks exactly what it is meant to look like in the game, this could mean that the cost of the game be very expansive as they will need to draft in specialists that specialize in making these buildings and scenes look like the real thing and will need t be viewable on 4k TVs so the quality muse b the best it could possibly be.

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Target Audience• The core audience for the adaptation, as with most mainstream games

will be action thrillers and story lovers as the whole concept of the game will be based around a story and will run in order of activities similar to the film. The core audience for the game will be 16-34 and the gender will be men, which could come cross as quite stereotypical as there will be a good few women that will want to play the game.

• My core audience will have general interest of playing games that have a specific storyline to them and will enjoy playing games that will involve guns, explosions and even the use of celebrity’s being computerized to fit in to games such as Harry Potter. They are fans that will enjoy action adventure movies, they have big DVD and comic book collections and they probably are interested in merchandise too.

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Cinematic Ideas

• The thing that will make this adaptation distinctive that there will be a number of different camera angles, I will use extreme zoom into characters faces, fast moving shots and also slow motion during some of the fighting scenes. I will be using some of a lot of music during the scenes to emphasize a key scene as there will be a lot of points where I would like the audience to feel scared or eve shocked and maybe left on edge. All of this can only be done by supplying the camera shots with sound which simply emphasizes key points within the scenes.

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