pitch for my music video

Music Video Pitch Georgia Spencer

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Pitch for my music video

Music Video PitchGeorgia Spencer

Page 2: Pitch for my music video


After watching hundreds of music videos I have started to get an idea of what I want my music video to look like. Also the feedback from my small questionnaire helped me think what would be best. I would like to do an Narrative type of video which is like a small film that normally relates to the song. I don’t think I will have the ‘singer’ in my music video as I don’t think any lip syncing will be involved, however I am still going to keep that option open.

Page 3: Pitch for my music video


On Spotify I made a new playlist where I put all my music and over a couple days I listen to them all and put the ones I thought had potential into another list. I cut about 300 songs down to about 60, the next time I listened to them I really gave some thought to what I’d do to each one. In the end it was Pendulums songs that mostly caught my attention. It was Watercolour that I had the most visuals for, so I have decided that this is going to be my song choice for my music video.

Page 4: Pitch for my music video


After listening to Watercolour several times I started to visualize a chase. I want a simple chase through the woods, and then ends up at an discarded house with maybe some kinds of fight scene. There is fire mentioned in the lyrics so it would be fun to film a bonfire at night. I like the idea of an Native American style with face paints and their chants. If I could get fake animal skins and Native headbands with the feathers it would be good to spiritual dance around the fire.

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Another reason as to why I think that would be a good plot idea is because I have good locations. I have plenty of forests around my house and a few discarded places that we can film at. There is also a place where there is a shallow stream witch would make for a good shot of them running through it.

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Costumes and make-up

For costumes I would like the main person to be in black boots, skinny jeans and camisole with a black leather jacket. I would like her to have Native American type paint on her bare parts of skin. Her clothes will be a little muddy and the paint is kind of wiped off so it looks like she has been on the run for a while.

For the chaser, I want him also to be in all black. Hoodie, jeans, trainers and a plain black tee. I have also purchased half face balaclava which has the bottom of a skull printed it off so I want to paint the persons face white with black around the eyes but also have the smudged and wiped off to look like it was a while ago that it was put on. It would also give it a more creepy look.

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I’m not sure if I only want two people in my music video or more. I wanted a person that is running and a person that is chasing. But then I started to think about a group of people chasing her might be more effective.

Female for the person being chased and then male for the chaser and probably a mix of male and female for the group.

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Good camera shot and movement

Tracking shot, close-ups, extreme close-ups, mid-shots, arc shot, long shot and extreme long shot.

Because I plan on filming it on a stabilizer it will be easy for me to run with the character and get some good shot and movement.

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Panasonic G2

MacBook Retainer Display

iMovie/Adobe After Affects
