pitch presentation

The Mind Psychology Magazine Rebecca Lamb

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Post on 23-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Pitch presentation

The MindPsychology Magazine

Rebecca Lamb

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You, as the Northern Echo

have asked me to produce a

new magazine or newspaper

product. My product could be in

any style or genre but it must

be self financed through sales

or advertising. I must also

produce my magazine for a

specified audience segment

within the 16 to 25 age group.

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To ensure that I am able to

meet the brief I have done

the following: Identify my target audience

Carry out extensive research

Identify a gap in the market

Create stories that are relatable to my target audience.

I will have to make sure I do not break the following rules: No extreme language No extreme nudity No offensive content

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I have decided to do a Psychology magazine as I really enjoyed learning about this topic at AS Level and I believe that there is a gap in the market for a Psychology magazine that introduces the topic to new interests to Psychology and also people that are interested in ALL aspects of Psychology such as relationships, health/medical and children.

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15-24 years


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The secondary audience for my magazine will include Northern Echo readers, parents and siblings.In order to avoid offence and ensure the secondary audience are happy there will be…

- No colloquialism- No inappropriate content- No nudity

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The IPSO are an independent body that deals with complaints from celebrities or ordinary people that have been offended or embarrassed by the images or articles as the IPSO deals with the editorial content of the magazine and newspapers. The IPSO is a voluntary body and is funded by the publishing industry. The IPSO follow a 16-clause code of practise, which is seen as rules, which journalists must stick too.

To ensure I do not break any of the codes I have created 5 golden rules I must follow…

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1 I will make sure that informed consent is given before questioning, photographing or publishing information about an individual.

2 I will be considerate and caring when discussing sensitive topics such as illness, shock and grief.

3 I must ensure that all information about a topic, individual or organisation that is published is accurate.

4I will make sure that I have gained parent’s consent if I photograph their children for my article or anyone under 16.

5 I will make sure that I do not harass anyone that I want to interview or take images of for my article.

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Not only does The Mind concentrate on the

social aspects of psychology including

romance, family and friendship, it dives

deep into the wellbeing of the target audience focusing on both the mental and physical


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I briefed my idea which involved discussing design, article ideas, target audience and the genre and gained some feedback…

“People that don’t do Psychology at A Level will learn a lot from this magazine”

“Interesting but too much facts and statistics”

“Good ideas, well spread out on two pages”

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Bright colours

Active Layout

Young model

Variety of fonts

Use of shapes

Catchy sell lines

How it affected

my design:



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One main image

Active layout

Young model

‘How to’ steps

Different fonts

How it affected my

design…- Colours- Design- Fonts

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No gender biasedColours match the article topicImages link directly to the articleExtremely informative


Paragraphs are too longFont is too boring for a younger audienceKicker needs to be biggerHeader doesn’t stand out enoughToo much text on one side

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1ST person narrative creates a closer tenor.The header is in a good place.Images link well with the topic of the article.People that don’t know anything about Psychology learn a lot.


The text is too small to read.Header ‘bubbles’ need to be closer together.

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• I will use 1st person narrative as I want a close relationship with my readers from my 2nd mock up.

• I will also use the image from my 1st mock up as I think it represents what my article is about by a glance at the images.

• I will use the colours light pink and light blue as it is not gender biased and is also a good representation of the types of colours children wear when they are babies.

• I will also use as much information as I did in both mock up’s as my readers learned a lot from reading them especially readers than don’t know a lot about Psychology.

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THE MIND-Instantly connotes

Psychology.-Easy to

remember.-Quick to read.


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THE MIND•Discusses aspects of Psychology that are rarely touched on in magazines•To build a relationship with my readers•To introduce Psychology to people with a new interest in the subject•Not to stereotype any of the readers

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SF Old Republic

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• Front Cover

• Contents

• Article 1: Anaesthetics

• Article 2: Child Development

• Article 3: Relationships

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Images – active,

window to future self,

Layout –

professional, clear, intriguing.

Fonts – capitalized,

clear, big, serif title, san serif writing.

Colours – black,

white and red.

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Images – colourful,

bright, interesting, intriguing.

Layout –

professional, clear, explosive.

Font – clear, bold,


Colour – rule of

three (black, white, hot pink)

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Images – splotches on

the page, colourful, close up.

Layout – clear, breakout


Font – bold, capitalised,

san serif fonts

Colour – Black, white

and a range of blues from dark to light.

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Images – cheerful, relatable, bright, active.

Layout – clear, breakout boxes, exciting.

Fonts – sans serif, bold, capitalised, italicised

Colour – black writing, light pink and light blue.

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Images – windows

to future self, bright, active.

Layout – explosive,

clear, intriguing

Font – sans serif,

bold, capitalised

Colour – reds,

pinks, bright

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• 16 pages

• Paper size – A4

• Paper type – Gloss

• Price –

• 1/3 adverts

• Distribute 20, 000 copies


•Distributes similar magazines such as Vogue and Elle.•Well known.•Supports educational yet entertaining magazines.

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20, 000 copies16 pagesHigh quality paper

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Lighting Assistant



Makeup assistant


Journalist £35





£22.50Layout artist

£15 an hour

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Journalists - £280

Photographers - £200

Models - £270

Researchers - £100

Lighting Assistant - £180

Makeup Assistant - £180

Total Expenditure = £1210

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Studio space rental

Risk Assessment Technical Support

Studio lighting technical support

£350 for 20 hours



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Studio Space Rental -£350

Risk Assessment TechnicalSupport - £50

Studio lighting technicalsupport - £50

Total Expenditure = £1350

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Double page spread £1500

Full page £900

Half page £495

Quarter page £325

Prime Positions Prices

Inside Front £1275

Inside Back £1100

Outside Back £1350

Gate Foid £2750

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1 x Back cover

1 x Inside front

3 x Full page




Total Expenditure = 5325

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X £3.00

20, 000

60, 000

Cover Price

Sales estimate

Sales income

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£65, 325

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£59, 194.60


£29, 597.30

-50% for distributor and wholesaler

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Thank you for listening…ANY QUESTIONS?