

Upload: michaelellis13

Post on 08-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Half-way Home Half-way Home Half-way Home Half-way Home Title/Fonts The popular choice for the title of our film was Heart of war but we have had change it as there is a film adaptation of a book with same title.
  2. 2. Our genre is an Action/Romance film inspired by cold mountain and a Sub plot of Salmon fishing in theYemen Genre and Inspiration
  3. 3. The plot of our film is a, love conquers all tale of a man lost in war fighting his way back to his lover at home. A modern Cold mountain Plot
  4. 4. The film starts out with a happy couple who are planning to get married, when the male character is called out to war, when the mans time is served and he is on his way home his plane is shot down. From this point the story splits into two parts following the mans survival and how the woman copes with her lover missing in action He makes it back only to find that the woman has slept with another man, seeing how happy she seems to be with him he decides to remain dead in her eyes. Narrative
  5. 5. OurTarget audience is Males 0f 15 to 50 Although the romance feature of the film may attract Female Based on other films of the Genre we would rate our film as a 15 With interests such as wars and how they can affect people on both the front line and their family's at home. Target audience
  6. 6. Budget : 78,000,000 Estimated gross: 99,000,000 Release dates : Winter 2018 Box office
  7. 7. Hugh Jackman Bradley Cooper Actors, director Natalie Portman Stephen Spielberg Directed action films such as Indiana jones, saving private Ryan and war horse. Actress roles in new york, I love you.V for vendetta and no strings attached. Acting roles in wolverine, les miserable and Austrailia Acting roles in American sniper, silver linings playbook, the a- Team and valentines day Main love interest Director Competing for lead role
  8. 8. We have chosen universal as they have worked with Spielberg before on such films as E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial Jaws Jurassic park Company
  9. 9. Title sequence Our title sequence will be set out in a similar fashion to the Walking Dead We will focus on object establishing our characters relationship and they idea that they are getting married.