pixelfountain learning simulations

Learning Simulation Workshops Speaker: Mary Dees

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Post on 24-May-2015




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A presentation showing pixelfountain's innovative learning approach that uses learning simulations (serious games) in a workshop setting - the best of both worlds.


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Learning Simulation Workshops

Speaker: Mary Dees

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Nationally Recognised

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Successful Constructivist Approach

What I hear, I forget, what I see, I remember; but what I do, I understand -

Confucius 451BC

Research indicates that we retain only 10% of what we hear; 20% of what we see; 65% of what we hear and see; but 90% of what we hear, see, and do.

The approach brings clarity to complex problems, taps into the collective wisdom of the crowd, and ultimately improves decisions.

Inspiration (motivation to act) + Simulation (how to act) = Improved Decisions

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Measurable Outcomes

Evaluation of our programmes have shown outcomes such as:

Values alignment in Unilever (200 people in a single workshop).

Improved partnership working in over 70 Local Authorities and their partners.

Breaking down silos and improving cross cutting work.

Better decision-making including procurement saving millions.

De-politicising of strategy development.

Engaging communities and giving everyone at our workshops a voice.

Improved prioritisation of housing schemes - delivered alongside HCA.

Allowing recruits to gain a holistic understanding through innovative induction.

Engagement of reluctant learners and special educational needs children.

Over 450 workshops delivered with more than 6,000 individuals (aged 10 to 80) trained.

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Before and After Workshops

Comprehensive Programmes:

Pre-work: analysis of learning and delegates.

Ongoing delivery of outcomes to ensure change is


Goals & Expectations


ReportingAction Sets

Collaborative ToolsCoaching

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Innovative Workshops

Best of both worlds workshop:


“Ice Breaker”


Real World Exercise

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Learning Simulation Overview

Govern-IT is an innovative learning-simulation used at the heart of an interactive workshop.

Delegates are immersed in a virtual local authority where they can explore different possibilities and problems. They are split into six teams:

Environmental Services Community Services Children’s Services Corporate Services Members External Partners

Overall the workshop encourages team working, inclusive decision-making and effective scrutiny using the latest governance code as the benchmark for good practice.

Game play:

Eight teams need to work in partnership to improve a virtual community / organisation

Each team has a budget to work with, and decisions to make:

Look at reports to identify issues and opportunities.

Identify win-wins and negotiate with other teams.

After all the decisions have been made, we update the round to see what happened.

Look at the score and deal with incidents.

Repeat three or four more times (each round = 1 year).

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The Main Menu

“The most advanced computer led training course I have attended”

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“An excellent way of exploring issues particularly the

cross – cutting elements & how they impact across [the community]”

Looking at the issues

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“The richness of the experience was in the

discussions, as we went through the

purchases and the strategic rationale for the decisions made”

Decisions, decisions, decisions

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“Partnership approach and collaboration, illustrated through practical participation”

Advance the Round, see the Changes

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“Very useful to look at effects over ‘four years’ and to consider effects and changes to plans”

3 rounds remain to deal with problems

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Flexibility - A single learning simulation can anchor many programmes and events. An initial investment will deliver value for money for years to come.

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Let’s “Play” Planit-Sustainability