place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. cheese, popsicle, napkin...

Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

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Page 1: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest.

1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin2. Bonfire, napkin, fried egg

What do you think?

Page 2: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?


• Is the napkin hot or cold?

Page 3: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

(Chapter Eleven)


Phases of Matter and


Page 4: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

Back to the hot and cold …

• Using the words “hot” or “cold” can sometimes be confusing…or relative (some of you think the room is too cold…some don’t)

• To reduce confusion, an object should be described by its temperature.


Page 5: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?


• Is a measure of the kinetic energy of the particles in an object.

• The faster the particles move, the higher the temperature

• Temperature is independent of the amount of the substance being measured (a little bit can have the same temperature as a whole bunch)

Page 6: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

TemperatureThere are two common

temperature scales. The Celsius scale:

Water freezes at 0 CWater boils at 100 C

(metric)On the Fahrenheit scale:

Water freezes at 32 F Water boils at 212 F.

(English or standard)

Page 7: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

The 3rd Temperature Scale (though not so common)

• Kelvin (K) – SI unit – starts at absolute zero

• NO degrees, labelled in “Kelvins”• Fahrenheit (oF) – US unit• Celsius (oC) – metric unit – broken into 100

equal units between freezing and boiling water

Page 8: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

Absolute zeroAbsolute zero is -273°C. You cannot have a temperature lower than absolute zero.Think of absolute zero as the temperature at which atoms are “frozen.”

Page 9: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?
Page 10: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?


A thermometer is an instrument that measures temperatureThermometers you have likely seen uses colored liquid alcohol to sense temperature- because alcohol stays liquid over a wide range of temperatures.

Page 11: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

How does a thermometer work?

• They work due to thermal expansion• As a substance gets hotter, its particles move

faster. The particles do not expand, but they need to spread out…this spreading is called thermal expansion.

• When the thermometer is warmed, the liquid inside expands and rises up in the tube.

Page 12: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

Thermal Expansion

1. object is heated up2. particle movement

increases3. particles spread out

Thermal Contraction

1. object cools down2. particle movement

decreases3. Particles stay closer


Page 13: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?
Page 14: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

Converting to KelvinThe Kelvin temperature scale is useful in science because it starts at absolute zero.

To convert from Celsius to Kelvin, you add 273 to the temperature in Celsius

Page 15: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

Let’s convert...

• What temperature was it this morning when you got up?

• Let’s convert it to Celcius:

Page 16: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

Another temperature conversion…

• Look at the conversion formulas earlier in your notes.

• It is 77 in this room. • What unit would that be in? • Let’s convert that number to the other 2


Page 17: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

What temperature really is…

Temperature measures the kinetic energy per atom due to random motion. (how fast the molecules are moving)

Page 18: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

What temperature really is…

The back-and-forth jiggling of atoms is caused by thermal energy, which is a kind of kinetic energy- (E an object possesses due to temperature)


Atoms are in constant motion, even in a solid object.

Page 19: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

More on temperature (without having to listen to me)!

1. Watch “Brainpop” on Temperature2. Take review quiz on Temp.

Page 20: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

Tell your neighbor!

1.) Why can’t there be a temperature lower than

absolute zero?

2.) Explain the scientific meaning of the word


3.) Which is colder, 0 ˚C or 20 ˚F ?

Page 21: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

More tomorrow…

Page 22: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

What is heat?• Heat is energy of the atom

that is moving.

• Heat flows any time there is a difference in temperature.

• Because your hand has more thermal energy than the chocolate, thermal energy flows from your hand to the chocolate and the chocolate begins to melt.

Page 23: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

Soda and Heat

• How does soda get cold in a cooler of ice?

Page 24: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

What is Thermal Energy

• Remember, temperature is the measure of particle movement due to temperature )(kinetic energy)…..however, the TOTAL energy in ALL of the particles in a substance is called its thermal energy….

• the more particles there are, the more thermal energy it contains.

Page 25: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

What is Temperature again?

Page 26: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

Heat, Temperature, and Thermal Energy

• Heat, temperature, and thermal energy are related, but are not the same thing.

• The amount of thermal

energy depends on the temperature but it also depends on the amount of matter you have.

Page 27: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?



Page 28: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

Units of heat and thermal energy

• The metric unit for measuring heat is the joule.

• This is the same

joule used to measure all forms of energy, not just heat.

Page 29: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

How are calories relatedto heat?

• How can you determine how much “energy” is contained in a substance?

• Use a calorimeter. It uses the amount of heat generated by burning something as a measure of how much energy it contains.

Page 30: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

Heat and thermal energy• Thermal energy is often measured in

calories. • One calorie is the amount of energy it

takes to raise the temperature of one milliliter of water by one degree Celsius.

Page 31: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

How a calorimeter works:

1. Food to be tested is burned below a container of water.

2. The temperature increase in the water is measured.

3. A calorie is the amount of energy needed to change the temp 1 gram of water by 1oC.

Page 32: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

Heat Transfer

There are three ways that heat is transferred:

1.Thermal Conduction2.Convection3.Thermal Radiation

Page 33: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

Thermal ConductionHeat conduction is the transfer of heat by the direct contact of particles of matter.

Conduction occurs between two materials at different temperatures when they are touching each other.

Where is the heat energy conducted to and from in this system?

Page 35: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

Thermal conductors and insulators

• Materials that conduct heat easily are called thermal conductors and those that conduct heat poorly are called thermal insulators.

Is a down coat a conductor or an insulator?

Page 36: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?
Page 38: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

• Substances that do not conduct thermal energy very well are called insulators.

Page 39: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

• For years, the plumbing in homes was done in copper piping. Now they are done in PVC. What are some reasons that this change occurred?


Page 40: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

Convection• Convection is the transfer

of heat through the motion of matter such as air and water.

• In a container, warmer fluid rises to the top and cooler fluid sinks to the bottom.

• This is called natural convection.

Page 41: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?


Page 42: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

Convection• Convection is mainly what distributes

heat throughout a room.

Page 43: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?


• Transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves across empty space.

Page 44: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

Thermal radiation• Heat from the Sun is

transferred to Earth by thermal radiation.

• The higher the

temperature of an object, the more thermal radiation it emits.

• All the energy the Earth receives from the Sun comes from thermal radiation.

Page 45: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

Thermal radiation• Thermal radiation is also

absorbed by objects.

• The amount of thermal radiation absorbed depends on the surface of a material.

• Dark surfaces absorb most of the thermal radiation they receive.

• Silver or mirrored surfaces

reflect thermal radiation

Page 46: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

Equilibrium• Thermal equilibrium occurs when two

bodies have the same temperature.

• No heat flows in thermal equilibrium because the temperature is the same in the two materials.

Page 47: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

I remember that!1.) What are the three ways heat is transferred?

2.) Heat from the Sun is transferred by _______ _________.

3.) When heat is transferred by two objects touching, it is called _____________.

Page 48: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?


Page 49: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?






Page 50: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

The Phases of Matter

Intermolecular forces tend to bring molecules together. Intermolecular forces have to be overcome in order to change phase.

Page 51: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

Sing it Baby….

Page 52: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?


A solid holds its shape and does not flow. The molecules in a solid vibrate in place, but on average, don’t move far from their places

Page 53: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?


A liquid holds its volume, but does not hold its shape—it flows. Liquids flow because the molecules can move around.

Page 54: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

GasA gas flows like a liquid, but can also expand or contract to fill a container. A gas does not hold its volume. The molecules in a gas have enough energy to completely break away from each other.

Page 55: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?


• At temperatures greater than 10,000˚C, the atoms start to come apart and become a plasma.

• Atoms are broken apart into separate positive ions and negative electrons

• Conducts electricity and is formed in lightening and inside stars.

Page 56: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

I remember that!1.) What are the three phases of matter?

2.) Liquid holds its volume, but does not hold

its ___________ .

3.) The melting point and the freezing

point for water is ___ degrees Celsius.

Page 57: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

Phases of Matter


Page 58: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

Phases of Matter and Phase Change

• Boiling point• Melting point• Freezing point• Vaporization/evaporation• Condensation• Phase Change Diagram

Page 59: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

Boiling Point

The temperature at which a liquid becomes a gas is called the boiling point.

Page 60: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

Vaporizaton and Evaporation

• Also known as the boiling point• When liquid turns to vapor (gas)

Page 61: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

Melting PointThe melting point is the temperature

at which a substance changes from a solid to a liquid.

Page 62: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

Freezing PointThe freezing point is the temperature

at which a substance changes from a liquid to a solid.

Page 63: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

CondensationCondensation is the point at which a

substance changes from a gas to a liquid.

Page 64: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

Melting and boiling points ofcommon substances

Materials have a wide range of melting and boiling points.

Page 65: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

So what?

• So what really is the difference between the boiling point and the condensation point of a substance?

• So what really is the difference between the freezing point and the melting point of a substance?

Page 66: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?
Page 67: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

Phase Change Diagram

Page 68: Place the 2 groups of objects below in order from coldest to hottest. 1. Cheese, popsicle, napkin 2.Bonfire, napkin, fried egg What do you think?

DO NOW:Quick Quiz – True/False

1. Heat is the transfer of energy between two objects with different temperatures.

2. Conduction occurs in fluids.3. Convection currents result from

temperature differences in gases and liquids.

4. Radiation is the means by which the energy from the sun is transferred to Earth.