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Jake Shaw 11004533 Design for Industry Placement Report DE1085

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Jake Shaw 11004533

Design for Industry

Placement ReportDE1085

jake perfectTechnology: 4

training: 3

strength: 18

charisma: 19

agility: 12

ancient power: 50

industrial DESIGN - technical

Shift is a student-led collaborative design consultancy with mixed creative industries. This has exposed me to learn about graphic design, photography, advertising, marketing, branding, copywriting etc. during my time.

Each week I have workshops with mentors from companies such as Trust Print Consultants, Herman Miller and Bosch. Within such workshops, I have been taught many skills such as how to perfect the art of copywriting, controlling copywriting; getting points across efficiently. Understanding the psychology of the human mind at Durham University, how people perceive adverts and how to control the attention of the eye; using this knowledge for marketing campaigns.

As Shift is a collaborative consultancy, I have commenced all projects individually but some have been developed within a group on eachothers’ concepts. This was to avoid pollution of initial creativity (i.e. leading / influencing ideas of others), yet to receive the benefits of group work / discussion on everybody’s work to maximise their potential.

Leaflet Design, Printing, Grapic DesignOuseburn Futures

The A5 flyer was to advertise the local community charity ‘Ouseburn Futures’ at the 2013 Late Shows.

This fortnight brief taught me to set up documents for mass litho-printing, which required ensuring the document was calibrated correctly for CMYK processing. Printers’ markings were also necessary to prove a successful print run and to allocate accurate trim markings for the printer.












Ouseburn Flyer 7pdf.pdf 7 15/05/2013 11:56:13

Branding, Packaging, Grapic Design

My Original Proposal

Sweet Shop

I researched the flour industry, using miniature flour sacks as packaging. The sweets would be stored in wall-mounted cereal dispensers, creating a space-saving novel approach.

We developed a collaborative proposal from everyone’s best aspects. My sweet dispenser was too costly, although using flour bags as packaging was adored. We adapted the branding to play on an American / British theme and created a system for customers to buy sweets in a very limited space of which we had to work with.


Collaborative Proposal

Supplier #2

Of a Simple Nature

Prices assume 100 units


Muslin Drawstring Bag

26p per bag

No Artwork

Shift team could supply method of branding bags.

Order £175 for free P&P

Supplier #1

The Clever Bagges

Prices assume 1000 units


Natural Cotton Drawstring Bag

36p per bag

75p 1 colour 1 sided art

75p 1 colour 2 sided art

Artwork is screen printed

Flour Bags

Grapic Design, Printing

Book Cover

This currently running brief is to design a book cover for an author’s soon to be published non-fictional work on ‘Operation Gladio’. With the tag line “We can neither confirm nor deny” to use. Design has to be CHEAP (the ever going criteria) and must conform to current ‘B Format’ sizing. With basic knowledge about the government conspiracy, I must design for.

We can neither confirm nor deny

Grapic Design, Advertising, ManufacturingTrust Print Consultants

My first project at Shift. Client wanted an innovative exhibition stand to attract custom. I researched into origami, folding card due to it needing to be portable. After individual research, we collaborated towards a modular system of disassembled boxes; however this would cost £2000+ to manufacture.

After speaking to the manufacture, we presented a second proposal which would cost significantly less. This is currently in planning for production.

Startup, FilmmakingKickstarter

After the exhibition stand project for Trust Print Consultants, we decided that we could actually take this forward into market. We undertook hours of recording endured sound issues, lighting issues, and finally now have a video almost complete.

Marketing, Advertising, Brand Identity


Ongoing project deciphering a new brand, business goals, market place, competitors to fully gauge her business ideology. With this planning, we can then commence strategising appropriate marketing campaigns taking into account the restricted budget given.

Exploration, Innvation, Fashion

‘Tight’ Wallets

With the recent development of ultra slim wallets, I decided to experiment with making some for myself (potentially to expand upon in the future). Researched into many materials and forms of developing such wallets but decided Leather had to be used.

Prototype 1 - can contain a key (as this is a feature I personally desired)Prototype 2 - leaves the front blank, open for further personalisation, product identification etc.

From this, I have learnt that use of excessive epoxy resin absolutely stinks, and stitching leather with a thin sewing needle is extremely time consuming, painful and really not fun whatsoever.

Graphic Design, Hispter Immitation

Desktop Graphics

An attempt to create some ‘Hipster’ inspired wallpapers for no audience whatsoever. Programmes used Photoshop & Illustrator. Created with royality stock images, many textures and self-generated graphics.

Equipment Set-up, Filming, Film Editing


The Ouseburn Futures project introduced me to photography more. It was been great fun to learn about Aperture, Frame Rates ISO settings, etc. how to balance these criteria for individual circumstances etc.

Shift saw this and has given me more responsibilities to take this new interest of mine more in-depth; where I set up big expensive cameras for recording of weekly reflections. (Lighting is a pain to perfect).

From this I’ve played and learnt more in

Graphic Design, Commercialisation

iPhone Wallpaper

At Shift, I have recently commenced manufacture of memorabilia. I made this iPhone wallpaper a few days ago for anyone at Shift who wanted one.

Furthermore, I’m currently in collaboration with another student at Shift, we’ve plans for vinyl stickers, button badges, wallpapers, key rings etc. ad will have them made in spare time, potentially at university.

Graphic Design, Layouts, Copywirting

Digital Portfolio

With my enhanced knowledge of Graphic Design and Copywriting, I redesigned my entire portfolio. It has proven to be more effective with Issuu hits doubling within just a fortnight. I feel with this new portfolio, I’ve more of an edge over other students who may be ‘lacking’ in knowing how to effectively layout sheets for content and readers.

Is still in further development, but live viewing of current portfolio is

(Secret Stuff I can’t show you) & Projects too recent to show work

More Current Projects

Screen ScenesNew project for a new growing company, which put interactive media screens on the back of cars. These are used to advertise whatever a customer would want, and interactions are limitless. We are to propose now concepts, further interactions etc. however the business ideology isn’t protected from potential competitors.

David Guetta - Shoes (for post-production music video)Newly recent individual / collaborative project starting this week, designing footwear for David Guetta’s new music video.

Bean BagsA business start-up plan dreamt us from a few of us at Shift who want a beanbag but won’t pay £150 for one. The three of us propose to design and self-manufacture beanbags for half what the high street brands are. Profits are potentially towards the New Designers Fund.

For a comprehensive breakdown of the Shift programme, who we are and what we’ve done, visit our temporary website link at:

Weekly Summaries, Enlightenment into ‘Masterclass’ Workshops

Shift Reflections

Shift, required us to write 500 words a week to aid them into the future of planning next year’s repetition of the programme. Not a part of the required 1000 words for the placement module, but personal weekly reflections into the goings-on into the Shift programme. Pros, Cons, improvements etc.

All feedback, thoughts and suggestions welcome



Full Name: Jake Shaw Week: 1

All feedback, thoughts and suggestions welcome



Week: 2Full Name: Jake Shaw

All feedback, thoughts and suggestions welcome



Week: 3Full Name: Jake Shaw

All feedback, thoughts and suggestions welcome



Week: 4Full Name: Jake Shaw

Visual Design, Digital Interaction, Guerrilla Art, Electronics

Lalya Gaye

All feedback, thoughts and suggestions welcome



Week: 5Full Name: Jake Shaw

Full Name: Jake Shaw

All feedback, thoughts and suggestions welcome



Week: 6

Shift Weekly Re�ectionAll feedback, thoughts and suggestions welcome



This week was another bank holiday, so we started things off on Tuesday. Starting with Cubbins, we attempted a SWOT analysis looking back over the whole company. We found this useful for deciphering her business goals, her USPs, main competitors and threats, etc. I feel this way of looking at a company is helpful for idea generation; especially when we’re needing to redirect our thoughts away from the concept of using wheelie bins, and more towards what her core business values are, and what she stands for. So far, we have a few good ideas, and an almost solid concept using customised ribbon, not just, because it’s cheap, but it’s pretty versatile with regards to what one can do with it for advertising campaigns etc.

On Wednesday, we had large group conversation about our activities for the extended weekend. I went to Berwick for a few days to visit my grandparents, and went for a long run. On the Friday I also had a day of watching films, which sparked a lot of discussion with the Shift team due to the nature of these films. One of which was a documentary-styled film on Paedophilia in Germany. Our discussion was about how the benefits of being ‘daring’ to look into sensitive topics such as this. This also led us to speak about the Channel 4 documentary Skint, talking about how false people can change in front of a camera, and how that circumstances may be blown out of proportion.

Week: 7Full Name: Jake Shaw