places of worship by tara dolan


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My ICT ppt. about Places of Worship


Page 1: Places of Worship By Tara Dolan
Page 2: Places of Worship By Tara Dolan


Guildford cathedral, is located in Surrey, England on Stag Hill above Guildford town.


The architect named Sir Edward Maufe aimed, ‘to build anew on tradition, to rely on proportion of mass, volume and line rather than elaboration and ornament". And that is exactly what he did!


Guilford cathedral was built between the years of 1931-1961. In 1961 the Cathedral was consecrated in 1961 and has been in use ever since, it has been in use for 47 years.

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The Cathedral interior offers an overall impression of elegant lightness and space created by the pale Somerset sandstone, pillars, white Italian marble floor and the light flooding in through tall lancet windows.

Made of?

The cathedral is made of clay bricks taken from the hill on which it is placed on.

Popular Community Celebrations

The cathedral is used for many different celebrations, for example at Christmas a services are held there along with music, readings and hymns.

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From the beginning, Guildford Cathedral has maintained a reputation for the excellence of its music. Moreover, this has been achieved without any of the financial advantages enjoyed by the older cathedrals, and it has depended upon the enthusiasm of many people – choristers and parents, lay clerks and supernumerary singers, sponsors and others too numerous to mention – who have been convinced that ‘the Cathedral must have music, and that music must be good’. Through their commitment the musical life of the Cathedral has flourished.

Interesting Fact

The tower of the cathedral is 160 feet high, and contains twelve bells!

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Bodhi Gaya Temple is located in East India in the city of Gaya.


The Architect was Emperor Ashoka of India

Year of Construction

The year of the construction was the 3rd Century B.C. and is still in use today!

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Dedicated to?

The Bodhi Temple was dedicated to the Gautam Buddha


The place where Lord Sakyamuni (Gautam Buddha) entered into meditation after being moved by the sufferings of mankind Famous For Buddhist Pilgrimage Center Festival.

Historically known as

The temple is historically known as Bodhimanda which means to ‘ground round the Bodhi-tree’.

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The monks play the flute and a large drum as well as a symbol. The monks also chant and sing a rhythmic tune together.

Interesting fact

The Bodhi Gaya Temple is a Pilgrimage centre as well. For Buddhists, Bodh Gaya is the most important of the main four pilgrimage sites related to the life of Gautama Buddha.

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The Katzrin Synagogue is located in the village of Katzrin in Israel.


The Architect of the synagogue is unknown.

Year of Construction

The synagogue was constructed between the 4th and 5th centuries!

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The Replacement

The synagogue was rebuilt in the 6th century as the previous one was demolished towards the end of the 5th century. The new synagogue was large and elegant and was built on the previous ones ruins.

Material used to construct

The synagogue was entirely constructed of basalt.

Interior- inside and out

The exterior walls were carefully built of square, well-trimmed stones, while the interior walls were of a lower quality construction.

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Interesting fact

In the 6th century, the synagogue was paved with colored mosaics, of which today are still preserved!

The End of the Katzrin Synagogue

The Katzrin synagogue was in use even after the Muslim conquest; it was sadly destroyed during the earthquake in 749, which also destroyed most of the village. A small mosque was built in the northern part of the synagogue , but it was in use for only a short time. The village was then abandoned and covered by debris until its discovery.

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