plagiarism and contract cheating...regular keynote speaker on academic ghostwriting, essay mills and...

1 @DrLancaster #contractcheating Plagiarism and Contract Cheating in Higher Education Presented by Dr. Thomas Lancaster at University of Montenegro on Tuesday 8 November 2016 [email protected] @DrLancaster

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1@DrLancaster #contractcheating

Plagiarism and

Contract Cheating

in Higher Education

Presented by Dr. Thomas Lancasterat University of Montenegroon Tuesday 8 November 2016

http://[email protected]@DrLancaster

2@DrLancaster #contractcheating

Plagiarism and Contract Cheating Workshop Objectives

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Interactive Workshop - addressing

What does academic integrity mean within teaching, learning and assessment – and how can we ensure that students are completing their courses with integrity?

How does plagiarism and contract cheating research inform how we teach and assess?

What are the continuing challenges for teachers and researchers within the plagiarism and contract cheating fields?

4@DrLancaster #contractcheating

Yes – This Is An Interactive Workshop!

Twitter Please tweet observations, comments, quotes, photos, discussion topics@DrLancaster#contractcheating

Live Please join in the discussion, ask questions and contribute ideas

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My Background For The Academic Integrity Workshop

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My Background

Associate Head for School of Computing Electronics and Mathematics atCoventry University, United Kingdom

Principal Lecturer with particular interests in student employability,research methods and social media marketing

Research Active, publishing on student cheating, plagiarism preventionand plagiarism detection since 2000

Regular Keynote Speaker on academic ghostwriting, essay mills andcontract cheating

Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Part of the Coventry University team representing the European Networkfor Academic Integrity (ENAI)

Working with Codio 2016

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A selection of my recent presentation slides are archived on my SlideShare account

(the slides from today’s workshop are also available on SlideShare)

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The Wider Background For This Academic Integrity Workshop

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Three Projects

The workshop has come about due to three developments:

European Network for Academic Integrity (ENAI)

Impact of Policies for Plagiarism in Higher Education Across Europe (IPPHEAE)

South East European Project on Policies for Academic Integrity (SEEPPAI)

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European Network for Academic Integrity (ENAI)

A newly formed consortium of 12 European partners, with opportunities for further institutions and individuals to join

Lead partner and administrator is Mendel University in Brno

Aims to develop resources and materials supporting and promoting academic integrity

Holds annual conferences (next one in Brno on 24 to 26 May 2017)

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Impact of Policies for Plagiarism in Higher Education Across Europe (IPPHEAE)

European Union (Erasmus) funded project, completed between 2010-2013Led by Irene Glendinning from Coventry University, United Kingdom, supported by partners in Poland, Lithuania, Cyprus and the Czech RepublicInvestigated Higher Education approaches to plagiarism and academic misconduct across 27 EU member states – including good practiceMore findings from IPPHEAE later

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South East European Project on Policies for Academic Integrity (SEEPPAI)

Extension of the IPPHEAE research to six further countries

Funded by the Council of Europe (CoE) with completion due by 1 April 2017

Consortium of Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic and Coventry University, United Kingdom

Intended as the first of several regional studies to extend the IPPHEAE research to 50 European countries

Data collection using surveys, interviews and focus groups

Supported by workshops and sharing of resources

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What Is Academic Integrity?

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Discussion Question

What do you understand by the term

academic integrity?

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Academic Integrity

Of European and global interest

Hard to get a complete and precise definitionMostly defined by areas constituting academic dishonesty, academic

misconduct or research fraud

Often compared with “cheating”

Useful to think about and use the term academic integrity as a positive alternative to the more negative connotations

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Academic Integrity

“The International Center for Academic Integrity defines academic integrity as a commitment, even in the face of adversity, to six fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility, and courage”

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A Student View

“Academic and higher learning is founded on principles of Integrity.Manipulating your ideas through outside minds takes away from independent creative thought.”

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What Does Not Constitute Academic Integrity?

For Students


Contract Cheating

Cheating in Exams

Fraudulent Data

Fake Medical Conditions

Helping others to be dishonest

For Teachers and Researchers

Research fraud

Publishing the same output multiple times

Incorrect attribution of authorship

Ignoring sources during research

Unacknowledged sources

Not leading students by example

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What Is Plagiarism?

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Discussion Question

What do you understand by the term


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My Standard Definition

Taking the words or ideasof another and using them without acknowledgement

This general definition is based loosely on many others,including my previous published research

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Formalised Definition

“Plagiarism occurs when someone:

1. Uses words, ideas, or work products

2. Attributable to another identifiable person or source

3. Without attributing the work to the source from which it was obtained

4. In a situation in which there is a legitimate expectation of original authorship

5. In order to obtain some benefit, credit, or gain which need not be monetary”

Fishman, T. (2009). ‘We know it when we see it’ is not good enough: toward a standard definition of plagiarism that transcends theft, fraud, and copyright

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Other Plagiarism Definition

Within teaching and universities, it is helpful to have a:

Legal definition, for academic integrity policies

Teaching definition, to help students to understand plagiarism

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Discussion Question

Why do students plagiarise?

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Why Do Students Plagiarise?

Common Reasons Given

Lack of time

Lack of understanding


Missing the core knowledge

Don’t know how to write well

Don’t know how to reference

Don’t want to learn

Poor standard of teaching

Can’t see the value of their subject

Too much work

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Risk vs Reward


because the perceived chances of being caught and the perceived punishment if caught are less than the perceived benefit of cheating, at the time when the cheating occurs”

"Practical Free-text Plagiarism Investigation"Professor Fintan Culwin

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Examples Of Plagiarism

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Text Plagiarism (Fictitious Example)

“One of the key roles for academic staff is to ensure that academic integrity is maintained within their institutions.”

(taken from some of my earlier work)

“A key role for university lecturers is to ensure that academic integrity is still present in their institutions.”

(quickly edited version)

29@DrLancaster #contractcheating

Can Be Detected Using Text Matching Tools

“One of the key roles for academic staff is to ensure that academic integrity ismaintained within their institutions.”

“A key role for university lecturers is to ensure that academic integrity is still present in their institutions.”

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Plagiarism extends beyond text and is not always so easy to spot

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Plagiarism In Advertising

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Plagiarism In Software Interfaces

Plotted Ring of Analysed Information

for Similarity Exploration (PRAISE)Sherlock

Sherlock image from

PRAISE developed by Jonas Altin, Thomas Lancaster and Fintan Culwin

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Plagiarism Of Jokes!

Cartoon from R. J. Maston in July 2016

“Reused” by Donald Trump in October 2016 speech

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Plagiarism In Online Discussions

“I just had a student who self-reported plagiarism after she saw the exact response posted by another student. When I went in to check, I saw that the student self-reporting was the first one to respond…”

Kelly Huffstutler-Petty

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Not Always Plagiarism?

Tiffany Martínez accused of plagiarism in front of her college class

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Services For Academics

Note: parody post – but similar services exist

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Paper Retractions

“In a massive cleanup, Springer and BioMed Central announced today they are retracting 58 papers for several reasons, including manipulation of the peer-review process and inappropriately allocating authorship.”

From Retraction Watch

November 1, 2016

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Essay Spinning (Back Translation)

Essays and assignments can be translated through one or more languages to avoid being detected as plagiarised

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Text Plagiarism (Fictitious Example)

“One of the key roles for academic staff is to

ensure that academic integrity is maintained

within their institutions.”

“En av de viktigste rollene for vitenskapelig ansatte

er å sikre at faglige integritet opprettholdes

innenfor sine institusjoner.“

“One of the most important roles for the

academic staff is to ensure that academic integrity is maintained

within their institutions.”

Translated from English to

Norwegian using Google Translate

Translated from Norwegian back to

English using Bing Translate

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The Dangers Of Google Translate

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The Challenge Of Students Buying Work

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Discussion Question

Do students get other people to do their work for them? How do

we know this?

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Contract Cheating

Contract cheating takes place when a student uses a third party to complete their academic work for them.

Because the work is bespoke in nature, it will not usually be detected as possible plagiarism when using text matching tools.

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Sources For Contract Cheating

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Advert On Bulletin Board

“University approved” contract cheating advert found on bulletin boards in Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Canada

fake stamp“Ghostwriters have arrived in North America, no more worries aboutyour essays.”

Richmond News, October 14 2016

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University Level Work Seen In An Essay Mill That Uses Writers From The United States

Personal Communication From A Writer For An Essay Mill(Used With Permission)

1 Business=2 Health (including nursing and psychology)=2 IT4 History5 Anthropology6 Sociology7 English language and literature8 Law

(first three subjects - in red - said to dominate the requests)

Similar results seen in our study “Commercial Aspects of Contract Cheating”

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Example Of The Type Of Requests Seen Online

Word Count: 1500 wordsThe purpose of this assignment task is to identify the principles of professional nursing practice, outline the ethical and legal frameworks for professional practice and apply the Ethical Decision Making Framework to a complex scenario to establish an ethically and legally sound decision. Remember to incorporate evidenced-based practice in relation to quality patient care.

Paid $90 AUD(63 Euros) 44 bidders

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Some Of Our Research Findings

Cheating is habitual – the “average” student posted multiple requests on an online auction site before they were spotted

Cheating can be “cheap” (a sample showed an average purchase price of $101 USD – 91 Euros)

Requests made across all academic areas – particularly from the Business discipline

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Contract Cheating In Online Discussions

“I just had a student who self-reported plagiarism after she saw the exact response posted by another student. When I went in to check, I saw that the student self-reporting was the first one to respond to the DQ and asked how it was that she had plagiarized the other student. She responded that she had 'purchased' her DQ response!”

Kelly Huffstutler-Petty

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Important Findings

Contract cheating is not just for essays – it can include all types of assessments – reports, presentations, examinations

Students know about contract cheating services and students use them - the opportunities are widely advertised to them

Some students do the work for their peers (in return for money, because they are required to, for personal gratification and for other “favours”)

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Discussion Question

What should we do about contract cheating?

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Impact of Policies for Plagiarism in Higher Education Across Europe


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Findings From The 2010-2013 Study (1)

Ignoring academic integrity is a global problem, threatening educational standards

The original study focused on 27 countries

All countries studied showed some good practice and some areas needing improvement

Many higher education institutions said that they did not have a problem with academic integrity

Some countries said that they did not have a problem with academic integrity!

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Findings From The 2010-2013 Study (2)

Vast differences in processes between countries, particularly relating to:

How plagiarism is defined

The level of maturity of policies

When penalties are given to students

The level of penalties that are given to students

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Findings From The 2010-2013 Study (3)

In general UK higher education institutions had the most mature academic integrity policiesBut some individual institutions within the UK had weak policies

Only two countries (Sweden and Austria) kept national academic integrity statistics

No countries kept useful academic integrity statistics on a national level

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What Should We Do Next About Academic Integrity?

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Prevention vs Detection

Detection cannot be 100% successful…

But, detection tools should still be usedThey provide a preventative solution to deter some students from


Other preventative techniques are needed when considering how assessments are set

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Discussion Question

How do we set assessments for students to reduce

plagiarism and contract cheating?

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(Some Possible) Examples of Good Practice When Setting Assessments

Work with students to design assessments that interest them

Set new assessments for students every time

a course runs

Introduce localised knowledge into


Introduce a face-to-face component to assessments

Use a viva (spoken examination) during


Ask for students to supply details about how they produced

work, not just the end-result

Formalise student team working to simulate an industry environment

Use innovative assessment, such as

through social media, to appeal to students

These are common examples from the literature – but be aware that the potential for outsourcing still exists

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Research Opportunities

Policies and Processes: Consistency and effectiveness

Detection: Translated sources, language style changes

Non-textual plagiarism: Music, diagrams, mathematics

Localised approaches: National studies, subject specific studies

Student-led initiatives: Case studies, effectiveness

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We need to lead by example when promoting academic integrity to students.

We need to call upon the support of students to ensure academic integrity.

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Further Details

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Dr. Thomas Lancaster

Email: [email protected]




Twitter: @DrLancaster

General Resources:

Contract Cheating Special Interest Group(originally supported by the Higher Education Academy):

Available to support contract cheating activities, deliver staff training, present research seminars and generally promote academic integrity

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With Thanks To Those Involved With My Plagiarism And Contract Cheating Journey

Irene Glendinning Corinne Hersey Professor Fintan Culwin

“Detective” Robert Clarke

Jonas Altin

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Lancaster, T. and Clarke, R. (2015). Contract Cheating – The Outsourcing Of Assessed Student Work, in Handbook of Academic Integrity, Bretag, T. (editor): SpringerReference.

Lancaster, T. and Clarke, R. (2015). The Implications of Plagiarism and Contract Cheating for the Assessment of Database Modules. 13th International Workshop on Teaching, Learning and Assessment of Databases (TLAD2015), Birmingham, UK, July 2015.

Hersey, C. and Lancaster, T. (2015). The Online Industry of Paper Mills, Contract Cheating Services, and Auction Sites, Clute Institute International Education Conference, London, June 2015.

Lancaster, T. and Clarke, R. (2014). An Observational Analysis Of The Range And Extent Of Contract Cheating From Online Courses Found On Agency Websites; 8th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent andSoftware Intensive Systems (CISIS 2014), Birmingham City University, UK, July 2014.

Lancaster, T. and Clarke, R. (2014). An Initial Analysis Of The Contextual Information Available Within Auction Posts On Contract Cheating Agency Websites, 28th IEEE International Conference on Advanced InformationNetworking and Applications, University of Victoria, May 2014

Lancaster, T. and Clarke, R. (2014). Using Turnitin As A Tool For Attribution In Cases Of Contract Cheating; 3rd Annual Higher Education Academy Conference in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Universityof Edinburgh, Edinburgh, April 2014.

Clarke, R. and Lancaster, T. (2013). Commercial Aspects Of Contract Cheating; 8th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, July 2013.

Lancaster, T and Clarke, R (2012). Dealing With Contract Cheating: A Question Of Attribution; 1st Annual Higher Education Academy Conference in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Imperial College,London, April 2012.

Lancaster, T and Clarke, R (2010). Staff-Led Individualised Assessment – A Case Study; 11th Annual Higher Education Academy Conference in Information and Computer Sciences, Durham University, August 2010.

Lancaster, T and Clarke, R (2008). How to Succeed at Cheating Without Really Trying: Five Top Tips for Successful Cheating; 9th Annual Higher Education Academy Conference in Information and Computer Sciences,Liverpool Hope University, August 2008.

Clarke, R, and Lancaster, T (2007). Establishing a Systematic Six-Stage Process for Detecting Contract Cheating; The Second International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Applications, Birmingham City University,July 2007.

Lancaster, T and Clarke, R (2007). Assessing Contract Cheating Through Auction Sites – A Computing Perspective; 8th Annual Higher Education Academy Conference in Information and Computer Sciences, University ofSouthampton, August 2007.

Lancaster, T and Clarke, R (2007). The Phenomena of Contract Cheating, in Student Plagiarism in an Online World: Problems and solutions, Roberts, T. S. (editor), Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA: Idea Group Inc.

Clarke, R and Lancaster, T (2006). Eliminating The Successor To Plagiarism? Identifying The Usage Of Contract Cheating Sites; 2nd Plagiarism: Prevention, Practice and Policy Conference 2006 - Newcastle, UK, June 2006.

Culwin F. and Lancaster T. (2001), Plagiarism Issues for Higher Education. Vine 31(2), pp. 36-41.

References For (Some Of) My Plagiarism And Contract Cheating Publications