plagiarism: avoiding academic misconduct

Avoiding Academic Misconduct PLAGIARISM

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Page 1: Plagiarism: Avoiding Academic Misconduct

Avoiding Academic Misconduct


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Students will be able to identify plagiarized information and understand that plagiarism is an academic conduct violation for which students may be subject to disciplinary action.


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Let’s start out by talking about Beyoncé

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You decide!


50% A. YesB. No

Do you agree or disagree with the news anchors in this video?

Answer this question:◦Is Beyoncé guilty of plagiarism?

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Someone who said yes:◦Tell me why you thought Beyoncé was guilty of


Someone who said no:◦Tell me why you thought Beyoncé was not guilty of



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To use the words or ideas of another person as if they were your own words or ideas.

To steal and pass off the ideas or words of another as one's own; to use another's production without crediting the source

To commit literary theft; to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source

Merriam-Webster Online

What is Plagiarism?

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One more time…


0% A. YesB. No

Now you know the dictionary definition of plagiarism.

Let’s answer the question again

Is Beyoncé guilty of plagiarism?

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Coldplay vs. Creaky Boards◦

It isn’t just dance moves; it’s music too!

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Coldplay vs. Joe SatrianiThey’re at it again…

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Sam Smith (2014 song) & Tom Petty (1989 song)

Petty was awarded co-writing credit for “Stay with Me”

Sometimes it costs an artist…

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Are you displaying your dance moves for a class assignment?

Are you composing a song for your mid-term?

No, you are writing papers, giving speeches, etc.

How does this apply to students?

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How do you avoid it?◦By knowing more about it!

What are some of the common types of plagiarism?◦Copying◦Patchwork plagiarism◦Paraphrasing plagiarism◦Unintentional◦Self-plagiarism

You don’t want plagiarism to cost you!

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Probably the most well-known and most common form of plagiarism.

Taking the exact words of someone else and claiming them as your own without properly citing.◦A quotation◦A passage or paragraph◦An entire paper (including those purchased online or written an acquaintance)


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Using phrases and clauses from an original source and weaving them into your own work without putting the phrases in quotation marks or citing the author.◦ ORIGINAL PASSAGE: “Minor league baseball historically is as American as drive-in

movies and Fourth of July parades. It is still small-town U.S.A., in feel if not in fact” (Rielly 206).

◦ PATCHWORK PLAGIARISM: Baseball’s minor leagues are historically as American as drive-in movies and Fourth of July parades seen in small-town USA.

The colored phrases should have quotation marks.A citation should be included at the end of the passage.

Patchwork plagiarism

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Successfully putting another person’s words into your own but not giving credit to the original author.


Slightly changing the words or using synonyms but retaining the author's essential thoughts, sentence structure, and/or style without citing the source.

Paraphrasing plagiarism

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If you find paraphrasing difficult, try this activity:

◦ Read through a passage one or two time.◦ Put the passage away.◦ Take five or ten minutes to digest what you read.◦ Summarize what you read without referring back to the original



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A writer incorrectly quotes and/or incorrectly cites a source they are using. 

How is this plagiarism, if the author didn't mean to do it?

Professors cannot read minds. ◦ They do not know what you meant to do!


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Shia LaBeouf – Unintentional plagiarizer?◦https://

A real world example

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The use of your previous work for a separate assignment.

These were your original words and thoughts; however, you already received credit for them with a previous assignment.


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It’s okay if I don’t get caught!The assignment was boring!The assignment was too hard!My professor expects too much!Everyone else does it!I was too busy to write that paper!My parents expect me to get “A”s!I need good grades to get into ____ University!

Unacceptable excuses

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Cite your sources properly.◦ Direct quotations, paraphrased/summarized items, and ideas of others.◦ Incorporate citations as you construct your paper.

Consult the style manual appropriate for the assignment.◦ Ask your professor if no style is indicated.

Show off your original writing skills.◦ The cited words of others should merely support your original writing.

Start your research early and make notes on your sources.Do not copy and paste into your paper.Don’t wait until the last minute to begin writing your paper.

Avoiding plagiarism

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When you can trace the origin of your thoughts, phrases, or arguments to any location except your own brain, cite it!

Always remember

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If you are unsure how to properly cite a source you are using in your paper or speech, please make an appointment with your campus Writing Center.

Need help?

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Alright, alright, alright…don’t plagiarize!

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University of Louisiana Monroe Library◦

Centralia College Writing Center◦

Liberty University◦

Plagiarism presentation sources consulted