planning images

Planning Images

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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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Planning Images

Planning images

• In this presentation, I planned out some shots that I would like to approach while taking the photo-shoot for my music magazines. I need to look in depth and use the correct props and costume and know what they signify and connote. I will be aiming to take as many shots as I can, so when it comes to conducting my magazine I will have a variety.

Front Cover

Image 1

Image of three people ( Amel, Amann, Soraya)

Description of image

The image will be a long shot of Amel, Amann, Soraya) looking directly at the camera and standing next to each other. Amann will be standing in the middle as he is the only guy. Amel and Soraya will have their hands in their pockets and Amann will have his arms crossed.

Connotations/ Signifiers

That fact that Amann will be standing in the middle, which signifies that he is the main artist in the band and as he is the only guy between two girls, which will make him feel significant. Moreover, as Amann will have his arms crossed and the two girls will just be standing there with their hands in their pockets also symbolises that Amann is the significant character in the image. Furthermore, they will all be wearing fully black (mostly leather black) this is due to the fact from research on rock music magazines they mostly wear black leather clothes. This is similar to Classic Rock where they have an image of three artists on the front cover and they are all standing close to each other wearing fully black and looking directly at the camera and a long shot.

Shot/ Angle

Long shot


Amel, Amann, Soraya


Leather black jacket, Black Jeans, black leather trousers, black top and black shoes. Amel – she will be wearing black leather jacket, black leather trousers, black shoes and a black top. Soraya and Amann- same as Amel, however they will be wearing black jeans instead of leather trousers.


No props



Equipment needed

DSLR Camera, lighting set, photographic background.

Image 2

Image of three people ( Amel, Amann, Soraya)

Description of image

This shot will have the same actors, however Amann will be sitting on a music box with his arms and legs crossed and Amel, Soraya will be standing behind him and will have their elbows on him from both sides and looking down at him and he will be looking directly at the camera.

Connotations/ Signifiers

In this image, as Amann is going to be sitting down and Amel and Soraya will have their elbow on him and looking down, connotes that he is the main artist in the image and that he sits their casually while they are looking at him and not looking at them. Moreover, the fact that he has his arms and legs crossed suggest that he is confident and doesn’t care about what is happening around him. Moreover, I will use a music box similar to the one used on the front cover of Q magazine as if I used a normal chair it will not fit in with the rock genre.

Shot/ Angle

Long shot/ wide shot


Amel, Amann, Soraya, and Katia


Leather black jacket, Black Jeans, black leather trousers, black top and black shoes. Amel – she will be wearing black leather jacket, black leather trousers, black shoes and a black top. Soraya and Amann- same as Amel, however they will be wearing black jeans instead of leather trousers.


No props



Equipment needed

DSLR Camera, lighting set, photographic background.

Image 3

Image of band ( Amel, Amann, David)

Description of image

This shot will be of Amel, Amann and David where Amann and David will he standing behind Amel and Amel is at the front looking directly at the camera with black sunglasses.

Connotations/ Signifiers

The fact that David and Amann will both be standing behind and Amel is at the front and that she is the only girl suggests that she is the important person in the band.

Shot/ Angle

Medium shot


Amel, Amann and David


Leather black jacket, Black Jeans, black leather trousers, black top and black shoes. Amel – she will be wearing black leather jacket, black leather trousers, black shoes and a black top, shades. Amann and David- same as Amel, however they will be wearing black jeans instead of leather trousers.


No props



Equipment needed

DSLR Camera, lighting set, photographic background.

Image 4

Amel – Front cover

Description of image

This shot will be a medium close up of Amel looking directly at the camera.

Connotations/ Signifiers

This connotes that she is a successful artist and important as it will be a photograph of only her taking the whole front cover. It is a similar shot to NME front cover where it was shot of David Bowie and he is a very successful person in the rock music genre, so this is why they used him. So, I am planning to do a similar shot so it will suggest that she is a significant artist. Moreover, as most of my magazine audience from my questionnaire are male readers, so if I have a shot of a women they would more likely to buy it.

Shot/ Angle

Medium shot




Leather black jacket, Black Jeans, black leather trousers, black top and black shoes. Amel – she will be wearing black leather jacket, black leather trousers, black shoes and a black top, shades.


No props



Equipment needed

DSLR Camera, lighting set, photographic background.

Image 5

Amel and Amann

Description of image

This shot will be a medium shot of both Amel and Amann where Amann will be holding his jacket behind his shoulder and looking directly at the camera and Amel will have a serious face where they will be

Connotations/ Signifiers

This shot connotes that the magazine is not only for males as most rock magazines are aimed at male readers. Moreover, from my questionnaire results as it both males and females so I used both a girl and a boy so it will give a reader a sense that it is for both genders. When Amann is holding his jacket behind his back it signifies that he is a successful artist and wearing sunglasses on the front cover will attract women to buy the magazine. Furthermore, when Amel is dressed all black with make up on it will grab the male reader’s attention to read the magazine.

Shot/ Angle

Medium shot


Amel and Amann


Leather black jacket, Black Jeans, black leather trousers, black top, black shades and black shoes. Amel – she will be wearing black leather jacket, black leather trousers, black shoes and a black top, shades. Amann same as Amel, however he will be wearing black jeans instead of leather trousers.


No props



Equipment needed

DSLR Camera, lighting set, photographic background.

Contents page

Image 1

Katia contents image

Description of image

This image will be a medium close up of Katia where she will be looking directly at the camera and holding a microphone and wearing headphones.

Connotations/ Signifiers

This connotes that she is an artist as she will be holding a microphone and wearing headphones while she was recording her new song as it will be one of the main features on the contents page. This also connotes that she is an important artist as she is one of the features on the contents page and her image will be included.

Shot/ Angle

Medium close up




Black leather jacket and black top.


Microphone and Headphones



Equipment needed

DSLR Camera, professional lighting, photographic background.

Image 2

Amann contents image

Description of image

This will be a long shot of Amann holding a microphone and on stage as if he was in a concert and making it look like the main artist. He will be holding the microphone and looking at the camera directly at the same time as it will make him seem as he is looking at the audience at the same time as singing.

Connotations/ Signifiers

As it will be a long shot of Amann holding a microphone on stage which will take up to half of the contents page and linking it to the cover story. It connotes that he is the main person in the band as he is significantly located on the contents page. This is similar to Classic Rock where they have an image of the artist that it taking up more than half of the page and he is on stage wearing a black leather outfit with sunglasses. This suggests his importance as he is linked to the cover story. The black leather outfit that Amann will be wearing will link to the rock genre as from my research most rock artists are dressed in fully black clothes and mostly leather.

Shot/ Angle

Long shot




Black leather jacket, sunglasses, black shoes, and black jeans/ black leather trousers.




Performance Hall / studio

Equipment needed

DSLR Camera, professional lighting, photographic background.

Image 3

Amann wearing a hat and a guitar

Description of image

This image will be of Amann wearing a hat and a guitar on stage.

Connotations/ Signifiers

He will look as a proper rock star while holding the guitar and wearing the hat on stage which will suggest as if he is actually proper into rock music and a respectable artist on stage. I will think about using different lightings focused on his face which will make him seem as if he is in a concert and the lights are flashing on him. I will probably be using colours like red and blue as they will reflect on his face and which will suggest he is the centre of attention in the image. Most of rock artists usually play the guitar on stage while singing which will suggest it is ‘Hard Stuff’ according to the people interested in rock .He will on the contents page because he is one of the main features. I will be locating it in the performance hall as it will that he is in an actually concert.

Shot/ Angle

Medium Shot




Hat, black leather jacket, sunglasses, black shoes, and black jeans/ black leather trousers.




Performance hall / drama room

Equipment needed

DSLR Camera, different colours of professional lighting, photographic background.

Double page spread

Image 1

Amann, Amel, Soraya and Katia - DPS

Description of image

Amel and Soraya will be holding guitars and Katia and Amann singing; Amann will be standing in the front as he is the main artist of the band,.

Connotations/ Signifiers

This connotes that they are a band and they work together and that they are performing their first song on stage as they are unknown. The guitar signifies that it is a rock band as it will be an electric guitar. Moreover, Amann and Katia will look like they are singing which makes it look like they are a successful band as they are all together on stage.

Shot/ Angle

Wide shot


Amel, Amann, Soraya, Katia


Hat, black leather jacket, sunglasses, black shoes, and black jeans/ black leather trousers, white top




Performance hall / drama room/ media studio

Equipment needed

DSLR Camera, different colours of professional lighting, photographic background.


Amann looking at the microphone

Description of image

Amann will be standing and looking down at the microphone and he will be wearing sunglasses.

Connotations/ Signifiers

This image connotes that he is singing as he will be looking down at the microphone. He will look as he is into the song which creates a sense of professionalism in the magazine. I will use this image on the double page spread as it will make the audience feel that they are interacted with the artist and they will perceive how the artist.

Shot/ Angle

Medium Shot




Hat, black leather jacket, sunglasses, black shoes, and black jeans/ black leather trousers.




Performance hall / drama room

Equipment needed

DSLR Camera, different colours of professional lighting, photographic background.

Image 3

Amann and Amel

Description of image

Amann and Amel will be standing next to each other where Amann is holding the guitar and singing into the microphone and Amel is holding a microphone also singing.

Connotations/ Signifiers

This connotes that the two artist are working together as a team and they are successful artitsts as they will look professional. The audience would like to see many shots of the band as they are newly introduced to them.

Shot/ Angle

Long shot


Amel and Amann


Hat, black leather jacket, sunglasses, black shoes, and black jeans/ black leather trousers.


Microphone, guitar



Equipment needed

DSLR Camera, different colours of professional lighting, photographic background.

Image 4

Amel, Amann and Soraya

Description of image

This will be a long shot of Amel, Amann and Soraya where Amann will be sitting on the floor with his guitar and Amel and Soraya are standing behind him with their microphones singing.

Connotations/ Signifiers

The fact that Amann will be sitting in front of Amel and Soraya connotes that he is the main artist and that they are standing behind him. The use of props suggest that they are a band together preforming, but in that stage they were taking a photoshoot.

Shot/ Angle

Long shot


Amel and Amann


Hat, black leather jacket, sunglasses, black shoes, and black jeans/ black leather trousers.


Microphone, guitar



Equipment needed

DSLR Camera, different colours of professional lighting, photographic background.

Image 4

Amann and Soraya

Description of image

In this shot Amann will pretend that he is hitting Soraya with a guitar on her head.

Connotations/ Signifiers

This shot signifies that as it a magazine for young people, there is a sense of humour in the magazine and it will make the audience more interested as it will be more exciting. As the audience are young they wouldn’t want to look and read dull articles throughout the magazine so it would be good to add in a funny shot inside, so they will be more engaged and would want to read more.

Shot/ Angle

Long shot


Amel and Amann


black leather jacket, black shoes, and black jeans/ black leather trousers.





Equipment needed

DSLR Camera, different colours of professional lighting, photographic background.

Actors ListName of Actor Role Images to be used in

Amel Part of band – artist Front cover and double page spread

Soraya Part of band – artist Front cover and double page spread

Katia An artist (maybe part of band) Contents page, front cover, double page spread

Amann Part of band – main artist Front cover ,double page spread and contents page

David (maybe) An artist Contents page


Prop/ Costume Where to source from Sourced?

Guitar Music department Yes

Microphone –x2 Music department Yes

Music box Music department Yes

Shooting Schedule Time Monday 16th

MarchTuesday 17th March Wednesday 18th

MarchThursday 19th March Friday 20th March Saturday 21st March Sunday 22nd March



Shoot 2




Shoot 1


