plant and animal cells

16/02/15 Biology PLANT AND ANIMAL CELLS DIFFERENCE IN THE CELLS Plant Animal It has a cell wall Its’ shape is rectangular ( fixed shape) Has one large vacuole that takes up 90% of cell volume It has chloroplast (makes food) Doesn’t have a cell wall It’s shape is irregular Has one or many small vacuoles Doesn’t have chloroplast (animals cant make their own food) CELL ORGANELLES Organelle Description Function Mitochondria Small organelles that floats free throughout the cell Made of two membranes Keeps cell full of energy Takes in nutruents and breaks them down Cellular respiration happens in the mitochondria Chloroplast Contains green pigment (chlorophyll Site of food manufacture

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16/02/15Biology Plant and Animal Cells Difference in the cells Plant Animal

It has a cell wall Its shape is rectangular ( fixed shape) Has one large vacuole that takes up 90% of cell volume It has chloroplast (makes food)

Doesnt have a cell wall Its shape is irregular Has one or many small vacuoles Doesnt have chloroplast (animals cant make their own food)

Cell Organelles Organelle Description Function

Mitochondria Small organelles that floats free throughout the cell Made of two membranes Keeps cell full of energy Takes in nutruents and breaks them down Cellular respiration happens in the mitochondria

Chloroplast Contains green pigment (chlorophyll Site of food manufacture

Golgi body Stack of flat membrane sacs Also a packaging system Builds lysosomes May also create complex sugars which sends to secretory vesicles

Lysosome Small spherical membrane bound Holds the enzymes Digests food or break down the cell when its dies

Endoplasmic reticulum A network of membrane connected to the nucleus Slightly different sizes and structure Manufacturing and

Ribosome Tiny organelles Site of production of protein

Nucleus Dark spot in the middle of all the cytoplasm Contains the chromosomes used to control the development and functioning of whole cell


Cell membrane Forms the boundary between the cytoplasm and the outside environment controls the entry and exit of substances to and from the cell

Vacuole Store water and other substances are large and important in plant cell