plant info sheets mar2013

Southern California Walnut Juglans californica (JUG-lans ka-li-FOR-ni-ka) nut in hull Family: Juglandaceae (Walnut Family) Native to: Coastal regions and coastal ranges of CA from central coast to San Diego Co.; is locally dominant in the coast live oak areas of S. oak woodland; occasional isolated stands in chaparral, coastal sage scrub and even grasslands. Often on slopes, or in canyons, valleys, riparian areas. Growth characteristics: woody tree/ lg. shrub mature height: 20-40 ft. mature width: to 25 ft. Large deciduous shrub or tree. Often multi-trunked but may form a rounded tree shape. Bark gray- brown & furrowed with age. Leaves turn bright yellow in fall. Nuts are edible and husks are used for natural black dye. Wood is used for woodworking. Lifespan: 100 years. Blooms/fruits: Blooms Apr-May. Flowers small, clustered on drooping branches. Male and female flowers on same plant (monoecious) and wind pollinated (self-fertile). Nuts ripen in August. Uses in the garden: Most appropriate for larger gardens, hillsides, canyons. One our best trees for bird & animal habitat. Excellent shade tree. Attractive foliage. Difficult to grow plants beneath it due to chemicals released from leaves (allelopathy). Sensible substitute for: Non-native medium-sized trees including Eucalyptus, Liquidamber Attracts: Excellent bird habitat: provides cover, perching and nesting sites, and seeds for food (jays, pigeons, doves). Squirrels love the nuts. Flowers attract insects, butterflies. Requirements: Element Requirement Sun Full sun (more tree-like) to part-shade (more shrub-like) Soil Does well in clays, but ok with any texture; any local pH Water Low needs; best with no summer water Fertilizer None required Other Management: Not much required. If needed, prune only when dormant (fall). Subject to gopher and ground squirrel predation. Propagation: from seed : best from fresh seed in fall. Plant either in deep pots or in prepared garden site. Seeds may benefit from 1-2 min hot water soak. Plant out seedlings while small by cuttings : not usually done Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 7, 12, 13, 14 8/19/06 © Project SOUND

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Page 1: Plant info sheets mar2013

Southern California Walnut – Juglans californica (JUG-lans ka-li-FOR-ni-ka)

nut in hull

Family: Juglandaceae (Walnut Family)

Native to: Coastal regions and coastal ranges of CA from central coast to San Diego Co.; is locally

dominant in the coast live oak areas of S. oak woodland; occasional isolated stands in chaparral,

coastal sage scrub and even grasslands. Often on slopes, or in canyons, valleys, riparian areas.

Growth characteristics: woody tree/ lg. shrub mature height: 20-40 ft. mature width: to 25 ft. Large deciduous shrub or tree. Often multi-trunked but may form a rounded tree shape. Bark gray-

brown & furrowed with age. Leaves turn bright yellow in fall. Nuts are edible and husks are used for

natural black dye. Wood is used for woodworking. Lifespan: 100 years.

Blooms/fruits: Blooms Apr-May. Flowers small, clustered on drooping branches. Male and female

flowers on same plant (monoecious) and wind pollinated (self-fertile). Nuts ripen in August.

Uses in the garden: Most appropriate for larger gardens, hillsides, canyons. One our best trees for bird

& animal habitat. Excellent shade tree. Attractive foliage. Difficult to grow plants beneath it due to

chemicals released from leaves (allelopathy).

Sensible substitute for: Non-native medium-sized trees including Eucalyptus, Liquidamber

Attracts: Excellent bird habitat: provides cover, perching and nesting sites, and seeds for food (jays,

pigeons, doves). Squirrels love the nuts. Flowers attract insects, butterflies.


Element Requirement Sun Full sun (more tree-like) to part-shade (more shrub-like)

Soil Does well in clays, but ok with any texture; any local pH

Water Low needs; best with no summer water

Fertilizer None required


Management: Not much required. If needed, prune only when dormant (fall). Subject to gopher

and ground squirrel predation.

Propagation: from seed: best from fresh seed in fall. Plant either in deep pots or in prepared garden

site. Seeds may benefit from 1-2 min hot water soak. Plant out seedlings while small by cuttings:

not usually done

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 7, 12, 13, 14 8/19/06

© Project SOUND

Page 2: Plant info sheets mar2013

California Goldenrod – Solidago californica (sol-i-DAY-go ka-li-FOR-ni-ka)

Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family)

Native to: Much of west coast of N. America, including CA (mostly W. of Sierras); dry or moist areas,

either in the open or in shaded woods, from coastal sage scrub to yellow pine forest. Also cleared or

disturbed places.

Growth characteristics: creeping perennial mature height: 1-3 ft. mature width: 1-3 ft. Robust herbaceous perennial that spreads by rhizomes. Dies back to ground in winter in colder areas.

Stems and leaves are dark green to gray-green colored and densely fuzzy. Quick growing. Forms

large colonies in moist environments – less so in summer dry conditions.

Blooms/fruits: Blooms summer/fall, usually July-Oct. along coast. Showy clusters of small, yellow

flowers on wand-like flowering stalks. Seeds wind-spread.

Uses in the garden: Truly a striking accent plant in the wild or in garden. Provides welcome fall color.

Does well in pots and planters, where it can be contained. Great for slopes, meadows.

Sensible substitute for: Non-native perennial yellow asters, chrysanthemums.

Attracts: Excellent habitat plant for many species. Butterflies, bees and other insects collect nectar

from the flowers. Seed-eating birds and insects eat seeds. Plants also provide cover.


Element Requirement

Sun Full sun to light shade

Soil Any, including poorly-draining clays

Water Tolerates winter flooding. Very drought tolerant, but blooms better with occasional

summer water. Regular summer water encourages rapid growth.

Fertilizer None needed


Management: Easy to grow. Spreads via rhizomes, but easily controlled by removing unwanted

stems during winter dormant period or planting in contained environment.

Propagation: from seed: challenging; use fresh seed; slow germination by divisions: easy

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 2, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 20, 21, 25 12/13/10 © Project SOUND

Page 3: Plant info sheets mar2013

Big (California) Gum Plant – Grindelia camporum (grin-DELL-ee-uh camp-OH-rum)

Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower Family)

Native to: Central & S. CA coast. On dry banks, rocky or sandy fields, along roadsides, in dry washes

and stream banks, saline soils.

Growth characteristics: perennial sub-shrub mature height: 2-4 ft mature width: 2-4 ft

Erect, herbaceous/woody perennial with alternate, leathery leaves. Leaves, stems and flowers are


Blooms/fruits: Attractive yellow “daisy” flowers from Mar-Oct. Bracts below heads are down-curved.

Uses in the garden: In cultivated beds (mid-bed). Good for sandy, relatively infertile soils. Flowers

attractive, numerous, long-lasting. Scented (balsamic scent). Great for butterfly, pollinator or bird

garden. Looks great with blue or purple flowers, or with native bunch grasses. Good for dry gardens

(xeriscaping) or salty/alkali soils.

Sensible substitute for: non-native bush sunflowers: Gloriosa Daisies (Rudbeckia), Chrysanthemums

Attracts: Butterflies; many species of bees; beetles and other interesting insects. Birds eat seeds.


Element Requirement

Sun Full sun

Soil Sandy to medium – well-drained best but tolerates clay; pH 6-8

Water Low needs, particularly when flowering. Will tolerate more if soil well-drained

Fertilizer None needed

Other Tolerates alkali and salty soils

Management: Easy to grow. Cut back to near the ground after flowering to keep from getting leggy.

Propagation: from seed: Easy. Collect seed from dry heads in summer/fall. Seeds may be dried and

stored for planting in spring. In S. Bay can be planted in pots or in the ground Oct-Nov. Rake seeds

in lightly (barely cover).

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 2, 6, 12, 13, 14, 16, 20 12/1/10

© Project SOUND

Page 4: Plant info sheets mar2013

Toyon/CA Christmas Berry – Heteromeles arbutifolia (het-er-AH-mel-eez ar-bew-ti-FO-lee-uh)

Family: Rosaceae (Rose Family)

Native to: Chaparral, Coastal Sage Scrub and Coastal Shrub communities from S. Oregon to Baja.

Often on semi-dry slopes, canyon walls, back-dune areas. Var. macrocarpa – S. Channel islands.

Growth characteristics: lg. evergreen shrub/tree mature height: 6-10’ (to 30’) mature width: 4-6’

In nature, usually a many-branched shrub – but highly variable. Leaves and branches stiff. Natural

shape is rounded, fairly dense. Can be shaped into tree by removing lower branches. Grows taller in

shady environments.

Blooms/fruits: clusters of showy white blooms in summer; bright red berries in fall/winter.

Uses in the garden: for erosion control on slopes. As a specimen plant (attractive year-round). Can

be pruned as hedge/hedgerow. Good under/with Live Oaks and Ceanothus. Foliage used for holiday

decorations. Makes a good screen or espalier – quite adaptable with pruning. Foliage makes and

orange natural dye. Berries toxic if consumed in large amounts.

Sensible substitute for: Non-native Pyracantha;Cotoneaster;Holly;Scarlet Wisteria;Acacia;Myoporum

Attracts: butterflies (flower nectar); birds (esp. Cedar Waxwings, wrentits) and other songbirds relish

the berries.


Element Requirement

Sun Full sun to full shade

Soil Any well-drained; any pH is fine

Water Tolerates some supplemental water in summer (better fruiting); keep leaves dry

(susceptible to fungal diseases)

Fertilizer None needed


Management: prune yearly (Feb-Mar) to maintain shape. Flowers/fruits borne on year old wood.

Watch for fungal disease, particularly in warm, wet weather.

Propagation: from seed: relatively easy in winter/spring. Soak berries in water about 1 week then

rub through sieve to clean. Store dry seeds cool. Plant shallow. Sow 10-20 seeds/cup.

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1-3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12-14, 16-21, 23-25, 28 12/5/10 © Project SOUND

Page 5: Plant info sheets mar2013

Silver Bush Lupine – Lupinus albifrons (var. albifrons) (loo-PINE-us AL-bee-frons)

Family: Fabaceae (Pea Family)

Native to: Coastal and central CA and N. Channel Islands; dry open meadows, prairies, and forest

openings in coastal sage scrub, chaparral, oak woodlands.

Growth characteristics: perennial shrub mature height: 3-5 ft. mature width: 4-5 ft. Mounded shrub with striking silver foliage. Leaves, which are palmate (like a hand) are covered with

soft, silvery hairs. Plant has a neat, fine-textured appearance. Drought-deciduous. May be short-lived

in the garden setting – but can propagate from seed.

Blooms/fruits: Blooms in spring, anytime from Mar-June depending on the rains. Flowers are

clustered on stalks above the foliage – typical for lupines. Flower color is an iridescent blue to purple.

Flowers are sweetly fragrant.

Uses in the garden: Makes a wonderful specimen plant for it’s flowers and foliage. Looks particularly

nice combined with native grasses, annual wildflowers and yellow-flowered coastal plants such as Dune

Wallflower, Coastal CA Poppy, plants in the Sunflower family. Does fine in sunny areas under oaks.

Fine for low maintenance areas along roads, parking strips. Plant where you can enjoy the floral scent

and the visits of pollinators.

Sensible substitute for: Non-native lupines (e.g. Russell Lupine).

Attracts: Excellent Dove habitat: provides cover and seeds for food. Pollinators are large bees,

hummingbirds. Larval food plant for Blue butterflies.


Element Requirement

Sun Full sun.

Soil Well-drained soils; any local pH.

Water Little to no water once established (Zone 1 or 1-2; possibly Zone 2 in sandy soils)

Fertilizer None; can kill with fertilizer. Plant roots fix nitrogen.


Management: Little management required as long as plant is watered correctly. Plants are

susceptible to slugs, snails and caterpillars, all of which can kill the plant. Deer, rabbits will eat.

Propagation: from seed: hot water soak by cuttings: probably

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 3, 7, 8-11, 13, 16, 19, 28 12/7/10

© Project SOUND

Page 6: Plant info sheets mar2013

Wavy-leaf Soap Plant – Chlorogalum pomeridianum var. pomeridianum (kloh-ROH-gal-um pom-er-id-ee-AY-num)

Family: Liliaceae (Lily Family)

Native to: Southern OR to Baja CA; commonly grows in valley grassland and more sheltered (shady)

sites in the coastal sage scrub, chaparral and oak woodland.

Growth characteristics: clumping perennial mature height: 1-3 ft. mature width: 1-2 ft.

Mounded herbaceous perennial with basal tuft of strap-like leaves. Leaves are spreading and have

wavy edges. Plant dies back to bulb in fall.

Blooms/fruits: Blooms May-July. Small white star-shaped (lily-type) flowers with purple veins on a

stalk that rises above the foliage (3-5 ft). Flowers open in late afternoon; individual blooms last only

one day. Attractive, fragrant flowers ‘float’ above the foliage. Fruit: green-black capsule.

Uses in the garden: Most often used as attractive addition to front of garden beds, dry gardens, rock

gardens & prairies, along walls. Does fine in filtered sun under trees. Young shoots can be eaten raw

or baked. Bulb can be thoroughly baked or boiled (to remove toxic saponins) and eaten. Plant

also used to make soap, shampoo, glue and natural brushes.

Sensible substitute for: Non-native small-flowered lilies, Agapanthus.

Attracts: Small mammals eat pods and roots. Moth caterpillars eat foliage.


Element Requirement

Sun Full sun to part-shade; can survive in low light conditions, but many not flower.

Soil Any; prefers well-drained

Water Regular water to semi-dry during growth season; withhold water in late


Fertilizer Benefits from organic mulch


Management: Fairly easy to grow. Gophers/squirrels may eat the bulbs.

Propagation: from seed: fairly easy; take 5 to 7 years to reach reproductive age from bulbs: divide

bulbs in early fall (dormant). Plant in place (larger bulb offsets) or in pots in fall. Fairly easy.

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 1, 5, 8, 10, 12, 13, 18, 19 11/25/10

© Project SOUND

Page 7: Plant info sheets mar2013

Peninsula/Mexicali Onion – Allium peninsulare var. peninsulare

(AL-ee-um pen-in-soo-LAIR-ee)

Family: Alliaceae (Onion Family)

Native to: Foothills of Central and SW CA. Locally in Santa Monica Mtns, Catalina, San Gabriels; on

slopes and flats that are winter-wet but summer dry, often in grassland, chaparral.

Growth characteristics: clumping perennial bulb mature height: 1-2 ft. mature width: 1-2 ft. Perennial bulb which dies back to the ground after flowering. Single to several simple, stiff C-shaped

linear leaves that die back before flowering. Bulb small (to ~ 1 inch) rounded, smelling like onion.

Blooms/fruits: Blooms in spring, usually April-May. Flowers in an umbel-like cluster atop flowering

stems. Flowers bell-shaped, magenta to pink/purple (rarely white). Very showy – among the best of

our showy onions.

Uses in the garden: Most often used in dry flowering beds or in containers. Nice in a meadow or

coastal prairie area – will take a little summer water. Pair with local grasses, annual wildflowers.

Sensible substitute for: Non-native Alliums.

Attracts: Good bird habitat: provides seeds for food.


Element Requirement

Sun Full sun to part-shade.

Soil Most local textures & pH.

Water Best summer dry (Zone 1 or 1-2 after flowering).

Fertilizer None


Management: Leave dry leaves on until fall. Little/no summer water.

Propagation: from seed: yes by bulbs: fairly easy – 3rd year bulbs will flower.

Plant/seed sources (see list for source numbers): 8, 20, 30, 43 2/28/13 © Project SOUND

Page 8: Plant info sheets mar2013