plattsburghthe nvpablican party in congrer. ha. thi. weak dooe it* otmom to make a dtagracfnl i*cord...

« ^ ^ ^ SlffgP 9WS^f"f<*' mg- .."JStH 'W^p^'V PLATTSBURGH UTItITT—-TIw ttorwt Oo>o>d1 •# *.•• *^§ VOL.95. NO. 14. PLATTSBURGH, CLINTON CO.. N. V.. SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 2, 1901. WHOLE NO. 4814. IHE REITBLK AN. MTTM»Af MobNiwo. *rmt « n»4 I! fl.OOayear, In ndTance, to all it or fl.M IMT if not paid it ABB TIIH6B. Saint ftnttth. W -Tn-,<- «"nit»> t M l l f l n ! K* theT" «»n*t» .. .i m IT. !M> ke h»«l «rc et»es unit (•>?!? two i ^i • , »> F>>rt? (..> 'rt<e« he » »« run for f'e doctor K. rt, • »<. "m»« he'« . . . n * forth .n <hr nlfht, \SM.«I» T f»-»eMn« I.B hi" «ii«r»n<ter«. H-1 IT,* «« lerer a bachelor rti'»M F. t*i tw<. tifflM he he* wondeted and waited, P * Inir Urn »>r with hl« head In a wMf!. F-r'T urn time, h. h*« heard the announcement. "It a hoy." or It's only * girl " Forty two times th* crtm nnrs. ha* denied him RUM* that he proudly «npr«"e<l »m hl» own: Forty two time* b. has harbored em.tlon* fMx-h as the ehll.less man nerer has known. Fori? two time* he has bounded up. h««rtn* Th. flrot shrill ery of utrsnrr little ciesf; F- »tr two |IIM» he has . o n * In the morning. Hoasttt.g .rid b r a n t " . and swelling bin chest. Porty two three b. ha* pa'd for frail ribbon*. Paid for soft lace* and fluffy *lfalr». Fald for th. bottle* and what not In them: F >*tt two tint** he ha* •! nnldered new rare*. tnrtr »w.» times h. ha* hoard t h . g'ad m> l w«»: "' l*»TrtMa.'« l"»i>l» «<«•> In - tt'p all rl«M" - fblt» tW'« tlmw he ha* •"»«• for lh« d«»t"r. •aitoBla. np a* h. ro«h<« 1 ihroii.h tho ni#hf. rkirtm" B*™r4 UtraU. moT'inpni fho f>fl- r of a " p n M i r «pirit»>(l r r 'Z ri," Rroi.irti the law firm of W'<M1» t'miway •<• Conor, to •*j':ir»"!inw»» » •'«>Cirft''|P mt»> utid *"rMrt ih«>r»-on, »t:b all cnnv»rii«T.t( •I'PPII, a frpc I'Ulilir hlinirf at ft total «•«- (wriao of from fiftfwn lotwcntj thoinaMi flol- l«r« ami will further »>n.tnw or furni«h It at I«M»«f fl»» (hoiiiianil <loll»m for p'luipmcnt and mninl"iianr»>, anl will ron».y or »«it th#> titl*> thnr»>to in a literary corporation to IH> forrnad hjr »p«cial cliartf-r, an imlicatH ID Cl>il* (rrane., No. 33. Wayn* coonty. ha» rfc^ntt.T pnrchaiMKt a handanm*' nprijjht pi- ano, i'l»r<-.l in ih. hall a n«w altar, and ad- ileil XI Tolnmr* to the graDR* library. Thr«« Mil. Bay *ran«., No 12«. J^fT^raoo count*, an all day twalon. March !6 A furm^ro' nnion hat bwn orK«nlt.d in t h . gran*, which ha. for it. obj.ct co-op««tiori in th. aaln of produce and pqrcwaw. of Mp- plio.. Th. qn«>.tioD of life loaoraoc* in lb. (rrao«. WM tak«-D op and dlaeMMd at th. Chaniao tUAiMw>My KWPMH4 tkw Mil iflwtwr ft Mw.M* for .ood ro»d» N M U M »•• tww.r «»»r bottoaM r*vard aV t«M tmmp of t h . past w»*k a. pro> •klMtM. ta^rvpott »•». from Washington that ^wiiartrt Ofaoral H.ary C. Pa>n« I . 10 pmr fewaitk at>d aMy ro-lgn. ftftoMMMHt aWMtwl*. ka». doe. much dk»a«a)a|a«a4Ht wtalor b«|m*«tatf tbobwrk , •Ma* w * h UMMV » » d . r lb. wow. MlCk W«t«r MM! Thick lew. To. IMflttly «>!<• wtot<« ha. tnwrwl wvmrf mtmm Mid pond with otipr*««dmtwdiy thick kw, Md whra lb. flnt Ikaw •MM II BftMlvMd troatll. WaVfO nwiy ymra k w b « M for t b . lo» to 10 out qvNKljr. Fron Ml p*rf. of lb. eoontry eon. r.port. of gmat itamac. b? flood*, ft w aaid that th<*r. ba. h..n tionhl. no aoout .r*-ry ' r.aii In lillnol., and Indiana and many oth«r Wmt^m Statwi ao that tb. aimpl. r«v»M of hy .,»rini! fltod. would fill t >iti>nn* and p»g«» On th. Mohawk Riv.r gr.'ii ila'na^. ha. Iw.n ilnn. and a «•> on th. th. accompanying draft of a propote<l act of qua Coonty Pomona mwtlng. hot did not th. I>>i()«lut<]r. tnoch A committ.. "Prodding th. city will hind ita-lf by con- JJ^** * M -PP»»"'^ «»Io*«»f•*• "* «l«w trad with .aid library corporation, wh.n ' form.d. if l.gally nuthonz-d to do go, to Columbia County Pomona moot. April 9. raw. by annoat tax or oth.rwi*.. and pay Senator Amblor wl!l report on i«glalaiion In - " « rarycor^ration toward, ib, Z 1 ^ J ^ * J ^ i J X 2 mainteoanc. and support, th. .am of at Colombia Pomona h W - t l o r . b i p . l C W d - l.aat. two thoo.aad dollarii, a. lone aa .aid 1D£ &00. library .ball b. ao maioUin<«d arid will tran^ I *^T~" ter «,d torn o~r to .aid corporation, whon I J S S S M J S J S ^ Z S M th. boildlnff I. eompl^, .nd th« booka, rmvllng mattW la lba|r •.•b.f.' OOmoa, ^. library, picture and property oo band bo- How thoa. Ilbrarloa may bo obtateotf may bo mtb.rar.of IMOMI by Ibo city. of 10 r ^k. eaa W aoearml lor tbrw. month. oo payrn.nt of a f m of f I bt. wbieb pay. for transportation both w.ya, and tb volamw may be M>car«d for f 2 Ob. PLATTSBUKGH THEATRE. 0 G»r<lin.r, Main. 8fal. Oranro. aayt: "Agnin, I my, a. a farmer*' organization, Cnr^fnlly krep tb. grange onder tb. control of thM farmer. We wag. no aggroMi*. war- far, upon any other organization, nor attack an> legiiimat.; hot th" crang. wa. or^aiiizi'd for th. tien.flt of agricultur., and to «>levat. and educate the American farm.r; ai.rl mu«t er.r be kept within it* legitimate line of work if the order I* to endure. K-ep a*g |iawvl»«tk« tboroaboai a* kwftftj bagaa to govfl "The Karl of PMWturket" Srxt MOIKIM) Kltflil, April 4. '•The EHrl <'f Ptiwuifket," fre«h from it. New York ami Bwon iriumplH, and with all the elaborate ncenic and property de- tailn which characterized HM original .plen- MiiTpiehanna and other .fream., and t h . did production, in being rightly wor«t la not over yet. al'hou^h t h . co!d one of ihe nio-t irnportBid bookiiiL'. made •pell that * . t in on Monday had the ,-fJ.ct of '"'«»'« Patn-burgh Theatre hence the nn- 0 «7 B »^ w h W*a^ f e^^ enmiann intere.t mnnifeMed In Monday, bw( , lronb|e » Aprn 4. Hie date rnuni'd for pa pieaeuta- "Tl kTkb*. plain,, .,id.nt for *ome tim. f J L ^ a S L i wriTo HOTBTNO?- punt ihat the geneial ran (<f theatre goer. rla a^^-- u v a.-— ——.— atkA a * - u i bare beecme tboroogbly Mtiated with play. IjV. wo hill i a f n i a ^ o * ^ ' of qaoattonabl. character, and I her. baa ' * '" '*" w,nT —"°"- bam and •natiaaoa to be a Very decided re-' g, tmmnm(m Coant* Paaaoas baa Bwaad SllJPt-l'SS" £XTy£2£ TL' • ""to" 0 - •"-••M-iif **m Ho-^ia iwaad a * M tbo *l'"«rt iMlnaaMoojofja L fiM.d,,,. , B lfcw geM M aeaodldate for Frank A. Brown of Roalindale. s*ar Boa- ton, a xcenic artiat, kilied hi* wife and htm- *.lf. March 2fi Th.v had bwti in th. habit of quarreling and Brown i* *napected to ha*, mad. an attempt recently to poison the family. COatlOUtTrACTII. Th. American people epend f2.SO0.0Ob for Earner lilte. .*.ry year. The Brui»h Hooao of Common. I. con- *id.nng too qiosuon whether chi M a>aat caaae. caocer. Dr ftamoel Darling of i n . city boapital at Baltimore beHere. that be baa dlaao»ar.d lb. germ of m.mpa. Re*. John B. Helndel, paator of tb. Church of the Redeonwr in Jersey City, la onranlaog a baweoall nine from UM yoang men of hi. chorea. The Ropalan gorernroent I. ofTertog a prtseof fj.iooo for a practicable way of moklOK aleubol oodriok.W. in order to at** the rafafea of drookenoea* Dairying I. carried oo to a great extent la \ *'• WARMINOTOR LRTTKK. (Sawntal OrnTeapuadawo.. Waahington, March 2«, 1904. The nVpablican party in Congrer. ha. thi. weak dooe It* otmoM to make a dtagracfnl i*cord for itaWf. That thi* record will be eiDIMTod oo every pfatform, at every CTOP*- road. donng the coming campaign gom wrtboat any log. What it ba* done t* to re foa» b* a mrtct party rot* to laveotfarato tb. Poet Office departaieat—that breeding-bar- row of acaodal aod eorropttoo. la voting not to iaveaiigata the fraao. or panfe* toe boodle-aaatcbera tbe BepaMieaa. do not by any Moan, deny tbrtr .xiateoce; tbey only deny the .gpedieacy of letting m any more light. Wbeo BrMow'. report wa. ffong Into the Hoaa. wlib It. cbarae. araloM l&l aieai- ber*. too guilty one. were fWMkgry to •peak except In profane ejaeaUllooa. Tbey did not apend Uaw denying tbe •eeoMrbm.; to»» etmirfy deoooooad tbeacoaeer. TkowgN a high ofldal of tkeW owa party, tbwy o a i M Bf THE WAT. Hprina; Firtioa. r.Mlah^r*' A imminiili, XeOeeofPtiMIe Siberia and laat year $15,000 000 worth of batter wa. exported from that eoontry. Tbe *ar la leflictlng a very *erloo* Ii jury on that Ch-cklnjf the troo'ile. Tuegrett duigxr io tb worn Ice gorge*. At the dafn* and fall, the ice break* op early lor a ebort di.tanre, bat ordiaarUy tbe lea oa tbe MM»*tbiMi»lhtle i, pwrbap. brab.a awar tbe •>«tb*r. aod enatetl bf artU wwaen, NM uder Ike telaZai r , V• rt, »• *??' "2*** '"" t ^ M i Co»«ta*lotier of Ajtnealtare. ako favoring TmEZ lea* ibV B % M |er7e.'"ff«a5K? ll f^«*-W»»W-»" lorOorMill AcrleeJ- MMtfal one.,, ike* 'The Marl of Pawiecket la tUMkic„Urv. Aeoajailtteewaa appoiated W&M&X. - •ad groaad. or aeigea, fonalag a awtarai vaea, inat - i n e a « n or rawiocaei *j ,.„,, r„,n__ JLMIIIJUI ia* •—•• da* aid tornlaa- tbe Immoaa* ewrr^t o « «f -'"^ ( M 7*"*"\ " ^ r o>0 " ±T MXVMO .MO M)£2 -bZr^bTfwia ftebml. tba. lawk oatlar troabbnfar tbf. 2 f t £ ^ ± ^ i ^ n^aJa-STS £?»«•«»••- »«««• «-» •»?£!«•» M LMk»i« U ta. H M iiUdi M k. I " tt * • » " « » ' B, ^ no « or ; , * I, ^ 1 u.. i S f - to «* «• •»• oaotrlbated by awberdlnate earreat. peraaoa 'Mafiaa; a root tam Oaaea a a«.w o» It. appea to tbe rlaibiiltle. of aa „—„-«- >_ fnaad aittoiafaMoa lor craawa oflaaieflaMatorMvMwwMaw^fwab^j •*««.idoe. It .train In* ttVot Ail oftbe j^.^^ r l ,T^0o^l^rb%laial^ bay. aod do ateat dageaae. j i**"** dMangoe aad adroitly arranged scene. . i^-' B ^ Tata la m^ThLmmmmA h*t **tmrA+. ' •"• «**» w ' 1 " «• »«•*•"* »••« » "* iaaj m waat aaopeaea MM aatarnay aiaai in.a^bi oat and combine In perfecting a s , i-am—j. nmM. mtmmmtm era noarioe ^ I . e ^ d ^ H l K . ^.wbe. reM»,f.on > en».rt. r ,eol l of r acb.q,.»»l, ^ S T t ^ u V ^ ^ S ^ Ikowator roaelaa tow mlnate. ao aa to w d qnantliy a. .oflco to endear It to all ^oBlderalioo. fa*orin* Ogdeo.borg a* tbe Ikreatea ike brld«e pear tbe electric light *2**. 0 IL.!*"* ^ . ^ , . „ , . _ #fc «.' »-••*' P'«e»" »f •Metlaa: for the M M . grange. Moot aad fNMtodtka wbole l.t r-iowo. &*"*!" "ZT* iL 8 ' J. M . *S ^ Tne committee are to Wit C^dMiebonr io awani aau NH**O la. waoie aai oetow oa Wfm aaa the prodoetion been »ubj-cted to . M- . to •„_, •_,_lh- hM^ amA Mhar lb. kfl bank of | M rlter. amroandlng tb. ; re.irk.iioo. or eartaiM for road porpoa..; j JSaUoT Tb^my^ft^aAtM^K. Obh^toovory oad tearlog away tka aldewaJk •"•< n every respect, eveo to the minote*t hmm a^.^, .... ,*„ |rfaaMi,i» for ike aab1aMf»«a)MaliiwtbakM^ " ,p » ghln : "*?»m*nU grmagera if tbey will ateet Sero7 Tbey kave T I T . ^ 7 . *T tawarodaetioo bere will partake of all the JoVwal aimoat evanihiaw bates txrtkof Mttk, Fertaaattli tke water|»ri,|»^aMb*|ikmBieotaad,irondeor Two % m £ l 2 m ! E X S m £ F i WV*eax)aaayaa* wwvw<-B*kwnv>BV*r*.v exwsM f l f o a A C M B r . law §U§» Wktek toll Oarioadaof ewectaar. carried in Irene- am* port, aba* aakleg oho of tbe aoat cmapieta ' -mbetati prodwatloaa ever eeeo iatbiadty. Aaap tlMoott, ftat oaadlen to aeaiioo bat aTWke La^baMa, aader wkoaa dlrectioa L • M j ^ l f c b l e f l of Paowbctot" U offered,kilodi JkJBE VavHjpBJpWPbW/•/ wJaVJaaMR*iVw^| ioaawej wVJBeflV MJP«T ^|B^PVjBj BJ ——{(^.^j-a-afc n**frmi*&»a$ i A aionoment mwrCbiomboa, Bartholomew Coonty, Ind., Bark, tbe apot which w the centre of popeletioo of tbe Uolted State, by the eenen. of I9M. It la oo tbe farm of Henry Marr. At a combination eale of Arberdeen- Aneo. catile at Sooth Omaha, Net... Mttrcn 15 It. 93 animal, were sold for f 10.022. the top price t»ing paid for a cow, Blackbird Eclip*er, t345. LooLiana i* considering how to beet pro- tect it* levee* along the Mt«.i**ippi from the ravage* of muxkral* which do immense damage by digging hole* in them aod letting tbe water ran tbroogh. Tbe eating of bore.fl.ah by the poor of Pari* i* ircreaoing. tbe present consumption nHng 30,000 florae* per year. The meat i* darker and Mrooger than beef, and owila at half tbe price of beef. Tba school teacher, of Cartersville. Ill, went on strike, Marek, M, beeaaie one of tketr oaMber hod been discharged bseaass see adwkMstered demcred caaugatloo with strap b» owe of bar bad boy a. Hsvokoraof Canada eoosaaM nearly Kb).- ese.ese cbtarette. yearly, neatly all of wbWfe areaude hi Canada. Asa effort la being •ada to rVliaavent to have a low peated that will mitigate tbla sad eonditioo. A BdseiaB eompaay will eatablisb ao agrl- raitaral implement company at Tomsk, Western Siberia, which will make tbe first year 4 000 plowa and 6,00k threshing ma- chine* aad maay winnowing- macbloea. One of tbe exhibit, at the St. Looie fab? will be a desk 28 feet high. 39 feet wide aod St feet deep of tbe roller top variety.' Tbe ssanofaetarer* will see ll as a booth in wbieb to display all tbe prodecs of their factory. Policemen of Richmond, Va., say tbere are hendreds of boys ia that diy who are vwtbmof tbe coeoane kabit aad a law passed recently forbids tbe sale of that drag exeeptiat; by pbysiciana, draggiau aad den- D. Boe of Aogaeta. W. J. basaHol- tkat ia 7 daya gave CM M poanda •oaoda of kat- •f afrtttwblc* pfOdeo*dMi) *ai ter, aad l a t a days a b e n v e l a e i asttwklab aaidaasl 1ST aVM liar aad a aoowodrol. Havmc dipped tbttr toowoee la gall, tbey did not beoitaie io ex- tend their tavective to am *«petiora. Alter a week's tarteJwuce it osearred to aome member, that tkere waa qaite aa a*ocb a call for ao lureMigaUoo aa tor vnaverwion, aod an .ffort was made to have tbe Hoam of Representative, do it. doty In thi. respect. To a majority of Repohtieaos tbe proposal to Investigate seemed an additional outra».. For two d*t*. donng the consideration of th«» Poet Ortlce appropriation bill they hav. stormed and raged against it and have An- ally defeated investigation by a strict p*m vote—althooeh the committee that wa* pro- posed ( S T . in the House and three in the Senate, would have been wholly in the hands of Republican*. They declared that it wa* not 'Verman."—their reol objection, of cnore., being that it we* altogether too ger- mane. John Sharp WiUiants. tba Dsmpsratie lend**, Hrq lently pleaded for investigation "Tbe only way we can secare honesty in the post offtee department'' be declared, "Is by the gentleman withdrawing hi* point of order or by tbe Hooae narebing otar it bodilr. The people of tbe United State, are greater tbaa Coagr—>, aad tbey dsmaad aaiovesti- calioa of tbe rotteansas "O, wont yoo." be pleaded, "do oametbhaj to keep the groat body of American eUiaaary froa* believina: that tke Post Oflee PepartaMot ia inraaMos." Mo; tbey woald aot do aay each tbiog.and tbey did eot Tbe Hawse derided aot to hv veMigate—ft Democrats to IS Repebiicaiis. General Orosveaor. O., bad declared that to invemiaate tbe.seandal "woald be a reflec- tion apoa tbe dignity of tbe Howee." A corioo. notion of dignity J Tbe Post Office bill parsed at tke does of yesterday's ses- sion. Tbe ease of Senator Smoot, of Of ah, will not be decided till after tbe Prveidential election, for partisan reasons. Several aeedy eeotleeieo, probably flve, will be ap- pointed "a commission'' to visit Utah daring the aaaiBMr, aod try to And oat why 8moM has only one wife. loddeatally, tbey caa « e « p speeches on tbe way. to break oat all arowodtke sky ifna year. Tbepoatal aaaadal am tke toeaa to tba llawttobt, bat aow It Dai - - tocJaaaa GvNlasd Tribes to ALLETS AND TUBS. »T T»S *rr oa or "rixas.'" That thta writer would he aMe to rtmagsfa to thm saprem. nmlltiaem of B*> preavdtac anstar- pteo* wee»nfe** «« wsr* kt 4o*M Tet »• b*a ant only attained to bat .arp*-ead K. aad ha* ftnaty tstaMKked hi* tlUa as wo Daiatr ret masslvs. anooiHPiK vet lesUalawl. tb* bo.* I* ladaaerftMDlv eotraaslag la K* grtptKwg •foosrlty and rsasb. The hot paJss of th. tor. UMattttarof tbe starry aorta, tba of the orient, t h e — aatwtry satlrtoate* KmbosMd N v i n a , extra wM. amrgla*, HKb prSjUac itmo.tim Tan laaaas rn»u*anM CO., Mew T o r t TOE SAMOVAR OP ISIS. | Notice kt t*wwby gfewe tkat a ing wi<l be givea atamewtiawof tkwCem mow Ceaedl of tba Ctty of Plamtawevgh at tb. Cowactl chamber, to Mm Weed k^Mw« onTwiwday *v*wtaa% AprR » I P M a t t n'faaeb, ea Aswembly btH Ha lb«. ewtfdod - An art t . aasead ebaptar t e f e l tba ktwa of HOJ, ewtMled 'Aa att to iaeaapwrale tba City of Ptottawanrb.'" Tbe fwairwaxg too brief sysjopsi. of tbe srwawaad act. via: Awtbmlaiam tbe Bward of Rlsaniss to tx I k - salary of itadarkax aot to BlBTfJU. « t Beteta. w T Pareti at. taw. aasa w»l tr» axfrotHK rnkSWi NAMIAOP*. a t i «f ta* on*»> E3wi».5£3Srta« Tt. WMiMS^mmSSMWMi Crttto. pnmomaoo ta* tSw moat • yet proeaosd by tela woadsrfat aothrw. tsaUoanthseweDneofgealas ltoay have at- t«BD«ed aad failed I bsvenbattabeMoaeat. Tawatsjaaetl/sMttrof the Pharaohs Meads wtth tba maJseUe tread of tbetr aatramiBeied gods, the march of Aatytto and tb* rkrld splondor of the Hebrew, while agatant a Dack*T.«nd of kaleldoseooic brllttaarr Ui. daagbter of Jebotaphat stand* oat a* the mo*t ciorioiM. tbe IDOSI appealing, tba B»o*t irre- sistible embodiment of nkptiratiac womaalxiod ever knosn to the printed pace. such the e- ornnm« p. .pnlarltr of thi* *nth'>r tbit the nik-tit pr rloin to ixonfn* a ne* e<i,'i<.a weareohll.ed t>> eropL.y *-peoiai ff»o*of p H<>e In order toprote.'t mr«el»«< frimi the claim'* of rir«i b*mk*e\l*ira. 1'irt t/tvv*<inrff!t r**v Twig. V«* Ton* inn t-u*. - Pntladelptia. THE PALPITATIONS OP JA5E. »T T. BSTCBI.T PCOO. Here anqaeaUouabiy U a buua daftbwd to take a high and permanent place in the Ikeratare of all time, and beside t'ie epbemeral OoUon of tba pressot It roarer* la trenchant aad gratlfjrt**- re- lief. To give aa adequate I f a w l u a of tba tbaaght«omp*illoc foroe of this soM-drama Is tmpaaalHe. Tet If oa* pietare* tb* lawaxtasllua of a Saakespeare. tbe profaadttg of Oeons* Bitot wtUMNtt bar faniu. the hamor of Mark Twala and tb* recced mtblsmae*. of Tboaias Bardr. eomhtaaa with a osrtala huabeat fauBJi j aata SIJ tbe aatbor'* own. tbere is w* tblnk aa approxi- mation to tbe fertllitr aad graos wbieb sfauaaa erery line of thi* really great work. Sued* appllqa£ oorer dwlcn Illartrsrtoo* la three colors. MeWoaor A%D Hoaa. - Boston. THE TOAD'S JEWEL, a r u r r n mi raacaax. CantrasttothelUeof We. BeoceoTHferasTt. Bat thi* novel I* not art." It ta life.—tbe aetata- j UUnglifeof the emotions, aad love aad bate, ro- veoge aad abaegatton. tbe genial aad fboaombre pnlaateIn ailoriag JaxtaposttioB. Tbe plidui — aae dialect and ap-to-date metaphor, of tba pal- adias of tbe slams, tbe psrebolocleal ssiiatltfcwa aad osffeet taste of the uptown pslaee erolreta aatoaa yet ambMMtoa. ssotivss, wbJk* aa aa- gffaMlVBml. aVaWaaaff^ ML wbisb Is wttbeaxa ifraj at P.O. After bftasUaeMefe iovorrmc wftboat dL StrttiaYoot tba ago member, of tbe are tbe salary of tbe aseswd fSaper ••*>* ft. t*H. tMbW At W«*t raasv * 0 %BftfW aMMMl *V* ««jaj Tbe expense of the paWieatfoe of tke aa- j wr RaWw wa* hr^n '. w«*» rtwrr aad noal report of tb* Board of ElacaUoo tab* ! •TTjAL-itT' J* f r ^ i " •** ** r " n .M « - , # i i • r_^i eoaaftesaad In r>»»<-««• caned*. paid oat of tbe school tend. ,1*4 )a ]M e to Rm< t ne t^r« «i **•*•_ Reqatiing a two-tbifw vote of tbe Board ' *t«tar of t v i«i- a - L r vaitw of of Eloeation to aw*taia the estimate of tbe I •>?*»*• '•J** 1 •*»» rrS * i *••-' am- ant of mwy to be r « - d by UX for | t^Z^Tv^L^I^Z, scho.»i purpose* after disapproval of tbe eatl- t,\m He was k»«»s »hc.<»r»e-a< XflKbsra rr.a'»> br th. Mayor. ' for« m a ma^rmm-tmi h-.«« keeper, aa. Providing that tbe interest on Board of ^Z'iJZZTZZ "TIL."?*" u. ElnratkHi note* shall be paid oat of tbe - • " ? « * • » • - •'••wjed r^«.to*. echo .! fund. I R .1 linn? that the City CbamWleie - . ! office sbaB beopawbwm7 aatM e'dwsfc of davs of tbe eoHecUaw of I naatbergk, M. T . April 1.1*N. W. J. BtoGAPPBST, We. tbe past*. a>*. a a wanm. . Oraat and wwr Hr Pa^r****. n*»e»a«la«. tb* barial <-mc ptoee w >*•<-»» •***'">, U'wasy. wttb abs ba say*/«WahaTaXw raated OrrapofTarVKtSawteease rswreeaMI oreola. We ahmpwaiaawsea .Ujiff baxMala prove *ai»*Bj**orr*ra»ss»^rwba*am_ IS.19N. f '•Ordered: H) b tbe adjadtoattoo of pensioe claim, aader said act of Jawe ST, 1890, as ameoded. It abaft bo steered as aa endwattol bat. If doe. net appear, aad Mow at, tkat, waaaa eaaaawota la ' ~ %1 dap. Tbey. Itkotke A bottle of Br. abjosl .Tisailj'i aow aad tosaxt wsVJjkv •too, • ! • 4 a aaara good tb aaxo|reaf fa* mmM^msmmumm */^*-v^:fi4-m ssss^^sfife J ^ ^ ^ ^ 4'».»-• «.•</. tL*** J* *-e* t ~* *.. — .,-. ^ttJU^-fea^-. t0m$0^mm*w&t^**m; >, '^^-s* ; MiM^**^^fcr:•• -9" H*# « (* ilaT^djaTar^ " akV %M^^^^^^^^^'-U 1hr$ ft aeXt Monday abtbt of ilarlef Pawtaeket" will eaaUy be the 1 Of the seasoo. Tbe play M two of WaasaVs bast, tbe sceaen is espec- tain aa.|i'1 to tbe play, aod tb. com- et tbe seme that ba. been creating a torero a* ktoatreai aad other large Deal tofcw swtiag "Tbe larl of *S®>' btoeomedy prodae- •art of Pawtaekei," appear, at ISS- m- "Aaaat la PrswPaMic Library aad to Ctty of PlMisbavgb to a free Peotte library aad ba with". BvcttoaBrM of tbieaet oreatea SmHbH. Weed, Thomas P. Coaway. Joba It Momtt, Qewrge P Tattle, James M. Stower, Alex* ander McHattte, Joha H. Booth aad Cbarlea J. Pert, trta Mayor of Platisbargfc. tke Pria- cipal of Piaiubantb Normal School, aad ike superintendent of Plattabargb School., a body corporate and politic node* tbe tbe name of the Ptattebergh Pnidie Library. 8»«loa second provides that la aasa of death, resignation, or da^MllfcaUoa of an* of the directors, or their relaaal to aot, the vacancy shall be named by a Majority of tbe director, remaieing la oases. CMS>.m fJkk . deeuoo three provide, ibat tbe m IpMI wax awlfo aait Boa4af bight from SiMi-in-.raaafn. n " of 3 M mties. 'Bhjsaw baaw Sba ewsaawwy g » e * dtrect 10 North ----sj| loiaa" atory to toat 1 Weekly to a * * of the beat of tkat swrtea ever written by A , *>o>»*. Cetber'* Weealy dewriy aeartfaot qaite at tke bead of Of all war Ms^trabd Jonrtmi^ Tbe pictures tXvasn >b» a**»S a b a s » s > * * « « • - * r - • « « u •• maps aiastrauox ibem are atone our ih U e p lt a Aafe eorreepotdeuls from Coiner'. go* wbtb both lb» Russian n f d Japanese •M. aad hev work W admirable. A cwaaaaruaoawr 01 th* Cowotrj GeaiU- Baaa ••>•: "l>> wi*i>*are a lateili* faaiily sjtui aa, bot tbe bow** wren, were mm' y I awe) by tbe sparrows. Mow, aa old > aader tbe oave of tbe bay- aba*.la themiddt* of U e sparrow to eetar, aeattng place fur a pair aad marto Joy oad graiuaoa w*a onu» anu»d , aatUvd la taste, aa *»iuc«l by ao ai- eaaKftatO swaie 01 huaimae *«ea , lurte Ituss a viw. ur boa*., aa uawr law* as lbs* daretoouMe." rtsm to. riatflatottrp;!*- Pho brvbw eot abom 2 p. m, bmrcb S«, to > atory et tbe saaall wtiodea Haiba- b» Charley Woo rwrtoa* Icera, Hbrariaaa, etc.. of Ike •x tbetr 0BMpeaa>Ht»a. Secth« foor etatestbe object to bat* •tetabuah aad maintain libra*)" in Pbutsboncb; to by-laws aod raise tor tbe regatoikoB ol aaid library aad 'It May also keep it is custody tba records. Horary of tbe CUatoa Coaaty Society." Section five to aa follows, ia tall: ••The Common Cooceil of the ON* of Piaitaborgh U hereby aaihotlx-d aad em. powerra 10 cootract wlib said oorporatioo to aevote not lees tbaa two thoasaad doUara actually to tbe care and atainienaaes of the horary builolog aad premise, of the ucn, and make seen other agreement, as it may deem proper for tbe purpose of leeariBg tbe psrmaasa o-eiu:nea* of said library aa a fro* iioran. '•Tbe Common CoaacU of tbe OK* of Pustutiorgb must raise at toaat tb* anvaaat wweb ft anall agree e*aeM*aatdb> in. malnteoane* of aaid library taxation to tike rawed w eatd ctty aad ptoc* tba di«t>oaal of the atartd of PtreQtass Of library for ibe care aad of Bui if any part of aaid B -all* provided for bv wise, tnea m.d ia that *v»et tba Ctty of PiatisborKk *k»il raiso ta* kaiaaem. If aat t,j taxaiKMt as above provtdad. Tt* Oty of Ptatobargfc la aaiburiaedatid owrey to the aaid eoTyaraUoa, tb toy and —~\. by It for free pontic I" p»se» in t h . City of f\ut*barxh, bsraiiare aad other piwanrty OM by H or by tba eatd Gvty of to " wfbv- f«s*' '. •*iea*.

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Page 1: PLATTSBURGHThe nVpablican party in Congrer. ha. thi. weak dooe It* otmoM to make a dtagracfnl i*cord fo r itaWf. That thi* record will be eiDIMTod oo every pfatform, at CTOP*-road

« ^ ^ ^

SlffgP 9WS^f"f<*' mg-

.."JStH ' W ^ p ^ ' V

PLATTSBURGH UTItITT—-TIw ttorwt Oo>o>d1 • # * . • • *̂ §


IHE REITBLK AN. M T T M » A f MobNiwo. * r m t « n»4

I ! f l . O O a y e a r , In ndTance, to all

it or f l .M • I M T if not paid it


S a i n t ftnttth. W -Tn-,<- «"nit»> tMllfln! K* theT" "» «»n*t»

.. .i m I T . !M> ke h»«l «rc et»es unit (•>?!? two i ^ i • , »>

F>>rt? (..> • 'rt<e« he » »« run for f 'e doctor K. r t , • »<. "m»« he'« . . . n * forth .n <hr nlfht,

\ S M . « I » T f»-»eMn« I.B hi" «ii«r»n<ter«. H-1 IT,* «« lerer a bachelor rti'»M

F. t*i tw<. tifflM he he* wondeted and waited, P * Inir Urn »>r with hl« head In a wMf!.

F-r'T urn time, h. h*« heard the announcement. "It l« a hoy." or • It's only * girl "

Forty two times th* crtm nnrs. ha* denied him RUM* that he proudly «npr«"e<l » m hl» own:

Forty two time* b . has harbored em.tlon* fMx-h as the ehll.less man nerer has known.

Fori? two time* he has bounded up. h««rtn* T h . flrot shrill ery of • utrsnrr little ciesf;

F- »tr two | I I M » he has .on* In the morning. Hoasttt.g .rid b r a n t " . and swelling bin chest.

Porty two three b . ha* pa'd for frail ribbon*. Paid for soft lace* and fluffy *lfalr».

Fald for t h . bottle* and what l« not In them: F >*tt two tint** he ha* •! nnldered new rare*.

tnrtr »w.» times h . ha* hoard t h . g'ad m> lw«»: "' l*»TrtMa.'« l"»i>l» «<«•> In - tt'p all r l«M" -

fb l t» tW'« tlmw he ha* •"»«• for lh« d«»t"r. •a i toBla . np a* h . ro«h<«1 ihroii.h tho ni#hf.

rkirtm" B*™r4 UtraU.

moT'inpni i« fho f>fl- r of a "pnMir «pirit»>(l

r r'Z ri," Rroi.irti the law firm of W'<M1»

t'miway •<• Conor, to •*j':ir»"!inw»» » •'«>Cirft''|P

mt»> utid *"rMrt ih«>r»-on, »t:b all cnnv»rii«T.t(

• I ' P P I I , a frpc I'Ulilir hlinirf at ft total «•«-

(wriao of from fiftfwn lo twcnt j thoinaMi flol-

l«r« ami will further »>n.tnw or furni«h It at

I«M»«f fl»» (hoiiiianil <loll»m for p'luipmcnt

and mninl"iianr»>, a n l will ron».y or »«it

th#> titl*> thnr»>to in a literary corporation to

IH> forrnad hjr »p«cial cliartf-r, an iml icatH I D

Cl>il* (rrane., No. 33. Wayn* coonty. ha» rfc^ntt.T pnrchaiMKt a handanm*' nprijjht pi­ano, i'l»r<-.l in i h . hall a n«w altar, and ad-ileil X I Tolnmr* to the graDR* library.

Thr«« M i l . Bay * r a n « . , No 12«. J^fT^raoo count*, an all day twalon. March ! 6 A furm^ro' nnion hat b w n orK«nlt.d in t h . g r a n * , which ha. for i t . obj.ct co-op««tiori in t h . aaln of produce and pqrcwaw. of M p -plio..

T h . qn«>.tioD of life loaoraoc* in l b . (rrao«. W M tak«-D op and dlaeMMd at t h . Chaniao

t U A i M w > M y K W P M H 4 tkw Mi l i f lwtwr f t M w . M * for . o o d ro»d»

N M U M »•• tww.r «»»r bottoaM r*vard a V t « M tmmp of t h . past w»*k a . pro> • k l M t M .

t a ^ r v p o t t » • » . from Washington that ^ w i i a r t r t Ofaoral H.ary C. Pa>n« I . 10 pmr fewaitk at>d aMy ro-lgn.

ftftoMMMHt aWMtwl * . k a » . d o e . much dk»a«a)a|a«a4Ht wtalor b«|m*«tat f tbobwrk , •Ma* w * h UMMV »»d . r l b . w o w .

MlCk W«t«r M M ! Thick lew. T o . IMflttly «>!<• wtot<« h a . t n w r w l wvmrf

mtmm Mid pond with otipr*««dmtwdiy thick kw, Md whra lb. flnt Ikaw • M M I I BftMlvMd t roat l l . WaVfO

n w i y ymra k w b « M for t b . lo» to 1 0 out

qvNKljr. F r o n Ml p*rf . of l b . eoontry e o n .

r .port . of gmat i tamac. b? flood*, ft w aaid

that th<*r. ba . h . . n t ionh l . no aoout .r*-ry '

• r . a i i In l i l lnol. , and Indiana and many

oth«r Wmt^m Statwi ao that t b . a impl .

r«v»M of d l . M l . n i hy .,»rini! fltod. would fill

t >iti>nn* and p»g«» On t h . Mohawk Riv . r

gr. ' i i i la 'na^. ha . Iw.n i lnn . and a «•> on t h .

t h . accompanying draft of a propote<l act of qua Coonty Pomona mwt lng . hot did not t h . I>>i()«lut<]r. r . c . i r . tnoch . A commi t t . .

"Prodding t h . city will hind ita-lf by con- J J ^ * * * M - P P » » " ' ^ « » I o * « » f • * • " * « l « w

t r a d with .a id library corporation, wh.n '

form.d. if l.gally nuthonz-d to do go, to Columbia County Pomona moot. Apri l 9. raw. by annoat tax or o th . rwi * . . and pay Senator Amblor wl!l report on i«glalaiion In

- " • • « ra rycor^ra t ion toward, ib, Z 1 ^ J ^ * J ^ i J X 2 mainteoanc. and support, t h . . am of at Colombia Pomona h W - t l o r . b i p . l C W d -l.aat. two thoo.aad dollarii, a . lone aa .aid 1D£ &00.

library .ball b . ao maioUin<«d arid will t r a n ^ I *^T~"

ter « , d torn o ~ r to .aid corporation, whon I J S S S M J S J S ^ Z S M t h . boildlnff I . e o m p l ^ , . n d th« booka, rmvllng mattW la lba|r • . • b . f . ' OOmoa,

^ . library, p ic ture and property oo band bo- How thoa. Ilbrarloa may bo obtateotf may bo

m t b . r a r . o f I M O M I by Ibo city. of 10 r ^ k . eaa W aoearml lor tbrw. month. oo payrn.nt of a f m of f I b t . wbieb pay . for transportation both w.ya, and tb volamw may be M>car«d for f 2 Ob. PLATTSBUKGH THEATRE.

0 G»r<lin.r, M a i n . 8 f a l . Oranro. a a y t : "Agnin, I my, a . a farmer*' organization, Cnr^fnlly krep t b . grange onder t b . control of thM farmer. We w a g . no aggroMi* . war-far , upon any other organization, nor attack an> legii imat.; hot th" c rang . w a . or^aiiizi'd for t h . tien.flt of agricultur., and to «>levat. and educate the American farm.r; ai.rl mu«t e r . r be kept within it* legitimate line of work if the order I* to endure. K-ep

a * g | i a w v l » « t k « tboroaboai

a * kwftftj bagaa to g o v f l

" T h e K a r l o f P M W t u r k e t " Srxt

M O I K I M ) K l t f l i l , A p r i l 4 .

'•The EHrl <'f Ptiwuifket," fre«h from i t . New York ami B w o n iriumplH, and with all the elaborate ncenic and property de-tailn which characterized HM original .plen-

MiiTpiehanna and other . f ream. , and t h . did production, in being rightly wor«t la not over yet. al'hou^h t h . co!d one of ihe nio-t irnportBid bookiiiL'. made •pell that * . t in on Monday had the ,-fJ.ct of ' " '«» '« Patn-burgh Theatre hence the nn- 0 « 7 B » ^ w h W * a ^ f e ^ ^

enmiann intere.t mnnifeMed In Monday, „ b w ( , l r o n b | e » Aprn 4. Hie date rnuni'd for pa pieaeuta-

" T l k T k b * . p la in , , . , i d . n t for *ome t i m . f J L ^ a S L i w r i T o H O T B T N O ? -punt ihat the geneial ran (<f theatre goer. r l a a^^ - - u v a.-— —— .— atkA a * - u i bare beecme tboroogbly Mtiated with play. I j V . w o hill i a f n i a ^ o * ^ ' of qaoattonabl. character, and I her . baa ' * ' " ' * " w , n T — " ° " -b a m and •natiaaoa to be a Very decided r e - ' g, tmmnm(m Coant* Paaaoas baa Bwaad

SllJPt-l'SS" £XTy£2£ TL' • ""to"0- •"-••M-iif **m Ho-^ia iwaad a * M tbo * l ' " « r t iMlnaaMoojof ja L f i M . d , , , . , B l f c w geM M a e a o d l d a t e for

Frank A. Brown of Roalindale. s*ar Boa-ton, a xcenic artiat, kilied hi* wife and htm-*.lf. March 2fi Th.v had bwti in t h . habit of quarreling and Brown i* *napected to h a * , m a d . an attempt recently to poison the family.

COatlOUtTrACTII. T h . American people epend f2.SO0.0Ob

for Earner lilte. . * . r y year.

The Brui»h Hooao of Common. I . con-* id .nng too qiosuon whether chi M a>aat caaae. caocer.

Dr ftamoel Darling of i n . city boapital at Baltimore beHere. that be baa dlaao»ar.d l b . germ of m.mpa.

Re*. John B. Helndel, paator of t b . Church of the Redeonwr in Jersey City, la onranlaog a baweoall nine from U M yoang men of h i . chorea.

The Ropalan gorernroent I . ofTertog a prtseof f j . i o o o for a practicable way of moklOK aleubol oodr iok .W. in order to a t * * the rafafea of drookenoea*

Dairying I . carried oo to a great extent la \ * ' • •

W A R M I N O T O R L R T T K K .

(Sawntal OrnTeapuadawo..

Waahington, March 2«, 1904. The nVpablican party in Congrer. ha . t h i .

weak dooe It* otmoM to make a dtagracfnl i*cord for itaWf. That thi* record will be eiDIMTod oo every pfatform, at every CTOP*-road. donng the coming campaign gom wrtboat any log. What i t ba* done t* to re foa» b* a mrtct party r o t * to laveotfarato t b . Poet Office departaieat—that breeding-bar-row of acaodal aod eorropttoo. l a voting not to iaveaiigata the f raao. or panfe* toe boodle-aaatcbera tbe BepaMieaa. do not by any Moan, deny tbrtr .xiateoce; tbey only deny the .gpedieacy of letting m any more light. Wbeo B r M o w ' . report w a . ffong Into the Hoaa. wlib I t . cbarae. ara loM l& l aieai-ber*. too guilty one . were fWMkgry to •peak except In profane ejaeaUllooa. Tbey did not apend Uaw denying tbe •eeoMrbm.; to»» etmirfy deoooooad tbeacoaeer. TkowgN a high o f lda l of tkeW owa party, tbwy o a i M

B f T H E W A T .

H p r i n a ; F i r t i o a .

r .M lah^r * ' A i m m i n i i l i ,


Siberia and laat year $15,000 000 worth of batter w a . exported from that eoontry. Tbe *a r la leflictlng a very *erloo* Ii jury on that

Ch-cklnjf the troo'ile.

T u e g r e t t duigxr io tb

worn Ice gorge*. A t the dafn* and f a l l , the

ice break* op early lor a ebort di . tanre, bat

ordiaarUy tbe lea oa tbe

M M » * t b i M i » l h t l e

i, pwrbap. brab.a awar tbe •>«tb*r. aod enatetl

bf artU wwaen, N M uder Ike telaZai r , V • r t , » • *??' " 2 * * * ' " " t ^ M i Co»«ta*lotier of Ajtnealtare. a k o favoring TmEZ l e a * i b V B % M | e r 7 e . ' " f f « a 5 K ? l l f ^ « * - W » » W - » " lorOorMil l AcrleeJ-• MMtfa l one.,, ike* ' T h e Marl of Pawiecket la tUMkic„Urv. Aeoaja i l t teewaa appoiated

W&M&X. -

• a d groaad. or aeigea, fonalag a awtarai vaea, inat - i ne a « n or rawiocaei * j , . „ , , r „ , n _ _ '« J L M I I I J U I i a * • — • •

d a * a i d tornlaa- tbe Immoaa* e w r r ^ t o « «f - ' " ^ <° ( M 7*"*"\ " ^ r o > 0 " ± T M X V M O . M O M)£2 - b Z r ^ b T f w i a

f tebml . t b a . lawk o a t l a r t roabbnfar tb f . 2 f t £ ^ ± ^ i ^ n ^ a J a - S T S £ ? » « • « » • • - » « « « • «-» • » ? £ ! « • » • * » M L M k » i « U t a . H M i i U d i M k . I " t t * • » " « » ' B , ^ n o « o r ; • , * I , ^ 1 u . . iS f - to«* « • •»• oaotrlbated by awberdlnate earreat. peraaoa 'Mafiaa; a root t a m Oaaea a a«.w o» I t . appea to tbe rlaibiiltle. of aa „ — „ - « - >_ fnaad aittoiafaMoa lor craawa o f l a a i e f l a M a t o r M v M w w M a w ^ f w a b ^ j • * « « . i d o e . It .train In* t t V o t A i l o f t b e j ^ . ^ ^ r l , T ^ 0 o ^ l ^ r b % l a i a l ^ bay. aod do ateat dageaae. j i**"** dMangoe aad adroitly arranged scene. . i^-' B ^

Tata la m^ThLmmmmA h*t **tmrA+. ' •"• «**»w'1" « • »«•*•"* »••« » "* i a a j m waat aaopeaea M M aatarnay a i a a i i n . a ^ b i oat and combine In perfecting a s , i - a m — j . n m M . mtmmmtm era noarioe

^ I . e ^ d ^ H l K . ^ . w b e . r e M » , f . o n > e n » . r t . r , e o l l o f r a c b . q , . » » l , ^ S T t ^ u V ^ ^ S ^ I kowator r o a e l a a tow mlnate . ao aa to w d qnantliy a . .of lco to endear It to al l ^oBlderalioo. fa*or in* Ogdeo.borg a* tbe Ikreatea ike brld«e pear tbe electric light * 2 * * . 0 I L . ! * " * ^ . ^ , . „ , . _ #fc «.' »-••*' P'«e»" »f •Metlaa: for the M M . grange. Moot aad fNMtodtka wbole l . t r - i o w o . & * " * ! " " Z T * i L 8 ' J . M . *S ̂ Tne committee are to W i t C^dMiebonr io awani aau • NH**O l a . waoie aa i oetow oa Wfm aaa the prodoetion been »ubj-cted to . M - . to •„_, •_,_ l h - hM^ amA Mhar l b . k f l bank of | M rl ter . amroandlng t b . ; re. irk. i ioo. or e a r t a i M for road porpoa. . ; j J S a U o T T b ^ m y ^ f t ^ a A t M ^ K . Obh^toovory oad tearlog away tka aldewaJk •"•< n every respect, eveo to the minote*t hmm a ^ . ^ , . . . . , * „ |rfaaMi,i» for i ke

a a b 1 a M f » « a ) M a l i i w t b a k M ^ " , p » g h l n : "*?»m*nU grmagera if tbey will ateet S e r o 7 Tbey kave T I T . ^ 7 . *T tawarodaetioo bere will partake of all the JoVwal aimoat evanihiaw b a t e s txrtkof M t t k , Fer taaat t l i tke water |» r i , | »^aMb* | ikmBieotaad , i rondeor Two % m £ l 2 m ! E X S m £ F i WV*eax)aaayaa* wwvw<-B*kwnv>BV*r* .v exwsM f l f o a A C M B r .

law §U§» Wktek toll Oarioadaof ewectaar. carried in Irene-am* port, aba* a a k l e g oho of tbe aoat cmapieta

' • -mbeta t i prodwatloaa ever eeeo i a t b i a d t y . A a a p t lMoot t , ftat oaadlen to aea i ioo

bat aTWke La^baMa, aader wkoaa dlrectioa L • M j ^ l f c b l e f l of Paowbctot" U offered,kilodi J k J B E VavHjpBJpWPbW/•/ wJaVJaaMR*iVw^| ioaawej wVJBeflV MJP«T ^|B^PVjBj BJ


n**frmi*&»a$ i

A aionoment mwrCbiomboa, Bartholomew Coonty, Ind. , B a r k , tbe apot which w the centre of popeletioo of tbe Uolted State, by the eenen. of I 9 M . I t la oo tbe farm of Henry Marr.

At a combination eale of Arberdeen-A n e o . catile at Sooth Omaha, Net... Mttrcn 15 I t . 93 animal, were sold for f 10.022. the top price t»ing paid for a cow, Blackbird Eclip*er, t345.

LooLiana i* considering how to beet pro­tect it* levee* along the Mt«.i**ippi from the ravage* of muxkral* which do immense damage by digging hole* in them aod letting tbe water ran tbroogh.

Tbe eating of bore.fl.ah by the poor of Pari* i* ircreaoing. tbe present consumption nHng 30,000 florae* per year. The meat i* darker and Mrooger than beef, and owila at half tbe price of beef.

Tba school teacher, of Cartersville. I l l , went on strike, Marek, M , beeaaie one of tketr oaMber hod been discharged bseaass see adwkMstered demcred caaugatloo with • strap b» owe of bar bad boy a.

Hsvokoraof Canada eoosaaM nearly Kb).-ese.ese cbtarette. yearly, neatly all of wbWfe a r e a u d e hi Canada. Asa effort la being • a d a to rVliaavent to have a low peated that will mitigate tbla sad eonditioo.

A BdseiaB eompaay will eatablisb ao agrl-raitaral implement company a t Tomsk, Western Siberia, which will make tbe first year 4 000 plowa and 6,00k threshing ma­chine* aad maay winnowing- macbloea.

One of tbe exhibit , at the St. Looie fab? will be a desk 28 feet high. 39 feet wide aod St feet deep of tbe roller top variety.' Tbe ssanofaetarer* will see l l as a booth in wbieb to display all tbe prodecs of their factory.

Policemen of Richmond, V a . , say tbere are hendreds of boys ia that d i y who are v w t b m o f tbe coeoane kabit aad a law passed recently forbids tbe sale of that drag exeeptiat; by pbysiciana, draggiau aad den-

D. Boe of Aogaeta. W. J . b a s a H o l -tkat ia 7 daya gave C M M poanda

•oaoda of kat -• f

a f r t t t w b l c * p f O d e o * d M i ) * a i ter, aad l a t a days a b e n v e l a e i a s t t w k l a b aa idaasl 1ST aVM

liar aad a aoowodrol. Havmc dipped tbttr toowoee la gall, tbey did not beoitaie io ex­tend their tavective to am *«petiora.

Alter a week's tarteJwuce it osearred to aome member, that tkere waa qaite aa a*ocb a call for ao lureMigaUoo aa tor vnaverwion, aod an .ffort was made to have tbe Hoam of Representative, do i t . doty In t h i . respect. To a majority of Repohtieaos tbe proposal to Investigate seemed an additional outra». . For two d* t * . donng the consideration of th«» Poet Ortlce appropriation bill they hav . stormed and raged against it and have An­ally defeated investigation by a strict p * m vote—althooeh the committee that wa* pro­posed ( S T . in the House and three in the Senate, would have been wholly in the hands of Republican*. They declared that it wa* not 'Verman."—their reol objection, of cnore., being that it we* altogether too ger­mane.

John Sharp WiUiants. tba Dsmpsratie lend**, H r q lently pleaded for investigation "Tbe only way we can secare honesty in the post offtee department'' be declared, "Is by the gentleman withdrawing hi* point of order or by tbe Hooae narebing otar i t bodilr. The people of tbe United State, are greater tbaa Coagr—>, aad tbey dsmaad aaiovesti-calioa of tbe rotteansas " O , w o n t yoo." be pleaded, "do oametbhaj to keep the groat body of American eUiaaary froa* believina: that tke Post Oflee PepartaMot ia inraaMos." Mo; tbey woald aot do aay each tbiog.and tbey did e o t Tbe Hawse derided aot to hv veMigate—ft Democrats to I S Repebiicaiis. General Orosveaor. O. , bad declared that to invemiaate tbe.seandal "woald be a reflec­tion apoa tbe dignity of tbe Howee." A corioo. notion of dignity J Tbe Post Office bill parsed at tke does of yesterday's ses­sion.

Tbe ease of Senator Smoot, of Of ah, will not be decided till after tbe Prveidential election, for partisan reasons. Several aeedy eeotleeieo, probably flve, will be ap­pointed " a commission'' to visit Utah daring the aaaiBMr, aod try to And oat why 8 m o M has only one wife. loddeatal ly, tbey caa

« e « p speeches on tbe way.

to break oat al l arowodtke sky ifna year. Tbepoatal aaaadal am tke toeaa to tba l lawttobt, bat aow I t Da i - -

tocJaaaa GvNlasd Tribes to

ALLETS AND TUBS. » T T » S * r r oa or "rixas. '"

That thta writer would he aMe to rtmagsfa to thm saprem. nmlltiaem of B*> preavdtac anstar-pteo* wee»nfe** « « wsr* kt 4 o * M Tet » • b*a ant only attained to bat .arp*-ead K. aad ha* ftnaty tstaMKked hi* tlUa as wo Daiatr ret masslvs. anooiHPiK vet lesUalawl. tb* bo.* I* ladaaerftMDlv eotraaslag la K* grtptKwg •foosrlty and rsasb. The hot paJss of t h . tor. UMattttarof tbe starry aorta, tba of the orient, t h e —

aatwtry satlrtoate* KmbosMd N v i n a , extra w M . amrgla*, HKb

prSjUac itmo.tim Tan laaaas rn»u*anM CO., • Mew T o r t


| Notice kt t*wwby gfewe tkat a ing wi<l be givea a tamewt iawof tkwCem mow Ceaedl of tba Ctty of Plamtawevgh at

t b . Cowactl chamber, to Mm Weed k ^ M w « onTwiwday *v*wtaa% AprR » I P M a t t n'faaeb, ea Aswembly btH H a l b « . ewtfdod - An art t . aasead ebaptar t e f e l tba ktwa of HOJ, ewtMled ' A a a t t to iaeaapwrale tba City of Ptottawanrb.'" Tbe fwairwaxg too brief sysjopsi. of tbe srwawaad act. via:

Awtbmlaiam tbe Bward of R lsan iss to t x I k - salary of i t a d a r k a x aot to

BlBTfJU. «t Beteta. w T Pareti at. taw. aasa w»l

tr» axfrotHK r n k S W i

N A M I A O P * .

a t i «f ta * on*»>

E3wi».5£3Srta« Tt.


Crttto. pnmomaoo t a * tSw moat • yet proeaosd by tela woadsrf at aothrw. tsaUoanthseweDneofgealas l toay have at-t«BD«ed aad failed I bsvenbattabeMoaeat. Tawatsjaaetl/sMttrof the Pharaohs Meads wtth tba maJseUe tread of tbetr aatramiBeied gods, the march of Aatytto and tb* rkrld splondor of the Hebrew, while agatant a Dack*T.«nd of kaleldoseooic brllttaarr U i . daagbter of Jebotaphat stand* oat a* the mo*t ciorioiM. tbe IDOSI appealing, tba B»o*t irre­sistible embodiment of nkptiratiac womaalxiod ever knosn to the printed pace.

such 1« the e- ornnm« p. .pnlarltr of thi* *nth'>r tbit the nik-tit pr rloin to ixonfn* a n e * e<i,'i<.a weareohll.ed t>> eropL.y *-peoiai ff»o*of p H<>e In order toprote.'t mr«el»«< frimi the claim'* of rir«i b*mk*e\l*ira. 1'irt t/tvv*<inrff!t r**v Twig.

V«* Ton* inn t-u*. - Pntladelptia.


Here anqaeaUouabiy U a buua daftbwd to take a high and permanent place in the Ikeratare of all time, and beside t'ie epbemeral OoUon of tba pressot It roarer* la trenchant aad gratlfjrt**- re­lief. To give aa adequate I f a w l u a of tba tbaaght«omp*illoc foroe of this soM-drama Is tmpaaalHe. Tet If oa* pietare* t b * lawaxtasllua of a Saakespeare. tbe profaadttg of Oeons* Bitot wtUMNtt bar faniu. the hamor of Mark Twala and tb* recced mtblsmae*. of Tboaias Bardr. eomhtaaa with a osrtala huabeat fauBJi j aata SIJ tbe aatbor'* own. tbere is w* tblnk aa approxi­mation to tbe fertllitr aad graos wbieb sfauaaa erery line of thi* really great work.

Sued* appllqa£ oorer dwlcn Illartrsrtoo* la three colors.

MeWoaor A%D Hoaa. - Boston.

T H E TOAD'S J E W E L , a r u r r n m i raacaax.

CantrasttothelUeof We. BeoceoTHferasTt. Bat thi* novel I* not art." I t ta life.—tbe aetata- j UUnglifeof the emotions, aad love aad bate, ro-veoge aad abaegatton. tbe genial aad fboaombre pnlaateIn ailoriag JaxtaposttioB. Tbe plidui — aae dialect and ap-to-date metaphor, of tba pal-adias of tbe slams, tbe psrebolocleal ssiiatltfcwa aad osffeet taste of the uptown pslaee erolreta aatoaa yet ambMMtoa. ssotivss, wbJk* aa aa-gf faMlVBml . aVaWaaaff^ ML

wbisb Is wttbeaxa i f ra j at P.O. After

b f t a s U a e M e f e

iovorrmc wftboat d L

Str t t iaYoot tba ago member, of tbe are tbe salary of tbe aseswd f S a p e r

• • * > * ft. t * H . tMbW At W«*t raasv * 0 %BftfW aMMMl *V* ««jaj

Tbe expense of the paWieatfoe of tke aa - j wr RaWw wa* hr^n ' . w«*» r t w r r aad noal report of tb * Board of ElacaUoo t a b * ! • T T j A L - i t T ' J * f r ^ i " •** * * r " n . M « - , # i i • r_^i eoaaftesaad In r>»»<-««• caned*. B» paid oat of tbe school tend. ,1*4 ) a ] M e to Rm< t ne t^r« «i * * • * • _

Reqatiing a two-tbifw vote of tbe Board ' *t«tar of t v i«i - a - L r v a i t w of of Eloeation to aw*taia the estimate of tbe I •>?*»*• ' • J * * 1 • * » » r r S * i * • • - ' am- ant of m w y to be r « - d by U X for | t ^ Z ^ T v ^ L ^ I ^ Z , scho.»i purpose* after disapproval of tbe eatl- t,\m He was k»«»s »hc.<»r»e-a< XflKbsra rr.a'»> br t h . Mayor. ' for« m a ma^rmm-tmi h-.«« keeper, a a .

Providing that tbe interest on Board of ^Z'iJZZTZZ " T I L . " ? * " u . ElnratkHi note* shall be paid oat of tbe - • " ? « * • » • - •'••wjed r^« . to* . echo .! fund.

I R .1 l inn? that the City C b a m W l e i e - . ! office sbaB b e o p a w b w m 7 aatM • e'dwsfc of

davs of tbe eoHecUaw of I n a a t b e r g k , M. T . Apri l 1 . 1 * N .


We. tbe

past* . a>* . a a wanm. . Oraat and wwr Hr Pa^r****. n*»e»a«la«. tb * barial <-mc ptoee w >*•<-»» • * * * ' " > , U'wasy. wttb abs ba say* /«WahaTaXw

raated OrrapofTarVKtSawteease rswreeaMI oreola. W e ahmpwaiaawsea .U j i f f baxMala prove *ai»*Bj**orr*ra»ss»^rwba*am_

IS.19N. f '•Ordered: H ) b tbe adjadtoattoo of

pensioe c la im, aader said act of Jawe ST, 1890, as ameoded. I t abaft bo steered as aa endwattol b a t . I f doe. net appear, aad Mow

at, tkat, waaaa eaaaawota la ' ~


dap. Tbey. I t ko tke

A bottle of

Br . abjosl . T i s a i l j ' i aow aad tosaxt wsVJjkv

• too, • ! • 4 a aaara good tb aaxo|reaf f a *

mmM^msmmumm */^*-v^:fi4-m


J ^ ^ ^ ^

4 ' » . » - • « . • < / .

tL*** J* *-e* t ~*

*.. — .,-. ^ t t J U ^ - f e a ^ - .

t0m$0^mm*w&t^**m; > , '^^-s* ;MiM^**^^fcr: ••

-9" H * # « (* ilaT^djaTar̂ " akV


1hr$ f t

aeXt Monday abtbt of

i l a r l e f Pawtaeket" will eaaUy be the

1 Of the seasoo. Tbe play M

two of WaasaVs bast, tbe sceaen is espec-

t a i n a a . | i ' 1 to tbe play, aod t b . com­

et tbe seme that b a . been creating

a torero a* ktoatreai aad other large

Deal tofcw swtiag "Tbe larl of

*S®>' btoeomedy prodae-

• a r t of Pawtaekei," appear, at



" A a a a t l a

PrswPaMic Library aad to

Ctty of PlMisbavgb to

a f r e e Peotte l i b ra ry aad ba


BvcttoaBrM of tbieaet oreatea S m H b H .

Weed, Thomas P. Coaway. Joba I t Momtt,

Qewrge P Tatt le, James M. Stower, Alex*

ander McHattte, Joha H . Booth aad Cbarlea

J . Pert , trta Mayor of Platisbargfc. tke Pr ia-

cipal of Piaiubantb Normal School, aad ike superintendent of Plattabargb School., a

body corporate and politic node* tbe tbe

name of the Ptattebergh Pnidie Library.

8»«loa second provides that la aasa of

death, resignation, or da^Ml l f caUoa of a n *

of the directors, or their relaaal to aot,

the vacancy shall be named by a Majority of

tbe director, remaieing la oases.

CMS>.m fJkk . deeuoo three provide, ibat tbe


I p M I wax a w l f o a a i t Boa4af bight from S i M i - i n - . r a a a f n . n " of 3 M mties.

'Bhjsaw baaw Sba ewsaawwy g»e* dtrect 10 North

- - - - s j | l o i a a " atory to toat

1 Weekly to a * * of the beat

of tkat swrtea ever written by

A , *>o>»*. Cetber'* Weealy dewriy

a e a r t f a o t qaite a t tke bead of

Of al l war Ms^trabd Jonrtmi^ Tbe pictures

tXvasn >b» a**»S a b a s » s > * * « « • - * r - • « « u • • m a p s aiastrauox ibem are atone our ih U e p l t a Aafe eorreepotdeuls from Coiner' . go* wbtb both lb» Russian nf d Japanese • • M . aad hev work W admirable.

A cwaaaaruaoawr 01 t h * Cowotrj G e a i U -Baaa • • > • : "l>> wi*i>*are a l a t e i l i * faaiily sjtui aa, bot tbe bow** wren , were mm' y

I awe) by tbe sparrows. Mow, aa old > aader tbe oave of tbe bay-

a b a * . l a themiddt* of U e sparrow to eetar,

aeattng place fur a pair aad marto Joy oad graiuaoa w * a onu» anu»d

, aatUvd la taste, aa *»iuc«l by ao a i -eaaKftatO swaie 01 huaimae *«ea , lurte Ituss a viw. ur b o a * . , aa uawr

law* as lbs* dare to ouMe."

r t s m to. r i a t f l a t o t t r p ; ! * -

Pho brvbw eot abom 2 p. m, bmrcb S«, to

> atory et tbe saaall wtiodea Haiba-

b» Charley Woo r w r t o a *

Icera, Hbrariaaa, etc.. of I k e •x tbetr 0BMpeaa>Ht»a.

Secth« foor etatestbe object to bat* • tetabuah aad maintain l ibra* )" in Pbutsboncb; to

by-laws aod raise tor tbe

regatoikoB ol aaid library aad ' I t May also keep it is custody tba records.

Horary of tbe CUatoa Coaaty

Society." Section five to aa follows, ia tall: ••The Common Cooceil of the O N * of

Piaitaborgh U hereby aaihotlx-d aad e m . powerra 10 cootract wlib said oorporatioo to aevote not lees tbaa two thoasaad doUara actually to tbe care and atainienaaes of the horary builolog aad premise, of the ucn, and i« make seen other agreement, as it may deem proper for tbe purpose of leeariBg tbe psrmaasa o-eiu:nea* of said library aa a f ro* i io ran .

'•Tbe Common CoaacU of tbe OK* o f Pustutiorgb must raise at toaat t b * anvaaat wweb ft anall agree e*aeM*aatdb> i n . malnteoane* of aaid library taxation to tike rawed w eatd ctty aad ptoc* tba di«t>oaal of the atartd of PtreQtass Of library for ibe care aad of Bui if any part of aaid B -all* provided for bv wise, tnea m.d ia that *v»et tba Ctty of PiatisborKk *k»il raiso ta* kaiaaem. If aat t,j taxaiKMt as above provtdad.

T t * Oty of Ptatobargfc la aaiburiaedatid owrey to the aaid eoTyaraUoa, tb toy and —~\. by It for free pontic I " p»se» in t h . City of f \ u t * b a r x h , bsraiiare aad other piwanrty OM by H or by tba eatd Gvty of to " w f b v -

