playing with camera preview buffers on blackberry 10

Playing with camera preview buffers on BlackBerry10

Upload: raimon-rafols

Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Playing with camera preview buffers on BlackBerry 10

Playing with camera preview buffers on BlackBerry10

Page 2: Playing with camera preview buffers on BlackBerry 10


- Who am I

- BlackBerry 10 & Camera

- Preview buffers

- Viewfinder raw format

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Who am I?

- Mobile Software Engineering Manager at Imagination Technologies (@imgtec)

- BlackBerry Elite


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BlackBerry10 & Camera

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Multiple options

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Invoke Camera CardTrivial

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InvokeRequest req; req.setTarget(""); req.setMimeType("image/jpeg"); req.setAction("bb.action.CAPTURE"); req.setData("photo"); invokeManager->invoke(req);

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QMLEasy & Simple

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Page { onCreationCompleted: {; }

Camera { id: camera onTouch: { camera.capturePhoto(); } onCameraOpened: { camera.startViewfinder(); } }}

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Qt / CascadesSlightly more complexImage work on Qt/C++

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fWin = ForeignWindowControl::create().windowId(QString("cam"));

QObject::connect(fWin, SIGNAL(windowAttached(screen_window_t, QString&, QString&)), this, SLOT(onWindowAttached(screen_window_t, QString&, QString&)));


int i = (mCameraUnit == CAMERA_UNIT_FRONT);screen_set_window_property_iv(win, SCREEN_PROPERTY_MIRROR, &i);i = -1;screen_set_window_property_iv(win, SCREEN_PROPERTY_ZORDER, &i);screen_context_t screen_ctx;screen_get_window_property_pv(win, SCREEN_PROPERTY_CONTEXT, (void **)&screen_ctx);

screen_flush_context(screen_ctx, 0);

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C APIsWith great power comes

great responsibility!

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And lots of work to do...

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What are preview buffers andwhat can you do with them?

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PreviewBuffers areViewfinder raw buffers

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Can be used in read only mode or read/write

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Multiple optionsagain

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AutocallbackCallback when viewfinder

buffer is available

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if(camera_start_photo_viewfinder( cameraHandle, &previewBufferAvailable, NULL, NULL) == CAMERA_EOK){ ...}

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SignalRegister previewFrameAvailable


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Multiple buffers can be added(max 16)

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Developer is responsible for:

- Allocating buffers - Adding buffers as available - Freeing buffers

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Steps1 – Register signal

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cam = root->findChild<Camera*>("cam");

QObject::connect(cam, SIGNAL(previewFrameAvailable(...)), this, SLOT(onPreviewFrameAvailable(...));

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Steps2 – Allocate buffers & add them as available

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quint64 size = cam->previewBufferSize();

for(int i = 0; i < N_BUFS; i++){ buf[i] = malloc(size * sizeof(char));

QSharedPointer<unsigned char>b (buf[i]); cam->addPreviewBuffer(b, size);}

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Steps3 – Implement slot

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void onPreviewFrameAvailable( SharedUCharPointer buffer, quint64 size, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int stride){ … … cam->addPreviewBuffer(buffer, size)}

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FilterApplying a filter (r/w)

or processing data (r/o)

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FilterSlightly more complex

than other methods

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Steps1 – Create image processor


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chid = ChannelCreate(0);coid = ConnectAttach(0, 0, chid, _NTO_SIDE_CHANNEL, 0);


pthread_create(&tid, NULL, processThread, NULL);

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Steps2 – Enable viewfinder and

register camera handle

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if(camera_enable_viewfinder_event( handle, CAMERA_EVENTMODE_READWRITE, &key, &sigev) != CAMERA_EOK){

return NULL; }camera_register_resource(handle);

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Steps3 – Implement message loop

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while (!filter_stop) { rcvid = MsgReceivePulse( chid, &pulse, sizeof pulse, NULL);

… check right pulse.code …

camera_get_viewfinder_buffers( handle, key, &inbuf, &outbuf);

apply_filter(&inbuf, &outbuf);

camera_return_buffer(handle, &inbuf); camera_return_buffer(handle, &outbuf); }

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DisclaimerThose methods are

not mutually exclusive

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Disclaimer - IIIf user callbacks can not keep up,

frames will be dropped

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Disclaimer - IIIViewfinder not impacted by frame


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Viewfinder raw formatNV12

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Ok, but.. what about our RGB?

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int convertYUVtoARGB(int y, int u, int v) { u = u – 128; v = v – 128; int r = y + (int)(1.772f*v); int g = y - (int)(0.344f*v + 0.714f*u); int b = y + (int)(1.402f*u); r = r>255? 255 : r<0 ? 0 : r; g = g>255? 255 : g<0 ? 0 : g; b = b>255? 255 : b<0 ? 0 : b; return 0xff000000 | (r<<16) | (g<<8) | b;}

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Qt: yValue = ((*dataPtr++) - 16) * 1.164; uValue = ((*uvDataPtr++) - 128); vValue = ((*uvDataPtr) - 128);

bValue = yValue + 2.018 * uValue; gValue = yValue - 0.813 * vValue - 0.391 * uValue;

rValue = yValue + 1.596 * vValue;

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My implementation

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int r = clip((int) ((y - 16) * 1.164 + 1.596 * (v – 128)));

int g = clip((int) ((y - 16) * 1.164 - 0.391 * (u - 128) - 0.813 * (v – 128)));

int b = clip((int) ((y - 16) * 1.164 + 2.018 * (u - 128)));

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As Y values share UV we can generate multiple RGB pixels

with a single UV pair.

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int r0 = clip((int) ((y0 - 16) * 1.164 g0 = clip((int) ((y0 - 16) * 1.164 b0 = clip((int) ((y0 - 16) * 1.164 ... int r1 = clip((int) ((y1 - 16) * 1.164 g1 = clip((int) ((y1 - 16) * 1.164 b1 = clip((int) ((y1 - 16) * 1.164 ...

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Do not calculate already calculated values

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y0 = y0 – 16; y1 = y1 – 16;u = u – 128; v = v – 128;

float y0v = y0 * 1.164;float y1v = y1 * 1.164;float chromaR = 1.596 * v;float chromaG = -0.391 * u - 0.813 * v;float chromaB = 2.018 * u;

r0 = clip((int) y0v + chromaR)g0 = clip((int) y0v + chromaG)b0 = clip((int) y0v + chromaB)

r1 = clip((int) y0v + chromaR)g1 = clip((int) y1v + chromaG)b1 = clip((int) y1v + chromaB)

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Avoid floating point operations!Use fixed point arithmetic

(8 bits precision)

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All floating point values have been premultiplied by 256u = u – 128; v = v – 128;

int y0v = (y0 – 16) * 298;int y1v = (y1 – 16) * 298;int chromaR = 408 * v;int chromaG = -100 * u - 208 * v;int chromaB = 517 * u; int r0 = clip((y0v + chromaR) >> 8);int g0 = clip((y0v + chromaG) >> 8);int b0 = clip((y0v + chromaB) >> 8);int r1 = clip((y1v + chromaR) >> 8);int g1 = clip((y1v + chromaG) >> 8);int b1 = clip((y1v + chromaB) >> 8);

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Plain integer operations are usually way faster!

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void precalc() { for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { factorY[i] = ( 298 * (i - 16)) >> 8; factorRV[i] = ( 408 * (i - 128)) >> 8; factorGU[i] = (-100 * (i - 128)) >> 8; factorGV[i] = (-208 * (i - 128)) >> 8; factorBU[i] = ( 517 * (i - 128)) >> 8; }

for(int i = 0; i < 256 + 300; i++) { clipV[i] = min(max(i - 300, 0), 255); }}

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We add 300 positions to clipping values to avoid negative indexes

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int chromaR = factorRV[v];int chromaG = factorGU[u] + factorGV[v];int chromaB = factorBU[v]; int r0 = clipV[y0 + chromaR + 300];int g0 = clipV[y0 + chromaG + 300];int b0 = clipV[y0 + chromaB + 300]; int r1 = clipV[y1 + chromaR + 300];int g1 = clipV[y1 + chromaG + 300];int b1 = clipV[y1 + chromaB + 300];

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OptimizationRemove the +300

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int *clipV_ = &clipV[300];

int chromaR = factorRV[v];int chromaG = factorGU[u] + factorGV[v];int chromaB = factorBU[v]; int r0 = clipV_[y0 + chromaR];int g0 = clipV_[y0 + chromaG];int b0 = clipV_[y0 + chromaB]; int r1 = clipV_[y1 + chromaR];int g1 = clipV_[y1 + chromaG];int b1 = clipV_[y1 + chromaB];

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OptimizationImprove write operations

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out[wpos ] = b0;out[wpos + 1] = g0;out[wpos + 2] = r0;out[wpos + 3] = 0xff; out[wpos + 4] = b1;out[wpos + 5] = g1;out[wpos + 6] = r1;out[wpos + 7] = 0xff;

wpos += 8;

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OptimizationPrecalc clip values with shift,

mask & alpha value

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for(i = 0; i < 256 + 300; i++) { int c = min(max(i - 300, 0), 255); clipV[i] = c; clipVR[i] = 0xFF000000 | c << 16); clipVG[i] = c << 8; clipVB[i] = c;}

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out[wpos ] = clipVR_[y0 + chromaR] | clipVG_[y0 + chromaG] | clipVB_[y0 + chromaB];

out[wpos + 1] = clipVR_[y1 + chromaR] | clipVG_[y1 + chromaG] | clipVB_[y1 + chromaB];

wpos += 8;

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Improvement ~500% speed improvement on a

Z10 device

from ~600ms to ~120ms per frame

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Paul Bernhardt Presentations (@Pbernhardt)Sean McVeigh Presentations (@sdlmcveigh)

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http://blog.rafols.orgtwitter: @rrafols