PLAYS FOR THIS WEEK. OLD AXD NEW HILLS AMONG TUT. HEW- YORK TUKATRF.-V The chief novelty of tjie comlnj- wpofc among the theatres will be the first production here of Gilbert and Collier'! "The Moantebanka.'1 at Hie Oardea Tbesifre, on Wednesday. An extenrtod notice of the 0"*era will 1>* fnund in aaotlwr column. " l.a Clgale" vin be sung to-Bsorrew and Toenda" evenings. Again Mr. Daly ann, nnoes thal the attraction Bl lils theatre la sn popular tis (o warrant him in eon* Mnnlng I! for weah la addition to the slade We oriel Bfl liv allotted to ll. "'lhe Knave" and The Selle.'* Stratagem* win, therefore, lie played all I.rough tile pr.-.sejit week, and tbe revival of --Tlie hool for Scandal"' th postponed tin Tneodoy, Jaaaary it. Tlie mr, of "Aiiieric.ii- Abroad," al Ibe Lyceum Theatre, np***1 bib )>.( Blore Nhely thnn nt first to ho eeassderabrj extended 6ard**u'a cleverly -rrltten scenes, and the sejaslly capable Interpretation of them by the. Lyceum Compal ¦. have lilied tn*- house ninny time* when almo*: ever) Othei theatre In Hie eily wn* suffering from haliday depression, weather, or other of tlie thou-.-,ri! ill* that theatres are heir to. .I. M. dill's Opera «'emiline <'¦>.pnny, la "Tho Fencing Master.11 begins the ninth wee"- of lt* sn- ajsgeiuent at tlie totnnifw night. The re¬ ceipt* .till continue to Ix- larpe. and the opera will doubtless nm all the spring. Tbs story of "The Fencing m later" trude i's..if tn stage treattMBt, aad Mr. Hill has laoceedcd In presenting to lhe public a brill.ant jingi ant. ttreaman Howaid'a new American comedy, "Arls tocracy," -il! .lti-r upon Its ninth weeli Bl '.aimer's Tlieutre tomorrow Bight. It will tie c mt limed for only five weelu nore. The time cirlj-lnuUv secured for lt at this theatre lia- been extended a month, and lt ls now announced the fJew-Yorh run of tiie rtay .viii terminate un February ii. Tbe 100th pu fia m- moura on February 10. **_inicuiug ber engagement ut Hie .Mar Theatre thi* weeli, Mrs. Minna Oale-Haynee will appear In "Knineo nnd Juliet." Tlie phi] I ,', be rust as fob lews: Robbco, Bb.i Plyup.a; Merentk), Milnes Lovick; ;<<-a.,.n», Juun Malooo! Peter, Owen Paw- tatt', Wai 1.«reine, ll. A. Lunfdon Parla, F. L. Sylvester, Prince- B.caral, Phillips Toma-; Tybalt* Arthur Lrt-wl-.; Cup. let. George A. Tarter; Baltlpsar, Gorge McCuila; l.n rory, K. W. lio'.ei .; un ApOilie* cary, J. LVdwutd Drawn; Nurse to .Juliet, Mr**, t-ol 6mtth; Luslj Capulet, Mis- Usg. Goode. , Only tw-o mir*.- weeba n-mali, o( JoUn Drew's en¬ gagement in "The Mashed Ball" at th" (*__dard Theatre. The mann-r in wldch B1-son's comedy has been presontt-d by Mr. D-.iv, Miss Maude Adam*. Mr. Aarvraod, Hamid Russell am.! the other members cf th" company lias been one nt the atficsable cpl- sod' | of tba presint theatrical ssason. A change of bill Will br prrserucd at tjerrrn.in1!) Theatre to-morrow ovenlng. The public will (hen have an spporti.Ity Of gan gi nc the aUllty ef Mr. and Mrs. John Mason by the test of a Standard play, .ober_ou's "Cai-te." It 1* BOW sosac six years kine- tliis comedy has beeji pir-ente«l to tbe public. Mri. Hasan, as EMlier Eccles, srill introduce several new songs in tie play, sunonc the number bein? Ciottec.ilk's "Lullaby." Joseph Ortwner and Mis* Phoebe Davis have, at¬ tracted much favorable attention by their artlm* in "Tlie Ne- South" at the hroadway Theatre. A pleasing ^abject bus been so trca'ed in the play as to millie its possibilities aat gratify the spgee alation. Coed audience** have attended the fl:-*t week's preseB.- (Jon Ol the piece, and the second wee!; will doubllei he also satisfactory. Crowded booses Blghtly have been tho rule at the performance! of "Der Vo^elhaendler" at the Amherg -theatre, nod on nearly every evening af thu last two weeKs all the st_idln,: room ha* becti occupied The nut of the C'ouried's Comic Open Company, thc ro-tumes aud tbe -. ts,- Betting* ara facton af the yuccas of ¦ D-r Vogelbarad'er." Mr. (orr ed ba .! I¦¦ away wltb the *tar iyaeaa* and paid .iii hi- attend ai io u -trong oompany. -lier Vogelhaeadler" will be given every evening this sreeb, with s Saturday matinee. Henry C. Dc MlHe'l BdaptSt! -ti of Fulda'*. play, ..Tlie l.ojt PhraaTae," win be presented al the c lum bas The:iire, Harlem tomorrow Hight, *:lh tin- MB. cast that h.. race****.-] al thc Mar Theatre sown months a?o. A favorable Impression li -all to bave been made In London by thia play. Clemen! Sro*;. tbe critic ol "The Telegraph.*1 old <>f the drat per* formaiice: ''From beelaring to end Ihe pia*, wai listened to thc deeped Interest snd syn*] I ] A better drama af tha eta. awi Bever errltten." Mr. Hanley Bahes the saiiouncenienl th.-t "The Mullleaii l.uatds' Hair is still maning smoothly sion*, and crowding Ifarrlgnn'i Theatn sightly wlih delljliied andi'-:;co*, which show by heany applause and ineeeiunt laughter how fnllv the\ appreciate Mr. llurrlr-jn's efforts to give lo th.- pat'lc *onn- thins that is original and amusing. Braham*! mel db are nightiv Moored, a: 1 are si popular si thev were tn the old days when this ploy was flr-t produced. Another of Mr. Hairlgan'i early praductlona hns been In contemplation for revival, bul owing to Ihe rarcc* whlch "The Mulligan Guards' nail" has attained it will not be placed before the public in BOBM time, ai,il probably not thi* season. To-m.orre.*-- evening Bf Ihe Hurlem Opera House JV. J. Seanb'in's ploy, "Mavourneen,*' will bc seen foi the first time in this ciiv sine- thnt unfortunate actor broke down. The play has ),rer. making a tom ol th* tVestem rifle*. CSaU-Cey olcf.n b_> b*-en well received tn the part form."iv played bv Bcanlan. The plaj will have an el.ib'.iate prvd'ir'.ior:, and Mr. Otootl will ling all of the «o*irs 00.posed by Beal.Ul fer tlie pla y. An attraction tO-mesTOW night will bo the produc¬ tion at tho t'nlon Bojuaro Theatre of "Captain Hersie, V. 6. A.." with c.. .). Henley a*, thc **ar. "Captain Horne" li another of the series of dramas dealing with Uie War of the Hebel1.!lon. Its scenes are laid mostly In the South in the stirring times from IM1 to 1806. "The County Fair" hns closed Its (Btes and gone elsewhere, and now Proctor's Tin:,tri- I* to adopt thc continuous t-tyle of entertainment. The doon of tho theatre will be opened at noon every day but and the euraln wl!i rive hnlf an hour lat*r en a pardoe.ance that *,:u last antll 10.0 p. m. without Int errn pt ion. The progi nairns for the first we*_ will include the Marie Gurney Opera Company, wlil-h will appear li: 'The Mascot." Tie list of vaudeville artists Includes stlrh mid Zeno, performers on the flying tr«p*r.<>; Illly flirter, L. \V. Hampton, with bl* flog and cat circus and .lam's .(. Corbett and John L. Sullivan, lha boxing eat*; James Thornton, thc Bell sisters, genitals j Makin and Wallor. char arter balladi-tM: Tia iTjnn, Miss Carrie Tucteln, Hie Doulcett. Broth"!-,, acrobats; Maeon and Ralston, Mile. Garrot . , with her performing pig-cons, coefca- to*,H, etc.; the Daly Ruters, Mme. Marl.- Gnrney, Mis* Fanny Qewaahwi, dancer; George Knowles, and the Young ladles' . rpheu* Club, Tl-.e preuent aresh nt Tony I'astor's i'h.-atro will be one of tb.- good weeba, tboogb they ar*- all (.'nnd. TI** c(.n)p«riy as Juli BOW CO.itltUted Includes Mlle. Paqnerette, from tfce I'arl'laii theatres! Ml>s \'<-sta \*lctor_, I-giish ehoreeter arilsl; ,i. \v. Kelly, Mi- Iionnle Ttiornton, Ward anil Vohea, as Harold .ind percy, th.- eeMegs; lhe Martens trio, Marie, and Adolph, lu their Btyrlenne melodlee; thc Morellos, In th«!r eOU.Ibflst. coined] J nra Mullelly sud Jets. a Caril. In s Binging und dancing specialty; Jerome, "the human ___," and "Thc Man of 1,000 Fae**,," 1.yinan. Mis*. Nellie McH"Dry -»in B8*i*ear al tho Grand Opera Houae this wed; in her rarcrecomedy, "A Nlghl at the < trciis." Mic is well lui n lo New-Yorh theatxe-goen>, and her rntertainmeol ii- been seen and enjoyed at BSVOral ol the city ttic.iti<.-. 'nv. " isUcJi Crook-' at tha Academj atl enjoying a large share of the attention of thentt* : ... A new production bs now under woy, whicb, ll said, will equal the old in r.e. air eire.-ts. Eogene Tompkins will ag*ln display it to the playgoers of Chicago, it will be ready for the road about the middle Of Mari ii. One or two additions to ibe songs lu ¦'A Trip to (jaioatown" wfll be made tomorrow nlghl Bl the Madison ftqnare Theatre. Oa Friday, January 'i'\ the 4.MS. eoneecutlve ptrfo.maure will be duly com¬ memorated, and as usual each lady \lsltor will receive a remembrance ef thc- occasion, on Tuesday, Ja unary 10, and Friday, January ID, exiru matinees will |>e given at t_tx theatre, at which Masier Cyril Tyler, the boy soprano, will be beard, assisted by several well known articte. "¦lue .leau^" will return to the Fourteenth street Theatre to-morrow evenlnr for nn engagement of throe weeba, and lt I* announced thnt tbe melodrama will (hirreafter be seen In Now York no more. "Gland, da tough'' la the title of an Irish coniedy which 1* to have an elahoTSte production at the Fourteenth Street for a tor.1sbt. beglnnlhg on January 30, with J. K. Murray as the st'ir The arene of the play touches the monntftlneue. districts of WlehlOW, and afTords free¬ dom for t)»e Ic.trodnctlou of effcete. "A 6oc4ety Fad" coes on still at the dijou Th.ilip rbere the fiftieth performsnee of the farce will bc celebrated ne-it ftatnrdny. Many new BPSO.ItlSS a.VB heen added to the piece g|aea lt began Its run at the PAjem. John RumcJ1. th* manager of the company, ls expected to arrive from Europe to-day or to-morrow. At *e trtftt Avenue Thoatre thia wsek Mrs. Blanc nnd her company will continue to present " Decep¬ tion." The nala of seats for th*.- Dine season will begin ni; .fm,nary li) at the Fifth Avenue Theatre. Giovanni I* Ulva, tbs Ita.ka Consul Gi_sra! in tUla city, ho- a linen te Messrs. tari j.- Th-Mor Booen 'leif,, displaying interest In the engagement. Mme. Luise sails tba day after to-morrow (rom _remen on ihe Aller willi ber company ot thirty persona mid Flavio Ando, who, beside* being leading umn, i- also ihe theatiii al director, A pond programme ls now presented ut K-jst.-r <t Dial's Ml,e. Violette, Irom lhe loll.-* Bergen*, ran.-, oas made s hit. The performance of Warlnefll, the confnrtionl-i, is remarkaok lu the oxhrUtlon .,i nero butn gn.i md suppleneos. Frederic Solomon^ edl- lion of Offenbach's "Orpbeua*1 ls m doubt a li.- -i presentation j tl.*- music i* sung by an enlarged com- ]iinj, aiid the cOstame* are handsome. Tbe balance of ti.e bu! this neel, includes tue Muhlemaan Tyrolean Trio; Kolan, Japanese ..i.ioii-t snd magicbin; the "Quadrille lin de blade* ui.j ti,.- presentation of Iieiiuess one-uct operetta, "The Miller's Daughter." .Mil.-, \i.ieiie will be '.ne oi the principal features ut ihe concarl to night. At ti..- Imperial Music Hall Mau Lottie Cl.on baa made a genuine blt. Tins week only three of the niii performers rennin. The re-t ol the bill rill be entirely mw. Itioae '-h.. remain are Fleurette, Jessie Giles and Mia GUaon. Tbs Bswcomera sra headed bj Cynne, who ls -aid to be a clever dancer, and win, will appear in this city for thc hr-t time, lt will also t,,. the Urst appearance lu thJa city of M. louis Vcrande nnd tli*' r**rlslan team, Delaur and Debrlmont Tne other* ur.- tin- Wliltinps. in ii new act; Mlle. Annie Zous, Burns and Donnelly, Irish; baldwin nnd Holy, ocrobata; I (arty, a Juggler; il*- Cehalkta family and their trained birds, and Petrie and Bllsetn In a Sketch. An oxes lieut ju-igramme lui-- b'-en arranged !(>r tc- benCfit of kira. Hattie mot lian's widow of (tarin- L. IIhitis. of a. m. POiiner'i ?lAch .ipany. rn.- performance takes place al Palmer'! Theatre ii Ti.cseuiy afternoon, it will Include a uumber of novelties and some of Hie mos! popular pr formers in. tbe city. Thc performance will begin will; a i-i uaiioti ic Miss I'.everly Mtgt-Mves, j. W. K.llv will appal, hy termUsibn ol Tony Pas- tor, In bia entertaining monologue. Nell Wan,..-.- will recite -Thc Seven Ages." Tue dr*! part will cud with a violin solo by Mis, .leanne Fran ho, Mar shall p. Wilder will bein pert second by making pee rance na lhe leader of tbe orchestra. Ile will ibe (oil,.w. d by the Bret production of h comedy in one sd c.i!!"*i "My Album," sdaptod from ibe French by .1. L. ottromeycr. The fear rharactera -vin he played by Mlsi Hertha Creighton, J. L. (Htromeyer, Frank Lander BIM I. L. Slur:. Tart ihr,' viii be 'or,-i»-', by Mesar*. Phipps umi Alpnnte'i Noopolltnn ercbestra. M. Marius will appear next lt 1 panto* mime sketch. Adolph Itiilllpp and o. Oerasch, frnm I Amherg'i theatre, will upi-ar lu a musical si<,-t<:; calbd -'The Mack Count.'' The performance will duse witt, a "Gambol" >.f the Lamb*, bj Claj M. Greene, M. Marin- nnd Frito Willlum*. Matthews nnd .lesseps's "On Probation" ls the pHi with which William H. (rare wwi open hi* annual' lea son at tito star Theatre on Mon*.iv evening. Jan uar- 30. it is an amusing comedv. written ex pp'.sly for Ihe p'.puhr actor an*! adapted to og nibil ls abilities as u maker of fun. Before be- glnnlnc lil* New-York engage*.int Mr. Crail will play r-u- three weeki in I'c-stos, opening there to morrow night. Winiam fiilitte's Ti"'*- Ainericiin spectacle en title.' ">*tnety p.-iv-" will he produced for Ihe first lime ot; an- stage it th" Bronclway The:itie mi Jan- nary so. Thi- will l-e the r.rsl stiglnal work fr .tn tne pen of Mr. Gillette -ince bis "Held by the t_ii my." .1 TPAP, OP PPrnnn BBEAEING. WHAT BO.BES,*S ANT) OTIICSfl Oin IN* 1P02. Tlio rear lt. .'2 trill Otont ont'*.0y aa one n records aillBSbed In inany iva*-* tut especially . In [sporting sea.. Records which have st.,od th., tesl af yc»-, tottered '-vcr ia regaler order, and the nen '"ho Bnd their chief rel.atlea from baalasei far-.- ls sthletlei and other outdoor siic.rb, have Bad many surprises, Matottt were smoehed to "amitheTeam*1 la athlettc*. baseball, tssttiag, bicycling, lettshatlag. swlmmlBg, snd in almost evrrythlag o'". Brea in fawn lennli > record »ns ma,|e, although t* o".ira no re ord breaking testa n* a feneroi rois. BUI] F. H. Hovey, wi only one ect lu the National ehamplonshl]. tournament mai* a ls BB preod "I. [torey won ¦'**.' i - ts. ttui best record ever made la \me-4caa lonni*, la iplle of thi* clover work, be v-a* bootee out by 'J t.i 1 by th<* I a: a. 0. B. COB I I. gow week., have pis- ! rinec Vaaaary 1, iso.'. «h.-n a record of some Kind Inn not tx "fi placed en U as ..l.e of tio "lid.* t*<!.*." Wl.-n J_t.Cs .1. < erl,, tt SCBt John t». Sullivan Into Virtual on-off. *J r ¦-. pl tactics, be smde ene of the re trdi of the j n ol *rord«. The puglllatlc n-u'A ins not yd recover*! from record nt bo .-! ameiblof. Ti.en thc peerleaa mare N'an \ II.-,-,k**. teni Maud 8 cl Sui t,. the wall ut on.p, when *hc aped ..\,r n i-A- In two nor.'.* Md fa i mada Mead "b's 2tOS looh ordinary a.! I in at.letica reeordi were eaal il eaae, lad eoe of Ihe u.'.-t rei e feat, fi ,r **..» :-.aile hv *-t. V. gWOOUCy, Of tb) \ IV|< r '.",. Club bte! pf, ii, .| |* e- ..« i .- . . ..- s;\ f ¦ . ' ^::i -i. : I8?7. FCw areli potted folfo*. I ... (Lat Page** recorf! would '.' ' bl SttrpSO* <4 N I » «* believe that, Sweeney will eaallj beat .-c-f.-d r. i Thsn ''". pole-* lultlm i rd of 11 I ti by H. lt. j::,\t >i In 1887 wai ib of the s -, .- ,»;.,,_ bei 17 of. i ii f, t 3*i rant lot high i-t atandlns brood tampa « re .-il-,. In June a. P. Scbwooer, .f tbe nm-v rk A boost, tai to 2 i I ¦ best pi** vi r- ri I ll | Bl lac .. -. i. .- : bj i' st Wal ¦¦ lo 1890 ba mer ali leg brood I mp r 'Old fi ntembei ¦,.¦¦.-¦ IO (eel o', . the re ..fl ¦: l by Mi '.'.' i 11 !.. W, '. iff, of the M.- battsn A. «'.. broke I ip skip ccu! rm.ii record on Sepi 17 f-.-- i Inch. For SI*lonee pole*vaah_g a. ll. Oreen of i-if-iri a. C., b-'.r..- tt" world's record bv covering -''. feet 8*a in,his. ii- brok - swa record (i B Mlebcll, of tho BTew.York a. «'. di rema kab a ,rn -.rit.'i the weight*. Oa "'t,.i. r 8 hs threw Ott i- nd hammer i-:", feet *, loch, sod on tho i ma he threw ti.'- M-ponnd vetght 83 feet i I .ri Blom, ,,* i'. iton, broke levi al short.:. ¦-. ,; reeorda, snd ¦.. R. Orsy woe I to te ards « lb the 12 and ll pound ahol \v. ii. leorge'i world record fer Bve mil - wsa twiee troken. *.<.,..:¦.'- lime wa* 29 07 i ¦'»¦ W. II. Morlea, at Dublin, en May 7 ran the diatom-e iii 23 OS, while Kidney Thomas, al Romford, Bi ax made the .1 itinec la 14:81 :i-*>. "Mmoom alee beal the won.!'- re ..r-t- for ihlr- leen, fourteen and fifteen mlle*, UT. ll. it.rii-. of Baa Francisco, sad V Puffer, ot lbs Maahst.a ¦'¦ hal little trouble dipping aeeond* off Ihe bordie i. i»r. Ilsabrouck's Ave furlonm in rr, m ooda il Morrl* Par's was a remarkable performance, nn.1 aa vu, v> no w. three-quarter niiie in l*ona«. BalToto**a tia. fi n.i'c, i :.:,-.. want st Msomoatb Park bi 1800 foi tba !.'¦ rd nt that diaUmea. Itauey Hank* -i.t not wiri al) th" trattlag honor*. At Nashyl'le. Tenn., the Mock atalllon Fstorai stepin-d a nuie fo 2:08*1 tiim th.- Hall toa record. little Albert ai the -sn.- n t lng male the record for the four foal¦-. t beat* kl the time, being 3:12, S'lO-V 2:11'* aad : lo*,. DU* tloo satah llabed u new record for three-year-old*, deina _».* mile in 2:11u. and Kellie a. gllabllabed a yeai r ord "f 2 :_"*V Kven thc staniiaril dlatoneee (tid nr.* eaeape, aa li sen er.iHy the (¦»-..¦ iii record breaking. Thc railroad enclne, however, itanii »» lha front,, and aaa roveretl tbe faaiest ever .. ordi 1. <m november 28 i ir.n.-i ,,n thc PbllaCetphla aol Reading road, oear Fonwood, KT. J. rovered a ailie In thirf.--*,-.- ooda 1 I* re ord I* vouched f..r ny reputable wltm e \u .-.., i,t . red Ibe neal gn th -i devourer, yet the I* auUtenUe record i* 1:10, made al Red Bank la 1***-. 1. Then conies .Itator'i record ..f 1:85. T. 8. Johaeon, ab Independ lows on Sept ber 22 vet th- bicycle world talking bj covering s Bile ...i ¦ -.if*ii bicycle in 1:36 :t-.v ile .;,, paced t.v a ber. and hail other icon, fun! ins record trill not be allowed by Un I.i ague nf American Wheelmen, still, t,,, one .loutit* Uoit, Johnaon really made the record, O, Bonkei aod Oar) iles* wan ihe tandem Mercie r('',oi of : i '. al Rprlngfteld ob September h. On the high bicycle w. (.. Murphy woo ike "?:*_* '. record ea July b. lo lee v Haiveraen, aa amateur, eovcred u mlle in -:47 2-i al Mamor, Worway on February "7. in awlsi ¦dog S W. (.:< i'V'v covered i nUto bi --i:H :t'. .- Bxeter, England, oa kvguet IS. The Cliy of Parla sa.a bed Uir ocean rc ,,r!-. afi-l ti. New-Tork ba*, ball team broke ail reeordi <iu ia? 1882 for aassUsfBctory praying. Here ace few (ff Ibe best .cycle re ord* of lhe y-ar mi le in t',1* country BAFETT RECOILDS OMIM.TU I iV. Miles. M. B. .tl If. 1 HU 4-,. 1 ill'. 2:13 2-6 * *.l elS 4..W:i:* 1-6. :, .... 12 BU 8-3 8... I" IO .'-. 7.... in >132-o. 8. 'lt tr, 8-3 '.).28 08 :i .*. 10 .80:40 9 .". Time. '-l.t. 8, ''.C. - 0, 'o'-'. s. pt. Il_ Hi pl 15, ''o'.' Se, I. I.i 1*2 ll I, I), f'J ..Oct. 0, ".)-' .. Oe*, i .:.'-' July * ':.'.' ..July li, '.'..'. J ih B, ".!-'. ..Joy :t, ':u Ju y ti, tte leutt vnot',. A. A. Ziiioii- rn,an Taylor. fifi,! i-e I ', n |.r. A. A. I., li M mt i. ta. I) M on.- r. A. U. I.h.,-dm. ..C. F. *"!.¦.. sri il *.. II. Si,Itl,. ll. W. Hiev-es. ..p. j. nt iio RFelOIiDS MA Ul-; IN TIME TIUAI.s. M. ls. Bl 1-8 . 1 -08 M i :u 2 if'.*, 8-8, 4 :2« 3-'* 7:"4 8-.V 'A '10 'Ai 11 sll Tina .ly .*, *. «. t. 8, "Al 'fl J '82 Ort. 7 .Sept, :io, ;,-. hfpt. '.". "U NOpt. '-'... 'Ul.. BO, ".)'.' (fame. ....'effra- F. Taylor. ...W. W, Windi V \V. '.V. Windi*. ...W. W. Windi'.. W. »A*. Windle. W. W WlnUl W. W, Windi*. ..W. W. Windi -. Tin- dying start rseerds ror ti.e yoai are n* foliews: *-.'.li..t tlu^- 0 aurl'rn Ile, 2SS4S., II. C. Trier, .spring¬ field. July 14, ISt)'-'. und W. W. Wludle. October 8, 180'.'; half-inlle, il 4i\, W. W. Uladie, BpS.gB-d October 8, 1802: *J)r*e-(|i)»M*'r-n*ile, lin. :io *.,%*.. w. W. W1t_'e Springfield. Oflolr-r 7, 181*2; one.mlle, 2m, 2 A .*.«., W. Vf. windie, gjgstagSeld, Oetober 7. isyj. In competition.Qu.-u-ter-uiile, 27*., A. a. Zimmerman Korttord, BegteaASf 8, ISMS, Agumat .ne, pared hy running homet, flying UBI I John 8 Johnson. lndepriideiire, Iowa: Qnarter-mllc ZO liy., S*)|itefnber 21 letl'J; h_f-inlle lg 1-2*.. Septon, ber IS, 1802, tlileeijuart'T-llille, Itu. -Jb l-L's. Septe-un81 12, lf¥.fl, one milo, Inti. 18 84a., MepBBmbat Tl, U*92. suiidlna fUrt.Quarter-ml le, illa., J. s. Johnnou, My- tember 17. 1802, hair.Ue itt .'Mr, J. H. Massa, »'t> temher 121, 1802: ono.n.lla, 2m. 4 8-51., J. M. J«.ison, bsiite-bar IT. 1S»_ INCIDENTS IK HARLEM. GRANT) ARMY POST AXD Z*ODGrE INST AM-A nriNS-NKWYF.AH'S FK-*TIVITIluS. The Alexander Hnmllt»u Tost No. 1--C. 0. A. R.. he'd Its annur.I Int.IlatlOU of oflieers op Thurs day evening at Ita luadgnarl rn in Arthur Hall. He. 381 Lenci see., ls oas nf tba oMeat sad moat pop ular o( the Dread Army orffiuilsatloos in Harlem. Tin- post at present numbers 103 aetha wsmbi-ia, wli!!** tin* avaraaje Btteadance al the BMctingi lu th'- bul year lin- beea eighty. Many ol the mt*mbeni bare been preseni at ere**] rall call itara they "'"f mus tered, and one BXmber bas aol mimed aa rncampmeal stace the post wss organised. T-'n- otdoat member of this post I- .Mn)oi-(ienei-al Alex:tnder Hamilton, vin. ls seventy-seven years old. He ta tne eMeai Hiing graadaoB of Ihe greal itoteaman and soldier whose name be bears. This organisation en-taarea nirn of every walk of life. Upon bs roster are I .Jilfiif- cf tea merell Ult.-, twenty pliyi.ii lil ll-. '¦¦ clergymen, brokars, bankers, law) sta, artlsta, mann torturers, clerks, ste, The beadejunrters of the poa! are among tiie ams! desirable and homelike of .-ill sim! for quarters In this etty. Arthur Hall l- ased for pul.lie mecttap and liistallatieii af olin er., mci rccep ilona, v.bile on Ibe -onie Boor adjoining the han ls a »e{ of parlor- lonni omety furn.bed, which I- kepi open every evening, except Sunday. Tbeae room are no! only open to tha members of Ibe post, but in (omrsdei belonging to othi r poets sod Uti lr friend*, nnd tb.y slways Bnd s cordial weleome, farlor So. 1 contalna an organ and teveral whlsl tables, whll lu parlor Mo. & ira card tai.les. cribbs rn l*oards, plan., nnd many other sm ii amusements which ur.' u od nearly every evening. Parlor Ko. :i contains thc library and quarters for lhe adjutant. The library contalna aeveral hundred rnlumes, including stsndsrd works of military authors, National and Mate military statistics, records and map*, and work* ol art. The wall* are covered v- it ii portrait* and scene* In oil*. unter * oi..i-s and pastel, besides many army relics and ire,jil,Us of tli" tote war, which bave boon given bj mernben snd frb rats of u.e p ,m. sud y rganlzatlon.* who have been ih,. recipients of tbs many courtesle find hospital!!.! extended by Ibe post. Tbe ulla ors of this p»,.*i, who were Installed i,;i Thursday evening fur the year 1893, have bad liable war records. Won Boiltfc, the nee cortMaandor ot the po t, li a nstfre of New-York Ity, nnd nt the si f seventeen yeats bc enlisted lu on pony r. of (be nth Kew-York Volunteer Cavalry, aud book lui: ia Hie cavalry campaign* an«l *-';pi .-.c- maata wltb bli In p In int irmj of the Petemar, th.- Army ut the Oulf a.:,.i the Ar: ij of the Cumber land. Ur was mu tered oui In June, i.e.. Almei ll, Montague, t:,e tenior vloe-ccmutan*.r o( t:.e p mus ii member of ihe l-t Vermont Cavalry, m.: *erv, i In the Armv of tbe Potomac, At one time lie was Ibe jn-r- .ul orderly of General Hun cock. Marr-, tv. Lawrence, (bc Ji:*. w-r* vices-***.mander, mus » non commli toned officer In I - \ orlt Volunteers, (Auder on' Zouaves), snd lerred ta Ute Ann) of Hie l'otuiiiui In all lt* greal battles. James A. Colvin, tiie a_Jatant uf the po*t, was lieuteni-nt-colonel ol tha louth Kiw-York Volt..teen, lie served Army of it i the Army of tbs J and wai. iii uer'- than thirty battle,, ajal vms br- *. :<"1 colonel fer gallantry ii. action Bl Um capture of Fort Fisher. Frederich WT. VCstkltia, ii"- ti a vinarie: nf the pct, -titiI lt, Hie 4Hi S1"* v .rk batt, ry and ss major iii the I07tli. li. .*n.i: bi tb the Potomac in ma Di am iel I thc urgeon cf thc p erred In 7th Kee \orli Batter} ta the Ai Dr. i. IT..i.iiii in Uh, His hap! ita <*f chaplain ,*f the otb Ken Vorh Reginii-nt. P, Barrett, Iv oft cr ot the dey, 7th V--,s Vi rk lt* .. :.', No.. . ind i llb that ri war Into stn suth I* ..i : 111 th'- ll '. lhe Anny ol nd Arm] iged i. K i- -r- genni majoi. . : -ia rn pin'.: arith Hu A' fri . . 1' . larteruii :. .....;..¦¦:. york »ta_ Ml t roe In *i ball ..(.¦.':.'..... i ii. A. lt., all! loki ptai n- . i. ...... i. irne-hun ir--i-n:.'! seventh or*-., , ', . ' Will '.,;.-. ifter whl tl..- j- l ; ni'..I Li r-. . t -.- , . Ti.e t :., .1: g officers of Cbs lt* i- -. So 7U7 v and A. M., hove u*:. cb ¦. I Ibfjiry J. 1 - 1. Usher. .1. W. lb I. li etary; ¦ i. Hi irv h. Droyt r. .!. *>.. Hi nrj E. iv, H. i ayllrd M. of C.. Alfred .1. i N. -. Cubberly l- lt. stierly, oi Ila ¦' '. Ju "V Ul d, tiler. T:*e nu:.'ini !'. ' I ¦' ¦. .*. ::o4. 1. h. ii. 1 -. brid on Fr! eVi il Ki lodge room In N ill. r ¦ Hall, In t u*l ¦. und iwi ly t"' marni r> pr- tent. 'l ,.',..¦:.. off i wh* l«. J. H. n 'I be f'i [ were elected L lb ular, r. a.. J. U< '.:, v. (,., John sch i .. irer. Kat*- io Hie ¦" l 1'.,: n i,- ,1': ii edlcn] foi rr. Atti ti., ,. | i officers were completed s reception is held. .ii... re* olly eic* U4 oil nf (he Ut - < ii, le, No. l, ot re foi n illy a Wi li . day cvei tag si c.-- !.¦..', bf 1 gsalsatfon al So. *»1 Weal 0 '...*¦ .».. ly. :.-'¦ Tho I offlcei Installed Ioho Mel.aghUn, I n Idi ni Hi ¦¦ M. M irthln :. view pt* m. ni, Mi i. r. I nwler, haptoi-1. M.- v.. to ll ,-, n- o ui Alta :' , li .*.. Ha kins, .*'¦re-nil! at arms, n. Marthlng, picket; Mm. A. .otUliry, Mr.. K, Multi) M-I Mr*. M. M i'l.. card of trn-t.i¦-. Thia ls a -o-i, ly of tbe 'iain':...: anil anns uf Ibo veterans of lhe bile war. 'Ii..- Installation of offlreri ¦.! Triumph I/a! ¦.¦. Xo, .ns, a. 11. I W. waa held on n ..". tag af ihe beudqnarten of th<- lodge, lu heventb-ave. ami \ -n-i'iiiiidi* -.I nmi i .'.. ii'* -lifSh* t. Tho ler.'iieitil. ..f laataOatl-H) were performed bj Phillp J. .*-¦ iiii .:, ¦nd th.- officer In lulled were; Jim..-* a. Del M. W.; w. Ii. Elliott, I*. M. IV.; James Koncry, i itu Metxgor, ".. Jain. .1. Miner, receiver; I I lonehello, Uiwnc! r; Joe Metzger, Uecetvcr No. ti; Dr, John A. Quiglcy, pb] .etan; I. W, Campbell, guide; John rVcht* r, .'. W.: i io art K nm ly, 1 IV. Near)) l *.» uh nix - and fi fond ol Hu ere presi ni t-> wltm the rercmuiili uf InsI il_- Hon. the annual Blectlon of officers ul th*- Ctol Hool (Tub vt held la I week al Hotel ria!*.al nd Hie Pillowing were rho.ii ¦ffiri-r* of the club (or l-s fl: Danie] P. M mgla, Fi .'. ul ; John i w g, vice pn l-l- nt, J ph v.. 'Dr* n, recording *c rctar*. winiam c*_in, Snan*.1 secretary; wm lum J. i.-nin'ii. ti-'-n'iir-r; I. a. McKegney, ergcant atari,.*; John, eaptala; Danie] v. i.-io. ';-t Menlenant; Harry Beaver, i.ol Beatenont. rill* bunt club "Ul glvi Iti I141 ut Itlchmoiid Hull, in Otie-hnndied-and-oUtcentb t. near Elglilh- ave., Obrnary H. Th*- Altopta DoaI Club s\in boll annual election of olBocn Tm day night, and the 'imii. 1 bat] ol the fob all] ic- 1, 11 .,1 tbe i.cici l.yreuBi Febrttnr) 1. A baA -rill h- held nuder the ansptee*i of Tbe 1, n-i'i on .leii'i-iiv 2*1, al the Harlem Opera I louie Illili, for thc b. neill nf Ht Andt-ews1 I rt ri tin ..y. '-'birts an- being made t<> have this hali one ol Un mool brillia-t ami sucre* :¦:'. ..liol affairs ol IBs sa r a. A brilliant reception was eii.n 1.11 W'-li. ,1aj evening la the r. n., t tbe Kenwood Club "i Har bin. The waa prereded by 1 1n.1-i.oi and illeroo' entertalnmeni ta which tin- foBowh tool part: The Kenwood Quartet, Ml B, Delmore, J. Qiiliiiln, Mr. Robertaon, Mr. Manta, Edward Brill, Bdward CirilT.liis. ll. rin> .-ind Miss lt. FVanklln. Ani-4iit cliche present Ml 11 IVIIson, I-'., oliver, Miss 1.. MnlUi. Oeorge Uta1th, Mtss Rdaa Brown, Ml-s Kllen M. I'r.inh. I'lilllp (ir.av, Mihs T. Moore, Mi's F. Sniltb. Mlu Kees, Mr. und Mrs. Arthur Hoover, l*relesew J. J. Harvey, Judge Clayton, mi - Ethel Nepi*, Kriinii * .'N.-ii. (. i;. Ketter, Bdward Henson, Ml*-, li. Kenalngu n and Ml ¦- Mule Brerarde, A Bueeesaful entertalumenl .'ii!'! fair for tbe benetll nf UM l.udleV Hm lem .Md *--iiety Were hell on Wattissday ant Tburaftai evening! in tbs Harlem riemocr.-iiio nut. Hall, No. it Kit One-hnndred-and twenty flftb-st. TIk> women baring ebargs of the booths wars Miss ida Rosenberg, Jfra. T. A 1; ,ip. Mr*. Iff mail, Mrs. Bred.ah, mi-s j. Balmm, Mrs. 1. Ralaoa, -iirs. Tarter, .Mr*,. Kewmark, Mr-. Henna.1, Mrs. .(. I., ^ttpl^ten. Miss I'd.-chinr and Ml-, Al, ram A nuiii*er ;,f Arm- con-rll.iit'-.l t-> tl,,- »t<»cU i.f the Mir, unioni! wham vere h. C. P. Koch A- Co.' 11. M. wiiiisni* _ Co., Blaoatfngdala ties., |, Kahn. k,u _ co., und gehsrsaaboph. <>n Thurstfay evening un etitertulniueiit ,***«*) given by Wr. Kahn, Mr. irond J_rdt, Mina mid Miss nio***i.. The officer* nt the society having th* aiuir rn charge were Mr*, Rosenberg*. Mrs. Krelge. Mrs- Meara-ark, Mr*. M. haine*,. Mrs. l-'r.-eslmaii, Mrs. J. Wailacii, Mrs. M. Oreen und If.a Mo,*. Tho ireii.,\ Avenue ITeabyterls,u 'Cin*nli in Oue* hundred und i.'.ii*ty-iiinth rt., between Eighth and i: _.¦" aves. "Ill be dedicated tod-y. At ll ;*. m. the regular morning service.-, will bc hew, at which the i.e\. Dr. ii. Marling wiil preach. Tba *ec* od service will be bald br '^f Bundsiy-schoo] in tht- uft"i-i-«»n, while the i-.g.iu- B_mtay evening service viii I,- ,.!l a' 7:4.'. p. m., at which Hw Rev. Dr. .1 ,hn Jinn win pi....ii T'lnoiTOA evsnlng the i,--'i!...- deal allon fervid- wlU he bald nt n o'clock. Th. Ber. A. V.. Hnlaey will mid he will Iv li .1 by thc Kev. Dr. Edward I., 'liri., thc lice. Pr. ','. innderana r__«- nev. Henry X. McEweu. Th ,,:i mid rea* ,,;,.| t...- prayer of dedication -viii be linnie by tie- Bev. Dr. Clark. Thi- chun li was ,,| a a tfjunday-sch oi on September ill, 1880, r....::i which wai develiped iii- church r-rganliattou a Uni- mire than a rear afterward. At tlrsl lt was Int* '!"! to build a cllopel to ce- anon **0,000, bil the tm-o, o-i i, ii anceeNi thai I' »n- decided io e-eci n larger »ne rafting #41.300. Meal ..i tbli in .1 .y ss. .:, *d |,- t:. effort* ".' the sclcr'.. ,.i Lie downtown churrbe*. The Sunday-school orai tar d in o tore in Klcatb a e. nnd < me li nnd Uilriy eroiith- n. bj 1J1 Winday ehu^l Commit- l." '( th., I're-hyt.-r-y of Nen Vi-:,. Thc-*) wore Iwenly four leaeber and punthi preosnt at the Oral meeting an-i they organized ihe Leno*- .*.v. nne t"re**- i.. teri.rn Bunda) tobo Assoi-lsUon, The growth Oi the -chao! was rapid, nnd si pie cut there are _*__ m. i-.. v.i:ti,,m M. Waite is tin* iiiperlntendent. The work if Hie Sunday-school Inmediately branched mt li, i,Hut dlrrCtlO.I, 0 id iii-' seuliif- clonsea, beys' el -.,,ietv ¦¦( ciiri-tian Rr.deavor, nmi i* i:omi of ll pe were organised, besides which eventag services ana prayer u.Ungi Were held. 'Ile .-un j.. v -«¦ ' -.. n moved Into a larger sinre. In Ap-H, I-:T, David t.. .smith, of I'nlou Thcologlral Femiini v, (ecured lo ornduct the lervWa nnd perform the ;," tomi work of the .¦,--(¦.. ai; ,ri, and he encaged io it for 11 lc* n months, since bl*. rc^lgnntTon, ber, l-'.i-. different tn ni ter dave o nductcd tlw r ric | the ti o in* in. ih.- .Inri. ol (beac min- i'tcr. v.oic irufir.'ffit.-*-1 .y the Church Of the I'nrl- inu of which the Bee. .Dr. Clark ls pastor. Tlie oi-. appointed Uie Bev. Dr. V. H. Marl Moderat ir pr . tom of the ai .si n. 1.1 December ._"-. 1«*01. ric liii inlf ts nf the the Lenin Avenue Fresbyterlan church. Willan llobeon mid Henry M. Cumming* were ordirned sa elden uod Bdward Ostrander and hui s B. Allison deacons, t..e truste** ure H**nr* M. Cummings, William M. Waite and .lames i;. fuller! on. The tnrmhenhip of the church |., now :.! n'lt Ixty, ni ibe congregation ls r.ipi-il\ growing. 'in .lunn ii :. I8tv_, ibe trustee* purchased lota In One- iiti'li.ii at-d thirty ni :t»: f.. we*:l nf Eighth-ave., bev- inc 11" feel front and being 100 feet deep, nnd )>hins ¦. I-.- Intwn f.- a commotiloii* church building. Near ly 5,000 < hi; inn rontrtbnted to the oreel lon ,if the i"..l building, uiul by their milton effort! iK) lind been raised, liervlces will b- held in the ever* - ind iy si 11 a. m. nnd 7:*:, p. m., also ate,* vening**. flin annual reception tn the clergy of Holy Trinity nurdi wa* elven t,v th.- Ladle*' Guilt* In the parlors ¦f Hie church, al .brrndred-and-twenti aecunl-^t. t Lenox are., on Thut-wlav evening. The spaelons were .indoomely dr.- .-i In chrlitmaa Breena il tiona. I'he |{. v. Dr. an i Mr---. h-i-1t peclved lhe cue.ts it, thc Inner par!, r. I 's'" I.'.'-. William I.e.- :iev. At.e.ti.: tho gne*i of wei i.i ip io ,.r nnd the Rev. Mr. Cox. th" utter nvlt g I. en an a- inn! min! iter of ll Tr'nlty. r'e -, ,men na* ting ut tlie reception we*rb hn Mitt .ft-. Mrs. ('»r*t<'-*sen, Mr*. Price. Mic l',,.-er. Mn, I.,i->.H. Mra. Colwell, Ml-, Mr-Gown, Vn un given IVednee-iy bj Clinrlea I urti* I '-r I Mrs. Lerov Watkins Hibb*ir*1, So. i.o'ie Madl .::.'.-. who were n--i t-d h\- Mr*. ld McLean, Mrs. John !, Jr., un! M's* Warner, Among lho*ie preseni were Mr. und '¦'r- 'null - Tvl-r Dutton, of Br klvn Mr. aol Mrs i. L-t--hi.:i. ,,* i,,; i-,t, i.r. nn -_, Lucien " Dr M irtl ''. ll.'io Mr E. a. ¦¦.hitn.-M V*- Whitfield, the Ul - Hvde, Mr.i Mr Vernon William ll. I.e. Mr*. Richard v. Salter, *,.,. ^ Mi** I monicker, Mr. rn<1 Mn. Thoma* J Kawman V.r>. 1 fud .... Ml i l*nddook, M-s. AiieM Wurd" well, Ai thur Ll.. I H. Dir ABOVE TUP ll a RI KV BITEB, rh. PCl'MC I"-*:: V*T.MK*****r_ EXPECTED - St s *, vi, nti ':ri:\vrsi*s ir ',- h i ed win probably bi l by sa umi uall) tomi nui ber of put,lc mi- In ' ..'.¦ the Harlem Uiver. .-.¦'*'.. e of bli term of .r¦.¦». -' -1 ereral res ilutioni of the fl rd of iAlng* ai i ring of Im ' ' ." tern port of lhe rd Ward, Tremor: 1 ave., f,r.- uf the mo I -' tn tbe ap] *r i art of the '."¦. mer. Th-- Tl 'rd in ... r lia* bi Un n ay ba beguB l:i sc- , dj m.,d*. a now n ¦... for the wtdentag Tl trd ¦. ire :>¦« The .i» r-outlet for l '-. ni ,f, (1 ¦¦ ;. - p ed bv < tom- r ll dil 11 probabl) nol !,' OD ll : money ronni r Int U ¦¦ North .-bb- impi-ovT H.- pu' .' ..f monal al,, i Uh tl >.ie. H«'ln(t :>n1 ia-..-- Il.l .- wi li « ll i.,: .- .: si tile h lt ti Imp I The ..... ..... w.-.l 111 the ey r-mid be e\| '.- ... .;..-. Willi divided SI hod of rapid Dun ¦". lhe pn ¦. ted road tn carri Psi from tb< Batlarj le polnti a.-r... t.... Harlem River I meei the s| pruvsl f i (tange. I'i (Itlon have already .a and bttla wert offered ; .... .' i il] i j le. Thc need ..( better -i I cheaper fores ,i ,.'.. (he Ide is . hove the ll The partfcul ir 18 tl nt ll io ie s li pi d iv ,. tab di iiirs un'. pr :. rty-owiiera In imrtbi-rn nord ', e 1"... ;-¦¦. rd Wurd :- " ¦' Ui ibove r of \car«. flic price p ilJ :-. nv In th.- ralac nf re. In l ly j lt wlU pr .,. ;¦¦ c.,.¦ ,,i .* ttl in n | ;r or la snd when ii l* illvld.-d Inlo crt* I"', lhe hoi mut r.-fi!l7ed u.i! be r t: .rn that oiim d l t week. The in ,renae io Ibe valuation ol real estate bal not reccbed tn ;,i! purl* "f cu' upper wards, bul In most plies. pi ,p, rfy In Hi*s mo*) Important the Harlem for n lieu rh H -lr pr»|i ¦' Kr, ot l- ii ll I.i ..* Jerome ave., t.i mt -... ho t) re h.-ld ii. iv. i,tv years b ire made I aa .1 la ri-sldi in* ,i,. Dr. En .: One ni ilred .nol torUi tb '¦-. place Hil nfli m.>, wa oi In Hie part "f the wm obi. ind lia: i.f the northern wurdi Mi Ki 1. "f >.". .*-.' Ki.s' KhO .. fill.IT ll V.;il*- .<. i.i the mos! popular ,liv where be llv**d* H I,fell a r ¦.! iCllI of ibe I,., .p. ihlrd V. ard f... a nut IWenll Ure se; i ll" .( ib ll rlem and Mn Ttoanla Hedi il ,,.,,! ol '....ord iu, i, :(t i o'i irk Hit* nftern au, i\'ll be rondnc rd ly *|., j* v. |.-. \| Klvalne, of Ibo Nortb Kew-Yerk .-:.tal im. ti. IVier H. rarpv. el '. Itvud j. v. bim ka fem l»r. Mi N'll. di"d on rtdar. Hi activities is,- divided b**tw***-n lb** North _de, when* tn .-..I. a newspaper editor, and Long l*i* o'. i nv. imo re be wa ia school leo* hu and wi an active andld id fur prtn( ll .1 of ibe public rbi 11 auder .. Qi ailinn,! trallon of Maror Oles kui. Hi bal nany friend* and maui cnemlea. lb wai in friend and au etiiulh itrong foe, and *t rut-aged li, I,,,,.., i the p* lin. ..l... -I ..ii flUpuii in ibe npper v..ii.f Son ictk and rn Long Island * >. The Young i'i',.|.i. - christian Asaoclatlou >( Ihe 11-, noni Mi .... EpDcnpal Chnreb baa ri Bled u frame bouse .t Wa*lilng1 n and Oni hund ¦. l no,! event] elglitli-at., and v.lil Ol np the I,nihill.: ria a reading oom ninl o mtuinlnm. The Bs-tocteil'.n liii- r.iilillv 41 i.iy. '..'i 1. on! !-. lome .lithe llini ever iii ii bl lui Thi reading room ba been auplilied with dalli and weeli* paper and mngaHnea, and ollie* mean ul entertaining ilaitor* ba\e been provided In Hie bou e occupied bv Ute boschlailou. A uno Hu.: ol lhe Voting Men', ."..ri 'lan 1 was 1kI<! at the building of tbe ninon on *bteadar evening lleporta ihuw continued scttvlty in all (he det,nrt metits of tbe work. The new singing t la-s ls popular, ml a large nmi well trained i-boro* «lll tal*, pun lu in,; v ,,1. a Hi*' union will ^l\c lal, r In tin .ii. Kew olin its bave be* n elerlod bi Mo ri sw: la Cou:) ill. Legion ,( Honor, and uu-y were ina.ailed inst m-ek. They are: Commander, l.n ll I'. l',.»¦ ¦*. vice commander, ff.nil Daunhau*n*r; eecrrtary, W, t Blah nam; irea-iir.-r. Edmund ll. Knight. Ciffic.-i* b.r the pr.- em frat were In iali. 1 on Monday c\i-nlua ni --ulan on Connell, (loyal An°atium. Amens (hose eli cled a ettie- r- nen- ll* j; ni, .In cpi, rm n vtee regent, 1 r*.: roe lieni l -i-, mi rear* John ri. ibbie; treasurer, Herberl Bnndertond; Irusl.e*, Mar Un Lip,--, Willard F. Manbolm nnd ihatle*. i-. Danni. Ni v. ofllcer-i have I.n elect-*d for lhe Sj,Ivan Ath¬ letic A ... I.ilicti. Loni- Weller |s presldi-lll. Ii.iiih lai.-cll vii (' pi. "Idciil, I'l-edeib:, Dun iee,Kim; sec ret arv, snd Un lave Ansel linsn*.-lal secretary. I'he Aarorn fllee club li bl lt sn nusI en (er(ali rn n' hs* week al (ni*«-hundred and Hat ilath-st. anl Thlrd-ave. i.c orchestra snd lingera i-onneeti I nifii i!,e club (urnlali.-d nm ic !>efore Uie dancing began, ll. >elb ls pr. sibnt of in,- (lui., H. foillid* vloe-preatdant, willi*in isp aacretary, and ProfeMK.r Neuwlrth dlrceior. .¦.-os -i.ii initin-rlnn), an Kew s,.-iir's Hut nnd Tm-lav lu the upper nmpIs. "n'Pllie pillie were c|\ ell al Hi- humes- of Mr* Kiln, In I-.;,! u.e"1 find forty -*l xlh «t. mid Ml - Ht; patrick, In Hatlig**t.>-ave. Mis* Martha ikirridat*, wbone failn-r I* aril known In th' Kortli Hide, raisid contribution* among her frlendi un provided a New Year's tree vlth plentiful rift* for neii'l*. (OO children from the tennnrnlh' dlatrlcU o( lhe usser war... OUR BIG SISTER CITY. AFFAIRS IN BROOKLYN. Kenobliean Leaders to Meet-Wliat Club Men Are Doin_-To Build Another Electric Hoad.Various Items of General Interest. I WORK AT THE NAVY YARD. THE CHXC-GO AN'D PinLADELPHIA. PROGRESS OF T'ir i'MT Nts ll ni) CRDl»EBS-OE"« EBAL NOTES AND OOMMEKIft. With the departure of the dynaml:*--cruiser Vesuvius f. r Port Royal, B, c.. where Mer dynamite guns ure to ba tried, and of tlie trolnlng-shlp Portsmouth fir a winter criilso In the West Indies, the number of rea -eta in the Kary Yard baa beea reduced and tba wurk being d'-tie tliere baa noes more OOBM to something near Ita normal oondltlon. There are stu.", however, leveral reese- ta tbe jrard on which the rsrtous dc partmenta ara e induct.ig wurk of _.Brent hinds. TUe v. nd on which the work is furthest advanced, und which wlU probably bave the yard drat, la the_nitser I'lillnd. ipili., Bbs Is ut preset* In tiie timber dry- do* ks, having her bottom cleaaed aa i painted, it N expected tbat sha u_I ssll for Um .south In about ten days iu* two weeks, Shs U to go iir:*t to Patt Royal, aad o\u tuite te that place sons projectiles (ur the trials .,f the VeiMivins, utirt will iil^o colive-, there Cantata Montgomery 5ic.-i.-d, who l* president ut Ihe special beard to iupe rtasend tbs trials. Tlie Hui; .dip Chicago will no: be ready to sall until som., time in February, lt Ls expect-*. Ip oM'.'.'.x.i io the repairs 11 the t***glee* ami boilers an.i thc gen .nil repa ira to tho rossel some Changae In the secondary battery bare been begun. The four e7__ttBtetre revolving canoon which fjrm n part of tha preseni aeondary buttery nre to be remove*!, aud twelve 8- pounder Hate.ttbb rapld-flre tun.- nre to bc pul on the »Mp, whick, od ted to tba guns of Um present battery, aili giv... thc ship a imp- anil pow.fal secondary battery of twelve 8-pounder Hotehklsa rapid-fire cnn four t-pounder llotobkl*! rapid-fire g in twa Gatling guns, and two 37-mtillmetre r<- rulvlng cannon, lt is thought thi Chicago wUl gu oath and tbat several of the vessels of tin- Korth Atlantic Squadron will meet in the (.uif b,.- Ililli si iltal tim", ci,min*; norti lu t_ne for Ute liit,rri*.'ir'on:iI ;il raadearaus, nxi later review, l. conan doo ad! the World'-, pair celebrations. Bone ""orii l* k*iii I Mn,; done on tlie Mliinbuiomoh, and BOOM altemtJf.ii' ur*.- bein? mudc to h.r (runs. Sba probably will not leave tin- Nnvy Yard thi* Wtnter. The boll.-r; which hive been built IB the bolter -bop at the Kary Yard for tlie ont- r ( LadnoaU _-c ljo\v being Utken doun to t!ie v-.x.-l, and tin- yvork nf put linc- tV. ni Into pl.-ice on l;er !- t-> begin this week. in connection with the muesli of ti bbb bellen from lha shop "> ihe <hip. uti officer In Un- yard rsoMiftad yesterday thal lbs facilities for carry¬ ing beary weights about uli* yard were pom This tint i* also mentioned hi Rnglneer-in-Chlef MehrQle'i r* port. Tli"*e bollcra for tba Cincinnati ure i.-ir?e and heavy, and hare t<> bs mored with treat cure, but tba preaenl tu..-!:* nmi other factllttea lo th-* vari are luflldent for the conveyance of their gnni bulk, r .. bed pintei for the engines ire being pot In tbs Cincinnati, and tba Installation of tbe machinery :. >-v t-> yo on. The bulkital of ti..- new erection u wing tn the mai hine ihop on the sit,- of tlie election shop n-i-. burrf.-i a tew months ago bas te.n begun. The new building will be entirely of lr n, uni rhe (rame 1- BOW being STBCtt<J. fie erection of trie tareji u\,\ powerful crane u. tbat recently p t up al . timi tr dry* ahlcb ls to be med al the rrantte dry-dock bas feen (.....:.. This crana is to be bs d In putting tba .' le oi tl, Tulser Kaine. * ipi In W B. -i',or, who r**ma.need Um cruiser lien I tawall !.-.-¦ rj fireman Turn bull were ii!!.,', a I e\.:- ; then of «he .-r..-*- were i- b-*s Injnr.*! st the ll ;. Of the lu^iit mad*) npon them In Vnlparaoo by lha Cbllbtn lOktler thi clooe of (he revolution In that RepubBo. will a (he board spp lfit.«t to re ..tu ¦i InNrhal manner r!n> £75,000 IndetUBfty noded ¦'. tributed. The other member* (, ip! ure Lieut,-i...\t i'i,.* -..0 d.-r I'rb! Bebrue, who a tlvfl fl ret of (he Baltimore, and -: AssUtani Surgeon R. R. Mitt, who did so. much to r, lt !.: the- wounded at the ¦: ie. .- s/75,000 ind 'im Its rt si bed hen- (roi few weeta :_ >. snd I- tocked uptg) l fop . ii * "Ht l to tin- men a ti i by the wanroi nd un' Idai le stu 1 the American tallon, bb '. I ',- the purpoie io nih.' tbe money received altb tbal Idea In nil:.<J. and without r.<> midna, the tiz'.' <t any .¦( ibe beneficiaries t.< suv what amount be diould reci i ... families of the dead men. Rig Sp m.d i in.t,nil, ..-ii. of cinvo, receive lbs ha-geot alSltmenti. Tho other* entitled to share lu rh.- it, «:." App.-.-i.tb-c Boy John vv. "Talbot. Coal Heaver* Jerry Anderson n-.d fteorge Panter, Car j Mate John Hamilton, und Landsman John ll. I'fi-, id m:., all of whom were dangerously stabbed arith knives and bayonet! nod beaten with cluba and hi. 1.. ¦'. doom with itoneo, snd are entttlcd to iii*.- neal ... deration; and W, Caulfield, j. Qnlgley, P. M. Houlihan, r. Smith, J. Butler, J. Xe t.ib ii, VV. Lacey, Ii. w. Hodge, J. K «.:,.. Frederick*, received leos lerloua li Di .i Drlde, J. and II. J Jurt* -. (.Vere.ry Tracy, ii, vi,*w . th- nature of roUng the award bj Hie Chilian < ng* --*-, couchided lt hoi n-*ce*t>«ary tn subject tbe ch.manu to a lona delai in to Ho- enactment .>( a resolution autho ri i.'in to make the awards; be appointed tbe led to n--lst lilm In nm;.itu- an roettabla _i**rl button, When the l**iri! meets tn-BMNTOW BtORdtig at the offices ,.,f tba Lighthouse rto.arrt, at Tanapktna ville, it bs not expected to give a bearing to the mun or their etturueys; iit wlB the claims aggie I Battas, over B1JD00.000, saamltbtd through th,- state iicpiuifi.cii: by Mi. Orr, of Sea "*ranet.o, on behalf I nf the -u.i! ts of tin- Baltimore, b«* *f.»Idored by the board. . inls ;. few dins aro in oilier uus Issued fruin Ihi Nari Department emphasizing the for! Cia: the Civil Service rules which ...ivi* governed thc emploj mem of mechanloa at i..,- Nus', yards nrould prevail in ihe future ss thej hsre In Ihe last three yeera. Tb o rkmen looked apoa ti. irder s* a -.iver (or them with tbi Incoming UlmlnlitraUoii, upturning, of course, Ihal the nen- Secretary, wbdjever be might be, WOUld not he pvriuitle,! tO P v die the ay*tcm, nor even to modify the regulsttccn* Immediately upon Uie change ar Washing* >n in Mon h i. Bul the eon lid. nc,, which these faithful workmen bad pin. ed upon Hr. develand*s polltlra] hindi] ui continue the I'ivli Service -tyatem al the Nnvy yardi was destroyed a couple "f .'.a'.', lilt, :. when Isaac Piney cray, who ta slated ai rv-tmustoi' Ienerai. rai.Od to be Pub ii '.i .i j nt of a i..'li previoualy delivered, bv way i.r eueouragenieni to Pcm -rrats for office and.1 a DetniM-rnltc Administration, soon le begin, 'ibis I- un px!ract from that -pe.eli, and i.owed to the employes Iji Hie Nnvy Vusl the dlrectlou lhat tlie sturm will laka: .one ,-f tiie peculbr phiises of the campaign just p. ned, snd, l think, the nosi peet.tar lhat I have ever seen In snj canvas* i bar*- ever been engaged in, Ls thal our iiep.iiiii o.i Blends pul forth an argu¬ ment to rtie p.. .pie thal if the Democrats obtained ciiitroi of Ute iiorernmenl lt s-ould turn tke lle- pubUcaB ottic in,Mn-- out. Of course ere will; there u i!. doubl about it. l'.i-. has been a contest be¬ tween parties. Tier,- hoy,- alway* been political ponies in this country .-vcr rince th* "urination .,r Hie lioveiiimcnt. and I preoumo lhere BlWaya will be. wii. n ihe lien.i,emili party ohtalas control of lhe liovernnii'iit, which *\Ul bc on the 4t:i of Mun li ne.M, Hien are will expect the offices, u*. rapidly a* caa !>c< done nith atfety io the proper adadoUtra- ti,ci nf Uorerumeut affair*, to be tiiti.t with Demo¬ crats." oi manie .-ill oi the Knvy V-urd employes will not be (tl* pl ik ed. for lhere ure a food M.inv I). moCRI. there, nnd they have buen there *lnce In.-r,, when snell u aweeplng change aaa made ni the inataacs nf Hugh Ucl.ugblln, of Brookl)ii, ;,n I Hie leader* ,,r the County Democrnr* or (hi* elly, iii- teats for em¬ ployment In tbe N.-i\\ Yan! for nearly the four rears now aboul to rlose have been pnrelj prarUcal, having reference to u.e man'i kuowb ;gi of Li* nun trade und hi- general fllneas tar Hie pine, and the result la iieiter \,oik. ipiii-ker work mid a large naring of moue) lo the (iovi-rtiiiient. Due of tba advantages of lb.»rlt lyatom nnd t >Kink appolntnienta and dlochargea fiom tba cantrill of «nrd pi.iiticiiiiw la the m oaomy whl.-h the officers detulled io dutv ut ti.e yard bsve been ah|e ,,, oboerva; and Hie building of the non hiller) and buller-* of the I'l'ui-.Ms cincinnati and Raleigh, wbleh boa buen nader the direct sttpervtaion and control of Chief ICngineer Jame* ll rimsinar ami Pnased A-*-is*nnt Rnglneer lieorge ii. Kmii,*. I a. been done al a considerable les* ,-e,*| llian \\ns ,-'liniitert. nnd uiut-li below llie i-tiniiit-i! .rsi ,,r (uiiside contractors, The work hus iiiso advnnced without the eastoaary <iei«vs. tue only delay having boen caused by u iir*. In the machine skoi), which dumsged awme of the parta of tho ouglnes of Uie Cincinnati. Th* engines nre of the trlDla*_ puiision typo, und are of tbe pattera of the burT.n_ Steam Engineering, by whicb they were eoMt*n__f They are ut splendid w..rkrnun.blp, mid Eiifrtii.eV. Chief M.-hiii., has good rtasia t.. ..-i pr,.*i .,,_, of bis Juniors wi,,, bars bad chart., their .(mutmotion norn lbs beicinnli),:. Tbs fc .imaged them to tho extent of nb*.ut aMftimo _* they Imve he, tl repaired und made u-s good iu> ue'w Ths Naval Academy prm-tlce-ii.p bancroft, whi_ ls now lying nt Hobokan preparing for k-r «_«__ t-urn trial, will prohobly nuke u run down t£r?* tome day thi- week for a prrtlmtaary trial **___2 \ssisuint Engineer K. s. OrWa, who has been ««.*___ aa asalor eugtaeer in charge ..f the mac_aerr _J l.ollers of Oi.- ship, ls bIvIkk his ueix.nal a____ to .-.ll the details of th* gtttags betas put hi f_T_B coatraoter, and will so-o tlmt ey*ry condition 5 eontract ls tnlfiBed. Ho beUerea that th*, vaoaal_| fully meet the * xpootuttoris of the builders .,, oil math-r of speed, mid that aha will readily thirteen knot-, Beemery "Tracy ha* detaled (-*?_! Engineers Samuel u. P. Ayres, James ii q___ and J. A. B. Snrlih as th. official trbil bsurd to uL\ dnu on thc- trial trip fer lbs report This offlaS trial, die oootraciera nay, .<-. lil (aka pine* tu*. «-«_ or at the furthest the aeefe i.fter. . Tli« denth of Assistant Nnvul Constructor WilUm K. Van -ant, a tao days ap... wu.* a l,.s of one oit_ promising officers lg th** Kary. Me wa* a _r_T ate of the ciaos of 'Sfi nf th- Ita Val Academy, s'_iil__ Ko. 1 In his deas. He developed remarkable, mS in mathematlea, chemistry i-nd physics, ard _ » ai th- iM*.-.. .f bis class, was elsetad ls toke i course of .martaI ii.stnictl"n in navnl arch.echae i the Royol e.r.. c.- ..f Oreeuwlcli, K-gland, and thJ, curri.<1 off the tlrst honors ut th- end of bia coorie ic- did at Annopolia, .*.s this is the moot adr5_l navnl course In any country. Code* Vhn>o:.t was m-_ an asslst-uit naval oooatractor in 1*00. Tho b.-ii f,,r which tho members ..f the 7th r-* mont SUbccrtbed to tie presentsd to th. ai mored cn'or ' New-York, snd wi Joh wa* recently deaeifbed in ttl col.X.l of Th*' T,limn-, b.-.s t.een eitel ut Trev, _. UM work of _lishlng lt will be*rin at once, ,*o '_,. 5 may be ready ta bang on tho ship Wore abe fj Pn. Int,-, oominlv.ion in the early sprtng. The bell wt*, look as if made willly of silver, but onlv tut mm <!i\er wu* mlx"d wltl, the in.-Uil as would not Irter- fer*' wl_ Ute tone It is of the Urcest ref-alabaa UM weighing about OOO pound**, nnd will cost shea 91.600. The bell will Ire "-resented to the t-_a, whether In Phi.delohLi ar Kew-York, with appi*opr_ti ceremonies, and the fib Regiment will prolabi* parada in full uniform and bare an escort of marin's. AMCNO TUP CLUBHOUSES. ."OR THI IIAMOYrON-'.S rilSNT.R-BOWTJNfi kS* orani avitfUdS-.i, Tlie Hamllt/m Club will hold its annual dinner u usual on tho birthday of Alexander .aaURsa, wMch _ .timur.' ll. Ibis le .yvnys one of the roost _. eresttnit dimers of the season or the ilatiiltea. IT.n'.tent George M. 01->t( will be t.iastmaster, tnt tt is atwioiin-i-I that Um *p'»akers will be Dr. TrnaMa J, Badma, carit n Lewis, Ooagrssaaaia wuu»_ j. I'oimbs and 00njresU.iBB Jos .-ph *.'. Hendrix. Dr. liaiia* ki well k'uwi a* an admirer and cul..gut ot Ah>_._ar MBgB..a. What aueh Dssasssaai ant ¦»p-,s-f!cs of Jefferaealaadsa as Messrs. Hendrix _! i.fomi-s yvin bave lo any or the isuador of the i_t_ *>*.,te.* Bank and the author of the j-rotecUve M_ will be of Interest. The statue af Alexander .ik- llt.n for t. *.- chi!) ls 'xi*ect*-i in April, and pr**pin.- lions for the erection and dedie**.>ti of H *_e _r_'.j under oaf. Reports rec.*lved from Parii ladioia Cat th- work 1* nearly completed. Tte iy ulptoe, W. 'i. Partri Ir-, waa a fi W 4 IJ I ago the (ruest ol aouor lt * dinner given In Vant by Major H. A. H-iUngtta, of Chicago, yvhlcli attended by Mr. Coolidge, ti- American Minister, and Oonsut-Oaaacal Blag. Tt i.o!(.-; (or ids 'sjue>tr.n os's tue af Oeueral '.runt fw w Union Liague club ts aba s-aid to bs of-u nutt way. lhe Oxford Club r-»ve a recep-lon la-t eve:.lng wWc) waa BtteneVd] by a goodly number of tiie member* sri their Mendo, oae (-u*«t bein* aBowed ea.-h :u_i.r, i: ra ertainmeni r*_. given bi lYUUam ,'*. irreen, nh i. th* !'n :!-¦ Glee Club Daartai Kt- t- uer- served a.'t.-r iii- i>--r(orin»:... TU club wi.I. on January 18, give a dinner to Kui.I Hutton, the treaKurer of the club. A Whist i lub w.t-s organised on Wednesday even- lng by Um members of tks Montauk Oak, Eici ommber JoIiuhk oontHkulss W ts « fond which ls tot* aaed br j,.-...'« ami a ivhlht library. A tournamca. will u* arra:i.*-d at once. The »heme for such ia : :in'.7.tli>n waa brOBg-l forward by Robert H. Weems, jTaaes K. Hayes and W. K. Siwtton, of .i Card Committee. The foDowtng orticers wsw vinaai- -ected: PresldeBt, Robert H. Weeona; vt- -¦'.tv.. .b.hii M. _.or; breaout.', W. E. **:rat_a. Rte K\i.u!.ve fi .mini!toe osasBsBj) of W, E. L__:t iti.l R. E. Cadiii.i- anJ the etti aa. Tba Hoi.auk Ctak last evening had a rn'.nstri show, -.niter the .MIT.a Bf Percy **. willi).us. Os January -0 th.- annual reception o( tiie club :o woaira will be nolil. Q.llldl I'ranc'ji A. Wa.ex hot to C.Bed rho Invitation of tae club to address lt oe " tmsntgmttsto' Tba bowlers of tile dui raising a purse, yyl.'.ch now amoui.ts to over St)**). for a cup yyh'.c'.i l<; to bo made the prise of ano_ft iiiten-1'i'. bowling oouter-t. _dir,_-d I. Horsnion, ot Menmuk i tab, la going u> Europ** boob to ht *-.«ne --y.-.ul witt.I. The Carleton Club will give an entertainment to lu member* i:: January ld. 'lhe .in::. re*.-«*pUoa aea.U wlft be hsM during tne Ilrst we._ la PahoVBf* PrepaiuttOBS ors l»;:;? made for tho annual du.a« whick situ tale |i!ii< ...*.!. The games of Um fut*nlub noisitng League tooms- ment yvi-re be»r,i:i iifcam on Thwaday niciit, ai.d re- ¦alted in maktag tuc total sore show a tie Bar tnt ;¦; e lie:we. ti tn*. Colon Lsagaa and Lincoln e.b*. r¦.- n-M-.iit of the pur. . waa aa foiiowa: Club*. IM M IMBI. Won U.!- ( I'u-oii l^aK'ic. * . **:i3 1,0 3 - J (Milwood . 7.7 ;_i l,iS8 o I ,'ir ton .- ...87y "Pl 1,888 1 ,l IUl.o.i..B8M tfrOl 1.. 3 I 1 I Hanover . n't 781 l.. '. 1 l (Aurora Orata.T'.'O 70S i, i 1 , Kiil-> e I e,.oser . lu .**' 8 1 .',,s ; 0 IMoatauk. 781 7\el I.Heb 0 i Tue record of the whole tourior.ient up to date l>: tubs, W n (rO»t. P»r cont. Li.cou. ll i m. I.e.-rm.ll .-, .'-.** Midwood . . t) 7 ft." .. tl IOU . *< S .<_, llauover. g 8 M 'tao. . - s Mi ' f ri * 8 Efl ,v ti .rem lt«M . 4 .¦* r..e Algoieiidn iiu'' i< i-,*king anainsBasaai ¦** a .Instr**! thew, in " h- member* only are t rail p-irr. which will be time this .seth. Tiie i«o Bree ,.( tnVdn* lal Bight ii Bra_.yatmPM three athletic do's from r ;eir hemes, i'tie.v _* BB vrorn, tho N> lonsl snd tbe Proped Hefgnfs 8|B» Tu- Rbltag Driving Clnh lied anotl.f of ¦ .f.ii lc riles ,,n Wednesday evening. The nnn>::ii rte t! n ol (be Narine »n<t Field ("**" alli titi.e place oi rueedav. Wslter 8. Leesa »**'. i dinner to the retiring dirvfors und a fyw otaer roesta nt the Manhattan Club, in Now Vork. Bl IV* Ineoday niirtii. The u.niliiii lui.' committee of _he I.dweod Hut) *. i'ht;hu*!i ha.s i-cpiresl the (jil iwtng us a ll-' of BBBUi r.n olderrs, :.. he elected si the Banna! tneettti- ea rueadny evening: President, William I.. Keeuei *-'a*<- president. I'd wi rd !'. De Rebtllig: tr-a-uecr, whuSf \. \. Drown: leeretary, ll. M. *'. collin-: dlrertsm K'llllem ll in rts...-.. r I. Hui''an'.. James Ufaam ii. w,.,-i Miiii-.iin. James w. Havtland, Jeremtaa i.*i ihd Willinm ll. Beardsley. * The members o( th. Ktili-h.-rhoctcer Field ( lui) « rivlitish expeel to cpu their new clubhouse *o.* lime this month. Tie new l.ttld.lng ts ill thS <_ ("itch role u I ni style od srcbltceture. It I* 103 _>_ long nn.i <0 (cr wide. There are tares W-asa Ina ling slleva In tho basement. An audit'Hum on tbe main Beor arUl -mt SOI) people, and a siulerj* im- been obstructed arith * view lo ass as a rn- p n* nick Th.- H'si-ji'. and (1:."-sta r nm- un* ass J Ihli floor. The second StOTJ C Bl_l"_ the _l***t-*_J is..,ui . card omi billiard* und th- *",W:''V luortera. Th.- Interior of Ihe hulldTng i- BnlsbsdJ fi ld,u jiine. the -iail« lc lui: ant.ced v.i'h s g|*r*_*_ iinlsti nf plaster. The building .-r.fnmlite*' con-lst*_*l ll. lt. Divcnpurt, V. W^vt t, William cl. 5ch**lir«- ivioidiT sud TlM-adere Ma-raara. \ MEW BIArUTBIV roar PLANNED. A new electric -oreo; rtillroiil ls Bbout to be tyg**s In tho a_rtera District, and ro b*> known a* tb» Twenty thin! Mreat f'errv mid BTewtOWn Rail-one* The Hacks will be bid through the prlnclial busltiaH -tre.-t* und will Ire .li-fsiii six milbr* In length. Tnt ¦n-plti'l .stock Mill be -r-7.iO.tslO divided Into l.jOt -hiirc Th- rerilii.atc o'. It' w:\s Mrni** yeeterday ta Um affee of Fr.inU a j. c.. Jenkin... IB* Kent ave. mid lim-idrnv. The stockholders US) Ifosss Muy. I. rooney. I. <¦. Jeaataa, r****'' MTyckoR, Theodore P. -laebaaa. R. B. leks rataa. J°bn r. van Ifoetrsnd, Freak JenUaa, MarabaB **. Mg Michael Leey, Heary May. Beraard Peter*, colonel John Kii3**r. Hiiludgs Bl.risa Racker and henry Ba termaa. Tn.- djrec! cs -*imed In the rertiricnte nf lnc<.rI>o.-,. don if- M.¦ May, *oaa tt. Joni.ins. ^tarW>e**sR lohn ,i .v. Herman lt. Bel.raman. Tttttotm p, .lc!-.;!, '..lin li. Van Notnind. PMaft JSBauw and M -i-hfii s. Drigp. -.- Travellers appreciate the live great ym,t^1^3__L »f (be Now-York Central, "America's Greateex no. ,oad.**

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The chief novelty of tjie comlnj- wpofc among thetheatres will be the first production here of Gilbertand Collier'! "The Moantebanka.'1 at Hie OardeaTbesifre, on Wednesday. An extenrtod notice of the0"*era will 1>* fnund in aaotlwr column. " l.a Clgale"vin be sung to-Bsorrew and Toenda" evenings.

Again Mr. Daly ann, nnoes thal the attraction Bllils theatre la sn popular tis (o warrant him in eon*

Mnnlng I! for weah la addition to the sladeWe oriel Bfl liv allotted to ll. "'lhe Knave" and TheSelle.'* Stratagem* win, therefore, lie played all I.roughtile pr.-.sejit week, and tbe revival of --Tlie S« hool for

Scandal"' th postponed tin Tneodoy, Jaaaary it.Tlie mr, of "Aiiieric.ii- Abroad," al Ibe Lyceum

Theatre, np***1bib )>.( Blore Nhely thnn nt first to ho

eeassderabrj extended 6ard**u'a cleverly -rrlttenscenes, and the sejaslly capable Interpretation of them

by the. Lyceum Compal ¦. have lilied tn*- house ninnytime* when almo*: ever) Othei theatre In Hie eilywn* suffering from haliday depression, weather, or

other of tlie thou-.-,ri! ill* that theatres are heir to..I. M. dill's Opera «'emiline <'¦>.pnny, la "Tho

Fencing Master.11 begins the ninth wee"- of lt* sn-ajsgeiuent at tlie totnnifw night. The re¬

ceipt* .till continue to Ix- larpe. and the opera will

doubtless nm all the spring. Tbs story of "TheFencing m later" trude i's..if tn stage treattMBt, aadMr. Hill has laoceedcd In presenting to lhe public a

brill.ant jingi ant.ttreaman Howaid'a new American comedy, "Arls

tocracy," -il! .lti-r upon Its ninth weeli Bl '.aimer'sTlieutre tomorrow Bight. It will tie c mt limed for

only five weelu nore. The time cirlj-lnuUv securedfor lt at this theatre lia- been extended a month, andlt ls now announced the fJew-Yorh run of tiie rtay.viii terminate un February ii. Tbe 100th pu fia moura on February 10.

**_inicuiug ber engagement ut Hie .Mar Theatrethi* weeli, Mrs. Minna Oale-Haynee will appear In"Knineo nnd Juliet." Tlie phi] I ,', be rust as fob

lews: Robbco, Bb.i Plyup.a; Merentk), MilnesLovick; ;<<-a.,.n», Juun Malooo! Peter, Owen Paw-tatt', Wai 1.«reine, ll. A. Lunfdon Parla, F. L.Sylvester, Prince- B.caral, Phillips Toma-; Tybalt*Arthur Lrt-wl-.; Cup. let. George A. Tarter; Baltlpsar,Gorge McCuila; l.n rory, K. W. lio'.ei .; un ApOilie*cary, J. LVdwutd Drawn; Nurse to .Juliet, Mr**, t-ol

6mtth; Luslj Capulet, Mis- Usg. Goode. ,

Only tw-o mir*.- weeba n-mali, o( JoUn Drew's en¬

gagement in "The Mashed Ball" at th" (*__dardTheatre. The mann-r in wldch B1-son's comedy has

been presontt-d by Mr. D-.iv, Miss Maude Adam*.

Mr. Aarvraod, Hamid Russell am.! the other memberscf th" company lias been one nt the atficsable cpl-sod' | of tba presint theatrical ssason.A change of bill Will br prrserucd at tjerrrn.in1!)

Theatre to-morrow ovenlng. The public will (hen

have an spporti.Ity Of gan gi nc the aUllty ef Mr.

and Mrs. John Mason by the test of a Standard play,.ober_ou's "Cai-te." It 1* BOW sosac six yearskine- tliis comedy has beeji pir-ente«l to tbe public.Mri. Hasan, as EMlier Eccles, srill introduce several

new songs in tie play, sunonc the number bein?Ciottec.ilk's "Lullaby."

Joseph Ortwner and Mis* Phoebe Davis have, at¬

tracted much favorable attention by their artlm* in

"Tlie Ne- South" at the hroadway Theatre. A

pleasing ^abject bus been so trca'ed in the play as

to millie its possibilities aat gratify the spgee alation.Coed audience** have attended the fl:-*t week's preseB.-(Jon Ol the piece, and the second wee!; will doublleihe also satisfactory.

Crowded booses Blghtly have been tho rule at the

performance! of "Der Vo^elhaendler" at the Amherg-theatre, nod on nearly every evening af thu last two

weeKs all the st_idln,: room ha* becti occupied Thenut of the C'ouried's Comic Open Company, thcro-tumes aud tbe -. ts,- Betting* ara facton af theyuccas of ¦ D-r Vogelbarad'er." Mr. (orr ed ba .! I¦¦

away wltb the *tar iyaeaa* and paid .iii hi- attend ai

io u -trong oompany. -lier Vogelhaeadler" will be

given every evening this sreeb, with s Saturdaymatinee.

Henry C. Dc MlHe'l BdaptSt! -ti of Fulda'*. play,..Tlie l.ojt PhraaTae," win be presented al the c lumbas The:iire, Harlem tomorrow Hight, *:lh tin- MB.cast that h.. race****.-] al thc Mar Theatre sown

months a?o. A favorable Impression li -all to bave

been made In London by thia play. Clemen! Sro*;.

tbe critic ol "The Telegraph.*1 old <>f the drat per*formaiice: ''From beelaring to end Ihe pia*, wai

listened to thc deeped Interest snd syn*] I ]A better drama af tha eta. awi Bever errltten."

Mr. Hanley Bahes the saiiouncenienl th.-t "TheMullleaii l.uatds' Hair is still maning smoothlysion*, and crowding Ifarrlgnn'i Theatn sightly wlihdelljliied andi'-:;co*, which show by heany applauseand ineeeiunt laughter how fnllv the\ appreciateMr. llurrlr-jn's efforts to give lo th.- pat'lc *onn-

thins that is original and amusing. Braham*! mel dbare nightiv Moored, a: 1 are si popular si thev were

tn the old days when this ploy was flr-t produced.Another of Mr. Hairlgan'i early praductlona hns beenIn contemplation for revival, bul owing to Ihe rarcc*

whlch "The Mulligan Guards' nail" has attained itwill not be placed before the public in BOBM time, ai,il

probably not thi* season.

To-m.orre.*-- evening Bf Ihe Hurlem Opera House

JV. J. Seanb'in's ploy, "Mavourneen,*' will bc seen foi

the first time in this ciiv sine- thnt unfortunate actorbroke down. The play has ),rer. making a tom ol th*tVestem rifle*. CSaU-Cey olcf.n b_> b*-en well receivedtn the part form."iv played bv Bcanlan. The plajwill have an el.ib'.iate prvd'ir'.ior:, and Mr. Otootlwill ling all of the «o*irs 00.posed by Beal.Ul fertlie pla y.An attraction tO-mesTOW night will bo the produc¬

tion at tho t'nlon Bojuaro Theatre of "Captain Hersie,V. 6. A.." with c.. .). Henley a*, thc **ar. "CaptainHorne" li another of the series of dramas dealingwith Uie War of the Hebel1.!lon. Its scenes are laid

mostly In the South in the stirring times from IM1to 1806.

"The County Fair" hns closed Its (Btes and goneelsewhere, and now Proctor's Tin:,tri- I* to adoptthc continuous t-tyle of entertainment. The doon

of tho theatre will be opened at noon every day but and the euraln wl!i rive hnlf an hour lat*r

en a pardoe.ance that *,:u last antll 10.0 p. m.

without Interrn pt ion. The progi nairns for the first

we*_ will include the Marie Gurney Opera Company,wlil-h will appear li: 'The Mascot." Tie list ofvaudeville artists Includes stlrh mid Zeno, performerson the flying tr«p*r.<>; Illly flirter, L. \V. Hampton,with bl* flog and cat circus and .lam's .(. Corbett and

John L. Sullivan, lha boxing eat*; James Thornton,thc Bell sisters, genitals j Makin and Wallor. char

arter balladi-tM: Tia iTjnn, Miss Carrie Tucteln, Hie

Doulcett. Broth"!-,, acrobats; Maeon and Ralston,Mile. Garrot . , with her performing pig-cons, coefca-to*,H, etc.; the Daly Ruters, Mme. Marl.- Gnrney,Mis* Fanny Qewaahwi, dancer; George Knowles, andthe Young ladles' . rpheu* Club,

Tl-.e preuent aresh nt Tony I'astor's i'h.-atro will

be one of tb.- good weeba, tboogb they ar*- all (.'nnd.TI** c(.n)p«riy as Juli BOW CO.itltUted Includes Mlle.Paqnerette, from tfce I'arl'laii theatres! Ml>s \'<-sta

\*lctor_, I-giish ehoreeter arilsl; ,i. \v. Kelly, Mi-

Iionnle Ttiornton, Ward anil Vohea, as Harold .ind

percy, th.- eeMegs; lhe Martens trio, Marie, and Adolph, lu their Btyrlenne melodlee; thcMorellos, In th«!r eOU.Ibflst. coined] J nra Mullellysud Jets.a Caril. In s Binging und dancing specialty;Jerome, "the human ___," and "Thc Man of 1,000Fae**,," 1.yinan.

Mis*. Nellie McH"Dry -»in B8*i*ear al tho Grand

Opera Houae this wed; in her rarcrecomedy, "A Nlghlat the < trciis." Mic is well lui n lo New-Yorhtheatxe-goen>, and her rntertainmeol ii- been seen

and enjoyed at BSVOral ol the city ttic.iti<.-.

'nv. " isUcJi Crook-' at tha Academj atl enjoyinga large share of the attention of thentt* : ... A new

production bs now under woy, whicb, ll said, will

equal the old in r.e. air eire.-ts. Eogene Tompkinswill ag*ln display it to the playgoers of Chicago, it

will be ready for the road about the middle Of Mari ii.

One or two additions to ibe songs lu ¦'A Trip to

(jaioatown" wfll be made tomorrow nlghl Bl the

Madison ftqnare Theatre. Oa Friday, January 'i'\ the4.MS. eoneecutlve ptrfo.maure will be duly com¬

memorated, and as usual each lady \lsltor will receive

a remembrance ef thc- occasion, on Tuesday, Ja unary

10, and Friday, January ID, exiru matinees will |>e

given at t_tx theatre, at which Masier Cyril Tyler, the

boy soprano, will be beard, assisted by several well

known articte."¦lue .leau^" will return to the Fourteenth street

Theatre to-morrow evenlnr for nn engagement of throeweeba, and lt I* announced thnt tbe melodrama will

(hirreafter be seen In Now York no more. "Gland, datough'' la the title of an Irish coniedy which 1* to have

an elahoTSte production at the Fourteenth Street for

a tor.1sbt. beglnnlhg on January 30, with J. K.

Murray as the st'ir The arene of the play touches

the monntftlneue. districts of WlehlOW, and afTords free¬

dom for t)»e Ic.trodnctlou of effcete."A 6oc4ety Fad" coes on still at the dijou Th.ilip

rbere the fiftieth performsnee of the farce will bc

celebrated ne-it ftatnrdny. Many new BPSO.ItlSS a.VB

heen added to the piece g|aea lt began Its run at the

PAjem. John RumcJ1. th* manager of the company, ls

expected to arrive from Europe to-day or to-morrow.

At *e trtftt Avenue Thoatre thia wsek Mrs. Blanc

nnd her company will continue to present " Decep¬tion." The nala of seats for th*.- Dine season will

begin ni; .fm,nary li) at the Fifth Avenue Theatre.

Giovanni I* Ulva, tbs Ita.ka Consul Gi_sra! in tUlacity, ho- a linen te Messrs. tari j.- Th-Mor Booen

'leif,, displaying interest In the engagement. Mme.Luise sails tba day after to-morrow (rom _remen onihe Aller willi ber company ot thirty persona midFlavio Ando, who, beside* being leading umn, i- alsoihe theatiii al director,

A pond programme ls now presented ut K-jst.-r <tDial's Ml,e. Violette, Irom lhe loll.-* Bergen*, ran.-,oas made s hit. The performance of Warlnefll, theconfnrtionl-i, is remarkaok lu the oxhrUtlon .,i nerobutn gn.i md suppleneos. Frederic Solomon^ edl-lion of Offenbach's "Orpbeua*1 ls m doubt a li.- -i

presentation j tl.*- music i* sung by an enlarged com-]iinj, aiid the cOstame* are handsome. Tbe balanceof ti.e bu! this neel, includes tue Muhlemaan TyroleanTrio; Kolan, Japanese ..i.ioii-t snd magicbin; the"Quadrille lin de blade* ui.j ti,.- presentation ofIieiiuess one-uct operetta, "The Miller's Daughter.".Mil.-, \i.ieiie will be '.ne oi the principal featuresut ihe concarl to night.

At ti..- Imperial Music Hall Mau Lottie Cl.on baamade a genuine blt. Tins week only three of theniii performers rennin. The re-t ol the bill rillbe entirely mw. Itioae '-h.. remain are Fleurette,Jessie Giles and Mia GUaon. Tbs Bswcomera sraheaded bj Cynne, who ls -aid to be a clever dancer,and win, will appear in this city for thc hr-t time,lt will also t,,. the Urst appearance lu thJa city ofM. louis Vcrande nnd tli*' r**rlslan team, Delaur andDebrlmont Tne other* ur.- tin- Wliltinps. in ii newact; Mlle. Annie Zous, Burns and Donnelly,; baldwin nnd Holy, ocrobata; I(arty, a

Juggler; il*- Cehalkta family and their trained birds,and Petrie and Bllsetn In a Sketch.An oxes lieut ju-igramme lui-- b'-en arranged !(>r

tc- benCfit of kira. Hattie mot lian's widow of(tarin- L. IIhitis. of a. m. POiiner'i ?lAch .ipany.rn.- performance takes place al Palmer'! Theatreii Ti.cseuiy afternoon, it will Include a uumber

of novelties and some of Hie mos! popular prformers in. tbe city. Thc performance will beginwill; a i-i uaiioti ic Miss I'.everly Mtgt-Mves, j.W. K.llv will appal, hy termUsibn ol Tony Pas-tor, In bia entertaining monologue. Nell Wan,..-.- willrecite -Thc Seven Ages." Tue dr*! part will cudwith a violin solo by Mis, .leanne Franho, Marshall p. Wilder will bein pert second by making

peerance na lhe leader of tbe orchestra. Ile willibe (oil,.w. d by the Bret production of h comedy inone sd c.i!!"*i "My Album," sdaptod from ibe Frenchby .1. L. ottromeycr. The fear rharactera -vin he

played by Mlsi Hertha Creighton, J. L. (Htromeyer,Frank Lander BIM I. L. Slur:. Tart ihr,' viii be

'or,-i»-', by Mesar*. Phipps umi Alpnnte'i Noopolltnnercbestra. M. Marius will appear next lt 1 panto*mime sketch. Adolph Itiilllpp and o. Oerasch, frnm

I Amherg'i theatre, will upi-ar lu a musical si<,-t<:;calbd -'The Mack Count.'' The performance willduse witt, a "Gambol" >.f the Lamb*, bj Claj M.Greene, M. Marin- nnd Frito Willlum*.

Matthews nnd .lesseps's "On Probation" ls the pHiwith which William H. (rare wwi open hi* annual'leason at tito star Theatre on Mon*.iv evening. Januar- 30. it is an amusing comedv. written ex

pp'.sly for Ihe p'.puhr actor an*! adapted to ognibil ls abilities as u maker of fun. Before be-glnnlnc lil* New-York engage*.int Mr. Crail willplay r-u- three weeki in I'c-stos, opening there tomorrow night.

Winiam fiilitte's Ti"'*- Ainericiin spectacle entitle.' ">*tnety p.-iv-" will he produced for Ihe firstlime ot; an- stage it th" Bronclway The:itie mi Jan-nary so. Thi- will l-e the r.rsl stiglnal work fr .tn

tne pen of Mr. Gillette -ince bis "Held by thet_ii my."



1P02.Tlio rear lt. .'2 trill Otont ont'*.0y aa one n

records aillBSbed In inany iva*-* tut especially . In

[sporting sea.. Records which have st.,od th., tesl afyc»-, tottered '-vcr ia regaler order, and the nen '"ho Bndtheir chief rel.atlea from baalasei far-.- ls sthletlei andother outdoor siic.rb, have Bad many surprises,

Matottt were smoehed to "amitheTeam*1 la athlettc*.baseball, tssttiag, bicycling, lettshatlag. swlmmlBg, sndin almost evrrythlag o'". Brea in fawn lennli >

record »ns ma,|e, although t* o".ira no re ord breakingtesta n* a feneroi rois. BUI] F. H. Hovey, wionly one ect lu the National ehamplonshl]. tournamentmai* a ls BB preod "I. [torey won ¦'**.' i - ts.

ttui best record ever made la \me-4caa lonni*, la iplleof thi* clover work, be v-a* bootee out by 'J t.i 1 by th<*

I a: a. 0. B. COB I I.gow week., have pis- ! rinec Vaaaary 1, iso.'. «h.-n

a record of some Kind Inn not tx "fi placed en Uas ..l.e of tio "lid.* t*<!.*." Wl.-n J_t.Cs .1. < erl,, tt SCBtJohn t». Sullivan Into Virtual on-off. *J r ¦-. pltactics, be smde ene of the re trdi of the j n ol *rord«.The puglllatlc n-u'A ins not yd recover*! fromrecord nt bo .-! ameiblof. Ti.en thc peerleaa mare N'an \

II.-,-,k**. teni Maud 8 cl Sui t,. the wall ut on.p,when *hc aped ..\,r n i-A- In two nor.'.* Md fa

i mada Mead "b's 2tOS looh ordinary a.! Iin at.letica reeordi were eaal il

eaae, lad eoe of Ihe u.'.-t rei e feat, fi ,r **..»

:-.aile hv *-t. V. gWOOUCy, Of tb) \ IV|< r '.",. Clubbte! .¦ pf, ii, .| |* e- ..« i .- . . ..-

s;\ f ¦ . ' ^::i -i. :

I8?7. FCw areli potted folfo*. I...

(Lat Page** recorf! would '.' ' bl SttrpSO* <4 N I »

«* believe that, Sweeney will eaallj beat.-c-f.-d r. i

Thsn ''". pole-* lultlm i rd of 11 I ti

by H. lt. j::,\t >i In 1887 waiib of the s -, .- ,»;.,,_

bei 17 of. i ii f, t 3*i rantlot high i-t atandlns brood tampa « re .-il-,.

In June a. P. Scbwooer, .f tbe nm-v rk Aboost, tai to 2 iI ¦

best pi** vi r- ri I ll | Bl lac .. -. i. .- : bj i'

st Wal ¦¦ '¦ lo 1890 ba mer alileg brood I mp r 'Old fi ntembei ¦,.¦¦.-¦ IO (eel o',

. the re ..fl ¦: l by Mi '.'.' i 11!.. W, '. iff, of the M.- battsn A. «'.. broke I

ip skip ccu! rm.ii record on Sepi 17f-.-- i Inch.

For SI*lonee pole*vaah_g a. ll. Oreen ofi-if-iri a. C., b-'.r..- tt" world's record bv covering -''.

feet 8*a in,his. ii- brok - swa record (i BMlebcll, of tho BTew.York a. «'. di rema kab a ,rn

-.rit.'i the weight*. Oa "'t,.i. r 8 hs threw Ott i- ndhammer i-:", feet *, loch, sod on tho i ma hethrew ti.'- M-ponnd vetght 83 feet i I .ri

Blom, ,,* i'. iton, broke levi al short.:. ¦-. ,;

reeorda, snd ¦.. R. Orsy woe I to te ards « lb the

12 and ll pound ahol\v. ii. leorge'i world record fer Bve mil - wsa twiee

troken. *.<.,..:¦.'- lime wa* 29 07 i ¦'»¦ W. II. Morlea,at Dublin, en May 7 ran the diatom-e iii 23 OS, whileKidney Thomas, al Romford, Bi ax made the .1 itinec la14:81 :i-*>. "Mmoom alee beal the won.!'- re ..r-t- for ihlr-leen, fourteen and fifteen mlle*, UT. ll. it.rii-. of BaaFrancisco, sad V Puffer, ot lbs Maahst.a ¦'¦ '¦ hal

little trouble dipping aeeond* off Ihe bordie i.

i»r. Ilsabrouck's Ave furlonm in rr, m ooda il Morrl*Par's was a remarkable performance, nn.1 aa vu, v> no w.

three-quarter niiie in l*ona«. BalToto**a tia. fin.i'c, i :.:,-.. want st Msomoatb Park bi 1800

foi tba !.'¦ rd nt that diaUmea. Itauey Hank* -i.t

not wiri al) th" trattlag honor*. At Nashyl'le. Tenn.,the Mock atalllon Fstorai stepin-d a nuie fo 2:08*1tiim th.- Halltoa record. little Albert ai the -sn.- n t

lng male the record for the four foal¦-. t beat* kl the time,being 3:12, S'lO-V 2:11'* aad : lo*,. DU* tloo satahllabed u new record for three-year-old*, deina _».* mile in2:11u. and Kellie a. gllabllabed a yeai r ord "f

2 :_"*VKven thc staniiaril dlatoneee (tid nr.* eaeape, aa li sen

er.iHy the (¦»-..¦ iii record breaking. Thc railroad enclne,however, itanii »» lha front,, and aaa roveretl tbe ever .. ordi 1. <m november 28 i ir.n.-i ,,n thcPbllaCetphla aol Reading road, oear Fonwood, KT. J.rovered a ailie In thirf.--*,-.- ooda 1 I* re ord I*vouched f..r ny reputable wltm e \u .-.., i,t .

red Ibe neal gn th -i devourer, yet the I*auUtenUe record i* 1:10, made al Red Bank la 1***-. 1.

Then conies .Itator'i record ..f 1:85.T. 8. Johaeon, ab Independ lows on Sept ber 22

vet th- bicycle world talking bj covering s Bile ...i ¦ -.if*ii

bicycle in 1:36 :t-.v ile .;,, paced t.v a ber. and hailother icon, fun! ins record trill not be allowed by UnI.i ague nf American Wheelmen, still, t,,, one .loutit*

Uoit, Johnaon really made the record, O, Bonkei aodOar) iles* wan ihe tandem Mercie r('',oi of : i '. al

Rprlngfteld ob September h. On the high bicycle w. (..

Murphy woo ike "?:*_* '. record ea July b. lo v Haiveraen, aa amateur, eovcred u mlle in

-:47 2-i al Mamor, Worway on February "7. in awlsi¦dog S W. (.:< i'V'v covered i nUto bi --i:H :t'. .-

Bxeter, England, oa kvguet IS.The Cliy of Parla sa.a bed Uir ocean rc ,,r!-. afi-l ti.

New-Tork ba*, ball team broke ail reeordi <iu ia? 1882for aassUsfBctory praying.

Here ace few (ff Ibe best .cycle re ord* of lhe y-armi le in t',1* country


.tl If.1 HU 4-,.1 ill'.2:13 2-6* *.l

elS4..W:i:* 1-6.:, .... 12 BU 8-38... I" IO .'-.7.... in >132-o.8. 'lt tr, 8-3'.).28 08 :i .*.

10 .80:40 9 .".

Time.'-l.t. 8, ''.C.- 0, 'o'-'.s. pt. Il_Hi pl 15, ''o'.'Se, I. I.i 1*2ll I, I), f'J

..Oct. 0, ".)-' ..

Oe*, i .:.'-'July

* ':.'.'..July li, '.'..'.J ih B, ".!-'...Joy :t, ':uJu y ti, tte

leutt vnot',.A. A. Ziiioii- rn,an

Taylor.fifi,! i-e I ', n |.r.A. A. Ziiiuii.rtiii.ilI., li M mt i.ta. I) M on.- r.A. U. I.h.,-dm.

..C. F. *"!.¦..sri il *..

II. Si,Itl,.ll. W. Hiev-es.

..p. j. nt iio


Bl 1-8. 1 -08M

i :u2 if'.*, 8-8,4 :2« 3-'*7:"4 8-.V'A '10 'Ai

11 sll .*,*. «.t. 8,


'fl J'82Ort. 7

.Sept, :io, ;,-.hfpt. '.". "UNOpt. '-'... ' BO, ".)'.'

(fame.....'effra- F. Taylor....W. W, Windi V

\V. '.V. Windi*....W. W. Windi'..

W. »A*. Windle.W. W WlnUlW. W, Windi*.

..W. W. Windi -.

Tin- dying start rseerds ror ti.e yoai are n* foliews:*-.'.li..t tlu^- 0aurl'rn Ile, 2SS4S., II. C. Trier, .spring¬

field. July 14, ISt)'-'. und W. W. Wludle. October 8, 180'.';half-inlle, il 4i\, W. W. Uladie, BpS.gB-d October 8,1802: *J)r*e-(|i)»M*'r-n*ile, lin. :io *.,%*.. w. W. W1t_'e

Springfield. Oflolr-r 7, 181*2; one.mlle, 2m, 2 A .*.«., W. Vf.

windie, gjgstagSeld, Oetober 7. isyj.In competition.Qu.-u-ter-uiile, 27*., A. a. Zimmerman

Korttord, BegteaASf 8, ISMS,Agumat .ne, pared hy running homet, flying UBI I

John 8 Johnson. lndepriideiire, Iowa: Qnarter-mllcZO liy., S*)|itefnber 21 letl'J; h_f-inlle lg 1-2*.. Septon,ber IS, 1802, tlileeijuart'T-llille, Itu. -Jb l-L's. Septe-un8112, lf¥.fl, one milo, Inti. 18 84a., MepBBmbat Tl, U*92.

suiidlna fUrt.Quarter-ml le, illa., J. s. Johnnou, My-tember 17. 1802, hair.Ue itt .'Mr, J. H. Massa, »'t>temher 121, 1802: ono.n.lla, 2m. 4 8-51., J. M. J«.ison,bsiite-bar IT. 1S»_



nriNS-NKWYF.AH'S FK-*TIVITIluS.The Alexander Hnmllt»u Tost No. 1--C. 0. A. R.. he'd Its annur.I Int.IlatlOU of oflieers op Thurs

day evening at Ita luadgnarlrn in Arthur Hall. He.381 Lenci see., ls oas nf tba oMeat sad moat popular o( the Dread Army orffiuilsatloos in Harlem. Tin-

post at present numbers 103 aetha wsmbi-ia, wli!!**

tin* avaraaje Btteadance al the BMctingi lu th'- bul

year lin- beea eighty. Many ol the mt*mbeni barebeen preseni at ere**] rall call itara they "'"f mus

tered, and one BXmber bas aol mimed aa rncampmealstace the post wss organised. T-'n- otdoat member

of this post I- .Mn)oi-(ienei-al Alex:tnder Hamilton,vin. ls seventy-seven years old. He ta tne eMeai

Hiing graadaoB of Ihe greal itoteaman and soldierwhose name be bears. This organisation en-taareanirn of every walk of life. Upon bs roster are I

.Jilfiif- cf tea merell Ult.-, twenty pliyi.ii lil ll-. '¦¦

clergymen, brokars, bankers, law) sta, artlsta, mann

torturers, clerks, ste, The beadejunrters of the poa!are among tiie ams! desirable and homelike of .-ill sim!for quarters In this etty. Arthur Hall l- ased for

pul.lie mecttap and liistallatieii af olin er., mci rccepilona, v.bile on Ibe -onie Boor adjoining the han ls

a »e{ of parlor- lonni omety furn.bed, which I- kepiopen every evening, except Sunday. Tbeae room

are no! only open to tha members of Ibe post, butin (omrsdei belonging to othi r poets sod Uti lr friend*,nnd tb.y slways Bnd s cordial weleome, farlor So. 1

contalna an organ and teveral whlsl tables, whlllu parlor Mo. & ira card tai.les. cribbs rn l*oards, plan.,nnd many other sm ii amusements which ur.' u odnearly every evening. Parlor Ko. :i contains thclibrary and quarters for lhe adjutant. The librarycontalna aeveral hundred rnlumes, including stsndsrdworks of military authors, National and Mate militarystatistics, records and map*, and work* ol art. Thewall* are covered v- it ii portrait* and scene* In oil*.unter * oi..i-s and pastel, besides many army relics and

ire,jil,Us of tli" tote war, which bave boon given bjmernben snd frb rats of u.e p ,m. sud y rganlzatlon.*who have been ih,. recipients of tbs many courteslefind hospital!!.! extended by Ibe post.

Tbe ulla ors of this p»,.*i, who were Installed i,;i

Thursday evening fur the year 1893, have badliable war records. Won Boiltfc, the nee

cortMaandor ot the po t, li a nstfre of New-York Ity,nnd nt the si f seventeen yeats bc enlisted lu on

pony r. of (be nth Kew-York Volunteer Cavalry,aud book lui: ia Hie cavalry campaign* an«l *-';pi .-.c-

maata wltb bli In p In int irmj of the Petemar,th.- Army ut the Oulf a.:,.i the Ar: ij of the Cumberland. Ur was mu tered oui In June, i.e.. Almeill, Montague, t:,e tenior vloe-ccmutan*.r o( t:.e pmus ii member of ihe l-t Vermont Cavalry, m.: *erv, iIn the Armv of tbe Potomac, At one time lie was

Ibe jn-r- .ul orderly of General Huncock. Marr-, tv.Lawrence, (bc Ji:*. w-r* vices-***.mander, mus » non

commli toned officer In I - \ orlt Volunteers,(Auder on' Zouaves), snd lerred ta Ute Ann) of Hie

l'otuiiiui In all lt* greal battles. James A. Colvin,tiie a_Jatant uf the po*t, was lieuteni-nt-colonel ol

tha louth Kiw-York Volt..teen, lie servedArmy of it i the Army of tbs Jand wai. iii uer'- than thirty battle,, ajal vms br- *. :<"1

colonel fer gallantry ii. action Bl Um capture of FortFisher. Frederich WT. VCstkltia, ii"- ti a vinarie:

nf the pct, -titiI lt, Hie 4Hi S1"* v .rk batt, ry and

ss major iii the I07tli. li. .*n.i: bi tbthe Potomac in ma Di am iel thc urgeon cf thc p erred In 7th Kee\orli Batter} ta the Ai Dr. i.

IT..i.iiii in Uh, His hap! ita <*f

chaplain ,*f the otb Ken Vorh Reginii-nt.P, Barrett, Iv oft cr ot the dey,7th V--,s Vi rk lt* .. :.', No.. . indi llb that ri war

Into stnsuth I*..i :

111 th'- ll '.

lhe Anny ol ndArm] iged i. K i- -r-

genni majoi. . : -ia

rn pin'.:arith Hu A' fri. . 1'

. larteruii :. .....;..¦¦:.

york »ta_ Ml t

roe In *i

ball ..(.¦.':.'..... i ii. A. lt.,all! loki ptai n- . i. ...... i.

irne-hun ir--i-n:.'! seventh or*-.,, ', .

' Will'.,;.-. ifter whl

tl..- j- l ;

ni'..I Li r-. . t -.- ,.

Ti.e t :., .1: g officers of Cbs lt* i- -. So 7U7v and A. M., hove u*:. cb ¦. I

Ibfjiry J. 1-

1. Usher. .1. W. lb I. lietary;

¦ i.

Hi irv h. Droyt r. .!. *>.. Hi nrj E. iv,

H. i ayllrd M. of C.. Alfred .1. i

N. -. Cubberlyl- lt.

stierly, oi Ila ¦' '. Ju "VUl d, tiler.

T:*e nu:.'ini !'. ' I ¦' ¦. .*.

::o4. 1. h. ii. 1 -. brid on Fr! eViilKilodge room In N ill. r ¦ Hall, In t u*l ¦.

und iwi ly t"' marni r>

pr- tent. 'l ,.',..¦:.. off i wh* l«. J. H.n 'I be f'i [ were electedL

lb ular, r. a.. J. U< '.:, v. (,., John schi .¦ .. irer.

Kat*- io Hie ¦" l 1'.,: n i,- ,1':ii edlcn] foi rr. Atti ti., ,. | i

officers were completed s reception is held..ii... re* olly eic* U4 oil nf (he Ut -

< ii, le, No. l, ot re foi n illy a

Wi li . day cvei tag si c.-- !.¦..', bf1gsalsatfon al So. *»1 Weal 0 '...*¦ .».. ly.:.-'¦ Tho I offlcei Installed IohoMel.aghUn, I n Idi ni Hi ¦¦ M. M irthln :. view

pt* m. ni, Mi i. r. I nwler, haptoi-1. M.- v.. toll ,-, n- o ui Alta :' , li .*.. Hakins, .*'¦re-nil! at arms, n. Marthlng, picket; Mm.A. .otUliry, Mr.. K, Multi) M-I Mr*. M. M i'l..

card of trn-t.i¦-. Thia ls a -o-i, ly of tbe'iain':...: anil anns uf Ibo veterans of lhe bile war.

'Ii..- Installation of offlreri ¦.! Triumph I/a! ¦.¦. Xo,.ns, a. 11. I W. waa held on n ..". tag afihe beudqnarten of th<- lodge, lu heventb-ave. ami

\ -n-i'iiiiidi* -.I nmi i .'.. ii'* -lifSh* t. Tho ler.'iieitil.

..f laataOatl-H) were performed bj Phillp J. .*-¦ iiii .:,¦nd th.- officer In lulled were; Jim..-* a. DelM. W.; w. Ii. Elliott, I*. M. IV.; James Koncry, i

itu Metxgor, ".. Jain. .1. Miner, receiver; I

I lonehello, Uiwnc! r; Joe Metzger, Uecetvcr No. ti;Dr, John A. Quiglcy, pb] .etan; I. W, Campbell,guide; John rVcht* r, .'. W.: i io art K nm ly, 1

IV. Near)) l *.» uh nix - and fi fond ol Huere presi ni t-> wltm the rercmuiili uf InsI il_-

Hon.the annual Blectlon of officers ul th*- Ctol

Hool (Tub vt held la I week al Hotel ria!*.alnd Hie Pillowing were rho.ii ¦ffiri-r* of the club

(or l-s fl: Danie] P. M mgla, Fi .'. ul ; John i '¦

w g, vice pn l-l- nt, J ph v.. 'Dr* n, recording*c rctar*. winiam c*_in, Snan*.1 secretary; wmlum J. i.-nin'ii. ti-'-n'iir-r; I. a. McKegney, ergcantatari,.*; John, eaptala; Danie] v. i.-io.';-t Menlenant; Harry Beaver, i.ol Beatenont.rill* bunt club "Ul glvi Iti I141 ut ItlchmoiidHull, in Otie-hnndied-and-oUtcentb t. near Elglilh-ave., Obrnary H. Th*- Altopta DoaI Club s\in boll

annual election of olBocn Tm day night, and the

'imii. 1 bat] ol the fob all] ic- 1, 11 .,1 tbe i.cici

l.yreuBi Febrttnr) 1.A baA -rill h- held nuder the ansptee*i of Tbe

1, n-i'i on .leii'i-iiv 2*1, al the Harlem Opera IlouieIllili, for thc b. neill nf Ht Andt-ews1 I rt ri tin '-'birts an- being made t<> have this hali one olUn mool brillia-t ami sucre* :¦:'. ..liol affairs olIBs sa r a.

A brilliant reception was eii.n 1.11 W'-li. ,1ajevening la the r. n., t tbe Kenwood Club "i Harbin. The waa prereded by 1 1n.1-i.oi andilleroo' entertalnmeni ta which tin- foBowh toolpart: The Kenwood Quartet, Ml B, Delmore, J.Qiiliiiln, Mr. Robertaon, Mr. Manta, Edward Brill,Bdward CirilT.liis. ll. rin> .-ind Miss lt. FVanklln.Ani-4iit cliche present Ml 11 IVIIson, I-'., oliver,Miss 1.. MnlUi. Oeorge Uta1th, Mtss Rdaa Brown,Ml-s Kllen M. I'r.inh. I'lilllp (ir.av, Mihs T. Moore,Mi's F. Sniltb. Mlu Kees, Mr. und Mrs. ArthurHoover, l*relesew J. J. Harvey, Judge Clayton, mi -

Ethel Nepi*, Kriinii * .'N.-ii. (. i;. Ketter, BdwardHenson, Ml*-, li. Kenalngu n and Ml ¦- Mule Brerarde,A Bueeesaful entertalumenl .'ii!'! fair for tbe benetll

nf UM l.udleV Hm lem .Md *--iiety Were hell on

Wattissday ant Tburaftai evening! in tbs Harlemriemocr.-iiio nut. Hall, No. it Kit One-hnndred-andtwenty flftb-st. TIk> women baring ebargs of thebooths wars Miss ida Rosenberg, Jfra. T. A 1; ,ip.Mr*. Iff mail, Mrs. Bred.ah, mi-s j. Balmm, Mrs. 1.

Ralaoa, -iirs. Tarter, .Mr*,. Kewmark, Mr-. Henna.1,Mrs. .(. I., ^ttpl^ten. Miss I'd.-chinr and Ml-, Al,ramA nuiii*er ;,f Arm- con-rll.iit'-.l t-> tl,,- »t<»cU i.f the Mir,unioni! wham vere h. C. P. Koch A- Co.' 11. M.wiiiisni* _ Co., Blaoatfngdala ties., |, Kahn. k,u_ co., und gehsrsaaboph. <>n Thurstfay evening un

etitertulniueiit ,***«*) given by Wr. Kahn, Mr. irondJ_rdt, Mina mid Miss nio***i.. The officer* nt

the society having th* aiuir rn charge were Mr*,

Rosenberg*. Mrs. Krelge. Mrs- Meara-ark, Mr*. M.haine*,. Mrs. l-'r.-eslmaii, Mrs. J. Wailacii, Mrs. M.Oreen und If.a Mo,*.

Tho ireii.,\ Avenue ITeabyterls,u 'Cin*nli in Oue*hundred und i.'.ii*ty-iiinth rt., between Eighth andi: _.¦" aves. "Ill be dedicated tod-y. At ll;*. m. the regular morning service.-, will bc hew, atwhich the i.e\. Dr. ii. Marling wiil preach.Tba *ec* od service will be bald br '^f Bundsiy-schoo]in tht- uft"i-i-«»n, while the i-.g.iu- B_mtay eveningservice viii I,- ,.!l a' 7:4.'. p. m., at which Hw Rev.Dr. .1 ,hn Jinn win pi....ii T'lnoiTOA evsnlng thei,--'i!...- deal allon fervid- wlU he bald nt n o'clock.Th. Ber. A. V.. Hnlaey will mid he will Iv

li .1 by thc Kev. Dr. Edward I., 'liri., thc lice. Pr.','. innderana r__«- nev. Henry X. McEweu. Th,,:i midrea* ,,;,.| t...- prayer of dedication -viii

be linnie by tie- Bev. Dr. Clark. Thi- chun li was

,,| a a tfjunday-sch oi on September ill, 1880,r....::i which wai develiped iii- church r-rganliattoua Uni- mire than a rear afterward. At tlrsl lt wasInt* '!"! to build a cllopel to ce- anon **0,000, bilthe tm-o, o-i i, ii anceeNi thai I' »n- decided ioe-eci n larger »ne rafting #41.300. Meal ..i tbliin .1 .y ss. .:, *d |,- t:. effort* ".' the sclcr'..,.i Lie downtown churrbe*. The Sunday-school oraitar d in o tore in Klcatb a e. nnd < me linnd Uilriy eroiith- n. bj 1J1 Winday ehu^l Commit-l." '( th., I're-hyt.-r-y of Nen Vi-:,. Thc-*) wore

Iwenly four leaeber and punthi preosnt at the Oralmeeting an-i they organized ihe Leno*- .*.v. nne t"re**-i.. teri.rn Bunda) tobo Assoi-lsUon, The growth Oithe -chao! was rapid, nnd si pie cut there are _*__m. i-.. v.i:ti,,m M. Waite is tin* iiiperlntendent.The work if Hie Sunday-school Inmediately branchedmt li, i,Hut dlrrCtlO.I, 0 id iii-' seuliif- clonsea,beys' el !¦ -.,,ietv ¦¦( ciiri-tian Rr.deavor, nmi i*

i:omi of ll pe were organised, besides which eventagservices ana prayer u.Ungi Were held. 'Ile .-un

j.. v -«¦'

-.. n moved Into a larger sinre. In Ap-H,I-:T, David t.. .smith, of I'nlou Thcologlral Femiini v,

(ecured lo ornduct the lervWa nnd perform the;," tomi work of the .¦,--(¦.. ai; ,ri, and he encaged io itfor 11 lc* n months, since bl*. rc^lgnntTon,ber, l-'.i-. different tn ni ter dave o nductcd tlw r

ric | the ti o in* in. ih.- .Inri. ol (beac min-i'tcr. v.oic irufir.'ffit.-*-1 .y the Church Of the I'nrl-inu of which the Bee. .Dr. Clark ls pastor. Tlie

oi-. appointed Uie Bev. Dr. V. H. MarlModerat ir pr . tom of the ai .si n.

1.1 December ._"-. 1«*01. ric liii inlf ts nf thethe Lenin Avenue Fresbyterlan

church. Willan llobeon mid Henry M. Cumming*were ordirned sa elden uod Bdward Ostrander andhui s B. Allison deacons, t..e truste** ure

H**nr* M. Cummings, William M. Waite and .lames i;.fuller! on. The tnrmhenhip of the church |., now:.! n'lt Ixty, ni ibe congregation ls r.ipi-il\ growing.'in .lunn ii :. I8tv_, ibe trustee* purchased lota In One-

iiti'li.ii at-d thirty ni :t»: f.. we*:l nf Eighth-ave., bev-inc 11" feel front and being 100 feet deep, nnd )>hins¦. I-.- Intwn f.- a commotiloii* church building. Nearly 5,000 < hi; inn rontrtbnted to the oreel lon ,if the

i"..l building, uiul by their milton effort!iK) lind been raised, liervlces will b- held in the

ever* - ind iy si 11 a. m. nnd 7:*:, p. m., alsoate,* vening**.

flin annual reception tn the clergy of Holy Trinitynurdi wa* elven t,v th.- Ladle*' Guilt* In the parlors

¦f Hie church, al .brrndred-and-twenti aecunl-^t.t Lenox are., on Thut-wlav evening. The spaelons

were .indoomely dr.- .-i In chrlitmaa Breenail tiona. I'he |{. v. Dr. an i Mr---. h-i-1t

peclved lhe cue.ts it, thc Inner par!, r. I's'" I.'.'-. William I.e.- :iev. At.e.ti.: tho gne*i of

wei i.i ip io ,.r nnd the Rev. Mr. Cox. th"utter nvlt g I. en an a- inn! min! iter of llTr'nlty. r'e -, ,men na* ting ut tlie reception we*rb

hn Mitt .ft-. Mrs. ('»r*t<'-*sen, Mr*. Price. Micl',,.-er. Mn, I.,i->.H. Mra. Colwell, Ml-, Mr-Gown,

Vn un given IVednee-iy bjClinrlea I urti* I '-r I Mrs. Lerov Watkins Hibb*ir*1,

So. i.o'ie Madl .::.'.-. who were n--i t-d h\- Mr*.ld McLean, Mrs. John !, Jr., un! M's*Warner, Among lho*ie preseni were Mr. und

'¦'r- 'null - Tvl-r Dutton, of Br klvn Mr. aol Mrsi. L-t--hi.:i. ,,* i,,; i-,t, i.r. nn -_, Lucien

" Dr M irtl ''. ll.'io Mr E. a. ¦¦.hitn.-MV*- Whitfield, the Ul - Hvde, Mr.i Mr VernonWilliam ll. I.e. Mr*. Richard v. Salter, *,.,. ^Mi** Imonicker, Mr. rn<1 Mn. Thoma* J KawmanV.r>. 1 fud .... Ml i l*nddook, M-s. AiieM Wurd"well, Ai thur Ll.. I H. Dir



PCl'MC I"-*:: V*T.MK*****r_ EXPECTED -St s *, vi, nti ':ri:\vrsi*s

ir *¦ ',- h i ed win probably bil by sa umi uall) tomi nui ber of put,lc mi-

In ' ..'.¦ the Harlem Uiver..-.¦'*'.. e of bli term of

.r¦.¦». -' -1 ereral res ilutioni of the fl rd ofiAlng* ai i :¦ ring of Im

' '." tern port of lherd Ward, Tremor: 1 ave., f,r.- uf the mo I

-' tn tbe ap] *r i art of the '."¦.mer. Th-- Tl 'rd

in ... r lia* bi Un n ay ba beguB l:i sc-, dj m.,d*. a now n ¦...

for the wtdentag Tl trd ¦. ire:>¦« The .i»

r-outlet for l '-. ni,f, (1 ¦¦ ;.

- p ed bv < tom-r lldil 11 probabl) nol !,' OD ll

: money ronni r IntU ¦¦ North .-bb- impi-ovT

H.- pu' .'..f monal al,, i

Uh tl>.ie. H«'ln(t :>n1 ia-..-- Il.l.- wi li « ll i.,: .- .:

si tileh lt ti ImpI The

..... .....

w.-.l 111 the

ey r-mid be e\| '.- ...

.;..-.Willi divided SI

hod of rapid Dun ¦". lhe pn¦. ted road tn carri Psi

from tb< Batlarj le polnti a.-r... t.... Harlem RiverI meei the s| pruvsl f

i (tange. I'i (Itlon have already.a and bttla wert offered

; .....' i il] i jle. Thc need ..(

better -i I cheaper fores ,i,.'.. (he Ide is

. hove the ll The partfcul ir

18 tl nt llio ie s li pi d iv

,. tab di iiirs un'. pr :. rty-owiiera In

imrtbi-rn nord', e 1"...

;-¦¦. rd Wurd :- " ¦' Uiibove

r of \car«. flic price p ilJ:-. nv In th.- ralac

nf re. In l ly j lt wlU pr.,. ;¦¦ c.,.¦ ,,i .* ttl in n | ;r or la snd when ii l*illvld.-d Inlo crt* I"', lhe hoi mut r.-fi!l7ed u.i! be

r t: .rn that oiim d l t week. The in

,renae io Ibe valuation ol real estate bal not reccbedtn ;,i! purl* "f cu' upper wards, bul In most plies.

pi ,p, rfy In Hi*smo*) Important

the Harlem for n

lieu rh

H -lr pr»|i ¦'

Kr, ot l- ii

ll I.i

..* Jerome ave., t.i mt -... ho t) re h.-ldii. iv. i,tv years b ire made

I aa.1 la

ri-sldi in*

,i,. Dr. En .:

One ni ilred .nol torUi tb '¦-.

place Hil nfli m.>, wa oi

In Hie part "f thewm obi. ind lia:

i.f the northern wurdiMi Ki 1. "f >.". .*-.' Ki.s'KhO .. fill.IT ll V.;il*-

.<. i.i the mos! popular,liv where be llv**d* H

I,fell a r ¦.! iCllI of ibe

I,., .p. ihlrd V. ard f... a nut IWenll Ure se; i ll"

.( ib ll rlem and Mn Ttoanla Hedi il

,,.,,! ol '....;¦ ord iu,

i, :(t i o'i irk Hit* nftern au, i\'ll be rondnc rd

ly *|., j* v. |.-. \| Klvalne, of Ibo Nortb Kew-Yerk.-:.tal im. ti. IVier H. rarpv. el '. Itvud

j. v. bim ka fem l»r. Mi N'll. di"d on rtdar.Hi activities is,- divided b**tw***-n lb** North _de,when* tn .-..I. a newspaper editor, and Long l*i* o'.

i nv. imo re be wa ia school leo* hu and wi an activeandld id fur prtn( ll .1 of ibe public rbi 11 auder

.. Qi ailinn,! trallon of Maror Oles kui. Hi bal

nany friend* and maui cnemlea. lb wai in

friend and au etiiulh itrong foe, and *t rut-agedli, I,,,,.., i the p* lin. ..l... -I ..ii flUpuii in ibe npperv..ii.f Son ictk and rn Long Island * >.

The Young i'i',.|.i. - christian Asaoclatlou >( Ihe11-, noni Mi .... EpDcnpal Chnreb baa ri Bled u

frame bouse .t Wa*lilng1 n and Oni hund ¦. l no,!

event] elglitli-at., and v.lil Ol np the I,nihill.: ria a

reading oom ninl o mtuinlnm. The Bs-tocteil'.n liii-

r.iilillv 41 i.iy. '..'i 1. on! !-. lome .lithe llini ever

iii ii bl lui Thi reading room ba beenauplilied with dalli and weeli* paper and mngaHnea,and ollie* mean ul entertaining ilaitor* ba\e beenprovided In Hie bou e occupied bv Ute boschlailou.

A uno Hu.: ol lhe Voting Men', ."..ri 'lan 1 was

1kI<! at the building of tbe ninon on *bteadar eveninglleporta ihuw continued scttvlty in all (he det,nrtmetits of tbe work. The new singing t la-s ls popular,ml a large nmi well trained i-boro* «lll tal*, pun lu

in,; v ,,1. a Hi*' union will ^l\c lal, r In tin.ii.

Kew olin its bave be* n elerlod bi Mo risw:la Cou:)ill. Legion ,( Honor, and uu-y were ina.ailed instm-ek. They are: Commander, l.n ll I'. l',.»¦ ¦*. vicecommander, ff.nil Daunhau*n*r; eecrrtary, W, t Blahnam; irea-iir.-r. Edmund ll. Knight. Ciffic.-i* b.r thepr.- em frat were In iali. 1 on Monday c\i-nlua ni--ulan on Connell, (loyal An°atium. Amens (hoseeli cled a ettie- r- nen- ll* j; ni, .In cpi, rm n vteeregent, 1 r*.: roe lieni l -i-, mi rear* John ri.ibbie; treasurer, Herberl Bnndertond; Irusl.e*, MarUn Lip,--, Willard F. Manbolm nnd ihatle*. i-. Danni.Ni v. ofllcer-i have I.n elect-*d for lhe Sj,Ivan Ath¬letic A ... I.ilicti. Loni- Weller |s presldi-lll. Ii.iiihlai.-cll vii (' pi. "Idciil, I'l-edeib:, Dun iee,Kim; sec

ret arv, snd Un lave Ansel linsn*.-lal secretary. I'heAarorn fllee club li bl lt snnus I en (er(ali rn n' hs*week al (ni*«-hundred and Hat ilath-st. anl Thlrd-ave.i.c orchestra snd lingera i-onneeti I nifii i!,e club(urnlali.-d nm ic !>efore Uie dancing began, ll. >elbls pr. sibnt of in,- (lui., H. foillid* vloe-preatdant,willi*in isp aacretary, and ProfeMK.r Neuwlrthdlrceior.

.¦.-os -i.ii initin-rlnn), an Kew s,.-iir'sHut nnd Tm-lav lu the upper nmpIs. "n'Plliepillie were c|\ ell al Hi- humes- of Mr* Kiln, InI-.;,! u.e"1 find forty -*lxlh «t. mid Ml - Ht;patrick, In Hatlig**t.>-ave. Mis* Martha ikirridat*,wbone failn-r I* aril known In th' Kortli Hide, raisidcontribution* among her frlendi un provided a NewYear's tree vlth plentiful rift* for neii'l*. (OO childrenfrom the tennnrnlh' dlatrlcU o( lhe usser war...


Kenobliean Leaders to Meet-Wliat Club Men Are Doin_-To BuildAnother Electric Hoad.Various Items of General Interest. I




With the departure of the dynaml:*--cruiser Vesuvius

f. r Port Royal, B, c.. where Mer dynamite guns ure

to ba tried, and of tlie trolnlng-shlp Portsmouth fir a

winter criilso In the West Indies, the number of rea

-eta in the Kary Yard baa beea reduced and tba wurk

being d'-tie tliere baa noes more OOBM to something

near Ita normal oondltlon. There are stu.", however,leveral reese- ta tbe jrard on which the rsrtous dc

partmenta ara e induct.ig wurk of _.Brent hinds. TUe

v. nd on which the work is furthest advanced, und

which wlU probably bave the yard drat, la the_nitserI'lillnd. ipili., Bbs Is ut preset* In tiie timber dry-do* ks, having her bottom cleaaed aa i painted, it

N expected tbat sha u_I ssll for Um .south In aboutten days iu* two weeks, Shs U to go iir:*t to Patt

Royal, aad o\u tuite te that place sons projectiles(ur the trials .,f the VeiMivins, utirt will iil^o colive-,

there Cantata Montgomery 5ic.-i.-d, who l* presidentut Ihe special beard to iupertasend tbs trials.

Tlie Hui; .dip Chicago will no: be ready to sall untilsom., time in February, lt Ls expect-*. Ip oM'.'.'.x.iio the repairs 11 the t***glee* ami boilers an.i thc gen.nil repa ira to tho rossel some Changae In the secondary

battery bare been begun. The four e7__ttBtetrerevolving canoon which fjrm n part of tha preseniaeondary buttery nre to be remove*!, aud twelve 8-

pounder Hate.ttbb rapld-flre tun.- nre to bc pul on

the »Mp, whick, od ted to tba guns of Um presentbattery, aili giv... thc ship a imp- anil pow.falsecondary battery of twelve 8-pounder Hotehklsarapid-fire cnn four t-pounder llotobkl*! rapid-fireg in twa Gatling guns, and two 37-mtillmetre r<-

rulvlng cannon, lt is thought thi Chicago wUl

gu oath and tbat several of the vessels of tin- KorthAtlantic Squadron will meet in the (.uif b,.- Ililli si

iltal tim", ci,min*; norti lu t_ne for Ute liit,rri*.'ir' ;il raadearaus, nxi later review, l. conan doo ad!the World'-, pair celebrations. Bone ""orii l* k*iii

I Mn,; done on tlie Mliinbuiomoh, and BOOM altemtJf.ii'

ur*.- bein? mudc to h.r (runs. Sba probably will notleave tin- Nnvy Yard thi* Wtnter.

The boll.-r; which hive been built IB the bolter

-bop at the Kary Yard for tlie ont- r ( LadnoaU _-c

ljo\v being Utken doun to t!ie v-.x.-l, and tin- yvork nf

put linc- tV. ni Into pl.-ice on l;er !- t-> begin thisweek. in connection with the muesli of ti bbb

bellen from lha shop "> ihe <hip. uti officer In Un-

yard rsoMiftad yesterday thal lbs facilities for carry¬

ing beary weights about uli* yard were pom Thistint i* also mentioned hi Rnglneer-in-Chlef MehrQle'ir* port. Tli"*e bollcra for tba Cincinnati ure i.-ir?e and

heavy, and hare t<> bs mored with treat cure, buttba preaenl tu..-!:* nmi other factllttea lo th-* vari are

luflldent for the conveyance of their gnnibulk, r .. bed pintei for the engines ire being potIn tbs Cincinnati, and tba Installation of tbe machinery

:. >-v t-> yo on. The bulkital of ti..- new erectionu wing tn the mai hine ihop on the sit,- of

tlie election shop n-i-. burrf.-i a tew months agobas te.n begun. The new building will be entirelyof lr n, uni rhe (rame 1- BOW being STBCtt<J. fie

erection of trie tareji u\,\ powerful crane

u. tbat recently p t up al . timi tr dry*ahlcb ls to be med al the rrantte dry-dock bas

feen (.....:.. This crana is to be bs d In putting tba.' le oi tl, Tulser Kaine.

* ipi In W B. -i',or, who r**ma.need Um cruiserlien I tawall !.-.-¦ rj fireman Turn

bull were ii!!.,', a I e\.:- ; then of «he .-r..-*- werei- b-*s Injnr.*! st the ll ;. Of the lu^iit mad*)

npon them In Vnlparaoo by lha Cbllbtn lOktlerthi clooe of (he revolution In that RepubBo. will

a (he board spp lfit.«t to re ..tu

¦i InNrhal manner r!n> £75,000 IndetUBfty noded¦'. tributed. The other member*

(, ip! ure Lieut,-i...\t i'i,.* -..0 d.-r I'rb! Bebrue,who a tlvfl fl ret of (he Baltimore, and

-: AssUtani Surgeon R. R. Mitt, who did so.

much to r, lt !.: the- wounded at the¦: ie. .- s/75,000 ind 'im Its rt si bed hen- (roi

few weeta :_ >. snd I- tocked uptg) l

fop . ii * "Ht l to tin- men a tii by the wanroi nd un' Idai le stu

1 the American tallon, bb '.

I ',- the purpoie io nih.' tbe money received altbtbal Idea In nil:.<J. and without r.<> midna, the tiz'.'<t any .¦( ibe beneficiaries t.< suv what amount bediould reci i ... families of the dead men. RigSp m.d i in.t,nil, ..-ii. of cinvo, receive lbs ha-geotalSltmenti. Tho other* entitled to share lu rh.-

it, «:." App.-.-i.tb-c Boy John vv. "Talbot. CoalHeaver* Jerry Anderson n-.d fteorge Panter, Carj Mate John Hamilton, und Landsman John ll.

I'fi-, id m:., all of whom were dangerously stabbed arithknives and bayonet! nod beaten with cluba andhi. .¦ 1.. ¦'. doom with itoneo, snd are entttlcd to iii*.-neal ... deration; and W, Caulfield, j. Qnlgley, P.

M. Houlihan, r. Smith, J. Butler, J. Xet.ib ii, VV. Lacey, Ii. w. Hodge, J. K «.:,..

Frederick*, received leos lerloua li

Di .i

Drlde, J.and II.

J Jurt* -.

(.Vere.ry Tracy, ii, vi,*w . th- nature of roUngthe award bj Hie Chilian < ng* --*-, couchided lt hoi

n-*ce*t>«ary tn subject tbe ch.manu to a lona delai in

to Ho- enactment .>( a resolution autho rii.'in to make the awards; be appointed tbe

led to n--lst lilm In nm;.itu- an roettabla _i**rl

button, When the l**iri! meets tn-BMNTOW BtORdtigat the offices ,.,f tba Lighthouse rto.arrt, at Tanapktnaville, it bs not expected to give a bearing to themun or their etturueys; iit wlB the claims aggie

I Battas, over B1JD00.000, saamltbtd through th,- stateiicpiuifi.cii: by Mi. Orr, of Sea "*ranet.o, on behalf Inf the -u.i! ts of tin- Baltimore, b«* *f.»Idored bythe board.

. inls ;. few dins aro in oilier uus Issued fruin

Ihi Nari Department emphasizing the for! Cia: theCivil Service rules which ...ivi* governed thc emplojmem of mechanloa at i..,- Nus', yards nrould prevailin ihe future ss thej hsre In Ihe last three yeera.

Tb o rkmen looked apoa ti. irder s* a -.iver (or

them with tbi Incoming UlmlnlitraUoii, upturning,of course, Ihal the nen- Secretary, wbdjever be mightbe, WOUld not he pvriuitle,! tO P v die the ay*tcm,nor even to modify the regulsttccn* Immediately uponUie change ar Washing* >n in Mon h i. Bul the eon

lid. nc,, which these faithful workmen bad pin. ed

upon Hr. develand*s polltlra] hindi] ui continue theI'ivli Service -tyatem al the Nnvy yardi was destroyeda couple "f .'.a'.', lilt, :. when Isaac Piney cray, whota slated ai rv-tmustoi' Ienerai. rai.Od to be Pubii '.i .i j nt of a i..'li previoualy delivered, bv

way i.r eueouragenieni to Pcm -rrats for office and.1a DetniM-rnltc Administration, soon le begin, 'ibis

I- un px!ract from that -pe.eli, and i.owed to theemployes Iji Hie Nnvy Vusl the dlrectlou lhat tlie

sturm will ,-f tiie peculbr phiises of the campaign just

p. ned, snd, l think, the nosi peet.tar lhat I have

ever seen In snj canvas* i bar*- ever been engagedin, Ls thal our iiep.iiiii o.i Blends pul forth an argu¬ment to rtie p.. .pie thal if the Democrats obtainedciiitroi of Ute iiorernmenl lt s-ould turn tke lle-

pubUcaB ottic in,Mn-- out. Of course ere will; there

u i!. doubl about it. l'.i-. has been a contest be¬tween parties. Tier,- hoy,- alway* been politicalponies in this country .-vcr rince th* "urination .,r

Hie lioveiiimcnt. and I preoumo lhere BlWaya will be.wii. n ihe lien.i,emili party ohtalas control

of lhe liovernnii'iit, which *\Ul bc on the 4t:i ofMun li ne.M, Hien are will expect the offices, u*. rapidlya* caa !>c< done nith atfety io the proper adadoUtra-ti,ci nf Uorerumeut affair*, to be tiiti.t with Demo¬crats."

oi manie .-ill oi the Knvy V-urd employes will notbe (tl* pl ik ed. for lhere ure a food M.inv I). moCRI.there, nnd they have buen there *lnce In.-r,, whensnell u aweeplng change aaa made ni the inataacs nfHugh Ucl.ugblln, of Brookl)ii, ;,n I Hie leader* ,,r theCounty Democrnr* or (hi* elly, iii- teats for em¬

ployment In tbe N.-i\\ Yan! for nearly the four rearsnow aboul to rlose have been pnrelj prarUcal, havingreference to u.e man'i kuowb ;gi of Li* nun tradeund hi- general fllneas tar Hie pine, and the resultla iieiter \,oik. ipiii-ker work mid a large naring ofmoue) lo the (iovi-rtiiiient.

Due of tba advantages of lb.»rlt lyatom nndt >Kink appolntnienta and dlochargea fiom tba cantrillof «nrd pi.iiticiiiiw la the m oaomy whl.-h the officersdetulled io dutv ut ti.e yard bsve been ah|e ,,, oboerva;and Hie building of the non hiller) and buller-* of theI'l'ui-.Ms cincinnati and Raleigh, wbleh boa buen naderthe direct sttpervtaion and control of Chief ICngineerJame* ll rimsinar ami Pnased A-*-is*nnt Rnglneerlieorge ii. Kmii,*. I a. been done al a considerableles* ,-e,*| llian \\ns ,-'liniitert. nnd uiut-li below lliei-tiniiit-i! .rsi ,,r (uiiside contractors, The work husiiiso advnnced without the eastoaary <iei«vs. tue onlydelay having boen caused by u iir*. In the machineskoi), which dumsged awme of the parta of tho ouglnes

of Uie Cincinnati. Th* engines nre of the trlDla*_puiision typo, und are of tbe pattera of the burT.n_Steam Engineering, by whicb they were eoMt*n__fThey are ut splendid w..rkrnun.blp, mid Eiifrtii.eV.Chief M.-hiii., has good rtasia t.. ..-i pr,.*i .,,, of bis Juniors wi,,, bars bad chart.,their .(mutmotion norn lbs beicinnli),:. Tbs fc.imaged them to tho extent of nb*.ut aMftimo _*they Imve he, tl repaired und made u-s good iu> ue'w

Ths Naval Academy prm-tlce-ii.p bancroft, whi_ls now lying nt Hobokan preparing for k-r «_«__t-urn trial, will prohobly nuke u run down t£r?*tome day thi- week for a prrtlmtaary trial **___2\ssisuint Engineer K. s. OrWa, who has been ««.*___aa asalor eugtaeer in charge ..f the mac_aerr _Jl.ollers of Oi.- ship, ls bIvIkk his ueix.nal a____to .-.ll the details of th* gtttags betas put hi f_T_Bcoatraoter, and will so-o tlmt ey*ry condition 5eontract ls tnlfiBed. Ho beUerea that th*, vaoaal_|fully meet the * xpootuttoris of the builders .,, oilmath-r of speed, mid that aha will readilythirteen knot-, Beemery "Tracy ha* detaled (-*?_!Engineers Samuel u. P. Ayres, James ii q___and J. A. B. Snrlih as th. official trbil bsurd to uL\dnu on thc- trial trip fer lbs report This offlaStrial, die oootraciera nay, .<-. lil (aka pine* tu*. «-«_or at the furthest the aeefe i.fter.


Tli« denth of Assistant Nnvul Constructor WilUmK. Van -ant, a tao days ap... wu.* a l,.s of one promising officers lg th** Kary. Me wa* a _r_Tate of the ciaos of 'Sfi nf th- ItaVal Academy, s'_iil__Ko. 1 In his deas. He developed remarkable, mSin mathematlea, chemistry i-nd physics, ard _

» ai th- iM*.-.. .f bis class, was elsetad ls toke icourse of .martaI ii.stnictl"n in navnl arch.echae ithe Royol e.r.. c.- ..f Oreeuwlcli, K-gland, and thJ,curri.<1 off the tlrst honors ut th- end of bia coorieic- did at Annopolia, .*.s this is the moot adr5_lnavnl course In any country. Code* Vhn>o:.t was m-_an asslst-uit naval oooatractor in 1*00.

Tho b.-ii f,,r which tho members ..f the 7th r-*mont SUbccrtbed to tie presentsd to th. ai mored cn'or


New-York, snd wi Joh wa* recently deaeifbed in ttlcol.X.l of Th*' T,limn-, b.-.s t.een eitel ut Trev, _.UM work of _lishlng lt will be*rin at once, ,*o '_,. 5may be ready ta bang on tho ship Wore abe fj Pn.Int,-, oominlv.ion in the early sprtng. The bell wt*,look as if made willly of silver, but onlv tut mm<!i\er wu* mlx"d wltl, the in.-Uil as would not Irter-fer*' wl_ Ute tone It is of the Urcest ref-alabaa UMweighing about OOO pound**, nnd will cost shea91.600. The bell will Ire "-resented to the t-_a,whether In Phi.delohLi ar Kew-York, with appi*opr_ticeremonies, and the fib Regiment will prolabi*parada in full uniform and bare an escort of marin's.


."OR THI IIAMOYrON-'.S rilSNT.R-BOWTJNfi kS*orani avitfUdS-.i,

Tlie Hamllt/m Club will hold its annual dinner uusual on tho birthday of Alexander .aaURsa, wMch_ .timur.' ll. Ibis le .yvnys one of the roost _.

eresttnit dimers of the season or the ilatiiltea.IT.n'.tent George M. 01->t( will be t.iastmaster, tnt ttis atwioiin-i-I that Um *p'»akers will be Dr. TrnaMaJ, Badma, carit n Lewis, Ooagrssaaaia wuu»_ j.I'oimbs and 00njresU.iBB Jos .-ph *.'. Hendrix. Dr.liaiia* ki well k'uwi a* an admirer and cul..gut otAh>_._ar MBgB..a. What aueh Dssasssaai ant¦»p-,s-f!cs of Jefferaealaadsa as Messrs. Hendrix _!i.fomi-s yvin bave lo any or the isuador of the i_t_*>*.,te.* Bank and the author of the j-rotecUve M_will be of Interest. The statue af Alexander .ik-

llt.n for t. *.- chi!) ls 'xi*ect*-i in April, and pr**pin.-lions for the erection and dedie**.> ti of H *_e _r_'.junder oaf. Reports rec.*lved from Parii ladioiaCat th- work 1* nearly completed. Tte iy ulptoe, W.'i. Partri Ir-, waa a fi W 4 IJ I ago the (ruest ol aouor lt* dinner given In Vant by Major H. A. H-iUngtta,of Chicago, yvhlcli attended by Mr. Coolidge, ti-American Minister, and Oonsut-Oaaacal Blag. Tti.o!(.-; (or ids 'sjue>tr.n os'stue af Oeueral '.runt fww Union Liague club ts aba s-aid to bs of-u nutt

way.lhe Oxford Club r-»ve a recep-lon la-t eve:.lng wWc)

waa BtteneVd] by a goodly number of tiie member* sritheir Mendo, oae (-u*«t bein* aBowed t» ea.-h :u_i.r,

i: ra ertainmeni r*_. given bi lYUUam ,'*. irreen,nh i. th* !'n :!-¦ Glee Club Daartai Kt-t- uer- served a.'t.-r iii- i>--r(orin»:... TU

club wi.I. on January 18, give a dinner to Kui.IHutton, the treaKurer of the club.

A Whist i lub w.t-s organised on Wednesday even-

lng by Um members of tks Montauk Oak, Eiciommber JoIiuhk oontHkulss W ts « fond which ls tot*

aaed br j,.-...'« ami a ivhlht library. A tournamca.

will u* arra:i.*-d at once. The »heme for such ia

: :in'.7.tli>n waa brOBg-l forward by Robert H.

Weems, jTaaes K. Hayes and W. K. Siwtton, of .i

Card Committee. The foDowtng orticers wsw vinaai-

-ected: PresldeBt, Robert H. Weeona; vt-

-¦'.tv.. .b.hii M. _.or; breaout.', W. E. **:rat_a.

Rte K\i.u!.ve fi .mini!toe osasBsBj) of W, E. L__:titi.l R. E. Cadiii.i- anJ the etti aa.

Tba Hoi.auk Ctak last evening had a rn'.nstrishow, -.niter the .MIT.a Bf Percy **. willi).us. Os

January -0 th.- annual reception o( tiie club :o woaira

will be nolil. Q.llldl I'ranc'ji A. Wa.ex hot to

C.Bed rho Invitation of tae club to address lt oe" tmsntgmttsto' Tba bowlers of tile dui

raising a purse, yyl.'.ch now amoui.ts to over St)**).for a cup yyh'.c'.i l<; to bo made the prise of ano_ft

iiiten-1'i'. bowling oouter-t. _dir,_-d I. Horsnion, ot*¦ Menmuk i tab, la going u> Europ** boob to ht

*-.«ne --y.-.ul witt.I.The Carleton Club will give an entertainment to lu

member* i:: January ld. 'lhe .in::. re*.-«*pUoa t«

aea.U wlft be hsM during tne Ilrst we._ la PahoVBf*PrepaiuttOBS ors l»;:;? made for tho annual du.a«

whick situ tale |i!ii< ...*.!.

The games of Um fut*nlub noisitng League tooms-

ment yvi-re be»r,i:i iifcam on Thwaday niciit, ai.d re-

¦alted in maktag tuc total sore show a tie Bar tnt

;¦; e lie:we. ti tn*. Colon Lsagaa and Lincoln e.b*.

r¦.- n-M-.iit of the pur. . waa aa foiiowa:Club*.IM M IMBI. Won U.!-

( I'u-oii l^aK'ic. *. **:i3 1,0 3 - J

(Milwood . 7.7 ;_i l,iS8 o I,'ir ton .- ...87y "Pl 1,888 1 ,l

IUl.o.i..B8M tfrOl 1.. 3 I 1I Hanover . n't 781 l.. '. 1 l(Aurora Orata.T'.'O 70S i, i 1, Kiil-> e I e,.oser . lu .**' 8 1 .',,s ; 0

IMoatauk. 781 7\el I.Heb 0 i

Tue record of the whole tourior.ient up to date l>:

tubs, W n (rO»t. P»r cont.Li.cou. lli m. I.e.-rm.ll .-, .'-.**Midwood . . t) 7 ft."

.. tl IOU .*< S.<_,

llauover. g 8>¦M 'tao. .

- s Mi' f ri *8 Efl

,v ti.rem lt«M . 4


r..e Algoieiidn iiu'' i< i-,*king anainsBasaai ¦**

a .Instr**! thew, in " h- '¦ member* only are t rail

p-irr. which will be time this .seth.Tiie i«o Bree ,.( tnVdn* lal Bight ii Bra_.yatmPM

three athletic do's from r ;eir hemes, i'tie.v _* BBvrorn, tho N> lonsl snd tbe Proped Hefgnfs 8|B»

Tu- Rbltag Driving Clnh lied anotl.f of ¦.f.ii lc riles ,,n Wednesday evening.

The nnn>::ii rte t! n ol (be Narine »n<t Field ("**"

alli titi.e place oi rueedav. Wslter 8. Leesa »**'.i dinner to the retiring dirvfors und a fyw otaerroesta nt the Manhattan Club, in Now Vork. Bl

IV* Ineoday niirtii.The u.niliiii lui.' committee of _he I.dweod Hut) *.

i'ht;hu*!i ha.s i-cpiresl the (jil iwtng us a ll-' of BBBUir.n olderrs, :.. he elected si the Banna! tneettti- ea

rueadny evening: President, William I.. Keeuei *-'a*<-

president. I'd wi rd !'. De Rebtllig: tr-a-uecr, whuSf\. \. Drown: leeretary, ll. M. *'. collin-: dlrertsmK'llllem ll in rts...-.. r I. Hui''an'.. JamesUfaamii. w,.,-i Miiii-.iin. James w. Havtland, Jeremtaa i.*i

ihd Willinm ll. Beardsley. *

The members o( th. Ktili-h.-rhoctcer Field ( lui) «

rivlitish expeel to cpu their new clubhouse *o.*

lime this month. Tie new l.ttld.lng ts ill thS <_("itch role u I ni style od srcbltceture. It I* 103 _>_long nn.i <0 (cr wide. There are tares W-asaIna ling slleva In tho basement. An audit'Hum on

tbe main Beor arUl -mt SOI) people, and a siulerj*im- been obstructed arith * view lo ass as a rn- p n*

nick Th.- H'si-ji'. and (1:."-sta r nm- un* ass JIhli floor. The second StOTJ C Bl_l"_ the _l***t-*_Jis..,ui . card omi billiard* und th- *",W:''Vluortera. Th.- Interior of Ihe hulldTng i- BnlsbsdJfi ld,u jiine. the -iail« lc lui: ant.ced v.i'h s g|*r*_*_iinlsti nf plaster. The building .-r.fnmlite*' con-lst*_*lll. lt. Divcnpurt, V. W^vt t, William cl. 5ch**lir«-ivioidiT sud TlM-adere Ma-raara.

\ MEW BIArUTBIV roar PLANNED.A new electric -oreo; rtillroiil ls Bbout to be tyg**s

In tho a_rtera District, and l« ro b*> known a* tb»

Twenty thin! Mreat f'errv mid BTewtOWn Rail-one*The Hacks will be bid through the prlnclial busltiaH-tre.-t* und will Ire .li-fsiii six milbr* In length. Tnt¦n-plti'l .stock Mill be -r-7.iO.tslO divided Into l.jOt

-hiirc Th- rerilii.atc o'. It' w:\s Mrni**yeeterday ta Um affee of Fr.inU a j. c.. Jenkin... IB*Kent ave. mid lim-idrnv. The stockholders US)

Ifosss Muy. I. rooney. I. <¦. Jeaataa, r****''

MTyckoR, Theodore P. -laebaaa. R. B. leksrataa. J°bn

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